BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC REPORT Report to: CABINET Report of: Acting Chief Financial Officer Date of Decision: 14th November 2017 SUBJECT: CAPITAL AND TREASURY MANAGEMENT MONITORING QUARTER 2 (JULY TO SEPTEMBER 2017) Key Decision: Yes Relevant Forward Plan Ref : 00 3704 /201 7 If not in the Forward Plan: Chief Executive approved (please "tick" box) O&S Chair approved Type of decision: Executive Relevant Cab inet Member: Councillor Ian Ward Relevant O&S Chair: Councillor Mohammed Aikhlaq Wards affected: All 1. Purpose of report: 1.1 The report notes developments in relation to Birmingham City Council’s medium term capital programme up to 30 th September 2017. 1.2 The report also monitors the treasury management portfolio and actions taken during the quarter under delegations. 2. Decision(s) recommended: 2.1 Cabinet is requested to: (i) Approve the revised multi-year capital programme of £2,854.199m. 2.2 Cabinet is requested to note that: (i) Forecast capital expenditure in 2017/18 is £474.177m. (ii) Actual capital expenditure as at 30 th September 2017 was £120.214m, representing 25.4% of the forecast outturn for 2017/18. (iii) The prudential indicator monitoring is presented at Appendix 11. Lead Contact Officer(s): Steve Powell, Assistant Director Corporate Finance Telephone No: 0121 303 4087 E-mail address:
[email protected] Page 1 3. Consultation Consultation should include those that have an interest in the decisions recommended. 3.1 Internal Relevant Members and officers have been consulted in the preparation of this report. 3.2 External There are no additional issues beyond consultations carried out as part of the budget setting process for 2016/17.