
,OPE:ltA.TIN:G. ENGINEERS. ,. ' LOCAL"' . - . 3 .STATIONARY~ . E:NGINE:E:RS LOCAL 39 . . .. - . . . ' ·. . - . - . . VOL 'J -, NO. HJ , ~,anges in T~H ec ·r 0 s p ,':-•,. Of llTIPortan ' @ nem1 s; FL Stirs' te Jo ·Engi~eers · · Labor's box score on Con- "People w,ho oppose us have con- , . Our Intei:national Un_ion is par- By P. E. YANDEWARK gress is out-and it's a bad ?ent:at,~? all t~eir .. acti_v~t·y· · in le~-1 ti~ipating_ iri the big LLP:m; drif e, Assista.nt. Local' Union Th'.fanager record one .that plainlv points 1slatrnn, he said. Pohtics now 1s and details on how an memmir~ ' . . " trade union · business. The one I can take . part will- be given in Three amendment§' ·to Hie Taft- out our Job m_· 1952._ . I major job a,'1,ead of us is to 1nake futu_ re issues· of_, this n:ia_.. n. er. · .. 'h, HaTtley La',v were. propo~d -at the AFL d .. - last sessio-n of Congr_ess by Se11-- _ , an _its political . arm, . ours~lves imp~r~~nt on Capitol Hill I See Page 12 . for the - o!fici~1 ators Humphrey and, Tan; which, LLPE, compiled the score and I and m state ,eg1slat,ures." LLPE box score on Congress. , · bad theJ' all been passed, would 'then announced plans for the. . :;, ~} illave been of great' benefit to Local greatest voter-drive in the 7r ,r/) 71 ff· L q-1 B '// ' :_; U nion 3. history of American labor, JU/iV.1 iu:~ .p_ . l ion:__ The most important amehdment,, one which would abolish National' with one eye ·on Britain's .re- - "-4 .Lap0r Rel~tioi1s Boa1:d electio1;s in cent astounding 90 pei' 'cent .t he consthiction inditstry, was Otto Never, active inember of voter turnout. 0 passed by the Senate and referred Qperating Engineers Local 3 and Tlie score shows -California; .for T RTH S TH to the House .. pf Repre_sentati_ves, presid,ent of the California State instance, w.ith. ·_a do~e.n no~g()od Tep- c·. ' Wh\'re it still rests in ' committee. Building Trades Council, was resentatives and. ·eleven goo(/ ones, The second-~ost-important pro- [ named chairman of a new Western plus· two senators w.ho. voted 100, . · posed amendment was passed by Conference of Building - Trades J}er cent against labor. llf@ TER JECJ. I b ot h Houses and has been signed Cou'flcils. at its first meeting in N~ighboririg· sta'tes are nearly as by the President, and . is. now a 'San Francisco, Nov. il and 12. bad. Nevada has ·. just' one ;repre- California, ~housand-mile goldert~state · c(st;rid~ the west- 0 Iaw. The jrnportant phases of _this .. sentative, a good one, but two bad ern frontier, again captures vVOrld acclahn with .a bold pla.n amendment ·are as follows : D B J - . d I senators, and Utah has two good of conquest over mountains, rive·rs,' and' d'3S~rt, tci bring 1. In t he future it will no longer -~"\_, (~ilni_.n»g_ 1_: f1_, ?_• .-.~-e~.s· _.·- repr~sentatives, _put two no-good white-gold water from its rain-s'oaked north 750 miles dowh: be necessary to hold two electi_ons ~J/U~iu~ g I • u "' I s~nators.. . - . . .. :in order to negotiate a union shop . Plans. for the nationwide voter state to ·its arid, water~hungi'y soutbland; . ·- - ,:· contract Un"der the new amend · C ·· fl' ' .· - fl • ' drh~e WP e !~id ai:'a Nov l meet .- As it, leads ,.Ame.i;ica. in climate; l · - ,, ... :~:- ·- '., · · · . >-:-.:,- ~nl. eecntt_-1-'o. 11- ~ln1acse ;'·b·_,'. et:.·e·.i1ne. w. -r0,e]1p, ;ethseentuant:l: 00'. :1n-. .· ._.:__ -o· .~:r·_·.·_· e :li'l_/~_-._._ ~--l~~ -·· ,:iH· ,· il_'_"f__ .-"-:;:. :\i~ga· .-s-:h; l-.'~n-';.. g-;tloo' 01.:1~_.?-It~.•• S:r :_··t-o'.-~."_nb''ieo.ua' ip1e1/e~__c ~1':s~n-cit_n_- ss~nttY.,,, g{q,\yJl\, apd J1tg:t:iways .. of.,I coast, . though~,: ths ' \tnaii( cond{fft-· ~ i I I s ~i ~l-~ ri J ' Y .. 'the future, this key V~ €S1:ern' j)rOV- 'v\'ill run aJO:ri? the \'/tStern _S]Q R~S . '.i s free t o. ·negcrti'ate a m'lion shop· · ' · · · · · · by-precinct push with every ene of ince is determined to build- water- of San -Joaqum .Valley. At Grape- ,, lat1se 1'n 1·• 1·· o· t ct · , .. · · .. 0 - ,,,ays real1'z1·n a ,vester·n me11's vine, south o_f Bakersfield in_ ti1e . 44 00 0 -~-2.· Union,s~hcb;.::nt:~cts.may. be .M·. a·· te. i/4~~1. r ·R·.~ c-.. !e. .· ::~=-AFL's · local unions push- dreams of a hundred years to Tehachapis, a series 'of pun1ps vv:i.11 :negotiated "''ithout union shop '"'; H.,lJIJ l,i "Our stock on Capitol Hill right turn -rivers from the ocean and lift it to 3375 feet elevation, readj- electiops, however: (a) _t he union now is very low," AFL. Secy. Geo. send them southward on- the coh- ing it for the ·trip into southeih · 11 1 d t b . ' . ,. ,.. "'h . . d I b tinPnt. California. Ten miles of tunnels· 1 vo ve mus e represensac1ve Ji. e construct10n m qstry, •a or . ]Heany told the LLfE Nov. 1 meet- - ~f th ·. ·t ·.. f I , · d k' · th ·· · Governo•.· '~1ar·~en '11a.s announced will take it through the Tehachap' i , ~ e maJon ·y · o _emp oyees m- an management wor mg toge ·· .-. ing. "They don't think we're im- '' ~ ··o,. lved ,· (b) the umon· , mu_s t have. · er,· mus, t speak out s t rongl y f, or a portant because we haven't shown he will ask the 1952. Le",:rislature· Mountains. Thence it will skfr_t 1·t·fica· f th NLRB. · f · h f th t'· , · · next March .c,_n.._~ funds to· 0 tart the Antelope Valley's westerly. desht'.. a C0~ 1 te· rom.• e 1 , ;s- a1r s are o e na Tons· raw ma- as ·yet we can get o-ur me,mbers v ~ sued within tlie...._ past 12 mol\"ths tei'ials dui-hi.g this presst1re · period out to v~te." He said a spot check $1,133,461,000 Feather River proj- edge and cross the' Los· Angeles a nd showing compliance with fae if it is not to · iose Jut en~irely .to -~ thewater problem. Closed shops still are illegal. - and HL !~~ ii tl~!l~ n,11m J !{;I i1 ~~": This will be one of the grea.test At· pr ess time word was received The third amendment passed-·by J _De_legates . from all local councils In the past month, five more such projects in the world. It will that Operating Engineers ,Local' '::i, both Houses of Congress was not: in the five western states joined members of Local 3 have taken start with a 710-foot-high $421,­ of much importance' to our ol'gan-· with Dept Pres. Richard ·Gray out service withdrawal cards and 280,000 dam near Oroville. V'/a.ter won an NLRB bargaining .repre/ · ization·, since it merely legalized and Secy. joseph Keenan in voic- entered various branches of our from this source will join water sentation election with i:h'e ' .Li'nd­ ____:.:;: some 3,000 CIO contracts whi,~h .ing. a demand ior greater coordi- armed forces. The total number of from· Shasta Dam and course Sun;eyors Association by aii ove{-~ . whelming pr efer€nce. A large ma~ · 11ad been held. illegal by· the u. s. nation among both labor and ·its Local 3 members now in the serv- through present channels to Tracy, jority of those employed by the 36 Supreme Court. employers to avoid wholesale shut- ice thus climbs to 241 _ 'Yhei·e a 567-miie $794,500,000 con~ 'II, * * down· of the· in.dustry . thro~1gh Here are the latest names to dµit will take it south to Sa11 firms in this association voted ·for Local 3, and only 19 voted agqiri_st, materials-grabbing .qy high pres- go 011 Local ·3• 8 honor roll : Diego.· Plans_ for a $6,500,000 freeway sure lobbies in other field·s. Civic and labor leaders com- This election put into effect fhe 011 l)art ' o f- · ti· 1e s an t a C ruz-S an The couri.,(;il elected -otto Never, -· DON W. BURC:HART mended the enterprising spfrit of union shop c:ause in the existii1g . I h · · · · · · ·· ALFRED, (LEE) Jo contract covering party chiefs,~ , se · h. 1g1way ave been an- Operating Engineer a_nd preside_nt CHRISTO PHERSON the State Administration in an- se~. , nounced by the _state _highway of , the Californta Building'. Tra.des JACK MORGAN nouncing these plans. nior inspector, instrument mal}1 Jn~: comm1ss10n. Plans include res Council, as · its chairma11 .. and ,_ En route southward, the line spectoi;, and field assistant~, . <,J~s~ . . ...d f · I · · . . , DON K. OLSE_N _ 'i COOPERATE...... \VE'LL APPRECIATE I'f! Each iss.ue of'·:the; : Engineers News will proviq'e a change of address form hereat.ter.:. First Saturday .of ·each month, 18-a.m. to ~12 noon. H. M. Forbus 'November 2, 1951 * * * (The ct:bove -ho'l~rs apply to the San Francisco office Irving B. Gesk'e TECF.L.','1CAL ENGINEERS, Local 3-E meeting wHl \ e held at\ . _orily. :Any change ;Jn ' branch. office · hours~will appe

TQ THE MEN -: 0.f THE · :/~·R·~, y_ S\IU 1·1=_ 1:f\J~r Ai .. o, t ~=!bl l= V~[ BOVvLING GREEN I _R_- e_p_o_·rt_o_f---'L'---~-s_t _ : I Gather around me people, I e_·e_'tlng 1' ,; ,:·... ,,.· . .. ' And hear this stbry . told; _ The nH: ~ting· was ~a:!1,ed to ,01:der at 8:00 p.m., President Clancy pre- I "ED" ·NBY D\,A·-1~Jt Of . the' Httle bl111Ch of miners, S~ t ·· - , ~- ,.-, - .- ~l1~tl1J - siding. R9n can . sJ:i-0";ep1 . an _off.icer~ present...... That was mining for gold. syiiopsis the Regular . Meeting l\.Iin:utes Oct. reaol By WM. C. WAACK an{(LES COLLETT, Busines~ R~presentatives A of - of 6 ,,·as .. They \Valk to ,vork, and ),?y m<>'fion .app!ove~ ~a~:'.J~ad...... Here it is in Noveniber and the work is starting to slow And home every night ; A synopsis of the Executive Board l\Iinutes of Oct, 17 alld Oct. down in the mid-valley district because three levee jobs and And the work ti1ey done, 31 read 2nd th,!l.- acts and recommendations -0f the Bo-artl \.Vere by five or six road jobs are buttoning up at the same time. 'Twas sure a sight. rnotiQn ap,proved as read. Card of thanks received from Mrs. Louise Riley a.nd Bohby. The rains came down in this area, about four 1nches of it, They worked ten hou.rs, Recr,ived and filed. and-raised havoc with the levee· work. The F'oster & McHarg For two bucks a day; The foll-owing· Brothers were reported ill: LeRoy Andra.de, C; G. Co., on the Honcut Creek levee 1 ~ : 1 Two sets of t imber, Allen, Ja-01, E. Anderson, Abram Bittle, ill. D. Bowerman, ·P . Brin~_ _ job, was set back about two weeks. a good-sized ~rew in the shop on 'Twas nothing more than lui,rst,, L,J3onvicjno., R. J .,Bµ,l~-r, LeRoy Bryant, .Jesse L Culp, Henry At this ~riting, they: have about i'e.. pRa.irC.. child's play. Qurh,.).~\1ii~1i{ A:. Cra-..~·f6rd;· L.Ioy,cl E. Dixon, Glen E. Decker, '''alt-er P . Downer, of Reno., · finally E_hye~pf01·t, )Jn;i.-'\>/. 'E'fkin; ~(J\'K,_Forb-us, B. Fitzgerald, P. Fogli, Harold. 40,000 yards }.o go, and then the· finished his bridge and approach The drifts y,ere true, Fosso, , ~ . _J, Fi:eitas, 0. ~ . . Fr~e~nan, Daniel Forsyth, J. J . Gahagan, topping off. • job on the Oroyille-Chico highway. And straight as a die ; C, J .. Galloway, F1;ank Gomes; Em. F. Go'etz, D_on H. HaJler, S. E. .Piombo :CoJ1st_ruction's levee job · '.fhe E. K Moseman Co. is going They were run with a plumb Ingram:' R _C . .1_e1mings, Tno'i{i~ -A. James, Richard Joseph, Chas. mtz­ bob, on Elµ, tJe -Cr.eek . also had _ damage along pretty _good on the two . un­ i1iiller, _F~a;µfr R,i-atz, ~{!y ·i\'.t, -~-o:pdon, James C. McClure, J . M:. l\foFar­ from . the rain but by the time derpfl.ss· jpbs 1in_der the W. P .. and And that's no lie. ~an~~ . t , ~:. ~ulford, . Doj~~)la1colm, Robert l\Iarglin, F. i\lonterra-so, thi.s is printed the job should be S. P. railroads. Bro. Charles Han­ l'fow thirty-five .cars Kenli!lth Moore, i\ia~ion _Mai1~el_l, ,J0Jm. F . Murphy, _Joe )Yfargado, V~m ov:er. Bro. Phi-I bunn, · super-in- sen is in charge of this project. Was haTdly enough; o. :Ni¢hols; :toiin · M. O'B~ie~1;"Clatence A . Odell, Vernon D. Osborn, tehdent; · is planning a trip · to Au- Richter Bros. have quite a few As most of the m11cking Ch_a,s. Pet~i;s,~iisil,L. Payne,-~Ia'nuel Perry, L. 0. Pipki..,, E: s. Prather, sfralia· with his wife and child as men around the district on land Was on t he rough. . Cl~menfq-; JRey!)l,_ ~nthony J_:' Re, Em.est Stark, .J. A. Seaborn, Ed\.vard so<;irt as they can get finished. We leveling. Their road job at Camp- Sµider,)i?°ber( $i.mm()_n~, ~.J;:·Siding, Wm._A, '!~ylor, Ed,"in Thonison,' wish them a nice pleasant frip. tonville is getting near its end. The way they picked J>auf Tipsa;, 'J,a1:n~s 'r.r~utipjan, ''He1iry Tho'inpsoit, Silas .B.; '·Turner, . 'I'h~ : Mehr en . Constiu-ctfon . 'Co. 13 BRIDGES ON 99E And mucked was-a sin; Wni. A .. WiiM; 'Arthur Wa1lifoe, . For. that's how poor Tony :finished its . portion of the Feather H. W. · Ruby Co. of Sacramento , reported . de~eased: fillfan, · Rive1<1evee · and now· has the crew was the· successfur 'bidder 011 13 Lost his wind. 8~::.~~1~-~;t~,~§!!7l!l~!:~ nw: leveling land in District 10. bridges on the new section of ' .tfi.e Bi.isiness 'Agents gave "their US·"Jal reports which ,vel'e aec_e_pted . There are two or three things _Harms Bros. Construction. 'Co. _Highway 99E, ~r om the Oroville as ·. giv!;)n. _ ·· . That I can'.t µnderstand; has about two weeks left on· tlie Wye to Chico. The bid was over irot~ei;- B. F.-Bowlin fe_que'stM the , floor. He related tlu!,t he h'a~ Just how they stopped road job at. Princeton. The _. hot $500,000, and they wer'e slated to h.earf t~oti'b1e a yeaf.· ago :and not able t o woi·k, so ·1iad :gone into The· old quicksand. ,vas · p1an(has· ii.e1d 't6gether and :sro.' s_tart, Nov: _s. tl\e.aµ_t'o'~cie~:ne~ :md p(i'iish J;1isIµess at 215·2~hd Stre~t; 'iti<;lunond. !!e:-£. Tregumbo and his ciew Bros . Butte . County supervisors have Some say br_east boards requested the members to give his poli~h a try, g1.1aranteeing' satis- Blair; Basi1~ko · and other~, J:iav~ set aside : $152,000 to do work on · And others say, "No, faction. . been averaging about 1100 tons of the Gridley-Colusa highway from Put in some straw John Lockh!l,rt, candidate . for the office o( sheriff, appe?