North American Flora Volume 17

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North American Flora Volume 17 VO LUM E 1 7 PART 7 NO RTH AMERICAN FLO RA (P OALE S) PO ACEAE (pars) 1 ALB ERT SPEAR Hn‘ cncocx sc i i n P ice Sub r pt o r , e ar a e C ies S p t op , PUBLI SHE D BY . THE N E W YORK BOTAN I CAL GAR DEN H 3 1 1 93 M ARC , 7 (btRLHfl! A RT 7 1 93 7 AC A P , ] PO E E Coll a r glabrou s (throa t of she a th more or ss s a u su a s le pilo e) ; p nicle lly ex erted , 7 n e . n s 3 S . do m s i . a s . n rrow , conden ed i g a s s a t as a t s s Coll r den ely pilo e . le t the ide ; p anicle u su a lly inclu ded a t bas e (sometimes entirely inclu ded) . — u s bu s 1 2 s a s C lm ro t , meter t ll ; pike — nl en 8 . a . 3 . S i s let s 3 mm . long . g g u s s s s s a C lm more lender , mo tly le th n s 2 1 meter ta ll ; s pikelet mm . long . a a P nicle open , often l rge , the bra nches a nd bra nchlet s fle xu o us s s s ar , the pikelet loo ely 9 . exuo us . 3 . S s ra nged . fl a a P nicle open or comp ct , if open , the spikelets crowded on the t branchle s . a a s P nicle comp ct or pikelike , ntra ctus 40 . S . co . u sua lly exserted . a s P nicle , or the ex erted portion , a somewh t open , the bra nches n a ked below (s o m e t i m e s e n t i r e l y inclos ed) . t nd us . 4 1 . S . c a B as e of pl a nt a clos e tu ft . ryp r B as e of pla nt a clus ter of knotty rhizomes ; cu lms s s ss erect , lender , mo tly le a b a s th a n 30 cm . t ll ; l de s u s a hort , invol te , pre d ll . 2 . N ea e i 4 . S ing . y 2 42 1 8 3 0 . l ili k . 1 : . 1 . H a n s c atus P esl R el . e Sporobo u r , 2 l l a t M em A a - 40 as S o obolus c l ata s a . Péte rsb . 6 63 . 1 8 . Vi a c . St . : f i i Trin c d VI . (B ed on p r i i Pres l . ) 2 1 obol us c l ia ta s s a l P e lii . 7 1 or Vi a r s S u . 2 . : 68 . 84 . as S f te d Nom Bot ed (B ed on p i Pre l , the n me a a a l l prob bly ch nged bec us e of Vi fa c i i ata B e a uv . A ua a — u s o r u a and s a a nn l , foli ge yellow green when dry ; c lm erect genic l te pre din g , br nching - - s ab us a u a s 1 0 3 0 . a s a s from the lowe r node , gl ro , gl nd l r p i tted below the node , cm t ll ; he th and a a as o f a a us s a crowded overl pping tow rd the b e the pl nt , gl bro except the den ely cili te a o r ss a u a — o n s u s a a s a m rgin , more le gl nd l r pitted the nerve , the ppermo t elong te with hort bl de ; u ss a fia a ff a a s a . a a s t s lig le le th n mm lon g , cili te ; bl de , r ther ti , cili te with long r ther di t nt — a s a a s bas s o n su a s s a a s s 5 1 0 . h ir from p pillo e e , pilo e both rf ce with c tterin g long h ir , mo tl y cm ifl - i o r ss as u as 5 . a s t a st s long , m ch mm wide ; p nicle erec , r ther , bronze brown , pikel ke , more le — u 1 - b a s s 5 0 . a s a us s a a u a interr pted , mo tly cm long , the xi gl bro , omewh t gl nd l r pitted , the r nche nd s a a u s a ss a u a s ts a u 2 . a a s pedicel ppre ed , gl nd l r ; pikele bo t mm long , r ther bro d , gl bro ; fir t u s a a i s as s as as s . gl me le th n h lf long , the econd lon g the p kelet : a a a TYPE LOCALITY P n m . a a H a a a : S as a nd u u as . DISTRIBUTION v nn Open gro nd , ond r to P n m - 2 . l i ifi 1 s va n orus To n o o l ass ed . 8 6 1 Sporobo u g ( r ) W d , C book , 7 7 5 . 1 1 86 . Vi l a a ni cr a T - o r . A r . a A a t b . 3 1 34 . M em . A a . t. P e rs m . 8 S é f fl ; Gr y , N Gr m Cyp . ; Trin c d VI 6g§2 i84O C r tosta ch s va na t a . n 1 1 1 a S u S . a . 85 4 . A . yp y gi te d y Gr m 8 . (Type from North meric ) S or o bolus m nor as A a M a n a . S . 6 . 646 . 1 890 a p i V ey ; Gr y , . ed . (Type from North C rolin ) Not m no u 1 830 i r K nth , . S or o bol us li ul m is . c L . a t. H 2 1 1 94 . m nor as . S . N b . : 5 9 . 8 . as S p fi Dewey , Contr U er (B ed on i V ey ) S . li cu lm i s as 1 885 . Not fi V ey . S orobolus ovatus a Am . 2 00 1 ass s . 9 n . : 3 . 8 6 . as S . m or as p Be l , Gr e N (B ed on i V ey ) S orobol us va ina tu n t u . s S b . a 2 1 1 5 1 t h a a S . z . 896 . as r tos a c s va p g cri n Bot G : . (B ed on C yp y gi te d ) S orobo lus va ini m n qrus va r . h a 8 9 7 . o m . 3 . 5 98 1 p g fl i r Scribn ; C p . Fl . S . U . 8 . ed . (Type from a a a nd North C rolin Tenness ee . ) S orobol us va ini or u s var i na e ua li s F e m ald a 3 5 1 09 1 9 3 . : . 3 . p g fl q , Rhodor (Type from Concord , H a New mpshire . ) A ua a a s u s s a - tto s a i a us s nn l , br nching from the b e ; c l m ever l noded , erec pre d n g , gl bro , mo tl y 2 — 0 40 . a s s a u b u or ss s a t a s as 7 5 . s a s a s cm t ll , ometime m ch cm ; he th gl ro , more le pilo e the thro t ; 484 NORTH AM ERI CA N FL ORA [VOL UME 1 7 a s su v u o r flat a t as a u ss a . a t as a u l i g le le th n mm long , cili te ; bl de bin ol te often le t b e , gl bro s b a s a u s o n u su a a nd a s s a a a a ene th , c bro the pper rf ce m r gin e peci ll y tow rd the tip , often cili te ne r as s s s a s - s o n u su a a as O n b e , ometime p r el y long pilo e the pper rf ce ne r the b e , the lower fte elon a u s a s u as 2 . a s a a nd a a s s t g te , the pper hort , m ch mm wide ; p nicle termin l xill ry , lender , mo l y s o r a u a a a 3 . a s u not more th n cm lon g , the termin l ex erted p rtly incl ded , the xill ry mo tl y incl ded s a s a s as s a s s a nd a s a u s s s i n the he th , l te in the e on the he th wollen cont ining clei tog mo pikelet ; ' — u s a u ab us a u ua 3 5 .
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