Present - Cllrs. P. O’Sullivan, A. Barry, C. Rasmussen, S. Sheppard, S. O’Connor and A. O’Connor

Officials Present

Mr. P. Lynch, Municipal District Officer Mr. G. O’Hora, Senior Executive Engineer Mr. R. O’Sullivan, Executive Engineer Ms. A. Walsh, Cobh Municipal District.

On the proposal of Cllr. O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr. Barry, it was agreed to proceed to items 5 and 9 on the Agenda first.


Mr. Jonathan Cahill, Traffic & Transportation Section, stated that 4 new bus shelters were proposed for Carrigtwohill, the Council were awaiting grant funding, but hoped to go to tender in August. Cllr. A. Barry stated that Carrigtwohill Community Council had serious concerns about the location of the bus shelter outside their premises and wanted it moved towards the side entrance and away from the window. J. Cahill replied that he didn’t envisage that this would be a problem. Cllr. Rasmussen asked for clarification on the criteria for bus shelters. G. O’Hora also queried the procedure and what works would be covered, for instance pull in bays for buses. J. Cahill replied that a programme was in place to replace existing shelters and provide new ones, anyone seeking the provision of a bus shelter should first engage with the local engineer and forward the proposals to the transportation section. The grant covered civil works only and were location dependent, J.C. Decaux provided the actual bus shelter in conjunction with the NTA.

Mr. Cahill stated he had also been asked to give an update on the cycle route from Burys Bridge to Carrigtwohill, stating that the design was progressing and the Council continued to engage with the various stakeholders in the area and hoped that the Part 8 would be ready in mid or late August.

2. Part 8 Planning Application for Development consisting of Installation of Jack Doyle Statue at John F. Kennedy Park, Westbourne Place, Kilgarvan, Cobh, Co. Cork, in partnership with the Jack Doyle Statue Committee

Cllr. S. Sheppard stated that she was concerned that if the project did not go ahead, then the proposed location would not be able to be used by any other group/project. Cllr. A. Barry sought clarification before next Monday on whether and how, a Part 8 proposal


may be revoked. On the proposal of Cllr. S. O’Connor, seconded by Cllr. C. Rasmussen, it was agreed to recommend the Part 8 Planning Application to full Council subject to the clarification sought.


On the proposal of Cllr. S. Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. C. Rasmussen the Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May, 2019 were adopted.

On the proposal of Cllr. S. O’Connor, seconded by Cllr. A. Barry the Minutes of First Meeting held on Thursday 13th June, 2019 were adopted.

On the proposal of Cllr. C. Rasmussen, seconded by Cllr. S. O’Connor the Minutes of Special Meeting held on Monday 8th July, 2019 were adopted.


Traffic Calming/Signage, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that the extra signs had been ordered and should be in place before the end of the summer.

Carrigtwohill: G. O’Hora stated that a survey had been completed and he should have a drawing for the next meeting of the junction.

Knockraha Village: G. O’Hora stated that he had met with the landowner who had requested low maintenance fencing and negotiations were ongoing.

John O’Connell Street, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that the road lining contractor was due to start in Cobh shortly and a yellow box would be put in at John O’Connell Street.

Tay Road, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that the recently completed upgrading of the junction at Cow Cross and Tay Road had included new kerbing and driver feed-back signs which had slowed traffic and would appear to be working well.

Norwood School, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that the traffic flow had been monitored over the last few weeks and was moving well, however he would continue to monitor the road in September. Cllr. Rasmussen stated he was concerned that problems would arise when the new housing estate was built, G. O’Hora stated that the Council would continue to monitor the situation.


Harpers Island: P. Lynch stated that a letter had been sent in relation to the concerns raised about ownership of the lands at Harpers Island, the response had been circulated to the members.

Port of Cork Radar Installations: P. Lynch stated a response had been received from the Port of Cork in relation to concerns raised about the levels of non-ionising radiation and had been circulated to the members.

Inis Alainn, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that the extra signage had been ordered and would be put up before the end of the summer.

West End, Carrigtwohill: G. O’Hora stated that the contractors were due to start this week.

Rossmore, Carrigtwohill: G. O’Hora stated that the repairs were listed.

Battery Strand, Cobh: P. Lynch stated that a letter had issued to Coastal Management and they had carried out a survey and would now submit an application for funding.

Glassons Avenue, Cobh: G. O’Hora stated that a speed survey would be carried out at this location.

Little Island: P. Lynch stated that a letter had been sent, he had received an acknowledgement of the correspondence, no further response had been received to date.

College Manor, Cobh: Cllr. S. Sheppard enquired as to the up to date position with the issues at College Manor. R. O’Sullivan stated that the estate had not been taken in charge, which limited the actions that Cork County Council could undertake, however he had been in contact with the developer in relation to the fence and would follow this up.

