VOL. 20, No. 1 SPRING, 1962

On the Flora of the Cascade Mountains

WM. BRIDGE COOKE, Robe1·t A. Taft Sanita1·y En­ gineel·ing Center, Bureau of State Se1·vices, Public H ealth Service, U. S. D epa1·trnent of H ealth, Educa­ tion, and W eZfm·e Cincinnati 26, Ohio.

The appearance in the summer of 1961 of A Flom of Lassen V olccmic N cttional Park (Gillett, Howell, and Leschke, 1961) brought to a climax the study of the veooetation of the Southern Cascade and, together with the FloweTing and F eTns of Mount Rainier (Jones, 1938), Plants of Crate1· Lake National Park (Appl gate, 1939 ) , and Flom of Mount Shasta (Cooke, 1940 ) and it upplements (1941, 1949, 1962), made possible the preparation of a pr·eliminary composite list of the flora of the Cascade Iountains and a preliminary analy. i of the geoooraphic distribution of the plants of that mountain ran"'e. Phy iographically, the Cascade Range is divided into three sec­ tions: The Northern Cascades, which reach from the Fra er River to the Colmnbia River and includes Mounts Shuksan, Baker, Glacier Peak, Rainier, Adams, and St. Helens; the Middle Cas­ cades, which stretch south from the Columbia River to the Klam­ ath River and include Motmts Hood, ,Jefferson, Three Sister , and Mazama; and the Southern Cascade , which include those peak· in , Mounts Shasta, and I.~assen, and the area between the Klamath River and Lake Almanor, an artificial lake that sepa­ rates the Cascade Range from the Sierra Nevada. A Flom of Lassen Volcanic National Park gives an account of the plants of the southernmost of the peaks in this system as well as of it urrounding terrain from about 5 00 feet to the summit of La. en Peak, 10,453 feet above sea level. The Flom of Mount Shasta and it upplements deseribe the flora of the econd moun­ tain in the outbern Cascades from an artificial ba eat 4,000 feet to the ·nmmit at 14,161 feet. In the Plants of Cnde1· Lake Na-

[ 1] 2 THE WASMAN JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL 20, 1962 tiona[ Pct1·k Applegate Ji. t the flora of ::\[onnt l\Iazama , in which rater Lake is located, from elevations within the pal'l< honn lar·ies of 3 600 feet to about 9 000 fe t abov ea level. ron of the peak I tween l\Iount Mazam a and Mount Hainier have b en ·tuclied floristically, or at I ast have not been reported on . 'fount Rainier has been :urve~ r ed botanically by ·everal bot­ ani t who c report. culrrilnated in .Jon e. 193 publication. This report over the flor·a of the mountains and ·urroundin()' terrain above 2,000 feet within the boundarie of the ational Park. nlike the three southern peaks, the flora of Mount Rainier i developed on granite, the volcanic part of the area lying mo ·tly at hi her elevation . . In l 941, Muen cher publi hed his Flora of Whatcom County, Wa hington. in e thi Whatcom ounty flora over area from sea level at PuO'et ound to the mountainous area in east r·n \Vhatcom ounty, and in Jude 'founts Baker and huk an, it doe not O'ive a definitive flora of either of these two peak . In 1929 t . .John and IIardin published a Flora of Jilt. Baker which gives a definitive area for Mount Baker and Mount Shuksan. On this ba is a li t of plants for the 400-. quare-mile area in Mount Baker National For t west of the North Ca cade Prirrlltive Area and outh of the Nook ack River in luling Mount Baker and iount huksan, has been picked out of the two floras. The five mountain areas for which . have been li ted are O'iven in table l, with the areas covered, the altitudinal limits of each area, the nun1ber of pecies o~ vascular plants record d for each, and the per ent.age of the totalli t of ascade plants repre­ sented in each area. The area covered in each treatment forms a relatively compact unit. Each area i geographically i ·olated fr·om the others, althou 17h the A.ori tic i olation i: much I · pronounced except at hi"'her elevation . In general, as one proceeds northward alon"' the axis of either major mountain range in the western part of orth America, the timberline i found at decrea in()'ly lower elevations and plant association with elevation · lower than tim­ berline oc ur at corre pondingly lower elevations noithward. While a mixed ierr·an conifer forest occur on the lower lope of Mount La en and Mount hasta, the lowe t lope of ha ta are covered with even more xeric as ociation (Cooke, 1955 ), and outlier of the mixed ~ieiTan conifer type are found only in the dryer outhern and lower parts of rater Lake ational Parle The lower lcvation of ::\iount Rainier and Mount Baker are FLORA 01<' THE CASCADE MOU TAI S-COOKE 3 clothed in an extensive 'l'huja-'l'suga forest interrupted occasion­ ally by extensive fore t dominated by P eudotsttgct. B cau ·e of certain climatic and edaphic factor·s one may onsider thi · fore t to haYe replaced the dryer fore t. of the more southern mountains, since Pseudotsuga i ·a member of the . ien·a n mi_xed conifer a o­ ciation. The Dou"'la. fir of the more souther·n forests probably repre ent · the ecotype of more xer·ic hahitats, variety glauca, rather than the ecotype of the more me i coastal forest . \Vhile Pinu altentwta, Abie concolor, and var. ntu1'­ t·ayana each form relatively pure stand in certain area · of the lower slope· of Mount ha ta, comparable association are not found on Mount La en, an<'l only the latter ·pecies form rela­ tively pure .tand on Mount Mazama. On more outherly moun­ tain Abie magnifica or its variety shastensis and T uga merten­ siann form a more or less continuous b lt around each mountain below timberline. ome specie from as ociations below and above this belt may penetrate the for ·t a:sociation. dominated by the e two ·pecie. . orthward, Abie lasiocarpa may penetrate thi asso­ ciation or even replace the A. magnifica in it. Likewise hamae­ cypaTis nootkat nsis ma~r become an important member of the association, a: in the ca:e of the moi ter w tern ·ide of Motmt Rainier. The dominant member of the timberline a ociation throu..,.hout the ran..,. is Pinus albicaulis with which Tsuga merten­ siana ma:· al o occur. In the :ynth tic li t, -!25 genera, 1515. peci , and 1659 nam ed entitie repre: entin..,. 7 familie . are given. On the basis of the total for each mountain (table 1), it i SU"'gested that the dif­ ferences between total number of pecie: reported for each area are there ·ult of difference. in habitat, age of the area in relation to a,·ailability for co lonization, and edaphic and climati factor . As areas become available for olonization by adventives, they are olonized as rapidly a dis eminules reach the habitat. Thus where road · and ervice facilitie have been in existence for a period of time a larger nmnber of weed occur . The li ts for Motmt Rainier and Mount Las en include a number of such plants; whereas tho e for rater Lake and fount hasta ontain fewer. Two rea ·on for re. tricting the area covered in the Flom of Mount hasta were the larger number of adventive. b low 4000 f et, and the over­ lapping with the Klamath flora in rawberry Valley. In thecae of Mount Baker· the higher slope have been less subject to in- ...


A 1·eas, elevations. and plants ot five Cascade mountains. Area covered Elevation range Tota l Plants P ercentage .., Mountain Area (in Sq. Mi.) nn, -- fppt)____ , T.;__ .._ ted_ of Total ::X: (Approx.) t;l Mount Baker Area...... 400 231- 10,750 564 33.99 :!1 729 43.94 Mount Rainier National Park...... 378 2,000-14,408 UJ> Crater Lake National Park...... 250 3,600- 9,000 ( ca) 545 32.85 rs: Mount Shasta Ar ea...... 150 4,000-14,1 61 518 31.22 ~ Lassen Volcanic National Park...... 200 5,800- 10,453 722 43.52 z '-< c0 !l:l TABLE z 2 > t"' Biolog·ical sp ec tntm of the Cascade jlo1·a. 0 '>:j Mount Rainie•· Cascade Flora td Per Cent Per Cent ..... 0 Life Form of Species of Species t"' Phanerophytes (PH)- Buds aerial, at least 25 em. above the ground ...... 12 7.15 0 0 Chamaephytes (CH)- Buds above the surface, protected by snow or Jitter ...... 8 4.91 ~ H emicryptophytes (H) - Buds at soil leveL...... 51 58.73 <0 Cryptophytes (CR)- Buds buried in soil, or under wa ter 18 15.98 r' (Hemicryptophytes and Cryptophytes) (69) (73.81) 9"' Therophytes (TH )- Buds protected in a seed coat (Annuals and Biennials) .. 9 13.21 .... CD "'.., FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO 5 va ion by adventives, but in the western parts of the area a num­ ber of plants have been introduced in settlement , with intensive Joaging operation , and dam con truction. There are several wa ys to compare the different flora brouo-ht tog ther here. One is a imple numerical anal) i in whi h tho. e famiJie , genera, and species found only on each mountai11 are ·eparated, then tho e found only on any two of the mountains, any three, any four, and finall y tho. e found on all five. Table 3 lit each geo()"raphic area and the 26 combination. of the. e area . The number· for each ate()"ory are given as are the percentaaes the e represent of the total flora li ted. lightly more than half (52.5 per cent) of the pecies in the compo ite list are t' ·tricted to the mountain area. from which they were reported, although this applies to only 22.1 per cent of the gen ra, and J 2.3 per cent of the families. On the other hand, only 4.3 per cent of the pecies on the complete list are found in all fh·e mountain area , while 31.3 per cent, or almo ·t one-third, of the genera li ted, and 50.6 per cent of the families are common to all five mountain areas. Thu. it appear. that within the ascade Range there is con iderable uniformity at the family and genu. level of the plant population, while at the spe i~ · level there is considerable restriction. This restriction may result from geo­ graphic barriers as well a from edaphic and climatic factor . \ Vhen the several mountains are paired, two O"roups appear on the basis of di tribution of genera: (1) 4.2 per cent of the O'enera are common to Mount Lassen and hasta, and .7 per cent are common to founts Rainier and Baker. The e adjacent pairs of mountains are relatively similar in climatic and edaphic fac­ tors. (2) The remaining eight pairs ·how little or no basi for correlation of flora . None are clo e enough to be considered adjacent, and the 1.9 per cent shared only by Mount La en and Rainier are more the re ult of coincidence than a demon tra­ tion of floristic unity. \Vhen three mountain areas of the five are compared, it i noted that at the genu level in three cases, and the species level in two, there are possible correlations. At both the genus and pecies levels the floras of Lassen, Shasta, and Mazama show a fair cor­ relation, 5.4 per cent of the species, and 6.1 per cent of the aenera on the li t being common to these three areas. For the combina­ tion of northern area , Mazama, Rainier, and Baker, 3.4 per c nt "'


:vumbe1·s of famili eg, ge11 e1·a. and 81J eci es of 7Jlants 7·e.~t1·i c terl to m· common to clifJere11t Cascade nw1mtain areas. >-3 Families Genera Species :I; l".l :-lumuer Per Cent Numbe1· Per Cent Number Per Cent ~ Mountain Areas of Total of Total of Total ;I> Flora Flora Flora {f)::: ;I> Lassen ...... 5 6.2 33 7.7 283 17.1 z Shasta...... 3 3.7 17 4.0 125 7.5 z Mazama ...... 1 1.2 6 1.4 105 6.3 :.... 0 Rainier ...... 1 1.2 30 7.1 218 13.1 c:: Baker...... 8 1.9 141 !Ui ::0z > Lassen- Shasta...... 5 6.2 18 4.2 92 5.5 t"' Lassen- Mazama ...... 6 1.4 41 2.5 0 Lassen- Rainie1· 8 1.9 24 1.4 '">j Lassen-Baker.. 1 0.2 9 1.6 l:l:l..... 0 Shasta-Mazama. ... 26 1.6 t"' Shasta- Rainier 2 0.4 10 0.6 0 0 Shasta- Baker ...... 3 0.7 4 0.2 .-< Mazama- Rainier 7 1.6 35 2.1 < Mazama- Baker 15 1.0 r0 Rainier- Baker 3 3.7 37 8.7 169 10.2 !?"" ..... UJ Lassen-Shasta- Rainier ...... 4 0.9 15 1.0 0 Lassen- Mazama- Baker...... 1 0.2 2 0.1 > t:l Lassen- Shasta-Bake1·...... 1 0.2 3 0.2 l"l Lassen- Rainier- Baker...... 8 9.9 14 3.3 17 1.0 :::: 0 Shasta- Mazama- Rainier ...... 2 0.4 11 0.7 c::: Shasta- Mazama- Baker...... ~ 0.2 ....,z Shasta- Rainier- Baker...... 2 0.4 3 0.2 ;...... Mazama- Rainier- Baker ...... 2 2.5 14 3.3 57 3.4 z UJ Lassen- Shasta- Mazama- Rainier ...... 10 12.3 18 4.2 32 1.9 Lassen- Shasta- Mazama- Baker ...... 2 0.4 7 0.4 ) 0 Lassen- Shasta-Rainier-Baker ...... 1 1.2 6 1.-1 16 1.0 0 ~ Lassen- Mazama- Rainier-Bake•·...... 4 4.9 14 3.3 21 1.3 l"l Shasta- Mazama- Rainier- Baker ...... 2 2.5 9 2.1 23 1.4 Lassen- Shasta- Mazama- Rain!e•·-Baker...... 41 50.6 41 31.3 71 4.3

- 1 THE WA MAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VOL. 20, 1962 of the ·pecies and 3.3 per cent of the genera are in this category. In the combination La en, Rainier, and Baker, 3.3 per cent of the total genera, but only 1.0 per cent of the specie , are found to be r tricted to the:e area. . In even other combination no cor­ relation was noted in di tdbution patterns. Five combination are pos. ible when the e mountain areas are g-r·ouped in fours. At the ·pecies I vel the1· i · no corr lation on the ba i of thi: type of grouping. At the aeneric level, 4.2 per· cent of the genera are found only in the combination La. sen. Sha ta, Mazama, and Rainier, while 3.3 per cent of the genera are found only on La· ·en, 1:azama, Rainier, and Baker. At the family level, 12.3 per cent of the familie. are found on the first o.f the e combinations, while only 4.9 per cent are found on the . econd. An edaphic fa tor related to one of these type of dis­ tribution pattern may be found in the fact that on Mount hast.a no lake or pond: occur which may support a flora of aquatic vascular plants, and on 1:ount Mazama such bodies of water are few in number and mall. Anoth r method used in comparing the e floras wa the de­ velopment of a biological :pectrum. The material pre ented in table 2 follow. the method used by Jone (193 ) . If the analy i is correct, it appear that a we go southward in the ascade Ranae more annuals appear in the flora. This may be indicative of the increa:ingly xeric condition of the habitat encountered outhward in the a cade . The northward incr·ease of the hemi­ cryptoph~·tes resultina from the addition of the Iount Baker plants to the liRt, indicates a stability in the woody plant vegeta­ tion and an increa ing number of perennial hel'b in the flora a one proceeds northward. A compari on could be made on the ba ·i of altitudinal di - tribution of the different plants and plant groups on each moun­ tain. The earlier flora were developed on the ba i of a flori tic cla · ·ification accord ina to the 1:en·iam life zones. The writer is dissati tied with this m thod of describina the ve,.etation of an area. This di atisfa.ction isba ed in part on hi experiences with the flora of Mount hasta., and in part on other· con ideration . A flori tic analy i of thi. . egment of North American veaetation probabl~· would . how a gradual change fl'om north to south based on increasing xeri condition , and a similar though mol'e rapid eries of chang s in a west to east dil'ection . These chanaes are FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO ' TAl OOKE 9

relatively impel'ceptible at the hiaher elevation on each moun­ tain, but are more readily demon trable at lower el Yation: and outhward. Gillett, Howell, and Le chke (1961) have aiven an excellent ummary of endemi m and special di tribution problem. in con­ nection with the La. en Park flora. The lack of a w ll- ]e,· loped alpine vegetation on the more southerly peaks may be r lated to the youth of the ranae a well a to certain edaphic factor. . Mount Mazama ha the poore t habitats for the deYelopmcnt of an alpine or ubalpine flora. At higher elevations there i no mean of permanent irricration of whatever alpine or subalpine mea ]ow might develop. Mount ha ·ta is pr·obably the ~·otmge t of the five mountain (Cooke, 1962). It is isolated from both Mount La en and Mount Mazama by wide areas OI' gaps through which flow the Klamath River to the north and the Pit Ri,·er to the south. Mount Rainier ha well-developed mountain meadows and alpine m adow , a doe Mount Baker, and their ba ·c are covered with a hiahly developed mesic coniferous forest who e , outhern exten ion, in pite of the olumbia gap, reaches the western ba e of fotmt Mazama. \\ hil e one can a ·cend either mountain through relatiYely well­ defined to harply delimited zones of forest vegetation the zones are rather ephemeral and are not always ontinuou · around each mountain. o far as the writer know , no one yet has produ d a floristic descriptive ac ount of any peak in the reaion after the manner of the European school , nor ha. any effort been made to describe, be) ond techniques of ca ual ob ervation ( 'ooke, 1955 ), the flora of the a cade fountain a c01·dina to re ent ~ -. tems propo ed for the northern Rocky Mountain or for the Klamath Mountains. It is hoped that the composite li t of plant. given herewith may provide the impetus necessary to tart work on the development of a flori tic analy i of the a cad Mountain , whether that be based on a ociation, zonation, continuum, or other a yet undeveloped concepts of vegetation analysis. None of the authors li ted would admit to having produced a omplete flora for any of these area . Additional collection are needed to complete ranges, locate additional pecie ·, make avail­ able material for monographic treatments of genera, and produce more definitive floristic studie of the range. All five areas are ea ily acce ible to the professional and amateur botani. t. Mount 10 THE WA MAN JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, Vo1.. 20, 1962

La ·:en, ~ [ount ~ [ azama, and Mount Rainier are the eentet· of interest in ea h of thl"ee ational Parks ba ·ed on phenomena a sociated with their \·ulcanoloay or alacioloay. A paved roa 1 cro se ],assen \-olcanic ational Park rouo-hly hom outh to north, reaching timberline at the point where it 1·o ·es a houldet· of the mountain. f;ide road · and trail make the re t of the Park available without difficulty. Mount {azama i reached by road. which enter rater Lake ational Park from the west, south, and north. The rim of rater J.1ake is erved by a good road. Timber­ line i reached on ~[ount Rainier by aood road · ft·om the ea t and outhwest. Other areas in the Park are . erved by roads and w II kept t1·ails. In mo.t area: within the e park. the flora is relatively . afe fl-om habitat distl.:trbance. The {ount hasta timberline i: reached h.\· a good road, as is that on Iount Bak r. Both the e mountains are in :ational Forests. Mount hasta is the central point in the :Mount hasta Recreation Area of the hasta-Tl'inity ational Forest. Iount Baker and .Jount huk an lie in that part of the :Mount Baker National Fore tin Whatcom o. , Wa. h­ ington, west of the orth ascade Primitive Area and south of the ook. ·a k RiYeJ'. A ·ide from the one paved road to the timber­ line ski areas on l\lot111t hasta and Iount Baker, there al'e no impro\·ed roads in eithe1· area.. The e two area are subject to extensive "multiple use," and thus potential destruction of exist­ ing flor·istic habitat, in contra t wHh the other three area on- idered here. The synoptic li t aives all the plant reported for the Ca cade Mountains in the floras of Mounts Las en, ha ta, Mazama, Rain­ ier, and Baker. The arran.,.ement is tandard for most flora . The nomenclature follow in general that of each eparate flora except that wher·e obviou ynonym occur the accepted name i u ually that of the recent treatm nt of La en Park. It is possible that there are overlap · where certain name have crept in through uncon cious error of the compiler. After each ·pecies name in the list the life form is given as well as the distribution according to the five cited floras. ·where an entry under "life form' i en­ clo ed in parentheses, this econd choice i an alternative ua­ uested by Jones ( 193 ) . "\"\here an entry under "di tribution' i enclo ed in parentheses, the record in the quoted flora i li ted a.: dubiou. or extralimital. FLORA OF THE CA CADE MO NTAI 11


( Life Form: Ph- Phanerophyte , h- hamaephyt : 11- Uemi­ cr·.Yptoph,vtes, r- 'r·yptophytes Th- Therophytes· Distribution: B- Mount Baker R-Mount Rainier· )[- Mount :\[azama - Iount. ha ta, L- 1 unt La. en.)

