
Dynamics of unimodal interval maps Notes for the mini-course at the University of Vienna, May 2017

Ana Anuˇsi´c,University of Zagreb

Version of May 4, 2017

1 Discrete dynamical systems - basic definitions

Definition 1.1. is a pair (X, f), where X is a compact metric space and f : X → X is (piecewise) continuous. For n ∈ N denote by f n := f ◦f ◦...◦f (n times). The forward of x ∈ X is

Orb(x) := {x, f(x), f 2(x), f 3(x),...}.

The ω- of x is a set of accumulation points of Orb(x), i.e.,

ni ω(x, f) = {y ∈ X : there exists a strictly increasing (ni)i∈N, f (x) → y as i → ∞}.

We say that x is periodic if there exists n ∈ N such that f n(x) = x. The smallest such n ∈ N is called a prime period of x. If x has period one, it is called a fixed point. If x is not periodic but there exists m ∈ N such that f m(x) is periodic, then x is called preperiodic. If x ∈ ω(x), then x is called recurrent.

Definition 1.2. Let (X, f) and (Y, g) be dynamical systems. We say that the systems (or maps f, g) are topologically conjugate if there exists a homeomorphism h: X → Y such that h ◦ f = g ◦ h. Such h is called a topological conjugation of f and g. If h can be taken at most continuous and surjective, systems are topologically semi-conjugate and g is called a factor of f. See Figure 1.

Remark 1.3. Conjugation h maps orbits of X to orbits of Y . Also h(ω(x, f)) = ω(h(x), g) for all x ∈ X. Later we will see more invariants under topological conjuga- tion. Often one thinks of conjugate systems as dynamically equivalent.

1 f X X

h h g Y Y

Figure 1: Topological (semi)-conjugation of f and g. 2 Unimodal maps

We will be studying dynamical properties of systems (I, f), where I = [0, 1] and f : I → I is unimodal, defined below. Definition 2.1. We say that f : I → I is unimodal if (a) f is continuous,

(b) there exists a unique local maximum c ∈ (0, 1), i.e., f|[0,c) is strictly increasing, f|(c,1] is strictly decreasing, (c) f(0) = f(1) = 0. Example 2.1. Typical families of unimodal maps are

(a) The logistic family fa(x) = ax(1 − x), a ∈ [0, 4].

(b) The tent family Ts(x) = min{sx, s(1 − x)}, s ∈ [0, 2].

(c) The sine family Sα(x) = α sin(πx), α ∈ [0, 1].

See Figure 2. Note that fa,Ts,Sα have a fixed point 0 for all parameters. Also, since

a s 4 2 α

c c c (a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: Graphs of (a) f3,(b) T1.5,(c) S0.75.

f4(1/2) = T2(1/2) = S1(1/2) = 1, and f4(1) = T2(1) = S1(1) = 0, c = 1/2 is prefixed for f4,T2,S1. For graphical representation of orbits see a cobweb diagram in Figure 3.

2 s 2

x c

Figure 3: Cobweb diagram gives a graphical representation of an orbit. Take x ∈ I and move up until you hit the graph of f. Then move horizontally until you hit the diagonal. That point if (f(x), f(x)). Continue vertically until you hit the graph and again horizontally until you hit the diagonal and obtain a point (f 2(x), f 2(x)). What is ω(x)?

Remark 2.2. Maps f4,T2 and S1 are all topologically conjugate. Conjugation between πx 2 f4 and T2 is given by h(x) = sin( 2 ) . Note that e.g. f2 and T1 are not conjugate since T1 has an interval of fixed points while f2 has two. In general there exist many parameters a for which fa is conjugate to some tent map, but the conjugacies will not be smooth as in a = 4 case. As we will see later, every unimodal map is semi-conjugate to some tent map.

3 Period doubling route to chaos

Definition 3.1. Let x0 be a of f with prime period n. We say that x0 is

d n (a) attracting if | dx f (x0)| < 1, d n (b) neutral if | dx f (x0)| = 1, d n (c) repelling if | dx f (x0)| > 1.

Remark 3.2. By the Mean Value Theorem, if x0 is attracting, there exists an open nk set U 3 x0 such that limk→∞ f (x) = x0 for all x ∈ U. If x0 is repelling, there exists kn U 3 x0 open such that for every x0 6= x ∈ U there exists k ∈ N such that f (x) 6∈ U. Example 3.1. (Period doubling cascade in the logistic family) For a < 1 =: a1 point 0 is attracting fixed point of fa. Fixed point 0 is repelling for all a > 1 and neutral when a = 1. If 1 < a < 3 := a2 then fa has an attracting fixed point xa which attracts all x ∈ (0, 1).

3 That point becomes neutral when a = 3 and repelling when a > 3. For 3 < a < 3.449489 ... =: a4 there is an attracting period 2 cycle of fa which becomes neutral in a = a4 and repelling when a > a4, creating a new attracting period 4 cycle. n Further calculations show that the attracting 2 -cycle becomes neutral at a2n+1 and n+1 repelling when a > a2n+1 , creating an attracting period 2 cycle. Parameters are ap- proximately a8 = 3.54409 ..., a16 = 3.56440726 ..., a32 = 3.56875 ..., a64 = 3.56969 ..., . . . . The limit limn→∞ a2n =: afeig ≈ 3.569945672 ... is called a Feigenbaum param- eter. Original results appeared in [14], [11]. Remark 3.3. A qualitative change in the behavior of the system as in e.g. a = 1, where a single neutral periodic orbit appears and splits into stable and unstable periodic orbit is called a saddle-node bifurcation. A change as in e.g. an, n ≥ 2, where a single attracting periodic orbit breaks into an attractive period 2 cycle is called a period- doubling bifurcation.

2n 2n+1 i Note that for a < a < a a map fa has a single periodic cycle of prime period 2 n n for every i = 0,..., 2 and the 2 -cycle is attracting. Map fafeig has periodic orbits of n prime period 2 for all n ∈ N0 and an attracting (as we will later see). See Figure 4.

Figure 4: Period doubling in logistic family. Picture is taken from [17].

an+1−an Numerics also indicate that limn→∞ = δ = 4.669201609 .... What is fasci- an+2−an+1 nating is that δ is universal for families of unimodal maps which are smooth enough. Usually the smoothness assumption is the negativity of Schwarzian derivative, see the definition below. Constant δ is called the (first) Feigenbaum constant. The univer- sality of δ was first noticed numerically (see [14],[11]) and explained using the renor- malization theory, see e.g. [23] and the next section.

