Annual Report 2018 CONTENTS


AREAS OF WORK 9 » Systemic change » Gender equality » Laudato Si’

» Business and human rights

» Alternatives to extractives » Land rights » Israel & the occupied Palestinian territory » Resilient food systems » COP24 » Energy » Change for the Planet – Care for the People COMING UP 21 GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND FINANCE 22 ABOUT CIDSE 26


In 2018, the president All our priorities ran of CIDSE was my at full speed ahead: we predecessor Eamonn launched a multimedia © len project on agroecology, Meehan who led Broederlijk De our organisation for an carried out a directors’ exciting year full of activities visit to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory. We continued to but marked specially by COP24 in develop our approach to gender equality, Katowice, Poland. and to put forward innovative proposals It was a big moment for our sustainable for addressing energy poverty and climate lifestyles campaign “Change for The mitigation and resilience. Planet – Care for the People” as a unique With our strong presence and engagement time and place in which to unite our at the World Social Forum and the volunteers. Thematic Social Forum on mining and extractives, we continued to explore Many of them spoke later of their time with social movements how we can best in Katowice as a turning point for them support and amplify their inspiring work. – how it was the first time they attended a political demonstration for climate, or Our advocacy work in the field of business they heard a moving story that opened and human rights continued to rely on them to a new perspective on the issue. direct lobbying, but also to explore the use of storytelling through the testimonials The volunteers also attended our public of people affected by transnational premiere of our new documentary corporations who seek justice in a context “Energy to Change”, which connects of corporate impunity. the dots on personal engagement with integral ecology and the systemic changes We hope you will enjoy the new format of we need to see in our energy systems. this annual report and invite you to read about our activities, achievements and Last spring, we also organised our ambitions! first Systemic Change Forum in Leuven (). This merging of minds and Looking forward to working with you in 2019. hearts kicked off a fresh exploration of our core objective of global justice: to envision a new world with a system that addresses interlinked crises with holistic solutions to Lieve Herijgers answer the cries of the earth and the poor. Director, (Belgium)

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 3 TIMELINE Inspire change From January to March, young volunteers from Manos Unidas () hosted the CIDSE photo 12 exhibition ‘Inspire Change’ in five universities. The photo exhibition was coupled with screenings of the JANUARY CIDSE documentary on sustainable food production and consumption and offered the opportunity for debates on sustainable lifestyles. © Centro de Cooperación al Desarrollo, UPV, Valencia

Bishops’ triennial Forum Preceding the annual Board meeting, CIDSE Directors and their accompanying bishops met in Leuven with 24-25 Msgr. Bruno-Marie Duffé, Secretary of the for Promoting Integral Human Development and JANUARY representatives from Southern Bishops conferences.

© CIDSE Partners’ visits to European institutions Sammy Gamboa (Freedom from Debt Coalition, 01-02 Philippines) and Pablo Sanchez (Grufides, Peru) met with representatives from the European Commission and members of the European Parliament to urge FEBRUARY the EU to support a United Nations Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights.

© Sharidenjin Believe in Change A training on how to use the gender equality and 27 toolkit "Believe in Change" developed by CAFOD ( & ) was organised in Ghana for FEBRUARY- staff from the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). Similar trainings 02 MARCH were organised in , and Belgium. © CIDSE World Social Forum, Brazil A CIDSE delegation attended the World Social Forum 13-17 in Salvador de Bahia and supported the organisation of workshops with partners and allies on the topics MARCH of business and human rights, the impact of the extractive model, climate change, energy and sustainable lifestyles. © CIDSE CELAM pastoral letter CIDSE and Iglesias y Minería welcomed the publication of the Latin American Bishops conference 15 pastoral letter on Laudato Si’. The letter and its key messages were translated and jointly promoted with MARCH Church actors.

© CELAM Defending our land and nature is our right Partners presented case studies of violence against 20 environmental human rights defenders in the Andean region at a panel debate in the European Parliament MARCH co-organised with Broederlijk Delen (Belgium) and other -based Latin American networks.

