MORPHOLOGICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL PARTICULARITIES OF SOME LYMPH NODES FOR HOUSE RABBIT Anca ŞEICARU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, SplaiulIndependenței 105, sector 5, Email:
[email protected]; Abstract In the present study it was investigated some lymph nodes in the: cephalic region, cervical region, limbs region, and also the cavitary lymph nodes - abdominal cavity. The lymph nodes have generally at this species a grey-ash colour being represented by several lymphonodal units. The lymph nodes at house rabbit have a lighter colour when compared to other rodents. The perilimfonodular amount of fat tissue is reduced compared with other laboratory rodents. Through the regional and stratigraphical dissection have been kept the physiological relations between lymphnodes and the formations close to them. In this investigated regions it was made also the dissection of the vascular-nervous formations of the musculature. Keywords: home rabbit, lymph nodes, dye, lymphatic vessels. Introduction Extending the knowledge of the lymphatic system at leporidae brings additions and justifies the research in this field, and the new particularties described will supplement the scientific knowledge (Azargoshas B.K., 1963, Ciudin Elena, 1996, ViorelDanacu, et. al., 2013). The laboratory rodents are commonly used for testing a vast array of drugs. Knowledge of the topography and morphology of the lymphatic system at this species can provide an assessment with respect to its pathological aspects. In laboratory, the examination of the lymphatic structures orientates from the necropsy point of view, not only for the diagnose establishing.These animals are also used as pets (Baciu I., 1977,Predoi, G., Belu, C., 1995, Predoi, G., Belu, C., 2001) Materials and methods For this study were usedfive house rabbits of both sexes, Oryctolaguscuniculus species, all clinically healthy.