State of Maine Birding Map and Trail Guide
MAINE The Regions Lorem ipsum dolor of Maine sit amet, cosecte THE MAINE BEACHES taur adipisicing elit, Famous for beaches and amuse- seddor incididunt ments. Notable birds: Piping ut labore et dolore Plover, Least Tern, Harlequin magna ali qua. Duck, Upland Sandpiper. Lorem ipsum dol GREATER PORTLAND AND CASCO BAY sit amet, cosecte Famous for Maine’s largest adipisicing elit, city and Scarborough Marsh. seddor incididm. Notable birds: Roseate Tern and Sharp-tailed Sparrows. MID-COAST REGION Famous for extraordinary state parks, islands, and sailing. Notable birds include: Atlantic Puffin and Roseate Tern. DOWNEAST AND ACADIA Famous for Acadia National Park, national wildlife refuges, and state parks. Notable birds: Atlantic Puffin, Razorbill, and Spruce Grouse. MAINELAKES & MOUNTAINS Famous for scenic nature and solitude. Notable birds: Common Loon, Philadelphia Vireo, and Boreal Chickadee. KENNEBEC VALLEY Famous for hiking, skiing, and white-water-rafting. Notable birds: Warblers, w. e. Gray Jay, Crossbills, Bicknell’s Thrush. s. THEMAINEHIGHLANDS Famous for Moosehead Lake and Baxter State Park. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Notable birds: Spruce Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker. coastal and transition industrial river valley belt forest AROOSTOOK COUNTY lowlands mixed forest spruce/fir forest Famous for agriculture and Acadian beaches faster rivers undeveloped French tradition. Notable birds: rocky coastlines lakes shorelines American Three-toed Woodpecker, slow streams mountains remote recreation Pine Grosbeak, Crossbills. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cosecte taur hardwood forests adipisicing elit, seddor incididunt ut lab LEGEND Vireo, Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Bicknell’s Thrush, Laboris nisi liquip Contents and a variety of warblers. Both of the secretive Sharp-tailed Birding Trails Duis irure d lor repre hen Sparrow species are late nesters and are reasonably easy to Cillum dolore IN MAINE see through July.
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