Natural Areas of Manaia Ecological District

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Natural Areas of Manaia Ecological District Natural areas of Manaia Ecological District Reconnaissance survey report for the Protected Natural Areas Programme 2010 Natural areas of Manaia Ecological District (Northland Conservancy) Reconnaissance Survey Report for the Protected Natural Areas Programme Nick Goldwater and Sarah Beadel 2010 Report prepared Wildland Consultants Ltd for: Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai Northland Conservancy PO Box 842 149-151 Bank Street Whangarei 0140 New Zealand i Natural areas of Manaia Ecological District: reconnaissance survey report for the Protected Natural Areas Programme / Nick Goldwater and Sarah Beadel. Whangarei, N.Z. : Dept. of Conservation, Northland Conservancy, 2010. 1 v. : maps ; 30 cm. (New Zealand Protected Natural Areas Programme (Series)) 1. Ecological surveys 2. Natural areas 3. New Zealand 4. Northland Region (N.Z.) 5. Manaia Ecological District (N.Z.) I. Goldwater, Nick II. Beadel, Sarah M. III. Wildland Consultants Ltd. IV. New Zealand. Dept. of Conservation. Northland Conservancy. Notes Report prepared by Wildland Consultants Ltd. for Department of Conservation, Northland Conservancy. Includes bibliographical references. Cover photo: Bream Head aerial photograph (courtesy of the Bream Head Conservation Trust). © Copyright 2010 New Zealand Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai Print ISBN: 978-0-478-14755-1 Web ISBN: 978-0-478-14756-8 ii Foreword The Manaia Ecological District PNAP survey report was prepared by Wildland Consultants Ltd under contract to the Department of Conservation. This report forms part of a series of reconnaissance survey reports for the Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP) in the Northland Conservancy of the Department of Conservation. It describes the significant natural areas of the Manaia Ecological District (ED). Natural areas within the ED were surveyed by the Department of Conservation from 1997 to 1999, and subsequently by Wildland Consultants in September 2009. There has been no previous comprehensive survey and review of ecological information of this geographical area. Manaia is the smallest ecological district in the Northland Region, although its size is very much disproportionate to its rich biodiversity and number of habitat types. The Ecological District contains several relatively large and semi-contiguous natural areas, including Manaia Ridge Scenic Reserve and Surrounds and Bream Head Scenic Reserve and Surrounds, the latter of which is considered to be the finest example of coastal forest remaining in Northland. Approximately 52% of the natural areas identified within this report are formally protected, which equates to around 21.8% of the total extent of the Ecological District. Manaia Ecological District takes its name from the sacred maunga/ mountain Manaia, the eponymous ancestor of many Northland iwi including Ngäti Wai and Ngäti Kahu. The maunga/mountain Manaia also forms the southeastern boundary of Te Whare Tapu o Ngäpuhi/The Sacred House of Ngäpuhi. Bream Head Scenic Reserve and Surrounds is of special significance to iwi, as local Mäori regard the reserve’s mountain Te Whara as an ancestor and consider the whole area, including the tracks passing through, as wahi tapu. The area from Home Point to Smugglers Bay contains much evidence of Mäori occupation, including a defensive pä on Busby Head, many house terraces, food storage pits and numerous middens reflecting the wealth of food resources in Whangarei Harbour. Te Whara and Mt Manaia were once used as urupa or burial grounds. Local residents take a tremendous amount of pride in the natural assets and biodiversity present in Manaia Ecological District. As such, there has been a groundswell in community-based conservation, such as the many landcare groups coordinated by the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum (WHLF) and the formation of the Bream Head Conservation Trust (BHCT). Both organisations work closely with the Department of Conservation. Feral pigs and goats have been removed from large natural areas of the Ecological District, while possums, feral cats and mustelids are kept at low densities over large areas. There is now a concerted effort to reduce rat numbers in high value areas. These initiatives, including work carried out as part of the Whangarei Kiwi Sanctuary and Operation Nest Egg, have seen North Island brown kiwi numbers in Manaia ED rise to approximately 300 individuals. In addition, much work has also been undertaken to control invasive weeds that threaten the natural areas of Northland. iii Success breeds success. Each milestone reached makes the people involved in local conservation more eager to achieve larger, far-reaching goals. For example, there are plans to transform Bream Head Scenic Reserve into