-red . be­ hot stuff per day. That has . kept Pennington Road fot,o Gridley, -to And let it go." fore 'the meeti.11,g. He stated his reasons for attempting to bee-orhe slleriff Br9. Ames b·usy on the dozer and be done in the su;11mer of 1952. of San Francisco County a'nd :requested support of the membership. als.o _made 'Bro. Clay (Sidenerberg) , -The. State of California Division Others -will say, His - rema1:ks were well recei;e'd by the ~11Cl1~bership : pxesent. smne. Clay's name was changed, of Hlgh~ays has $660,000 ear­ "Use the false set and drive . Report of t.he Generai'.Secretary-Treasuter was read by Presldent for .. he only pays $20 for an $80 __marked . for YulJa County next the lagging; Clancy._ _ . ii ,yatch. - Bro. Vern Storey ha~ been year, and also $933,000 set aside You have to do this, Brother Swanson called to the attention of the _memberihip that forema'n ;on' this spread. Buck fo~· Butte County, $835,000 ?f this I To keep it from sagging." the Engineers Office was the only labor office in San Frane-isco which 1 remains open on Saturda.y, and proposed that on W-ednesda:y the of~ Lash, _Gene Austiri and Vince Mor- bemg to resurface 16 /2 miles of There is also that, fice would i:emain open fl'~m 7:30 a:m. to 8:00 p.m.; and on Fridays tis- are ' on the blades·; ·Jack Tittle 99E from the Oroville Vvye to Of swelling ground; the office would remain open f:rom 7:30 a.m. to 5:QO 1>,m., openi!,g and Lee Hea,rd on the 1;ollers; 20th Street in Chtco. Ease your timbers again at 6:00 p,m., and remaining open until 9:00 p.1~. The office, 'wpuld Charley Hover has sent his rig At this writing the to,vn of Live To keep them sound. J:iack to Bµrlingame. _Oak was due to vote on a $140,000 close every Saturch1y except the Saturday of the Regula1· I\'[eeting; when CAMP.BEALE. se\.ye1· bond issue. Of course if it I.E you want to live the office would remain open all day. The Business Representatives of To be 62, San Francisco ·would be available to the membe,·s on thes? i1ights. It · ~len-{ent; Construction c 1 0 s e d passes . it will mean work for some dpwn for the winter- ,and Bro. Ben of our n_1embers. . _ The~e are the things to do. was regularly mov-ed and secondetl that the policy · as outlined by Schade ca:r;ne over.to ~Vhippl~ En- Th~ -P1ttsb~rg Des Momes Steel · Brot-her Swanson be approved. Carried. Now this story, ~~neer_i_ng-~t Cal}lP Beale. _Bro. Bill' Co: lS erectmg the _water tower There baing no further business to co.me before the ,neetiug,· it....,.­ I Strange as it may seem, M_in:nahan,_ business re.presentative _t~e town of_ Ol!vehurst. . adjourned. fok Was told to me by men f_pr the -Tech men cle~red the ngmeers ~td. has a few me-n Respectft~l!y s·ubnJitted, 'Who worked in the Bowling others out ·of the ·s'acra'i'ne1~to of- -~1~}~e gas lme near Gridley for C. F.' lVIATHEWEi, flee. - ,;_ · Green. Recording Sectet',uy. -M. C. DEGAN : B,. ' 'PERSONAL ITEMS • -y ,thjs)ime an of_t11e J. Henry I Sacramento. Ha:t:r:is people will have left Dows Bro. Russ Webster and his wife nievfpe, :as Pete J',1:cCieery, blade have been operating the Bark ' ·* * * operator, 'has reported in from the Cafe in Durham for a couple of- All;~ BL&)~ A'tnen~ 1952 job that he wound it up. years, but about two weeks ago D Ii,,. lb il ll.. \!It' I ;J I a fire and water damage ·wrecked e .C. V. Kem_vorthy sold their por- c~m,p!S!Mi1~"'l .. •, Ag~erlllt' f their place. We hope · they soon UIH~M ~~\\!j~3 , tll~SY.il ti6i1 of 99W above· Wiilows to the = State and,moved out. will. be selling coffee ana donuts Dc~.r>l,l,g·4'lllnl ~~ (o111nirn~~~e aga111. i'i!1';~ll.,a E~GW ~. u \Hli~~! t;~.;;:i Ri,ce.. Bros. will have about two more ~veeks on -99E at the Oroville Bro. Bill Hayes, operator at the Wa.shlngton (LPA). - Labor's Victory for r;t1ost of the candidates endorsed by orgariized Wyer:: Harry Car:te is on blade Butte Creek Rock Co. in Chico, League for Political Education has labor was the satisfying outcome of San Francisco's munici- , ·had one thumb badly lacerated in pled'g·ed an a_ll-out drive to 1·egister and:T e::Jen Easton on roller, with J _ . a job accident and we hope he union members to vote and: collect pal election held on Nov. 6. · Bro. Snell in charge. In the race for mayor the vote Labor Pa1.0 ty were re-elected· by The ·:sand and gravel _busi~ess soon will be fit and on the job $1 contributions from the AFL's 8 was very close between the incum- .landslide majorities-Dewey Meat;l, has slowed up some but -Rice.Bros. once more. million members to finance the bent, Mayor Elmer Robinson, and Edward T. Mancuso, John J. Sulli­ an:d Oroville Construction are still * * * 1952 political campa.ig·ns. AFL Sec- Supervisor . va-n, and' Byron Arnold. Al Graf ... ~------­ ke_eping a few men busy in thei'r CIT""' V'"OuKil''°~ retary-Tl'ea.surer Georg·e 1VIeaJ1y Absentee ballots were not expected another ULP inan: lost out. JVIead • ·'- ·• _,_,. ,l!,;n~ told more than 100 union -leaders plant and Rice Bros. have a few Gadsden, _Ala. (LPA)-A three- to alter Mayor Robinson's vktory, topped the field with a strong vote, mecha. i1ics: ill the Mar·ys,,i-lle shop d ay, non-picketin°· strike won a atla_special meeting· here the drive however. which puts him in line for presi- on' repair · work. 0 was essential because Congressmen 10-cent hourly boost and other and Senators "don't think we're Four of the five candidates for dency of the board. Mr. Parker of H. Earl Parker gains for 170 city ernploye . re.pre- important because haven't supervisor supported by the Union In the one major conte_st for mu- said he did not have too much sented by the Government & Civic we I nicipal judge, -the U-LP was again w6tk lined up for the winter and shown we can g·et our mem-bers to Employes Organizing Committee, vote." Meanwhile, new LLPE Di- on the winning side with Carl H. Allen defeati-ng Fra-nk W. Prideaux rector James L. l\>IcDevitt wrote in Jr. by a 4 tQ .1 1:najority. . the current · American . E'ede-ratiou­ District Attorney Thornas . C. ist the AFL is in politics stay: ,rouR BUSINESS .·AGE'HT to Lynch, labor-back_ed; was return(;d LLPE compiled a "scor-eca-rd'' list- with a big majority. · If the business agent writes a letter, it is too long , .. If he send ing how your na-tional legislators On the 15 propositions on the .a . postal card, it is too short ... If he attends a committee ·meetino- voted OR ma.jor issues and it wm ballot, the U-LP fared very . well, he· is butting in ... If he stays away he is a shirker ... If he fails be ,sent you free on request 'to t~ also. Its endorsements were su~­ collect dues, he is · slipping .. : If he asks for advice, he is incompe- · LLPE, 1525 H. St., NW, Wasliing­ cessful in nine cases, lost on three, t_ent .. . - If he does not, he is bullheaded ·... If he gives his reports . ton 5, D. C. and no recommendation on three. complete, they are too long .. . If he condenses them, they are incom- In Sacramento, lab_oi·-b Ck e:a. __ :,-­ . plete ... If he talks on a subject, he· is trying to run things : .. If he * * * a Despite rising production co11ts, Jimmie Hicks, editor of th~ Sacra­ remains silent, he has lost interest in his organization ... If he is caught Britain'.s National Coal ·Boart;l's ac­ mento labor paper,· was elected as at the office, why doesn't he get out? . .. If he can't be found, why counts for the second quarter _of a 'city councilnian. doesn't he come around some time? ... If he is not at home at 11ight he 1951 show a surplus of over three i_s out drinking .. . If he is at home, he is ducking ... If he do~sn't million pounds. ·* * * agree the boss is a skunk, he is a company man ... If he calls the boss West S.teel Boost a skunk, he is ignorant · ... If he doesn't beat his chest and yell strike, ,ENGINEERS' NEWS Annual ·steel dpacity of the w·est · he is a conservative ... If he does, li.e is a radical ... If he wins by ·Managing Editor, _.v. s. SWANSON will be about 213 per cent higher striking he is a hero . . . If he doesn't, he is a bum . . : If he doesn't Published Each Month by Local Unio• in 1953 than in 1939, compared with stop and talk, he job has gone to his head .. , If he does, that is all No. 3 o! the International Union o: a nationa'l rise -of _44 per ce,nt. 1 h Operating_Engineers :ie as to do anyway ... If he can't put a member to work who got Northern- California, Northern Nevada, Output in 1953 will be 6,670,000 into trouble, he is a poor agent ... If he does, that is what he is being · . ·State of Utah tons or 5.7 per cent of the national paid- to do ... If he should give someone a short answer, we will get Office 474 Valencia ~treet capacity. This is from plants in h im in the next election ... If he fries to explain something to them, San Francisco 3, California Colorado, Utah, California, Oregon he is playing .polit_ics .. . If he gets a good contract, why didn't he ask Subscription Price: $'2.50 and Washington. for more? ... If he gets a poor contract, he asked for too much .. . If per year :J:lis _suit is p'ressed -he thin-ks he is a big shot . .. If he looks shabby he Mail all news Items . in to editor nol A young ri1an*" discreetly* +< inquired th 11 1 Enf~~~J ~~ns!~~n~ ~ ~~P­ of his blind date: you sh.riilk m;ikes a poor agent )./ i f he ' takes a vaca.tlon, he had one al{ ;;e0 'ar c; "Do 1~5 ~a1~;: ; .~:;If he: doesn't; he is - afraid' of losing his° job.< . If he is on :the ";fob : I tember 9, 1943, JJl the Postof!ice at San . f;orn kissino-?" . ,:;_' a f'(horLtime, he- hasn't had enough experierice : . ; If he lS on the job.'; Francisco, California, under the Act Say, ~ -- you . sure ;.you'1;e from ,;I'd,. be~ iiothfag' ' but -sfo.n :\{frd 0 1 1912 . t o'o . long, there should be a change. . . :U_ , '----·- _ ...·A_u_g_us_ t_!?A_, _ _ _ _.. _____, my old looa.,l iin '\Va"i:a-hachie? bones if I did," she replied.

trttSf~ November 15, 1951 , ENGINEERS' NEWS Three ··,h ats 01ng• :ICl.nd · ffice · By AL CLEM, -T. D. BRYSON~ LOUIS SOLARI, L. L. LAUX, Business Representatives. . - .There were 450 men cleared out of this office during the .driving do\vrt that way keep an eye past month and in spite of this the out of workH~( has held out _for the place which is located on the San· Jose side of town, its own, \lVith approximately 100 members registered for work. OAKLAND Off ICE HOURS right on the main drag. Some of these are fellows who are _on the move, however, In compliance with the request of many of the mem- and considering the fact that we usµally, average about 200 bers that th~ office be kept open for a time in the evening, Make way for Nimrods .Guy Mat­ on the list during the fall months this appears to be a good the following schedule will become effective at once in tingly and L. c. Smith, who have indication. We are hopi:qg now that the picture will not the Oakland office: just returned from a goose and change too drastically as we get on into the winter months. Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, I duc~ hunting expedition up .1pturas While both Stolte Inc., and. Gal- --.- _------­ ~ turd 9 t· l2 1 way. The boys were gone 1!- week 7 30 t 6 1 lagher and Burke have various· completed the dirt moving on the _._,_. _: __a_._n_1_ . _-o---=p'-.1_n_._; .;.·.:,_a_. __a.;:.y_, __a_.-m_._o ___ n_o_o_n_. ____.: and did right · well by themselves. small projects going in the area Kirker Pass Road and Asta Con­ production of automobile bodies An employee of the Peterson Spent most of the time at Goose at_the present time, their joint ven- struction of Rio , Vista · is moving the new ,.. section ,vill be us~d for Tractor Company before he en- Lake aTIent time. . . _ C. F. Braun is remodeling the --- , B th c d B J · getting· finish blade ope1·ators on ro e.rs ummmgs an . o_s_c 1 Brothers Craig Mort and Harold Hi-Octane Plant at th-e Associated Captaili Beck has a sub contract k 1 f th b th his J'ob for the last month. The are ~epmg s. evera__ o e ro ers Duncan are operating shovel and Oil Company at Avon. There are with the Pacific Portland to supply t b b b t brothers have been. workine: six usy on various JO s e ween ·Ar- dozer res])€ctively for Paul Pratt 6 Engineers employed on -this op- 1 them with washed shell when their_ ~ t d R d d c k - 9-hour shifts tryinz to .complete ca a _an e woo_ ree · . . .w ho recently opened a new quarry e_rati _on, which will take about six ·operations run too heavy to mud. ~ B th L t 11 I this J0 ob before old man Neptune r? er · o u 1 _e c armer lS . s ·i 111 . Crow Canyon near Ha_yward__ · weeks to complete._ · _ He employs .two of our members. keep a most of his equmment busy arrives. · I m':' . · · - · ------, _ -~ on var1ous Jobs all over the coun- , 1 ----<:~_ Biasotti's Antioch hot · plant is 1· · Stanley Kohler has compieted ex- The Associat€d Dredging Com- DffiT FLIES AT SCOTIA try. _operating again _following a sha.rt cavating a~1d grading for the pro- pany has two of their Clamshells On Frederickson Bros.' job at MAD RIVER JOB shut-down; while Fay Wi1ls keeps posed addition to the Selby smelter working on small jobs ._ in the bay Scotia, the dirt is really t1ying; five ··carr & Ro"cco and John Burman busy on· sev eral jobs in the Pitts- 'and is now placing rock for the and river areas. They report that jeeps on a short haul, never hav- & Sons are doing everything they · burg-Antioch . area. At the prese-nt sub base. they have quite a lot of work in ing to wait for a pusher cat. The can to get out of danger on their · tiri1e, in ad_(] ition to his other work, sight and expect t9 keep busy for clearing on this job has been an job at Mad River. Looks like they he has 6 EnginE:ers on hi~ payroll _ Activities in the shipyards· along some time. They also have. their exceptionally tough one. Years ago will ma_ke it. John Burman & ~ons at the Dow Chemical· Plant. the Estuary were sparked a · bit little Sucker working three shifts they logged the area off, leaving have several other jobs going --- recently with the award of addi- at