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t?t ,( $F i EVENING LEDGER-PHIUDELPH- tA', MON-f- T SEPTEMBER 28, 1914'. : ATHLETICS TO ENJOY ROMP WITH BROWNS TODAY MACKMEN SURE OF PENNANT NOW PHILADELPHIA MACK'S ATHLETICS PLAN 1915 LESLEY ANOTHER TOY DOG that's Met ' ARE IN LINE FOR LEAGUE CHAMPIONS CUP MATCHES TO BE SHOW TO BE HELD CHALMERS TROPHY FOR SIXTH TIME MORE INTERESTING BY FANCIERS HERE Eddie Collins, Alexander Flag of 1914 Won When Representatives at Dinner in For a Very Worthy Cause, and Magee Have Wrought Bender Shut-o- ut Browns New York Decide to Have as It Is to Be for Benefit ) of Nobly This Year Phils and Red Sox Lost One vT M to Four Picked Men From Red Cross Society, No- Play Reds Today. Game of Double-heade- r. Each State. vember 14. n A-4- In "When the committee appointed for that x use There n possibility the trlstato Tho Toy Dog Fanciers x J that of America will purpose awards tlio Chalmers' trophies t matches for the IttJbcrt W, Lesley Cup hold another show November H. WHAT CONNIE MACK This 1914 mA4 exhibition will bo for the names of I'hlladclphians are HAS DONE SINCE 1001 will be far more Interesting- - another year for tho benefit of the apt to stand nt the top in both the ned Cross Society. This event If the plans talked over nt the dinner to should American nnd National Leagues. The Won pennants In the American draw ono of tho largest entries In "toys" Lenguo 1902, 1005, 1913, 19H. three men who havo the chance to be In 1910, 1011, the contestants from Massachusetts nnd that this town has ever seon. A Won world's championship In 1910, big 8t honored by this annual award are Eddie defeating the Chicago Cubs under Pennsylvania by tho Metropolitan Golf of valuable specials should also help to Collins, of the Athletics, and Grover Frank Chance In four out of live Association at Daltusrol are put Into draw entries. Alexander and Sherwood Magee, of the Karnes. It was decided at a meeting of the Won world's championship In 1911 effect. fan. Phillies. clers to havo this shown an open on from New York Clants under John Tho plan li to have four men selected nil dogs Hugh Chalmers, the donor of the auto- J. McGraw In four out of six games. for of the toy varloty, so, with 1913 fiom each district, preferably who nil tha other Inducements mobiles, suggested that the committee Won world's championship In those offered to from New York Giants Under John J. have played In poet Lesley Cup matches, bring out tho exhibitors, nn entry list of lv the prizes not to the man who, In at lenst 200 dogs will likely Mcflraw In four out of five games. In nddltlon to the ton regulars. has result. their opinion, was the most tlnlshed per- Has established major league record It Judges wore nlso named, as follows' been the custom for the team holding tho M. Dunlevy, of former In each league, but to the player for winning pennants. Mc.tilowurook, Pa., to Has won more world's champion- cup to lay Idle the first day, meeting the pass on Pomeranians; Mrs. Uonjamln H, vho had been most Valuable to his team. Throop, of Scrnnton, ships than any other manager. winners on tho necond day In the de- Pa., Mnlteso tor. This suggestion has been and will be rlcrsj Miss May Henderson, of New cisive nintch for trophy. York followed this year. the Under the city, all toy spnnlcls nnd toy poodles; " Last winter Connie Mack had a new new plan tho four extra men from each Miss Stovell, of this city, Poklngeso No matter what details are to be and steel flag pole constructed and placed In district will form a team of their own Japanese spaniels, nnd Miss Mario It is dimcult to see how Kddle of Now York, who will pass the northeast corner of Shlbe Park. The and play a sociable match with the cup out Collins could be overlooked. He Is not the awards on all othor breeds not men- pole coit the Athletics approximately CINCHED holders the first day. tioned, only recognized by most experts as the $1100. world's greatest ball player, but he has Recent events have proved that tho been this season the most valuable man outlay was not wasted, as another Amer- on the Atnletlcs' team. Officials of fie ican League pennant has been won to be Gridiron News Gleaned From Leading Colleges "White Elephants and others have often unfurled from been heard to declare emphatically this new masthead. The PERSONAL TOUCHES IN SPORT that championship