© Broederlijk Delen New multimedia publication on agroecology CIDSE officially launched its report ‘The Principles of 03 agroecology’ - Towards just, resilient and sustainable food systems and a multimedia dossier at a side APRIL event in Rome' during the 2nd FAO Symposium on Agroecology.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 5 Rethinking our relationship with nature

16-18 Over 90 representatives of CIDSE member organisations, allies and partners gathered in Leuven APRIL for CIDSE’s first Systemic Change Forum. The theme discussed was rethinking our relationship with nature. © CIDSE Solidarity visit to Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel A delegation of 11 representatives from CIDSE 23-27 leadership visited Gaza and Jerusalem and met with representatives from civil society organisations and APRIL the Church.

© Gerry Lee Environmental human rights defenders CIDSE co-sponsored an evening debate with the 14 & 22 daughter of Berta Cáceres (COPINH, Honduras) and met with representatives from MAB and people MAY affected by the Mariana disaster in Brazil as part of a European visit organised by Misereor ().


Sharing and Learning The CIDSE Communications, Education and Fundraising annual forum took place in The Hague 23-25 (), hosted by and Vastenactie. MAY


Misereor 60th anniversary 27-29 As part of its 60th anniversary celebrations, Misereor organised an international conference in Frankfurt/ MAY Main (Germany) on Global Development - Beyond the North South paradigm.

© MISEREOR European Development Days CIDSE was present at the European Development Days where it shared a stand with organisations 05-06 working on climate justice. Visitors could also see the CIDSE photo exhibition ‘Inspire Change’ and hear JUNE about CIDSE’s work on gender equality.

© CIDSE Directors’ meeting in Montreal Development and Peace (Canada) hosted the 18-20 CIDSE Directors’ mid-year meeting in Montreal. In a concluding statement issued as a follow-up to World JUNE Refugee day, CIDSE Directors denounced inhumane migration policies that separate families.


EC Partnership Forum CIDSE facilitated a session on ‘Climate action: policy coherence on the climate agenda’ at the 25-26 Partnership Forum organised by the European Commission/DG-DEVCO. JUNE

© EC DG-DEVCO CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 6 (Let's) Be the change

30 volunteers from CIDSE member organisations, 01-05 Poland and New Zealand took part in the ‘Wereldkamp’ organised by Broederlijk Delen JULY (Belgium). A few weeks later, Manos Unidas (Spain) organised a volunteers' camp on sustainable lifestyles in Castellón. © CIDSE Laudato Si’ 3rd anniversary CIDSE was an organising partner of the international conference ‘Saving our common home and the future 05-06 of life on earth’ organised for the 3rd anniversary of Laudato Si’. A delegation of 20 people across the JULY network participated in the conference.


EU and global food governance 12 Development and Peace Foundation (sef:) and CIDSE co-organised a policy lunch debate on “Global Food JULY Governance. How can the EU lead the way?”

© CIDSE Meeting with mining affected communities A meeting to express solidarity of the Church with communities impacted by mining was organised 07-10 in Brasilia by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB), DEJUSOL-CELAM, Iglesias y Minería AUGUST and CIDSE. CIDSE helped to disseminate the final declaration to a wider audience. © CIDSE Meeting the REPAM delegation In collaboration with Misereor, Adveniat and 20 COMECE, CIDSE organised meetings with EU officials and a panel debate with high-level representatives SEPTEMBER from REPAM – the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network on the situation of human rights violations in the Amazonian region. © COMECE Setting sail for a new paradigm

CIDSE launched a new paper which analyses the radical and urgent change needed to limit global 26 warming to 1.5°C. A few weeks later, responding to the release of the IPCC report, CIDSE leaders called SEPTEMBER for urgent climate action and post-growth economy.


Energy access in developing countries 09 Together with CAN-Europe and Act-Alliance EU, CIDSE organised a round table in the European Parliament OCTOBER to present the findings of a study commissioned to ODI on EU support for energy in developing countries.

