Muhyiddin Wants BN Election Machinery To Work Hard Though Date Not Announced Yet Bernama March 2, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR, March 2 (Bernama) -- Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri urged (BN) members and its election machinery to work very hard although the date for the 13th general elecion has not been announced yet.

Setiawangsa Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Zulhasnan Rafique said Muhyiddin, who is also Federal Territory BN chairman, gave the message when attending a closed-door briefing with Setiawangsa Umno division leaders, here.

"All the grassroot leaders in the division agreed on the importance for us to work real hard to ensure victory for BN in Setiawangsa although the date for the coming general election has not been announced.

"We will be kicking off certain activities which have been discussed among the grassroots," he said after the briefing at the Setiawangsa Parliamentary Constituency Elected Representative's Service Centre.

Muhyiddin today had a working visit to the Setiawangsa and Wangsa Maju constituencies to meet and obtain feedback from the grassroot leaders on the political situation in the two areas.

Zulhasnan said his division gave the one-hour briefing which also included current issues.

He said the deputy prime minister was satisfied with the political situation in Setiawangsa and the well-being of the area in terms of infrastructure, health and social environment.

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