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Eukaryotic Origins: How and When Was the Acquired?

Anthony M. Poole1,2,3 and Simonetta Gribaldo4

1School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand 2Biomolecular Interaction Centre, University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand 3Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and , University of Canterbury, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand 4Institut Pasteur, Unite´ Biologie Mole´culaire du chez les Extreˆmophiles, De´partement de Microbiologie, Paris 75724, France Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Comparative has revealed that the last eukaryotic common ancestor possessed the hallmark cellular architecture of modern . However, the remarkable success of such analyses has created a dilemma. If key eukaryotic features are ancestral to this group, then establishing the relative timing of their origins becomes difficult. In discussions of origins, special significance has been placed on the timing of mitochondrial ac- quisition. In one view, mitochondrial acquisition was the trigger for eukaryogenesis. Others argue that development of phagocytosis was a prerequisite to acquisition. Results from comparative genomics and molecular phylogeny are often invoked to support one or the other scenario. We show here that the associations between specific biological models of eukaryogenesis and evolutionary genomic data are not as strong as many suppose. Disen- tangling these eliminates many of the arguments that polarize current debate.

dvances across the biological sciences have this methodology, yet at the same time, it reveals Ain recent years shed considerable light on its Achilles’ heel; what emerges is a LECA that the evolution of the eukaryote cell. Reconstruc- is so completely eukaryotic in nature as to ren- tion of the most recent ancestor of all modern der it wholly unremarkable. Consequently, the eukaryotes (also called last eukaryotic common path from the initial ancestor of the eukaryotic ancestor or LECA) visible through the of lineage (also called first eukaryotic common comparative genomics has led to a consensus ancestor, or FECA) to the LECA is effectively view that, before the diversification of eukary- an event horizon (Je´kely 2005); although gene otes into the extant phyla we see today, the ma- duplications can be traced across this horizon jor features of the eukaryote cell had already (Makarova et al. 2005), the defining features of evolved (Koonin 2010; Poole 2010; Koumandou the eukaryote cell all evolved before the diversi- et al. 2013). This is testimony to the power of fication of modern eukaryotes. The real chal-

Editors: Patrick J. Keeling and Eugene V. Koonin Additional Perspectives on The Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotes available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015990 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014;6:a015990

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A.M. Poole and S. Gribaldo

lenge is, thus, to establish how and in what order reveal three recurring points of debate: the tim- these features arose in the lineage leading to the ing (i.e., whether mitochondrial acquisition was LECA. an early or a late step in eukaryogenesis), the Among hallmark eukaryote features, the nature of the host (a protoeukaryote or an ar- timing of mitochondrial acquisition has re- chaeon), and the mechanism of acquisition ceived particular attention. There is unanimous (syntrophy, bacteriovory, or phagotrophy). Tra- agreement on three aspects of mitochondrial ditionally, these different features of models for origins. First, it is beyond doubt that all known eukaryote origins have been strongly coassoci- present-day eukaryotes descend from an an- ated (e.g., an early acquisition by an archaeal cestor that already possessed a mitochondrion host via syntrophy [reviewed in Lopez-Garcia (Mu¨ller et al. 2012). The hypothe- and Moreira 1999] or a late acquisition of mito- sis, which proposed that a few amitochondriate chondria by a protoeukaryote host via phago- lineages represent the earliest divergences be- trophy [Cavalier-Smith 2002]). In this article, fore mitochondrial acquisition (Cavalier-Smith we argue that coassociation has led to a lightning 1987), has been unequivocally falsified (Embley rod effect (Sober 1999) inwhich refuting a “bad” andMartin2006;vanderGiezen2009).Whereas idealeadstoerroneous“refutation”ofassociated eukaryotes that are genuinely ancestrally ami- good ideas. tochondriate could plausibly persist, this ap- Phylogeny and comparative genomics anal- pears on current data to be unlikely. Second, yses have resulted in enormous progress on there is full agreement that one of the partners eukaryote origins. It is now clear that all eukary- in this association was a bacterial cell (Gray otes evolved from a mitochondrion-bearing an- 2012). Finally, there is no doubt that the host cestor (Mu¨ller et al. 2012), that the main fea- cell is more closely related to modern tures of modern eukaryote cell architecture were than it is to any lineage of , although its present in that ancestor (Koumandou et al. precise nature is a matter of ongoing debate 2013), and that there has been extensive trans- (Embley and Martin 2006; Poole and Penny fer of of mitochondrial origin into the 2007b; Gribaldo et al. 2010; Koonin 2010; Guy eukaryote nuclear (Esser et al. 2004). and Ettema 2011; Forterre 2013; Martijn and However, such results do not obviously fit only Ettema 2013). one scenario. We therefore examine whether Endosymbiosis is a process that has had a phylogenomic analyses are sufficiently specific profound impact on all extant eukaryotes, and as to be compatible with only one scenario, and is one of the clearest examples of an evolution- whether timing, host type, and mechanism of ary transition (Maynard Smith and Szathma´ry acquisition are obligatorily coassociated. We 1995). Mitochondrial acquisition is so funda- find that existing tests are not sufficiently spe- mental that it is ubiquitously reflected in mod- cific to distinguish between scenarios, and key ern eukaryote cell ; modern mitochon- features of traditional models are not obligato- dria, , and all trace rily coassociated. Further progress is possible, back to this ancestral (Muller but rests on being clear on what these analyses et al. 2012). Given the huge energetic gains as- can and cannot tell us. Indeed, several recent sociated with oxidative (Lane models are starting to pull apart these histori- 2011), it seems reasonable to expect that ac- cal coassociations and we argue that this trend quisition of mitochondria was so advantageous serves to highlight points of consensus, which that mitochondrion-bearing lineages ultimately are far greater than may be expected given the, swept to fixation, explaining why no “living at times, vigorous nature of debate. We believe fossils”ofintermediatestagespersist.Thismakes this will lead to a more nuanced view of eukary- it particularly difficult to establish when the ote origins because specific assertions on tim- mitochondrion was acquired along the path ing, nature of the host, and mechanism of ac- leading to the LECA. Given this uncertainty, quisition can, and should, be independently the numerous scenarios for eukaryote origins assessed.

