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YMJ-4-2013-En.Pdf «YMJ», № 4 (44) 2013 Contents Original Researches Egorova A.I., Garmaeva D.K. The macroscopic study of the thyroid gland of the RS (Y) adult population Nikolaev V.M., Ivanova F.G., Egorova A.G., Grigorieva L.V., Chirikova N.K., Nakhodkin S.S., Ksenofontova T.I., Barashkov N.A ., Markova T. S., Efremova S.D., Vinokurova F.V., Fedorova S.A., Ivanov P.M. Indicators of the antioxidant system of red blood cells in lung cancer patients Gurieva A.B., Alekseeva V.A., Petrova P.G., Nikolaev V.G. Characteristics of body mass index of the female population of the RS (Y) in different periods of ontogenetic cycle Savvin R.G., Maximova S.S. Prevalence of HBV and HCV infections markers among patients with type 2 diabetes Novgorodova U.R. The course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with viral hepatitis B (on example of Yakutsk maternity hospital) Ivanova N.G., Petrova P.G., Golubev A.M., Potapov A.F. Evaluation of hemodynamics and water balance disorders in pregnant women with gestosis during caesarean section operation Simonova G.I., Sozonova K.K., Tatarinova O.V., Mustafina S.V., Neustroeva V.N., Shcherbakova L.V. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the elderly population of Yakutia Kovalkova N.A., Logvinenko N.I., Voevoda M.I., Malyutina S.K. The prevalence of bronchial obstruction syndrome in the open population of Novosibirsk Timofeeva A.V., Mikhailova A.E., Zakharova R.N., Krivoshapkina M.V., Zhirkova M.A., Sosina S.S., Vinokurova S.P. Study of the life quality of students Barashkov N.A., Soloviev A.V., Teryutin F.M., Solovieva N.A., Pshennikova V.G., Clarov L.A., Sidorova O.G., Grigorieva L.V., Romanov G. P., Gotovtsev N.N., Savvinova K.E., Nakhodkin S.S., Kozhevnikov A.A., Vasilyeva L.M., Fedotova E.E., Pak M.V., Lekhanova S.N., Kononova S.K., Rafailov A.M., Alekseev A.N., Posukh O.L., Dzhemileva L.U., Khusnutdinova E. K., Fedorova S.A. Extremely high frequency of heterozygous carriers of an autosomal recessive deafness 1A type in Eastern Siberia, comparable with the frequency of heterozygous carriers of sickle cell anemia in Africa Petrov V.S., Sidorov A.N., Zakharov A.G., Neustroev P.A. Classification of bile duct injuries Methods of diagnosis and treatment Tumaeva T.S. Electroencephalography in the assessment of sleep in newborns after cesarean section Borisov I.M., Shapovalova T.G. Prediction of acute respiratory failure and pulmonary edema in patients with acute pneumonia Shustikova E.F., Fedirko S.L. Prediction of gestosis in women with hyperandrogenism taking glucocorticoids Healthy lifestyle. Prophylaxis Stupak V.S., Podvornaja E.V., Filkina O.M., Pykhtina L.A. Results of the study of social and biological risk factors for perinatal pathology in children during the first three years of life Zakharova R.N., Mikhailova A.E., Krivoshapkin V.G. Results of a pilot study of life quality of the RS (Y) population Health care organization, medical science and education Borisova N.V., Petrova P.G., Aprosimov L.A. Simulation center as part of the educational medical cluster Savvina N.V., Javorskij A.A., Afanasieva L.N., Borisova E.A., Platonova M.V. Analysis of demographic situation and health indicators of women of reproductive age in the RS (Y) Savvina N.V., Borisova E.A., Lutskan I.P. The main indicators of activity of capital health care and new methods of management in primary link of health care of Yakutsk at the transition to per capita financing Hygiene, sanitation, epidemiology and medical ecology Burnasheva L.S., Yakovlev A.A. Integrated approach to the study of long-term dynamics of HIV infection, tuberculosis and their combined forms morbidity of the RS (Y) population Ushkaryova O.A., Anganova E.V., Savilov E.D. Assessment of sanitary and hygienic conditions of water, air and soil in Yakutsk and Aldan, Khangalassky and Megino- Kangalassky regions of Yakutia Nutrition in the North Lebedeva U.M., Dokhunaeva A.M., Zakharova L.S., Kirillina S.A., Efimova V.V., Gryaznuhina N.N., Prokopeva S.I., Stepanov K.M. Factors contributing to the formation of eating behavior in children and adolescents of the RS (Y) Sleptsova N.A., Lebedeva U.M., Egorova T.V., Samsonova M.I., Efimova V.V., Prokopieva S.I., Kirillina S.A., Zakharova L.S., Gryaznuhina N.N. Role of the Health Center for children in the prevention of alimentary-related diseases Hot topic Baginski A.L., Chizhov Y.V., Ushnitsky I.D. Indicators of medical and demographic, socio -hygienic, somatic and stomatological status of indigenous population of Evenk Municipal District of Krasnoyarsk Krai Pavlova T.Y., Douglas N.I., Rad’ Ya.G. Optimization of medical assistance to improve the reproductive health of RS (Y) women Scientific reviews and lectures Tobohov A.V., Hovrova L.V. Problems in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids View point Platonov F.A., Timofeev G.A., Kononova S.K., Osakovski V.L., Ignatieva V.B. Genechronology: gender differences in the length of generations Dutkin M.P. Ethnocultural factors for suicidal behavior