Physics of the Hyperspace
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Visionary sciences The need for higher Physics of the dimensions In order to get closer to his target, na- mely to create a unified quantum field theory, Burkhard Heim initially con- centrated on gravitation. According hyperspace to Einstein´s formula E= mc2, every energy has a mass and thus, every en- ergy field is tainted with a so-called Burkhard Heim‘s fieldtheory field mass. Therefore, the gravitatio- nal field of a mass also has some ener- and radionics gy which in turn corresponds to a mass. In turn, a gravitational field emanates More than thirty years ago, the physicist from this field mass. Newton and Ein- stein neglected this field mass in their Burkhard Heim succeeded in conceptualizing the individual gravitational theories and existence of higher dimensions in mathematical could therefore work with relatively formulas. According to Heim, the entire physics of simple approximation formulas. Bur- khard Heim was the first physicist who gravitation is only possible in a twelve-dimensional consistently integrated this field mass hyperspace that mathematically illustrates the in his model. He called the resulting tangible and the mental reality. Marcus Schmieke, gravitational formula a „transcenden- tal equation“ - an equation that has no who was personally introduced by Burkhard Heim generally valid solution that encom- to cosmology, explains Heim‘s field theory and its passes all scales of the universe. One is only able to derive various approxi- consequences for radionics. mation formulas for different magni- tude ranges of the cosmos. By Marcus Schmieke, Berlin. In the macroscopic range of medium distances, the solution of Heim´s tran- scendental equation substantially cor- responds to Newton‘s law of universal he twelve dimensions are divi- vels of existence. The mental dimension gravitation. This, however, essentially ded into three levels; the bot- of life expresses itself as „Self“ and con- deviates from it in case of very small tommost consists of the four sciousness in the G4, and manifests itself and very long distances. Generally, Tdimensions of spacetime (R ), while through the four connective dimensions Heim´s gravity formula has a limited 4 the highest four dimensions span a in the four-dimensional spacetime R4 as scope of validity. Below the so-called mirror-image mental space (G4). The a tangible appearance. (Fig. 1). Planck length and above the diameter remaining four dimensions lying in Individually considered, the events of of the universe, it has, from a mathe- between are the connection between the four-dimensional spacetime seem matical perspective, no solutions. Due the tangible and the mental area of to be an accidental interaction of natu- to this we can conclude that even the reality. ral laws. However, Burkhard Heim de- space with its geometric structure de- Through mathematics, especially de- monstrated that not even an elemen- termined by gravity has an extreme- veloped for this purpose – namely a tary particle would exist, if reality was ly small unit (the square of the Planck multi-dimensional Fourier transform restricted to four dimensions. Even a length) and is also subject to an upper - Heim was able to have a look at the simple electron needs the physical in- limit due to the size of the universe. G4. Deeply impressed, he saw com- teraction of six dimensions. Every phy- Even this indicates that the space is plex mathematical symmetries indica- sical event is accompanied by mathe- ultimately completely quantized, ex- ting an all-encompassing intelligence. matically describable processes on the actly like the electric charge, for exa- higher levels. No elementary parti- mple, is quantized; this means, that the Life as the basis of reality and cle moves without having a predeter- space is always composed of smallest not as a random product mined path in the higher dimensions. units, namely the elementary charges In the context of Heim´s physics, the Whenever an accident arises in the sci- of an electron. term „life“ can not solely be explained entific explanatory model, one can as- Based on this knowledge, a clear way out of the interaction of tangible ele- sume that a direct interaction between to create a unified quantum field the- ments on the level of spatio-temporal the tangible spacetime and the men- ory develops. The first step is to de- events. On the contrary, life is a com- tal dimensions through the connective monstrate all four fundamental forces plex process encompassing all three le- spaces takes place here. of nature - gravity, electromagnetic 22 raum&zeit special print interaction, and the strong and weak field (the field of masses and the field nuclear force – as dynamic deforma- emanating from the mass of the field) tion processes of space. The next step and that carries out a consistent quan- is to quantize the space, this means, tization of the space, Heim