The Spontaneous Generation Controversy (340 BCE–1870 CE)
270 4. Abstraction and Unification ∗ ∗ ∗ “O`uen ˆetes-vous? Que faites-vous? Il faut travailler” (on his death-bed, to his devoted pupils, watching over him). The Spontaneous Generation Controversy (340 BCE–1870 CE) “Omne vivium ex Vivo.” (Latin proverb) Although the theory of spontaneous generation (abiogenesis) can be traced back at least to the Ionian school (600 B.C.), it was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) who presented the most complete arguments for and the clearest statement of this theory. In his “On the Origin of Animals”, Aristotle states not only that animals originate from other similar animals, but also that living things do arise and always have arisen from lifeless matter. Aristotle’s theory of sponta- neous generation was adopted by the Romans and Neo-Platonic philosophers and, through them, by the early fathers of the Christian Church. With only minor modifications, these philosophers’ ideas on the origin of life, supported by the full force of Christian dogma, dominated the mind of mankind for more that 2000 years. According to this theory, a great variety of organisms could arise from lifeless matter. For example, worms, fireflies, and other insects arose from morning dew or from decaying slime and manure, and earthworms originated from soil, rainwater, and humus. Even higher forms of life could originate spontaneously according to Aristotle. Eels and other kinds of fish came from the wet ooze, sand, slime, and rotting seaweed; frogs and salamanders came from slime. 1846 CE 271 Rather than examining the claims of spontaneous generation more closely, Aristotle’s followers concerned themselves with the production of even more remarkable recipes.
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