POLYPOD! E E .idiantum peclatum I... innaeu . r; B . . Ldicmtnm pedaturn var. ale1tticmn Rup1·echt. 0 1' · B, H, J\L .i cliantum .io·rclanii . II. Mueller. r · M . .1sp7eniurn tricho11wnes Linnaeu . H · B, R . Lsplenimn vi1·ide ITud on. IT; B, R .lthy1·ium al7J est1·e (Hoppe) Ryland var. runericrm 1wt Butters. II; B, R, , L . • ithyl'inm fi7ix-foemina (Linnaeu ) Roth var·. filix-f oemina.. II; R, M . .Hhy ·,.iwn filix-foemina var. cctlifomicum. Butters. II; J,. thyrium filix-foemina var. sitchense Rupre ht. II· B. heilanthes g1·acillima D. . Eaton. II· B, R, [, . , h heilanthes iliquosa Maxon. H; R, 1, L. ryptogl'amma c-rispa (Linnaeus) R. Brown ,.a r·. acrnsti hoicles (R. Brown) . B. larke. IT ; B, R, M, , L. y topt 1·is {1·agilis (J... innaeu ) Bernhardi. IT; B H i\f, . , L. Dryo7Jte1·is dilatata (Hoffmann) ray. r ; B, R Dryopteris filix-mas (Linnaeu ) Scott. r ; R D·ryopte1·is linnaeana. C. hristen en. r; B, R Dryopte1·is nevadensi.s (D. C. Eaton) Underwood. r ; R. Dryopte1·is oreopteris wartz. r; B. Dryoptel'i phegopte1·is (Linnaeu ) hristensen. r· B. Dryopteris spinulo a var. dilatata (IToffman) nclerwoocl. Or· B. Pel7nea brachyptem (Moore) Baker. IT ; M . , T.... Pellaea clensa (Brackenridge) Hooker. TT ; B. Pityl'ogramma triangularis (Kaulfu .. ) Maxon. IT· R. Polypodi1mt glycyr1·hiza D. . Eaton. r; R. Polypodium hespe1·ium Maxon. r; B, R Polystichmn ande·r onii Hopkin . II· B, R. Polystichnm lemmonii Underwood. II; B. Polystichum lonchitis (Linna u ) Roth. II· B, R, M. 12 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, V01.. 20, 1962

Poly tichtun munittun (F aulfu ) Pr l var. rnttnitum. H; B R, M. Poly tichum munitum (Kaulfu ) Pre 1 Yar. inci o-s 1-ratum (D. C. Eaton) iaxon. H ; R. PolysticJwm munitmn (Kaulfu s) Pre 1 var. imbricans (D. Eaton) Maxon . II; l\1, S, L. Polystichum copulintmt (D. C. Eaton) Maxon. II; M, , L. Ptericlitun aquilinttm (Linnaeus) Kuhn var. pub c n Under- wood. Cr; R, 1:, , L. truthiopte1·is spicant (Linnaeu ) Wei . TI · B, R. Wood ia copulina D. . Eaton. H; B.

PTIIOGLO A EAE Botrychium lanceolatmn ( Gmelin) Ano-strom. TI · B, R. Bot1·y hitun lunaria. (JJinnaeus) wartz. II· B. Bot1·ychium lunaria var. mingan ns (Victorin) Dole. H ; S. Botrychitun rnultifidmn ( Gmelin) Ruprecht. II; R, L. Botrychittmt rnultifidtml var. sil

I OETACEAE I o t bolanderi Eno-elmann. Cr; L. I oetes braunii Durieu. r ; B, R.

:EQUI ETACEAE Equisetmn a·rv nse Linnaeus. Cr ; B, R., , L. Equi turn jltwiatil Linnaeu . r; R. Equis tum hyemale var. californi mn l\'[ilde. E quis tum lael'igatum A. Braun. r; L. Equisetmn limosum Linnaeus. Cr; B. E quis tum nwxinwm Lambert. r · B. Equi tum palu tr J.Jinnaeu . Equis tum telmateia Ehrhart.

J_j Y OPODIA EAE Lycopodium amwtimtm Linnaeu . . Ch · B, R. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS-COOKE 13

Lyco1Jodium clavatum Linnaeus. Ch; B, R. Lycopodinm clavatum var. intege1-rimum Springer. Ch; B. Lycopodium complanatum Linnaeus. Ch; B, R. Lycopodi1t1n elago Li1maeu ·. h ; R. Lycopodium selago var. adpTessurn Desvaux. Ch; B. Lycopodium selago var. patens (Beauvais) Desvaux. Ch; B, R. Lyco1Jodittm sitchense Ruprecht. Ch; B, R.

SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginelkt wctllacei Hieronomous. Ch; B, R.

PINACEAE Abies concoloT (Gordon and Glendening) Lindley. Ph· M, S, L. Abies amabili (Loudon) Forbes. Ph; B, R. Abies gmndis Lindley. Ph; B, R. A..bies lasioca1·pa (Hooker) Nuttall. Ph; B, R, M. Murray var. magnifica. Ph; M, S. Abi s magnifica Murray var. shastensis Lemmon. Ph; l\II, S. Abies procem Rehder. Ph; (B), R. Picea engelmannii (Parry) Engelmann. Ph; B, R, M. Picea sitchensis (Bongard) Carriere. Ph; B, R. Pinu albicaulis Eno-elmann. Ph (Ch); B, R, lVI, S, L. Pinus attentwta Lemmon. Ph; S. Pinus contorta Douglas var. mtu-rayana ( Greville and Balfour) Engelmann. Ph; B, R, M, S, L. Pinus jeb'r yi Greville and Balfour. Ph; S, L. Pinus lmnbertiana Douo-las. Ph· 'I, S, L. Pinus monticola Don. Ph; B, R, lVI, S, L. Pinus pondeTosa Douglas. Ph; B, R, M, S, L. P ettdot. uga rnenzi sii ( lirbel) Franco. Ph · B R, lVI , L . Tsuga hetm·ophylla (Rafinesque) Sargent. Ph; B, R, 'I. T. uga merfensiana (Bono-ard) Carriere. Ph; B, R, 11, , L.

TAXACEAE Ta xus brevifolia uttall. Ph; B, R, M, L. Ton·eya califontica Torrey. Ph; L.

UPRE ACEAE Calo cedrus decurr n. (Torre?) Florin. Ph; M, , L. 14 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

Chamaecypa1·is nootkat n is (Lambert) pach. Ph; B, R. JunipentS communis Linnaeus var. montana Aiton. h; B R, 1[, • Juniperus occid ntalis Hooker. Ph ; , L. Thuja plicata Lambert. Ph; B, R.


Typha latifolia Linnaeu . Cr; B, R, I.~ .


parganium angu ti[olitun r[ichaux. I'; B R. Sparganiurn minimum Fries. r; R, L. pa1·ganium mttltipecluncula.tum ( r[orono- ) R. ·db rg. r: B, R, L.

POT AlVIO GETO A EAE Potamogeton ameTicanu hami o and chultes. r ; B. Potamogeton amplifolitt Tuckermann. r ; L. Potamogeton epihyclrus Rafin que. Cr; B. Potamogeton gramineus Linnaeu . r ; h Potamog ton natans Linnaeu . r ; R, L. Potcmwgeton 1Jmelongus vVulfen. r; L. Potamogeton 1·i hardsonii (Bennett) R. berg. r ; L. Potarnogeton t emti[olius Rafinesque. r ; B.

JUN AGINA EAE 1'1'iglochin ma1·itinw Linnaeus. Cr; L.

ALISMATACE E agitta1·ia cuneata Sheldon. Cr; L.

GRAMINEAE Ag1·opy1·on bijlo1·um (Brignoli di Brunnhoff) Roemer and Schultes. II; R. i lgropyron 1·epens (Linnaeus) Beauvai . . II; M f lgropy1·on x satmcle1·sii (Va ey) Hitch oclc H; L. Ag1'opyron smithii Rydb l'g. r; R. Agropy1·on sub ecundmn (Link) Hitchcock. H ; L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE 15

lgropyron trachycaulum (Link) Malte. II; L . • grostis alba Linnaeus. II; R, , L. Agro tis a quivalvis Trinius. IL ; B, R. gro tis diegonensis Va ey. II; R. examta Trinius. II; B, R, M:, , L. Agrosti geminata Triniu '. H; R. g1·ostis hiemalis ( \ alter) Britton, tern and Poo-genbtuo-. II· B, M:, A grostis hiemalis vat·. g minata (Triniu ) t. John. II; B. Ag1·ostis hnmilis Va y . IT; B, R L A g1·osti idahoensis a h. II; f, L. Agrostis longiligula Hitchcock. H; B. Agrostis 01·egonensis Vasey. II; R, L. Agrostis palustri Ilud on. II· M:. Agrosti ro ae Vasey. II; R, M, A..gro tis scabra "\Villdenow. II; B, R, , L. Agrostis thu1·beriana llitchcock. II; R, M, , L. A.g rostis t•m·iabilis Rydberg. H; L. A ira cMyophyll a Linnaeus. Th ; R . •L lim praecox Linnaeu . Th; R. Alopecums aequalis obolev ·ki. II; M, L. 1lopccu1·us genicnlatu Linnaeus. II· L. Avena fatua Linnaeu . Th; R. B1·omus carinatu Hooker and Arnott. H ; B, R, M:, Rrmnus ciliatus Linnaeus. H; B, M:. Brornus cornmutatu chrader. Th; R. B1·onws mm·ginatus Nees von Essenbeck. H ; L. Bromus mollis Linnaeus. Th · S. Brmnus m·cuttianus Va ey. II; M:, L. Bromus suk do1·[ii Va e~. II· B, l\1, L. Bromus tectm·um Linnaeus. Th; B, R, S, L. B·romns tulgm·is (Hooker) Shear. II; R, 1. Calamagrostis canad nsis (Mi chaux) Beauvai . II; B R, M, S, L. alamag1·ostis vaseyi Beal. II ; R. Cinna latifolia (Treviranus) Gri ebach. II; B, R, M, S, L. 'ynosunts cristatus Linnaeu . II; R. Dactylis glomerata Linnaeus. II; R, l\1, L. Danthonia califm·nica Bolander var. ame1·icana ( cribner) Hitchcock. H; L. Danthonia unispicata (Thurber) Munro. II· M, L. 16 THE WASMA JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VOL. 20, 1962

Danthonia inte·rrnedia Vas y. II; B, R, f, S. Deschantpsia atr·opurpur·ea (\ ahJenb rg) cheele. H · B, R., M, S. Deschamp ia caespito a (Linnaeu ) Beauvais. H; R, f, L. Deschamp ia danthonioides ( Trinit1 ) Junro. Th ; R, . , L. Descharnp ia elongata (Hooker) Munro. H; R, M, L. Elyrnus glattcus Buckley var. glaucus. II· B, R, M, , L. Elynws glaucu Buckley var. jepsonii Davy. II; Elynws hir·sutus Pre I. H; B. Elynws macounii Va ey. II· M. Elymus virescens Piper. II ; R. F esttwa bmchyphylla Schulte . H; R. F estuca elati01· Linnaeus. II· R, F estuca idahoen is Elmer. II; M, S, L. F estuca rnegalum uttall. Th; L. F estuca rnytu·os Linnaeus. Th ; S. F estuca occidentalis Hooker. II; R, M F estuca pacifica Piper. Th · L. F estuca pratensi Hudson. H; L. F estuca r·ubra Linnaeu . II; R., L. F estuca subulata Trinius. H · B, R, L. F estuca viridttla Vasey. H; R, M. Glyceria borealis ( ash) Batchelder. II· R L. Glyceria elata ( a h) Hitchcock. H ; B, M, S, TJ. Glyceria er·ecta Hitchcock. H; M, L. Glyceria paucifiom Presl. H ; R, L. Glycer·ia str·iata (Lamarck) Hitchcock. H; M. H olctts lanatus Linnaeus. H; L. Hor·deum brachyantherum Neo hi. H· L. H ordeurn jubaturn Linnaeus. H; R., L. Hor·deum nodosum Linnaeus. H(Th); R, M. Koeler·ia cr·istata (Linnaeus) Persoon. H; S. l{oeler·ia phleoides (Villar ) Per oon. Th · L. Loliurn multifiontm Lamarck. H · R. Lolium perenne Linnaeus. H; R., M. ilielica ar·istata Thurber. H; M, S, L. Afelica bulbosa Geyer. H; B, S. Melica californica cribner. H; S. Melica fugax Bolander. H; L. jlfelica subulata (Gri ebach) cribner. H· R, M, , L. ~Iuhlenber·gia andina (Nuttall) Hitchcock. H · L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO NTAI - COOKE 17

M 1thlenbe1·gia fili[o1·mis (Thurber) RydberO'. Th; R, M, , L. llluhlenb t·gia t·ichat·dsonii (Trinius) Rydberg. H· L. Mtthlenb 1·gia jonesii (Vasey) IIitchcock. H; 01·yzopsi exigua Thurber. H; B. 01·yzopsis hymenoides (Roemer and Schulte ) Va ey. H; Paniwm capillMe Linnaeu var. occidentale RydberO'. Th ; L. Panicum pacificum Hitchcock and Cha e. H; B. Panicum thet·male Boland r. H; L. Phleum commutatum Gaudin. H; B, R, M, , L. Phleum 1J'ratense Linna u . H; R, M, S, L. PletL?·opogon t·efractus (Gray) Bentham. H; R, 1\'I. Poa alpina Linnaeu . H ; B, M. Poa ampla ferrill. H; M. Poa annua Linnaeus. Th; B, R, L. Poa arctica R. Brown. Cr; B, R. Poa bolanderi Vasey. Th; M. Poa englishii t. John and Hardin. H; B. Poa epilis cribner. H; B, R, S, L. Poa gmcillima Vasey. H ; R. Poa lettm·mannii Vasey. H; R. Poa leptocoma Trinius. H; B, R. Poa nervosa (Hooker) Va ey. r· R f L. Poa palust1·is Linnaeus. Cr; J.1. Poa paucispiwla cribner and fen·ill. H ; B. Poa pmtensis Linnaeus. H; R, M, S, L. Poa pt·inglei cribner. H; R, S, L. Poa secunda Pre I. H; B, R. Poa stenantha Trinius. H ; B. Polypogon monspeliensis (Linnaeu ) Desfontaines. Th · R. Pttecin llia distans ( ) De:fontaine . H ; R. chizachne smithii (Porter) Wiegand. H · B. Seta1·ia vi1·iclis (Linnaeus) Beauvai . Th ; R. itanion x hansenii ( cribner) J . G. mith. H; R, M, S, L. Sitanion hystrix (Nuttall) J. G. mith. H; B, R, M, S, L. tipa califm·nica Merrill & Davy. H; M, S, L. tipa columbiana Macoun. H ; R. Stipa elmeri Piper and Brodie. H; M, L. tipa l mmonii Va ey and cribner. H; L. Stipa lettennannii Vasey. H· M. 8tiva occidentali .~ 'l'hnrber. H ; R, M, , L. 1 THE WASMA 'N JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, Vor.. 20, 1962

tipa williamsii Scribnet·. H; L. 'l.'t·isetum spicatum (Linnaeus) Richter. II; B, R, {, , L. Triseturn canescens Buckley. ll; R, L. Tt·iseturn cernuum Trinius. I1 ; B, R. 'l'risetum wolfii Vasey. II; L.

