Case Report 2018 iMedPub Journals General Surgery Reports Vol. 2 No. 2:7 Multidisciplinary Approach in a Patient with Francesca Pellini1, Beatrice 1 2 Seat-belt Trauma to the Breast: Case Reports Accordini , Gino Puntel , Sara Mirandola1, Maya Lorenzi1 Granuzzo Eleonora1, Received: November 07, 2018; Accepted: December 20, 2018; Published: December Davide Lombardi1, Marina 30, 2018 Caldana1, Giovanni Paolo Pollini1 and Alessandra Invento3* Abstract 1 Breast Unit, Verona Integrated Hospital Seat-belt injury to the female breast is a particularly form of trauma a little treated Company P.le A. Stefani, Verona, Italy in literature; the most recent classification goes up again to 2015 from Song CT and Teo. We would want therefore to introduce a case of breast trauma from seat- belt recently verified. 2 Radiology Division, Integrated Hospital Verona P.le A. Stefani, Verona, Italy Keywords: Fainting; Mortality; Injuries; Syndrome 3 Plastic Division, European Institute of Oncology via Ripamonti 435 20141, Milano, Italy Introduction The use of three-point lap-diagonal seat-belt restraint has resulted *Corresponding author: in a significant reduction in car accident-related mortality [1], but Alessandra Invento it has increased the incidence of bone, soft-tissue and internal organ injuries, known as “seat belt syndrome” [2].
[email protected] Breast traumas are rarely described in literature even if the clinical characteristics and the evolution fisio pathologic as are Plastic Division, European Institute of complex and should be described specific guidelines. The severity Oncology, Ripamonti 435 20141, Milano, Italy. of breast injuries following road traffic collisions can range from a small bruising in the breast to an avulsed breast.