4 Definition 3.4. Let f : I → I be continuous and at least three times differentiable. The Schwarzian derivative of f at x is

f 000(x) 3 f 00(x)2 Sf(x) = − . f 0(x) 2 f 0(x) If f 0(x) = 0 we define Sf(x) = −∞. Unimodal map f for which Sf(x) < 0 for all x ∈ I is called S-unimodal. Remark 3.5. If Sf < 0, then f 0 cannot have a positive local minimum or negative local maximum. So between two successive extrema of f 0 there must be a critical point of f. Example 3.2. Every map in logistic family and sine family is S-unimodal. Tent map is not S-unimodal since it is not smooth at the critical point. Theorem 3.6 (Singer, [30]). If S-unimodal map has an attracting period orbit, then it attracts the critical point c. Thus, S-unimodal map has at most one attracting periodic orbit. Remark 3.7. More generally, attracting orbits of interval maps with negative Schwarzian derivative attract a critical point or a boundary point. So, if Sf < 0 and f has n critical points, then the number of attracting periodic orbits is at most n + 2. Note that the definition of unimodal maps requires f(0) = f(1) = 0.

4 Renormalization

Definition 4.1. Unimodal map f is called renormalizable if there exists a closed interval J ⊂ I and n ≥ 2 such that (i) f n(J) ⊂ J (ii) J, f(J),... f n−1(J) have disjoint interiors (iii) J contains c in its interior.

n Interval J is called a restrictive interval of period n and f |J : J → J is called the return map or renormalization of f to J.

n Remark 4.2. Note that f |J is again unimodal (possibly turned ’upside down’, i.e., c is n −1 the minimum). Denote by ϕ: J → I an affine surjection such that ϕ◦f |J ◦ϕ : I → I n −1 is unimodal (c is the maximum). Then f 7→ R(f, J) = ϕ ◦ f |J ◦ ϕ is called a renormalization operator. Note that R(f, J) can again be renormalizable. In that case we say that f is twice renormalizable and analogously n-times renormalizable (n = ∞ is also allowed). See Figure 5.

5 2 2 0 fa fa R (fa,J1 )

1 − p p

0 1 0 1 J1 J1 J1 J1

01 00 11 10 01 00 11 10 00 01 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 J2 (a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Figure (a) shows the graph of fa for some a4 < a < a8. Note that it is 0 renormalizable, with restrictive interval J1 = [1 − p, p] of period 2, where p > c is 1 0 0 0 the fixed point of fa. Denote by J1 = fa(J1 ) ⊂ [p, p ], where p > p is such that 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 fa (p ) = p. Then fa(J1 ) ⊂ J1 , thus fa (J1 ) ⊂ J1 . The graph of fa is given in (b). Note 0 2 −1 that R(f ,J ) = ϕ ◦ f | 0 ◦ ϕ is again unimodal and is again renormalizable, with a 1 a J1 00 2 0 restrictive interval J2 of period 2. Figure (c) shows the graph of R (fa,J1 ). Note that 0 00 i1i2 R(R(fa,J1 ),J2 ) is no longer renormalizable. By J2 we denote intervals such that i1i2 i1 00 10 10 01 01 11 i1i2 J2 ⊂ J1 and fa(J2 ) = J2 , fa(J2 ) = J2 , fa(J2 ) = J2 . Moreover, fa(J2 ) have 4 i1i2 i1i2 disjoint interiors and fa (J2 ) ⊂ J2 for all i1, i2 ∈ {0, 1}.

It can be shown that fa is n-times renormalizable for a2n ≤ a < a2n+1 , n ∈ N. Thus f = fafeig is n-times renormalizable for every n ∈ N. It can be thought of as a fixed point 2 −1 0...0 of an operator f 7→ ϕ ◦ f |Jn ◦ ϕ (defined on a space of all infinitely renormalizable 0...0 S-unimodal maps) where ϕ is an affine surjection as before and Jn is a restrictive interval of period 2n as in Figure 5. It turns out that this operator has a unique fixed point, with the single unstable eigenvalue equal to δ = 4.6692 ... (the Feigenbaum constant). See [23].

For i1, . . . , in ∈ {0, 1},(i1, . . . , in) 6= (0,..., 0) denote by

n−1 i1...in i1+2i2+...+2 in 0...0 Jn = f (Jn ).

n−1 i1...in 1+i1+2i2+...+2 in 0...0 i1...in+21 Note that f(Jn ) = f (Jn ) = Jn , where +2 denotes the 1...1 2n 0...0 binary addition “with carry”, see the details below. Specially, f(Jn ) = f (Jn ) ⊂ 0...0 i1...in i1...in−1 i1...in Jn . Also note that Jn ⊂ Jn−1 for every n ∈ N. We conclude that ∩nJn =: C is a Cantor set and ω(x) ∈ C for every x ∈ I which is not periodic (of period 2n), ∞ specially ω(c) = C. For every x ∈ C write x = x1x2 ... ∈ {0, 1} . Note that the action

6 of f on C is given as binary “add one and carry”:  (x1 + 1)x2x3 . . . , x1 = 0,  0(x + 1)x . . . x x = 10, f(x) = 2 3 1 2 00(x3 + 1)x4 . . . x1x2x3 = 110,  ...

Note that f|ω(c) is one-to-one. The construction easily generalizes to other infinitely renormalizable unimodal maps f.

Definition 4.3. Let α = hq1, q2,...i, qi ≥ 2. Define

∆α = {(x1, x2,...), 0 ≤ xi < qi}.

Addition in ∆α is (x1, x2,...) + (y1, y2,...) = (z1, z2,...), where z1 = x1 + y1 (mod q1), zj = xj + yj + rj−1 (mod qj), where rj−1 = 0 if xj−1 + yj−1 + rj−1 < qj−1 and rj−1 = 1 otherwise (addition with carrying). The map fα : ∆α → ∆α given by

fα(x1, x2,...) = (x1, x2,...) + (1, 0, 0,...) is called α-adic adding machine.

Remark 4.4. An action of fafeig is the α-adic adding machine with α = h2, 2, 2,...i. It is called the dyadic adding machine. Remark 4.5. If unimodal map f is infinitely renormalizable, then ω(c) is a Cantor set and f|ω(c) is an α-adic adding machine (see e.g. [24]). The converse is not true, there exist non-renormalizable maps (specifically tent maps for dense set of parameters) with the above properties (see [4]).