the SUJ.ndard Oil Plant in Rich- stumps ten to fifteen feet hign .around the area. · ' Bechtef Corpqration has broken. tional work. Todd's received con- ·mond, and they expect t_o put the and about the same in diameter. · F. R. Archibald has completed ground on Continental Can Com- tracts totaling $321,010 for · dry- big Sucker to work soon. , While the brothers were clearing, his underground cable job for the pany!s- new ... fiber . drum plant at d9cking and repair · of three ves- it looked like a hot logging opera- teiephone company, moving out , ~ittsburg. The_ first estab"lishrnent sels, the USNS Gen. Daniel I. Suh It.. has been reported that there tion, _ arches. and all, and plenty with our oner a tors. Huh! ·of, its kind to -be erected on the tan,- the USNS David. c : Shanks is a suction dredge job coming up steep. The Underground Coi'1struction West ·-- Coast: this ·faci:01:v will cost and the USS Gen. J. C .. .Brecken-- in the vicinity of Stockton in the C. W. Peterson is coming right .Co. at Pepp~rwood is _making g00d $3,500,000 a1~d will be ti.s~d for man~ ridge, while at Moore Drydock's near future. along. on_his job at Patricks Creek, progress on their telephone - com- . ufactudng. .of fiber drums for ship- Oakland yard work is progressing working sL'C and seven days to beat pany job. Looks like they will fin- ping- of-var ious articles. including on repa.ir. and drydocking ,· of the The Olympian Dredging Com- high water: 1 think the .last storm ish up in the ·near future.' ~_____:__chemicals, _metals ,and .dried foods. USNS Lieut. Robert Craig, the pany · has both the Neptune and 'put a few gray hairs in Iyir. Peter- The general outlook in th'e area Materials produced in -the- plant USNS -Gen. E. T. Collins and ·the the Monarch working three shifts son's head, . as one big storm like is that good conditiq11s will prevqil will- be' used .for-. civilian as. well ·usNS Gen. C{. G. -Morton:-: These on Georgiana Sloti gh · near Isle- they had last year would was)1 his as 1011g as the ,ve;ither allows. Al- as military shipping, and it is -ex-- three contracts'. afuount to-·$71,018. ton. whole job out. Good hick, Pete. though there· are rio large jobs be· pected that when coi-npleted this IWagner and ' Niehaus and-'' the Macco-M & K have ju~t a.;out ing let in the ar~a, all the· local establish1n.ent \V-ill furnish employ-· Coastal Marine, who are operat- So far we have nothing definite completed the moving of t] 2 i r contractors are _peing kept busy ment -to a pproximately 500 people. ing out of the old W€st Yard at on tlw Santa Fe job from Rich~ equipment off of the- Crescent .:ity on m1merous small. jobs. If -this At the !;?resent titile there is just Moore's also _have several ship re- mond to Oakland or the P. G. & Ijob. What equipment they didn't present condition coi'i.tinues thro1igh orie operator and oiler employ_ed on pair contracts going at th~ pres- E. job at Pittsburg. sell, they are moving to their Is.a- the winter everyone will be happy~ the job, and pl_ans foi future :oper- ent time. bella dam job down south. Sev-· · - · * *_. +:<. · ations are- still iµdefinite although eraf of the brothers expect-to make it is assui.'ed that the earth ·mov- It w(l.s annom1ced recently that Wh -t-t·h this job this wint_er. 1952a53, C~t Highways ing will ·be sublet. a _rnulti-millton -dollar defense con- a /· -e Brother· Deari Langford is still State High'ijay Commission. h ~ · t· f d t· f · · t't r b d C escent City way allocated $72,093,000 for maJ·or cori- trac or pro UC 1011 0 air.era usy up aroun r . · Malfitano has: started, .wo1:k ori a . p'ropellers _has .been award.ea , the BrotnL. e-rs Ar·e· keeping several brothers busy on struction projects during the 1952° job· on .Vasco· ·R.oad, i.vhich runs Chrysler Corporation by the ·Navy. various jobs. 53 fiscal year. For the current year f1'.o,m High,vay. · -~O ini the vicinity. , The.: work wil.l be handled -in th_e -oo·,ng , ·Fred Korthase manages to keep $101,664,500 is budgeted, including of Livewnore, ,ac.ross •to, t he Marsh .,Dodge assembly plant on Davis . · all of his crew and-equipment busy $22,_?56,000 for rights of way. ~µd· ci·eek :ftoad>,App1:bxinia~fly8_E~1gi~_; ;,treet in .San Leandro where work . :. . . . . 01-i different jobs fro~- piledrivin_g_ get" for next . year, .is •$103,43~,000. , _ _neers ,are ,out tl:i~re, :.worki:p:"g)npdiir,. ti( nearing completion :on· a $5,000;- _ Br.other Charles E : HoJl_iday, who to. moving muck and building mills The 1952-5:3 figure tnc1udes .$45,­ : --~:.,:.. Lthe · s.lfpet-vislon :oft'Brother· 'i\n:n- 090 aadition·to.the plant. briginaX- recently: retl.lrrii d from·the service, frorri Cresceµt City to Blue Lak~. obo,qGO to contin'ue ,es!,ential free .. ---• ·; "Gunter:,~._,,.,,n,._ .foref}1ap.. ,t];J1 -is-:~orr.pany hashy··· · ~intended·· · - to , be tisgd _for ,· the _is taking -9ut a . withdrawal card. · . Simpson Lumb.er Co. at Kla- ways. · _ 1 _ Foot ENGINEERS' ·· NEWS ·J'ii6ven1b er 1s, -19 s1

1 DREbGE BOYS SANTA ROSA SE A6E. J B KEPT BUSY IN OVf S; PLAN .HIGH AYS By E. P. PARK and H. S. CLARK, Busines Represeritatives, Local S .1 .. ; , , . By GLENN DOBYNS, Business Representative, Liica1 3 By the time this edition is out we should be insta~led in LUC m-r I AlH\ ~ The site of Sarita Rosa's 'new sewage 'treatment plant, 'hie our new quarters at the C.E.L.&T. Labor Center, 2525 Stock­ TI H.u t~LJ\1111 J city's biggest 1951 unctertaking, currently is one of the 'busi- ton boulevard. An appropriate opening is planned bU:t this By J. n:. WAIWAIOLE, est places in town, cdnstructiori-wise: It is estimated 'tliat must be postponed until after the unions have moved. Un­ . Business Representative, Local s about 95 per ceht of fhe concrete' work on the $876,859 'plant doubtedly, this is doing things in reverse but the uncertainty Contractors Mid-Pac and is finished and that the reh1aining 5 per cent will be corii- as to the· actual date when the buiiding will be turned over . - · · pleted in two weeks. ·

the Navy1 are anxiously await- fie over the summer nioriths, p· ar- to us' by the contractors has made any planning for a specific • , f · · ·. t After. that, the complex mechan· , day impossible. ing completion O repairs O ical equipment that ,vill operate ticularlv, from the San Francisco has practically completed the ap- dredge Norfolk before the the plant wiH be installed. Bay region. IYuring weekends traf- There _is still no activity by the proaches 011 this job. end Of the Yeal' so that a· ·1arge v;1·11·1 .1a11). yr oung, cons t rue t·1011 su- fie counts of over 6,000 cars a day pr.im.e contractors on the main Fol­ llave been recorded. som . Dam, other than a survey MEIVIBERS IN BUSINESS enough Sto. c· k p· 1·1e of coral ca:ri perintendent for the Walsh Con- . . · · · struction Co. of San Francisco The· presei1t situation is fuHH-=-,,,eI . _.. party in tlie field. In our conversa­ The following brothers are in d · · t 0 be ha to contmue repairs O which is building the plant, says a:g·g·ravated by, htindrecls of h€avy tions with this firm we have been business and solicit your patronage: Plane landing mat and ap_ rons it will be ready for operation about · 1urrrber trucks opera tinbo biit\v&en led to beli eve . that they do not A. B. McClain- three Fordson­ 7 at I:'l.. a11eohe Naval Air Station Jan. 1, 1952. .tirnber areas along the· coast. ,,,aHa · plan to employ an extensive labor top soil, crushed rock, concrete mix, grade, new lawns, plowing, discing, (' Marine base).. Brother Lloyd F. McCulla is the saw mills located .farther i11lanu. fo\' Ce until next spring. In addition to the inad~qi'./i:lte sand, etc. Hlllcrest. 6-0737. The construction program on master mechanic on this_ project. . . . , H . Earl Pai.-ker' has subbed some .KwaJ·a1e1·11 of necess1·tv mt1st have Brother Kenneth Brooks has been traffic c,~_pacity from the viewpoint ' of: the clearing and earthwork and Bob Hunt- blade, Fordson loader, · , of eas€ and comfort of travel, the o.il distributor, top soil, fill dirt, over two million cubic yards of acting as labor foreman with is starting to move in at this writ­ Brother Herman Sethe op€rati, g existing base and surface are not hauling. Hlckory _9-4703. coral for extension and widening 1 · bl f · ·· · 1·1 1 · 1·· , . ing. This· doesn't do much to re­ · the. N. "'. crane and his oiler, capa e o carryrng · 1e 1eavy -rue,, Hunter Welding Works-Placer­ of _present land\ng mat to also vv · · : lieve our out-of-work problem due _Brother Hug"li .S. harpe. loads 1mposec.1 ville-all types of welding, portable accommodate jet ai_1d larger p_lanes Th 1 · J closel f'o" to'the fact that these rigs are com­ 101 AT HEALDS~URG e presen t 11g 1way y •1- . ir'i'g' from other ·jobs and are al­ welders. Placerville 744-W . of our armed services, after whicl::i . lows the contour of the noi'th Joe Correia-B. J. Trencher- all the Navy Dept. wants the Norfolk To date J. R. Armstrong Con- re_itdy manned. • bank of the Russian Riv€r. Sharp b.ack 1·11 Subi·c Bay, Man1·1a, P. I., to struction Company is doing very . h types of trenching. Hillcrest 7-8823. curves make passing imp'ossfb1e FOLSOM DAiVI JOB Jay H arris-roads, paving, level- Catch,· up· with a big· back.log of nicely with its new contract. on redgi'ng left when• the Norfolk Highway 101 between Healdsburg over long sections. of the road. At A-tkinsbn is still going strong but ing, asphaltic mixes. Grass Valley d was_ p' u-lled otit to work at Guam. and Asti. Portions of this high- sorhe . points a1o·ng the road the. . -it is -exnected that they will have 71R3. pa:venient is dnly 15 feet wict·e. to clirt;il their activities as sbon Leslie M. (Les) Goltz-portable ·Pac' 1'fic· Dredg'· ing c' o., 'of- Pai_··a- way are contr.olled to on€ way traf- , mount, Calif., will be handling the fie during the proc.ess of widening· Shoulders a:re narrow and in places · as the ",j'ain sets .in. This will apply track service, all types of tra:ck ccimpl€tely worn awa:y. also to the Hasler, D & H job. We equipment, 24-hour serv.ice. Gilbert Arrriy's share of dredge work, es- and res't1rfacirtg. There are three * * * peciaUy at Okinawa. The dredge blades w9rking on this job with . mentibn .tH,is so that the brothers 3-7361. . interested in the _Folsom project DeVriend Trenching Co .-Cleve: Raymond is already th'ere with Brothers Nick Willigis, Lester Mid- p·· ub' 1:c --1'.ift ·Uftc'k key men from the West Coast han- dleton and Frank McElwain. Keep~ I can judge ·for themselves _the situ- land Tre!'1cher, all types of ditches. H Hu dling its operation. The dredge ing the plant going are Brothers ation that ,Will prevail in that area HUicrest 5-0357. th 1 this winter. The opinion we offer C. P. McAuley- trenching, a 11 Gulf Stream which sank in Naha Jess McDonald, Kelley Kirksey, e r:2,7·~j; ·1·,-;"n·' ·Uo·"··r4 Harbor Oki~a1,va has been raised boxman, 1,vith D. L. Crorley, the . 0 ~ ~ is that it w.ill not be favorable. · types. Hillcrest 7-0553 . P'h n, l'I and is ~ow in Jap' an for ne~essary grease monkey. On the Northwest . ·y--·h' ..The T. E. Connolly tunnel job Remme Trenching Co.-ditching, V A: repairs before going back. Truck Crane Laurel Musselman, . • .. a·rid the H. Pi:trker job on the abut- landleveling, no j9b too small. Hill­ a,1 a· ffl -ear·,iitn() C. R. McCoy, genei:al superin- operator, with Leo Beers, the oiler: ~ ments are about the only two jobs crest 7-6328 oi· 5-5195. tendent, was in to check on Brother Walter Loutsch is on the Wiishiniton . (LPA).-Co:n'si'iniers in" this area that the wet weather Donahue & Ice-Licens~d Con- dredgemen available for their op- roller. Last but not least we find ·#ent iri ·1io'ck to tlie tiu1e 'of $1.fa . ·wjll not affect to any extent. tractors, ditchiIJg. . Hlckory 9-5282 erations and requested that a few Brother Gene Leonard, the roust- milliiin in Septfinl:ier, oi1 . ins'&ll­ United Concrete Pipe working on or Hillcrest 6-8629 . key men be sent out upon notifi- about (should say the general inent bt1yii1.g· of autos, futititiir~, . its freeway job in, -W es't , Sacrarrie1i.- w. L. Kirchgatfr-well drillfng, cation. flunkie). and h~usMtoleen ~;"15'5 i-Hil- superintendent. Brothe·r Jack Dun- arid service. HIUcrest 6-4053. through on their Ala Moana canal . the contract for installation of lion. -dee is the' foreman arid B'riitliei' J. Delmar Hopkiils-Fo·rdson, A. C. project and will probably also do water mains in the Lo'11ergan sub· The twb-1110-Nth ,sharp llilte i1\ i)l­ · H. Hudson is cat operator. Tha_t's bla:de, hole digger, carryall, loader, the dredging at Johnston Island division, Santa Rosa. His bid was sta,Iiineiit buying has '1ec1 th'.e Fe:a- · the crew insofar as the Engineers leveling, landscap·e, top soil, fill for the Army. $7,197.90. etal Resei'\l"e Bo:rrcl to i:hniMier a{·e concerned to date. This should sa:nd. IVanhoe 9-1124. The dredge Jefferson is being '52 HIGHWAY WORI( asking ·Congi·e~s to aniend the Ia{v, be .a fair job depending on. the type George' Sco'tl and Hugh Sutton­ considered for conteil1plated. work The state plai1s to plunk down to inake, ciedit co"ntrols toug·hei· .. of barrow and the equipment use·a. Bei1 Ali Garage, North Sacramento farther southwest (Australia). $3,626,000 for seven Redwood Em•• Totai co11siI1ner credit (a; poXite -it . O'thervvise the usual fall rush to -heavy duty mechanic, welding, . The A. E. C., on Eniwetok, is pre- pire counties riext year. . ·i1atrie for debt) was $19.3 billirdson fractor, · Good·.J.uck. to Brothei· Ed McQuil- Route 48, at Inc1ian Creek, bridge 33..1/3 tier cent. The new la:w; ilso . and gravel plant m·ost of the time·. aii types o'f tractor ,vo'rk, sp·raying, lan who left for French Moi·occo and appi;oaches·, $150,000. pi·ovides, . fo1: the first time, . hene- . Marsh'all & Miles have their hot leveling. IVaii:6.oe 9-2629. on Novembe"r 10. . Route 48, at Mill Cr€ek, recon° fits to spo'uses of retired raii_ wiirl,­ : plant in operation at ,Colfax. They Elm.er Seif-rototiliers, bear cat Thariks to the following brothers struct bridge, $40,000. ers. : also have a gravel plant at the g~rden tr'actors, plowfng, . disciil'g, who dropped us a note askino- to Lal~e Courity-,-Culverts aria fill * * * same location. Fo'rdson ttactbr \.VQrk, trenc~ihg, oe rerhoved from the out-of-\~Ol;k on State Route 2·0· at .Lucerne Creek F.- .T. Ba:stian: and Bob Winkle mdwl'n:g, _i~vefini., IV1;\nhoe' ·9-0585'. list as they had b~en dispatdied and :beer ci·eek, $15,000; . gfa

