CIDSE / Caritas Internationalis (CI) Submission1 to World Bank / IMF 2005 PRS Review April 2005 ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CIDSE- International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity - is a network that brings together 15 Catholic development organizations from Europe and North America. Rue Stévin 16, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium - Tel (32)-2 230 77 22 – Fax 230 70 82 Email
[email protected] – Caritas Internationalis is a network of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations present in 201 states and territories throughout the world. Piazza San Calisto 16, V-00120 Vatican City Tel (39) 06 698 797 99 – Fax 698 872 37 – Email
[email protected] – 1 This document was prepared by Caoimhe de Barra/Trocaire and includes contributions from members of the CIDSE/Caritas Internationalis Working Group on Resources for Development. It is a background paper. The analysis and proposals presented in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of all CIDSE members. CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. KEY ISSUES: 2.1 Strengthening the medium-term orientation of the PRS 2.2 Utilising the PRS as a mutual accountability framework between countries and donors 2.3 Broadening and deepening meaningful participation 2.4 Enhancing linkages between the PRS, the MTEF and budgets 3. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES BOXES - Box 1: PRSP as theatre in Central America - Box 2: Risks inherent in the MDG framework - Box 3: Changes to PRS architecture & respect for domestic political processes 1 Changes to PRS architecture & respect for domestic political processes 1. INTRODUCTION There is widespread agreement on the relevance of the principles and concepts underpinning the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) approach.