3 Lots of Pancakes!

6 Thanks, George

12 Kirby Scott’s AirVenture Pix

August PYLON 2019 The monthly newsletter of EAA Chapter 252, Oshkosh, | Steve Wittman Chapter


CARRIE FORSTER was the coordinator for the whole week, so he was there nother AirVenture is in to show us the ropes and let the books. We expe- us know how the event would Arienced some wicked work. We used SignUp Ge- Wisconsin weather in the days nius to recruit and keep track before that impacted us locally, of our volunteers, and we had and also impacted arrivals. plenty of people sign up. We Once those storms passed, we broke the morning into two really had a beautiful week of shifts and had a number of a great success. Turnout was weather. people stay for both, and oth- lighter than we hoped, but the ers that came for the earlier or weather of that weekend was Our chapter volunteered to later shift. We were all learn- a likely contributor as well as host one of the chapter Pan- ing together how this pancake the newness of the event. Last cake Breakfasts in the Chapter breakfast would work because year, the breakfasts started Pavilion. These breakfasts it was different in some ways on Monday morning. Attend- were new last year. It was a from how we run our own ance at the pancake breakfasts learning opportunity for us, events. didn’t really pick up until but everything went very Tuesday this year. The people smoothly. Keith from Georgia I thought the whole thing was that came had a great time, continued page 11 July Gathering Recap: Welcome Eric Abraham was the speaker The Pylonis the monthly newsletter of EAA Ch. 252 and is published monthly for our July meeting. He by the newsletter editor. brought one of the RV’s he helped complete and talked Digital copies are emailed to each chapter member. Hard copies are mailed upon request to those without email access. Current and past copies can be accessed from the to members about painting chapter website at www.252.eaachapter.org. If you have submissions for the newsletter, an experimental aircraft. The please send to editor Mike DiFrisco no later than the 20th of each month preceding the weather was gorgeous and we issue month at [email protected]. Submissions received after the 20th will be had a great turn out for this included at the editor’s discretion in the next month or held for a future publication. meeting. Our July meeting Suggestions for submissions include (but are not limited to): always brings members who > updates on build projects live elsewhere but are in Os- > flight milestones hkosh for AirVenture. Thanks > technical articles to Mike Dooley for baking > items of interest to the general membership the potatoes in the EAA Corn > classified ads Roaster. (See new chapter photo on page 11!) Submissions in either Word or PDF format, and photos in .jpg format are appreciated.

August Gathering September Gathering

See you at the Chapter 252 SEPT. See you at the Chapter 252 AUGUST Hangar for the August meeting. Hangar for the September meet- Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meal ing. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and hangar flying. Meeting at Meal and hangar flying. Meeting 7:00 p.m. Members, Prospective at 7:00 p.m. Members, Pro- Members, and Guests Welcome! spective Members, and Guests 8 12 Welcome!


Thursday, August 8 Dinner at 6:30 Presentation at 7:00: Barry Yarbro Barry Yarbro from the Civil Air Patrol will be our speaker on August 8. Dennis Moehn will be grilling burgers and brats. Doors open at 6:00, dinner at 6:30, speaker at 7:00.

Save the Date for the September 12 Gathering where we’ll have our annual corn roast at Munsil Williams’ private ELO airstrip (1WI1). Dinner will be a bit earlier than typical and will start serving at about 5:00 pm. No speaker or program for that gathering. Fly or drive in.