Port of Cork – Rights of Way: Cllr. A. O’Connor enquired when the meeting with Port of Cork regarding the rights of way would take place. P. Lynch stated that the Port of Cork had indicated at the time that the issue of the right of way would be dealt with when the Masterplan was presented, no further communication had been received since then. Cllr. Rasmussen explained that he had been in contact with representatives of the Port of Cork and a meeting is due to be held for residents in the affected areas in August.

5. CORRESPONDENCE: P. Lynch stated that no correspondence other than that already circulated to the members had been received.


6. Officer’s Reports: G. O’Hora circulated the Public Lighting Programme for 2019 to the members. He invited the members to submit suggestions for the 2020 programme to be received by the October meeting. Cllr. A. O’Connor asked if the programme was for new lighting or to replace existing ones. G. O’Hora confirmed that it was for new LED lighting.

G. O’Hora also stated that a new CIS programme was being drawn up; under this programme any local or estate road may be improved or resurfaced following a 15% contribution from the residents. Any submissions should be made by the next M.D. meeting if possible. Cllr. A. Barry queried how the allocation was broken up across the county. Applications for LIS schemes were also invited.

G. O’Hora also stated that he was proposing yellow lines at the entrance to Glounthaune Railway station to improve sightlines there, the Gardai supported this. Cllr. P. O’Sullivan asked if something else could be done if the yellow lines proved ineffective. Cllr. A. Barry requested that a letter be sent to the Gardai requesting that the double yellow lines in Carrigtwohill be enforced and also again raised the possibility of the traffic warden making occasional visits. However, he was informed that it was Council policy to only employ a warden where pay parking was in effect. Cllr. Barry refuted this, stating that Ballincollig and other areas of the County did not have pay parking, but did have the services of a traffic warden. P. Lynch confirmed that approval had been given in principle to employ an additional part time Traffic warden. Cllr. P. O’Sullivan stated that there was a proposal to extend parking from Fitzpatricks shop to the train station and that planters would deter people from parking in the area.

7. Nomination of member to the Council’s Traveller Consultative Committee: On the proposal of Cllr. P. O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, Cllr. C. Rasmussen was nominated to the Committee.

8. Municipal District Officer Report: P. Lynch circulated the Municipal District Officers report which outlined the total number of claims made to date under the General Municipal Allocation, the Town Development fund and various other schemes currently in operation.

P. Lynch detailed various notices sent under the Derelict Sites and Dangerous Structures legislation, he explained that a site is only put on the registers if it is derelict and or dangerous and the owner refuses to engage with the Council. To date several responses have been received which included fencing off a dangerous site and applying for planning permission.

9. Allocation of Historic Community Funds: P. Lynch circulated a list of projects from groups based in Little Island and Knockraha, he suggested that the available funds should be divided equally between the two locations and leave it up to the groups to decide which projects to proceed with. On the


proposal of Cllr. C. Rasmussen, seconded by Cllr. S. O’Connor, the proposal was carried.

10. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Padraig O’Sullivan: “That the Area Office would investigate concerns regarding speed and pedestrian safety in Carrignavar village. That the Area Engineer would furnish this MD with a complete survey to include a comment on but the report not to be confined to; (A) the pedestrian crossing on the main street. (B) entrance to Carrigwell housing estate on College Road (C) Junction at Carrig House (D) Main road layout in village.”

Cllr. P. O’Sullivan stated that he had met with the engineer and some of the issues outlined above had been sorted, however part of the village was very wide and this encouraged speed, parking was also a concern. G. O’Hora responded that a pedestrian crossing had recently been put it, also double yellow lines had been put down and the gardai should enforce this. On the proposal of Cllr. P. O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr. A. Barry, the motion was carried.

11. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Padraig O’Sullivan: “That this MD would consider a project(s) where wildflower/a meadow could be planted under the 'approaches to villages/towns' budget. That the area opposite the Island Gate restaurant up to Gaelscoil Ui Dhrisceoil be considered for such a project.”

Cllr. O’Sullivan stated that the railway side of the road from the new city boundary was very overgrown. Cllr. A. O’Connor asked if there specific guidelines for the establishment of wild flower meadows, to which Cllr. Barry replied there were not. On the proposal of Cllr P. O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr. A. Barry, the motion was carried.

12. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Padraig O’Sullivan: “That the area office supply details of any updates regarding a new design at Forge Cross, Glounthaune.”

Cllr. O’Sullivan stated that there have been several more near misses at this cross and this was before a further 80 houses were constructed. On the proposal of Cllr. P. O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, the motion was carried. G. O’Hora stated that road lining works were to be carried out at this location to improve sightlines.

13. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Cathal Rasmussen: “That this municipal council will look at the layout of the junction between the low road and white point to see if any improvements can be done at this junction owing to the volume of traffic and also to look at the possibility of widening the road on the right


hand side going down to white point itself to prevent buses having to mount the footpath on their way down to the car park and to the liners which would help to ease the flow of traffic.”

Cllr. C. Rasmussen stated that residents have had huge concerns about this junction. The footpath needs to be repaired, bollards or a railing should be installed at the corner. He also enquired as to whether it would be possible to widen the road on the right hand side. On the proposal of Cllr. C. Rasmussen, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, it was agreed that the engineers would examine the issues raised.

14. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Cathal Rasmussen: “That this municipal council would look for a full review of the present locations of all the bus stops for Cobh Connect in and around the town and to actively look at considering moving a number of them for safety and traffic congestion reasons such as Park road and opposite the entrance to Ballynoe hill and to consider the inclusion of extra stops at Belvelly and the Carrigaloe area.”

Cllr. C. Rasmussen stated that some of the locations chosen for the Cobh Connect bus stops originally have now proven to be problematic, in particular the stop near the Park Road Centre and the one on Laundry Hill were creating traffic flow problems. As a new stop was being proposed for the Belvelly area, Cllr. Rasmussen suggested that a review of the other stops would be appropriate at this juncture. On the proposal of Cllr. Rasmussen, seconded by Cllr. Sheppard, it was agreed that a list of the bus stops causing concern should be sent to the engineers.

15. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sean O’Connor: “That the council members would receive a detailed report on the appalling state of the main footpaths including the pedestrian crossing at Kelleher’s solicitors corner in Cobh and that an urgent maintenance programme would be put in place immediately.”

Cllr. S. O’Connor stated that the footpaths in the area were causing major problems for the disabled and wheelchair users. The pedestrian crossing is now so unstable that people are using the roadway to avoid it. G. O’Hora replied that repairs were scheduled to be carried out shortly and that there was an annual footpath programme in place, major refurbishment is due to take place after the main drainage works are carried out. On the proposal of Cllr. S. O’Connor, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, the motion was adopted.

16. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sean O’Connor: “That the council would erect a number of Radar Advanced Speed signs on the Carrignafoy Road between Bishop Street and Carrignafoy Terrace. This is one of the busiest roads on the island with a number of speed ramps would also be welcomed before the schools are open in August/September. On this road there are 5 schools, a swimming pool, 2 Cobh GAA grounds and a GAA pavilion that is in use day and night, Carrignafoy Community College Sports Ground including an Astroturf pitch, Elton Pitch and Putt Grounds, St Colman’s Cemetery, A Supermarket, 3 large housing


estates with the number of houses alone in these 3 estates totalling 380, 2 smaller estates, 6 slip roads to other housing groups, 2 bus stops and a round-about. The content of this motion is well justified when you pencil in the fact that the new ring road that runs through college manor estate has a junction that leads on to and from Carrignafoy road.”

Cllr. S. O’Connor outlined the issues on the Carrignafoy road, however G. O’Hora stated that enforcement of the speed limit was a matter for the Gardai and that recently works had been carried out on Bishop Street to calm the traffic, the speed limit had also been reduced in the area, He advised that a speed survey would be carried out in the area. On the proposal of Cllr. S. O’Connor, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, the motion was adopted.

17. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sean O’Connor: “That the over growth on the bye-roads and back roads on the island be sheared back as soon as possible, in the interest of vehicles and pedestrians.”

Cllr. S. O’Connor highlighted areas around Cobh where there are no footpaths and where sightlines are being impaired by overgrown hedgerows. Cllr. Barry queried if hedges can be cut back at any time of year, if there was a health and safety issue and should the landowners contact Cork County Council to get permission for same? G. O’Hora confirmed that this was the case and suggested that members should forward any areas for concern to his office. Cllr. A. O’Connor queried who actually made the decision to cut back or not. G. O’Hora confirmed that the engineer for the area would take that decision based on whether or not that there was a danger to road users. On the proposal of Cllr. S. O’Connor, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, the motion was adopted.

18. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Anthony Barry: “That more speed limit signs be erected on the two roads from Cork City to Whitechurch and single white lines be considered at certain locations.”

Cllr. A. Barry described the area more fully, stating that there were no speed limit signs near the Farm Power premises, which was on a busy road and that a single white line was also needed. On the proposal of Cllr A. Barry, seconded by Cllr. P. O’Sullivan, the motion was adopted.

19. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Anthony Barry: “That Cork County Council maintain the public areas of estates taken in charge.”

Cllr. A. Barry explained that even when an estate was taken in charge by the Council, the green areas were left in the ownership of the developer. He also stated that in many cases the Council had approved a fanciful planting scheme, which the residents subsequently found difficult to maintain. Cllr. S. Sheppard supported the motion, stating that in many cases grants were given to residents associations to cover the cost of grass cutting when the Council were no longer carrying this out, but it wasn’t enough and not all estates were included. Cllr. S. O’Connor stated that in some estates, the elderly residents weren’t in a position to maintain the public green areas. Cllr. A.