CYPERACE.AE Cat·ex ablata Bailey. r; B, R, M, S, L. Om· ex abt·upta Mackenzie. H; M, h Cat·ex accedens Holm. Cr; R. Om· ex amplectens Mackenzie. H ; S. Cat·ex arnplifolia Boott. H; R. Ca·rex angustior Mackenzie. H; M:. Car ex aquatilis W ahlenber"'. II; 1.. Carex arcta Boott. H; R. Ca·rex arthrostachya Olney. H; M, L. Cm·ex aut·ea Nuttall. Cr; R, S, L. Cat·ex bolancleri Olney. Cr; R, S, L. Om· ex brainerclii Mackenzie. H; S. L. Cat·ex breviligulata Mackenzie. II; M. Carex b·revipes Boott. H; L. Ca1·ex b1·ewe1·i Boott. H; B, M, S, L. Carex ln·tmnescens (Per. oon) Poiret. H; R, M. Cat·ex bnmnescens var. sphaerostachya (Desvaux) Fernald. H; B. Cm·ex canescens Linnaeus. H; R, M, L. Cat·ex capitata Linnaeus. H; L. Cm·ex cephalantha (Bailey) Bicknell. H; B. Cm·ex cusickii Mackenzie. H; R, L. Ca1·ex clensa Bailey. H; M. Ca1·ex clispe1·rna Dewey. H; M. Cm·ex engelmannii Bailey. Cr ; R. Ca'l'ex eut·ycm·pa Holm. H; M, S, L. Cm·ex exsiccata Bailey. Cr; R, M. Carex f estivella Mackenzie. H; B, M. Ca1·ex f eta Bailey. H; L. Carex fissut·icola Mackenzie. H; S. Cwrex fmcta Mackenzie. H; M, S, h Carex geye1·i Boott. Cr; R. Carex gyrnnoclacla Holm. Cr; R, M, S, L. Cm·ex halliana Bailey. H; 1:. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE 19

Cm·ex haydenicma Olney. H; M. Cm·ex helleri Mackenzje. II; L. Cm·ex hendet·sonii Bailey. H; R. m· x hepbumii Boott. II; R. Ca1·ex hete1·oneura W. Boott. II; L. Ca r x hoodii W. Boott. II· M, , L. arex illota Bailey. r ; B, R, M, L. m· x inop Bailey. II; M, S. m·e:r integra Mackenzie. II; M, , L. CCtr x interi01· Bailey. II: B. Crtr x jep onii J. T. IIowell. TI ; M , L. Cm· x jonesii Bailey. H; , L. Carex kelloggii W. Boott. II; B, R, M, , L. Cm· x laeviculmis Meinsch. II; B, R, M. ar x lanuginosa Michaux. r; R, L. Ca1·ex lemmonii W. Boott. H; L. Cm· x leporinella Mackenzie. H ; B, J.J. m·ex leptalea WahlenberO'. II; R. Ca1·ex l ptopoda Mackenzie. H; M. Ca1·ex limosa Linnaeus. H; R, M. ar x luzulaefolia W. Boott. II; L. Cm·ex luzulina Olney. H; M, S. Cm·ex lyngbyei Bornemann. II; B. Ca1·ex mm·i1Josana Bailey. H ; L. Carex m 1·tensii Pre cott. r; B, R. Carex mi roptera Mackenzie. II· M, , L. Car ex nwlticaulis Bailey. H; S, L. Carex multicostata Mackenzie. H: M, S, L. Car x n bmskensis Dewey. H; M, , L. Cm·ex nervina Bailey. H ; S, L. a1·ex neurophora Mackenzie. II; M. m·ex nig1·icans C. A. Meyer. r ; B, R, M, S, L. m·ex 01'1nantha (Fernald) Mackenzie. H; R, M, , L. arex pachystachya Chamis o. Cr; B R, M, , L. a·rex paucicostata Mackenzie. H; L. Cm·ex phaeocephala Piper. Cr; B, R, M, , L. Carex 1JOdocMpa R. Brown. Cr; R. Ca1·ex praeceptorum Mackenzie. H ; L. Carex pmeg1·acilis W. Boott. H; L. a1·ex p1·eslii teudel. II; B, R, M, , L. 20 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, V oL. 20, 1962

a·r x pyt·enaica Wahlenberg. II; B, L. at· x mynoldsii Dewey. H; L. Cm·ex 1·ossii Boott. r; R, M, L. a·rex t·ostmta toke . II; B, R, M, L. Cm·ex 1·ostmta var. ut-riculosa (Boott) Bailey. H ; 13. wrex scit·poidea i ichaux. H; B. arex scopulonun Holm. H; L. Carex simulata Mackenzie. H · L. m·ex sitchensis Pr cott. H; B, M. m·ex specifica Bailey. H ; L. Cm·ex szJectabilis Dewey. Or; B, R, M, S, L. 'a1·ex stipata Muhlenber

LE iNACEAE Lern11a minor Linnaeu . r; L.

ARACEAE Lysichiton am ricammt Hulten and St. John. r; B, R, M.

J1JNCACEAE Juncu balti us \ViJldenow var. balticttS. Cr; R, M, J.J . Jtmcus balticw var. littoralis Eno-elma1m. r; B. Jmteus balticu var. montanus Engelmann. r; , L. Jtmcus btt[oniu Linnaeu . r (Th); R, L. Juncus castan us Small. r; B. Junws coL"illei Piper. r; R. Jtmcus clnmunondii E. Meyer. H; B, R, M, , L. Juncu dubius Engelmann. r; Jun us effusus Linnaeus var. effusus. Cr; R, M. Juncus ffusus var. pa ifi us Fernald and Wiegand. r ; R, L. Junctts nsifolittS Wik trom. r; M, S, L . .Jnnctts fili[orrnis Linnaeu . r; B, R, M. Jtmcu. h mi ndytus F . .J. Hermann. Th; L. Juncus howellii F . J . Hermann. r· , L. Jnncus mac r . F . rt·ay. Cr; B. Juncu 1n 1·tensianus Bongard. Cr; B, R, M, S, L. Juncu nevaclensis ·watson. Cr· S, L. Juncu oc id ntalis oville and Wiegand. H · L. Juncu orthophyllu oville. Cr; M, S. Juncu oxymeris Eno-elmann. r· S. Juncus 1Xtn·yi Engelmann. H ; B, R, l\'[ S, L. J tmctLS 1· g lii Buchenau. r; B, R. Juncu pha e1·ocarpus Nees. Th; L. Jttnctts xiphioides E. Meyer. r ; B, R. T,uzula a1· ttata \ ahlenbero-. IT· R. Luzttl(t cmn1J stris Linnaeus. H; 1. Luzula como a E. Meyer. H ; B, R, L. Luznlct dit·a ricata \Va on. H · R, M, L. Luzttla glabrata (Hoppe) De vaux. H · B, R, M. Luzttla multiflora (Ehrhart) Lilja. H; R, . Luztda parvifiora (Ehrhart) De vau.'i:. H; B, R, M, S. Luzula part'ifiom Yar. fa tigiata (Meyer) Buchenau. II; B. 22 THE WASMANN JOUR AL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

Lnznla piperi ( oville) Henry. H · B. Lnznla spicata (Linnaeus) DeCandolle. H ; B, R. f,uzula nbcongesta (Watson) Jep on. II· , I.J . L?tznlct tcahlenbergii Ruprecht. H; R.

LILIACEAE . lllitun comzJactwrn "\"\ at. on. Cr · M, S, L . . lllium c rnuum Roth. r; B, R. ,llliwn tribmcteatmn Torrey. Cr; S, L. lllium 'l'alidttm "\Vat on. Cr; R, M, S, L . . lspamgus officinalis Linnaeus. r; S. Brodiaea congesta mith. Cr; L. Rrodiaea coronaria (Sali bury) Engler. Cr; L. B rodiaea, gmcilis "\Vatson. r; L. Brodiaect hyacinthina (Lindley ) Baker. Cr; M, L. Brocliaea lntea (Lindley) Morton var. a,nalina (Greene) )fnnz. Cr; S. Brodiaea pulchella ( ali bury) Greene. Cr; M. Cnlochortus cae1·uleus (Kelloo-g) Watson var. 11w11 eanus -1 pson. r; S. Cctlo chorttts elegans Pursh. Cr; M. Calochortus leichtlinii Hooker. r; L. Calo ho,rtus macro carpus Dougla . r; CaJochm·tus monophyllus (Lindley) Lemair . Cr· h Calochortus nuclus Watson. r; S, L . Cctmassia quamash (Plnsh) Greene · p . quamash. r ; B, ".\I. Camassia quamash ssp. breviflora Gould. r ; h Camassia leichtlinii (Baker) . Watson. Cr; L Clintonia uniflom ( chulte ) Kunth. Cr; B, R, M. Dispomm m·ega,ntun (Wat on ) Bentham and Jiooker. C 1·; B, R, M. Disz1omm tmchywrpum ("\"Vatson ) Bentham and ITooker. Cr ; B. Dispomm smithii (Hooker) Piper. Cr; B. Erythronium gmncliflorum Pur h. Cr; B. Erythronimn klctmathense Apple ate. Cr; M. Erythroniwn montanum Watson. Cr; R. Erythronium 1Jallidum ( t . John) G. . Jone . Cr; R, l\L Eryth1·onium pa·rviflortun (Watson) Goodding. r; B. ltrythroninm pnrpumscens ·watson. r ; L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE 23

Ji1·ritillaru£ at1'optuznt·rea uttall. Cr; M, S h F·ritillaria lanceolata Pur h. r; B, R. Lilittrn columbianum Hanson. r; B, R. Lilium kell yanurn Lemmon. r; M, L. Lilium pctrdalinum KellO"'O'. Cr; M, Liliurn washingtonianum Kello()'()' va r·. washingtoniallll'lll . Cr : . , L. Lilium washingtoni.anurn var. minus Purdy. Cr ; S. Lloydia se1·otina (Linnaeus) Sweet. r; B, R. .Maianthemtun dilataturn (Wood) Nelson and Macbride. Cr; B, R . cho enolirion alburn Durand. r; S. Srnilacinc£ racenwsa (L.) De fontaines var. mcenw a.. r ; L. Srnilacina mcernosa va r. arnplexicaulis ( uttall) Watson. r· · B. R, L. Srnilacinc£ ra.cemosa var. glabm (Macbride) t. John. C'r ; 1\'f, L . Srnilacina s ssilifolia uttall. r; B, R, M. Smilacina ·tellata (L.) Desfontaines. r; B l\1, S, L. Stenanthtts occidentale Gray. r; B, R. St1·eptopt£S amplexifolius (Linnaeus) DeCa.n ]olle. Cr; B, R, M, h St7·eptopt£S cu1·vipes Vail. r; B R, 'L StTeptopus st1·eptopoides (Ledebour) Frye and Rigg. Cr ; B, R. Tofieldia. glutinosa (Michaux) Persoon Yar. occidentalis (Watson ) C. h Hitchcock. Cr; B, R, M, S, L. 'l'rillium ovatunt Pursh. Cr; B, R, lVL Vemt·rurn califo1'nictun Durand. Cr; S, L. V emtnmt caudatt£rn Heller. r ; R. V emtnmt eschscholtzianum (Roemer and Schultes) R~ ·d h e t ·g. Cr; B, R. Veratrunai·ride Aiten. Cr ; B, M. X e·rophyllurn t enax (Pursh) Nuttall. H; R. Zygadentts paniculatus (Nuttall) Watson. Cr; S, IJ. Zygad ntts venenosus Watson. Cr; L.

IRIDACEAE l ·ris cJu·ysophylla Howell. H; M. b·is tenuissima Dykes. H; S, L. isyrinchiwn bellum \Vat on. H; , L. isyrinchium wlifornicurn (Ker) Durand. H · M. isyrin hitun idahoense Bicknell. H; R, M, L. 24 THE W SMA N JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1!162


('alypso bulbo C£ (Linnaeu ·) Oak r; B, R. (' phalanthe1'a austinae ( :rray) Ileller. r·· B R 'f, .. ('orallorhiza maculata Rafinesque. r ; B, R, M, , L. ('oral7o1'hizc£ m e1't nsiana BonO'ard. r ; B, R, M. f'orall01·hiza striata Lindley. r ; B, R, M. Comllorhiza t1'ifida hatelain. r ; B. Goodyrm decipiens (Hooker) Hubbard. H ; B R, M, .. TTab enaria dilatata (Pur h ) Hooker var. leuco tachy. (J.; indley) Arne.. r ; B, R, M, , L. lfaben.a1·ia lega,n (LindJ ey) Boland. r ; R. Ifab nm·ia o1·biculata (Pur. h ) Torrey. r· B. lfabena·ria saccata :rreene. r· B, R. IJ abenm·ia spanifiora ·watson. r ; , h !Jab na1'iC£ st1'icta LindJ y. r; B, M. I Jab ena·ria unala chensis ( prengel) ' Va.tson. I" R, 'I, . , L. J,istera caUI·ina Piper. r; B, R, M. J.;i. tem ont alla1·ioide ( wartz) Torrey. Or· R., , L. J,istera 01·data (Linna us) R. Brown. r· B R. • pimnthes ronwnzoffiana hami o and cb lechtendahl. II· B, R, 1, S, L.

ALI A EAE Populus t·remuloicl Michaux. Ph ; B R M , L. Popnlns trichocarpa Torrey and Gray. Ph· B, R M, , L. alix an.l]ttlomm bami so var. antiplasta, . K. chneider. Ph; L. nlix arctica Pallisot var. subc01·data (Andersson) . chneider. h· B. a fix barclayi Ander on. Ph· B R. alix a cadensis ockerell. h · B, R. • c£lix commutate£ Bebb. Ph; B R. ali.T coulte1·i Ander on. Ph; M. • alix eastwoocliae ockerell. Ph; M. alix g y e1'iana Andersson var. geye·riana. Ph; R. alix geyeriana Ander son var. Mgentea (Bebb) . K. . 'chneider. Ph; (J.J). alix hind ii Bentham. Ph; M. .. alix ,iepsonii C. K. chneider. Ph; B R, , L. , alix lasia.ndm Bentham var. lasiandra. Ph ; B, R., , L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOU TAINS-cOOKE 25

Salix lasiandm var. ctbmrnsii Ball. Ph; M. alix l mrnonii Bebb. Ph; M, L. Salix ligulifolia (Ball) Ball. Ph; ( T..~). Salix mackenzieana (Hooker) Barratt. Ph; R. Salix m lmtopsi Nuttall. Ph· B (L). alix ni1:alis Hooker. r ; B, R. Salix or tem Schneider. Ph; M. alix JJ nncda Ball. Ph; R. alix pip ri Bebb. Ph; R. alix p eudcordata Andersson. Ph; f, L. Salix seoul 1·iana Barratt. Ph; R, M, S, L. alix itch nsis anson. Ph; B, R, M, S.

BETULACE.AE Aln·tts ntbm Bonaard. Ph; B, R. Alnus tenuifolia Nuttall. Ph; M, L. AlnttS viridis DeCandolle var. sinuata Regel. Ph; B, R, l\f, S. Betula glandulosa Michaux. Ph; (L). B etula occidentalis Hooker. Ph; B. Cm·ylttS califontica. (A. DeCandolle) Ro e. Ph; B, R, M.

FAGACEAE astanop. is chrysophylla A. DeCandolle. Ph; M, S. Castanop is sempervirens ( Kelloaa) Dudley. Ph; :M, S, L. Que1·c1t h1·ysolepis Liebmann. Ph; S. Que1·cus gan·yana Doualas var. gan·ycma. Ph; R. Quercus gan·yana var. b1·ewe1·i (Engelmann) Jepson. Ph; 1:. Quercu. k lloggii Newberry. Ph; S, L. Que·rctts vaccinifolia Kellogg. Ph; L.

URTICACE.AE Urtiw lyallii Wat on. Cr; B, R. U1·tica s rra Blume. Cr; L.

LORANTHACEAE .: lr euthobimn americanum Nuttall. Ph; M, , L. 11·c uthobinm cmnpylopodum Engelmann f. campylopoclurn. Ph; 'L. 2G THE WA MANN JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, Vo1.. 30, 1962

_lr · uthobium mnpylopodum f. obi timon (Eno·elmann ) ill. Ph; ,L. . lrceuthobittm cam1Jylopodtun f. cyanocarpmn ( A. N el.·on ) Gi II. Ph ; M, . I rc nthobittm douglassii En"'elmann. Ph· .lrceuthobittm tsngensi (Ro endahl ) G. . .Jone..c;. Ph; B, R. Phoradend·ron liboced1·i (Engelmann) Howell. Ph;

ARI TOLOCHIA E E .l.sarnm audatum Lindley. r; B, R, 1. . tsarmn lwrtwegii ''at on. Cr; , L .

POLYGONA EAE Eriogonmn baileyi Wat on . Th; E riogonum cupulatum toke . H; S. Eriogonum elattun Douglas. H; lVI. E riogonum nwrifolittm Torrey and Gray. H; lVI, S, L. JiJriogonum nudum Dou()'la var. nudum. H; S, L. E riogonum nudtmt var. rleductum J ep on. H · lVI. E riogonttm ochroc phalum Watson var. och1·o eplwlum. II; R. TCrioaomun ochrocephalum var. agnellttm Jepson. H; L. Eriogonum ovalifolimn utt. var. nivale (Canby) Jone ·. h; L. Eriogonmn ovctlifolium var. vimineum Jepson. Ch; M. Erioaonnm pilicattle (St. John and Warren) G. . Jones. II ; R. fi:riogonttm pyrolaefolimn Hooker. H ; R, 1, L. 1!-'rioyonttm sp rgulintun Gra var. 1·eddingiantt1n (.Jonc: ) J. T. IIowell. Th · M, , L. 1!-'riogonnm mnbella.tum Torrey. H; B. g rio(fontun umbellat11m ·p. polyanthtun (Benth. ) toke. . IT ; 1, r.J. E riogomun ursintun vVat on. II; L. Oxyria digyna (Linnaeu ) Hill. H; B, R, M, S, L. Polygonmn mnphibimn Linnaeu var. sti7ntlacenm oleman. 11 ; L. Polygonwn avi ulare Linnaeu . Th; R, L. Polygonttm bi. tortoides Pursh. H; B, R, M, L. Polygonunt convolvulus Linnaeus. Th; B, R. Polygonttm clavisiae Brewer. H; S, L. Polygonum dougla ii r ene var. dougla ii. Th; R, M, L. Polygonum douglasii var. lati[olitun Greene. Th ; M, FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE

Polygonmn sot 1·icum J.1. . \Vheeler. Th; L. Polygonmn kelloggii reene. Th; R, M, h Polygonmn lapathifolium Linnaeu . Th; R. Polygomon minimum \\ at on. Th · B, R, M, , L. Polygomun n wb en·yi mall. H; R, M. Polygonmn parryi Greene. Th; S. Polygonum, lJhytolacca folium Mei ner. H ; L. Polygonum mmosissimum 1ichaux. Th; S. Polygon tun sawatchense mall. Th; L. Polygonum hastense Brewer. h; S, L. Polygonum spergttla,riaefonne Meisner. Th ; i, L. Polygonum vivipanmt Linnaeus. r· B. Rum x aceto ella l.1inaeus. r; B, R, M, , L. Rume;c conglomemtus Mut·ray. H; R. Rum x cri. pu Linnaeu . II; B, R, M, S, h Rum x f ne tmtus Greene. H; L. Rum .r mexicanus Mei ner. H; R. Rum x obtusifolius Linnaeus. H; B, R. Rumr:r lricmgulivalvis (Danser) K. H . Rechino-er. IT· L.

liE OPODIACEAE Chenopoclittm album Linnaeu . Th; R, M, . Chenopodium botrys Linnaeus. Th; S, L. Chenopoclitmt incognitum H. A. W ahlenberg. 'l'h ; L. henopoclittm pumilio R. Brown. Th ; L. Uonolepis nuttallictna (Schultes) GI'eene. Th; L. alsolct kali J.1innaeus var. tenuifolict G. W. F. {eyer-. Th ;

AMARANTH.ACEAE Amaranthus 1·et1·ojtexus Linnaeu . Th; S.