5 Chaos beyond the Feigenbaum parameter

Bifurcation diagram (see Figure 6) of logistic family (which is “universal” for S-unimodal maps, see Figure 7) indicates complicated behavior beyond the Feigenbaum parameter. However, we can observe intervals in parameter space with attracting periodic orbits (sometimes called “windows of stability”), which are again followed by a period dou- bling cascade resulting in an infinitely renormalizable map and chaos beyond. Windows of stability form a dense set in the parameter space (see [16], [22]). The set of param- eters for which ω(x) equals an interval for Lebesgue almost every x is a Cantor set of positive Lebesgue measure (see [20], [3]). Definition 5.1 (Devaney, [12]). Let (X, f) be a dynamical system, where (X, d) is a metric space and f : X → X is continuous. We say that f is Devaney-chaotic on X if it is

7 ω(x)


Figure 6: The of the logistic family. For every a ∈ [2.4, 4] the set ω(c, fa) is plotted in the vertical line {a} × I. Red line denotes the Feigenbaum parameter.

(a) topologically transitive, i.e., for every open U, V ⊂ X there exists k > 0 such that f k(U) ∩ V 6= ∅,

(b) set of periodic points of f is dense in X,

(c) f is sensitive to initial conditions, i.e., there exists δ > 0 such that for every x ∈ X and U 3 x open there exists y ∈ U and k ∈ N such that d(f k(x), f k(y)) > δ. Theorem 5.2 ([32]). Continuous map f : J → J on a closed interval J is chaotic on J if and only if there exists a point x ∈ J such that Orb(x) is dense in J.

Remark 5.3. Maps f : I → I with attracting periodic orbits are obviously not chaotic on I. We will later see that if topological entropy of a unimodal f is positive (see Definition 6.1), then f is semi-conjugate to a tent map with the same entropy (see Theorem 11.1) and thus there exists X ⊂ I such that f|X is chaotic on X. Specifically, topological entropy of fa is positive whenever a > afeig (see 6.2) so there exists Xa ⊂ I such that fa|Xa is chaotic.

8 Figure 7: The bifurcation diagram of the family ax2(1 − x) (on the left) and the sine family (on the right). Pictures are taken from [15].

6 Topological entropy

Definition 6.1. Let (X, d) be a compact metric space, f : X → X a map (not necessary continuous). Topological entropy (Bowen-Dinaburg, see [5]) of f is 1 htop(f) = lim lim sup log sn,ε(X, f), ε→0 n n

where sn,ε = inf{|S| : S is (n, ε)-spanning}. A set S ⊂ X is (n, ε)-spanning if for every x ∈ X there exists y ∈ S such that max{d(f i(x), f i(y)) : i ∈ {0, . . . , n}} ≤ ε.

Theorem 6.2 (Misiurewicz and Szlenk, [28]). Let f : I → I be piecewise monotone. Then  1 n max{0, limn→∞ log l(f )}  n  1 n max{0, limn→∞ n log V arI (f )} htop(f) = max{0, lim sup 1 log P er (f)}  n→∞ n n  1 max{0, lim supn→∞ n log γn(f)}, f unimodal,

l(f) = |{J ⊂ I maximal : f|J monotone}| (lap number of f), Pn V arI (f) = sup{ i=1 |f(xi) − f(xi+1)| : 0 = x0 < x1 < . . . < xn = 1}, (variation), n P ern(f) = |{connected components of the set {x ∈ I : f (x) = x}}|, −n k γn(f) = |{x ∈ f (c): f (x) 6= c, k = 0, . . . , n − 1}|.

n n n n Example 6.1. Note that l(T2 ) = 2 and l(f4 ) = 2 for all n ∈ N so htop(T2) = htop(f4) = log 2.

n n Example 6.2. Since the variation of Ts grows as s , using the previous theorem, we can easily calculate htop(Ts) = max{0, log s}, where Ts denotes the tent map with slope s. Note that s 7→ htop(Ts) is continuous and monotone. Remark 6.3. In this remark we list some important facts about the topological entropy of interval maps. 9 (i) If f and g are conjugate, then htop(f) = htop(g). If f and g are semi-conjugate and g is a factor of f, then htop(f) ≥ htop(g). For s ≥ 2 an s-horseshoe of f is J ⊂ I and a partition D of J into s subintervals such that f(Cl(Ji)) ⊃ J for every Ji ∈ D.

(ii) For f : I → I continuous htop(f) > 0 if and only if f has a horseshoe, see [27]. Moreover, if f has an s-horseshoe, then htop(f) ≥ log(s).

(iii) For f : I → I continuous htop(f) > 0 if and only if it has a cycle of period which is not a power of two, see [27]. 1 1 Denote by U1 the space of all C -unimodal maps with C -topology and by U0 the space of C0-unimodal maps with C0-topology.

(iv) U1 3 f 7→ htop(f) is continuous, see [26].

(v) U0 3 f 7→ htop(f) is continuous at f0 if htop(f0) > 0, see [27].

Monotonicity of entropy? Question of monotonicity of entropy in unimodal families is hard and still not quite understood. There exist families without the monotonicity of entropy, see [8]. It is known that a 7→ htop(fa) is monotone, see e.g. [26], [13] or [34] (see Figure 8). However, all the proofs use methods from complex analysis and question of “real” proof is still outstanding. The monotonicity of entropy for the sine family was recently proven, also by extending the maps to the complex plane, see [29].

Figure 8: The devil’s staircase a 7→ exp(htop(fa)), where fa(x) = ax(1−x). The picture is taken from [19].

7 The Milnor-Thurston kneading theory

Most of the results in this section are based on the celebrated paper by Milnor and Thurston [26].

10 Let f : I → I be unimodal with critical point c ∈ (0, 1).

∞ Definition 7.1. Let x ∈ I. The itinerary of x is i(x) = x0x1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} , where  0, f i(x) < c  i xi = C, f (x) = c (1) 1, f i(x) > c.

Equip {0,C, 1}∞ with the product topology (which is metrizable). Let σ : {0,C, 1}∞ → ∞ {0,C, 1} be defined as σ(x0x1x2 ...) = x1x2 .... Then the following diagram com- mutes: f I I

i i {0,C, 1}∞ σ {0,C, 1}∞

− Note that i is not continuous exactly at preimages of c. Define i(x ) = limy↑x i(y), + i(x ) = limy↓x i(y), where the limit is taken over y ∈ I which are not preimages of c, i.e., there is no n ∈ N such that f n(y) = c.

The kneading sequence of f is a sequence νf = i(f(c)). Note that if C ∈ νf , the critical point c is periodic.

Example 7.1. Take f = T2, the full tent map. The itinerary of 0 is i(0) = 000 .... The itinerary of 1 is i(1) = 100 .... The itinerary of c is i(c) = C100 ... thus νf = 100 .... Note that i(c−) = 0100 ... and i(c+) = 1100 ....

