October 14,1879

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October 14,1879 m. _ $8.00 PEK ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. 1862.—YOL. TT! PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, 1879.__TEltMS 1 to a feeble strain of likely lieyer leave there. Thus the order tc- grumbler gives utterance CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. but tlie is THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, TFUE PRESS. coiru s an obstruction and a nuisance. dissatisfaction, procession moving the _WANTS. __MISCELLANEOUS*__ with such and that nobody in it Published every dry (Sundays excepted) by It is urged that the order “will make peo- j energy spirit TUESDAY OCTOBER 14. has time to turn aside to give ear to the dis- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Wanted. of Portland. MORNING, more careful.” The people who are City ple A men who were MAN after a short experience, cordant sound. great many 100 Exchange Portland. fully competent is that the Joint Standing masters of the will be apt to in At St., to the sale of I>r. Prevention 1YT0TICE hereby given Department lukewarm and A manage Naphey’s i-l Committee on sidewalks and We do not read anonymous letters and communi- and three years ago. and of in the State of Maine. Must be streets, bridges, officials shall passive Terms : Eight Dollars a Tear. To mail subscrib- Cure Disease will the of and sist that the office put at meet nt junction Emery Taylor cations. The name and address of the writer are in post didn't know whether were Re- a if in advance. to go into the field and sell it himself first exactly they er, Seven Dollar, Tear, paid willing Streets on Friday ihe 17th inst. at 3 o’clock P. M. a more trouble. The of- on trial and ttien to hire and drill bis men. I will all cases not for themselves to little are so and will then and there fix the grade of “Taylor indispensable, necessarily publica- publicans or Democrats, thoroughly pay such a man from $1,000 to $3,000 after a fair convenience of TIIE MAINE~STATE PRESS Street” from Emery to May Streets. Per Order. tion but as a guaranty of good faith. ficials must minister to the braced now that have as little consid- trial. Give age. experience and send this. ~ up they BEXJ. F. ANDREWS, cora- a W. J. We cannot undertake to return or preserve the not to the of for h published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 HOLLAND. oclOdtd Chairmau people, the people caprice eration for deserters as they had Copper- if in advance at $2.00 a year. oclleodlw Springfield Mass. mumcat ions that arc not used. year, paid the officials. heads during the rebellion. It is a first rate Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the Wanted. year for conspirators to show their hand, for of column, constitutes a “square.” Every attach^ of the Press is furnished Our length and wife to take charge of a farm in regular St. Louis Globe-Democrat: propo- there are not to do any harm, and wliat $1.50 per square, daily first week; 75 cents per T. enough Gorham for the winter. Address Box T’EIE! FAMOUS with a Card certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, unite week after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- FARMER 1018, sition that both political parties shall thcro are will be so absolutely extinguished P. or to E. E. UPHAM & Centaur Editor. All and hotel other day after first week, 50 cents. Portland O.. apply CO., railway, steamboat managers ing every oclld2w Street. upon Grant for President, does not meet and crushed out that apostasy under tlio guise Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; Exchange will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials one $1.00: 60 cents per week after. on the of the of will not be lo any week, of every person to represent our journal. with ready acquiesence part independence practiced Special one-third additional. claiming Notices, Wanted. necessa- extent after this. Under head of “Amusements” ami “Auction Democrats. They seem to lack the great An $2.00 per three inser- experienced COAT-7IAKJER* If wero wanting of the extreme Sales,” square per week; LINIMENTS The Elections To-day. ry nerve and patriotism. any proof or at 518 1-2 St. tions less, $1.50. Congress Washburn Flour ! disfavor in which every phase of political infi- Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ocll d3t* THE RELIEVING and GREAT PAIN More than interest attaches to Press” (which has a circulation in ordinary The Portsmouth Journal “The is held now among Republicans, it large every part curative remedies have already worked tHeir says, delity just of the State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, the elections in Ohio and Iowa to-day, be- Greenbackers’ is furnished the action of the Richmond and 50 cents for each inser- into hamlet v.'hero the lan- Portland New Era,the organ, by per square subsequent way every English the the tion. WANTED. cause of the hearing they will have upon a rival of County Convention in promptly accepting guage is spoken. That the reputation of and advances into the field as powerful Address all communications to position and prospects of parties in the con- resignation of its Chairman, Mr. (Jeorgo Wil- men to sell KIRK’S PATENT demand for such remedies as these are, Dennis Kearney.'’ PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. test next Fall. The verdict of the _ liam Curtis. The Staten Islanders have here- LIVEWEIGHING aii.l MEASURING CHAMPION OF THE should extend and increase, could not be other- people WORLD, ye has returned from and town in and Conckessman Fit to cherish his re- SCOOP, in every county Maine, the course of the condition tofore permitted Mr. Curtis New Liberal Terms to Agts. Send wise. THERE IS NO PAIN, soreness or upon Congress, Hampshire. Ohio, and will take part in the Massachu- sentments without stint. They have choscu ENTERTAINMENTS. stamp for particulars. F. A. ROBINSON. swelling which they will not alleviate. There of the enw Greenback party, the prospects se20eodlmo Thomaston Me. setts campaign. him as a delegate to every State Contention are but exceptional cases of constitutiona of he Republicans, will all be Indicated by with other Brands too numerous to mention that has been held since lie first showed signs humors and distorted joints, which they do not the vote to-day. In both States the Repub- Girl Wanted. Our New York Letter. °f weakening in his allegiance. Up to 1878 ho cure, and nouo they will not benefit. They licans have every reason for confidence—in' do housework. at 320 DAN- had more or less following. That year ho was general Inquire at are SOOTHING, absorbing and emollient. deed in Iowa is not FOKTIl STREET, from 8 to 9 P. M. cnn he found Republican supremacy and that there was no. TO PAIN from and heal Massachusetts virtually alono, liuding ORIGINAL si pi 5 dtf They EXTRACT THE The The Sublime Assurance of HeT SINGERS, seriously questioned. political drift to assist him in aloft the standard bums and scars. For RHEU- body bearing From Fisk in scalds without this has been toward and Democrats—The Fraud Yell—Senator University, year steadily us, of revolt, ho made a virtue of necessity and MATIC AFFECTIONS, pains in the hack, the and Its Crltics-Cur- BOARD. Ohio may be fairly expected to follow in Conkling’s Speech fell into line with tiro rest. This year ho was Grand Course. * stiff joints,wounds, strains and eruptions, they and Army of Maine. Connecticut and tls’s Resignation—Kelley’s Hopes a of his District and was ocl4d3t act with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY. These path California, again representative To Let with Board. Colorado. Plans. one of the minority who opposed the nomina- & preparations are of two kinds, the FAMILY Wilson a of Cornell. Instead of the CONCERT or to State tion Mr. abiding by Front Rooms, furnished unfurnished, Coe’s, and Liniments. univer- In Ohio, in addition officers, — — the ANIMAL Oct. 187U. AT on reasonable at west corner of Being New Yobk, 11th, sinco LARGE terms, is to be elected which popular will as lie did before, lie lias ever CUMBERLAND AND CHESTNUT STS. to the external ailments of man Legislature upon which no other FIRST BAPTIST VESTRY sally adapted For the sublime assurance to the readers of Week- oc2 d2w* will devolve the choice of a United States been counselling Harper's and the name of the IIALF-HORSE as the word “cheek”, —BY— beast, term is so applicable to scratch the head of the ticket. This to Mr. Thurman. Four ly Nellie Iff. Writer, Min* F. and HALF-MAN Centaurs was naturally at- Senator succeed pro- if it is a trifle tho Massachusetts Margaret even slangy, caused dissatisfaction among his friends Bryant, Mc**r*. llall and Follausbee. AS THE LOWEST. me also to great TO LET. AT PRICES AS LOW tached to them. They perfdhn cures nevor be- posed constituiional amendments Democratic State Convention is entitled to tho Mi** May O’Briou. Pianist. and neighbors. By way of testing the numeri- WEDNESDAY Oct. 15th, fore effected be voted One of these amendments The little remnant of tho EVENING, by any remedy. Undoubtedly upon. first premium. par- cal of the lie tendered his at 8 o’clock. Tick<^s 25 cents, for sale at Stock- strength opposition, more of them are sold than of all other lini- the of. the State, the which Butler has as failed to capture is bridge's, Loring, Short & Harmon’s and Brunei & A GOOD RENT reorganizes judiciary ty yet resignation in order togive his constituents, as Co.’s.
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