PORT LA A EAE Calmulrinia iliata (Ruiz and Pavon) De andolle var. m nzi sii (Hooker ) J. F. MacBride. Th; L. alyptridium mnb llatum (Torrey) Greene var. 11mb llahtm. II: ::\[, . 'L. Cctlyptridinm 1Wtb ellatum var. cauclici[ era ( , ray) C:recnc. l r: l\[, . 2 THE WA MAN JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, VuL. 20. 1962

()/aytonia la.nceolctta Pursh vat'. lanceolata.. r; B, R, M. ClaytoniC£ lanceolctta forma clu·ysantlw ( .reene) t ..John. r ; B. Claytonia lanceolata var. sessilifolict (Torre) ) A. l. ·on. r; L. 'lctytonia linea1·is Douglas. Th; R. Clctytonia nevaclensis \¥atson. r ; L. laytonia. pm·viflora Dou..,la . . Th; B, R. Lewisia columbiana (IIowell) Robinson. II; R. L ll'isia exarticulata t. John. H; R. Leu isict nevad nsis ( ray) Robinson. II; L. Lell'isict pygmaea (Gray) Robin on. H; J, ewisia t1·iphylla (Watson) Robin on. r; R, f, , I.~ . .llontia a a1·ifolia Howell. r; R. Jlontict cha.mi oi (Ledebour) Durand and Jack on. IT ; ~r , L . .llontia fontana Linnaeu var. t nen·inw (Gray) F ernald and \\ iegans. Th ; B. jJ[ ontia hallii (Gray) Greene. Th · L. Montia parvifolia ( foc; ino ) reene. H ; B, R, I. Montia perfoliata (Donn ) Howell var. pel'foliata. Th ; M, .llontia p rfoliata var. clep1·es a (Gray ) Jep on. Th· , L . .llontia sibe1·ica (J..~innaeus) Howell. H; B, R, :M, S . • 'pragnea. multiceps Howell. H (Th); R.


. I rPna.l'i(t capilla.1·is Poi ret var. formosa Rydberg. II; B . . I renaria onge ta Nuttall var. ttb cong sta (Wat. on ) \ Vat ·on. H;L. lr 1w1·ia fornwsa Fi ·cher. h ; R . . l rena1·ia kingii (Watson ) Jones var. glabl' scens (Wat ·on ) Maguire. H; L . . Ll' na l'ia la1·ici[olia Linnaeu . h; B R . . b· 1ta1·ia late1·iflo1·a Linnaeus. H; B. :1r narict nwc1·ophylla Hooker, H; B, R, 1\L il'enaria nttttallii Pax. b; R, L. 1renaria propinqtta Richard . Ch · R .:lr naria pttnticola Coville and Liebma1m. h; l\I. . lr na:ria sajanensis WilJdcnow. H; B . . 1r nal'ia s l'pyllifolia Linnaeu . Th; R. .lnrnrl1'ia t · 1·na Linnaeu var. pub esc ns ( hami so and . ' h lech­ tendal ) Fernald. Th; B. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS-COOKE 2!)

Cemstiurn m·vense Linnaeu . Cb · B, R. Cemstiurn viscosmn Linnaeu . Th ; B, R, S. Ce rastiurn vttlgaturn Linnaeus. H; B, R, L. agina linnaei PresI . H; R. agina occidentaJis vVatson. Th; B, R, M. Sagina saginoides (Linnaeus) Karsten var. hesperica F ernald. H;B S,L. Saponm·ia vaccm·ia Linnaeu . Th ; R. Silene acaulis Linnaeus var. exscapa (Allioni) DcCandolle. Ch; B, R. Silene antirrhina Linnaeus. Tb ; R. Silene campanulata S. Watson. H; lVI. Sil ne cucubalus Wibel. H ; R. Silene douglasii IIooker. H; B, R, , L. Silene gmyi vVatson. H; S, L. Silene lernmonii Watson. H; S, L. Silene rnacotmii Watson. H; B, R. Silene rnenziesii Hookers p. menziesii. H ; B, R, M. ilene rnenziesii ssp. rnenziesii var. viscosa (Greene) Hitchcock and Maguire. H; S. ilene menziesii ssp. rnenziesii va.r. do1Tii (Kellogg) Hitchcock and Ma."'uire. H; S. ilene montana \Vatson var. montana. H; L. Silene montana var. viscida Henderson. H; M. Silene nivosa Hitchcock and Maguire. H; L. ilene noctifiom Linnaeus. Th; B, R. ilene occidentalis Watson. H; L. Silene suksdorfii Robinson. H; B, R. Silene watsonii Robinson. H; S. Sper-gula sativa Boennindauren. Th; R. pergula1·ia mbm (Linnaeu ) .J. and . Pre 1 var. ntbt·a. (R ) Th; B, L. Spet·gulm·ia mbra var. perennans (Kindberg) Robinson. (II) Th; R, M. Stellaria borealis Bigelow. H; B, S. Stellaria borealis var. isophylla Fernald. H; B. tella1·ia bmchypetala Bongard. H; B. Stellaria calycantha (Ledebour) Bongard. H ; R. Stella1·ia ct·ispa Chamisso and Schlechtendal. H; B, R, M, S, L. , tellm·ia jamesiana Torrey. H; S, L. 30 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, Vot.. 20, 1962

t llaria longip s Goldie. II; R, M, S, L. telkwict media (Linnaeus) yrill. Th; B, R. Stellaria nitens uttall. Th; R. tellaria outusa E ngelmann. II; L. tellarict sitchana Steudel var. sitchana. H; B, R. telfaria sitchana var. bonga·rdiana (Fernald) Hnlt'n. II; I, L. t lktria tunbellata Turczaninow. H; M. St llarin t a hingtoniana Robinson. Th; R.


~tt7Jhm · polysepalum Engelmann. Or; B, R, M, L.

RANUNOULAOEAE Aconitum oltunbianurn uttall. H · B, R, M, S, L. A tff ea mb·m (Aiten) Willdenow ssp. a1·guta (Nuttall ) Hulten. II; B, R, f, , L. Lin mone deltoulea Hooker. r; R, M. An 1non clnunmondii Watson. H; R, 1, L. An mone htulsoniana DeOandolle. II; B, R. Anemone lyallii Britton. Or; B, R. 1nemone occiclentali ·watson. H; B, R, M, S, L. in mone occiclentctlis var. subpilosa Hardin. H; B. lnemone quinqtt folia Linnaeu var. o1·egana (Gray) Robin on. II; lVL 1quilegict fonnosc£ Fi her. II; B, R, M , L. altha biflora De andolle. r ; B, R, M. a.ltlw hot ellii (Ruth) :.-reene. r; L. altlw leptosepala De andoll e. Or; B, R. Delphinium depauperatum Nuttall. H; M, L. Delphinium, glm·eosurn Greene. H · R. D lphinium m nziesii DeOandolle. Or; B. Delphinium nuttallianurn Pritzel. H; L. D lphinium, pauciflo1·um Nuttall. H; S. D lphinimn copulonun var. glaucum Gray. H; R M. Delphinium sonn i Greene. H; L. Pa eonia brownii Doualas. H; S, L. Ranunculu. alismaefolius Geyer var. alismellus Gray. H: L. Ranun ttlt£S ali. rnaefolius var. lernmonii (Gray) L. Ben. on. II; L. Ranuncttlns aquatili Linnaeu var. aquatilis. r ; R. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE 31

Rannnculus uquatilis var. capillaceus (Thuillier·) De andoll e. r; M, L. Rannnculus bonga1·dii Greene. H; B, R, M. Ranunculus eschscholtzii chlecbtendal. H ; B, M. Rammculus fiammula J... innaeus var. ovalis (Bigelow ) L. Benson. H;L. Rammculus gonnannii Greene. II; M. RanunculttS macounii Britton. H; B. Rrmunculus occidentalis utt. var. occidentalis. II; Rammculus occidentalis var. dissectus llender ·on. II; M. Ranuncultts occidentalis var. eisenii (Kello(7g) Gray. H · L. Ranunculus occidentalis var. ultmmontanus Greene. H; L. RanunculttS o·rthorhynchus Hooker. H; B, L. Ranuncttlus populago Greene. H · M. Ranunculus 1·epens Linnaeus. H ; R. Ranuncultts 1·eptans Linnaeus va.1·. OV(tlis (Bigelow) Torrey and Gray. H; B. Rantmcultts suksdwfii Gray. H; R. Ranunculus t?·ichophyllus Chaix var. hispidulus Drew. H ; B. R(tntmculus tmcinatus D. Don. H(Th); L. RC£nttnculus ve1·ecundus Robinson. II; R. 'l'halict·rum fendleri Engelmann. H; L. ThC£lict·rum occidentale Gray. H; B, R. Thalict?-um sparsijl01·um Turczaninow. H; M, L. 'l'mutvettm·ia grandis Nuttall. H ; R, L. T·rollius 1C£ xus Salisbury. Cr; B.

BERBERIDACEAE Achlys triphylla (Smith) DeCandoUe. r; B, R, M. B rberis aquifolium Pursh. Ph; R. B erb e1·is nm·v osC£ Pursh. Ph; B, R, M B e1·be1·is piperiana (Abrams) McMinn. Ph· M, S. V anconve1·ia hexandra (Hooker) Morren and Decai.· ne. Cr; R, M.

FUMARIACEAE C01·ydalis caseana Gray. H; L. Corydalis scoule1·i Hooker. Cr; R. Dicentm formosa (Andrews) Walper.. Cr; B, R, M, L. Dicentm unifiora Kellogg. Cr; R, M, S, L. 32 THE WASMANN JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY. Vor .. 20. 1962

CRUCIFERAE .rtrabis ambigua De andolle. H; B. Ambis brewet·i Watson. H; L. Ambis drumrnondii Gray var. dt·urnmondii. H; B, R. Ambis dnmwwndii var. inte1·posita (Greene) Rollins. H; M. Arabis fm· ata Watson. H; R. Ambis glabra (Linnaeus) Bernhardi. H; R, M, , L. Arabi hi·rsutc£ (Linnaeu ) copoli. H; B, R. Ambis holboe7lii Bornemann var. pineto·rum (Tide -trom) Rol - lins. H; L. At·abis holboellii var. t·ett·ofmcta (Graham) Rydberg. H; R, S. Arabis holboe77ii var. ecunda (Howell) Jepson. H; M. Ambis lemmonii Watson var. lemmonii. H; M, L. Ambis l mnwnii var. de7Jaupemta (Nelson and Kennedy) Rol- lins. H; L. Ambis lya.llii Watson. II; B, R, M, L. A.mbis lyrata Linnaeu . H; B. Ambis platyspenna Gray var. platyspet·ma. H; M, S L. Arabis platyspenna var. howellii (Watson) Jep on. H; S, L. ilmbis t·ecti ·ima Greene. H; M, L. i lrabis spm·siflora Nuttall. H ; S, L. At·al1is uffrutescens \Vatson var. suff·rutescens. H · M, S, L. Arabis uffmtescens var. h01·izontalis (Greene) Rollins. H; M. Barbar a o1·thoc ras Ledebour. H; B, R, , L. Bm·ba1· a vulga.ris (Linnaeus) R. Brown. H; M. Bmssica campestt·is Linnaeus. Th ; B, R. Carnelina sativa Crantz. Th ; S. Ca.psella btu-sa-pa tot·is (Linnaeu ) Medicus. Th · R, L. Cardamine angulata Hooker. Cr; R. at·damine belliclifolia Linnaeus var. belliclifolia. H; R. Cardamine belliclifolia var. pachyphylla Coville and Liebmann. H;M,S,L. Cardamine bt·ewet·i Watson. Cr; S, L. m·damine kamtschatica (Regel) chulz. Cr; B. Cardamine occiclentalis (Watson) Howell. Cr; R. ardamin oligosp t·ma Nuttall. (H) Th; B, R. ardamine 01·biculat·is Greene. Cr· R. Carclamine pennsylvanica Muhlenber"'. (H) Tb ; B, R, 1. Cardamine untbellata Greene. Cr; R. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO NTAI S-COOKE 33

D ntaria t n lla Pursh. r ; R. D scurai1t ia pinnate£ (Walter· ) Britton. Th; D curainict 1·ichardsonii ( weet) Ferris. Th ; R. M. D scuminict sophia (Linnaeu ) Webb. Th ; R ... Dmba anreola Watson. H; R, L. Dmba brew ri \ atson. II; S, L. Dmba ince1·ta Payson. H ; R. Dmba lonchocm·pa Rydberg. H; B, R. Draba nivalis var. elongata S. Watson. H ; {. Dmba praealta Greene. H; B. Drab a tenoloba I.1edebour. Th; B. Dmba stenoloba var. nana (Schulz) C. L. Hitchcock. Th; L. Erysimum capitatum (Douoolas) Greene. Th; L. E1·ysimum asp n tm ( uttall) DeCandolle var. pe1·enne Coville. H; . E1·ysimmn cheimnthoides Linnaeus. II; B. E1·ysim,um tm·ulosum Piper. H ; R. Lepidittm campest?·e R. Brown. Th; S. Lepidium densifiomm Schrader var. bou1·geanianum (Theil on ) Hitchcock. R; B. Lesqtte1· lla occidentalis Watson. H; L. Phoenicattlis cheimnthoides Nuttall. II; M, L. Physarict al7Jest1·is uksdor:f. H; R. Rorippa curvisiliqw (Hooker) Bes ey. (H ) Th; R, M, L. Rorippa hispida (Desvaux) Britton var. glabrata Lunell. r ; B. Sisymb1·inm altissimttm Linnaeus. Th ; B, R, M, S. isymbrimn ojficinale (Linnaeu ) Scopoli. Th; B, R. melowskict ovalis Jones var. ovalis. H ; B, R. Smelowskia ovalis var. congesta Rollins. H ; L. tre ptanthtt.s tortuosus Kellog"" var. orbiculatus (Greene ) Hall. Th; S, L. Subulan{t. aqwtica Linnaeus. Cr; B. Thlaspi m·vense Linnaeus. Th; R. 'l'hlaspi hespe?·itun (Payson ) G. . Jones. H ; R.


Drosem longifolia Linnaeus. H ; (M) . Dro era rotundifolia Linnaeu!>. II; R, (M), , L. 34 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962


Gorma.nia watsonii Bt·itton. II· I. ednm divergens \ Yat.·o n. h ; B, R. edum integrifolium (Rafinesque) A. Kel on. II; B, R. Sedum obtusa.tum Gra ~ ssp. bo·reale R. T. C'lau en. h · eclmn o1·eganum uttc:'lll. Ch; B, R. edtun 1'ttpicola G. . Jone . Ch; R. dnm tenopetalmn Pur ·b. Ch; B.

