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• Howdy! Did You Know? That Saturday le the last Day Don't Forget To Go To The That Seniors Will Bc Permitted To Track Meet Tomorrow Night! Turn In Their Orders For Invita- tions? VOLUME VIII LUBBOCK, TEXAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 TEXAS TECH NO. 27 Cotton Carnival Will Be Held On Tech Campus Tech Delegates Are To Attend Knapp Will Speak Honor Roll 5707 Visitors Come To Pretty Girls To Be Presented At Commencement Annual Engineer Show Annual Meeting Of ,Engineering Of WTSTC Seniors For Winter In Style Show; Committee To Dr. Bradford Knapp, Tech presi- With the visitors totaling 5,707, the ice manufacturing plant in the dent, will be the Commencement the annual engineering show, last electrical and mechanical engneer- speaker at the graduating exer- Term Given Friday and Saturday, was the larg- beg departments, Select Tech Queen Of Cotton Society To Be Held In Austin cises of the WTSTC of Canyon. est in Tech histoy. The number In the textile building, the spec- Tex., on June 1. of this year. counted Friday was 2,701, and the tators saw how cloth was made, fol- Other dates include Shallowater Number Of Students Making total for Saturday reached 3,006. lowing the cotton and wool from the Dr. Bradford Knapp To Speak On Program; Svenson, Brandt, The heaviest traffic through thg, raw product. through washing and All Dresses To Be Worn In Event Must Be Made Of Cotton high school, May 11: Lubbock high Good Grades Is 311; List Godeke To Take Part In Discussions; Plans Are school, May 17; Tahoka high shmv was between 8 and 9 o'clock dying processes, spinning machines. Fabric; Show Is To Be Held In Honor Of National school, May 19; Seminole high Includes All Students Who Saturday night. with a total of 861 looms, and then saw an exhibit of Made To Bring Next Meeting To Tech passing the counter at that hour, the finished product. A hand loom Cotton Week; Carnival To Be Annual Affair school. May 24; Idaiou high school, Carried 12-18 Hours May 28; Spur high school. Mai Donald Wellerunam publicity man- was also shown. Dr. Bradford Knapp and 20 delegates from Tech 30; and at Abernathy, June 9. ager, stated Tuesday afternoon. In the mechanical engineering BY MARY ELIZABETH DRYDEN Dr. Knapp has accepted an In- Winners of the prize awards are shops. four pound, ten ounce two- A cotton carnival, sponsored by the Tech branch of are to attend the third annual meeting of the Texas sec- 15 Straight A's Mrs. T. E. Combest, Olton, who cylinder engine, was shown. It tion of the Society for Promotion of Engineering Educa- vitation to speak, at the district the Phi Psi, honorary textile fraternity, is to be held at meeting of the Rotary clubs of the won the bronze book-ends; Price reached the speed of 5,800 revolu- tions a minute and developed over the Texas Tech during the week of May 14 to 20, Na- tion to be held at Texas University tomorrow and Satur- San Angelo area, on May 2. On Registrar's Office Shows An Cason, Slaton, and Weldon Cog- day, April 21 and 22. May 25. Dr. Knapp will speak at dell, Tech student, won the alum- one home-power. tional Cotton Week. Increase Of 38 Per Cent inum footplates. Castings of small anvils were This society started at the World's Fair in 1893 and the commencement exercises of the Pretty girls, selected from every organization on the Nurses Training school of the Lub- Over Fall Term; Groups The freshman engineer who Is to made and polished. also the process campus, and from all of the civic and women's clubs in is composed of men in engineering industries, teachers of making gears was demonstrated. bock Sanitarium. receive the award for contributing in colleges, and those connected with engineering educa- Are Arranged In Order the most to the show will be select- Students In charge of the show town, the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis club, Lions' tion. The national society is to meet at the World's Fair ed at a later date, according to were: Preston Connor. general man- club, and the business houses of the city, will he present-. With an increase of 38 per cent, Dean 0. V. Adorns. ager. Donald Wellenman, publicity ed in a cotton style show. There is to be a judging com- in Chicago next June. The first Texas meeting was held or 80 students, above that of the fall All engineering departments were director, Jim Frank Potts. assistant mittee which will select the girl in the show who wears with North Texas A. & M. and S. M. U., the second with Lubbock High term, the Tech honor roll for the represented in the show. Some of manager. Carl