1892-1929 HM Ships

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1892-1929 HM Ships HEADING RELATED YEAR EVENT Year/Page Aboukir 1812 NGS Medal for Gulf of Rga 1919/183 Aboukir 1913 Award of Humane Society medal to Maj Boyce 1913/137 Aboukir 1914 RM Casualties 1914/196 Africa 1919 Epidemic pf 'flu, officers man boats 1919/28 AFRICA STATION 1924 Landing Exercises 1924/68 AFRICA STATION 1924 Ships at Durban for Centenary Celebrations 1924/84 Agamemnon 1915 RM Casualties, Dardanelles 1915/75 RM at Budapest, Odessa, 1920/ RM Cutters Ajax 1919 Crew 1920/10, 58; 1921/171* Alacrity 1907 Promoptitude of Sgt House in sampan 1907/39 Albemarle 1905 Loader competition 1905/16* Alcantara 1916 RM casualties on loss of ship 1916/89 Alexander 1794 Article - "Captured buy the FRench" 1921/180 Ambrose 1921 In China 1921/27 See also WEST INDIES AMERICA & W INDIES SQUADRON 1928 Articles 1928/60, 81, Amethyst 1915 RM casualties, Dardanelles 1915/74 Amphion 1914 First ship engaged in WWI 1921/180 Amphion 1914 Sunk; RM casualties 1914/149, 157 Anson 1899 Shooting Team 1899/221* Archer 1892 Incident in Yokohama Vol 1/49 See also Atlantic Fleet; News; Rescuing Hood's Argus Atlantic 1924 picquet boat, 1928 1928/259* Argus 1925 Articles 1925/3 Argus 1928 Articles 1928/259, 288. Argus 1929 Articles 1929/23, 59, 125, 321, Argus 1929 Articles 1929/23, 59, 125, 321. ATLANTIC FLEET 1923 Cruise along South and South East Coast 1923/118 ATLANTIC FLEET 1924 Ships with RM Detachments 1924/178 ATLANTIC FLEET 1926 Dispositions - General Strike 1926/135 ATLANTIC FLEET 1926 Combined Operations Exercise 1926/212, 223 ATLANTIC FLEET 1928 March through Gibraltar 1928/74, 75, 76 ATLANTIC FLEET 1928 Articles 1928/2, 54, 74, 96, E36 ATLANTIC FLEET 1929 Articles 1929/59, 153, 187, ATLANTIC FLEET 1929 Sports at Gibraltar 1929/95, Visit to France, winners tug-o'-war; Alexandria, Barham 1919 1927 1919/84, 88*; 1927/160 Barham 1926 Articles 1926/137 1927/160, 179, 197, 218, Barham 1927 Articles 238. Naples & Genoa, Villefranche; Leaving Med Barham 1927 Fleet 1927/218, 238; 1928/32 Barham 1928 Articles 1928/3, 32, 202. Barham 1929 Articles 1929/267, 293, 325. Bedford 1906 Death of Pte James; Best Marine target, 1907 1906/74; 1908/5* Portola Festival, San Francisco; Visit to Canada, Bedford 1909 1917 1909/87; 1917/85 Vol 1/88; 1905/10, 42; Bellerophon 1814 Surrender of Napoleon - Painting and Incident 1908/189; 1924/120 Bellerophon 1910 Turrets Crew 1910/165* Benbow 1923 Articles 1923/25 See also Mediterranean Fleet, 1924; Murder of Benbow Mediterranean 1924 the Sirdar of Egypt 1925/4 1927/109, 129, 158, 195, Benbow 1927 Articles 237. Benbow 1928 Articles 1928/74. Berwick 1917 Visit to Canada; Victory in the USA, 1918 1917/85; 1918/118 1928/105, 181, 207, 237, Berwick 1928 Articles 297. Emb Bedfs & Herts from We--hai-wei to Berwick 1928 Chingwangtoa 1928/207 Active service cup team; Situation in Nanking, Berwick 1928 1929 1930/194 New commission; Wei-Hai-Wei; Emb Bedfs & Berwick 1928 Herts 1928/105, 181, 207 Berwick 1928 Scots Gds in Shanghai; Whaler's Crews 1928/237, 293*, 298* Berwick 1929 Articles 1929/28, 67, 194, 195, 331, Birmingham Africa 1923 Flagship South Atlantic; Gov of the Gold Coast 1924/19, 34, 68 1924/19, 35, 68, 84, 96, Birmingham 1924 Articles 108, 123, 139, 155, 180. Birmingham Africa 1924 See also Africa Station, 1924 1925/5, 45, 94, 145, 174, Birmingham 1925 Articles 225, 256. Birmingham 1925 Guard for POW; West coast cruise; 1928 1925/174; 1928/102 Birmingham 1927 Articles 1927/161, 198. 