© CIDSE UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights A CIDSE delegation travelled to Geneva for the 4th session of the Open-ended intergovernmental 15-19 working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human OCTOBER rights. A few weeks earlier, CIDSE urged the EU to “constructively engage in the UN Treaty process”. © CIDSE CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 7 Call for climate action by the 26 Ahead of the UN climate conference in Poland – COP24, CIDSE supported the Catholic Church leaders’ OCTOBER call for ambitious and immediate action to tackle the climate crisis.

© Stefano Montesi Our Land is our life CIDSE members joined the 2018 caravan tour by the CGLTE-AO (Convergence globale des luttes pour 10-30 la terre et l'eau –Afrique de l'Ouest). The paper ‘Joint Reflection on Land in Africa’ produced with NOVEMBER the support of CIDSE was widely distributed on this occasion. © Neil Palmer (CIAT) © CIDSE Alternatives to extractivism 12-15 CIDSE supported the organisation and actively participated in the first Thematic Social Forum on NOVEMBER mining and extractivism in Johannesburg.

Webinar for journalists The campaign “Change for the planet – Care 19 for the People” launched its new website and organised a webinar for journalists on sustainable NOVEMBER lifestyles together with the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM). © J.vas

© Vulnerable Climate Forum summit CIDSE organised a panel debate at the Vulnerable 22 Climate Forum virtual summit entitled ‘Urgent Call For A New Development Paradigm That Works For NOVEMBER People And Planet’.

COP24, Poland

CIDSE was in Katowice for the UN Climate conference. Activities included an official side event on ‘Missing 02-14 Pathways to Paris’. A delegation of 100 young volunteers also gathered for an ‘Agora’ organised by DECEMBER the campaign “Change for the Planet - Care for the People”. © CIDSE Documentary on sustainable energy The premiere of the documentary ‘Energy to change’ 07 produced by the campaign “Change for the planet – Care for the People” was held in Katowice and was DECEMBER followed by a debate between people involved in the making of the documentary and the audience.

© CIDSE HR Universal Declaration 70th anniversary On 10 December, CIDSE joined voices all over the 10 world to celebrate Human Rights Day and the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human DECEMBER Rights.

© Fastenopfer

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 8 AREAS OF WORK 3. AREAS OF WORK

© CIDSE Systemic Change

At CIDSE, we strive for a EVENTS We wrote a report to summarise holistic transformation On April 17 and 18, over 90 the outcomes from our that pervades all representatives of CIDSE members, Systemic Change Forum, which parts of society. This allies and partners gathered at the is fundamental for building a involves looking at Irish College in Leuven (Belgium) common CIDSE understanding of current injustices and for the first CIDSE Systemic Change our vision of systemic change and inequalities; ecological Forum. The theme was ‘Rethinking how to achieve it. This report was dysfunction; and climate our relationship with nature.’ enlivened by a series of illustrations change with a unified interpreting these lessons on approach. It also implies CIDSE and its members also took systemic change. adopting a self-critical part in the World Social Forum in lens about the way we live Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. There, We also created an infographic of and run our organisations. we organised several side events, systemic solutions to lower carbon Our Systemic Change including one focussing on new emissions to stay within 1.5°C Forum gathered the paradigms to avoid the ecological average temperature increase above network to discuss crisis based on buenvivir. pre industrial levels, as outlined in together our vision of our report ‘The Climate Urgency’. systemic change. RESOURCES We made significant strides in STORIES defining our systemic change work Watch the interviews filmed at the and perspectives with resources. Systemic Change Forum: ‘Acting We established in December 2017 to transform our relationship with our Voices for change blog where nature’ or read the blog on what we share the reflections of our our lifestyles can mean for systemic network on current issues that change. are challenging and transforming systems.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 10 3. AREAS OF WORK