McAdam, Archie Texas A. & M., and this year's meeting is at Texas uni- winter term of 1933 numbers 311. the exhibits were a model of the King, Arthur Waghome, M. Bur- the most attractive cotton dress. versity. The Tech delegation is to try to bring the 1934 The statistics were released from Hoover Dam, a mural painting of kett. Alton Miller. B. L. Manire, J. The only requirement to enter the show is that the the registrar's office into Tuesday. meeting to Lubbock. Wins First In "Eve In the Garden," a collection 0. Sanders, John Jacobsen, Ford dress which is to be worn be made out of a cotton fabric. Including students carrying from of reproductions from the Carnegie Benham, Evans Riley, Dan Cox, First and second places will be U President H. Y. Benedict, Texas 12 to 18 hours' work who made university, will deliver the welcome Corporation, and the exhibits in Mark Townsend, Jack Murchison, awarded to the girls wearing the averages of B or above, there were the engineering drafting laborator- Ford Benham, Evans Riley, Dan most attractive dresses. The girl address at the banquet Friday eve- 15 who made straight Al, 58 who ning at 7:00 o'clock. Dean R. A. District Meet ies, the Testa Coil, which developed son, Fred Litton, and Tony Ullrich, who wins first place Is to be crown- Prexy's averaged A, 133 who made B plus, over a mtllion volts of electricity, Cox. Mark Townsend, Jack Murchi- ed Queen of Cotton at Texas Tech. Summer Work Seaton. president of the national and 105 who totaled B. SPEE organization. will give the the dynamos, the gas engine, and assisted by other engtneere. To Shove Cotton Values Paragraphs Littlefield, Rails Tie With 45 The groups, arranged according response for the national society. to hours and grades, are llsted be- The object of the carnival is to Dr Bradford Knapp will give the Points; Individuals To Go low: show the value of cotton and to To Be Divided BY BRADFORD KNAPP response for Tech. At the general To State Meet; Officials Students carrying 18 term hours show how attractive dresses and seoslon at 9 o'clock Friday evening, or more: Model League Of Nations Put other garments may be made out The annual student elections are R. A. Seaton will discuss "Shall Are Named AU A Grades of cotton. It is to be held' in honor approaching. They are. tremendous Provisions Be Made In the Future of National Cotton week which is to In Two Terms ly important. There have been times Jean Ayres, Floydada; H. H. Hur- For Those Students Who Are Un- Lubbock High school won the be recognized all through the South -- when I doubted the value of stn mence, Lubbock; Mrs. Kary Mathis, On By Tech Students; Debate able For Any Reason To Satisfac- district number two Interscholas- during the week of May 14 to 20. dent elections. They ought tee be an torily Complete the Full Technical Lubbock; C. E. Mitchell, filaton; Students Tb Have Chance To tic League meet which was held Jas C. Toothaker, Downs, Kansas. The carnival is not only a college example of the very best of good Courses?". affair but also a community one as Complete Odd Thirds; Fees principles in operating organiza- on the Tech campus. April 14 and A Average Saturday morning at 9 o'clock 15. Littlefield and Ran, tied for well. tions. The highest ideal of govern- Carl L. Svenson. Tech, will preside Ursel S. Armstrong, Panhandle: Held Concerning Jap Actions Change Not Planned; Forms second place and Brownfield plac- The types of dresses are not lim- ment Iles in the selection of per- over the mechanical drawing group Mrs. Florence Ashmore, Coleman; ed fourth. Mary Elizabeth Ford, Sweetwater; ited to any one sort, but may be Distributed To Students sons to perform public services On meeting. At the technical laboratory sport, evening, Informal afternoon, the basis of their true worth, their group meeting, Prof. C. C. Brandt, Schools and points made are as Kllpatein Fry', Lubbock; H. Hous- Club Members Act As Dele- follows: Lubbock, 75; Littlefield, son Hinson, Lubbock ; Lorrayne. Hor- SENIORS TO MEET or house dresses. Each contestant is Plans are being made to ha ability to do the work not before textile engineering, and Prof. H. F. gates Of Various Nations; 45; Rails. 45; Brownfield. 39 1-2; rocks; Lubbock; J. M. Jackson, Mous to represent some organization in two terms of six weeks each Of them in the olive to which they Godeke, mechanical engineering. Dr. Bradford Knapp 0111 aspire. The second ideal which we from Tech will have part. on the Lockney. 30; Olton. 27 1-2; Plain- ton Kary Mathis. Lubbock: Florence League Problems Are Dis- competing for the first place in the school at Tech this summer.