·, ,OPE:ltA.TIN:G. ENGINEERS. ,. ' LOCAL"' . - . 3 .STATIONARY~ . E:NGINE:E:RS LOCAL 39 . .. - . ' ·. - . - . VOL 'J -, NO. HJ SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ~,anges in T~H ec ·r 0 s p ,':-•,. Of llTIPortan ' @ nem1 s; FL Stirs' te Jo ·Engi~eers · · Labor's box score on Con- "People w,ho oppose us have con- , . Our Intei:national Un_ion is par- By P. E. YANDEWARK gress is out-and it's a bad ?ent:at,~? all t~eir .. acti_v~t·y· · in le~-1 ti~ipating_ iri the big LLP:m; drif e, Assista.nt. Local' Union Th'.fanager record one .that plainlv points 1slatrnn, he said. Pohtics now 1s and details on how an memmir~ ' . " trade union · business. The one I can take . part will- be given in Three amendment§' ·to Hie Taft- out our Job m_· 1952._ . I major job a,'1,ead of us is to 1nake futu_ re issues· of_, this n:ia_..n. er. · .. 'h, HaTtley La',v were. propo~d -at the AFL d .. - last sessio-n of Congr_ess by Se11-- _ , an _its political . arm, . ours~lves imp~r~~nt on Capitol Hill I See Page 12 . for the - o!fici~1 ators Humphrey and, Tan; which, LLPE, compiled the score and I and m state ,eg1slat,ures." LLPE box score on Congress. , · bad theJ' all been passed, would 'then announced plans for the. :;, ~} illave been of great' benefit to Local greatest voter-drive in the 7r ,r/) 71 ff· L q-1 B '// ' :_; U nion 3. history of American labor, JU/iV.1 iu:~ .p_ . l ion:__ The most important amehdment,, one which would abolish National' with one eye ·on Britain's .re- - "-4 .Lap0r Rel~tioi1s Boa1:d electio1;s in cent astounding 90 pei' 'cent .t he consthiction inditstry, was Otto Never, active inember of voter turnout. 0 passed by the Senate and referred Qperating Engineers Local 3 and Tlie score shows -California; .for T RTH S TH to the House .. pf Repre_sentati_ves, presid,ent of the California State instance, w.ith. ·_a do~e.n no~g()od Tep- c·. ' Wh\'re it still rests in ' committee. Building Trades Council, was resentatives and. ·eleven goo(/ ones, The second-~ost-important pro- [ named chairman of a new Western plus· two senators w.ho. voted 100, . · posed amendment was passed by Conference of Building - Trades J}er cent against labor. llf@ TER JECJ. I b ot h Houses and has been signed Cou'flcils. at its first meeting in N~ighboririg· sta'tes are nearly as by the President, and . is. now a 'San Francisco, Nov. il and 12. bad. Nevada has ·. just' one ;repre- California, ~housand-mile goldert~state · c(st;rid~ the west- 0 Iaw. The jrnportant phases of _this .. sentative, a good one, but two bad ern frontier, again captures vVOrld acclahn with .a bold pla.n amendment ·are as follows : D B J - . d I senators, and Utah has two good of conquest over mountains, rive·rs,' and' d'3S~rt, tci bring 1. In t he future it will no longer -~"\_, (~ilni_.n»g_ 1_: f1_, ?_• .-.~-e~.s· _.·- repr~sentatives, _put two no-good white-gold water from its rain-s'oaked north 750 miles dowh: be necessary to hold two electi_ons ~J/U~iu~ g I • u "' I s~nators.. - . .. :in order to negotiate a union shop . Plans. for the nationwide voter state to ·its arid, water~hungi'y soutbland; . ·- - ,:· contract Un"der the new amend · C ·· fl' ' .· - fl • ' drh~e WP e !~id ai:'a Nov l meet .- As it, leads ,.Ame.i;ica. in climate; l · - ,, ... :~:- ·- '., · · · . >-:-.:,- ~nl. eecntt_-1-'o. 11- ~ln1acse ;'·b·_,'. et:.·e·.i1ne. w. -r0,e]1p, ;ethseentuant:l: 00'. :1n-. .· ._.:__ -o· .~:r·_·.·_· e :li'l_/~_-._._ ~--l~~ -·· ,:iH· ,· il_'_"f__ .-"-:;:. :\i~ga· .-s-:h; l-.'~n-';.. g-;tloo' 01.:1~_.?-It~.•• S:r :_··t-o'.-~."_nb''ieo.ua' ip1e1/e~__c ~1':s~n-cit_n_- ss~nttY.,,, g{q,\yJl\, apd J1tg:t:iways .. of.,I coast, . though~,: ths ' \tnaii( cond{fft-· ~ i I I s ~i ~l-~ ri J ' Y .. 'the future, this key V~ €S1:ern' j)rOV- 'v\'ill run aJO:ri? the \'/tStern _S]Q R~S . '.i s free t o. ·negcrti'ate a m'lion shop· · ' · · · · · · by-precinct push with every ene of ince is determined to build- water- of San -Joaqum .Valley. At Grape- ,, lat1se 1'n 1·• 1·· o· t ct · , .. · · .. 0 - ,,,ays real1'z1·n a ,vester·n me11's vine, south o_f Bakersfield in_ ti1e . 44 00 0 -~-2.· Union,s~hcb;.::nt:~cts.may. be .M·. a·· te. i/4~~1. r ·R·.~ c-.. !e. .