2 Chapter 252 follow in reminder e-mail) a great Resource List Pancakes With event. You are welcome to stay Pilots! and take in this event after you’ve Chapter member advisors (avia- enjoyed your breakfast. There will tion professionals, or experienced be food and beverages available & EAA recognized) who are active he Eagles Flying Club of as mentors and support Chapter Menominee would like to for purchase on site as well as a car programs/events. cordially invite the mem- show, craft vendors, kid’s activities, T tractor rides, a model train layout, bers of your EAA chapter to par- Joe Norris ticipate in our first ever Pancakes and static display aircraft from EAA Tech Counselor the National Guard. We’d be truly EAA Flight Advisor with Pilots fly-in on September 7th [email protected] 2019 from 9am to noon at Menomi- grateful for the opportunity to add 920-688-2977 nee Regional Airport (KMNM) in Young Eagle Flights to this event Menominee, MI. A pancake break- to show local youth that aviation Lyle Forsgren fast will be provided for anyone offers exhilaration that all should EAA Tech Counselor experience from the cockpit. [email protected] who pre-registers their aircraft for 920-589-2060 the event. This is a great opportu- nity to help us share our love of To preregister please email name, Tim Hoversten aviation with our local community, number attending, make and model EAA Tech Counselor or just another reason to fly your of aircraft, and if you are willing to [email protected] do Young Eagle flights to ladywes- 920-426-6846 plane! Attached you will find a flyer for the event. If you could be [email protected], please include Jim Kress, CFII so kind as to post it in your local Sept. show registration in the sub- [email protected] airport to notify non-members it ject line. Not a fan of email, call or 920-233-5660 would be greatly appreciated. text (715) 587-6900 with the same information. John T. Monnett, Jr. EAA Flight Advisor This is a unique opportunity to [email protected] enjoy a dual event that’s fun for Please help us to show our county 920-426-5402 the whole family! We are working airport board what an airport is for in conjunction with Wisconsin & and how much joy having an air- Owen Russell port should bring to the community. CFI, EAA Flight Advisor Michigan Model Railroad Club to [email protected] make their Family Fun Day (flyer to 920-582-4328

Andy Miller, CFII Chapter 252 IMC Club Leader Speaking of Pancakes... [email protected] 920-213-7672 Thanks to the many volunteers who helped out with our first AirVenture Pancake Breakfast. It was the first time volunteering for a pancake break- fast at AirVenture, but we had many volunteers who are expe- rienced with our own, chapter pancake breakfasts. We had some first time volunteers as well. Our number of customers was lower than expected, likely due to the weather that weekend and it being a new event. Over- all, it was a great success and we plan to apply for the event next year. We’ll find out in a week or so what our share of the proceeds will be. Thank you 3 to everyone who helped out! Welcome New Members!

Congrats, Sarah! Welcome to EAA Chapter 252, Steve Stefonik! Sarah Springborn, Chapter 252 member, passed her Private Pilot Also, we welcome Jerry and Lucas Pulvermach- Flight Test on June 19, 2019, in a RV-12 er (father and son) to Chapter 252. They both live at the Waupaca Airport. Sarah trained in Omro and have an interest in aviation. They with Dennis Carew. are both interested in volunteering at our events. Welcome!

Chapter 252 member Jim Heindl was recognized for his EAA volunteer ef- forts with a stone at the Brown Arch during Air Venture. Jim is a Viet Nam vet and volunteers as a co chair for FLO during Air Venture.

Sonex Aircraft Announces 2-Place SubSonex Project

Sonex Aircraft is pleased to announce the development of a 2-place variant of the popular SubSonex Personal Jet! SubSonex JSX-2T is designed to be the lowest cost jet trainer ever! It will be a perfect trainer for the single-place JSX-2, and for those who want to share the unique experience of jet-powered 4 flight in a light aircraft. Wittman Airport - Oshkosh

Pancake Breakfast & Airport Expo

FREE AIRPLANE September 14, 2019 RIDES! (EAA ) 7:30 – 11:00 A.M. For kids ages 8 – 17 With Parent Permission Wittman Airport Terminal 9:00 to 11:00 A.M. th Weather Permitting 20 Ave., Oshkosh, WI Register at: youngeaglesday.org

Pancakes (all you can eat),  Featuring Displays By Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Wittman Airport Milk, Juice, or Coffee Businesses!  See How Your Airport & Adults: $7.00* Children under 10: $3.00 Its Businesses Operate! * Free breakfast for pilots of  See Aircraft on Display! homebuilt aircraft who fly in.

Hosted by EAA Chapter 252 and Oshkosh, WI Contact us by e-mail at: [email protected] Visit our web site: http://www.252.eaachapter.org/

5 Thanks, George

had the honor of having my Zenith 750 can still remember George working on his Fly on display in the homebuilders production Baby at home, then coming over and helping I building next the Homebuilt sales area. But my father with his Volmer Amphibian. Those the biggest honor of all was having George were the best of times for me listening to great Rotter be the very first person to sit in my air- aviation stories and watching 3 aviation mas- plane! I just installed the seats a day before the ters at work. I’m sure because of all three of plane was taken to EAA and the highlight of those gentleman I am enjoying aviation as a the convention was to have George be the very hobby to this day. And to have George be the first person to try it on for size! first person to sit in my plane was the icing on the cake to an incredible convention for 2019. George Rotter and my father, Al Scheibinger, Thanks George...for everything! were the best of friends along with Joe Gib- son back in the day when I was a teenager. I --Joe Scheibinger

