Louisiana Fort Martin Playground Opens at Indian Creek
June 20, 2019 • VOL. 102 • nO. 13 LOUISIANA WWW.LDAF.LA.GOV LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY MIKE STRAIN DVM, COMMIssIONER Fort Martin playground opens at Indian Creek Johnathan e. Martin, Louisiana Agriculture and For- estry Commissioner Mike Strain, D.V.M., and Roy O. Martin III, pictured at the Fort Martin ribbon cutting at Indian Creek Recreation Area in Woodworth. The Louisiana Department Indian Creek, which is lo- for young children to play. of Agriculture and Forestry cated 15 miles south of Roy- Its name honors the Martin (LDAF) and RoyOMartin an- OMartin’s corporate head- family, whose patriarch, Roy nounced the grand opening quarters in Alexandria, is O. Martin, Sr., entered the of Fort Martin, a new play- a popular destination for wood-products business in ground located at Indian fishing, hiking, biking, and 1923. Creek Recreation Area in camping. While some basic RoyOMartin’s involvement Woodworth, Louisiana. This playground equipment was in this project consisted of effort was a joint partnership already on site, Fort Martin is employee volunteers help- between the LDAF and Roy- intended to provide a safer, ing design the playground OMartin. larger and modern space equipment, supplying the wood needed for con- struction, and overseeing its installation—as well as landscaping—at the site. grateful for this partnership. playground for generations YellaWood® donated the There are no words that can to enjoy.” majority of the lumber express the looks on the RoyOMartin is the regis- used in construction. faces of the many children tered trade name of Martco “We want to thank Roy- who will be smiling because L.L.C., a forestry-related and OMartin for stepping up of the wonderful new play- wood-products manufac- to the plate and provid- ground equipment.” turing company based in ing funding for a much “Central Louisiana has Alexandria, La.
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