O’Connor stated that in many cases the problems being experienced by the residents were as a result of poor design in the first place and that areas should be left uncultivated to encourage bio-diversity. Cllr. P. O’Sullivan objected to the motion stating all estates should be treated in the same way, the property tax was introduced to help Councils maintain public areas, he also felt that residents should take pride in their area and that if the Council did everything, than expectations were raised. G. O’Hora stated that the Council were doing the best with the resources and budgets in place, public parks were maintained but that it was impossible to take on every estate. Cllr. Barry stated that maintenance fell to same few people all the time, not every estate had a management company in place and relied on voluntary contributions from the residents, in any event the developer still owned the land. On the proposal of Cllr. A. Barry, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard it was agreed that the members would raise the motion at the Environment SPC.

20. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Cathal Rasmussen: “That this Municipal District would apply for and obtain funding through the Fáilte Ireland Tourism Destinations Town scheme for the tourism product development of the town of Cobh. This would be done on behalf of the Tourism providers of Cobh and for the town in partnership with Cobh Tourism, Cobh and Harbour Chamber and other interested bodies.”

On the proposal of Cllr. C. Rasmussen, seconded by Cllr. S. Sheppard, the Municipal District Officer is to contact the Tourism Department to establish how this matter may be progressed.

21. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sinead Sheppard: “That Priory estate Watergrasshill would get a number of child at play signs and traffic calming measures.”

On the proposal of Cllr. S. Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. A. Barry, the motion was adopted. Engineers will examine: area still under the control of the Municipal District until next financial year

22. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sinead Sheppard: “That Cobh municipal council would look at putting a speed digital sign on Norwood hill; and traffic calming measures also be looked at for Whitepoint area.”

On the proposal of Cllr. S. Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. S. O’Connor, it was agreed that the engineer would examine and carry out speed surveys in the area.

23. To consider the following Notice of Motion in the name of Cllr. Sinead Sheppard: “That Cobh municipal council would look at addressing the condition of the road in Leeview Court estate.”


On the proposal of Cllr. S. Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. P. O’Sullivan, it was agreed that the engineer would examine the roadway.

24. Any Other Business/Aon Ghnó Eile.

Harbour View, Cobh: Cllr. S. O’Connor requested that works being carried out on Harbour View be extended to the four private houses in between the Council owned houses. P. Lynch stated that this is a matter for the Housing Department and should be referred to them.

Velvet House Cross: Cllr. S. O’Connor requested further signage at the cross. Engineer to examine.

Boreen Salach, Cobh: Cllr. S. O’Connor stated that there was a very deep drain on the right hand side of the road near Cooline on a bad corner. Engineer to examine.

Main Street, Carrigtwohill: Cllr. A. Barry stated that there were a number of bad potholes on the main street of Carrigtwohill between Aldi and the G.A.A. pitch. Engineer to examine.

Woodstock, Carrigtwohill: Cllr. A. Barry stated that there were a number of potholes in the Woodstock area. Engineer to examine.

Carrigane, Carrigtwohill: Cllr. A. Barry stated there was a bad pothole on the Carrigane Road. Engineer to examine.

Castlelake, Carrigtwohill: Cllr. A. O’Connor stated there was a pothole near Aldi on the Castlelake road. Engineer confirmed that this estate has not been taken in Charge

Belvelly, Cobh: Cllr. A. O’Connor stated that there would appear to be a lack of communication between Irish Water and Cork County Council regarding the water supply at Belvelly.

Factory Hill, : Cllr. P. O’Sullivan stated that a drain was blocked at the junction of Tower Hill and Factory Hill which was a cause of concern to residents, as some of the houses were below the level of the road. Engineer to examine.

Glounthaune Village: Cllr. P. O’Sullivan stated that the steps to the community hall may need a railing. Engineer to examine.

Kilcoolishal: Cllr. P. O’Sullivan stated there were a number of potholes in the Kilcoolishall area, near Hillside nurseries.


Knockraha: Cllr. P. O’Sullivan requested that road numbers be provided for the Knockraha area as he has been told ambulances have reported getting lost. Engineer to examine.

Whitechurch Village: Cllr. P. O’Sullivan raised the issue of a sign in the middle of the green area in Whitechurch village for a developer no longer in business. As the sign is on private land, it was agreed that Cllr. O’Sullivan would contact the auctioneer.

Trespassing: Cllr. P. O’Sullivan enquired what is the council’s policy on trespass. P. Lynch replied that the Gardai are contacted initially if the land is publically owned, if the land is not vacated, then the next step was a court injuction.

This concluded the business of the meeting


______Municipal District Officer