The Rhine, Ablaze for a Festival

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The Rhine, Ablaze for a Festival HAVE GERMAN WILL TRAVEL FEST "Bei uns ist immer was los!" ,,RHEIN IN FLAMMEN" / ,,RHINE IN FLAMES" The Rhine, ablaze for a festival Rhine in flames in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley World Heritage The fireworks show in the Middle Rhine Valley against the background of fantastic, medieval scenery is a very special event. Besides the eye catching fireworks with Illuminated ships, burning medieval castles, Bengal town lightning and light-reflection in the flowing waters of the 1 Source: Elke Gr-eift-Gossen ,. , breath-taking acoustics make the visitor tremble when the rolling thunder of firecrackers and their echoes break at the mountain side. The huge international event "Rhine in flames" exhibits five extraordinary fireworks, with four of them taking place In the Upper Middle Rhine Valley world Heritage. Each of t hose events is a great experience of its own.- - - -- A flotilla ofparty boats crn'ise past the Rhein in Flames extravaganza Recently, the Rhine was in flames. But don't worry, no one was in danger. Rhine in Flames (Rhein in Flamrnen) is a yearly fireworks extravaganza that bathes the river in light in five different cities throughout the summer. On July 3rd, the lights lit up between Trechtingshausen and Bingen. Over SO illuminated boats were underway for the festivities. Castles, houses, and monuments along the river were lit in red as seven firework displays adorned the evening's festivities on both land and water. The fireworks were set off from Trechtingshausen, Assmannshausen, the ferry near Rheinstein Castle, Ehrenfels castle ruins, Klopp Castle, and, finally, the ferry between Bingen and Ri.idesheim. A three-day program of events kicked off the event in Bingen to accompany the fireworks and featured food and wine stands, as well as theater, comedy, and live music. Many visitors highly recommend viewing the annual spectacle by boat, most of which also provide dinner. However, at a price of around 90 Euros a person, just as many visitors prefer to find their own viewing spot along the shore. Rhine in Flames dates back to the 1930s. Though during its first 20 years, it was often held sporadically, it has become a regular attraction in the five participating cities. This year's program began on May 1 in Bonn, and will continue next month in Koblenz, before moving on to Oberwesel and, finally, St. Goars. .
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