of the North people Experience exchange Zakharov P.I., Tobohov A.V., Semenov A.P. From the experience of surgical treatment of carotid stenosis Clinical case Dmitrieva T.G., Savvina V.A., Alekseeva S.N., Afanasieva V.P., Sosina N.T., Afanasieva N.A., Chervonyuk V.E. Role of hepatotropic viruses in the development of liver pathology in newborns Chronicles History pages Androsov V.T. Preparation of therapeutic personnel in the RS (Y) Alekseev V.L. He is a unique Semenov P.A., Nikolaev V.P. “…Is one of the best specialists doctors of the YaSSR” Memory Professor V.I. Astafijev (80th anniversary) To the memory of our colleague T.P. Starostina 4 THE MACROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF THYROID GLAND OF THE REPUBLIC SAKHA (YAKUTIA) ADULT POPULATION Egorovа A.I., Garmaeva D.K The authors submitted results of the macroscopic study of thyroid gland of native and non- native population of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Absolute and relative differences in size and weight parameters of thyroid gland in men depending on ethnicity are established. Keywords: thyroid gland, morphometry, size and weight parameters. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the humanity of the planet faces serious environmental problems adversely affecting end ecology, especially the stability of the chemical composition of the body, which is one of the most important and obligatory condition for its normal functioning. Since the majority of regions of the Russian Federation is characterized by deficiency of iodine in water and soil , the diseases associated with deficiency of the trace element , are a serious medical and social problems as they influence not only the health of the population , but also the intellectual level of the society [9, 5,3]. Deficiency of iodine in nature results in the transformation of the thymus thyroid gland (TG) which is characterized by proliferative changes of individual elements in the system of tireon, accompanied by a violation of normal hemotissue relations providing optimal tropics, differentiation and functional viability of specialized structures [7,11]. For the last years the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia) has been a territory with a significant deficiency of iodine in nature and is characterized by a high prevalence of thyroid disease in children and adults [ 2,4,8,10 ] . In addition to the deficiency of iodine and other trace elements in the environment, the organism as a whole and, in particular, the thyroid is affected by other specific factors of Yakutia: extreme temperature and light regimes, evident seasonal climate anomalies in the geomagnetic field [1]. The aim of the study was to investigate the macroscopic parameters of the thyroid gland of indigenous and non indigenous adults in the endemic region for example, Yakutsk, Sakha Republic (Yakutia). MATERIALS AND METHODS The City Bureau of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Department of the Republican Hospital number 1- NCM investigated 53 thyroid gland (TG ) of males who died suddenly as a result of coercive actions in Yakutsk , aged 20 - 70 years old, including 7 (13.2 % ) aged 20-29 years, 30 - 39 years old - 8 (15.1% ), 40 - 49 years old - 10 ( 18.8 %), 50 - 59 years old - 10 (18, 8% ), 60 - 69 years old - 10 (18.8% ), 70 years and older - 8 ( 15.1%). They were identified into two groups : those indigenous (Yakutia ) - 21 ( 39.6 %) , newcomers ( Russian , Tatar, Chuvash ) - 32 ( 60.3 %). Autopsies were performed during the first 12-24 hours after the death. Information about the material was obtained from autopsy. According to reports, the males were not registered at endocrinologists. The macroscopic description of the thyroid gland (a common look-and- cut), and the linear dimensions of both lobes (length, width, thickness) were the object of the study. We estimated absolute mass (AM) (r) and relative (RM) of the thyroid gland (%) were used in the calculation of formula [6]: X 100% RESULTS AND DISCUSSION At the surveyed groups on gross examination the thyroid gland is located on the anterior surface of the trachea. All of the studied cancer had two-lobe structure connected by an isthmus. The thyroid 5 gland was surrounded by the visceral fascia of the neck and is enclosed in a fibrous capsule. Breast tissue to the touch had a mild elastic consistency on the cut surface of fine-grained, reddish - brown color. Since the dimensions of the thyroid gland are the key indicators of morphology and function of the state, we have studied the linear parameters and the absolute and relative weight of the thyroid gland in indigenous and migrant populations in different age groups. Thus, we studied medium-sized height, width and thickness of both the lobes of thyroid ( cm ), and found out depending on the age we found out that the height of the left lobe of the thyroid at the age of 20-29 , 40-49 , 50-59 , 70 years and older of indigenous population was 1.2-1.4 times less than the newcomers.
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