Kehillah: a History of Jewish Life in Greater Orlando Opening November 12
Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 06 OCTOBER 13, 2017 23 TISHREI, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Kehillah: A History of Jewish life in Greater Orlando opening November 12 The Kehillah Task Force worked for more than two years to plan, research, gather the information and write the text for this exhibition. Guided by Curator Marcia Jo Zerivitz and led by Chairwoman Roz Fuchs, the Task Force included the following people: Front row L-R: Marcia Jo Zerivitz, Roz Fuchs, Rosalie Levy, Susan Bierman, Malka Webman, Barbara Weinreich, Rachel Heimovics Braun, Mardi Shader, Teresa Finer, Eva Ritt; back row L-R: Stan Roberts, Sara Stern, Neil Webman, Lisa Schwartz, Amy Kimlat, Irwin Feldman, Emely Katz, Peter Burg, Arlene van de Rijn, Michael Soll, Laurence Morrell, Ava Maxwell, Judy Kahan Davis, Es Cohen, Lynn Dictor, Chris DeSouza, Debby Gendzier, Rhonda Forest. Task Force members not in photo: Melody Apter, David Bornstein, Pat Bornstein, Lauren Brown, Marli Porth Fanciullo, Sam Friedman, Leslie Feinberg, Joan Kimball, Renee Roberts, Sandi Saft, Richard Schwartz, Edward Zissman, Phyllis Zissman. Other team members: Research Assistants—Mark Cooper, Penny Gold, Eric Geboff, Miriam Josephs, Dick Katz, Hank Katzen, Spencer Kimball, Pam Kancher, Lorri Levine, Julian Meitin, Sheryl Meitin; Oral Histories: Roz Fuchs, Sharon Ginsburg, Eve Homburger, JoAnne Kane, Jodi Krinker, Laurie Shader Smith, Maura Weiner, Barbara Hara Weiss; Student Curriculum: Alan Rusonik and Lisa Sholk; Public Relations: David Bornstein and Lisa Levin. By David Bornstein ploring the 100-year history community and founding teractive displays, important and Blossoms (Philanthro- in Central Florida? Did you of the congregation intrigued executive director of the Jew- artifacts that hearken back to pists & Notables).
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