© CIDSE Gender Equality

We prioritise gender EVENTS It is a gender resource for equality as a transversal We conducted trainings on gender organisational staff from church priority, finding its equality in Africa and Europe. organisations, particularly Catholic implications within all church organisations and those who our areas of work and Thanks to some newly developed intend to work with these church making sure that women’s methodologies, CIDSE carried organisations. perspectives are heard out trainings on gender equality and promoted. with different groups, including The toolkit is intended as an members of the SECAM (Symposium inspirational guide to support them of Episcopal Conferences of Africa in their work towards achieving and Madagascar) secretariat and gender justice. It intends to raise the Ghana Bishops’ Conference, awareness of the importance of MIJARC, the international Catholic gender equality, address concerns movement of rural youth and staff and common misconceptions and from our member organisation in increase staff gender competency Austria as well as from the and programme quality. Secretariat. These trainings opened up significant discussions on what The toolkit was developed by Tanja gender equality means in the Haque, CAFOD’s gender advisor context of power struggle and social from 2009-2018. and ecological justice from a faith- based perspective. STORIES The gender equality blog is written RESOURCES by CIDSE partners and allies, to find The ‘Believe in Change gender how gender intersects with climate toolkit’ was developed to support justice, extractivism and more. the Church in promoting gender justice.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 11 3. AREAS OF WORK

Laudato Si’ ©

The wisdom contained EVENTS RESOURCES in the ground-breaking CIDSE played a key role in the Laudato Si’ is present across our encyclical Laudato Si’ organisation of the conference work, provoking specific reflections by Francis in 2015 ‘Saving our common home and in our resources. constitutes our main the future of life on earth’, on the guiding framework and occasion of the third anniversary The paper, ‘Joint reflection on land source of inspiration of the publication of the Encyclical in Africa’ published with the support in the fields of climate Laudato Si’ (Rome, 5-6 July 2018). of CIDSE, explores the theological justice, corporate foundation of our responsibility to regulation and more. Alongside the COP24 conference care for the land and small-scale We are committed to and as part of the volunteers’ food producers. spreading its message programme for the campaign through our work. ‘Change for the Planet - Care for the Our Secretary General, Josianne People’, CIDSE organised the event Gauthier, wrote an opinion piece ‘Towards an ecological conversion ‘Laudato Si' and the urgency of for the people and the planet’ with the present moment’ after the the Archdiocese of Katowice, Caritas conference ‘Saving our home and Internationalis, Caritas Poland, the the future of life on earth’. Global Catholic Climate Movement and International. STORIES In our Voices for Change blog, we featured the piece: What’s the place of transition in the Christian message?

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 12 3. AREAS OF WORK

© Trócaire Business And Human Rights

CIDSE’s work in the EVENTS RESOURCES field of business and CIDSE and COMECE, the CIDSE’s submission to the human rights aims to Commission of the Bishops' 4th session of the IGWG on end corporate negligence Conferences of the European Union, transnational corporations and in the form of human hosted a high-level delegation of the other business enterprises with rights violations Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network respect to human rights. and environmental (REPAM) and organised visits degradation. CIDSE with prominent representatives We also produced an infographic advocates for a UN of the European institutions as on the current barriers to justice Binding Treaty to well as a lunch debate and a press for communities impacted by regulate transnational conference. the activities of transnational corporations’ activities. corporations. CIDSE works together CIDSE attended the fourth session of with partners struggling the open-ended intergovernmental STORIES against extractive working group (IGWG) on We gathered testimonies from industries to support their transnational corporations and our partners on the impacts of demands of corporate other business enterprises with transnational corporations and the accountability and justice respect to human rights. Several need to protect human rights and especially at UN and EU activities were organised with allies. the environment. levels. CIDSE was also part of a panel debate at the ‘Forum des Libertés’ in Brussels about the responsibilities of transnational corporations.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 13 3. AREAS OF WORK