the Athletics were not a one-ma- n team. chances are the world's 1914 homo-grow- To a Is If banner of will also fly there. n homc-mad- o pen-nn- certain extent that true, but Football Players Enter Upon "Tol" Says The and tho up yesterday with Providence as tho nt Eddie Collins had not been on Mack's When Connie Mack glnnccd over the Pendleton brnnd of everything In every land Is winner. Although the clubs put up 4 roster thin year and had not played the If percentage columns yesterday morning rated pretty high. The farmer likes his one of tho tightest races In tho history at home-grow- wonderful game that he did the Ath- Another Hard Week of Princeton Is Committed to n sass an there's an undis- of the league, the season was a financial his In cas- letics would today be out of the pennant hotel St. Louis, he must have puted class to mother's homc-mad- o pie. failure. race Instead of having It won for the ually noted the fact that If his team won That home-mad- e hunch hit Connlo Mack sixth time. Training in Preparation for Open Game This Year and from the Browns, and the Bed Sox were somo sev'ral baseball seaaons back. Ho "Josh" Dovore is rapidly becoming a That Connie Mack realized fully the It succcsa. Shlbo once In double-heade- r, tried with He mado second Ira Thomas. Ira Has fallen Into value of hla great beaten their afternoon's Big Longer. r.-ir- second sacker was Games Next Saturday. Maybe his garden plot nn raised young moro soft money thali any mnn In base- ahown when he permitted him recently that he would clinch the cham- pitchers tilt he'd got a pretty classy mess. ball, to sign "Josh," however, at tho present a contract at his (Collins') own pionship. This led to the selection of Tako Weldon WyckofT, graduate. Ol' rate, will make a record close to Thomas'. terms. Mack knew that without Collins been more properly balanced and the Connie got that youngster straight from good enough be Charles Albert Bender to put the final BY EDWARD R. BUSHNELIi "Josh" wasn't for tho Giants, tho odds would against his winning chances for victory correspondingly BucknoH'8 college birth- he un- years crimp In the aspirations of the Fenway Whether or not Pennsylvania have nine. The kid's hence was turned loose on the lor at least two to come. Hence, will greater. place was Wllllamsport, where Big Six stable bnsRbnll firmament. He wns after the League had a football Federal made Kddle Park dwellers by defeating Rickey's men. team of championship propor- Harvard overwhelmed Bates by tho Mattv learned tho sport an' first began shunted around the leugue, until he f- one of the most 44 nattering offers ever Bender has always been effective tions or one of only mediocre strength score of to 0, and If tho Crimson to shine. The birthplace, maybe, didn't inally landed in Boston. Now "Josh" Is (submitted to a baseball player, he was had been kept In game they against St. Louis. Yesterday he was was not disclosed by Saturday's game veterans the count, but Connie saw a vast amount of about to cut In on another big slice. In a position to dictate the terms of his could probably have scored nearly 1W promise In up against Gettysburg. 14-- the kid. Ho brought him contract for the future, and he did. moro than effective. Ho mowed down That 0 victory was points. At Is was, neatly three elevens ngo three years an' worked his cultivator A parallel to "Josh" Dcvoro's good for-tun- o Incidentally, the Evenino LEDann Is the opposition with calm regularity won by n comfortable margin, and pretty got Into tho piny. The most conspicu- eager to announce that slow, so AVeldon wouldn't skid. In getting In on woild's sctles that it has secured which Hlckeys accurately gauges the comparative ous feature of tho work done by the money, the services of this great player as a marks all his work. The new men was the feat of McKllnlock, This year he works his reg"lnr day. Ho because he was not up to tho writer of the world's didn't have a chance to score, while the strength of the two tennis. At tho same goes rltrht in nn' fires away with nil a standard, Is found In the case of series. Eddie Is a substitute quarterback. In scoring a "Johnny" year going to play, of course, and is going to Mnckmen piled up half a dozen runs. time, when we remember tho defensclcss-nes- s field goal from the line. Now veteran's skill. In five games pitched Lnvnn.