We want to introduce an ordering on itineraries which reflects an ordering on I.

n Definition 7.2. For t1 . . . tn ∈ {0,C, 1} denote by #1(t1 . . . tn) the number of symbols ∞ 1 in the word t1 . . . tn. Let s = s0s1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} . For i ≥ 0 define ( +1, #1(s0 . . . si) even, ϑi(s) = (2) −1, #1(s0 . . . si) odd.

∞ Let s = s0s1 . . . , t = t0t1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} and let i ∈ N0 be the smallest such that si 6= ti. We say that s is smaller than t in parity-lexicographical ordering, s ≺ t, if either

(a) ϑi−1(s) = +1 and si < ti, or (b) ϑi−1(s) = −1 and si > ti (where 0 < C < 1).

Take ϑ−1(s) = +1 for completeness.

Example 7.2. Let s = 111010 ... and t = 110111 .... Then ϑ1(s) = +1, so since 1 > 0, s t in the parity-lexicographical ordering.

11 Remark 7.3. For x ∈ I such that f k(x) 6= c for 0 ≤ k ≤ i (i.e., C does not appear i+1 in the first i + 1 symbols) we have ϑi(i(x)) = +1 if f is locally increasing in x and i+1 ϑi(i(x)) = −1 if it is locally decreasing. If C ∈ i(x), then x is a critical point of f .

We first discuss the injectivity of the map x 7→ i(x).

Lemma 7.4. Let x, y ∈ I. Then

x < y =⇒ i(x)  i(y) (3)

Remark 7.5. The inequality in (3) cannot be improved in general. There can indeed exist points x < y ∈ I such that i(x) = i(y). In that case f n([x, y]) 63 c for every n ∈ N n thus i(z) = i(x) = i(y) for all z ∈ [x, y]. Intervals J such that f |J is a homeomorphism for every n ∈ N are called homtervals. Lemma 7.6 ([24]). If J is a homterval, then

(a) every point of J is attracted to an attracting periodic orbit, or

(b) J is wandering, i.e., J, f(J), f 2(J),... are all disjoint and no point of J is attracted to an attracting periodic orbit.

Theorem 7.7 (Guckenheimer, [18]). S-unimodal maps do not have wandering inter- vals.

Remark 7.8. By Singer’s theorem, if S-unimodal map has an attracting periodic orbit, then it must attract the critical point c (see Theorem 3.6). It is easy to see that in that case νf must be a periodic sequence. Thus, if νf is not periodic, x 7→ i(x) is one-to-one.

Now we discuss the surjectivity of x 7→ i(x).

k Remark 7.9. Let x ∈ I. Note that by (3) it follows that σ (i(x))  νf for every k ≥ 0. Next Lemma shows a partial converse.

Lemma 7.10. Assume f has no wandering intervals and assume νf is not periodic. ∞ Let s = s0s1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} . There exists x ∈ I such that i(x) = s if and only if either

k (a) σ (s) ≺ νf for all k ≥ 0, or

k k (b) σ (s)  νf for all k ≥ 0 and if σ (s) = νf for a unique k ≥ 0, then sk−1 = C. Corollary 7.11. If f, g have no wandering intervals and have the same kneading se- quence which is not periodic, then f and g are conjugate.

Sketch of proof. For the construction of a conjugacy use the uniqueness of itineraries of f and g.

12 Example 7.3. Every non-renormalizable with non-periodic kneading se- quence (no attracting periodic orbit) is conjugate to some tent map. Later we will see that every logistic map beyond the Feigenbaum parameter is semi-conjugate to some tent map (Theorem 11.1).

Remark 7.12. If νf is periodic, the conditions from Lemma7.10 become very technical, for details see Guckenheimer [18]. If νf is periodic, there can exist sequences satisfying (a) from the previous Lemma which cannot be realized as itineraries. For counterexam- √ ∞ ple take e.g. T 1+ 5 which has a kneading sequence (10C) but no point has the itinerary 2 (101)∞ ≺ (10C)∞.

The following technical conditions will be needed later.

Definition 7.13. Assume f is unimodal and s ∈ {0,C, 1}∞. We say that s is domi- nated by νf and write s << νf if for every k ≥ 0:

k (a) σ (s) ≺ νf and c is not periodic, or

k ∞ ∞ (b) σ (s) ≺ (ν1 . . . νn0) and νf = (ν1 . . . νnC) where #1(ν1 . . . νn) is even, or

k ∞ ∞ (c) σ (s) ≺ (ν1 . . . νn1) and νf = (ν1 . . . νnC) where #1(ν1 . . . νn) is odd. Lemma 7.14 ([10], Theorem II.3.8). Let f be unimodal and s ∈ {0,C, 1}∞ such that k σ (s) << νf , then there is x ∈ I such that i(x) = s.

At the end of this section we state the necessary and sufficient conditions on a sequence to be a kneading sequence and discuss the universality of the logistic family.

∞ Lemma 7.15 (Conditions on kneading sequences, [18]). Let s = s0s1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} such that

(a) σk(s)  s for all k ≥ 0 (we say that the sequence is shift maximal),

(b) If sk = C, then sk+1+i = si for i ≥ 0.

Then there exists a S-unimodal map f such that s = νf .

Lemma 7.16 (Full family, [18]). Let {fν : ν ∈ [0, 1]} be a continuous one-parameter family of S-unimodal maps such that f0(c) < c, f1(c) = 1. If g : I → I is a unimodal map, then there exists ν ∈ [0, 1] such that fν and g have the same kneading sequence. Remark 7.17. Note that the logistic family satisfies the assumptions of the previous Lemma.

13 8 Symbolics of renormalization

Assume f is renormalizable, i.e., there exists J ⊂ I and n ≥ 2 such that f n(J) ⊂ J 3 c and J, f(J), f 2(J), . . . f n−1(J) all have disjoint interiors (recall Definition 4.1). Then n g := f |J is again unimodal with a kneading sequence νg. We want to describe νf with respect to νg. For details see [10]. m ∞ Definition 8.1. Let A ∈ {0, 1} and let B = B0B1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} . Define the ∗-product as follows: ( AB AB AB ..., if # (A) is even, A ∗ B = 0 1 2 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ AB0AB1AB2 ..., if #1(A) is odd, where 0ˆ = 1, 1ˆ = 0, C = C. Remark 8.2. Let f be renormalizable, with J ⊂ I and n ≥ 2 as in the definition. Note that c 6∈ f i(J) for all i = 1, . . . , n−1. So we can assign i(f i(J)) ∈ {0, 1} to each of those intervals, depending on their position with respect to c. Let A = i(f 1(J)) . . . i(f n−1(J)). Then νf = A ∗ νg. See the Example below. ∞ Example 8.1. Let f = fa for some a8 < a < a16. Note that νf = (1011) = ∞ ∞ 2 1 ∗ ((10) ) = 1 ∗ (1 ∗ (1 )), since f is renormalizable with n = 2 and f |J is again 0 2 renormalizable with n = 2. Denote by J the restrictive interval of f |J which contains 4 c. Then f |J0 has an attracting fixed point with the itinerary 11 .... See Figure 9.