November 15, 1951 E~GJ~EERS.' NEWS .. Five

- ....h_ _,

C. R,. VAN WINHL_E, MERLIN BO~M.~'I"! DON ELLIOTT and CHAR.LEY COCKAYNE Th~ ,vea_ther ha$ bet;n very go,od. There .has been very J lk. .. ',It f ~n - · sf•I\Mfll11!Bl~ d'rif ny&.R~ !\':TAI~ [f)OAIJ'a llf~'i.i"n]~(\' little .lost time for,. the. ope1~atqi·s this season. It has befi1 rain- ·@~~:Ji1J~·,e.,. .J0.[ll)~D J}: ~ UElktiP;..ij !{;. IV ' ,. u ~n .n fl! &. ' JI -~.iJ ti\fB~[ um~.J ing and snow:,ing all around tl1e state but the SU11 has been L. T. Joh'nsoriJ9b on Soldief S'um- ,vm notify by , po.st c~rd date ~f · 1~~-eeti~g , at E scalai1te Hotel, 2"ettine: thi;~ud1 the· cloud~ fr(Utah.. .. . , . , . : mit finishe0 base coat:. They have cedar City Utah. '. ~ ~ ~ now go1\e '_\ o th'ei_t 'job a t fa)r~ield Frida;, Nov. 23-County Comt House, 1;,ogau, ·utah. The_ men .on the w. Vl ... Clydejob at_ Dugway are still _and Deser_et, _where the weath~r wm notify by post· card meetilig at 'Sevier County. going str0ng \.Vith the oilipg. and'·excaviting. Grant Haslam, st~nds _!0 'be -~- lit!le mil?er.__ Th1y WedHesclay, Dec. . 5-1969 Sotith Main Street, Salt ·Lake City, Utah. Sh.eldqn Nielsori, Joh~. Q. - Nelson i° . _. _ . . '·. took with them an·,of the ·Brothefs Wednesday, Dec. 12-Provo Labor T·emple, 161 West Fb:st North •. a nd Norman .Shivei'.s ·a:re foremeri -Snowv1lle. They have about 1,2 that' were ·on ·the So!die'r Summ,it Provo· Utah. '· · · · · 0 11 this job: . This; is ·the . only job ope~a~ors working. . job, and so.- fai· ·haven't oi·dered a'(iy . T~esclay, Dec. 11- Pricc City Ha.II, Price, Uta,h. at Dugv.iay that has very ma,ny Gibbon~ and _Re_ed .. are.. keepn1:g new men;~~rs. Brother Russ H eal_ey F~·icfay; Dec. 14-0gden Lahor Temp-le, · Ogclei1,· U'tah. operators. Most· of ti-ie other con- ~ gooct-·siz_e d c_rev: busy :011 the1r is the Grade and· Equipment' fore- th 11 th 0 ~~:;1~:e~~ave an eir excavating i1°o~s p~~rtf ~nI1;:~s1:::~- e ~den ::n11~nRe1~i~t\~ i{J;:~1l~~1:~~- Ji:1:~ .SCHEDULE Of UTAH MEEUNGS FOR CONSJR~,C.JHlN 1 : Wh.eelwright ' Constrnction Co . . cock brothers with him? · · . • • · . - • , , • ··,, r -- . · · · ' . , , . •.. _ .. ; g a t~::f 1:~ls~~~ sl~~r J:~ aa:e;i:p~:~ :uas;~~t~:; !:?pr~s!~~~}~:t~:; . Uniteq Co_1frrete Pipe Company, SAND .AND . GRAVEL, .AND ·IRON MINE-· MEMBERS- ··' - ~ hey were caught in the cold J with Br9ther · Bill Newberry · in - . • , · . · ., · , , on a drairiage project at Weqer la ·o-e of ·op··erations is l

ClyEle's are still sta_ying with two The- weather is ideal. We hope Utah. If )' OU: are out work, come in shifts at the job at Lambs' Can- it stays· · good so· · that work · · .may an_d regist.ei, with your.·· business I. REDDING · · · · · , ,. · Joe; ·.·s · SLOW· · UP ,.... · 0 yo;he Dyke job at Magna still is ~;~~KS ' ~r~~i!\~1:: ~iu~~el!~;1~~- i~:ri~ '. : : . · , : ,, : ~ , : '. · · . . ' .·, . \ ·. ·,., . : .· , ·. ';, . :· . ; · 'i , j ___ moving ·muck bu't has slo'wed down Fred W. Ryver and Melvin work, as· we all know, is bound to · ,· · '"' ·· ·. ·· '' · .. · , .- , ; ..,,,. · · , , . considerabiy since the Eucliqs _have Kranbule were in very bad' ac- slow dow1i as ·~vii~te/ com'es on, I)·.·.·.. . ·.,.;(:.:'·,,) to stop for the traffic, cident at Grantsvill.ea: intersection. but there is always something go- 1· -9., _..· 5 ·,_-2· ''_: o ·.u·,:,._.. T-· L·· ·:o. .._· ' I'S· .. G.·, ·o··. ·.g.._ ·.·.· .Parsons. and Fi{e are going to Both m e1i were hospitalized for ing on that .we may be able to heli;i t ry to get their pipe . in on tlleir treatment and injuries. The car you with· Attend your meetings, By E: A. BESTER,, Business Representative, Local 3 job at Ogden, but the State does wh1ch they were driving was com- and let's talk it over. Meetings in . . U t d t h, . d . d . th" d!. not want them , to start 011 the pletely demolished. It will be ap- Provo are hel'd. every second Fdday P· o a e we ave enJoye a very goo year m IS r1 ~~ . heavy excavatiBg until spring. proximately 30 days before either of every month, and we can have trict but now work is beginning to get a little slack: Most pf Germer, Abbott and Waldron of these men will be able to go them more oftfn if need be. I our major highway projects are winding up· 011'schedule. -The are worki1!g one shift. 011 a job at back to work. . If YOU- are . out of work anct there WOrb procrram nOW planned and° being· planned for the ·imm e- 1sn't any place we can place· you, · .. . · .. b . , · · , please apply for your unemploy- ,diate future and_ the year 1~52 looks very good. · , It · - d · Houses are bemg moved m · REP.ORl. f R.OM iHf -MINES AND -SHOPS men t msur ance. IS yom s aH you . . , . I this summer with the Eugene Al~ By C. R. ·vAN WINHLE are entitled to it. It is not a preparat10,n fo_r the . big freeway Ives Co and took over as· o-eneral 0 ·h ·t through the little city of Duns- 1 . · . . . .· . h' I I e cept fo one clati~.e 1·11 tl1e pe11- c art ·y. s IJ 11t nd nt n th m ds•· f a D ue t o my vaca t·101~, w 1c 1 x r - "' .. - * Imuir. That will be one of our \1 er: e e · l , · e . _~ .:.. o ·,·, usually take· the last two weeks sion agreement. ·The · main agree- maior projects for next year. big h1gl_1vvay proJect. F1rnshed the of October, and my return being ment has been r atified and signed. ·1 · . · . . . ! job on s.chedule, made. everybody t h 11 d~layed somewhat by bad weather, All that remains-now to be accom- State Reid Report Ray Byers IS clearing e rig t 'I feel happy, including the inspector · t hjs r erJort will be short. Before [)lished is the approval of the Wage _ · of way for the George R. Patter- and the contractor. All the En- Well, yo_u nirnrods can spend1your · t Wildwood vYe · 11,- leaving t thought that everything ·Stabilization Board of the new ~on , proJ~? . near . .' · I gineers out there had a good word . . . next holiday, Armistice Day, shin- ao!_l t _loo"' fo_r muc_ h _act_iv1ty . on to say f·or· Bro. Ben Blacl'mai • was in good, shape; however, one wages. ' ing and oiling your artillery arid th b t 1 n xt sprmg· but . ' 1 or two things did pop in my ab- IRON l'IU:NES, CEDAR CITY 15 Jo un I e · -' Come back and see us again, Ben, storing it until next fall. We have when it does star_t_ there will _be \"e . ,e you. sence, which was not anticipated, Meetings slated with the corn- d t It b ,v 111' a nd w hich was a little embarrass- some goo repor s on resu. s o - a lot of Engineers involved for pany to settle iss_pe rais~d by re- tained by many state r oad boys. at least a year. * * * ing. flisal of Wage Stabilization Board- VITRO CHETuUCAL CO. Now let's get back to work. The Erickson, Phillips and Weisberg to app:rnve entire raise · agreed various summer' projects - road of Oakland were the low bidders Agreement · not completed; al- upon · widening, seal coating, r ebuilding, on 14 bridges to be widened and living ·5 tandard ,' ! though several meetings have teen OTHER PLANTS · etc. have about au been buttoned highway improvement between held, but no · meetings during my Everything . else seemed to be absence. Because of im, incident running along smoothly._ There has up for the season, and we begin Red Bluff and Los. Molinas, Te- I t b · 1 cn, to see familiar faces back at the hama County. This is a b_ig_ j_ob JY'· . that occurred, this agreement must only been one report regarding the ~ I ' axArR · "' . ] home sheds. As our general con- and we expect ,to see some activity \' _\l.i - ii -..;;,,p a.ncl will be coinpletecl immediate·- retroactive pay in the Sand and struction slackens off, we expect tq there before very long. · i Iy and may be complete!} be::ore Gravel industry and that has been 1 . h get around and do more visiting T.ULE• LAir"<' JOB i A. dH'" hp : ! · ...·, ·'·· ·.· :' t 1HS reac .es you. j investigat ed and a promise obtaii1ed "" n gg r"rer ~~::~~~Th~~~~:: c~~pletecl, \ ~~!~/ proper adjustment will be wi!e Y~~~e Ol_d Sol contin~1es ~o E~~~:!~s ~~~: · t:~e h!~·o!1::!i1~! l . .. l . . . 1·~ ::i -~ smHe upon us and prolon"?s tlus very well on the Tule Lake drain- , . . . . · · swell fall weather . · I Wash 1 n gt o n. - Uncontrolled · . . age proJect. Bros. A. 1.. Nelson, f hio-h ,· d. · od t . . . After several ·conferences with . · d E 1 D -o puces an mcreas- axes the road commissioners we are able IFe _lbert 0. ~odgers_ anti , ar . . . I have lowered the standa~·d or Jiv - e . . . ' c Brooks, oldt1mers m 1e umon, ing for American workers.

.J{ ~o report favorable progre~s regards are on the, job. They also have AFL President William Gi'eea mg our request fo_r wp.ge mcreases. been wit h George many years. S_ ome __ more money I1as b een t, en t a- O'Hair Company · has · finished said· .that . .the lower.· " . income, wa. ge tively agreed on and we· expect def- gr, a d'mg oa, t 11e1r . Ad'111 JO. b . All earners, fl . .. a1e beaun,,, the brunt :of inite action to be taken by the that's left to be done is the oiling .. ,n at10n. H~ sp_oke at the 50th an- powers at the-Capitol on the mat- I doubt if they make lt this year I m~ers~ry dm11;er of Loc,~l __77, In­ ter in the very near future. We as the weather is getting ·cold It:'1nat10nal Umon of Ope_atmg En- will rerJort to you· as soon as we th ere.. . gmeers," Jay. C. Turn.er, .presid ent. have definit,e word of approval. . I Tyson and vVatters at FL Biel- ."v~ thmk. an exammat1~11 of the we welcome all the new mem- wen are in the same boat. 1 tax bills shovV that labor 1s called bers info Operating E_, ngineers Lo- Harms Broth!;!rS finished their I upon t~ p·:y a greater. proporti~n cal Union 3 and want to express. job in Lassen Park just ·a few _o_f the m er-ease !han _ai e corpora­ 1 appreciahon to the older members houi:s ahead of a· snowstorm. The 1· t~ons, · banks ancl_. b~~;ness_ ms: t::t· who have worked diligently to se- road and park are now closed for ti~ns of the natw,., Mi. Gre_n cure new members. Vie are grate- the Winter. Isaid. ful for your efforts.' If every mem- Monty Brown is well under way _"vVe fav~f a r~adJusti:nent so it ber would consider it his responsi- on his job at Anderson. will be eqmtable, . he said. bility to explain our program to O'Connor Brothers of Red Bluff The AFL president denounce.d those who are still not members continue to keep a bunch of our the T aft-Hartley Act, whi.ch 1m­ ancl assist to bring in new members, members busy. Bro. Tom Wagner poses curbs on labor, asserting tha t LABOR'S A BIG FACTOR-Harry Martin, right, director of ECA's we would very soon ha\·e a 100 Irecentl y tool< a Northwest 25 to its ~Jurpose "is to destro~ the or­ . E uropean labor information office a.ncl president of the American Ne'l-vs­ percent organization. Let's give it I Chester for a couple of months I gamze? labor movement . . paper GuiW, discusses · the importtlnce of labor in European i·ccovery a boost. work there. David P. McCracken, only sur- wftli J·. H . Oldenbroek, left, scc'y.-gene'ra.l of the I..ritl. Confederation of * * * I G. E. Oaks, sand, gravel and vivor of the 10 charter members Free -~'fad.e Unions, and P aul R . Po'rter, new acti11g-· U. S. represe11ta.~ rock producer, · of Redding, has of the local, described the history t,iv·e !1i Eutope: ·" · Metuy P· Mn~~~~r l~Rli'M_'!f . taken over the Draper & Adams of No. 77. n..,.v ,i' nJr>-cn.... W Vn n plant at R e.cl Bluff and is doing Mr. McCracken, who traced the Dodge plant.. of the Chrysl~r a lot of remodel~ng and improve- origin of the union to a discussion Corp. at s ·an Leandro has been ment work on it. This will· be a between eight men, including him ­ given a multi~million dolJar. de- . good · setup when the situation is self, in 1899, said that whe,1 Local F . B. "Ben" Williams, president The deceased \Vas the long-time fense conti-act to pl'oduce HamiltoB straightened out and vie know that No. 77 was chartered in 1901 · of t)1e AFL California State The­ president · of the Theatrical Fed­ standard pi,opellers for Navy air- M.r. OaJ,s can do the job. wages were $18 for a 48-hour week. . -'atrical federation· for 27 years un­ eration of San Francisco, having craft under assistance of United' Bro. Ben. Blackman, after an Richard J. Gray,· president, AFL til his retirement in 1948, died last joined Stagehands' Local 16 hr that Aircraft Corp. A 750,000 square. absence of 12 years, comes back Building Trades DepaTtment, pre­ ·week in San Francisco after an city in 1900. foot addition will be finished by .and does .a big job. Bro. Black- sented awards to men who had illness o'f s.everal months. He was buried in Cypress Lawn the end of the year and from 150.0 man worked as a catskinner at the been members of the local for 35 \Villiams was-a 51-year member MemoriaJ Park, Sar:1 Mateo Coun­ to 5000 workers will be hired' beginning of construction of the dr more years. of the- Intl. Al1fance bf Theatrical, ty, where his funeral was attended "v.ihen schedules are reached." Car ,Shasta Dam and relocation of the I * * * ;, State Employees a nd Motion Pie­ b:Y a large number of friends from production ,· will continue at the railroad and highway around the · Tune in on Frank Eclwards ,,at . ture Machine Operators. the rank~ of labor. plant. Shasta, reservoir. He came back your union meeting!