© CIDSE Alternatives To Extractives

Conference, calling for care The extractive sector EVENTS for creation in response to the and particularly mining As member of the International damaging consequences of the have a destructive impact Coordination Committee, CIDSE over-exploitation of the earth’s on the social fabric supported the organisation and natural resources. and the environment actively participated in the first of many communities. Thematic Social Forum on mining We facilitated the drafting of the The growing demand and the extractivist economy which final declaration of the Thematic for materials from gathered representatives from 60 Social Forum: ‘Beyond Extractivism: our high-consumption countries in Johannesburg (12-15 Reclaiming Peoples Power, our economy exacerbates November). Right to Say No’. this trend. CIDSE joins many grassroots groups in The Meeting of Communities The Meeting of Communities advocating for a different Impacted by Mining in Latin America Impacted by Mining in Latin America system of production and held in Brasilia (7-10 August) concluded with the release of a consumption; one that was an opportunity to deepen ‘Public letter to our churches, prioritises access for all to the solidarity of the Church with organisations and society’ calling basic goods and services the victims and communities for an end to unbridled extractivism without overexploiting impacted by mining from different and the promotion of new the earth. countries of the region. This production models that guarantee meeting was co-organised by the the lives of future generations and National Conference of Bishops respect mother earth. of Brazil (CNBB), the Iglesias y Minería network, CIDSE, and the Department of Justice and STORIES Solidarity (DEJUSOL) of CELAM. ‘Churches and communities affected by mining must build RESOURCES alternatives to defend life and the Several important resources were earth’, blog article by Moema de published urging for an ecological Miranda. conversion and alternatives to extractives.

CIDSE supported the dissemination of the Pastoral letter on Integral Ecology by CELAM, the Continental Latin American Bishops’

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 14 3. AREAS OF WORK

© Maurice Ressel Land Rights

All over the world EVENTS STORIES the phenomenon of CIDSE supported a Caravan in West Interview with Mirtha Vásquez, land grabbing and Africa against extractivism, land a lawyer from Grufides in Peru land expropriation is grabbing, and resource depletion, who works to defend people who disrupting communities, demanding the preservation experienced land expropriations by threatening their ability of resources of Africa for future mining companies. to cultivate crops and generations. thus their access to food, and interrupting their RESOURCES traditional agricultural CIDSE supported the publication methods. CIDSE’s work on ‘Joint reflection on land in Africa’, land looks at resistance an exploration on Laudato Si’s to land grabbing and approach to our relationship and systems of community responsibility to care for the land land management. and its small-scale food producers’ by Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN); Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN); the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA); the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM); and the Regional of West Africa (RECOWA).

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 15 3. AREAS OF WORK

© Gerry Lee Israel & The Occupied Palestinian Territory

The CIDSE working group EVENTS STORIES on Israel & the occupied In April, directors and We published two articles by Gerry Palestinian territory representatives of seven CIDSE Lee (Maryknoll Office for Global (oPt), together with member organisations travelled Concerns) and Maria Gonzalez partners in the region, to the region to meet Palestinian (CAFOD) who joined the CIDSE April aims at promoting and Israeli partners and the delegation to Israel and the oPt. the achievement of a communities they serve. comprehensive, just and lasting peace, based RESOURCES on international law, CIDSE and EuroMed Rights sent a including relevant UN joint letter to Federica Mogherini, resolutions, leading High Representative of the to self-determination European Union for Foreign Affairs for both Israelis and and Security Policy to draw the Palestinians. EU’s attention about the imminent demolition of the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in Israel.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 16 3. AREAS OF WORK

Resilient Food Systems © Fergal Anderson - CIDSE

Food security is essential EVENTS on agroecological approaches and for any community, yet it We launched our publication ‘The other innovations for sustainable is affected by a complex Principles of Agroecology' at a agriculture and food systems that series of variables, side event in Rome during the 2nd enhance food security and nutrition. including agricultural FAO International Symposium on production methods, Agroecology. Infographics: rural development, ▷ The Principle of Agroecology ecological sustainability RESOURCES ▷ Agroecology for climate and social and privatisation. We CIDSE produced ‘The Principles of justice are working to combine Agroecology’, and supported other the collective knowledge major reports on food systems by STORIES from our partners and several alliances of which we are The Principles of Agroecology was members on the ground members: unique for its multimedia format to design food systems ▷ The Principles of Agroecology that included an interactive online that can help communities report addresses current gaps in the publication in seven languages. take control of their food definition of agroecology, to provide supply. a set of fundamental principles for We conducted a series of interviews the network from which to build with academics and activists on joint work on agroecology from a agroecology and how it intersects mutual understanding. with other issues. ▷ CLARA ‘Missing pathways to 1.5°C' ▷ Global Network for the Right to We continued to explore Food and Nutrition - Watch report agroecology from a systemic "When Food Becomes Immateria- change and gender perspective Confronting the Digital Age". and published a blog article by Emma Siliprandi. CIDSE also participated in the FAO e-consultation and sent comments on the V0 draft of the high-level panel of experts’ report

