The Ann a Ls of Natural History

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The Ann a Ls of Natural History THE ANN A LS OF NATURAL HISTORY. [EIGHTH SERIES.J No. 46. OCTOBER 19il. LV.--Descriptions of new Genera and Species of Syntomidse, Aretiadse, Agaristidm, and Noctuidm. By Sir GEoaG~ F. HAMPSON, Bart., F.Z.S. THE following paper forms a sixth supplement to the first ten volumes of the ' Catalogue of Lepidoptera Pha]senm in the British Museum,' the former papers having appeared in the Ann. &Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7, vol. viii. pp. 165-186 (190l), vol. xi. pp. 337-351 (1903), vol. xv. pp. 425-453 (1905), vol. xix. pp. 221-257 (1907), and ser. 8, vol. iv. pp. 3¢~-388 (1909). The numbers before the species indicate their position in the classification adopted iu those volumes. The types are in the British Museum. Syntomid~. 81 a. Syntomis leucozona, sp. m ?. Head, thorax, and abdomen black-brown with a slight bluish gloss ; frons white i shoulders and pectus with white spots ; abdomen with subdorsal white spots on first segment~ lateral spots on second segment, and dorsal band on fourth segment. Fore wing black-brown with a faint bluish gloss ; a triangular semihyaline white spot below middle of cell and postmcdial spots below veins 7, 5, 4. Hind wing black- brown with a faint bluish gloss ; a round semihyaline white Ann. & May. iV. Hist. Set. 8. Vol. viii. 27 394 S~r G. F. ttampson oa new spot below the cell and postmedial spots below veins 5 and 3, the latter small. Hab. BoaN~o, Limbang (Moulton), 1 ~ type. Exp. 46 mm. 195 a. Syntomis tritonia, sp. n. ~. Head and thorax black shot with metallic green; the antennm white towards tips; frons and tegulae with white points at side, the shoulders with white spots ; coxae with whitespots, the femora and tibiae streaked with white, the Carsi with the basal joints white ; abdomen black suffused with metallic green, the basal segment with subdorsal white spots and lateral orange spots, the fbur following segments with subdorsal orange bands and ventral spots. Fore wing black suffused with brilliant metallic green; an elliptical hyaline antemedial spot below the cell, quadrate spot in end of cell, oblique spot below vein 2, and elongate postmedial spots above veins 6, 4, 3. Hind wing black shot with brilliant metallic green ; a hyaline patch on basal inner area, spot in end of cell, and postmedial spots above and below veto 3. Hab. S. Nm~IA, Ilesha (Humphrey), 1 ? type. Exp. 50 ram. 297. Balaerafurva, sp. n. _Pseudaplconomarubricincta~ Hmpsn. Cat. Lep. Phal, ]3. M. i. p. 151 (part.). ~. Head and thorax white, the palpi, frons, and edges of tcgulm crimson, the patagia with crimson stripes, the pro-, mcso-, and metathorax with paired dorsal bars ; antennae black below; pcctus and femora crimson, the tibiae and tarsi white; abdomen crimson with white and fuscous segmental lines, the anal tuft white at tip, the ventral surface white with crimson bands. Fore wing with the basal half, inner area, and costal area buff, the last extending beyond the cell down to vein 6 and with a white stripe on costa to beyond middle and antcmedial spot on vein 1 ; the rest of wing hyaline, with the veins bnff; a hyaline spot in end of cell before the buff discoidal patch conjoined to the buff on costal area. Hind wing small, with ~he tornus lobed ; crimson, the cilia white. Hab. GOLD COAST (VII. H. Johnston), l ~ type, Ashanti (McCarthy), 1 ~. Exp. 40 ram. Genera and Species of Syntom~dae. 395 300 a. Melisa atavistis, sp. n. Fore wing of male with veins 2, 3, 4 not bent downwards ; hind wing rather larger and less distorted, the costal area with fold towards apex only. c~. Head and thorax black-brown shot with some metallic blue, legs scarlet, the tibim with some blue-black at base and orange on inner side~ the tarsi orange ; abdomen black- brown with silvery-blue segmental lines on terminal segments, subdorsal series of ochreous spots, the anal tuft crimson, the ventral surface with the basal half scarlet, the terminal half ochreous. Fore wing black-brown suffused with metallic blue. Hind wing black-brown. Underside of fore wing with grey-brown streak above vein 5. Hab. GoI~D CoxsT, Bibianaha (Spurrell), 3 ~ type. Exp. 48 ram. 4t7 a. Eunomia caymanensis, sp. n. 9. Head and thorax black ; palpi white in front and behind ; frons edged with white except above a~ middle; gulm and a point on vertex of head white; tegulm and putagia edged with white, the dorsum of thorax with white streak and the meso- and metathorax edged with white behind; pectus, fore cox~e at sides, and the femora above except at extremities crimson, the coxm white in front~ the legs streaked with white ; abdomen black with subdorsal series of white