AXIFRAGA E.AE Boykinia elata ( uttall) Greene. Cr; R. Boykinia mmtnculifolia (Hooker) Gray. r ; R. f:hrysosplenium glechonwefolium Nuttall. H · R. TJ euch ra chlomntha Piper. H; M. Ileuche1·a glabm Willdenow. H; B, R. llettchem micmntha Douglas. H; R. lleuchem racemosa Watson. H; B. Leptarrhena pyrolifolia (Don) R. Brown. IT ; B. Lithophmgma bulbiferum Rydberg. H; L. Lithophmgma pa1·vijlom (Hooker) uttalJ. II; l\1. Lithophmgma 1·upicola Greene. H ; L . .llitella breu.Jeri Gray. IT ; B, R, M. 'Alit ella caulescens uttall. H; B, R, lVI. Mitella ovctlis Greene. H; M . Mitella pentandra Graham. H; B, R, M, S, J.1. Mitella t1·ifida Graham. H; R, L Pamassia califo·rnica (Gray) Greene. H; , L. Pamassia fimbriata Koenig. H; B, R. Pamassia inte1·media Rydberg. H; M. Panwssia palust1·is J.Jinnaeu . H; M. Philadelphus gordonianus Lindley. Ph; R. Philadelphus lewisii Pur h. Ph; M. Ribes binomin(ttum Heller. Ph; M. Ribe bracteosum Douglas. Ph; B, R. Ribes ce reum Dou.,.las. Ph; M, S, L . Ribes cruentum Greene. Ph; M. Ribes divaricatum DOli"'las. Ph; R, S. Ribes e·ryth1'ocm·pu1n Coville and Liebmann. Ph; M. Ribes inenne Rydberg. Ph; M. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAI S-COOKE 35

Ribes hotcellii Greene. Ph ; B, R. Ribes la ust1·e (Persoon) Poiret. Ph; B, R, M. Ribes la ijt01·urn Pur h. Ph; B, R. Rib s lobbii Gray. Ph; R, M. Ribes montigenurn Me latchie. Ph; L. Ribes new den e K lJooooo. Ph· , L. Ribes roezlii Regel. Ph ; , L. Ribes cmguineum Pursh. Ph· B, R, M. Ribes triste Palla . h; R. Ribes triste var. albinervium (Michaux) Fernald. h · B. Ribes viscosissirnmn Pur h var. viscosissirnurn. Ph· R, S, L Ribes viscosissirnwm var. hallii Jame . Ph; M. Ribes watsonianwm Koehne. Ph; B, R. axifragct ctestivalis Fi cher and Meyer. H; B, R. axifmga. amplexifolia tern berg. h ; R. axifraga cqn"ica Greene. H; L. axifraga arguta D. Don. H; B, R, L. axifraga au t1·ornontana Wiegand. h ; B, R. axifraga bongarcli Presl. H; B. axifmgct bryophom Gray. Th; L. axifmgct cespitosa Linnaeus. H; B, R. axifmgct debilis Enooelm ann. H; R. axifmga fallax Greene. H ; L. axifmga fermginea Graham. H; B, R, M. f rruginea fo rma v1·eelanclii ( mall ) t . .John and Thayer. II; B. axifntga m 1·tpnsiana var. glanclipilosa St. Jolm and Hardin. H;B. axifmga mert nsiana Bonooard. H; B, R, M. axifmga lyallii Engler. H; B. axif'ragct niclifica Gr en e. H · M, S. axifmga occiclentalis Watson. H; R. axifmgct oppositifolia Linnaeu . Ch; B, R. axif' oregana Howell. H ; M, L. axifmga 1·ivulm·is Linnaeus. II; B. Saxifntga sctximontcma E. Nelson. H ; B. axifraga tolmiei Torre. and Tray. h; B, R, 1[, . , L. axifmga ves7Je1·tina ( mall) Fedde. h; R. 'l'ellima grancliflom (Pursh ) Douoo]a . II; B R. 'l'ellima racmno a (Wat on) Greene. H; R. 36 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VOL. 20, 1962

'l'uwella laciniata Hooker. H · B. Tiarelk£ t1·i[ oliata Linnaeus. H; R. Tia1·ella unifoliata Hooker. H; B, R, M. 'l'olmiec£ m nziesii (Pursh) Torrey and Oray. II; B R.

ROSA EAE Amelanchier florida Lindley. Ph· B, R, l\I. hier pallida Greene. Ph; , L. rt1·uncu. sylveste1· Ko tel. II; B, R. ·rcocarpus ledifolius Nuttall. Ph; , h Chmnaebatim·ia millifolia (Torrey) iaxjm. Ph; , L. D·ryas octopetala Linnaeus. Ch; R. Fragaria bracteatc£ IIeller. H; R. Fragm·ia californica hami o and chi chtenda.l. II· , L. Fragaria cuneata uttall. H; R. Fragm·ia pla.typetala Rydberg. H; B, 1:, , L. Fmgwria vesca Linnaeu . H; B. Geum ciliatunt Pursh. H; L. Geum macrophyllunt \Villdenow. II· R, M, S, L. Holodi. cus cliscolo1· (Pursh) Maxim. Ph; B, R, M. TT olodi ens mic·ro7Jhyllus Rydberg va r. glab1·escen (Greenman) Ley. Ph; M, S, L. Tforlt lia fusca Lindley ssp. psettdoco.pitata (RydberO") Keck H ;S. Lutkea pectinata. (Pur h ) Kuntze. h; B, R, M, S. ~talus dive1·si[olia (Bongard) Roemer. Ph; R. .Maltts fusca (RafineJ que) chneider. Ph· B. OsmMonia cemsifonnis ( ToJTey and Gray) ,-reene. Ph· B, R. PhysocMpus a,pitcdttS (Pursh) Kuntze. Ph· R. Physocaqnts opnlifolittS Linnaeu var. int rmeclius (Rydberg) Robinson. Ph; B. Potentilla brewe·ri Watson. H; L. Potentilla diversifolia I ... ehmann. H; B, R. Potentilla douglasii Greene var. douglasii. H; M. Potentilla douglasii var. tenella (Wat on) Greene. H ; L. Pot ntilla drmmnondii Lehmann. H ; B R, L. Potentilla ema1·ginata Pursh. H ; B. Potentilla fiab ellifolia Hooker. H ; B, R, , L. Pot ntilla fmtico a Ph; B, R. Potentilla alandulosa I .. indley var. glandttlosa. . II· R, M. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOU TAl S-GOOKE 37

Poten~illa glandulosa va r·. n VlLClensi \Vatson. H · , L. Potentilla glandulosa ssp. ps udompr stt·is (Rydber·g) Keck. II; ,L. Potentilla glattC07Jhylla Lehmann. II; R. Potentilla gracilis Dou.,.las ex ITooker p. gracilis. II; R, l\I. Pote11tilla gracilis sp. nuttallii (Lehmann ) lau. . n and Keck. II; , L. PotentiUa tnillefolia Rydberg. TT ; L. Potentilla. ntillegmna En.,.elmann. H; R. Potentill{t mons7Jeliensis J.Jinna cus. R ( Th ) · R. Pot ntilllt norv giw Linnaeu \·ar. hirsuta (Michaux) J;chmann. H;B. Potentilla palustris Linnaeus. r; B R. Pot ntilla sibbaldii A. Hall er. II· B, R , h Pot ntilla tilingii (Regel) Greene. II; L. Potentilla villo. a Pa Ua . II· B, R. Pmnus tlta'rgitwta (Douglas) \Valper var. marginata. Ph· '[, ,L. Prtmtts enwt·ginata \·a e. mollo (Dougla ·) Brewer. Ph; B R. Prmm. sub cordata Bentham var. subco·rdata. Ph; . Pmtms subconlata val'. kelloggii Lemmon. Ph; Pmnns vit·ainiana Linnaeus var. dentisa (Nuttall ) . ar.,.ent. Ph; 'J.J. Rosa gyntnow rpa uttall. Ph ; R, M, Ro a nut kana Presl. Ph· B. Ro c£ 7Jisoca·rpa Gray. Ph; R. Rosa Htiniet·iensis G. N. Jones. Ph; R. Rosa woodsii J.J indley var. ultmmontatw ("Watson) J ep. ·on. Ph ; L. Rubus Ia iniatus Willdenow. H; B, R. Rubus lasiococcu Gray. h; B, R, M. Rubu leucodet·ntis Dou.,.Jas. II· B, R, M, , L. Rubu nta.ct·op talus Dou.,.la . II; B, R. Rubus nivalis Douglas. h ; B, R. Rubus pwrvifloru · uttall. Ph; B, R, M, , L. Rubus pedatu mith. h ; B, R. Rulnts spectabilis Pur. h. Ph ; B R. Rubus vitifolitts hamiSl o and chlechtendal. h · 711, , . anaui orba occidentalis uttall. H; L. a.nguisot·ba sitchensis . A. Meyer. H; R. Sorbns califomi u. Greene. Ph· L. 3 THE WASMANN JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

orb us as cad nsis G. . Jones. Ph; R, M. o·rbu · occid ntalis (Watson) Greene. Ph; B, R. o·rbus sit h nsis Rehm. Ph; B pint ct d nsijtora ruttaU. Ph; B, R, M, L. piraect douglctsii Hooker. Ph; R, M, , L. pi·mect luciclct Douo-Ja ·. Ph; R. pint. am nziesii Hooker. Ph; B, R.

LEGUMINOSAE lstragctltts mazama ( t. John) G. N. Jones. II· R. Astragaltts pu1·shii Dougla var. lectulus (Wat on) Jone . H · .. Astragalus t •hit dii Piper. H; . Lathyru lanzstc rtii Kelloo-o- Vat'. ctriclus (Bl'ad haw ) Jepson. II· . Lathynts n nsis vVat on. II; M, , L. Lathyru. nuttallii Wat on. H; R. Lathyru 1Jrtlustri Linnaeu var. myrtifolius (Muhlenberg) Gray. II; B. Lathyru 1 olyphyllttS uttall. II; R. LotttS mn riccuws ( ruttall) Bi choff var. amet'icantts. Th · M. Lotu am ricamts var. 1ninutijtorus Ottley. Th ; Lotu ra sifolius (Bentham ) Greene. H · M, S. Lotus n wcl n is (Wat ·on) Greene. H; J.J. Lotus oblongif olius (Bentham) Greene var. nevadensis (Gray) l\Iunz. II· h Lotu oblongifolitts var. to·rr yi (G ray) Ottley. II; M, S. Lottts pttrshianus (Bentham) Clements and lem ent . Th ; T.J. Lupinu albicaulis Douglas var. albicauli . H; . T,upinus albicanlis var. sha ten is . P . mith. H ; . Lupinus (/nd rsonii \Vatson var. ch1·i tina (ITeller) Munz. II; l\I, L. LttzJintt: arlndu Douglas Sf;p. silvicola (IIeller) G. Dunn. TI; L. Lupin us a ridu.- va r. I-I; . Lttpinu loti[olitt J . r. Agardh var. ligulatus (Greene ) C. P . Smith. IT· l\f. Lttpimt loti[ olius 'a r. subalpinus (Piper and Robinson ) . P . mith. II; B. Lupin us la xifioms Douo-l a var. lctxijto1·us. II· Lupimts la xifiom. var. silvicola (Hell r ) . P. mith. II; J,upinus lepirleu Doua-la var. lepideus. H; M. FLORA OF THE CAS ADE MO TAl 1 - OOKE 39

Lnpintts lepideus var. torr yi (Gray) .Jepson. II; Dttpinus lyallii Gray. II; B, R, M, , L. ~npinns obtusilobus IIellet·. II· , J.J. Lupinus polyphyllus Lindley p. polyphyllus. H; M. ~ ttpinus polyphyllus · p. sup rbus (H ell er) Munz. 11 ; h Ltt]Jinus s llttltts Heller var. longrtttLS . P. mith. II; L. Lttpintts ttbalpinus Piper and Robiru on. II; H.. Lnpintts Stt7J ·rbus IIell er var. elongattt C. P . mjth. If; .. T- npintts volcanicus Greene. II· R. Jl dica.go lttpulina Linnaeus. Th ; R. Jlelilotus albtts Linnaeu.. Th ; J[elilotus indicus ( Linnaeu ) AJ]ioni Th ; h 0 . ytropis a ad nsis t. John. II; B. 'trifolium cyathifenun Lindley. Th ; L. '1'1-ifolittnt dttbittm Sibthorp. Th; B, H. Trifolium hybridunt Linnaeus. II; L. T·rifolium involttcmtum Orton va r. fintbriatum McDermott. II· Trifolium kingii W atson. H; M. 'l'rifo/ium lemmonii Wat on . II; L. 'l'rifolium longipes Nuttall. H; M, S, L. 'l'ri[olimn micro ce phalttrn Pur h. 'l' h; L. 'l'rifolium mona.nthum Gray. H; L. 'L'ri[olimn prcd ns Linnaeus. II; R, M, , L. 'l'rifolimn productmn Greene. H; L. '1'1·i[olittm ,. p ns Linnaeu. H· R, M, , L. 'l'ri[olitun ·variegatttm Nuttall. Th ; L. T1·ij'olitt1n wonnskjoldii T.1 ehmann. IT · L. l icia a1ne1·icana Muhl nberg var. ame'l'icana. IT ; H., i, . l icia mne1·icana var. oregana ( uttall) Abram.. H; L. l'iciff ame1·i ana var. t1'uncata Br wcr. II· B. Vicia cctlifontica Green . II; S.

GEH.ANIA EAE E rodimn cicutctrittm (Linnaeu ·) L 'Heritier. Th ; M, , L. Gera·11 imn pu illttm N. L. Burman. Th; R.

LINA EAE Li11mn m·icmnthttm Gmy. Th; S. 40 THE WASMA JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

Linnm p r nne Linnaeu var. lewi ii (Pursh) Eaton and Wright. H ; M, , L.

POLY rAT;A E R Pol ygala cornutct Kellogg. II; .

OXALIDA E R Oxalis or gana uttall. r ; R. Oxalis trillifolia Hooker. r; R.

ALLITRI IIA EAE allitrich h nnaphroditica Linnaeus. r ; R. Callitriche pctlust1·is Linnaeus. r ; B, R, T.1.

ELASTRA EAE Pa hystimC£ myrsinites (Pursh) Rafinesque. Ph ; B R, M:, .

E PIIORBIA EAE Er mocarpu.· etigentS (Hooker) Bentham . 'l'h ; L. E uphorbiC£ r nnlctta Engelmann. Th ; L. Ettphorbict serpyllifolia Persoon. Th; , L.

LIMNANTIIA EAE Floerkea prosPrpinC£coides \Vi lld now. 'l'h; I1 .


Hhu frilobcda ~uttall. Ph; , L.

ACERA EAE Acer circi1wtum Pur ·h. Ph; B, R. Ac r douglasii Hooker. Ph ; B, R. l ce1· glctbrmn Torrey var. glabrum. Ph; f, . l ee r glabmm var. ton·eyi (Greene) miJey. Ph · '[, L. Acer 11tacrozJhyllum Pur h. Ph; B, R, M.

RHA.tVINA EAE C anothu corclulcttu Kello.,.g. Ph; h FLORA OF THECA CADE MO TAl S- COOKE 41

Ceanothu divm·icattts uttall. Ph; . anothu integen ·i1mts Ilooker and Amott. Ph ; l\1. anothus x l01·entzeniana Jep ·on. Ph; . 1eanothus p1·ostmtus Bentham. h; l\1, , L. eanothus sanguin us Pur ·h. Ph; B, R. Ceanothu v lutinus Dougla . Ph· R, i , L. Rha1nnus californica E . ch cboltz. Ph; . Rhamnus purshiana De andoll e. Ph; B, R, 1. Rhamnus 1·ubra Greene. Ph; L.

:M:ALVACEAE lliamma·ri (Jep ·on) Wiggins. H; S . .llalva neglecta Wallroth. H (Th); R, S, L. idalcea glaucescens Gr·eene. H; L. idalc a malvaefiora (D andolle) Gra? . . p. aszJr lla ( r enc) . L. Hitchcock. H; L. idalc a. oregana (Nuttall) Gray p. or gana. H ; . idalcea oregana .. p. spicata (Regel ) . J..;. Hitchcock. II; M, L.

llYPERI A EAE Hypericum anogctlloid s ham isso and ch lechtendal. II; B, R, :M, ' L. lfyp ricttm fonnosum Hum bolt, Bonpland and Kunth \ ar. coule1·i (Hook r ) oulter. H ; l\1, h H yp ricum 11 rforatum Linnaeu . H · B, R, , l J.

VIOLACEAE 1 ioht adunca mith var. adunca. II; B R, L. 1 iola adnnca var. Brainerd. H; B. l iola adunca var. un inulata ( reene) Applegate. H ; ::\L 1 iola bake1·i Greene. ll · l\1, , L. 1 iola epip ila Ledebour. r; R. riola fi ettii Piper. H ; B. Viola glab ella Nuttall. II· B, R, M, L. 1'iol.a lobata Bentham var. integ1·ifolia Watson. H ; 1 iola nwcloskeyi Lloyd. r; l\1, S, h Viola nep1wophylkt Gr ene. H ; L. 1 iola orbiculata Geyer. IT; B, R M. l'iola pollen (Bank ) Brainerd. r· R. 42 THE WA MANN JO R AL OF BIOLOGY. V01 .. 20. 1962

Violet palustris Linnaeu . r ; B, R. 1 iola p1ti'}Jttrect Kellou·a s p. purpurea. H ; Viola pw·p1tr a · ·p. dimorpha Baker and en. II; L . Viola 1HU'ZJ1tl' ct: ·p. integrifolia Baker and lau.. en. H ; I· io/a sanltl'?ltoset Douglas. ll; B. Viola mperl'ir ns Green . H; B, R. Viola L' nosct ( . \ at. on) Rydberg. H ; R, M, ,

J_;QA ACEAE M ntz lia albiwulis Dou"'la ·. 'l'h; . jiJ ntz lict dispe·rsa Watson. Tb; L. jJfentzelia Ia ricaulis (Douglas) Torrey and Gm,v. Th;

A RA EAE Boiscluvalia d nsiflom (Lindley) Wat on. Th ; L. CiTcaea al]Jinet Linnaeus var. pacifica (Asch r on and Magnus) .Jamc:. 'r ; B R, M, , L. Cla.rkiet rhomboideet Don"'las. 1'h; M, , L. Epilobium adenocetttlon IIau lmecht. II· B, R, . h Epilobium ctlpinmn Linnaeu . H; B R, M, S. Epilobitun anagallidifolium Lamarck. II· M, h E7Jilobium angnsti[olimn Linnaeus. II; B, R, l\1, , L . Epilobi111n b·ret·istylum Barbey var. b1·evistylum. II; i\I, , h Epilobium b1· vistylum var. subfalwtum (Trelea. e) i\Inm:. II: S. Epilobium br vistyltun var. ursinum Jep on. II; Epilobium cctli[o·rnicttm IIau lmecht. IT ; Epilobiwn ciliatum Rafine. que. H ; L. Epilobinm chtvettwnt 1'relea e. H; B, R, Epilobium ..caltatum E. Drew. II· L. Epilobimn glaberrimum Barbey var. glaberrimtt?n. II; M, , T, . Epilobium glaberrin1mt var. fastigiatttm ( uttall ) Trelea:e. IT: R ~I. Epilobittm. glcmclulo um Lehmann va r. glandulo ttm. II; B, , h Epilobium glanclulo um var. exaltatmn (Drew) Munz. IT ; Epilobium glar o tun G. . J nc . II· B, R. Epilobi111n horn 11umnii Rei hen bach. II; B, R,. , h Epilobium la ctifiormn Hatmslmecht. II· B, R, E7Jilobinm lati[olium J_; inna us. IT ; B, R. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAI 43

Epilobittm leptocarpttm IIaus knccht var. macounii II; B. E pilobinm ltd ttm Pur. h. li; B, R. Epilobimn minntttm ljindley. Th · B , R, M , h Epilobinm obcordatmn Gmy. I1 · L. Epilobittm orer;mt n e Haussknecht. IT· B, R, M, L. J!Jpilobittm J)(tniculatum uttall f. pani nlatttm Th ; B, R, ::\I .. . T, . g],ilobimn pa niculntmn f. adenocaulon IIau: ·lmecht. Th: R. liJpilobimn pa nicnlatwn f. sttbttlatum Ilau::knecht. Th ; . Ez)ilobittm pringl anum Ilau kn ht. IT · T_j. Epilobittm tr l s anum T1 ' veil hi 1I · R. Gayophytum di[fttsum Torrey and rt·n.v var. diffu nm. Th · M, , L. r:ayophytum clij}"u. um var. villosum Iunz. Th ; L. Gayophytum riosp rmmn ovill . Th ; h r:ayophytu?n lt elleri R.vdbera var. helleri. Th · (]ayophyttnn he17 eri var. glabnmt Mtmz. Th; S. r:ayophytttm 7t 77 1·i vat·. 1·osulatum .Tep on. Th; 1:. (iayophytum 1mmil .Ju · ieu. Th; M L. (]ayophytum int '1'1neditnn Rydberg. Th; L. Gnyophytnm lasiospennum Or ene var. lasiospennum. Th · , L. (iayophytum lasiosp ?'ntttm vat·. hoffmannii lVrunz. 'l'h: L. Gayophytum nuttallii Torrey and .t ·a ~r va e. nuttallii. Th: .. h r:ayozJhytttm nuttallii var. abrmnsii fum:. Th ; h (iayophytum 1·acemosum Ton· ." and G t ·n~· var. 1·a mo. um. 'J'h ; L. Gayophytum m ,·a r. ca sitnn (Ton y and t ·a ~ ·) ::IIunz. Th; L. Gayophyltwt 1·nmosissimnm Torrey and G t'a). Th ; R, 0 ·not hem hookeri Torr ~- and Gra.v p . anr;ustij'olia (Gate. ) )[unz. Th ; L . Zauschn ria californica Pre I · ·p. lcttifolia (Hooker) K rk. IT ; L .