. ' < • < ,) t November 15, 1951 · ENGINEERS' NEWS locaL39 Now Second Lara .r TV, P!a.s,nts, > • t . ·· . · .· · .· . .1 . .· ·. Rattlers, Gas, and .,tatmnary LGcal mJhe,IUOE MHk in:Stockton, , · · By C. C. FITCH; Business Manager, Local 39 · ·· · By · R. E. :McCARTHY :· :~ E'iv~ 'years ago, 13:st A1.;1g1.ist eight local -urtions amaJga- . Business Ag.e1i.~,"1..o~~ 39 _mated mto orie'l~cal; known as Statioriaty Local No. 39 1' with On talklhg to Bro>.Pete;~gn on a membership o~ .2500 members. · There ·were _' six bi~ancI1 .'of- his ret~irn: fron~ ·'his .: ,,a~a tioiu0 h-e fices set up and eight. qusiness agents appointed, which. .was told_rne 'a; shod: story: : chailge this· mee mgs lll an rancisco, · . IS- Pant_ that_ you, ~l'~ nevef };1;1re of' of Labor. ,~o. 6-November, 1951.) . , "'' by :hliving;them, maiUR their dues tricti; bei~g as they are. The.Exec- pow you· ?,r.e ·going' to .- he·, treated The issue' of pai'ity for farmers 1.rol of the market (see ·' 'Your Eco:, . but this .w~s net aCCEa!pted , too fa'. , utiv~ Boai·d is, ~om posed · of:· two ~!1eri rotJ get ti,iere,jb i~ jsal\.~ays has become one of national impor- nomics and Mine-'..-The -~hadow o't: , vorably, a,s they ,pi·efer ,J;iaving the electiy~d1:W11bers from: each~, terri~ w1tr.i a little appreh.en~_ipn that I tanqe, not only for the American Monopoly: June, 1951). c, ·business -'. agent , caJ( t hus givi~g tory, pills th_e fi~,e officers, ,three a.rproach .t~e ___ engirie.. ro_o~1. Nat- farmer, b~t also for workers, busi- , The parity concept has r ecent!" the .P: an · oppoi:tunity to discuss of whom. reside 1,n San Fra:r.:cisco. urally B_rothers Coulon; Peters, nessmen, consumers, and the total di~awn more controve'isial fil.:~ matters with · him. .The business The. Busmess J:VIanager in aJI .his Bartel_' and Manuel Perefrra were American public. through government actibh in for ­ a gents in these .. districts inu~t oJ actions has been subject to t\1e or~ on. shift. .Brother (::oulon is ·su~- Parity and its relationst1ip to bidding that a price ceilit lg be ·im- .· necgssity · spend ' considerable time ders a1ttl advice of the . Exe~t!tive P;sed to b_e Y,1~. spoke~man f01'. :his food. price ,ceilings ha.s headlined posed or: a commodifr µntn suc_h: :iri policil)g·. the jobs,_ to see ,that all B.0~ rd· : ...... C. , · g ou~, but it is_ q_u~st10n_able If he the importance of this vital tech- com111odity has reached the' parity ·engineers are members of the union Tjle d~legates to the vano\lS con- knows . wh~t h_e i~ talkmg _about. nique of farril support. level. · ·.. :: .. .,.; and· in coll~cting, · dues: We have at Eventions have· 1ieeri electea by the The pomt· is with· , Bro. Coulon· ·and ·What' . . is. ·parity? . It 1·s a· de · However,' the governnierit' has. · all tinies· · fried· · to' ope:rate the ·union fxecutive · Board, . Any expenditures his · gang · · ' "never· · iet anyone ·win whereby· th pur·c·ha s· · vicef actually set many a ceilinz ·far 'for th_e benefit of an the meinbers o monies, outside of the ordinary an argument \~ih~thet' he · is r\ght the farmer : s . t _mgd P_ 0wer od. above the parit.Y level . of a ~ com- ·hI as.. · de1'n.oc_ratic _ i .w. ··a:y· as possibilE. · expenses Of-,operating the un. ion, Or wrcng." A good •motto ·for this 1. tl 1 . t t. It mamd a_ me m b accor , modity despite consi.1111er cries for There have:">bfeli j_urisdictional must ?ave the ,1ilJPfO)'al .?f tre gang_ is you ,never >,yji1 for losina. ': I s s a us urmg a ase pe- djsputes, which have all been set- Executive Board. The Executive ·NEWMAN CREAMERIES · ·,' " nod,: usuallY, -an. average of the pr9tection. ·"' . tied in our favor, including the Board has had the power to au- Stopped at ,the East West Cr;eam- p~riod 1909-1914. , THE CONSUMERS~ VIEW -MJ}k Manufa'Cturing Industry in thorize. strikes; . recommend assess- ery at Newman. Brother · Knight, ~ncle_ ~am presum~s the farm- For example, b'J.ef cattle .. ceilings - .._N.Q!J:hern California, where some men ts, to pay strike benefits, and the chief, and his noble assistant. er s position at that tnne was nor- were originally s~.t at m0te than of the engineers were members of to pass such rules and regulations Brother Silva, ~ere busy in the m~J and satisf~ctory, and parity 150 per cent above parity: -and cot­ t he T eamsters."' T.his was a long as were· found necessary f~J.j , the. boiler room. ·Brother Knight, I pnces are · designed to maintain ton ceilings were set at 126 pet· and __ tedious job, but we are glad successful operation of the imibn. I don't think, has left his childhood that IE vel. cent above parity. to'· report it has reached a success- feeJ that this · system has wprked as yet, he offered to let me read BASIS71909-1914 For more than a quanter of a ful . conclusion, with the engineers out very successfully, giving :every a letter from some guy that caught The calculation of pal'ity is un- century, the American people now memtJers in' gbod standing ill one proper representation. a rattler, innocently I opened the dertaken by averaging the present have endeavored through govern- Statioi1ary Local 39. 240 001'':TRACTS envelope and dropped it just as prices of the typicai commodities ment action to reconcile the farin- We have established comp'arable By-Jaws to govern Local 39 \vhen quickly because it sure had the that he buys .and comparing them er's insistence on stable and high, · wage scales throughout this terri- it goes under local · autonomy are old familiar rattle of a snake. with 1909-1914 prices. prices with the consumer's desfre· .tory. For instance, during the first in the process of being written and Seems like Wendel wrapped up a TY Pica 1 commodities include for a better »tandard of livmg . . year we obtained rais'es in the Oak- no doubt will soon be presented to button on a rubber band and when· food, clothing, ag, icultural imple~ In recognition of this problefo. land dairies, ice and cold storage the membership for corisideration. ever you released the pressure on ments, seed, and more recently, and its 1951 ·aspects, the Arnerican plants and breweries, -in order t -J \Ve _h ave over 240 co ntracts, 85 the envelope the rattling started agricultural labor. Federation of Labor has recoin­ have them equal the San Francisco of whrch are negotiated . in San I (nuts). The parity price for a bushel of ! mended that the Defense· Produc~­ .wages. Since then they have been Francisco, not to mention the ;mas- Visited Golden Valley Creamery wheat in October of 1_951, for\ ~ion Act should be str_engthenedr: to.:: .r aised every. year in proportion to t er agreements for the fluid milk, at Newman and found t he man- example, was $2.41, a price fixed mclude _ a food subsidy ,program '· . San Fi·ancisco. Raises have been milk manufacturing and ai,r reduc- I agement ·a little warm over the to give the farmer the same return J similar to that in effect dm"i:J:io- · obtained· in other districts in a tion, which are also negotiated Iactivities of one of the Engineers. in commodities he buys that he ob- World War II when subsidy mon~;. · similar way. here .. Tiiis means that Brother Der- I get a . little hot myself when I tained about 40 years ago. simply kept· food prices., doV.in, In the past it was difficult for by and myself are prevented from think that someone is playing dirty. If at any time the average price through dollar aid to the,. farm,er.,. · ....?-~_· engineer .to go fror:n one ter- visiting· plants and other meetings Got some bf the gas out of the of these commodities purchased by · · * * * n tory to another .without the trou- as much as we would like to. How- manaO'er and settled back in his the fnrmer goes up, so does pai;ity; South Sea natives divide Am~ri- • . ble of transferi'ing; nor were wages ever, YO.fr problem.s are our prob- chair," and started 'on another sub- anp ii the parity goes up, so do the can films into two class.es, Tlil1~ in any way compa1,able to the Bay. lems and we are ready and willing jec1 which is always ·good busi- various supports, subsidies, and call them "kiss-kiss" and '.'barii;- .. Area: Now · an ertgineer can go any · to cooperate a.t all times. ness, (not women either). During price ceilings which are based on bang." place in Northern- California with- * * * .· the course of the conversation he this concept. . . * * * out difficult:\n::and . will -receive 'a mentioned the fact that they were The idea of parity first became All the animals had left the adi: much more· uniform wage -than in WSB Industry. Members ' busy on a government order where- popu:ar and won acceptance dur- except two snakes lying QVer j11': a, the past. In addition · there were S W If -in they were processing a sugar ing the New Deal era, when it was I corner. Noah askecl them, "Wh.Y , · many· 48 hour agreements, practi- ay ne are, Pension . and powdered milk "product that used', as a basis of government ald Idon't y'ou go forth and multiplyZt cally all of· which ,have now been po Ill could be carried around 'in the vest to agriculture. · "We can't," replied one, "we':1_¼,: · changed to 40-hour agr~emehts. aans:. Need Control pocket just in case · anyone was STABILIZING l<~ORCE . · 1 aclcler~." . - . . As terininatton dates bf contracts wiishington '(LPA). - Industry interested and you ·should be in- The' g·o·v er n .m e"n t then ·stood' I . ' ' * * * " arrive,- the Union ·automatically no.. members . of a Wage Stabilization vited to have a c up' of coffee, you r~ady:to purchase a.gricuiti.u'al corrl- D1rec~~r. "Ha:,~ you·. had' a11y tifies· the· e~p_loy~r of )ts desire to BO!trd pane\ decHt;ecl Oct. 31 that coµld alwa°:i's furnish / your own m6diti'es· at a certain percentage of stage,_ ~x~er~en~~; ' . .. , .. open negotiations . . A · n1eetlng is h Ith If d . · crearp. and sugar. He · then tells par·i·ty (maily of the :-taple· cr·ops Chorus Girl. ell, my !le!!' ,¾,,:i,s: . ea. , we are a11._ pe1isi. cin plans .. ~ · ~ ~ 'called of the. members .. in 'the in- nre infla,tionary and should be· con- me of another p'roces,s· that 'is tak- could be sold.. to the government at iu·a ·cast once." · dustry and .minutes taken of · their trolled · by the governnie11k They ·ing place in the milk 'industrv,J 85 P.er cent-of parity), and :in order * * * . , _ demands, which are later submitted tool- sharp exce tio "th b which· I will have . to see to· be- to maintain an art'fi . 11 11 . 11 I Some yea.rs ago, to encourage· . 11 1 1 """-te--,the employei· for action. Ko · aii} public m b P_ ~" h d' a. or lieve. Maybe whei-i this ne,v plant price U1 11· dTi1 ci;i' Y · ig air travel, so1ne companies··offel'cct · agreement is e. ver signed without gested · ,T·i·"'tu elin ders, Vlt' 0 af. su.g- at Atwater gets into action I will cl ase'd. e. coit mod f iesJ " ..rns , ~udr- free flig'l1ts fo1· wives of execi1tives. . . . . · • a econ ro 1 o ·e1n- 1 were sore or ono-0 per10 s . . · -· . '· agam ca mg · the industry mem- b fit . . · . ,have the. pleasure of seeing the of time · · on busmess . trips. As a fo[low-.up,. . 11 1 hers. into a meeting and submitting tv~.;:e ene · pr.og_ram~. The full . ·new product. · " ·. d they later queried the wives by them the employer's proposal. · , now must clecICle, its~lf,. w~t Bought my little grandson Gary Desperate economic coll itions in letter or phone as'dn"0 h'>w tf.e'y · to th 193 t th If the proposal is rejected the ·1 t~ ~o =;t,bout, welfai:e and: pension a scooter a few weeks ago ·and e 0's were cited to juS ify is enjoyed the ai; fli~ht. • th ~ union representatives aO'ain 0'0 imo PI?.,rams. l'lieanwlule, the board as a result he .developed a new support for e _farmer. . In a surprising numbei' •Jf . cases. negotiations and. ~ndea;or t; con~e · r~Jected ~. proposal to eStablish re- form of torture to himself (a char- How:vei:, panty has smce come the anstver was, "What flight?" out with something satisfactory to.I !~o~aJ _ceilmg r~tes of pay for tool ley horse) and was crippled up a to be Justified on a lasting basis. "' * th * . the industry mei:1b·ers. At no. time ld ~e, m~.k~rs, to_ e.ttra;ct aud few days. · In e poSt · World .. war II ·period,· "I'iu an author," he said, " andl' th has an agreement ever been signed hold " 0 rKeis m the rndustry. I Accompanied my t,..vo grandsons, e r.. ;;Jment favoring. parity cm- I came to this party fof ·some 111a- th without the consent of the mem- I Gary and Ronny, and m y: cocker phasized at agriculture was al- teriat" · * * * t bers in t he industry and 'the · a".)- N"E\V YORK SLUiHS (Lady) on a trick or treat j1nmt · moS inherently hampered by an "Well," she replied, "that's sheer d proval of the Executive Board. ~~t New York (LPA)-Tentative· on Halloween night, 'c'ven the dog abuD ance of sellers and by, highly ilylon you're feeling right now." . . . al- unstabie prices and ruinous sur- *· th .e presen tune we . are \vorking location of $70 million for a two- requested a handout at each door. under a vetr h d. · ' pluses. "I ·c<>.n't k · "' · . •· '.?' severe. an 1cap, w1rn year, 60-acre slum clearance pro- )(.. )(.. :,;. ..,., - ma -e up ·my m111<,, the 1.egu,at1 10ns of the Vvaae .. Sta- cr r am in Ne , Yo·J- c·t b I Llllls agriculture is held to suffer whether to buy the· divan 01: the· .. bilization ·Board, . which ·m; ·kes it ,; roved b '~ . th r ., l y I1as . :e~ Over a, peri_od_ ,?f o_ne year the [ from _the ..:onsist:-n t vagaries of its arm chair,"· said the old tnaid. ' extremely difficult' for ·us' tO'"neao- cpp ' . . y e ' S~ate Housm_,., peopl~ OL Bntam ,y1ll be asked economy, even 111 so-catled "nor- "You can't make a mistake 0!1 a, 1 . t iate. ·-the, ·\iyao-.es we.· 'feei. our mer.1~o ommiss10n.. . The· .funds . ... .are . ... to · f1- If our t·im · es J1 ow t 11 ey·· SI?en·d then·· Ima . " .-::n!• • 1es. 0 11 t he other· hand,' nice comforta:ble ,.:: chair· like this,"· ·b'ef. S. are entitled. 0 tO . . ' ••. na nce nearly" · ·5000: $9-a• .- room·. . apart-. , mor_i ey,.· t 0 I1e 1 p prO\."lQ· , e " the 111for-· · · U • 'S • '"'He{',,rj .. ' llldUStl'leS· · are ge· nera:lJ Y:· Ul:ged t,he clel'k ,X T• • ~ · _.·. • . . men ts a t three wesL , side sites, one. mation for a n.ew cost of living [ able to st..abilize prices and avoid' "That decicles ·:it,'' said the ol.ct \ ve have ~d up an exc~l.:nt sys- ! i.n Brooklyn, one i1i: ' Bi·onx: : . index,· . · , · ... -,<_ surp1 uses through monopoly con- maid. "I'll take the . cli"an." " ENGINEERS' .. NEWS November 15, 19S1