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 17 3. AREAS OF WORK

© CIDSE Cop 24

EVENTS With each year that passes At a side event on 6 December, we CIDSE directors issued a joint statement since the Paris Agreement deconstructed some of the false calling for a systemic approach to was adopted at COP21, the solutions to the climate crisis, such climate change, in response to the carbon budget decreases, as geoengineering and negative release of the IPCC special report. and our engagement with emissions technologies, and leading the process increases. But academics showed that there is We supported the drafting and no matter what happens more evidence that alternative forms dissemination of a powerful appeal inside the negotiations, of land management can play a signed by continental bishops’ we take the opportunity significant role in carbon emissions conferences calling for government of the COP to unite civil reduction. leaders to take ambitious and society to push for a just immediate action to tackle and energy transition, with We organised a panel at the virtual overcome the devastating effects of the or without the support of Climate Vulnerable Forum where climate crisis. member states. grassroots initiatives were discussed that provide holistic solutions to Earlier in the year, CIDSE also submitted climate and development issues, a contribution to the Talanoa Dialogue highlighting the role of youth based on and and faith-based communities in with the experience from our partners organising. working with communities on the front lines of climate change impacts. RESOURCES Our report, 'The Climate Urgency', CIDSE is part of an alliance of civil describes just pathways to provide society organisations that advocate for food and energy demand while for equity to be included in the staying within 1.5°C warming above implementation of the Paris Agreement. pre-industrial average temperatures. We supported the dissemination of the It combines agroecology, renewable latest report ‘After Paris: Inequality, Fair energy systems and sustainable Shares, and the Climate Emergency’. lifestyles and touches on frameworks for policy such as post-growth STORIES Volunteers from CIDSE member and sufficiency. The shortcomings organisations who travelled to of geoengineering and negative Poland for the COP24 conference emissions technologies are also shared their experiences in a series pointed out. Three infographics were of blog articles. produced from this report.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 18 3. AREAS OF WORK

© Russell Watkins - DfID Energy

We have continued to gather evidence that EVENTS In The Climate Urgency paper, we responding to the need of Recognising the multidisciplinary continued to define our position on vulnerable populations nature of our work on energy, we the role renewable energy systems for energy access is not organised events at the intersection can play in climate. in conflict with the need of energy with finance and to rapidly decarbonise extractives. STORIES our energy systems. We continued to highlight the voices The human need for We organised a roundtable event and experiences of our partners energy security, and the at the European Parliament on the on the injustices of current energy human need for healthy current reality and future of EU systems. ecosystems are real, and climate finance. there are alternatives From Colombia to South Africa, to megaprojects and At the World Social Forum in we raised the voices of partners on fossil fuels, alternative Brazil, we held a side event to the extractivist nature of energy that are being tested by discuss social problems related megaprojects in an article and two communities, giving them to hydropower megaprojects. video interviews. the autonomy to design Participants exchanged their the energy systems that experiences of resistance and These testimonies confirm that the work for them. established potential joint strategies energy from such megaprojects to promote alternatives. can have negative impacts for local communities, and add insult to RESOURCES injury by failing to provide them We commissioned research into with access to energy. EU financing of energy projects In an article on our gender blog, by in the development context. Our the National Steering Committee of research paper ‘EU support for the South Africa Women Building energy in developing countries Power Campaign and WoMin, we 2010-2016’ looks into how the EU’s heard how these impacts fall on current finance of energy projects women in particular. in developing countries currently holds up to these commitments, in terms of providing renewable energy to populations lacking access to energy.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 19 3. AREAS OF WORK