A = 1

∞ ∞ 2 ν 4 = 1 νf = (1011) f |J f |J0 ∞ 2 νf |J = (10)

Figure 9: Cobweb plot for the map f = fa, a = 3.55.

Example 8.2 (Kneading sequence of the Feigenbaum map ffeig). Denote the kneading sequence of fa by νa. ∞ For a1 < a ≤ a2 there is an attracting fixed point and νa = 1 . ∞ For a2n < a ≤ a2n+1 , νa = 1 ∗ (1 ∗ ... (1 ∗ 1 )) (n times) Since afeig = limn→∞ a2n we get

∗∞ νfeig = 1 = 1011101010111011 ... This sequence can be constructed as follows: Put 1 on every odd entry, leaving even spaces blank,

14 Put 0 on entries 2 + 4k, k ≥ 0, leaving other entries blank, Put 1 on entries 4 + 8k, k ≥ 0, leaving other blank, Put 0 on entries 8 + 16k, k ≥ 0, .... This is an example of a Toeplitz sequence defined below. We note that this sequence can also be described as the fixed point of the substitution 1 7→ 10, 0 7→ 11, see e.g. [7]. ∞ Definition 8.3. A sequence (xi)i∈N ∈ {0, 1} is called Toeplitz if for every i ∈ N there exists pi > 1 such that xi = xi+npi for every n ∈ N. Remark 8.4. Note that the kneading sequence of every infinitely renormalizable uni- modal map is Toeplitz. Moreover, f|ω(c) is conjugate to an adding machine if and only if νf is shift maximal, non-periodic Toeplitz sequence with finite time containment prop- erty (see [1]).

9 The Sharkovsky theorem

In this section we will sketch the proof of the Sharkovsky theorem for unimodal interval maps using the symbolics. The theorem is valid in greater generality, see [31] for the original proof or standard textbook proof in e.g. [12, 27]. Symbolic proof was given in [10] and [17]. Partial results were obtained earlier, see [25]. Definition 9.1 (The Sharkovsky ordering). Define the following ordering on N: 3 B 5 B 7 B ... B 2 · 3 B 2 · 5 B 2 · 7 B ...... n n n (4) B 2 · 3 B 2 · 5 B 2 · 7 B ...... n B ... B 2 B ... B 16 B 8 B 4 B 2 B 1. Theorem 9.2 (The Sharkovsky theorem). Let f : R → R be continuous. If f has a periodic point of prime period n, then f has a periodic point of prime period m for every n B m.

A symbolic proof of the Sharkovsky theorem in unimodal case relies on the order of periodic 0 − 1 sequences in the parity lexicographical order. We will see that the order min-max sequences (defined below) reflects the Sharkovsky order. Definition 9.3. Define the set of periodic 0−1 sequences which are periodic with prime period n and which are shift-maximal:

∞ n k k Sn = {s ∈ {0, 1} : σ (s) = s, σ (s) 6= s for all 1 < k < n, σ (s)  s, for all k ∈ N}.

The minimal sequence in Sn (with respect to the parity lexicographical ordering) is de- noted by Pn and called the min-max sequence of period n.

15 ∞ ∞ Theorem 9.4 (See [10]). If s C t ∈ N, then Ps ≺ Pt . Moreover, P1 = 0, P2 = 10 and  101i−2, i ≥ 3 is odd,  n+1 Pn = P2n P2n−1 P2n−1 , i = 2  n P2n+1 P2n ...P2n (k − 2 times), i = 2 · k, k ≥ 3 is odd.

Sketch of the proof of Sharkovsky’s theorem when f is unimodal. Assume p B q and as- sume f has a periodic point x of (prime) period p. Then i(x) is periodic sequence of period p. We can take i(x) to be shift-maximal. The prime period of i(x) is p0|p. If n 0 0 ∞ ∞ ∞ p 6= 2 , then p B p or p = p. By the previous theorem, Pp0  Pp Pq . If C 6∈ i(x), ∞ ∞ then we know that νf  i(x)  Pp0 and thus Pq ≺ νf . From the relations above we ∞ conclude that Pq << νf so by Lemma 7.14 there exists a point of period q. If C ∈ i(x), ∞ ∞ ∞ then x = c and νf = (c1 . . . cp−1C) . By taking (c1 . . . cp−10) or (c1 . . . cp−11) instead of i(x) we derive the same conclusion as above. If p = 2n, the conclusion follows from the following lemma. Lemma 9.5 ([10], Lemma II.3.2 and Lemma II.3.3). If x is periodic of prime period p, then i(x) is periodic of prime period p or p/2. If x is periodic of prime period p but i(x) is periodic of prime period p/2, then there exists x0 which is periodic of prime period p/2 and i(x0) = i(x).

10 Symbolics of topological entropy

In this section we describe how symbolics can be used to compute the topological entropy. It was developed by Milnor and Thurston in [26]. In the same paper they prove the monotonicity of entropy in logistic family.

Let f : I → I be unimodal, with critical point c ∈ (0, 1) and denote by νf = i(f(c)) the i j kneading sequence of f. Denote by Γi = {x ∈ I : f (x) = c, f (x) 6= c, j < i} and by γi = |Γi| for all i ≥ 0. The power series

∞ X i γ(t) = γi t ∈ Z[[t]] i=0 is called the cutting invariant of f. Let r denote the radius of convergence of γ(t). 1 1 Then 1/r = lim supn(γn) n . Recall from Theorem 6.2 that htop(f) = max{0, lim supn log(γn) n }. 1 So, if htop(f) > 0, then htop(f) = log( r ), where r is the radius of convergence of γ(t). The lap invariant of f is given by

∞ X i+1 i l(t) = l(f ) t ∈ Z[[t]], i=0

16 where l(f i) denotes the number of laps of f i as in Theorem 6.2.

1+γ(t) Lemma 10.1. l(t) = 1−t .