6 From Our Scholar, Sonja at Redbird Flight Simu- With another month behind us, I have more lators, where updates for you! I started July with a lesson I got the transitioning from the Cub to the Warrior, fol- opportunity lowed by lessons practicing slow flight, stalls, to learn about and landings. Throughout the month, I have and operate practiced communicating with the tower and their systems, as well as make many great ground control, listening to and analyzing the contacts for my future. I was very proud to weather reports, and flying in the pattern. I represent our chapter throughout the week, have also practiced and completed a total of especially while volunteering at our Pancake 16 landings this month within 3.6 flight hours. Breakfast! As a Ray Scholar, I was invited to I currently have a total of 6.4 hours logged ride on the B-17 before the Wednesday night and will continue flying frequently in August. airshow, which was a truly incredible experi- I am also still studying diligently for my FAA ence! I am so grateful I was given this oppor- Written Test. tunity! During the week, I was also invited to attend The Gathering where I enjoyed ex- As far as my week at Airventure, I worked changing aviation stories with other attendees. I will always remember Airventure 2019!

Thank you all for the continued support, it re- ally means the world to me!

Brat Barn! Our final Brat Barn of the season will be held on Friday, August 30. We are in need of a coordina- tor and volunteers for this event to take place. If you are able to coordinate this event, please email Carrie Forster at [email protected] as soon as possible. We will also ask for volunteers at our gathering on August 8. If we are unable to find a coordinator, we will have to cancel the event. A typical Brat Barn event nets about $400 - $500 7 for our chapter. Thanks for considering. July 2019 Board Mtg Agenda Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Chapter Hangar

Attending: Jakob Brouillette (Board Member), • Do a chapter blast a week before the Fred Stadler (Treasurer), Serena Kamps (Ray event, Serena will take care of Scholarship Coordinator, Young Eagle Co-Coor- dinator), Charlie Becker (Past President), Car- • Monthly Gatherings: rie Forster (President), Wayne Daniels (Board • Thursday, August 8, Barry Yarbro, Member), Jim Kress (Hanger Mgr), Kurt Weina CAP, Burgers/Brats (Dennis) (Secretary), Jim Casper (Board Member, Chap- • Thursday, September 12, Corn Roast ter Historian), Dennis Dennis Moehn, Karen at Munsil’s Moehn, David Leiting (Vice President) • Saturday, September 14, Pancake Breakfast/YE Rally Old Business: • Thursday, October 10, ADSB? Panel • Ray Aviation Scholarship – updates discussion of ADSB solutions? Grill • Is behind with her flying time if weather good • Weather, AV, and plane downtime • Thursday, November 14, Jakob issues Brouillette, Winter Flying Consider- • Has been very involved with Chapter ations, Chili activities • Thursday, December 12, Pizza • Worked for Red Bird during AV • Need to follow-up with her on her • Board Meetings: ground school activities • Thursday, August 22, Chapter han- • Chapter needs to start planning for gar next scholarship award process • Thursday, September 26, Chapter • AirVenture Pancake Breakfast recap hangar • Was very slow • Thursday, October 24, Chapter han- • May be due to weather and lack of gar? publicity • Thursday, November 28 EAA?, • Chapter participation was excellent Thanksgiving Day - need to change • There was some feedback on value date. 11/26 possible date of product being low compared to • Thursday, December 26 EAA?, Does price, Charlie said he would pass this this work? information along to EAA • August Brat Barn at Festival • Monthly Fly-Outs • Need a chair/organizer for this event • Saturday, August 10, Ephraim/Fish • Jim and Catie are not available due Creek to work commitments • Saturday, September 14 Pancake • If worse comes to worse, we are out Breakfast/YE Rally, Skip $25 if we do not do the event • Saturday, October 12 • Put something in the newsletter to • Saturday, November 16 get someone to organize and volun- • Saturday, December 14 teer and mention at the meeting. • Friday, August 30 • Hangar Expansion - updates? • Pancake Breakfast and Young Eagle Rally • Chapter Hangar rental during AirVen- • Saturday, September 14 ture - updates from Charlie • We should be all set for the event • $1000 golf cart storage • Use signup genius to sign up volun- • $300 for AOPA RV10 storage teers (David will take care of this) • $1000 from EAA for XP51 storage • YE rally has been registered on youngeaglesday.org – encourage • New Business/Other: preregistration but will take walk ups • Jakob volunteering to conduct a as we have room ground school • Market as an Airport Expo • Looking for what amount of interest • Bring outside organizations in to there would be 8 present during the breakfast • Would envision to do it week day • Jim K has list of contacts, David and evenings. Carrie will make the calls Chapter Officers & Upcoming Fly-Outs! Board of Directors