and crimson bars, the terminal segments with dorsal white segmental lines, the anal segment with white patch, latcral crimson stripes, the ventral surface crimson at base, then with crimson bands. Fore wing hyaline, the veins and margins black slightly irrorated with white; an oblique white striga below base of cell and streak on base of vein 1 ; a black discoidal bar conjoined to the black on costa; the terminM baud expanding widely on apical area and below vein 2, its inner edge angled inwards at distal fold. Hind wing hyaline, the veins and margins black slightly irrorated with white, the inner area black to sub- median folds the black on termen expanding widely on apical area. Hab. GIrArD CAYI~IAN, Georgetown (Savage-Engl~sh)~ 1 fype. Exp. 32 ram. 805 a. Diplilon j~avipalpis, sp. n, 3'. Head and thorax black; palpi orange, the third joint 27* 396 Sir G. F. Harnps0n on new b]aek; frons ochreous white; gulm orange-red; vertex of head with ochreous streaks conioined behind ; tcgutve, patagia, and dorsum of thorax with brownish streaks; lcgs streaked with yellow and black, the hind tibiae and tarsi orange; abdomen black with some yellow and brown hairs, the first three segments with dorsal yellow patches and their ventral surface ochreous white. Fore wing hyaline, the veins" and margins narrowly black. Hind wing black with the fold and tuft white. Hab. An~NT~Nn, La Rioja (Giacomelli), 1 c~ type. Exp. 21. ram. P. 451. For Trichodesma, Itmpsn. 1898, nec Leconte, Col. 1861, read DES~mTaICHA, n. n. 1062 a. De]ph~re pyroperas, sp. n. ttead and thorax pale red-brown, the back of head and shoulders with paired crimson spots ; palpi at base and coxm pale crimson; abdomen black-brown, the four terminal segments crimson with slight dark segmental lines and the anal tuft blackish, the ventral surface crimson. Fore wing pale red-brown, the veins, diseal and submedian fold slightly darker ; a faint diffused discoidal patch, the apical area with faint diffused patch. Hind wing black-brown with hyaline streaks in, below, and just beyond the cell and on basal inner area. Hab. BRAZIL,Rio Grande do Sul, 1 ? ; ]?altA~U~V, Sapu- cay (Fosler), 1 ~ type. Exp. 42 ram. 1091 c. Eucereon pyrozona, sp. n. d'. ttead and thorax black-brown mixed with yellowish, the back of head and shoulders with paired pale crimson spots, the metathorax with yellowish-white patch; coxm crimson ; abdomen black, with orange-scarlet subdorsal spots on fiffh segment and dorsal band on sixth to eighth segment. Fore wing black-brown, with olive-yellowish streaks on the veins and in discal and submedian folds ; a curved olive sub- basal line from costa to submcdian fold; antemedial line slightly angled outwards below costa, then oblique to vein 1 and bent inwards to inner margin; a round dark spot at middle of cell defined on inner sicle by olive and on outer by a rather quadrate whitish patch ; an olive discoidal striga ; a sinuous olive line beyond the cell between veins 7 and 3; postmediat line pale olive, oblique from costa to vein 4~ at Genera and S2ec/es of Arctiadze. 397 subterminal line, then bent inwards to vein 2 below end of cell and erect to inner margin ; subterminal line pale olive, oblique to vein 5, then bent inwards to the angle of post- medial line at vein 3, where it terminates in an ochreous terminal patch between veins 4 and 2 with two short black streaks on it. Hind wing black-brown withthe interspaces hyaline in, below, and just beyond the cell. Hub. V~N~ZUErA, Caura Valley (Klages), 5 d' type ~ Ba. Gui~t~.~ (Rodwa~/)~ 1 (~. Exp. 42-~6 ram. Aretiadm. Nozzle. 7 a. Celama oehrolopha, sp. n. ?. Head and thorax white; palpi fuscous towards base ; antennm fuscous towards tips ; pectusand legs suffused with fuscous, the tarsi ringed with white ; abdomen whitish with diffused fuscous bands, Fore wing white, the inner and terminal areas tinged with brown; a small black spot at base of costa, the costal edge black to the antemcdial line with a slight subbasal striga from it ; antemedial line black, curved, expanding into a small spot at costa; tufts of ochrcous scales at middle of cell and on discocellulars, slightly defined by blackish; postmedial line black, angled outwards below costa, then with a diffused black band before it forming slight streaks at the veins and angled inwards at vein 2, the line incurred below vein 4; subterminal line black, angled outwards at vein 6 and excurved at middle, angled inwards at diseai fold and vein 2. Hind wing white tinged with brown, the underside with diffused dark discoidal spot. Hab. SIKHIM (M~llo:), 1 ? type. .Exp. 18 ram. 61 a. Nola fovifera, sp, n. Fore wing of male with triangular fovea in upper extremity of cell.
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