Recall the definition of itinerary and i(x±) from (1) and (2). We abuse the notation and instead of writing ϑj(i(x)) we write ϑj(x). The corresponding power series are

∞ ∞ ∞ X i + X + i − X − i ϑ(x, t) = ϑi(x) t , ϑ(x , t) = ϑi(x ) t , ϑ(x , t) = ϑi(x ) t ∈ Z[[t]]. i=0 i=0 i=0 The kneading invariant D(t) of f is defined as

− D(t) = ϑ(c , t) ∈ Z[[t]]. Note that the radius of convergence of D(t) is 1.

Theorem 10.2. Let f be unimodal. Then htop(f) > 0 if and only if D(t) has a zero in 1 |t| < 1. In that case, htop(f) = log( r ), where r is the smallest zero of D(t) in [0, 1).

1 1 Sketch of proof. The proof follows directly from D(t)γ(t) = 1−t and htop(f) = log( r ), where r is the radius of convergence of γ(t). Use the extension of Abel’s theorem (power series with positive coefficients and radius of convergence r has a singularity in r) to see that γ(r) diverges and thus D(r) = 0.

Using the kneading determinant and power series methods we can also calculate the number of periodic orbits of f. Assume f has finitely many periodic orbits of each n period and denote by P ern(f) the number of fixed points of f for every n ∈ N. The Artin-Mazur zeta function is defined as X tn ζ(t) = exp P er (f) . n n n≥1 Theorem 10.3 (see [26]). Let f be differentiable and such that all but finitely many periodic orbits are repelling (satisfied if e.g. Sf < 0). Then 1 Y = D(t) κ (t), ζ(t) p p where the product is taken over periodic orbits of f which are not repelling (and 0) and

 2 (1 − t) , if P = 0 and 0 is attracting,  1 − t, if P = 0 and 0 is not attracting,  k κp(t) = 1 − t , if P is attracting from one side only,  1 − t2k, if P is attracting and (f k)0(P ) < 0,  (1 − tk)2, if P is attracting and (f k)0(P ) ≥ 0.

17 Example 10.1. Take f(x) = 3.84x(1−x). Then f 3i+1(c) > c, f 3i+1(c) < c, f 3i+2(c) < c ∞ − for all i ≥ 0 (f belongs to the period 3 window). Then νf = (100) and (ϑi(c )) = (+1, −1, −1, −1, +1, +1, +1, −1, −1, −1, +1, +1, +1, −1,...). So

1 − t − t2 D(t) = ϑ(c−, t) = 1 − t − t2 − t3 + t4 + t5 + t6 − t7 − ... = . 1 + t3

1 1+t3 Note that γ(t) = 1−t 1−t−t2 and

1 2 1 − t + t3 l(t) = (1 + γ(t)) = = 2 + 4t + 8t2 + 16t3 + 30t4 + 54t5 + 94t6 + .... 1 − t 1 − t 1 − 2t + t3 So, for example, f 7 has 94 laps. √ √ Zeros of D(t) are −1± 5 so the smallest zero in [0, 1) is 5−1 . The topological entropy 2 √ 2 can be calculated as h (f) = log( √ 2 ) = log 5+1 (the golden mean!). From the top 5−1 2 1 1−t−t2 6 previous theorem it follows that ζ(t) = 1+t3 (1 − t)(1 − t ), since 0 is repelling and there is an attracting period 3 orbit. So

X tζ0(t) P er (f) tn = = 2t + 4t2 + 8t3 + 8t4 + 12t5 + 22t6 + 30t7 + .... n ζ(t) n≥1

For example, it follows that f has 30 points of period 7. Two of them are fixed points of f and there are two period 7 cycles.

11 The piecewise linear model

In this section we construct, for a given unimodal map f of positive topological en- tropy, a semi-conjugacy to the tent map of the same entropy. The semi-conjugacy will collapse all intervals with considerably lower than I to points. Specially, all homtervals will be collapsed.

Recall that we argued that f4 and T2 are conjugate, the conjugacy was given by h(x) = πx 2 sin( 2 ) . The semi-conjugacies constructed in this section are typically not smooth.

Theorem 11.1. Let f : I → I be unimodal and such that htop(f) > 0. Denote by 1 n n n s = limn n l(f ), where l(f ) is the lap number of f (s is usually called the growth number of f). Then f is semi-conjugate to Ts, the tent map with slope s > 1.

1 Sketch of proof. Note that htop(f) = log s. Denote by r = s < 1. For 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 1 define P∞ n n n=0 l(f |[a,b]) t ρ(a, b) = lim ∞ . t↑r P n n n=0 l(f ) t

18 The map ρ measures the relative amount of laps of f n on [a, b]. Note that if the number of laps of f n on [a, b] grows considerably slower than the total number of laps of f n, then ρ(a, b) = 0. Define h: I → I as

h(s) = ρ(0, s)

and note that h(0) = 0, h(1) = 1, h is non-decreasing. Check the continuity of h using n n 1 the fact htop(f) = log s > 0. Note that l(f |[0,c]) = l(f |[c,1]) for all n ∈ N, so h(c) = 2 . 1 For x ∈ [0, c], h(x) = rρ(f(0), f(x)) = rh(f(x)). Since r = s , we have sh(x) = h(f(x)). For x ∈ [c, 1], h(x) = h(c)+ρ(x, c) = h(c)+rρ(f(c), f(x)) = h(c)+r(h(f(c))−h(f(x))), so h(f(x)) = s(1 − h(x)). Thus h is a semi-conjugacy of f and Ts. Remark 11.2. The semi-conjugacy h can be given in a more useful form. Namely, 1 h(x) = (1 − (1 − r)ϑ(x−, r)). 2

Using this we plot the semi-conjugacy h between the logistic map f3.84 (the attracting √ period 3 case) and the tent map T 1+ 5 . See Figure 10. 2

√ Figure 10: The function which semi-conjugates f3.84 and T 1+ 5 . It collapses the re- 2 strictive interval J around c and all its images and preimages to points. We note that k √ I \ ∪k∈Zf (Int(J)) is a Cantor set, denote it by C. Then f3.84|C is conjugate to T 1+ 5 . 2 The picture is taken from [19].

12 The dynamics of the tent family

In the previous section we showed that every unimodal map f such that htop(f) > 0 is semi-conjugate to some tent map wit the same topological entropy. If htop(f) = 0, then f is renormalizable. See the following Lemma.

Lemma 12.1 (See [33]). If f is unimodal and htop(f) = 0, then f is renormalizable.

19 Sketch of proof. Restrictive interval containing c is e.g. [p, pˆ] or [ˆp, p], where p is the fixed point of f (not 0 or 1) closest to c andp ˆ 6= p is such that f(ˆp) = p. If there is no such p, we can take p ∈ (0, 1) arbitrary. If such interval is not restrictive, there exists a horseshoe.