~Tl~Rf\,tJ,/ Reno- -E• s.· 1 F :~~-'f i7;~'!, BR~ s·. t~E-V__ liDtlan ID,E ~~ U· l ; . f~1;\' C. 1~t~;\: .\ .' ·H"TI ' .· :: A lJC 5ilJ/ B~T,n-.1:;, '_i _Ju ~ "- ' ,~.l'-.Jl. ~iC B. - B y H ; O. ·FQS~.an(l .F RANK I;,AWRENCE, Business Representatiy,es By H. T. :PETER8EN and !;,YNN MOORE, The J . .- Hepry Harris C0mpany picked off a fair job of I Pllfn1 AV I ~ B u~iness Representatives $40;000,· :i;esurfacing g1nd patching 2½ mi-les . of road. at.Fort tH1i!J J-\1 I The International Asso~iation of Machinists has lost out Barry. ., The·.joo is making .go-od .headway. Bro. Wm. E. Craft B'y H. L . "CURLEY'' SPENCE in another effort to encroach on the jurisdiction of Engineer;; is fore l.1j}an on the spreacl with Bro. Robert-Marr on the shovel. Business R epresentative on construction jobs. The Machinists recently sued for an Bro. Fra:nk Cabra.l is doing the oiling, Brns. James Dt1n,away Isbell Construction co. has Iinjun ~tion against Stewart & Nuss, Inc., to restrain the com- 011 and John M. Blair .are on the blades, Clifford Bryant the started on the four-lane high- 1 pany from hiring heavy duty repairmen, me.mbers of Local loader an¢! William King. is on the roller. If :weather permits way between Sparks and I Union No. 3. . Co. of Merced, putting in curbs, the BaTber Greene will be in to lay 25,000 .tons _of Bot stuff . . . v· t B Bill Boegle is dig- Judge Conley of . the Supen~r Should; take about three weeks to complete· the job. _is a. ro. , . . Court No. 2 of Fresno C.ounty streets and dr iveways, and the Mc- gmg some aramage ditches. handed down a decision that in ef- Clain Company on the underground H utch-i l),son Co., Gr een.brae, going L b t · d ing · as hard as· . operating. eng,ineers· . can P or.11; oc 1< . as f. 01,eman over equ1p-. Bro. James am er lS O feet sho. \..~1ed histo.rically that the from c 011 ,Lr·a Costa. d b b rnent doil1g a fine .. job k~ping a bit of clean up work with operating engineers have had the United Concr ete Pi1)e Co. is stan .'······· een a very m;y year.. b . T r f h d t a·r1 The. co111,pa,ny has been a long, frm,,i!. everything in .line. If weather per- the dozer. This is the egm- ! c1 as si ica ·wn ° . eavy u Y ~-ep - cleaning up their Snelling high·w·~ ins talling.. one of the. la test Stand.,_ mi.ts the. job will last about 'an- n·ng1 of the four-lane highway I men over a penod of years, m fact job and should be completed withiIJ. th th t al·d. Hot .·P· 1·a~ts'" . - ft'u' ly- autom- at1·c 0th.er ,mOIJ.th . across· · N e,a• da . It will be a big -l.onger an. . .e MachiniS s ha:ve a· week. In . the south end o f ti1e with gas fuel. Brothe-r Webster BASALT IS BUSY help to the state. · had a classi.fication of heavy duty district about the sa·me situation complaining already, wants . con- Basalt Rock is installing a new Isbell has most of the gravel mechanic. Also the S~ewatt & Nuss continues as previously reported, t rol installed at home so he won't plant at Napa Junction to process crushed for the four-lane highway Co. have. had contmuo~s agre~- most of the· construction acti'v.ity have to show up. materi-al for the manufacturing. of job west' of Elko. Most of t he Is- ments with. the Operatmg En?1- there being on difltribution systems THE FLYING PULLS Basalite Blocks. This plant will bell road building equipment is neers covermg heavy duty repair~ with Unit ed Concrete Pipe Co_., Carey Brothers on Valley Ford be · automa_tic which will requii;:e still on the Jiggs, Nev., job, but man. Judge ; Conley denied t):le. in- · American Pipe &' Constructio)1, job in high gear.. P usher John Lapp fo ur men on each shift operating the job is nearly finished. Some junction and in so doi1:ig lef~ an Concrete Conduit ~o., Fred J . Early a nd Brother Carey-owne!'-says ,.around the clock. There will be of the broJhers on that job are opening for Stewart & Nuss Co. ,to Co_. doing the majority of both.con­ t hey need man with checker flag four silos- SO feet high, construct- looking forward to coming to hire heavy duty repairman, both struction and maµufacturing. t o let 'em know when race fin- ed of Basalite reinforced concrete Reno to work on the Sparks to on construction or .in their shop, WINT~ SL.OW-PO~ . ished. I've· seen pulls run but never blocks with conveyor system at the Vista job for· the winter, which as they see fit. Practically all our mountaii.1 jobs fly before. Job is progl·essing. fine .. bottom of each one loading to four will be a good winter meal ticket Needless to say this is an. im- have been shut down for the win- Brother "Smilin' Boy" \Villiams, oil and gas fired kilns. Expect Bro. fo1· some of the. dear brothers. portant decision themselves on con- ter; however , the" forestry Service formerly with Engineers Limited, Earl A. McCall'to take charge upon Out at Ely, Isbell has the new struction, through. fair means or _has let a three 'mile extensio~1 to _110~ maintainihg ratm equir nent ·completion. Basalt has the paving shop abotit finished. Bu_t it should foulf and without regard to sigrrnd the South F ork Chiquita Basin :, in· C ontua. H ope to see h im b acl < J·ob 1·n the Steege Housing Tract be, with a good truck crane. crew agreements of other International Road. L. C. Smith of Re.ddi1:i.g was Tennessee Street in like Bro. W. B. "Bill" Knudson unions. in a re a in. Spring. at tl1 e foot Of the successful bic'.!.d.er. We are in- .,,, ,Basalt -at McNear's Pt. working VaHejo ...... be ab.out 8,000 tons of and Bro. William ''Bill" McQueen. F:INE FLAT JO~ formed this firm wil,l move in an,d base rock- to. put down and 5,000 They are a good pair of "Bills." The· corps_ of EBgi.neers have an_- h\10 shifts overtime trying to catch try to work this winter so .the road tons of black top. Br others J. W . The stripping and mining dea 1 11ot1nced the ppen1·:ng of b1·ds for ·- - u p. Can .always see barges coming - will be avaiiable for. logging pur- o~· going. E verybody seems happy . Talbot, Barber Greene, Bob Fletch- at Lane City and Kimberly, is the clearing of P ine Flat Reservoir.. · · st h poses ea riy ne::: t sumi;ner. Fred J. E arly Co. making good er, screed,· Carlos Akin and How· back to normal. Mo of . t e· Low bid of $60.9,496.00 being sub- On the Sta te Hospital job south ard on rollers and Frank Grimaldi, brothers have had their vacatwns mitted by the Schutt Construction progress on Sar-i. Quentin Sewer Dj s­ of P or terville, Nomellini Con.struc­ blade. Henry Grimaldi doing the and the deer season is over. No\ v Co. of Genoa, Wisconsin. The work posal P l-ant. Brothers Ivor Jones -tion Co. is still busy on its con­ pushing. they can settle down for a long., involves clearing of · some. 6,000 a nd Sti11chcomb drew a good one tract a nd James L Barnes Co. h as ·m1 til Christmas at least. E :s: -brother Nelson, for merly em- tough, cold winter. acres of brush and trees .and is .to U "MD "-~o"'N""AIN GOLD moved in and is keeping sever~l of ployed by Basalt, has very fine RO H n'.1. "-' .JI. to be completed by October 1, 1953. the brothers b,lisy. Brothe~· Bill J ennings went into f i· s , · b"' r·e>=o r-t tlle Nar)a River Out .at the Round Mountain Gold . . h . h 111 11 - 011 This firm a t t e present time ave the hospit al fo r one reason an d .J·us··t soutll - Cutt·inoo-'s WJ-iarf. If Dredging Corp., at Round Moun- Conditions gener ally ha ve begun 01 no represent ative in the a rea and ca me out with two! ...... 1N ow has ~ r· b tain, Nev., the engineers are going to quiet down on the usual winti, r · any brothers want some ·me ass if they receive the job w.ill prob- slack off, cons,,quently we have a h is back in cast due to old injury f.i·slii·il g, 1001, hi·m up- has boats along in fine shape-digging lots ,·-E,tl ho sl 1 oul d be reacJ y to we·1·d ' of gold. Br os. Ernest J. Peterson, ably start around the first of the fair ly lar ge out _. of work li st, so and equipment for hir e. yea r, accor ding to r eport of Army the runners on Santa's sleigh. Frnnk Beach bought out partner Jr. and Don W . Burchart have would advise any of the brothers engineers. (" A. G. Raisch Co . job on P t . Alessandrelli about t w o m onths quit t he goid digging game and who are figuring on moving into eyes-Novat o Road, weather per- ago. Novv working in this area at are going into the U.S. Navy .. I On Pine Flat Dam, itself, the con­ this territory wo uld, advise them to ri1 itting, _will b? cl ose to button- Napa J unction _ installing waler hate to see the brothers leaving tractors are now ahead of schedule contact us before moving in as to "ing .uP J·ob t his yeai·. Some of Cun- . . U ·1 I Ro d Ilifot1nta1·11 becat1se t l1 ey ar·e and pour ing continues at a st eady work possibilit ies. -- - pipe for the California Pac1f1c ~1 - un c . • . . , n ~1ghan1 & Smt h _J igs along with ities which was to be a short Job ' a couple of outsta ndmg bo) 1 s and pace. We have about the same There w iH be no district m eeJ;ing 1 i; ' A l F,._·,ns · 'n -.-,DI' o-,,. Ii e.p o le E1·. o',.·l1 e r • of three months but has since I know all their .f n· en d s m· t i1e number of engineers employed on this month in view of the m eetin~ - t,Gerdbg and "Clint" Harless, active gr own ...... still ther e and expect job community will miss them . But the project. Most of the brothers night falling on a holiday. Wish all i-rnshers,·.· ass1·sted by Brother "Cow- vvill last for some time. Brother lots of 1u c l< , E rnes t· an d D on, a nd holding ti.ght to their jobs for the t h e br-otte,·s aml their fa milies an boy" P owers- recently down fror:i G. Vv . Elliott is. foreman on spread. come back soon. I'm sure every- winter, consequently li ttle turn- enjoyable .aJld hea-rty Thanksgiving· -,1,,{s ranbh in the Redding area. As this goes to pr ess Brother one will welcome you back. . over. dhmel'. i,tif:h ey are also on the finishing end L. L. Oldaker changing r est homes I understand Bro. J ack Dodge The Bureau of Reclamation h a:s . l)avine- J'ob, wea ther again being 11 d. · announced that the J ohnson West- * * * ft!'1~ - - ...... now at Ma rin Equipment. I is going to qmt· the .go c , 1.gg111.g · -~ime fact or, a t Ignacio H ousing. SNOW DODGER racket a~ ~ confine lrnnseH t? his ern Co. has submitted low bid for ~ rn a tremendous arnoun t of land- Th . d d bl B tl , st or e business and horse business. two pumping plants and some canal Btping left to be done there. This : vV lll ~n snow ew ro l e I Lots of luck to you Jack but I and pipe line work on the Delta In Detroit, 150 m embers of t h e th ~ m'J- any· has many other proJ·e cts Tom Banna oack Ill. · .· e a.r ea sooner, d on ,t J;:..,, .·. h 1 · b · t M d ent time working for Huntington ;,~:i:i ;:,c, oo Jo m c o,- e a era as at Lovelock, is getting out lots of runways and parking area in about th th service. -,tnis comes off press. W e thought Bros. moving wi e rig to Mof- iron ore. Br o. Leo V. Sebbas is on two weeks. Fred J . Early Co. who 'f~te . had s~e n everything but this fe tt F ie'.d-long job there. the Northwest 80, Bro. P erry .. .. ¥,.,..., _ ••••• --"""Ai t, is putting in the under ground ·f_uel .spread t9ps 'em all-comes down Lew J ones ConS Co ., joint ven- Thomsen on a cat, and Bro. H. C. and water installations has Thomas - 20 F t m·ers with the A. G. Raisch Co. on 0 . C. ~;ON ES & SONS,1 f r om D. Vv. 's to Ferguson orcl- "Haley" Pfeifer is on the blade. Rigging Co. and the Underground 101 I G~NERAL CONTRACTO RS son ...... guess it's handy for the Hiway job in San Rafael, has "Haley" is doing a fine job of Construction Co. working for them I ·1-­ 1 · ~ , J. · H · + started str uctural work on proJ·ect Me mber A: G. C. mec:,rnmc-.bi-otner imm1 e ew1e- k eeping up the truck road; he ·is on the job. Ball, Si!Jlpson & Harms son- to carry his tools around. as U-iis goes to press.· quite the blade man. have · started laying concrete on Cedar and 4th St. BERKELEY T he Clau d T. Lindsay job at Ig- Brot her Tom Shaw hack with TRUCIIBE RIVER LAndscape 6-3424 th hardst ands and within the next two n acio Housing wit h Brother Ed M.P. ti ed up wi C. I\IL Syar . Tom Ruther fo rd, Incorpora ted, has weeks will start laying asphalt taxi­ ~ ' ,. , WJ rt • tr ,., Callison as foreman r eally rolling is slipping we hear - two boxes quite a job cl eaning the T ruckee ways. W eather permitting this job along. t rying hard to beat rain, c:hells- no hides-no bones- woncler River channel just west of the will continue without interruptions 0. A.. m1· g h.t mform· Brother \"v e1· SS8er b er if it was the alti tude'! Glendale Road bridge, near Sparks. Brother H . Ridenour ave'nport with three "Cats" , - · . T here are . rtiii:ways, . wr.ir~house's, in operation so fa/ The Granit'e afou·nd the city of H. alf Moon ~ay $1 ~·BHHon f ea:ther fuel tanks and· wind tunnels. CARL th t 0 t h h h a . .. ' . .. • , , •• • • . Consfriic'fion Corripii11y are very· ~O U. '.. . e_new i-g way ~ow be- N. SWENSEN has started opera- b. . . th . t . , ,., -t w· t mg completed by the S.A.E. Con- Wire- Rope . h ·> • ·· · h f t , . . usy m eir wo s1 10p,,, a a - . . . tions for t e new e1g t oo su- . d t to . t . a· .. struct10n Company The bulk of River Jo~ Planned sp'licin.g and socketfog . . . . sonv111 e an expec mam am . · (C t' f p o ) p~rsomc tun~el.. This new tunne1 :· full crew-· thro.ughout the ~inter the fpnds ,are to be _spent 0:1 the on mued rom age ne Agents · f or 1 .~ 11 ~~st app~oximat.~l:Y ~27.'.0,00,00? months. T 11 e i r Freedom .job has ~llys~o~·e Free,way ~ron:i Pem_n~ula Sout~ern .end of the line wo::11~ Roeblings Blue Center a~1d will be used f.oe. the testmg of slowed' down on account of rain . .avenu e ~n ~urlin~ame t~ S~nta be engmeermg all t he ~ay, wit~ All Wor·k Ms.de to Order airpla~es . a~d _;r,nss1le models . at ED KEEBLE · has completed Bfa Clara Co~ntY, ·an?. 111 the ~?nst1yc- . tunnels. along sou th slope .. _of ti;~ Guaranteed and Tu.sured veloc1t1es m exces? of th: s?ee_d ,of job. o-H Etkhorn Slough...... GRAN- thin ?f _a~,,over~~sr a;t, '.f'h;r1 ave- mountams at. S~n Be~_n~ rdmo a~d ' '600 .Adcliso'i1 Street $Olmd. ~nother n9,te,_ of 11:ter_e~t_ !TE h"as a !