1928/5, 45, 94, 145, 2174, Birmingham 1928 Articles 225, 256. Soldier an' Sailor Too (Poem after RK); E Coast Birmingham 1928 Cruise 1928/145, 237 Gunlayers Test; RM Casualties, 1916; Story, 1906/137; 1916/118; Black Prince 1906 1888 1928/48 Blake 1892 Relief pf St Johns, Nova Scotia after fire Vol 1/27 Boadeicia 1892 Epidemic of fever in the Med Vol 1/48 Brittania 1828 Practical Gunnery experience for RMA 1908/3 Brittania 1910 Staboard battery guns crews 1910/129* Bulwark 1914 RM casualties; Loss of the Band; Inquest 1914/217; 1915/17, 13, 27 Insurance policy of Lt Lock contested in High Bulwark 1915 Court 1915/76 Gunlayers' competition; Suicide of Sgt Johnson, Caesar 1904 1908 1905/28, 29*; 1908/66 Cairo 1921 China; Aden & Muscat, 1924; China, 1925 1921/28; 1925/4, 225, 257 Cairo 1924 Articles 1924/156. Cairo 1925 Articles 1925/4, 93, 118, 257. Cairo 1926 Articles 1926/25, 178, 179. East African Cruise; Field Guns Crew & Tug-o'- Cairo 1926 war, 1928 1926/178, 60*, 61* East Indies; Ceremonial in Calcutta; Derelict Cairo 1926 wreck 1926'25, 49, 141 Cairo 1927 Articles 1927/112. Cairo 1928 Articles 1928/61, 290. Cairo 1928 Relieved HMS Coventry; Football Team, 1929 1928/290; 1929/61* Cairo 1929 Articles 1929/24, 61, 128. Visit to USMC Honolulu; Visit to Halifax, 1925; Calcutta 1922 Band in Canada, 1925 1922/151*; 1925/199, 315 Calcutta 1923 See also West Indies Squadron, 1923/24 Calcutta 1924 Articles 1924/156. Calcutta 1925 Articles 1925/147, 199, 314. Band entertained by Royal Highlanders of Calcutta 1925 Canada 1925/314 Calcutta 1926 Articles 1926/47, 194, 220. Northern Cruise; Band broadcast in Canada; 1926/194, 220, 220; Calcutta 1926 Jamaica for Royal Tour 1927/4, 49 1927/5, 30, 49, 71, 90, 111, Calcutta 1927 Articles 131, 162, 182, 238. Barbadls Tercentenary; Landing Ex in Bermuda; Calcutta 1927 Northern Cruise, 1927 1927/71, 162,182, 268 With USMC in Washington; Detachment in HMS Calcutta 1927 Despatch 1927/239*; 1928/60 Calcutta 1928 Articles 1928/300. 1929/5, 32, 68, 104, 133, Calcutta Africa 1929 Articles 196, 300, 361. Calcutta 1929 Shooting Team 1929/362* Inspection by Earl of Athlone; Battle with shark; Calcutta 1929 Camp with S African Army 1929/68, 85, 133 Caledon 1925 Articles 1925/116. See also Atlantic Fleet, 1924; RM Detachment; Caledon 1925 Visit to Foreign Legion; 1925/57, 117 Ships Company from Concord; Hit Italian ship, Caledon 1927 1928 1928/58 Caledon 1928 Articles 1928/58, 79, 100, 125. Flying from RAF Hal Far; Football Team; New Caledon 1928 commission, 1929 1928/79, 100*; 1929/99 Caledon 1929 Articles 1929/1912, 268. Calliope 1889 Escape during hurricane 1902/26; 1927/7 Calliope 1924 Articles 1924/179. Calliope Atlantic 1924 See also Atlantic Fleet, 1924 Visit to Harwich; Commisioned 1928 for Calliope Atlantic 1924 Mediterranean Fleet 1924/179; 1928/290 1925/3, 43, 68, 92, 172, Calliope 1925 Articles 196, 224, 288. Calliope 1928 Articles 1928/290. Calliope Mediterranean 1929 Articles 1929/2. Calypso Mediterranean 1924 See Mediterranean