If f does not have restrictive intervals or homtervals, then no proper subintervals of I have considerably slower growth rate of lap numbers compared to the entire map. We conclude that every unimodal map which is not renormalizable (or is renormalizable but only restrictive intervals are period 2k of Feigenbaum type) and has no homtervals is topologically conjugate to some tent map with the same topological entropy. For details see e.g. [26] or [24]. In this section we study the dynamics of tent maps. Figure 11 shows the bifurcation diagram for the tent family.

Figure 11: Bifurcation√ diagram of the tent family Ts for s ∈ [1, 2]. Finite renormaliza- tions occur for s ≤ 2.

n s We denote Ts (c) = cn for all n ∈ N. When s > 1, let p = s+1 denote the fixed point of Ts in (c, 1]. Remark 12.2. Behavior of orbits in the tent family is as follows:

1. For s < 1, every point is attracted to the unique fixed point 0.

2. For s = 1, there is a continuum of fixed points and every other point is prefixed.

3. For s > 1, the interval [c2, c1] is invariant (the core) and every point in (0, c2) is attracted to it. √ (a) If 1 < s ≤ 2, then Ts is renormalizable with restrictive interval J = [c2, p]. Also Ts(J) = [p, c1] so every point in the core belongs either to√ J or its image. 2 m Ts |J is topologically conjugate to Ts2 . We conclude that if 2 < s ≤ 2 for some m ≥ 2, then Ts is m − 1 times renormalizable. See Figure 12. No tent map is infinitely renormalizable.

20 √ (b) If 2 < s ≤ 2, then Ts is not renormalizable. It is locally eventually onto on the core, i.e., for every open U ⊂ [c2, c1] there exists n ∈ N such n that Ts (U) = [c2, c1]. It follows that there is a dense orbit in [c2, c1] and thus

(see Theorem 5.2), Ts|[c2,c1] is Devaney chaotic.

√ 2 Figure 12: The graph of the map Ts |[c2,c1] where s = 1.4 < 2. Dashed lines denote 2 the core of the renormalized map Ts |[c2,p].

Remark 12.3. Note that if s > 1 then for every interval U there exists n ∈ N such that n c ∈ Ts (U). It follows that if x 6= y, then i(x) 6= i(y). Denote by νs the kneading sequence ∞ of Ts. If c is periodic, then νs = (ν1 . . . νnC) . We modify the kneading sequence ∞ according to the following rule: if #1(ν1 . . . νn) is even, define ν˜s = (ν1 . . . νn0) . If ∞ #1(ν1 . . . νn) is odd, define ν˜s = (ν1 . . . νn1) . If c is not periodic, define ν˜s = νs. Modify the itineraries of points accordingly. That is, if i(x) = x0x1 ... and xi = C for the smallest i ≥ 0, then define ˜i(x) = x0 . . . xi−1Cν˜s.

∞ Let s = s0s1 ... ∈ {0,C, 1} such that

k 1. σ(˜νs)  σ (s)  ν˜s, and

k 2. if σ (s) =ν ˜s for minimal k ∈ N, then sk−1 = C.

Then (see Lemma 7.14) there exists unique x ∈ [c2, c1] such that ˜i(x) = s.

13 Markov partitions and tent maps

√ 1+ 5 ∞ ∞ Example 13.1. Take the map T = Ts for s = 2 . Then ν = (10C) andν ˜ = (101) . ∞ We know that sequence s = s0s1 ... ∈ {0, 1} is realized as an itinerary of some ∞ k ∞ x ∈ [c2, c1] if and only if (011) ≺ σ (s) ≺ (101) . It holds if and only if si = 0 implies si+1 = 1, i.e., subword 00 is not allowed. Sequences satisfying that condition can be realized as infinite walks on the directed graph in Figure 13. Note that T ([c2, c]) = [c, c1],

T ([c, c1]) = [c2, c] ∪ [c, c1] and T |[c2,c],T |[c,c1] are one to one.

21 0 1 0 1 [c , c] [c, c ] A = 2 1 1 1

√ √ 1+ 5 1+ 5 Figure 13: Markov graph for Ts with s = 2 . Note that ρ(A) = 2 .

Definition 13.1. A Markov partition of a dynamical system (X, f) is a partition n {Xi}i=1 of X such that

(a) IntXi ∩ IntXj = ∅, if i 6= j,

(b) f|Xi is one to one for every i,

(c) If f(IntXi) ∩ IntXj 6= ∅, then f(Xi) ⊃ Xj. Remark 13.2. Every Markov partition of (X, f) induces a directed Markov graph with vertices Xi, i = 1, . . . , n and Xi → Xj if f(Xi) ⊃ Xj. Such graph induces the n transition matrix A = (aij)i,j=1, where aij = 0 if Xi 6→ Xj and aij = 1 if Xi → Xj. See Figure 13.

Lemma 13.3. Assume (X, f) has a Markov partition with transition matrix A. Then the number of fixed points of f n equals trAn, the trace of An.

Sketch of proof. The number of cycles of length n in a Markov graph equals trAn. By the intermediate value theorem every cycle of length n in the Markov graph induces a periodic orbit of period n. The conclusion follows.

Recall (see Theorem 6.2) that for piecewise linear map f : I → I we have htop(f) = 1 max{0, lim supn n log P ern(f)}. If (I, f) has a Markov partition with the transition 1 n matrix A, it follows that htop(f) = max{0, lim supn n log trA }. The following theorem tells us how to calculate this limit.

Definition 13.4. A (directed) graph is primitive if there exists m > 0 such that for every pair of vertices vi, vj there is a (directed) path starting in vi and ending in m vj of length ≤ m. Equivalently, if there exists m > 0 such that aij 6= 0 for every m m n i, j = 1, . . . , n, where A = [aij ]i,j=1. Theorem 13.5 (Perron-Frobenius). For primitive non-negative matrix A there exists a unique real eigenvalue λ > 1 such that λ = ρ(A) = max{|λi| : λi is an eigenvalue of A}. Remark 13.6. If there is a unique maximal eigenvalue, then trAn ∼ ρ(A)n as n → ∞. So, if A is primitive and non-negative, the Perron-Frobenius theorem says that 1 n 1 n limn n log trA = limn n log ρ(A) = log ρ(A) = log λ.

22 Remark 13.7. Every tent map with finite critical point induces a Markov partition of the core as in the example√ above. Note that the transition matrix of locally eventually onto tent map s > 2 will be primitive. From the Perron-Frobenius theorem it follows that s = ρ(A) = λ.