August Fly-Out – August 10, Ephraim, WI (3D2) President: Carrie Forster 920-540-6432 We will plan to meet at the Chapter 252 at 10:30 am for an 10:45 [email protected] am departure. This should get most people on the ground in Eph- riam (3D2) by 11:30 -11:45am, so if you would like to head straight Vice-President: David Leiting, Jr. to 3D2, that it completely fine! (This is mainly for you speedsters 262-914-4278 or low and slow flyers.). Once on the ground at 3D2, folks can use [email protected] airport bikes or the crew car to run into town for lunch. This is a beautiful flight, but there are a few hills between the airport and Secretary: Kurt Weina lunch so the biking may be a little difficult! 920-685-0219 [email protected] If you plan to fly or would like to fill an empty seat, please email Treasurer: Fred Stadler David Leiting at [email protected]. 920-303-5582 [email protected] September 14 fly out willbe our chapter Pancake Breakfast and Young Eagle Rally. Volunteer to help with the breakfast, with Young Past-President: Charlie Becker Eagles, or fly in. 920-573-3381 [email protected]

Have you ever thought about becoming Board Member: Wayne Daniels 920-410-0107 a Young Eagle Pilot? [email protected]

Volunteer Pilots wanted for Young Eagles and Eagle Chapter Historian & Board Member: Flights: Interested pilots can email [email protected] Jim Casper and state that you would like to be put on a mailing 920-460-0858 list for Young Eagles, Eagle flights, or both. [email protected]

If you have considered it, but want to Board Member Emeritus: know more, come volunteer as part John Schram of the ground crew at our Sep- 414-405-6524 tember 14 rally. This is a great Membership: Doug Milius way to learn more about how 920-205-3349 a Young Eagle Rally works be- [email protected] fore you volunteer. If you’d like to know more, or you’d like to Young Eagle Coordinator: help out, email John or Serena at John Forster [email protected]. [email protected].

Young Eagle Coordinator: Serena Kamps [email protected] Coming Up! Eagle Flight Coordinator: Thursday, September 12 Kyle Voltz is our annual Corn Roast at Munsil’s/ELO. [email protected]

Hangar Manager: Jim Kress Saturday, September 14 920-233-5660 is our fall Pancake Breakfast and Young Eagles Rally. [email protected]

9 Board Meetings IMC Club Meetings Winnebago RC Flyers Club Fourth Thursday of every Third Tuesday of the Month Meetings month 6:30 pm Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 6:00 p.m. Location: EAA Aviation Center 7:00 pm Location: Chapter Hangar All Chapter Members Location: Chapter Hangar Members Welcome at board Welcome Local AMA Chapter meetings.

10 PRESIDENT’S REPORT continued Join the 252 and our volunteers did as well. It for us in the past, but perhaps it is was wonderful to see a variety of time to retire this particular event. Family! volunteers, from those that help If you are able to help out, please out at our breakfasts every time to email [email protected]. If you Annual Membership (Calendar newer members who are getting have ideas for future fundraising Year) involved. When the board de- events, you can share those ideas Dues are $20 briefed at our board meeting this with any board member or email ($10 for partial year, July - De- week, we agreed that this would your ideas to [email protected]. cember). be an event to do again next year. Our goal is to create fundraisers Student Memberships are $10. that help us pay our bills, reach We have one more Brat Barn fun- out to the community, and are Dues in the amount of $20 can be draiser this summer, coming up on meaningful and enjoyable for our given to Doug Milius or mailed Friday, August 30. We need some- members. We’re always open to to him at: one to coordinate the event. This new ideas! event has been a bit more difficult Doug Milius to get volunteers for lately. We are I hope to see you at our Gathering 1305 Maricopa Dr. hoping that we can still hold the on Thursday. event, but if we can’t get enough Oshkosh, WI 54904 volunteers, we will have to can- Blue Skies, cel. It has been a profitable event Carrie Thank you for your continued support of EAA Chapter 252!

EAA Chapter 252, courtesy of Kirby Scott.

11 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2019 Through the Lens of Kirby Scott