Selected from NMQOC Species Appreciation Group 19th October 2013 Photos courtesy of David James Orchid commentary courtesy of Nev Bone

Bulbophyllum sumatranum  epiphyte, 600 to 1200m in Sumatra  Grows in shady locations on rain forest trees where it receives high humidity. It is a warm to cool growing orchid.

Dendrobium helix 'Pomio Brown'

Oncidium croesus

Sarcochilus ceciliae

Phalaenopsis philippinensis

Pomatocalpa spicatum  epiphyte, 200 to 1600m, Eastern Himalays, Assam, Butan, Sikkim, Andaman Islands, Myanamar, Thailand, Laos, Southern China, Vietnam, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, , & Philippines  Growing in lowland evergreen forests & primary montane forests. Generally in medium to heavy shade in locations of high humidity

Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

Renanthera monachica

Epidendrum bractescens Renanthera monachica Phalaenopsis amboinensis

Dendrobium pierardii

Trichoglottis bipunctata

Dendrobium polyanthum

Epidendrum imatophyllum

Dendrobium tangerinum

Phalaenopsis schilleriana

Lycaste candida

Epidendrum bracteolatum

Dendrobium hildebrandtii  epiphyte, 200 to 1200m, Burma, Thailand, Laos & Vietnam  Grows in open deciduous forests and rain forest margins. It is a warm to cool growing orchid which flowers on the leafless canes

Oncidium obryzatum Oncidium ansiferum Oncidium isthmi

Hoffmannseggella milleri

Thrixspermum hystrix

Hoffmannseggella pfisteri

Coelogyne sp.

Dendrochilum longifolium  epiphyte, lithophyte, up to 2200m, Malaysia, Singapore, & New Guinea  very widespread in rain forest locations

Dendrobium spectabile  epiphyte, New Guinea to as far south as Vanuatu  Growing in the tree tops of open woodlands and rain forest margins. This orchid can become a large , and needs to be kept warm

Cymbidium madidum  epiphyte, Lowlands in NSW but higher elevation in tropics, Australia from Northern NSW to Cape York  Growing in moist rainforests in rotting stumps or forks of trees occasionally can be found on trunks of paperbark (Melaleuca) trees or other soft wood types

Dendrobium thyrsiflorum  epiphyte, moderate to high altitudes, India to Southern China  Grows in deciduous forests in medium to high light locations

Luisia curtisii  Epiphyte, Moderate altitude, Thailand & Andaman Islands  Grows in rain forests in exposed locations as a untidy plant clinging to branches in warm to cool locations

Coelogyne lactea  epiphyte, Sea level to 1000m, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam & Burma  Grows in rain forests in lighly shaded locations where it receives high humidity. It is cool to intermediate growing orchid

Dendrobium friedericksianum

Dendrobium lindleyi

Dendrobium chrysotoxum 'Kathleen' HCC-CCC/QOS-AOC × self

Ascocentrum miniatum

Sarcochilus hirticalcar Angraecum leonis

Vanda tricolor (left and above)

Cymbidium canaliculatum Oncidium maculatum

Cymbidium canaliculatum Cymbidium canaliculatum

Dendrobium canaliculatum Oncidium baueri

Pleurothallis minutalis Brassavola perrinii