\iil.ce -,:Jbb at the Pte-: nue and Bayshore m San Mateo. Red.lands, a sip~on across. San Go~- • s·e··r· ke' le-·y, ca·1··,.t. about this tunnel 1s that 1t will . p 'f" G Th h ·-c e' N. ear the ·t··o·w'· n· of' Pe·sca-der·o, · n gomo Pass between Beaumont and ir . d . . t . s1· a10· 111. ac1 1c rove. ey · av 0 R . . . , .. . , ha~e anl SeOleocotorlhC nve system re·,·· 5'0;000 tons of cold mix to lay whtch the . Biliei· l;anth; the Jim . Evans edlandss, andJ m.or e tvunlnlels ap'Iong ' Telep~one Ashberr;r s.~823f\. qmnng .. , . . orsepower o oper- w1. 111.5e~P ., ... th € m. b usy, . f or. some t·1me ,; , ·c· 0-·m' ·p·a·n··y · 11, a·s· a' c··on"t'r·a·ct. to b. u··1.1d· eastern. . an .f acmtoL a .ey, · ass. .- ...'------<----'--'----....::,~. ,.,._, ... ··-- - -·-" · ·-- · ate efficiently. -·-···--DORFMAN and STOLTE a're a n ear'th :fiff frrigatfon dam .'WI-iiie mg nort l1 o ake He.nshaw,. it . H I O ft I i-1 1 11 1 t I f,t O CFJJ NIELSEN & NIELSEN have still 'btisy 'o:i{ theii' s·ewer work aii:d visiting 'the job your repreisentative w?uld cross headwaters ?f the San - , · · fl ·c 'Ii{ : ·k·, "' started operations 0 n. the._ i).ew exp'ec't to. c'ornplete it around th:e contacted Br.others . Evans, Jolly Diego.and Swe~twater n versi.fhen : eit··· \,;i·, ·erw1c. ·~- $925,000 Music .B-tiilding 13.~ tJ:t.~. S~n first of the year ...... Work has b'e- and Doolin w_ho were industriously fl?w 1~1to a tri?utary of TiJuana · .. ., os Stat College BUTTRESS . · . . · · · · · ·· River ·m San Diego County, . 1'· .. i" - e e ······-· . gun on the mu1t1-m11hon dollar ex~ engaged in th:eir work. Aft . . . h J th t t . ft(!. , ; McCLELLAND, INC., of Los '.Ari- pansibn of the Monterey Navai At La Hon-da ·the Jacl< Bateman . er servmg 1:iuc. . o . e s a e, ···geles,· are niakifig fast p'ro. gres'!; on· s· ·h , t M .·,t' ,, .. , . . . . , the water at this pomt would be - C 001 a on erey. Com1:i'any v..fas successful b. fdder on d d t t· ·· d 'bbl Engineering Constriiction , th~ new Am€ri~'an Can Company HAAS CONSTRUCTION COM- - . . , ., , re uc~e o. a c?mpara .rv_e n . r. ' - :1 Wai;ehouse on 'Sou:th 7th.' This is PAN. y f s : F . d·- B.. H 'the· exca vation foe a new diShi~t This .proJect, It IS estunated,. will Wharves .: Piers ~ Bridges , . 0 an rancisco an ' . sch.do!. Bi~other·s Dempsey, Chap- 'd b t th'·· l f th t'· rather a:n unique. operation which TANNER. f M t th _ prov1. e ·a ou a · ire o e wa er Te~f,niiial~ - Foiindatio·ns ...... · ·, , , " , o on erey are e gen in.a.ii and . several others are em- d l f tlr th h If f Subinlirine Work consists of . pr~2ast 's lahs (each· eral co'ntractors: Brother 'phiJ Cal- ~ee ec or e sou . ern a 0 weighing approximately 30 tons) b h . t . . , . ploye'd o11 this project. . . the state. Later there must be . . . a re_se. as so~e __e~u1pm el\ in qp~ The S.A.E. Construction Com- projects of similar size to brin" 112 Market· Street bemg put 1~ pl~ce ?Y cranes. ,) 'h.e erat1?n nu.his prOJ E;Ct. \Y_.e unde,r- ·parry o'f Redwo'od City umfoi: the nl°ilion . of ail " f " t t th S "' San Frattdseo ·11 two Bay City ~rane_s are . o~ ned stand' 'GEORC1E ADGUSTA will do , . . i . s re ee o e ~n by BIGGE aria are ii!lder the mas~ ,. ,'. · · d GR-. ·ANIT' E .. l ., able management of Bro. J. 0 . Joaquin Valley, the South Coast Ph·oHe sc:J°Her I ~1104 ., - · · the pavmg arr wi1 1 ay; A·' h'b ld dB Eb· ht h '' l th ·· · terful. , , op'eration ·of Bro, t hers. . . J0e. t he, sewer.. ., ... ·--·· GRANITE. have Jl!S, :., t nearlyre , 1 a comp1et.,a1; _, .ed_r o.the_, gra:amgr;g ,. , aonv~ ·~a=re:::a:::,:::::an=c:::::=e==d::e:::s=er=·t=a=r::: ..e::a.:::::::=:::::='~*=' ii~f~•~•=• ~·~l~l~f~~tl~!~f~l~l~·~·f.,~fif.~•~··~·~ft P1e1ce and Lee Patte1s, Jr. This is about complete their Car111e1 Val, H' , . , N . p · · r: J/t · jus.t one more industry comfrig to ley 'Ro'ad .Jo b ...... We understand ighway bO.· 1k at d oE11:t o i as. town. · · . · · ,. NY S K~ ¥.rqs,. .:':'~s~.. r?o .. ~~· ,.. . 1~n.er we~e ·- ·.- . . the M. J. B .. COMP A . of toe , , ·m charge of the sO:p-ei·v1sron of this BARRETT -& HILP. ar e makmg ton _have a Job back m. Local 1~ s work; the paving of this section of · fas!.. .pr o_g1:ess on . the? O'Connor terr:itory and are . movmg : th ~! r road was subcontracted to Clem- Hospital Job. Also on the Half equipment off their CAfyIP ROB- .,. ·t ' c· .....,.. ,.f· H.. , .... · d d M'l · D E : · · . B -~ d - . en s ompany o aywar an . 1 hon Ollar ngmeer!pg . Ul1 ~ ERTS JOb. _.. . that firm i's' well '-along with the ~ ng for the San J ose State Col- The OIL FIELDS are about the b' .- -k ,,, d ·., , ,., · .,., ·· , ,. · · leO'e· BECHTEL CORP have . same wJth the excep1ion that the·r~ ' ase r_oc · a1; are now preparmg ju~t··-~b~ut c;inpleted t ~eir F ood are about t hree or· four- new w€lls ~.b,.l_ay: .asp~:::·. Machinery Tank' Job but are still going . in around KING CITX...... ·SHARPS. PARI{ · well-occupieclonihe ·exp'arisionpro- FRED0RICKSON & WATSC>N ex~ Bros. Snyder, Moore"and others gram at Fibre Glass: . pect to l'fnish their\ job at CHJJL.iR are busily-- employed at · Sharps A. J . R.AISCH. ahd the .L9S GA- in about three weeks ...... ,GEORGE Park, building streets and grading TOS CONSTR,UCTidN COMPANY RUGUST'A: got a 'coriple b'f :b.ice stib- lots for the Pen'in'sula Home Build­ have about . finished th'eir grading· division ]obs fli . SALINAS tliat wilf ers. This· l.1.u'ge real estate develop­ a1~~ ·~ouii,c1 eftisn, . weir:} fo,r'_ tlie ji.~\"._ ~:e~p ~ ·-.. ,, ·•• ·.,,, .... · .' • .,,. · •• , .,.• • ., , • -due to·the transfer of.manage.ment Brothers M•. N. :Bos;l laige real estate evelopmen.t.proJ­ wor ·.n;, .l / ;r ~c. afl :,,: ar e on> ·' fU_, ~~ , r~e O· 1 a .e~~an ar ect at Winston Manor and is no\V a go£_~,.;i,~.b_. _,:;,,-J2~,:..,,c . !,f1:'!S~~ a1~8 vy,in, ~~ :P8:d.~d . a:1q } ur,f,aced...... bi'iilding stteets. · ana.. iracting . 101:s had . a mce ~rrd$r~r:°1:1P?:.. ~on~.r~_c~ .. M?nteri y Coup-ty lS to getv.$1,130,, on both sides of Jiihipero Senla but 1t .tp9 :will, ~Q.OI1:_.. ~,e.,ssimple_\ed: ~0,0 for gr8:q~i~g l:lnd, pa~.mg l.~ boulevard at South San Francisco . CHAS. ·DORFM'AN·:.recently 'was miles of Salinas Freeway from D t . ~- . . , . . . _., , · . · awarded .a':se~,iet job fo' the East Mai·ke'f'stt'ee'f to N. Mairi S't~eet. ue O t lS expan_swn m~ny mem­ F oth'lr' ·· N . · d t hl e s -e · w fr, 't{, 'tfr ··· tfli 'b'dtJ.t coll'- bers of the .oyeratmg engineers are 0 . , 1_ ,S. ,- OW >~ l\ . n_ V::., . 'c. ,.. ,. :e ,' , ;~ 0 '. e.rst S ~ •. , I steadily employed. PESTXNO from Oa)dan'd. operatmg cluoes ·om• -report_ for this month...... J.n . fhi§ -atei ..L, .E:· j, TOB1:N, 1:ri· cl'o~ing: ;•we: i ~t~nil"'o'uf sincere The_ loc~! contr:to~ m ct,1s grabb'~d 'c:ifi':.;,,,fi}Jf~et: · u:ridergto'un:d 'Wis,fies to· e-a:ch' of "tl'i~ n'ifin.b1rs an~ area, !nclu mg t;1e · r 0 r man · o~­ job iii a i1e,v ~U: bdivhio11 in Palo hi'~ 'fitfuify /01; i VE it Y· HAPPY structwn Company, Douglas ~ Alto. · · THANKSGIVING. . Wood,h.ouse; Pe~er , S,~re~s1frt1~- .dam job ·oui ·forma. * * -Ii: on Jubriceftion _ma.t~l',l~ls and meth- 1 1 . thn1~.~-;t '~;: trt·tll~!~e;:J~::;'. L;ead ·dr(8 .. #u~l:>:er . ~~~1!~ . ~:t::sen o~h~"~~eb;tc;\:~ il~~ co11sfrucfiiSn·'ti"f½11e° '.t'e-fi1ii:;°toii :i:Yaili:' Supplies of both 'lea'd. arid rubbei· Machine Tools" may be obtained' - -<:We.. hope to hear that bids w ill are becoming more plentiful ancf by writing to Printing . Services, - be called for on this Dam, soon) . are expected to·continue improving, Department of Commerce, Wash- .GRANITE CONSTRUCTION NPA reoor ts. in Elton 25. D. r.. Ten · ENGINEERS' NEWS November 15, 1951 Sea-Going Dredge Army Engineers Get Navy announces plans for a sea­ ;STOC TON BEATI G 0 going dredge that can be towed $36 ,Million for 52 from one project to another. Dur· BLAKE BROS. CO~ Army Corps of Engineers has ing the last war dredges were been authorized to spend over $36 moved by loading them on floatirig Producers of :OLD N I TER I million for flood control, river and By ED DORAN ancl SPIKE CASEBOLT drydocks, standard dredge hulls be- Asphaltic Concrete -- Ready-1\-Iix . · · · · ' and harbDr construction projects Concrete & Quarry Product:!! Business Representatives in . California during 1952 fiscal ing too light to wit hstand the open The work s ituation in this area is on a very even keel. year. Of this amount $24,249,00G sea. The new dredge will have heavie,' hulls, give protection for P. 0. Box 1002 Richmond Weather h as been good and practically all jobs are winding will be spent in the Sacramento­ superstructure, and provide for the Western Drive BEacon 2-519S ;up on schedule. Might add that no. nevv work fa starting a nd San Joaquin River basins and $12,­ handling of all types such as sand, :none is planned to start. 095,000 in the Sout h Pacific heavy gravel, coral, stone, and coastal streams. blasted solids. The call for land levellers has tapered off, so we believe s outi 1· ern projects are $6,085, -. ·that the land levelling contractors have finally obtained the ooo, Los Angeles drainage area; -crews t hey want. Unless some new $4,500,000, . Whittier Narrows res­ ]and [eyeler moves into this district for Crows Landing Air Base and ervoir; $510,000 San Diego River .shorthanded, there should not be are looking for more. work. This and Mission Bay, and $1,000,000, General Contractors ,any great demand for skinners. is a nice firm and is practically 100 San Antonio Reservoir. 844 IDGH STREET OAKLAND, CALIF. Bm Eaton has moved four DS's per cent union. Northern · projects are $3,400,- Office: ANdover 1-0466 -- Quarry: TRinidad 2-2400 ·into the Vernalis district for a We have Juul an unusually large 000 for Cherry Valley Reservoir; ~------~------.couple of months' work. This number of injuries and accidents $214,000, F armi ngton Reservoir; :should keep the brothers on the among the brothers lihis month. $5,870,000, F olsom reservoir; $4,­ job up to the rainy season. Let's all try to be more careful 500,000, Isabella Reservoir; $265,- Elwin Delphia has started a new I both on and off the job and cut 000, Merced County stream group; p job near John's airport west of this list down. $8,000,000, Pine Flat reservoir; RISH BIOS. ·Patterson, using two_ Cobras. Bro. Bro. Theo. Mills is in the Stan- and $1,000,000 for flood control, General Contractors - Highway and Public Works :'.Bill Chase should really feel right islaus County Hospital at Modesto Sacramento River. PHONE 330 P. 0. BOX 6 BENICIA, CALIFo .. ·at home on his Cobra because to as a result of an automobile acci- * * * ,our knowledge he has been on this dent. . one for the last two yea1:s. Bro. Bro. E. Edwards, a new member· ScrCJJp Shortages 0 T I Both military and civilian prO·· ~~l!llll'llll'll!ilil!lll!llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llll'llli!illlll'll~ll'llll'llll'll[g!ll'lJ[gjlgj[g]l!l1~1l'lll· 'Troy Harwell is 01l_.the other Cobra or our ec rnical Engineers, got ~ hit on the head with a rock on duction are threatened unless tre- "' -on this job. ~ Larry and Ernie Aksland have the City of San Francisco job at mendous effort is made to in~rease I I D FI I'! l If_ C Cherry Valley. He is out of the the movement of scrap metal to !lll 0 ·t heir .share of the land to be lev­ 1fi I; a._ hospitai but convalescing. mills and foundries, the NPA "':-S i.,~ibnr:x:tt:·~~-·<;,..;b,, .._.._... ___. _ _. _ __.,__ _...... _ ...•. ~~,-. - ·.·· . • .·~s . . . ., ::••. _ 1 : ... #· _ " •• r. i: -Novemher,-}5, J9~l ,:- ,, --ENEH·N,BE2"Rsf·,,#,Bws

(,Co1npiled by P; E. Va:ndNvark) - and on 33rd Ave; betw. _Clen1,ent r,-Ierce.r-Fraser Co., 2ncl & Commer-' ing areas at the . Presidio of Mon- Gaynor Ave., Richmond, ·$53,515 £,or OCTOBER 15, Jl.'951 and Geary St. cia1 Sts), Eureka, $3,068 for ·resurf. ter ey. ·drill,& grout West Abutment, Cala- NOVATO, contract av,-arded . to 'b-AKLA.ND, contract awarded to 5th Street. OCTOBER 31, 1951 .veras Dam, ALAMEDA COUNTY. · · Ed Jarvis, 1580 MacAi'thur Blvd., Erickson, Phil'lips & Weisberg, 3341 -SA,ORAMENTO, Contract was SACRAMENTO, Contract \:vas SAN FRANCISCO, Contract was Oakland, $21,942 for·· install. mains 'Telegr,aph Ave., ·oakland, -$201,48_ 0 awarded to McGillivra,_, Const. Co., awarded to H. W, Ru.b".·,., -~..,9.R"'l aware1 e d t o l\ff·LlC. 11ae_ 1 -1\1: urpny· , 0"O ;:;" . an_d service.lats. i.n Rafael Village, , for complefam of "Unit B", Sewage P.O. Box 873, Sacramento, $6,207 Northrup Avenue, Sacramento, Upper Terrace, San Francisc·J, $14,- Ignacio Treatment Plant. for plantmix st1rf. storage api·ons. $543,017 f.or const. 13 bridges & ·o.9 590 for lay. 4" C.I. & 6" transite , SAN.JOSE contract a,varded to· SACRAME;NTO, contract award- OD'rOBEH. 25, 1951 mi. gracle & apply pen. treat. to mains .in Monterey Blvd., San Aleso 1 Sondgroth B~;os., 318 Sierra Vista ed to Angelo & Frank, 3215 X St., EAST PALO ALTO, Contract was detours & brdgs. betw, Oroville _ to Ridgewood. h/,e.j ·Mounta:in View, $31,891 ·for ~acrainento, $4,762 for const."side- awarded to Workman Const. Co., Wye & 0.3 mi. S. of Chico, BUTTE OAKLAND, Contract awardecl"to. surf. Kifer Road, from Lawrence walks aroimd city plaza, I, J; 9th 386 ._6th · St., Menlo Park, $1,6~Q COUNTY. . the Dtmcanson-Harrelson Co ., 530 St~tioh Roaq .to Faji· Oaks_Ave. in and 10th Sts. · for bitum. pave. ·& hot-mix walks SAN FRANCISCO, Contract was Cutting Blvd., J}ichmond, $5,000 S111inyvale;SANTA CLARA COUN- OCTOBER 22, J951 at Willow & Belle Havei1 Sd1ools. awarded to S. &· Q, Ccmst. Co., 248 for repafr RR trestle, 7th St., Unit TY. . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, con- SACRA]\'.IENTO, Contract vvas 9th St., S. F. $113,943 for const. of Outer Harbor Terminus. · SAN FRANCISCO, contract tract awarded to L. T. Johnson awarded to Tho·mas Const. Co., 77x135 ft., 2-story st-rue. steer & PITTSBURG, Contract av, arded av-v·ardenc. sanit. , _s~we:s . in" Or_chi,ird - Grove bridges ,on Franklin Blvd . . _ s : Slins~n. 2255 '. Si-lver-ado -Trail, yV.),1; Ly\es Co., P:Oi B!'nc495; Aye-· b~s~, R1';~pdaJe-Gtant A.Ve., WEB- ~ubpiv., U~der ~. I. 2:~;-p ..,, . _ NOVEMBE~ 1, 195l _ _ Na.pa; :$3;266 for gra?e/ Jdave; ;etc. nal( $208,901 for coiist.' sewer and ER_COUNTY . . .. _ _ __ ALBANY, Contract aw1:r~ed_ to FRESNO, _Contract awarded to at Westwood Elem. :school. .. _ ,;~;~tei· prof, Fresno State ;Coll~ge:, ._· . SA?.RA;r1EN:p<:\ ?otti:a:t 8:::'.'.§U'd~ Lee !,_ I1;1IlJ.e!, 3p_3Q ~an f~~lo Ave- John Grey; Rt. 1 Box ·691, Fre~nQ, . S~NTA Rl)~A, c_cmtract'itwai?ed /C: ..J,uALLEJO, con trait'. awarded _to _ed to · Um_ted _Co~ci·et~ P!pe. Cor:p., n~I:, _.San _1:'ab .lo 1 _$9,oog ~or ;r.esurf. $2,662 for - c~nst curl), gutter_ & : _to _Ferguson -)3ros:/ 89;?3:oS!in 'Le&n- _. {eseph -Bettencomi;,. 1015 Sa;n Ma- :Bo·x· 425,: ~~lqw1'.!1 CP~rk,: ~6:i~,206 PorUan,d AY:·, _-from San -Pablo to walls, on S. 4th St., betw. Wood~ ato _S\:' Oakla,n;d, .$,2~;~97/;for co'nst. teo Ave., San Bi'uno, $1,471,258 for f~r a .3 1111. ginde_roadbed .for ,,-lane ~ast C1,ty ).,1m1ts. _ . ward Ave. & Braly Avenue. of 1:tquld petroleum au:··gas system const. , Dr. .B'.enjamin ·Hogan Jr. _d1 .v1r;e~l hwy ., on '\:Vest S~,CL'rnento MENLO PARK, <=:of!tract was SACRAM:E;NTO, CoNtract was at Los Guilucos School £or Gfr1s, High School ·(27 classrooms, audi- F~ceway, betw. Y~-}o Cause,rny_ and _awarded to E. J. _Tobm, 1000 Carle- awarded to Wm. E. Thomas Const. near Santa Rosa. . - · , ,