© CIDSE Change for the Planet- Care for the People

It is hard to compare the EVENTS for journalists to be released in 2019. power of face-to-face The workshops in our sustainability exchanges in changing camps offered reflections on the As an outcome of their sustainable our own mentalities. personal meaning of Laudato Si’, and camp, the volunteers of Manos The young activists we our own individual commitments to Unidas produced a decalogue on gather in camps across justice in our daily lives. how to live sustainably. Europe talk afterwards of these gatherings as a In Belgium, Broederlijk Delen We are developing tools and graphics life changing moment. welcomed volunteers from our to keep our volunteers motivated Together, they offer members in the UK, , to live sustainably and created a each other support and Germany and as well as series of funny GIFs about energy knowledge about how to from partners from New Zealand and consumption. live their values in the Poland. It was inspiring for volunteers way they produce and to see that they are part of a global STORIES consume, and how they movement for change. We offered our volunteers their own can push decision-makers blog space, where they could share to make their lifestyle Following the example of the 2017 their thoughts from our sustainable choices the norm. camps in Portugal and Belgium, camps, and their personal journeys volunteers from Manos Unidas organised of ecological conversion. During their first sustainable camp in Spain. the camp in Belgium we filmed interviews with our volunteers on In December, we brought volunteers what ‘being the change’ and climate together in Poland outside of the activism means to them. COP24 conference. Apart from regular workshops exchanging on initiatives Our second documentary, Energy for sustainable lifestyles and climate to Change was screened for the justice, they participated in the first time outside of COP24 during climate march and a programme with our volunteer camp in Katowice high-level church leaders. with wonderful reactions from our partners and volunteers. RESOURCES We organised a webinar between journalists and communicators to discuss how to spread the word on sustainable lifestyles practices. We compiled these lessons into a toolkit

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 20 COMING UP



Launch of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) campaign

Launch of CIDSE strategic plan 2016-2021 mid-term review

JUNE Launch “Save the Amazon, She will Save You” #AmazonSourceofLife

SEPTEMBER Release of the new CIDSE website

‘Our Common Home’ youth camp, UK


Pan-Amazon Synod, Rome

5th session of the UN binding treaty negotiations, Geneva

46th session of the Committee on World Food Security, Rome DECEMBER COP25, Chile



The Board of Directors is composed of the directors of the 18 Member Organisations. The Board meets twice a year and is responsible for the general running of CIDSE, particularly for reviewing current activities and formulating policies for the future.


The Executive Committee is the implementing and supervising arm of the Board of Directors.

• President: Lieve Herijgers (Broederlijk Delen)

• Members: Patrick Godar (, Msgr. Pirmin Spiegel (MISEREOR), Alistair Dutton (SCIAF)

• Ecclesiastical Assistant: Mgr. A. Tesfaselassie Medhin ( of Adigrat/Ethiopia)

• Treasurer: Derk Maarten Johannes (Cordaid)

• Secretary General: Josianne Gauthier

The Ecclesiastical Assistant, the Treasurer Secretary and the General are non- voting members.


CIDSE member agencies work together in working groups, platforms and fora on the issues defined in the strategic plan. The CIDSE Secretariat facilitates the working groups and ensures communication between the member agencies and the overall coherence of CIDSE’s work.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 24 FINANCE CIDSE is funded by membership fees and additional resources from its members for special projects.

In 2017, a two-year grant agreement was signed with the KR Foundation in favour of the ‘Change for the Planet – Care for the People’ campaign. CIDSE is grateful to the KR Foundation for their financial support.