· ::~=-AFL's · local unions push- dreams of a hundred years to Tehachapis, a series 'of pun1ps vv:i.11 :negotiated "''ithout union shop '"'; H.,lJIJ l,i "Our stock on Capitol Hill right turn -rivers from the ocean and lift it to 3375 feet elevation, readj- electiops, however: (a) _t he union now is very low," AFL. Secy. Geo. send them southward on- the coh- ing it for the ·trip into southeih · 11 1 d t b . ' . ,. ,.. "'h . d I b tinPnt. California. Ten miles of tunnels· 1 vo ve mus e represensac1ve Ji. e construct10n m qstry, •a or . ]Heany told the LLfE Nov. 1 meet- - ~f th ·. ·t ·.. f I , · d k' · th ·· · Governo•.· '~1ar·~en '11a.s announced will take it through the Tehachap' i , ~ e maJon ·y · o _emp oyees m- an management wor mg toge ·· .-. ing. "They don't think we're im- '' ~ ··o,. lved ,· (b) the umon· , mu_s t have. · er,· mus, t speak out s t rongl y f, or a portant because we haven't shown he will ask the 1952. Le",:rislature· Mountains. Thence it will skfr_t 1·t·fica· f th NLRB. · f · h f th t'· , · · next March .c,_n.._~ funds to· 0 tart the Antelope Valley's westerly. desht'.. a C0~ 1 te· rom.• e 1 , ;s- a1r s are o e na Tons· raw ma- as ·yet we can get o-ur me,mbers v ~ sued within tlie...._ past 12 mol\"ths tei'ials dui-hi.g this presst1re · period out to v~te." He said a spot check $1,133,461,000 Feather River proj- edge and cross the' Los· Angeles a nd showing compliance with fae if it is not to · iose Jut en~irely .to -<if AFL unions showed only 11 to ect -to oye1·come the state's im- Aqueduct ,from the Bishop area. ·; · National Labor Relations Act· of ·other industries now greedily grab- 6.2 per cent of local .1-irnmbership I balance of water Sup~ly. (Continued on Page Nine) 1947; (c) the organization must bing more than their shiii-e. registered to vote. He says the state mtends to go 1< "Ir * not be a "company dominated" This v'('as the studied conclusion ahead w ith the job even if it can- union. of the fir.st, organizational meei- t'. l/41 ~j · I · not get federal aid. Tremendous 3. The amendments do not in ing of the :far West Cbuncil of ~ rmore jv1f!!tU-Jers population • growth makes manda-'... any way change the type of union the AFL Building Trades Dept., ·tory early action toward solving security-, permitted by· the law. lield -irtSim Francisco oll'Nov. _11 1,.. -~.-. -~,i!i,~!f:l__ ~\8 ·s~_-l~iuiir>~ thewater problem. Closed shops still are illegal. - and HL !~~ ii tl~!l~ n,11m J !{;I i1 ~~": This will be one of the grea.test At· pr ess time word was received The third amendment passed-·by J _De_legates . from all local councils In the past month, five more such projects in the world. It will that Operating Engineers ,Local' '::i, both Houses of Congress was not: in the five western states joined members of Local 3 have taken start with a 710-foot-high $421,­ of much importance' to our ol'gan-· with Dept Pres. Richard ·Gray out service withdrawal cards and 280,000 dam near Oroville. V'/a.ter won an NLRB bargaining .repre/ · ization·, since it merely legalized and Secy. joseph Keenan in voic- entered various branches of our from this source will join water sentation election with i:h'e ' .Li'nd­ ____:.:;: some 3,000 CIO contracts whi,~h .ing. a demand ior greater coordi- armed forces. The total number of from· Shasta Dam and course Sun;eyors Association by aii ove{-~ . whelming pr efer€nce. A large ma~ · 11ad been held. illegal by· the u. s. nation among both labor and ·its Local 3 members now in the serv- through present channels to Tracy, jority of those employed by the 36 Supreme Court. employers to avoid wholesale shut- ice thus climbs to 241 _ 'Yhei·e a 567-miie $794,500,000 con~ 'II, * * down· of the· in.dustry . thro~1gh Here are the latest names to dµit will take it south to Sa11 firms in this association voted ·for Local 3, and only 19 voted agqiri_st, materials-grabbing .qy high pres- go 011 Local ·3• 8 honor roll : Diego.· Plans_ for a $6,500,000 freeway sure lobbies in other field·s. Civic and labor leaders com- This election put into effect fhe 011 l)art ' o f- · ti· 1e s an t a C ruz-S an The couri.,(;il elected -otto Never, -· DON W. BURC:HART mended the enterprising spfrit of union shop c:ause in the existii1g . I h · · · · · · ·· ALFRED, (LEE) Jo contract covering party chiefs,~ , se · h.
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