Example 13.2. Take a periodic 0 − 1 sequence which can be realized as the modified kneading sequence of some non-renormalizable tent map. That is every shift-maximal ∞ sequence of the form (ν1 . . . νn) where n is the prime period, #1(ν1 . . . νn) is even and it cannot be realized as a star product of two shift-maximal sequences. This follows from Lemma 7.15, Remark 8.2 and Theorem 11.1. For example, (10111)∞ is such a sequence. Since c2 < c < c3 < c4 < c1 (calculations are easily made symbolically), it follows that {[c2, c], [c, c3], [c3, c4], [c4, c1]} forms a Markov partition of [c2, c1]. The corresponding diagram is given in Figure 14. The transition matrix is given by

0 0 1 1  0 0 0 1    0 1 1 0  1 0 0 0.

The largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix is λ ≈ 1.51288. So htop(Ts) = log s = log λ. Note that this also gives an effective way to calculate the slope of Ts with periodic critical point, given only its kneading sequence (rather than finding the roots of a polynomial).

[c2, c]

[c4, c1] [c, c3]

[c3, c4]

∞ Figure 14: Markov graph for νs = (10111) .

Remark 13.8. We note that every tent map Ts induces a shift space and if c is periodic it is subshift of finite type. Every subshift of finite type induces a Markov graph. So given just a (finite) set of forbidden words, we can obtain a transition matrix and calculate an entropy of a system. In the example above, sequences s ∈ {0, 1}∞ for which there is k ≥ 0 such that σk(s) (10111)∞ are exactly those which contain words 00 or 0110. So the set of forbidden words is {00, 0110}. From this we obtain a Markov graph in Figure 15 which also has the largest eigenvalue λ ≈ 1.51288. For detail see standard textbooks in symbolic dynamics, e.g. [21].

23 1110   1111 111 110 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0   0111 0110 1101 A=1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1010   011 101 010 0 1 0 0 1 1011 0101

Figure 15: Markov graph for the subshift of finite type with forbidden words {00, 0110}. Nodes are admissible words of length 3. Arrows are labeled according to the action of the shift. Note that the arrow labeled with 0110 is not admissible (dashed). The transition matrix is given by A. It it primitive and its largest eigenvalue is λ ≈ 1.51288 = s.

14 ω-limit sets of interval maps

In this section we discuss the topological properties of ω-limit sets of interval maps and classify them for tent maps. Recall that for (X, f), the ω-limit set of x ∈ X is

ni ω(x, f) = {y ∈ X : there exists a strictly increasing (ni)i∈N, f (x) → y as i → ∞}. Example 14.1. • If f n(x) = x, then ω(x, f) = {x, f(x), . . . , f n−1(x)}.

• If f = ffeig (see Section 3), then ω(c, f) is Cantor.

• Recall that e.g. T2 has an orbit Orb(x) which is dense in I. Then ω(x, T2) = I. Remark 14.1. For infinitely renormalizable unimodal maps, ω(c, f) is Cantor and f|ω(c) is a homeomorphism (it is an adding machine). Such phenomenon√ can occur for non-renormalizable maps also, e.g. tent maps√Ts with s ∈ ( 2, 2]. Moreover, it turns out that such set of parameters s is dense in [ 2, 2] (see [7]). Symbolic classification of such parameters is a part of an ongoing research, see e.g. [2].

Theorem 14.2 ([6]). Let f : I → I be continuous. A set M ⊂ I is an ω-limit set if and only if M 6= ∅ is nowhere dense in I or a finite union of closed intervals.

Remark 14.3. Let M be an ω-limit set which contains no intervals. Then it is nowhere dense (closure has empty interior) in I, so it contains no intervals, and thus it is totally disconnected (connected components are one point sets). Since M is closed in I, it is compact. Recall that a non-empty metric space is Cantor if it is perfect (there are no isolated points), compact and totally disconnected. If M is uncountable, then M can be uniquely expressed as M = C ∪ A, where A is countable (can be ∅) and not closed, C is Cantor and f(C) = C (for details see [7]). This gives the classification in the next proposition. √ Proposition 14.4. Let s ∈ ( 2, 2] and x in the core [c2, c1] of Ts. Then ω(x, Ts) is one of the following:

24 (a) [c2, c1] (and set of such x has full Lebesgue measure), (b) totally disconnected (i) finite; then x is (pre)periodic. (ii) countable. (iii) Cantor. (iv) C ∪ A, where A is countable and not closed, C is Cantor and invariant. All cases can occur.

15 of unimodal interval maps

Definition 15.1. Given (X, f), a set A ⊂ X is called a topological of f if f(A) ⊂ A and if its basin B(A) = {x ∈ X : ω(x) ⊂ A} satisfies:

(a) B(A) is a residual set (i.e., its complement is a countable union of nowhere dense sets) (b) there is no proper subset of A with this property. √ Example 15.1. Take a tent map Ts for s > 2. We know that there is x ∈ [c2, c1] such that ω(x) =√ [c2, c1]. So the topological attractor A is the whole [c2, c1], with B(A) = (0, 1). If 2 < sm ≤ 2 for m ≥ 2, then the topological attractor consists of m−1 n = 2 disjoint intervals I0,...In−1 such that Ts maps Ij linearly onto Ij+1 (mod n). Recall Figure 12.

Theorem 15.2 (Guckenheimer, [18]). If f is S-unimodal, then f has at most one topological attractor and Lebesgue almost all points tend to the attractor.

Theorem 15.3 ([18], [24]). Let f : I → I be S-unimodal. Then the attractor of f is either:

(a) a periodic orbit (periodic attracting orbit case)

(b) a finite union of intervals I1,...In such that at least one of the intervals contains n c and f |Ij is conjugate to a tent map (finite renormalization case), (c)a solenoidal attractor C, where C = ω(c) is a Cantor set and f acts on C as an adding machine (infinite renormalization case).

Definition 15.4. For (X, f) a set A ⊂ X is called a metric attractor if f(A) ⊂ A, |B(A)| > 0 and there is no proper subset with this property.

25 Remark 15.5. If f is S-unimodal and has an attracting periodic orbit, then that peri- odic orbit is both a topological and a metric attractor. Also, if f is infinitely renormaliz- able, the solenoidal attractor ω(c) is both a topological and a metric attractor. However, in the finite renormalization case it can happen that the topological and a metric attrac- 0 0 tor differ. There can exists a Cantor set C in I1 ∪ ... ∪ In such that B(C ) has full Lebesgue measure but is not residual. Such set C0 is called a wild attractor. Examples l can be found in the family fλ(x) = λ(1 − |2x − 1| ) for large l ∈ N. See [9]. There are no wild attractors in the logistic family.


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