II T10RAGIDA EAE lfippurus montcma I1 d bonr. t·· B R. Tf ippttntS t nl ga ris T1i nnaeus. r·; R. Jlyriophyllum spicatnm Linnaeu s. p. exalbescens (F ernald) Ilult'n. e; L .

ARALIA EAE Oplopanax horridtwt ( mith) 1\[iqnel. Ph· B R, M. 44 THE WASMA N JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

UMBELLIFERAE Angelica brewe1·i Gray. H; L. Angeliw g nufiexa Nuttall. H; R. Angelica lyallii Wat ·on. H ; B, R. Cicuta douglasii (De andolle) Coulter and Ro e. II; B, L. Cicuta o cidentalis Greene. H; B. Cicutct vagams Greene. H; R. Cyrnoptems terebinthinus (Hooker) Torrey and Gray var. te1·ebinthinus. H; S. Cymopten.ts te1·ebinthinus var·. wlifomicus ( oulter and Ro e) Jepson. H; L. H em clewm lanatmn Michaux. Cr; B, R, M, , L . H es p rogenia stricklandii Coulter and Ro e. H; R. Ligusticum cu ickii oulter and Ro e. II; M. Ligusticum gmyi oulter and Rose. H; 1, S, L. Ligu ticum pu1·pureum Coulter and Ro e. IT ; R. Lonwtium mnbigum ( ruttall ) oulter and Ro. e. II; B. Lomcttimn angustatum. (Coulter and Roe) t. John. TI: B. R. Lomatittm gonnanii (Howell) oulter and Ro e. II; B. Lomatiu1n triternatmn (Pursh) Coulter and Ro e. TI ; R. Oenanthe sm·mentosa Presl. H ; B, R. Osm01·hiza ambigua (Gray) oulter and Roe. H; R. Osmorhizct chil nsi Hooker and Arnott. H ; B, R, M, , h Osnw1·hiza divaricata (Britton) Suksdorf. H; R. Osm01·hiza leib 1·gii ( oulter and Rose) Blankenship. II; R. 0 nw1·hiza obtusa (Coulter and Roe) F ernald. II; B. Osmorhiza occidentalis (Nuttall) Torrey. H; L. Osmorhiza pw·pu1·ea (Coulter and Rose ) uksdorf. H ; B. Oxypolis occidentalis Coulter and Rose. r ; M. Pe1·id ridia bolande1·i (Gray) Nel ·on and MacBride. C1·: L. Pe1·ideridict gairdn ri (Ilooker and ~l'llott ) MacB1·ide. C'r: . , L . Pe1·icle1-idict how llii ( oulter and Ro ) l\Iathias. r ; I.1 . Perideridia pct'rishii ( oulter and Rose) elson and 'Ma rBt·icle. r; L. Sanicula bipinncda Hooker and Arnott. II; M. Sanicula graveolan PoeppiO'. H; L. anicttla nevad nsi \>Vat on. H; S. Sanicula s ptentrionali Greene. H ; B, R. Saniculct tube·rosa Torrey. Cr· S, L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS-cOOKE 45

Sium suave Walter. H; L. Spheno ciadium capitellattt?n Gray. H; M, L.

GARRYACEAE Ga1-rya f1· emontii Torrey. Ph; M.

CORNACEAE C01·nus califomica C. A. Meyer. Ph; R, S. Co·rnus canaden is Linnaeu ·. II· B, R, M. Cornus nuttallii Audubon. Ph; B, R, S, L. Conttt stolonifem richaux. Ph; B, R, L.

ERICACEAE Allotropa vi·rgata Torrey and Gray. Cr; R, M, S. Adndtts menziesii Pur h. Ph; R, M. Arcto taphylos net·adensis Gray. Ch ; R, M, S, T..J . A1·ctostaphylos JJatula Greene. Ph; M, S, L. A1·ctostaphylos t01nentosa (Pursh) Lindley. Ph; R. Arctostaphylos uva-tu·si (Linnaeu ) Spren

Phyllodoce breweri (Gray) Heller. h; L. Phyllodoce empet?'iforrnis ( mith ) Don. Oh ; B R, M, . . Phyllodoce glandttlif m (Hooker) ovill e. h; B, R, ?IL Plen1·icospora fimbriolata Gray. Or; Pt ro para andromeda. Nuttall. r· B, R, M, , L. Pyrola a.phylla mith. r·; R, M, , J.1. Py1·ola a a-rifolia Michaux var. purpnr a (Bunge) Fornal 1. H ; L. Pyrola bmcteata Hooker var. bmcteata. IT ; B, R. Pyrola bra teata var. in camata. De andoll e. II; M. Py rola chlomnt1w wartz. II; B, R. Pyrola dentata Smith var. dentata. II; R. Pyrola dentata var. int gm Gray. H ; M, , L. Pyrola minor Linna us. r; R. Pyrola picta Smith. IT ; B, R, M, , T.1 . Py1·ola secnnda Linnaeu . IT : B, R M L . Pyrola uliginosa Torrey. IT ; B, R. Py1·ola nnifiora Linnaeus. r· B R. Rhocloclendron albifiorum IT ooker. Ph ; B, R. a·rcod s sanguinea Torrey. r· L. l accinium cae pitosum ilichaux. h; B M S. Vaccinium delicio tun Piper·. h · B, R. Vacciniunt membranacenm Douo-las. Ph; B, R, )[, Vaccinittnt occidentale rray. Ph ; M, L. Vaccinium ovctlifolium mith. Ph ; B, R. Vacciniunt ovatum Pur h. Ph; R. Vctccinium pa1·vi[olittnt mith. Ph; B, R. V acciniwn scopa1·ium Leibero-. h ; B, R, M.

EMPETRAOEAE Empetrum, nigrum Linnaeu. . h; B, R.

PRIMULAOEAE Doclecatheon alpimmt (Gray) reene. II; l\J, L. Doclecatheon vi·l'ipcmtm. r.rcene. H ; R . Dou,r;lasia let t>i_qata Gray var. ciliolata on tance. Oh ; R. Lysimachia thTysifiora Linnaeus. IT; l.J. T1·ientalis arctica Fi cher. Or; B, R. T 1·ientalis europaea T.1 innaeus var. latifolia Torrey. r· B, R, ::\I, .. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS OOKE 17

E TIANA EAE G ntuttU£ mnareUa Linnaeu:. Th ; B, h G ntiana caly osa ei ebach. II; R. Gentiana n wben·yi Gray. r; L. Gentiana simplex Gray. H · M, , L. Menyanthes trifoliata J..~im1aeu . r; B R.


Apocynum pumilmn (Gray) rreene. Cr; R , ~I , , L. Cycladenia hmnilis Bentham. Cr; S, L.

AS LEPI D EAE Ascl ]Juts co rdifolut (Bentham) Jepson. II; , L.

ONVOLVULA EAE Conrolt·ttlus at·vensis Liunaeus. H; , L. Convolvulus malacophylltts Greene. II; L. Convolt·ulus polymo·rphus reene. II; L. Cusctdct brachycaly. (Yuncker) Yuncker. Th ; L. Cuscutct califomica hoi y. Th; L. Ott ctda ceanothi Behr. Th; L.

POLEMONIACEAE Collomia grandiftora Dougla . Th; {, S, h Collomia hetet·ophylla Hooker. I-I; B. ollmnia lat·senii (Gray) Pay on. I-I; L. Collmnia lineat·is uttall. Th; R, M, L. ollomia mazama oville. II; M. ollmnia tinctot·ia Kellog . Th; M, , L. Gilia aggt·egata (Pursh) prengel. Th; M, , L. Gilia capillat·is Kellogg. Th · M, S, L. Gilia capitata Douglas. Th ; R. Gilia congesta Hooker var. congesta. H; Gilia capitata Douglas. Th; R. Gilia congesta Hooker var. congesta. H; Gilia congesta var. montana ( el on and Kearney) Con tance and Rollins. IT· M. L. 48 THE WASMAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

Gilia gilioides (Bentham) Greene Yar. integrifolia Brand aee. Th;L. Gilia gmct"lis Hooker. Th; B, R. Gilia het r·ophylla Doualas. Th ; R. Gilia lm·s nii Gray. H · R. Gilia l ptalea (Gray) Greene. Th; S L. Gilia leptornM·ia Gray. Th; S. Oilia nuttallii Gray. H; R. L ptoda tylon pung n (Torrey) Rydbera. Ph; 1. S. L eptodactylon pung ns p. pulchr·iflonun (Brandeg e) H. L. Ma on. Ph; L. Linanthus ciliatus (Bentham) Greene. Th; L. J.Ananthus har·knessii ( urran) Greene. Th; M S, L. N avarretia divar·icata (Torrey) Greene. Th ; M. Navan· tia inter·textum (Bentham) Hooker. Th; L. Natar-r- tia rninirna Nuttall Th · L. Navarretia pr·olifem Greene. Th; S. NavarTetia propinqua Suk dorf. Th; L. Phlox br·yoides Nuttall. H; L. Phlox diffusa Bentham. h; B. R. L. Phlox douglasii Hooker. h; M, . Phlox gr·acilis (Doualas) Greene. Th; M, , L. Polernoniurn califomicurn Ea twood. H · L. Polernoniurn colurnbianurn Rydberg. H · R. Polernoniurn elegans Greene. H ; B, R. Polernoniurn occidentale Greene. H; M. Polernoniurn 1Jilosurn (Greenman ) G. N. Jone . II; R. Polernonittm 1ntlchen·irntun Hooker. H; M, , L.

HYDROPHYLLA EAE Hyd,rophyllurn albifr·ons Heller. II; B, M. H ydrophyllurn congestmn Wiegand. H; R. Hydrophyllurn occidentcde (Wat on ) Gray. H; L. Hydr·ophyllurn viridulurn 0. N. Jones. II· R. arna d nsum Lemmon. Th; . arna lobbii G1·a?. II; S, J.1. N ernophila pan·iflom Douala . Th · B, R. N emophila 1Jedunculata Douglas. Th; L. ernorJhilC£ spC£thttlata oville. Th ; L. Phac lin w lifomica hamisso var. t·irgata ( Gr ene) Jep on. II · FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS- COOKE 49

Phac lie£ frigida Greene. II; R, , J.1. Phac lia h t 1·ophylla Pur h. II; B, M. Phac liet hydrophylloides Torrey. IT · L. Phac lia l ucophylla Torrey. IT · M, Phacelia linearis (Pursh ) Jiolz. Th; Phacelict mutabilis reene. JI · B R, Phacelia n moralis Greene. II; B. Phacelia procem Gray. IT ; L. Phacelia me mosa (Kellooooo) Brandeooee. Th; L. Phacelia e1·icea (Graham) Gray. IT; B R. R01nanzo[fia sitchensis Bongard. H; B, R.

BORAGI A EAE Alloca·rya cognata Greene. Th; L. Allocm·ya hispidula Greene. Th; L. Amsinckia intermedia Fi cher and 1:ey r. Th; R. C1·yptantha affinis (Gray) Th; M, S, L. C1·yptantha ambigua (Gray) Greene. Th; L. C1·yptantha hendeTsonii (A. Nel on) Piper. Th; R. C1·yptantha simulans Greene. Th; L. Cryptantha ubretu a John ton. H ; M, L. C1·yptantha torTeyana (Gray) Greene. Th; M, S, L. Cynoglos mn occidentale Gray. H; M, , L. Hackelia califomica (Gray) I . M. Johnston. H; M, , L. Hackelia fioribunda (Lehmann) I. 1:. Johnston. H ; L. Hackelia jessicae (Macgregor) Brandegee. H; M. Hackelia n e1·vosa (Kellogg) I. M. Johnston. H; L. Lithospe1·mum ruderale Douglas. H · S. Me1·tensia laevigata Piper. H ; R. i1i et·tensia paniwlata var. subc01·data (Greene) Macbride. H ; •L Myosotis sylvatica Hoffman. H (Th); R. Pectocm·ya pusilla (De andolle) Gray. Th; S. PlaoiobotJu·ys hispidus Gra;\. Th ; ~I , , h

LABIATAE Agastache pa1·vifolia Eastwood. II; L. Lycopus unij!01·us Michau..'l:. H; R. Ma1-rubium vulgare Linnaeus. H ; S. Mentha arvensis Linnaeus. H ; L. 50 THE WAS tANN JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VOJ .. 20, 1962

Jllentha can,acl n is Linnaeu. H; R. ~fentha piperita Linnaeu . II; R. 1II i rom ric£ chmnissonis 0 r·cene. h; R, 1\'I. jJ[ ona rdella di~color 'recne. II; R. Uo na rdella odorcdissima Bentham p. oclomtis irna. IT; I, lllonardella odoratissirna p. pallicla (Heller) Eplina. II; S, L. W pet a cataria Linnaeus. II; R. ep ta hedemcea (Linnaeu ) Torrey var. pa1·viflom (Bentham) Durand. H; B, R. Pnm lla vulga1·i Linnaeus. H; R, S. Pmn lla vulga·ris var. lanceolata (Barton) Fernald. II; B, h Pycnanthemmn califo7'1ticum Torrey. r; . Salvia sonomensis Greene. H; S. Scutella1·ia angustifolia Pur h. H; M. Sctdellm·ia antin·hinoicles Bentham. H · L. Sctdellaria nana Gray. H; S, L. Scutellaria iphocarnpyloicles Vathe. H; L. tachy ciliata Douala . r; B, R, M. Stachys rigicla Nuttall s p. 1·ivula1·is (Hill) Eplina. r ; .f . , I.1. T1·ichostema lane olattun Bentham. Tb ; L.

SOLANA EAE Chamaesctmcha nana (Gray) Gray. Cr; M, S, L. Nicotiana attenuata Torrey. H; S, L. Solanum villosum Miller. Th; R.