Fleet, 1924 Cambrian 1927 Article 1927/179. Cambrian 1927 RM Cutters crew 1927 & 1928 1927/179*; 1928/161-* Cambrian 1928 Articles 1928/153. Canopus 1902 Fielkd guns crew, Malta 1902/87* Canterbury 1924 See Atlantic Fleet, 1924 Canterbury 1929 Articles 1929/188. Capetown 1923 Articles 1923/55, 137. Cruise; Shooting team, Bermuda, Visit to USMC Capetown W Indies 1923 San Diego, 1925 1923/55; 1925/228*, 291* Capetown 1924 Articles 1924/3. Capetown 1925 Articles 1925/199, 228, 290, 314. Visit to Vancouver & San Francisco; Visit to Los Capetown W Indies 1925 Angeles & Panama 1925/290, 314*; 1926/4 1926/4, 25, 47, 93, 115, Capetown 1926 Articles 162, 180, 194, 240, Bermuda hurricane; American cruise; Bahamas 1926/240; 1927/49, 111; Capetown W Indies 1926 to Bermuda, 1929 1929/135 Shooting Team; Visit to Cuba; Halifx - Capetown W Indies 1926 Newfoundland - White Bear River 1926/72*,93, 162* Visit to St Johns - Maine; Philadephia - 150th Capetown W Indies 1926 Anniversary Independence 1926/180, 194, 240 Capetown 1927 Articles 1927/49, 111, 163. 1929/34, 70, 135, 161, 230, Capetown 1929 Articles 301. Caradoc 1924 Articles 1924/68, 122, 138, 154. Emb troops at Suez for Port Sudan; New Caradoc Mediterranean 1924 Governor of Palestine, 1925 1925/43, 289 Caradoc Mediterranean 1924 See also Mediterranean Fleet, 1924 Caradoc 1925 Articles 1925/43, 196, 289. 1926/92, 115, 193, 215, Caradoc 1926 Articles 239. Caradoc Mediterranean 1926 Recommissions at Devonport; Venice -Cattaro 1926/92, 193 Caradoc 1929 Articles 1929/69. Cardiff 1924 Articles 1924/138. 1926/22/ 46, 69, 92, 114, Cardiff 1926 Articles 160, 193, 239. Cardiff 1927 Articles 1927/4, 29. China; RM in gunboats at CAntomn, 1924; 1921/28; 1924/96; Carlisle China 1921 Shaghai, 1925 & 1926 1925/313; 1926/216 Carlisle China 1923 RM commission HMS Cricket 1927/204 Carlisle China 1924 See also China Station, 1924 Carlisle 1926 Articles 1926/216. Carlisle 1929 Articles 1929/263. Carmania 1914 RM casualties 1914/177 RM Cutters Crew; Guard of Honour - King of Carysfort Atlantic 1924 Denmark, 1925 1924/.139*; 1925/172 Carysfort 1924 See also Atlantic Fleet, 1924 Carysfort 1925 Articles 1925/115. Cassandra 1918 Sinking 1920/20* Visit to France; Sail for China; Armed guard at Castor 1919 Ichang, 1929 1919/84; 1929/67, 132 1929/67, 102, 132, 159, Castor 1929 Articles 195, 227, 298, 360. Centaur 1803 landing at Martinique 1929/320 Centaur 1928 Articles 1928/200. Centaur 1928 Visit to Antwerp Cemetery 1928/200* Centaur 1929 Articles 1929/96. Landed at Port Said during riots; Recent Centurion 1922 operations in Near East 1922/73; 1924/44 Evacuation of Odessa; Landed at Port Said Ceres Mediterranean 1919 during riots, 1922 1921/34; 1922/73 Ceres 1923 Articles 1923/90, 150. Relay Team; New detachment, 1925; New Ceres Mediterranean 1923 crosses for graves at Suda Bay 1923/90*; 1925/.312 Ceres Mediterranean 1924 See also Mediterranean Fleet, 1924 Ceres 1925 Articles 1925/312. Ceres 1926 Articles 1926/22, 138. Ceres 1928 Articles 1928/79. Ceres Mediterranean 1928 The Antares Incident 1928/79 Ceylon 1810 69th Regt as Marines 1910/140 Ceylon 1929 Ecercise with Argyll & Sutherland Hjghlanders 1929/104 Champion 1928 Articles 1928/240.
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