introduces to describe it as a composition of the a probability equation with the four- smallest units. As a result, all physical dimensional spacetime as a carrier forces would be quantized as a unified space. This means that every possible space field. four-dimensional space-time-geome- For this purpose, Heim initially had try corresponds to a certain probabi- to understand and to mathematically lity as it is usual in quantum mecha- describe the connection between his nics. This probability equation has a transcendental gravity equation and discrete set of eigenvalues where the the geometry of space. Here, the gra- eigenvalues correspond to possible vitational field appears in two compo- states of a macroscopic point source nents, namely as the field of masses of the gravitational field, therefore to and as the field of field masses ema- a mass. nating from the original masses. These Based on a simple consideration, one two aspects of the gravitational field obtains the number of equations resul- respond to each other as similarly as ting in such a set of eigenvalues. Here, the electric and magnetic fields in the three index numbers can individual- wave equations of Maxwell‘s electro- ly loop through the figures 1–4 (this dynamics. There, both field compon- corresponds to the four dimensions of ents are perpendicular to each other the spacetime) and a total of 43=64 in- and create, due to their dynamic inter- dependent equations is yielded. Here, action, electromagnetic waves propa- the three index numbers are the three gate at the speed of light in the emp- indexes of the so-called Christoffel ty space. Analogously, Burkhard Heim symbols describing the motion of a gets a complete set of free particle in the wave equations for gravitational field. both components of By considering the the gravitational field. known identities and In Maxwell´s equat- The physical symmetries of space- ions, the number zero action is based time, 28 further equa- is on the right several tions arise, causing times. This means that on an implied that only 36 of these there are no magne- order 64 equations can be tic monopoles. When invisibly solved independent- considering the gra- determining ly. 28 of the 64 sets vitational field, howe- of eigenvalues must ver, mass itself is the the findings remain empty in this source of the fields. of this world. way and do not need Thus, it corresponds to be taken into ac- to the magnetic mo- count. Thus, actually nopoles that were only 36 different phy- postulated and de- sical quantities, enti- monstrated by Nikola Tesla and Kon- rely describing the energetic states of stantin Meyl as the sources of scalar the gravitational field and mass field, wave fields. Therefore it would be me- remain. aningful to compare the theory of sca- These 38 quantities can be written as lar waves of electromagnetism with components of a matrix with six rows Heim´s wave equations of gravity. and six columns. Thus, this matrix yields a six-row energy-impulse-tensor, Mathematical derivation of the analogously to the four-dimensional higher dimensions tensor of the theory of relativity. Since In order to get a complete mathema- the four-dimensional energy-impulse- tical description of gravity in the four- tensor indicates the dynamics of ener- dimensional spacetime that contains gy and impulse in a four-dimensional both components of the gravitational spacetime, one can conclude that the Visionary sciences six-row tensor represents physical pro- does not directly re- cesses of a six-dimensional spacetime. ceive anything of these Four of these six dimensions apparent- „green interactions“. ly correspond to the spacetime known For us as three-dimen- from the general theory of relativity. sional beings, these in- The two additional dimensions x5 and teractions initially and x6 form, together with the known spa- entirely take place in cetime, a six-dimensional hyperspace the non-manifested Burkhard Heim (1925–2001), where the four-dimensional spacetime area of six-dimensio- German explo- is embedded as a subspace. Now it is nal reality. sives engineer the task of physics to identify the im- However, this does and physicist. portance of the two additional dimen- not mean that the ac- His major work sions x and x . These two new dimen- tivities of the trans- which owes to 5 6 his fame is the sions are termed as trans-dimensions dimensions have no uniform field by Burkhard Heim. importance for the theory, the Heim The six-dimensional tensor has the three-dimensional Quantum field structure as shown in Table 1. matter of our expe- theory. It consists of the three spatial dimen- rience or does not af- sions x, y, z, the temporal dimension t fect it. The activities and the two additional dimensions x5 of the trans-dimensi- and x6. ons influence the vi- Here, each of the 36 elements of the sible matter through tensor indicate the way the two di- the dimensions of ti- mensions, that are contained therein, me.