a pest-free mainland island with the construction of a pest exclusion fence. If this became a reality, we would see species such as red-crowned kakariki, NI kaka and NI bellbird successfully breeding within the reserve, and the way would be paved for re-introductions of other threatened birds, lizards and invertebrates. Manaia Ecological District will continue to be a focus for restoration in the Northland Region. This mandate is being actioned by the Department of Conservation, local authorities, and community groups, each of whom are committed to the vision that has thus far allowed Manaia’s indigenous biodiversity to flourish in a way that is rarely seen on the mainland. Chris Jenkins Conservator Northland iv Abstract Manaia Ecological District (ED) covers c.6,444 ha, comprising most of the area known as the Whangarei Heads. It adjoins Whangarei ED to the west and Whangaruru ED to the north. In 1996 it was recognised as a distinct ecological district (Brook 1996). It is characterised by the spectacular formations of Bream Head and Mt. Manaia, which support some of the finest examples of coastal forest remaining in the North Island. Bream Head Scenic Reserve and Surrounds (Q07/074) and Manaia Ridge Scenic Reserve and Surrounds (Q07/069) are the most significant ecological features of Manaia ED. Proportionately, Manaia ED has the greatest length of coastline of any ecological district in Northland, with its sheltered, rocky bays to the west contrasting with the extensive dunelands and sandfields of Ocean Beach Recreation Reserve (Q07/075) in the east. Twenty-seven natural areas of ecological significance covering c.2,736 ha (42.5% of the ED) were identified from a field reconnaissance survey undertaken from 1997-1999, and in September 2009, together with information from existing databases and reports. These natural areas comprise forest (c.1,834.8 ha; 67%), shrubland (c.531.1 ha; 19%), duneland/ sandfield (c.251.6 ha; 9%), freshwater wetland (c.42.2 ha; 1.5%), rockland (c.32.3 ha; 1.2%), and estuarine habitat (c.9.8 ha; < 0.1%). Manaia ED contains a high diversity of indigenous flora and fauna, including one locally endemic plant species. There are high numbers of rare or threatened species in the ED, as well as rare ecosystem types. At present, ‘Threatened’ species include six plants, ten birds, three land snail taxa, one spider, three lizards, and one fish. ‘At Risk’ species include 27 plants, 17 birds, three land snail taxa (including one endemic species), three lizards, and three other terrestrial invertebrates, There are also a further 83 regionally significant species, which are considered rare or threatened in Northland (72 plant, five bird, five reptile, and one fish species). Manaia ED is a stronghold for North Island brown kiwi, with key areas of forest and shrubland forming part of the Whangarei Kiwi Sanctuary. Intensive predator trapping, translocations and advocacy by the Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum and Department of Conservation have seen the local kiwi population reach approximately 300 birds. The survival rate of wild-fledged kiwi chicks has increased, which together with call-count monitoring suggests that sustained predator control is working. Coastal forests and shrublands are the dominant vegetation types in Manaia ED, but natural communities on gumland soils and coastal dunes, which are nationally rare ecosystem types, are also an important feature. Freshwater wetlands are poorly represented in the ED, and most have become degraded following the invasion of weeds such as Mexican devil. Wetlands, however, provide habitat for several threatened bird species and form an important part of a greater habitat network outside the ED, particularly around the Taiharuru River system to the north. v Virtually all natural areas in Manaia ED are of significant conservation and ecological value. Due to the presence of endemic1 species, threatened species, rare ecosystem types, and outstanding examples of coastal forest, several natural areas of Manaia ED are of national ecological significance. Approximately 52% of the extent of natural areas identified are formally protected. Priorities for protection in Manaia ED include: the formal protection of (i) Taurikura Ridge Bush (Q07/073); (ii) coastal shrubland in the north-west of the ED (which includes The Nook); (iii) an excellent example of gumland located within McDonald Coastal Shrubland (Q07/068); (iv) important wetlands such as Kerr Road Swamp (Q07/076) and Harambee Road Swamp Q07/172); and (v) the protection of critical buffers and linkages. 1 Endemic to Manaia ED. vi CONTENTS Foreword iii Abstract v 1. Introduction 3 1.1 The Protected Natural Areas Programme 3 1.2 Ecological Regions and Districts 4 1.3 Contents of this report 4 2. Methodology 6 2.1 General approach 6 2.2 Consultation with landowners 7 2.3
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