CROPHULARIACEAE astilleja angusti[olia (Nuttall) G. Don. H ; B. Castilleja applegatei Fernald. H; M, S, L. Castt'lleja amchrwiclea Greenman var. amchnoiclea. II; L Castilleja amchnoidea var. shastensis (Eastwood) Pennell. H; S. Castt'lleja crispula Piper. H; B, R. astilleja c1·ypta.ntha (Pennell) G. . Jones. II; R. astilleja hispicla Bentham. II; R. a tilleja lassenensi Eastwood. H; L. Castilleja miniata Dou"'la .. II; B, R, I, S L. Castilleja 01·eopola Greenam. II; B, R. astilleja pa1·viflora Bon"'ard. H; B. Castilleja payneae Ea twood. II; L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAI S-COOKE 51

a tilleja pinetorum Fernald. II; M, Castilleja pminosa Fernald. H; S. astilleja, rupi ola Piper. II; B, R. astill ja suk dorfii Gray. II· M. ('ollinsia pctrvifiora ouo-las. Th; R, M, , L. ollinsia torr yi Gray var. latifolia ew on. Th ; I.1. Co llinsut torreyi var. wrightii (Watson ) John ton. Th · r. .. C'ordJtlanthus bolandet·i ( G nty) Pennell. Th; Tj. Digitalis purpurea Linnaeus. II; B R. Gmtiola ebmcteata Bentham. Th ; JJ. jJJimulus al inoides Doug! a . Th · R. Minwlu b1·ew ri (Greene) ovill e. Th ; R, {, , L. llfimulu ctespitosus :rreene. H · R. jJ[imulu d nstts Grant. Th ; L. Mimulus guttatus Fischer var. gnttatus. H; B, R M, I.J. Mimulu gttttatus var. pubentlus -rant. II· Mintttltts jep onii Grant. Th; L. jJJ imulus laxus Pennell. II ( Th) ; S L. Mimulus layneae (Greene) J epson. Th; L. jJfimultt l pta-Zeus Gray. Th · L. Mimultt lewi ii Pursh. II; B, R, M, L . .llimulus lewisii forma lett f'rtdhnts Hardin. IT ; B. Mimttltts moniliformis Ore ne. H; .lfimulus mo. chatu Douo-la .. H · B, R, M, S L. Mimttlus nanus Hooker and Arnott. Th ; M. Uimttlus nasutus Greene. Th; B. Mimultts p1·imuloides Bentham var. primuloides. II· ?II, , L. Minttlu p1·imuloides var. piloselltts (Greene) mile:'. IT ; I[ L. Jl intttlus pulsiferae Gray. Th; L. Mimttl1LS tilingii Ren-el. H; B M, S, L . .ll imuln tilingii var. caespito us ( rreene) rrant. H ; B . .llimttlus ton·eyi Gray. Tb ; . L. Orthocarptts campestris Bentham. Th ; L. Orthocarptts copelandii Eastwood var. cryptanthus (Piper) Keele Th· L. OrthocaqntS hispidus Bentham. Th; L. Orthocarpus imbricatus Torrey. Th ; M, P dicular·is attolens Gray. H; L. P diculwris br·a cteosa Bentham. H · B. P dicttlar·i contorta Bentham. H · B, R. 52 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, V01. . 20, 1962

P dicularis densifiom Bentham. II; . P edicula·ris g·ro enlandica Retz. II; B, i\1, L. Pedicula1·i lati[olia Pennell. H; R. Pedicttla·ri ornithorhynchus Bentham. II; R. Peclicularis m cemosa Dougla . I-1; B, R, M. Peclicula1·is minie·rensis Pennell and ·warren. I-1; R. Pediculm·is semibarbata Gray. I-I; L. Pedictdaris su1-recta Bentham. II; R. Penstemon cine1·eus Piper. II; Penstemon cinicola Keele I-I; M, L. Pen temon con[e1·tus Dou"'la . H; B. Penstemon deust1tS Dougla ·. II; M, , L. Penstemon diffusus Dougla ·. II; B. Penstemon 'liffusttS fo rma albifioms Hardin. II; B. P enstemon fruticosns (Pursh) Greene. Ch; R. Penst mon gracilentus Gra~' · II; , L. P enstemon hespe1·icus Peck. II; M. Pen stem on Ia ttts Gray var. laetu . II· L. P nst mon l(l ettts var. aggitat1ts Keele II; Penstemon lemmonii Gray. h · Penstemon menziesii var. dat·idsonii (Greene) Piper. Ch; B, R, I, , L. Penstemon neote1·icus Keck. II; I.J. Penstemon nenw1·osus (DouO'las ) Trautvetter. I-1 ; R. P enstemon newben·yi Gray. Ch ; Ch; S, L. Penstemon o·reocha1·is Greene. I-1 · L. Penstemon ovatus Douglas. I-I; L. Penstemon procents Dougla . I-I; B. Penstemon mttanii var. minor Gray. II; l\1. Penstemon mpicola liowell. Ch; R, M. Penstemon serndatu Menzie . I-I ; R. Penstemon shastensis Keele II; , L. Penstemon peciosttS Dougla .. II: M: L. Penstemon tolmei Rooker. R ; R. crophularia californica ham isso. R · M. V erbascum blattaria Linnacn . II; L. V erbaswnt tha.spns Linnaeus. II; R, S. L. V e·ronica alpina Linnaeu ,·a r. alternifolia Fernald. H ; h V M'Onica alpina var. ca.scadensi Fernald. H · S. V e1·onica. ame·ricana (Rafin e. que ) ~chweinitr.. C'h; B. R, t J.1. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO NTAIN8-COOKE 53

Veroniw aru nsis Linnaeus. Th ; B, R. V e1·oniw cusickii Gray. H ; R. Veronica peregrina Linnaeu p. xalapensis (Humboldt, Bon­ pland and Kunth) Penn ll. Th; L. V eronica cutellata Linnaeus. H; R. Veronica rpyllifolia Linnaeu var. hwniftt a (Dickson) Vahl. IT ; B, R, i,S,L. VeroniC(I tconnskjoldii Roemer and chultes. IT ; B, R, M,

OROBANCHACEAE Kopsiopsis st?-obilacea (Gray) G. Beck. Cr; S. 0,-obanch fasciculata Nuttall var. fascicttlata. Cr; L. Orobanch fascicttlata var. fmnciswna Ackey. Cr; M. 01·obanch pinorttm Geyer. Cr; L. Orobanche edi ( uk ·dorf) Fernald. r ; R. Orob£tnch ttniftom Linnaeus var. ttniftora. r; . Orolwnch unifiom var-. minttta ( uk dorf) G. Beck. Cr; f.

L E TIB LARIA EAE Pingnicttlct vulgaris Linnaeu . IT ; B, R. Utricularia sp. r ; L.

PJ.JANTAGINA EAE Plantago lanceolata Linnaeus. H ; R, , JJ. Plantctgo major Linnaeus. H; B, R, L.

RUBIA EAE Galium apctrin Linnaeus. Th ; R, {, , h Galiurn etsperrimtun Gray. II· L Galittrn bifolittm Watson. Th ; M, S h Galitun boland ri Gray. IT ; , L. Galitun boreal Linnaeu . IT · B. Galium. brandegei Gray. II; l\I. Galinm cymosum Wiecra nd. JI ; R. Galittm grayannrn Ehrenberg. II; L. Getliwn mdtetllii Gray. II; . Galiu1n or ganttm Britton. II; R, I. Galium fi 11 ctoriurn Lirma u . Il · B. THE WASMAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VOL. 20, 1962

Gctlium trifidum Linnaeus var. t1·ijidum. II; R, f Galium t1·i[idum var. pusillum 'ray. II; L. Galium t1·i[idum var. subbifiontm Wie and II· L. Galium trifionun rfichaux. H · B R, f, h f( elloggia galioides Torrey. H; M, , L.

APRIFOLL EAE Linna a bor ali vat·.longifiora (Toney ) IInlt'n. ('h: B. R. Jf, . . Lonicem cilio. a (Pur. h) Poiret. Ph; B R. Lonic m conjugC£lis Kellogg. Ph; M, , L. Lonic ra involucratct BanJ, . Ph · B, R, I, L. Lonic m tdahen is Wat on. Ph· B, f. ambtteus coenllea Rafine que. Ph ; B M, .. • mnbttcus glcm a uttall. Ph; R, L. mnbttcus mi robot1·ys Rydb rg. Ph ; L. ~ ambttetts racemosa Linnaeu . Ph· . ambucusrac nw avar. callicarpn ( Ot· ene ) .1 p~on . Ph : B. R, Jl. ymphorica1'1JO cwutn (Gray) Dieck. Ph; , TJ. ymphoricm·po albu (Linnaeu ·) Blake. Ph; B R , :\[. ymphoricarpo molli uttall. h · R. ymphoricarpos vac inioide. Rydberg. Ph; , lJ. 1 ibunnun 1Jaucijlontnt Rafine. que. Ph; B, R.

DIP A EAE Dipsacus ylv st?·is Ilud on. Th;

VALERIANA EAE Va.Z riana capita.ta Pallas var. califomicct (Heller) F. G. J!eyct·. II; L. Val 1·iana sitchensis Bongard var. sitchensi . H · B R, ~[. 1 al 1·iana sitchensis var. hookeri ( huttleworth ) G. . .Jon es. IT;R.

AMP A.!"\TULA EAE C'ampanulC£ pre1wnthoides Durand. H; M. C'mn7Janula rotundifolict Linnaeu . H ; B, R. C'am1Janttla seoul ri IIooker. I1; R, I. C'ampanttla wilkin iana Greene. IT· . If t rocodon 1'Ct1'ifionun Nuttall. Th; l\I, L. FLORA OF THE CA CADE 10 TAl S-cOOKE 55


Porterella arnosula (IIookel' and Arnott) Torre~ · . Th ; r,.

OMPO ITAE lchillea lanulo a uttall var-. lmwlosa. II; B, R, M, , L. i chill a lanulosa var. alpicola (Rydberg) Keck. H; R, . Lchillea mill folium Linnaeu var. nigrescens E. ie~ er. II; B. ,ldenocaulon bicolor Hooker. II· B, R, M, L. lgoseris anrantia a (Hooker) :rreene. H; B, R, M, L. Jlgos ris glcmca (Pnrsh ) rreene var. aspem (R ~ ·dberg) Piper. II; H, )f, Ago eris gla.uca var. monticola (Or ne) Q. Jones. II; :M, , L. Agoser·is gmcilens (Gray) Kuntze. H; B, R, M, . A.gos ris gmndifiom ( u ttall) Greene. II; , JJ. A go eris heter·ophylla (Nuttall) Greene. II; Ago. eris laciniata (Nuttall) Greene. II; R. Ago ris retr·or· a (Bentham) Greene. H; L. Anaphalis ma·rgar·itacea (Linnaeus) Bentham and Hooker val'. rnargctr'itacea. II; B, R, £, , L. A naphali rnar·garitacea var. occidentalis Greene. TI; B. Anaphalis nwrgaritacea var. subalpine Gray. H ; B, H. lntennar·ict candida Gt·ecne. h; R. Antennar·ia geye·ri Gra~· - H; 1 S, L. Ant mwr·ia gonnanii t. John. H; B. A ntennaria ho11• ellii Greene. h · B, R. Ant nnm·ia lanata (Hooker) ~l'eene. H; B, R. Antenna ria m dia Or en e. H · B, M, S, L. l nt nnaria ra.cenwsa ITooker. h; R, M. Ant rma ria ros a , reene. h; B, R, if, , L. 1nt mwria tornentella el on. H; B. Ant rma ria umbrinella Rydber·"'· H · . Anthernis ar·v nsis Linnaeus. Th · B, R. 1nthemis cotnlct Linnaeus. Th; . lrctinrn rninu. (IT ill ) Bcrnhardi. II; B, R. Arnica ampl xicanlis Nuttall H · R. !mica amplexifolia Rydb rg. IT· B, L I rnicct aspe m :rreene. II; R. lrnica b tonicaefolia Greene. IT; B, R. Amicct chamis onis T,e .. ing s p. foliosa (Nuttall ) Mag-uire. IT: L. 56 THE WASMANN JOUR AL OF BIOLOGY, V01 .. 20, 1962

1rnica co-rdifolia llooker. IT; R, M. 1mica diversifolia Greene. H; R. .tlrnica latifolia Bongard. H; B . .tl1·nica longifolia D. C. Eaton ·p. myriad 11ia (Piper) 1Ia~uirc . H;R,M,S,L. Arnica rnacounii Greene. H; B, R. Amica mollis Hooker. H; B, R, M, S, L. Arnica nevadensis Gray. II; L. A1·nica, parryi Gray. H; R, M. A rnica parvifiom var. alata (Piper) Ia"'uire. H· 1:. Arnica, 1·ydbet·gii Greene. H; B, R, M. A1·nica visco a Gray. H; M, S. A1·temisia a1·ctica Lees. H; R. Artemisia dive1·si[olia Rydber"'. H; R. Al'temisia dougla.siana Be er. H; S. A:rtemisia tacomensis Rydberg. H · R. Artemisia t1·identata Nuttall. Ph; M, S, L. Artemisia vulgaris Linnaeu ·ubsp. heterophylla (~utta ll ) Hall and Clements. H; B. ATtemisia vulgaris var. litomlis ( Suksdorf) Ilall and lcments. H;B. A ·rtemisia vulgaris var. ludoviciana Hall. H; M. Astet· adscendens Lindley. H; M. Aster alpigenus (Torrey and Gray) Gray. H; R. Aster alpigenus ssp. ande1·sonii ( Gra ~' ) Onno. TI; L. Aste1· bake·rensis St. John. H; B. Aster canescens Pursh. H; L. Aster douglasii Lindley. H; B. R. Aste1· eatonii (Gray) HowelJ. H; S, L. A.ster engelmannii Gray. H; B. Aster foliaceus LindJey. H; B, R. 1stet· foliaceus var. [1·ondosus Gray. H; B. A ter foliaceus var. pa~Tyi (D. C. Eaton) Gra~·. II; L. Aster fremontii (Torrey and Gra>' ) Gray. H; . Aste1· integ1·i[olius uttall. H; L. Aster ledophyllus Gray. H · R, M. •1ste1· major (Hooker) Porter. H; B. Aste1· modestus Lindley. H; R, 1:. 1Lste1· occidentalis ( uttall) Torrey and Gray. H· S. ister occidentalis var. intermedius Gra~' · H; I.1. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO TAl S-COOKE 57

Ast r rc~dulintt Gmy. H; . ~1 ·ter ·ha t n i Gray var. sha t nsis. II· 1 t r Jwst nsi var. radiata Gray. II; M. A t r . hasten is var. glossophyllus (Piper) ronqui t. H · Balsamorhiza .·agittata (Pur:h) Nuttall. II· h Bid ns c nmna Linnaeu. II; L. Biden. · [1·ondosct Linnaeus. Th; R. B 1·ick llia grandiftom uttalJ. II; L. B1·ickellia gr enei Gray. H · L. Chaena tis douglasii IIooker and Arnott. H; 1. haena tis douglasii var. achillaefolia (Dotl"'la and Arnott) ·el:on. H; , L. 'lw nacti. clottglasii var. alpina ray. II; M. Chaenacti do·uglasii var. montana Jone ·. H; haenctctis nevadensis (KelJoaa) Gray. H · L. haena tis pwnila Greene. H; . ha nactis 1·ubricaulis Greene. II· hryscn1 th nnun l uca.nthemum J_Ji nnaeu . H; R, L. lu·ysctnthemwn l tt anthemnm var. pin1wtifidum Lecoq and Lamotte. II; B . 'hrysanthemmn pa?'thenium (Linnaeu:) Bernhardi. II; R. h·rysOJJSis brewm·i Gray var. bre1 m·i. H; L. ChTysopsis br we1·i var. multibmcteata Jep on. H ; L. 'My ·othamnus nauseosus (Palla ) Britton p. albicaulis ut- tall) Hall and lements. Ph ; h Ju·ysothamm~.; ?Wtts o us var. occid ntalis (Gray) Hall. Ph ; hrysothcmtmts na.useosus var. speciosus (Nuttall ) Hall. Ph ; M. lu·ysothamnu pan·yi (Gray) Greene · ·p. latio1· Hall and Cle- ment:. Ph· h h?-ysothctntn t t.;~ vis idiftorus (Hooker) NuttaU s p . vi cidiftoms. Ph · , I. hrysothmnnus vi cidiftoms p. pumilu (Nuttall) Hall and lement.. Ph· ichorium intybtLS Linnaeus. H ; R, L. iTsium an cl ersonii ( ray) .J ep on. II; L. Cirsittm an;ens (Linnaeu:) copoli. r; B R. Ci·rsitmt clougla ii De andoll e var. canes n (Petrak) J . T. IIowell. II · L. Cirsium dul uttall. H · B, R. Cirsiton folio smn (IIooker) e andolle. II; L . 5 THE WASMANN JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, Vor .. 20, 1962

Cirsinm lanceolatnm (Linnaeu ) copoli. H ; B. ( 'ir ium 'Vulgar ( avi) Tenore. H; R, I.1. ( 'repis acuminata uttall. IT; , L. ('r pis capillm·is (Linnaeus) \\ allroth. ll; B R h C1·epis monticola oviUe. II; L. r pis occiclentalis Nuttall. IT ; L. 'r pis pl urocm·pa Gray. IT· M. E ·rigeron ac1·is Linnaeus var. clebilis Gray. II; R, M. Erigeron aliciae Howell. H; M. Erig 1·on annttus Persoon. Th · B. E rig ron aurett Greene. H · B. E rineron barbellulatu reene. II; L. Erineron br 11 eri Gray. H; L. Erigeron canculensis Linnaeus. Th · R, L. Rrig ron compositu Pur. h var. glabTa.tus Iaconn. IT ; B, ::\[. , L. Erigeron confinus Howell. II; M. Erigeron coulteri Porter. H; L. Erig ron 7ongatus Ledebour. IT (Th) · R. E riaeron filifolius 1 uttall. H; Eria ron inornatu ( rray) Gray. II· , L. 1!: rigeron las. enianu Greene. H ; L. ltriaeron linectris var. elegantu7us ( reene) .J. T. Howell. II; M, L. Eria ron 1J reg rinus (Pursh ) Gre ne . p. angusti[olius (Gray) ronqui t. H ; L. Erigeron p regrinus sp. callianth mus (Greene) ronqui -t. IT · L. Erigeron per gTinus sp. hi1·stdus ronquist. H ; h Erig ron 1 hi7acl lphicus Linnaeus. H · B, R, i , l!:rigeron mmosu (Walter ) Britton tern. and PoO'O' nb r'g. H (Th ); R. Erig ron sa7suginostt Gray. II; B, R, M. !Crigeron sa7suginosus var. angnstifo7ius Gray. H· B. Erigeron sp ciosus De andolle II; R. h'ri_qeron tTificlus Hooker. H ; B, R. Eriophyllmn lanatmn (Pursh) Forbes. H; B, R. Eriophyllum lcmcttum var. achillaeoid s (De andolle) J ep on. II; M, ,L. Eriophyllmn lcmatum var. integ1·i[olium (Hooker) mil ey. II; i, S, L. Enpatorium occidentale llooker. H · R, S, L. Chwphalittm johnstonii G. N. Jone. II· R. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS-COOKE 59

