[email protected] Please complete in Block Capitals Name of Applicant Full Postal Address Telephone Numbers Landline: Mobile No: Email Address PPS No. ( in case of an individual) Tax Reference number (in case of a company) If the application is in the name of limited company, the Company Registration Number, as supplied by the Companies Registration Office Location Area requested: _____________________________________________________ Description of business: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ To Cork County Council: ‐ I DECLARE, 1. That all activities shall be conducted in accordance with the standards issued by the Irish Water Safety and the Irish Surfing Association or equivalent National Organisation for the activity concerned. 2. That the foregoing particulars are correct. Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________________ Guidelines • An application for a Beach Permit must be made at least 30 days before the first day it is intended to operate • FULLY completed application forms only will be accepted • No permit will be issued unless the applicant submits evidence of a Public Liability Insurance Policy indemnifying Cork County Council from any liability caused by the applicant’s actions with at least €6.5m cover. • The submission of an application does not guarantee the issuing of a permit. • Additional information may be sought by Cork County Council Please return completed applications as follows: WEST CORK BEACHES : Beach Permits, Cork County Council, 7 Kent Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork EAST CORK BEACHES : Beach Permits, South Cork, Floor 5, County Hall, Cork BANDON/KINSALE AREA BEACHES: Beach Permits, Kinsale Bandon Municipal Office, Municipal Hall, St John’s Hill, Kinsale, Co Cork Conditions: • A permit is subject to the requirements and provisions of Cork County Council (Regulation and Control of Certain Beaches) Bye-laws 2011 or any amending or substituting bye-laws.