tm1ium, gym and cafeteria.) 0.8 . nu. w_e~t ot Tower Bndge, ton, Berkeley, $33;032 for const. Co., Rt. 4 Box 3400 Sacramei1to, SANTA ·ROSA Omt-ract ·a,viartled BRISBANE, contract awardea to YOLO COtJ NTY. Unit 1 of storm .se,ver system, mt- $20,277 for widen two cone. bridges to iFerguson Br.;s., 8923 San Lean~ R. c. Downer, l0031Jiliversity-Ter--. , SACRAMENT?, _umtra c: ts der Project 1951-52. on Franklin Blvd. ':fro St., Oakland,' $88,390 for c0ns,t. race, Reno, Nev.; $24,209 for· .fm- , awarded as follows: (1) CONTRA O'CTOBER 26, 1951 RIO VISTA, Contract awarded to of sewage & water project for Los prov. · school yard and i;ecre-atibn· _COSTA CO. GV-C.Ccl07, 75A, SAN FRAN<;ISCO, ·Coritrnct was ·Blake Bros., P . O. Box l002, Rich- Guilucos School for Girls. . site, adjac: to Rumbolt Road a'nd WlC, ·B): To J. _R. -Arinstrong, 400 awarded to Chas L. Jfar-ney, Inc., . m0nd'. $27 ,_922 um'ld Whe-rry Ho{1sing , Pfoject. -~ . 45th, 47th, . 64th, ·67tli. and·· ifollis Eaton & Smith, 1215 Mic'higai1 Watkin' & Sibb'alcl, 740 Sir Ftancis at Santa Li.,cia Elem. School. TOOELE, UTAH, Contract vvas Stii:tion. · · Ave., s. F.; $454,886 -fo1< 3.3 mi. Drake B'lvd., San Anselmo, ·$91~341 NOVEi'l·I'BER 2, :i.951 a:\va:rdecl to Richards Fairless & ··cI-IICO, ·contract awarde.d . to pltmx; surf. ·on uritr. rock -base, fo1; .Ia-'ndscap'ing & sprinlder'-' sj;sfem MARYSVILLE, •Contract awarded Assoc., 351 Unio'n Pac.ific Annex, ~ ufte ci~ek Rock Co., P.O. · Box and apply sealcoat, betw: i.9 ,mi. at Agnew State Hospital. to McGillivray Const. Co., P. o. Sal_t Lake City, UtaJ1, $1,332,500 512, Chico, , $27,375 for sprinkler north of Marip·osa and Acorn Inn; : o'C1'0BER. 29 '1951 13ox 873, Sacramento: $16,653 for for const. 150 housing units ·• ~-t sy_s., branch Jfoes, : prep. a:nd -piant (3) SOLANO co. (X-Sol-1101); To '()~KLAND, Contra.~t_ ~\Vard_ed to Io. _2 mi. const. . plant:mix Sl!_rf. (o~-~r Deseret Chemical Depot; m'i'd'e_i· lawns, Walks,'ferfcing, etc., at.Chico A. G. Raisch· Co., P. 0. Box · 458,' Bar~'ett & Hilp, 918 Harrison St., ]1Jltmx, cem. treat~d base), -at Twm Wherry Housing. , State College. . S~n Rafael, . $21~,59_1 for . 1.2 mi. S_&m F1:ancisco, $22:695 :for inst. C. j Oaks' Ave: & 0.2 m1. South of Placer OGDEN, UTAH, Contract \'?as · 's A. N F.RAN·c·Is· co · · · gmde, pltmx. surf. . on untr. rock ~·- & ' W s · ... • · . County Line, in SACRAMENTO awarded to AUied Const. ·co., Int':, 1 , · , c·ont:ract b · B d b- .:,--.. 1. . . water mains, etc., 111 . av,ah:ied to J •. Henry· Harris, 2657 ase, on . roa way, etw. Neb; St: ALAMEDA . COUNTY. COUNTY. Box 1004, Idaho Falls, Idaho, . $449, - 0 9th St.,' Beikeley, $7;800 foi' grade ai1i;E1; ·. ~ort~erl~. _, d d t MARYSVILLE, Contract awarded VALLEJO Contract a-warded to 775 . for const. 53 housing''' ui1its 1't an!l :_, stabilize '.patking , ~rea ., . at , con rac a war e o . to H - Eari Par] er Inc .12tl & Slinsen Con~t. Co., P. 0. Box -551, . Utah General Depot, undei' Whe~,rJ 1 1 A"'tic. Dist. Brow!1" & 'Krull, 1057 Cotter _Way, "F" · Sts · M ' 'J,I ·$ £ Napa, $2,253 for improv. Eve.rett Housing- Act. · ' 5 · • Hayward $48 970 f · · · ·· ·· d ,, arysvi e, 62 ,887 or - . . _.. ·13,ACR . AMENT o, coritracts .· . .', : .' . or misc . .· gra - coi1st. . bank 1jrote"ction at 3 -sites Alley, betw. Marin & Sacramento TOOELE, UTAH, Confract was a \;v arded- fo1; the fo1fowi1;1g: (1) tgl, pav~,g, clramSage a11d fl~o.d con- afring 'yuba River near Marys~iHe. • Streets. awarded to Triangle Lumoer c'<;i'., ALAMEDA CO. (IV-Ala-22t-A ro at gnew tate. Hospital, lo- . MONTEREY, Contra~t _awarded NOVEMBER 5, 1951 Idaho Falls, Idaho, $247,920 f6r Sln): To Le; f "'rmmel, P.o.' Bo~ cated at Agnew, SANTA CLARA to' Haas C0nst. Co. & B.' T. Tanner REDWOOD CITY, Contract was const. 25 housing linits -~t 'I)1<1iie 175, San Pablo, $187:351 for 1.9 mi. COUNTY. 274; Brannan St., ~an' Francisco'. awarded to L. C. Smith, 1st & Rail- Orcl'n. Depot, under Wher~'Y :«0,\1,s- grade, pltmx. surf., widen, etc., O'cTOBER.,23, 1951 $604,800 for const. Postcrraduate road, San Mateo, $3,126 for pav. ing. i:,l'?' betw. south City Limits of Oakland SAN FRANCISCO, c ·on tr a ct ;3chooi, _U. _s·._N _avy at Mo~terey. playground at Clifford Elem. NOVEl\IBER- S, 1951 - and Alvarado St. (2) TUOLUMNE awarded to C. J. Collins Construe- . OCTOBER 30, 1951 , School. SANTA ROSA, Contrac; ts \~,[;~ .GO .. (X-Tu0::CoL St. Pk.): To Geo. 'tion Co., · 2166 Market ·St. ·san SAN JOSE, Contract awarded to EUREKA, Contra.ct awarded to awarded as follows: for water E. 'France, 'inc., P.O. Box 831, Vi- Frai1c'::'isco, $126,267 for const. soc- Bridges Const Co., 1071 Pine Ave- Humboldt Const., Inc., 125 W. 5th mains: Montgome1:y Village SulJ,aiv. saUa, $15,385 for g1;ade, pl. imp. cer' -field .for north portion of Bal- nue, San Jose, $1,831 for cons( 2 St., .Eureka, $12,711 for canst. cone. 7- tJ Art:1ur B. ·siri, Inc., 1~5.7 - -,:;ase mat!. and bit. surf. ·treat. and boa Park, San Jose Ave. and Have- wingwaHs at Miramonte Rd. ,'cul- bridge over · Mad River, Co. Road Cleve1and Avenue, Santa Rosa, $.7,- s e a 1c9a · 't: . service,· · roiJ.-- d's an· d -par k'mg lock· St· · ver t , over· Permii· ,ine'nte Creek, 364 ' HUMBOLDT, . COUNTY · . 76,1 .'· Ninth . St., b'etw. · Wilson" .~& area in Columbia State Park. FORT BARRY, .con,fract award- SANTA CLARA •COUNTY. SAN .LORENZO, Contract was Domrhue Sts.-to Arthur B. !:;°id · 1 ' SALINAS • contract awai·ded to ed to J. Henry Harris; 2657 9th St. '· sAcB,AMENTO, · · Contract \Vas awarded to Williams & Bur.r6ws Inc., 1357 Cleveland Avenue, Sa,1ta cfriinite ,Cohst. Co~; 'Box 900, Wat-" 'Berkiley, · $39,605 :foi; · repamn~ awa-rded to Un'ited Concrete Pipe Inc., 10 Calif. · Drive, Burlingame, Rosa, $2,819. . -,--" s6nv.ille/ $5;~92:_ j'dr 2,800 sq. ft. of 1'bads at · F.01,t · Barry \,ind--Mendell Corp., Box 425, 'Baldwin Park $2,912,800 for canst. 118-bed hos- REDDING, Conti>act awarded.J o 1 finisMe'cl paved area, at Washington Area. _ _, · $145,913 for 0.6 mi. widen existh~ pita!, north of Castro Valley. Morgan Const. Co., P. 0 . Box 904, Jr. High School located 011 Iverson REDWOOD CiTY, cont tact roadbed, const. untr. rock'b'ase & NOVEMBER 6, 1951 Redding; .$4;650 for pave; br.iq~f S.t.. ___ 2_ ~ - . awarded :to Oakfond Sewe1; .Const. place pltmx. surf.; _ const. pump.· SAN FRANCISCO, Contract was approaches a-LShasta barn, 14 r.9J. · MOFFETT " FIELD, C .o 11 tr a -ct ,co., 9915 Walnut . St., .Oa'kland, plant, betw. N. City Limits o(Tur- awarcled, to R. A. Bell 901 s . Prim- north of Redding. a\vai;ded tc\ Guy F. A'tkinson ,-c 0 .,' $1_4,.726 for const'. sanif. arid storm lock & 0.6 mi. N.W. of STANIS- rose St., Monrovia, / ,$74.7,750 for NOVEMBER 9; i951 10 West ·orange. Ave., South San sewers in portions of '<::!anyon Rd., LAUS COUNTY. •const. . diversion tminel & power CORTE MADERA, Contract was Fran;cisco, $576;262 for - relocation Haring Ave. and Highiand .Ave. SAN JOSE, Contract · awarded ·to tunnel stubs, Cherry River · F'roj., awarded to J. D. O'Connor -Co~s-t. of rciads}arid fences -at the Naval MARTINEZ, contract awarded Stockton Const. 'Co., P.O. Box 2087, Stanislaus Natl. Forest TUOLUM- Co., & · Hal N.ichelini, 640 :sfr Ah'. S1atfo_i ', · · _ · . to Preston & Price, 1718 10th St., :Stockton, $39,928 for canst. st'ortn NE COUNTY.. - ' · · Fr~nds Drake Blvd., -San Rafiel, , IONE,' cortfract awarded to Affili~ ' Berke1ey; $3;933 , for- const. sanit. drain on Tully Road, betw. Fair- SAN ·FRANCISCO, Contract was $57,900 for const. drainage -ditches ated Eng~11eers & · Contractors Inc. sewers in two ··1ocaticms in. Port .grounds & Coyote Creek, SANTA awarded to L. L. Jeffries; 2327 on school grouncls in Corte l\1l'adeii,, --~hambe~·pf :com:11erce . Bldg.: ·sac~ C,hica~o, CONTRA, COSTA GO. CLARA COUNTY. . ------'-- ---'-~------"' ramento, $8,969 for const. of a SALINAS, contract awarded to SAN FRANCISCO, Co·ntract.· was 'Statement · of _the Ownership, Management, and -Circulation Required by. the Act of Cong-ress · " G ·· A t 5 cf August 24, 1912, as Amen'ded by the Acts of March 3, 1933, and July i; 1946 --_ wate1\ _pipe1\ne on a section 0f Arna- · eorge · ugus a, 94 El Camino :aw'arded to Eaton & Smith; 1215 . · (Title 39, Unite_d States Code, Settion 233) , , dor ditch·· af"pi·esto1~ School of In- Real, North Salinas, · "$37;390 for Michigan Avenue, San ·Francisco, Of Engineers News, published. monthly at San Francisco, Calif., for October 1, 1951. . · · · t : t · ' ·' . C l. The names_ and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business man- dustry. cons · s reet improvements in ol- 1$62,909 for canst. track ,vyes & ag-ers are: Publisher, Operating Engineers, Local No. 3. 474 Valencia St .. San Eraricisco, MOFFETT FI ELD, cont r a·c t ·JegEc Pftrk Improvement Dist. curbs,· va,r,ious locations. Calif: .Editor, V . . S. Swanson, 474 Valencia St., San Francisco, Calif. Mariaging Editor, "RICHM' OND · ~ V, S. Swanson, 474 :Y:1lencia St:, San Francisco., Calif. Business "Manager, V. S. Swanson, awarqed to Carl N. Swenson Co., , contract awarded SAN FRANCISCO, Contract \Vas 474. Valenna St. ; Sa:n ·Francisco, Calif. Inc., 1095 Stockton Ave., San Jose, to W. J. Noble, 1865 Lacas:,ir Ave,,' aw·atded to Barrett & Hilp . 3 . 2. The owner is: (If owned by a corporat10n, its name and address_ must be stated and also . , ·9 f- , . _ . •. 91 il.'1mediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holdmg 1 percent ,'I W 1 t C k $ 367 or i,:ior~ of total amount of stock, If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses 'of · ·$ 1,0 33,781 for const. of foundations a nu ,ree ,- ·, . or const. Har,nson S-t., San Francisco, $86,- 0 · for 8 foot -supersonic · wind tunnel vitr. sanit. sewers in Stan'dard Ave., 299 for layino- water mains in Sun-· t~e :nd,".idual owners must be 'given. If owried_by _a_partn!'rship or other u_nincorporated ·firm, 7 0 t M' ff t F" " ld t C t d C t lSt . _ _ . _ its na_me, and address, as well as , that of each mdividual member, must be given.) , , a O e t ·. re . · ·O e W. as ro nFI on ra S. set Dist., from TaravaL& Montalvo ·Operatmg_ Engmeers Local _Union No. 3 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, OCTOBER 19, \951 , OCTOBER ·24, 1,951 Ave. to Moraga & 16th. 474 Valencia St., San Francisco; Calif. . . . ., S 1 _3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and .other secunty holders owning or holdmg 1 , AN FRANCISCO, CO n tr a Ct SAN FRANCISCO, Contract was SACRAMENTO, Contract w~s percent or more of total amount of bonds,- mortgages, or other securities are: (If there. are awarded (General) · to Monson . aWar'ded -to·· M. J. Lynch 2251 Re- awarded tb San Francisco W;ater none, so state.J None. , . · . ·· ' 475 6th St - S F · ' , . , , __ 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 rnclude, m cases where the stockholder or secunty hol_der appears B· ros.-, ·., an rancisco, , vere St., San Francisco, $115,472 Dept., 425 Mason Street, San Fran- upon -the books_of : the company as .. trustee or i_n any--other fiduciary relation, th'e ·name of-the $951,846 for , const. Sunnydale for sew~ring _Sunset Blvd. & 36th cisco $6 068 for faying cast iron person or _corporat10n for whom such trustee 1s act_ing; also the statements in the two para- s ' ' . . - graphs show the affiant' s full .knowledge and belief ·as to the circumstances and conditions Choo!. St., betw. Sloat Blvd:& Vicente Sts. water mams !fl Broadway St. be- under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the boolis of the .SA,N FRANCISCO, contra _ct _WOODLAND, Contract awarded: t\veeri · 'Mason & Tay,lor Streets & . company as trustees, hold stock ~nd securiti~~ in a. cap~city other _than th~t of~ bona -fide owner. ,. . ·· p' · • · C r· · · , . , , , . · _ ' . 5, The a".erage number of, copies of .eacb iis')e., of this publtca_t_!on so\_d,;!;Jf _dist~ibuted, through a war d e d t• O L owrie. ·. ,avni-g o.-· rte.;· · to. ·Royse · & _ 'DeVTiend; ·?27 ~ 40th,: betw. Larkm & Leavenworth Sts. _ the m,arls or otherwise, to , paid sui;,smbers dµnng the 12 months precedmg the date shown 1755 1- Evans:-- A v.e., " Sari Francisco; Sacrarhent.o, $1,668 for 340' sewers 'MONTEREY Cont:rnct a\va:rded' ·abo,ve ' was, . -(This ' inforn:ati~n. is r_equired·jrom daily, weekly, s·eriiiw'-eekly, and triweekly 26 9'.70 f · · - · · . . · · ' - ·· - , newspapers only .. ) - _, , · ,_, ·.:- ·, 1 " ;,. ,_ • . ,...:$ __ ,_ ,~, -,_ C!,:r;, tr9-¢:k ' !'fJil.O_V:11!_ ,~n (_;le- & 1 manhole. - ' • to Granite. C~n~L -Co., Box 900, . . :_ _ .. ·'Yi~tor. S: ,S~;;n·son _(S1gnatµre : ofi editor,, ·po:bl'i'sher, ·business'\pan}iger; dr' owner) mefit St., -betw. 32nd and 33rd Aves . . ·: EUREI{A, Contract awarded to vVatsonville $36 833 for const. pai'k~ Sworn ·to and subscribed before me this 14th day of Sept~mbcr; 1951.. C. F, Mathews. , ' ' (SEAL) (-My commiss100 exprres November 16, 1952.), Twelve ENGINEERS' NEWS November 15, 19-U.,_ HO Western Building J BS HOLD UP WEliJ;~--- Shown below is the r ecord of votii1g· in the House of Representatives e n nine key issues du:ring· 1951. and the major Taft-Hartley vote in Trad es Conference 19,u;, Party an.:.l. district of each cong.ressm:m ls shown. "'W" means (Continued ·from Pa~e One) -.;;otcd ·wrong or paired wro:.ig·. "R" means voted ,ig·ht or paired right. Tentative date of its next meeting :!!)ash(-) me!tns OT ;;enerril pail'. Asterisk ('') in 1 SAN F'· IS 0 no vote means not was set as Jan. 19, in Bakersfield.

1 Former Address ...... '\ol'i~ne,ss: '·'The engineer .was full I' and the boiler was empty," City or Town ., ...... : ...... State...... :.:... - ..... _