CIDSE core expenditure 2018

Miscellaneous 974,723.38 € TOTAL Administration and secretariat 661,679.18 € Advocacy and events 28,960.61 € Network coordination Programme cooperation

18,5061.43 € Network coordination Programme cooperation 86,385.00 € Administration and Secretariat 12,637.16 € Advocacy and events Miscellaneous

The CIDSE Secretariat also coordinates the following projects:

50,730.32 € 67,071.59 € Israel-occupied Enhancing capacities for Palestinian territory coordinated advocacy for sustainable development 254,898.04 € ‘Change for the 372,699.95 € Planet – Care for the TOTAL People’ campaign

CIDSE’s finances are reviewed annually by an external auditor.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 25 ABOUT CIDSE WHO WE ARE

We are an We work for a society to promote the right to international family of based on social, food and agroecology, Catholic social justice economic and gender to regulate business to equality and solidarity, enforce human rights, organisations working where the economy is to secure sustainable for transformational at the service of society finance and fair wealth change to end poverty and functions within distribution, to support and inequalities, planetary boundaries. local communities to challenging systemic We aim at a fairer share speak for themselves, injustice, inequity, of and limits in the use to confront gender destruction of nature of global resources, and inequalities, and to enable and promoting just democratized governance sustainable ways of living. where people regain and environmentally control over their choices To make this happen sustainable in economies based on the we contribute to global alternatives. commons. movements and alliances of change, promote Watch our We work for reforms with peoples’ solutions and institutional video. transformative potential: alternatives and advocate to move away from fossil at the international level. fuels and extractivism, to limit global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees,

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 27 OUR MEMBERS

CIDSE brings together 18 member organisations from Europe and North America.

Austria Belgium Belgium

Canada England and Wales


the Netherlands the Netherlands

Portugal Scotland Slovakia

Spain Switzeland USA

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 28 COLLABORATORS

CIDSE works closely with diverse local and international alliances and organisations.

It is a member of Concord, the European NGO confederation for Relief and Development,Climate Action Network-Europe and the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM).


The CIDSE Secretariat facilitates and coordinates the common efforts of its members, represents CIDSE at the EU and international levels and undertakes advocacy activities and other initiatives in collaboration with its members to contribute towards systemic change and global justice.

The Secretariat is organised into teams that coordinate various working groups in order to achieve its objectives:

1. Societal and ecological transformation

2. Communities regaining control over the commons

3. Facing climate change: just and sustainable food and energy models

4. Change starts with us

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 29 CIDSE Management Team

Josianne Gauthier Denise Auclair Chiara Martinelli Secretary General Senior Advisor Senior Advisor


Inês Barral François Delvaux Jassin Fetahovic Marta Isabel Giorgo Gotra Finance and Climate & Agriculture Gender Equality & González Álvarez Campaign’s Project Administrative and Food Sovereignty Systemic Change Media and Communications Assistant Assistant Officer Officer Officer

Sylvia Obregon Quiroz Marie-Paule Ogereau Yvette Pierret Frederick Swinnen Corporate Regulation and Communications and Office Administration and Policy Officer Extractives Officer Administrative Assistant Logistics Assistant Israel-oPt

Saïd Ben Seddik Hannah Twomey Anya Frances Verkamp Manny Yap Technician and Programmer, External Funding Officer Digital Communications Land Rights Officer Office Maintenance Officer

EXTERNAL SUPPORT During 2018, CIDSE paid farewell to Eamonn Meehan, former Wim Hendrix, Finance Consultant Director of Trócaire (Ireland) and former CIDSE President, as well as to Heidi Höok and Agnieszka Burda. CIDSE thanks them Bea Lambrecht, Human Resources Consultant for their valuable contributions to our work.

CIDSE | Annual Report 2018 30

Published by CIDSE Editor in Chief: Josianne Gauthier Editor: Marta Isabel González Álvarez Contributors: Marie-Paule Ogereau, Valentina Pavarotti, Anya Verkamp Design and layout: SenseTribe Consulting SL,

Contact details CIDSE – Rue Stévin 16 – B-1000 Brussels T: +32 (0)2 230 77 22 – [email protected]

© 2019 CIDSE

This web report was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CIDSE and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Co-funded by the European Union