UGANDA Owned Spaces and Shared Places: Refugee Access to Livelihoods and Housing, Land, and Property in Uganda September 2019 Cover photo: Kyaka II refugee settlement. © IMPACT/2019 About REACH REACH Initiative facilitates the development of information tools and products that enhance the capacity of aid actors to make evidence-based decisions in emergency, recovery and development contexts. The methodologies used by REACH include primary data collection and in-depth analysis, and all activities are conducted through inter-agency aid coordination mechanisms. REACH is a joint initiative of IMPACT Initiatives, ACTED and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research - Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNITAR-UNOSAT). For more information please visit our website: You can contact us directly at:
[email protected] and follow us on Twitter @REACH_info. About Norwegian Refugee Council The Norwegian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organisation working to protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crises. NRC provides assistance to meet immediate humanitarian needs, prevent further displacement and contribute to durable solutions. NRC is Norway’s largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognised as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is a rights-based organisation and is committed to the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, independence and impartiality. Refugee Access to Livelihoods and Housing, Land, and Property in Uganda – September 2019 AWKNOWLEDGEMENTS REACH Initiative and NRC would like to thank the government of Uganda’s Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for their assistance in designing and guiding this assessment.