Chwplwlium microc phalttm uttall. H; r£, , L. Chtctplutliwn palust·re uttall. Th · S, L. Gna]Jhaliurn pu1·ptt1· tun uttall. II; B. (}napJwlium ttligino wn Linnaeu . II; B. Chta]Jhalium ustttlatum uttall. II; R. Jlaplopa ppus bloomeri Gray var. angustatus IIall. Ph· M,. ', J,. JJ aplopavpus bm ndegei Gray. (Ph) II; R. lia]Jlopa]J}JtlS green i Gr·ay. Ph; f_;. II aplOJiOJiJJUS lyallii Gray. H; B, R. H el nium bigelovii Gray. II; M, , L. IT lianth lla alifornica my var. n vad nsis (Greene) .Jepso n. II· L. 11 elianthu bolcmderi Gray. Th ; L. Iliera ium albifionun Hooker. IT ; B, R, M, , L. Hiem cimn bolanderi 'ray. H; M, L. Hiera.cium cusickii Gando()'er. II; R. Ifiem ium cynoglos oides Arvet-Touvet. H · 1\'I. H iemcium fi ettii t . .John and W an·en. H; R. Ifiem ium gracile Hooker. II; B, R, 1, , L. Iliem cium gre nei Gray. H; L. lfi ra imn horridmn Frie. II· M, , L. flieracium howellii ray. II· 1. Iliera ciurn scouleri llooker var. nuclicaule (Gray) ronqnist. II: )I . TJ. Jluls a 1W1W Gmy. II; R, 1\'I, , L. Iful · ct 1W1Ut var. lm·senii Gray. H ; 1\'I, S, L. Ily7J0 ho ri. mclicata Linnaeu . . H; B, R. Lact1lca s rriola Linnaeu . Th; B, L. Lactttrrt . ]Jicctta (Lamarck) Hitchcock. Th ; B, R. Lapsana ornnmm:s Linnaeu . Th · R. Luina hy1 ol u a Bentham. H; B, R. Madict bolancl ri Gray. IT· 1\'I, , L. ~Afaclia clissitifiora (Nuttall) Torrey and Gray. TI · B. Madia el gans Don. Th; L . Madia exigua ( mith ) Greene. Th; R. Madia glomemta Hooker. Th; B, L. Ma.dia gracilis ( mith) Keele Th ; 1\'I, S, L . .ll aclia minima (Gray) Keele Th; , L. Mat·rica ria matricm·ioicles (Le ing) Porter. Th ; R, L. Matricctria uaveolens (Pur h ) Buchenau. Th ; B. 60 THE WASMANN JOUR 1AL OF BIOLOGY, V01.. 20, 1962

Micro eris linea·rifolius (DeCandolle) Gray. H; B. iliiC'roseris nutcms (IIooker) cbultz-Bipontinu . H · M, , J.J. Petasites ni·wlis Greene. r ; B, R. Petasites S1Jeciosus ( uttall) Piper. r ; B, R. Pr e n~mth e s lessingii IIulten. II; B R. Raillardella arg ntea Gray. H ; M, L. Rainiera strictct Greene. II; R. Rurlb ckia cctlifomiw Gray. II; M. Saussurea c£?nericana D. C. Eaton. II; R. Scorzonella borealis (Bongard) Greene. IT ; R S enecio a-ronicioid s De ando1le. H; S, L. Senecio canus Hooker. II; S, L. enecio cyrnba.la1·ioides uttall. H ; B, . • enecio fl ettii Wiegand. H; R. enecio [1· e1nontii Torrey and Gray. II; R, L. S enecio howellii Greene. II; M, S. enecio integen·imus uttall. H; B, R, M. enecio leibe1·gii Greene. H; R. • enecio oreopolus Greenman. H ; S. S enecio pauciflontS Pursh. H; L. enecio psettda.uret£S Rydber . H ; B, M. S en ecio sco·rzonella Greene. H; L. enecio subnudus DeCandolle. H; R. enecio sttksdorfii Greenman. H; R. enecio sylvatict£S Linnaeus. Th; B, R. S enecio triangula1·is Hooker. H; B, R, M, S, L. S enecio t·riangulm·is var. tt·ichophyllus St. John and Ilardin. H ; B. S enecio vulga·ris Linnaeus. Th; R. Solidago algida Piper. H; B. Solidago bellidifolia Greene. U · R. olidago ciliosa Greene. H · R. Solidago lepida DeCandolle var. elongata Nuttall ) F ernald. II; R,M,S, L. Solidago lepida var. fallax Fernald. II; B onchus a1·vensis Linnaeu . Th; S. Sonchus asper (Linnaeu ) Hill. Tb; R. Sonchus oleraceus Linnaeu . Th; R. L. Stephanome1·ia lactucina Gray. Th ; £, S, h Stephcmomeria tenuifolia (Torrey ) Hall. H; L. FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO TAl S-COOKE 61

t phanorneria vi·rgata Bentham. Th; 1'an.acetttrn vttlgat·e Linnaeus. II· L. 1'amxacttm c ratophomm (Ledebour) De andolle. II; B. 'l'araxacttm officin.ale W'igg r . H · R, , L. 'l'Ct'rcu:;a.cttm pa.lttst?-e var. vulgct·r (J.Jamarck) Fernald. II; B, M. 1'mgopogon dttbitts copoli. II; , L. 'l'mgopogon lJO'ITifolitts Linnaeu . H; R. Whitney a dealbata Gray. H; L. Wyethia mollis Gray. H; L.


APPLEGATE, E. I. 1939. Plants of Crater Lake ational Park. American Midland at­ uralist, 22 : 255- 314. COOKt:, w. B. 1940. Flora of Mount Shasta. American Midland Naturalist, 22 : 497- 572. 1941. First supplement to the flora of Mount Shasta. American Mid­ land Naturalist, 26 : 74- 84. 1949. Second supplement to the flora of Mount Shasta. American Midland Naturalist, 41:174- 183. 1955. Fungi of Mount Shasta, 1936- 1951. Sydowia, Annales Myco­ logici, ser. II, 9: 94-215. 1962. Third supplement to the flora of Mount Shasta. In mss.

GJLLET'r, G. W., J . T. Howl:J.L, AND H. Lt;S<'llKE 1961. A flm·a of Lassen Volcanic ational Park. Wasmann Journal or Biology, 19 : 1-185.

JONE ', G. 1938. The flowering plants and ferns of Mount Rainier. Univers ity of Publications in Biology, 7:1- 192.

MUENSGHER, W. C. 1941. The flo1·a of Whatcom County, State of Washington. Published by the author, Ithaca, ew York. pp. 1-139.

ST. JOliN, H. E., AND E. HARDIN 1929. Flora of Mt. Baker. Mazama, 11: 52-102. 62 THE WASMANN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962


Abies, 3, 13 Asclepiadaceae, 47 Acer, 40 Asclepias, 47 Aceraceae, 40 Asparagus, 22 Achillea, 55 Asplenium, 11 Achlys, 31 Aster, 56 Aconitum, 30 Astragalus, 38 Actaea, 30 Athyrium, 11 Adenocaulon, 55 Avena, 15 Adiantum, 11 Agastache, 49 Balsamorhiza, 57 Agoseris, 55 Barbarea, 32 Agropyron, 14 Berber·idaceae, 31 Agrostis, 15 Be r·bel"is, 31 Aira, 15 Betula, 25 Alismataceae, 14 Betulaceae, 25 Allium, 22 Biden.s, 57 Allocarya, 49 Bois duvalia, 42 Allotropa, 45 Boraginaceae, 49 Alnus, 25 Botrychium, 12 Alopecurus, 15 Boykinia, 34 Amaranthaceae, 27 Brassica, 32 Amaranthus, 27 Brickellia, 57 Amelanchier, 36 Brodiaea, 22 Amsinckia, 49 Bromus, 15 Anacardiaceae, 40 Anaphalis, 55 Calamagrostis, 15 Anemone, 30 Calandr·inia, 27 Angelica, 44 Callitrichaceae, 40 Antennaria, 55 Callitriche, 40 Anthemis, 55 Calocedrus, 13 Apocynaceae, 47 Calochortus, 22 Apocynum, 47 Caltha, 30 Aquilegia, 30 Calypso, 24 Arabis, 32 Calyptridium, 27 Araceae, 21 Camassia, 22 Araliaceae, 43 Camelina, 32 Arbutus, 45 Campanula, 54 Arceuthobium, 25 Campanulaceae, 54 Arctium, 55 Caprifoliaceae, 54 Arctostaphylos, 45 Capsella, 32 Ar·enaria, 28 Cardamine, 32 Arnica, 55 Car x, 18 Aristolocbiaceae, 26 Caryopbyllaceae, 2 Artemis ia, 56 Ca siope, 45 Aruncus, 36 Castanopsis, 25 Asarum, 26 Castilleja, 50 FLORA 01<' THE CASCADE MO NTAI S-cOOKE 63

Ceanothus, 40 Cyperaceae, 18 Celastt·aceae, 40 Cyperus, 20 Cephala nthera, 24 Cystopteri , 11 Cerastium, 29 Cercocarpus, 36 Dactylis, 15 Chaenactis, 57 Danthonia, 15 Chamaebatiaria, 36 Delphinium, 30 Chamaecyparis, 3, 14 Dentaria, 33 Chamaesaracha, 50 Deschampsia, 16 Cheilanthes, 11 Descurainia, 33 Chenopodiaceae, 27 Dicentra, 31 Chenopodium, 27 Digitalis, 51 Chimaphila, 45 Dipsa caceae, 54 Chrysanthemum, 57 Dipsacus, 54 Chrysopsis, 57 Disporum, 22 Chrysosplenium, 34 Dodecatheon, 46 Chrysothamnus, 57 Douglasia, 46 Cichorium, 57 Draba, 33 Cicuta, 44 Drosera, 33 Cinna, 15 Dt·oseraceae, 33 Circaea, 42 Dryas, 36 Cirsium, 57 Dryopteris, 11 Cladothamnus, 45 Clarkia, 42 Eleochat·is, 20 Claytonia, 28 Elymus, 16 Clintonia, 22 Empetraceae, 46 Collinsia, 51 Empetrum, 46 Collomia, 47 Epilobium, 42 Compositae, 55 Equisetaceae, 12 Convolvulaceae, 47 Equisetum, 12 Convolvulus, 47 Eremocarpus, 40 Corallorhiza, 24 Ericaceae, 45 Cordylanthus, 51 Erigeron, 58 Cornaceae, 45 Eriogonum, 26 Cornus, 45 El'iophorum, 20 Corydalis, 31 Eriophyllum, 58 Corylus, 25 Erodium, 39 Crassulaceae, 34 Erysimum, 33 Crepis, 58 Erythronium. 22 Cruciferae, 32 Eupatorium, 58 Ct·yptantha, 49 Euphorbia. 40 Cryptog ramma, 11 Euphot·biaceae, 40 Cuscuta, 47 Cupressaceae, 13 Cycladenla. 47 Fagaceae, 25 Cymopterus, 44 Fes tuca, 16 Cynoglossum, 49 Floerkea, 40 Cynosurus, 15 Fragaria, 36 64 THE WASMA · JO RNAL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1962

Fritillaria, 23 Iliamna, 41 Fumariaceae, 31 Iridaceae, 23 Iris, 23 Galium, 53 Isoetaceae, 12 Garrya, 45 Isoetes, 12 Garryaceae, 45 Gaultheria, 45 Juncaceae, 21 Gayophytum, 43 Juncaginaceae, 14 Gentiana, 47 Juncus, 21 Gentianaceae, 47 Juniperus, 14 Geraniaceae, 39 Geranium, 39 Kalmia, 45 Geum, 36 Kelloggia, 54 Gilia, 47 Koeleria, 16 Glyceria, 16 Kopsiopsis, 53 Gnaphalium, 58 Goodyera, 24 Labiatae, 49 Gormania, 34 Lactuca, 59 Gramineae, 14 Lapsana, 59 Gt·atlola, 51 Lathyrus, 38 Ledum, 45 Habenaria, 24 Leguminosae, 3 Hackelia, 49 Lemna, 21 Haloragidaceae. 43 Lemnaceae, 21 Haplopappus, 59 Lentibulariaceae, 53 Harrimanella, 45 Leptarrhena, 34 Helenium, 59 Lepidium, 33 Helianthella, 59 Leptodactylon. 4 Helianthus. 59 Lesquet·ella, 33 Heracleum, 44 Lewisia, 28 Hespet·ogenia, 44 Ligustlcum, 44 Heterocodon, 54 Liliaceae, 22 H euchera, 34 Lilium. 23 Hieracium, 59 Limnanthaceae, 40 Hippurus, 43 Linaceae, 39 Linanthus, 4 Hoi us, 16 Linnaea. 54 Holodiscus, 36 Linum, 39 Hordeum, 16 Listera, 24 Horkelia, 36 Lithospermum, 49 Hulsea, 59 Lithophragma, 34 Hydrophyllaceae, 4 Lloydia, 23 Hydrophyllum, 48 Loasaceae, 42 Hypericaceae, 41 Lobeliaceae, 55 Hypericum, 41 Lolium, 16 Hypochoeris, 59 Lomatium, 44 Hypopitys, 45 Lonicera, 54 FLORA F THE CA ADE MOt: TAl S-COOKE 65

Lorantha · ae. 25 Oenanthe, 44 Lotus, 3 Oenothera, 43 Lupinu ·, 3 Onag1·aceae, 42 Luina, 59 Ophioglo aceae, 12 Lutkea, 36 Oplopanax, 43 Luzula, 21 Orcbidaceae, 24 Lycopodiaceae. 12 Orobancbaceae, 53 Ly opodium, 12 Orobancbe, 53 Lycopu , 49 Orthocarpus, 51 Ly ichiton. 21 Oryzopsis, 17 Lysimacbia, 46 Osmaronia, 36 0 morhiza, 44 Madia, 59 Oxalidaceae, 40 Maianthemum. 23 Oxalis, 40 Malus, 36 Oxypoli , 44 Malva, 41 Oxyria, 26 Malvaceae. H Oxytropis, 39 Marrubium. 49 Matricaria. 59 Pachystima, 40 Medicago. 39 Paeonia. 30 Melica. 16 Panicum, 17 Melilotus. 39 Pamassia. 34 Mentha. 49 Pectocarya, 4 9 1entzeli a. 42 Pediculari , 51 'lenyanthes. 41 Pellaea, 11 M P nzie ~ ia . 4- Penstemon. 52 Mertens ia. 49 Perideridia. 44 MiC'rom ria. 50 P ta ites, 60 Mirroseri ·. 60 Phacelia, 4 'limulus. 51 Pbiladelphus, 34 Mitt>lla . 34 Phleum, 17 Monardella. 50 Phlox, 48 Monolepis. 21 Phoenicaulis, 33 Montropa. 45 Phoradendron, 26 Montia. 2 Phyllodoce. 46 fuhlenbergia. 16 Physaria, 33 Myo~oti s. 49 Phy ocarpu , 36 Myriophyllum. 43 Picea, 13 Pinaceae, 13 ama. 4 Pinguicula, 53 avarretia. 4 Pinus, 3, 13 Nemophila, 4 Pityrogramma, 11 epeta. 50 Plagiobothl'YS, 49 Plantaginaceae, 53 Plantago, 53 Pleurico pora, 46 Pleuropogon, 17 66 THE WASMAN JO R AL OF BIOLOGY, VoL. 20, 1!JG2

Poa,17 Sagina, 29 Polemoniaceae, 47 SagLttaria, 14 Polemonium, 4 alicaceae, 24 Polygala, 40 Salix, 24 Polygalaceae, 40 alsola, 27 Polygonaceae, 26 Salvia, 50 Polygonum, 26 Sambucus, 54 Polypodiaceae, 11 Sanguisorba, 37 Polypodium, 11 anicula, 44 Polypogon, 17 aponaria, 29 Polystichum, 11 arcodes, 46 Populus, 24 Sau urea, 60 Porterella, 55 axifraga, 35 Portulacaceae, 27 axifragaceae, 34 Potamogeton, 14 Schizachne, 17 Potamogetonaceae, 14 Schoenolirion, 23 Potentilla, 36 Scirpus, 20 Prenanthes, 60 Scorzonella, 60 Primulaceae, 46 Scrophularia, 52 Prunella, 50 Scrophulariaceae, 50 Prunus, 37 cutellaria, 50 Pseudotsuga, 3, 13 Sedum, 34 Pteridlum, 12 Selaginella, 13 Pterospora, 46 Selaginellaceae, 13 Puccinellia, 17 Senecio, 60 Pycnanthemum, 50 Setaria, 17 Pyrola, 46 Sidalcea, 41 Silene, 29 Quercus, 25 isymbrium, 33 Sisyrinchium, 23 Raillardella, 60 Sitanion, 17 Rainiera, 60 Slum, 45 Ranunculaceae, 30 Smelowskia, 33 Ranunculus, 30 Smilacina, 23 Rhamnaceae, 40 Solanaceae, 50 Rhamnus, 41 Solanum, 50 Rhododendron, 46 olidago, 60 Rhus, 40 Sonchu. , 60 Ribes, 34 Sorbus, 37 Romanzoffia, 49 Sparganiaceae, 14 Sparganium, 14 Rorippa, 33 Spergula, 29 Rosa, 37 Spergularia, 29 Rosaceae, 36 Sphenosciadium, 45 Rubiaceae, 53 Spiraea, 38 Rubus, 37 Spiranthes. 24 Rudbeckia, 60 • praguea, 2 Rumex, 27 tachys, 50 FLORA OF THE CASCADE MO NTAINS- COOKE 67

Stellaria, 29 Trollius, 31 Stenanthus, 23 Tsuga, 3,13 Stephanomeria, 60 Typha, 14 Stipa, 1- Typbaceae, 14 treptanthu , 33 treptopu . 23 mbelliferae, 44 truthiopteri . 12 rtica, 25 ubularia. 33 Urticaceae, 25 ymphorica rpos, 54 Urticula ria, 53

Tanacetum, 6 Vaccinium, 46 Taraxacum. 61 Valeriana, 54 Taxa eae, 13 Valerianaceae, 54 Taxu , 13 Vancouveria, 31 Tellima, 35 Ver·atrum, 23 Thalictrum. 31 Verbascum, 52 Thlaspi, 33 Veronica. 52 Thuja. 3, 14 Viburnum, 54 Tiar·ella, 36 Vicia, 39 Tofieldia. 23 Viola, 41 Tolmiea, 36 Violaceae. 41 Torreya, 13 Tragopogon, 61 Whitneya, 61 Trautvetteria, 31 Woodsia. 12 Tricho tema. 50 Wyethia, tl1 Trie ntalis. 46 Trifolium, 39 Xerophyllum, 23 Triglochin, 14 Trillium, 23 Zauschneria, 43 Trisetum. 1 Zygadenus, 23