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Eukaryogenesis and Mitochondrial Origins

THE INFERENCE OF A MITOCHONDRION IN eukaryogenesis (i.e., closer to the FECA than THE LECA DOES NOT NECESSARILY IMPLY the LECA) (Fig. 1). Although many have since THAT MITOCHONDRIAL ACQUISITION fallen from favor, syntrophic models based on COINCIDES WITH EUKARYOTE ORIGINS metabolic interactions between at least one bac- terium and an archaeon (Martin and Mu¨ller If the unequivocal presence of a mitochondrion 1998; Moreira and Lopez-Garcia 1998; Lopez- in the LECA has been a fantastic accomplish- Garcia and Moreira 1999) remain popular. ment of the application of phylogenetic meth- Recent phylogenetic analyses (Rivera and Lake ods to eukaryotes, the rejection of the Archezoa 2004; Cox et al. 2008; Guy and Ettema 2011; hypothesis has caused significant upheaval, with Williams et al. 2012) showing eukaryotes emerg- not wholly justified consequences. Eschewing ing fromwithin Archaeaarecommonlyassumed the view that a fully formed eukaryote cell was as consistent with these models, and the view the host to the mitochondrial ancestor, nu- that eukaryogenesis was driven by mitochon- merous alternative models emerged or were re- drial acquisition has become associated with invigorated (Martin et al. 2001) that place mi- this phylogenetic topology (i.e., mitochondri- tochondrial acquisition as a very early event in on-first models) (Fig. 1), and have somehow led


Intermediate (host: A/E?)


Opisthokonta Eukaryogenesis


Mito-first Mito-last Archezoa (Host: A) (Host: E) (Host: E)

Figure 1. Timing of mitochondrial acquisition in eukaryogenesis. The relative timing of the acquisition of the mitochondrion during the process of eukaryogenesis from the FECA to the LECA (orange to blue shading) varies from scenarios in which this is the first step (“Mito-first”) to those in which it is the last step (“Mito-last”). Note that there is a difference between the mitochondrion-last and Archezoa models. When the mitochondrion is the final step, the host is a fully formed eukaryotic cell. In the Archezoa model, acquisition was proposed to have occurred subsequent to early diversification of a few eukaryote lineages (depicted schematically by a blue- to-green change). This model has been falsified so is in gray to reflect this. As discussed in the text, available data make it difficult to support either the Mito-first or Mito-last scenario. In particular, the absence of known premitochondrial lineages cannot be taken as an argument for Mito-first scenarios, as extinction of intermediate forms (dotted lines) is a natural process in evolution that has occurred before, during, and after eukaryogenesis. However, there may be considerable differences between “intermediate” scenarios, including with regard to the nature of the host (phylogenetically an archaeon or eukaryote). Major Eukaryotic groups are labeled and indicative relationships are presented.

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A.M. Poole and S. Gribaldo

to the view that eukaryote origins require spe- of eukaryotic origins. Given that the partial list cial explanation (Lane 2011). above deals with molecular features that do not We need to be wary of the lightning rod leave fossils, it may simply be a case of extinction effect (Sober 1999) here, however. The inference of intermediate forms (Poole and Penny 2007b; of mitochondria in the LECA and consequent Poole 2010), as has been clearly shown for lin- rejection of the Archezoa hypothesis do not eages and features more amenable to fossiliza- necessarily reject the existence of some eukary- tion (Donoghue and Purnell 2005). otic characters in the host before mitochon- A selective sweep may be hard for many to drial acquisition. Consequently, a tree topolo- accept because it seems difficult to understand gy in which eukaryotes emerge from Archaea why lineages that have never possessed mito- does not show that eukaryotic origins coincide chondria would not persist when some modern with mitochondrial acquisition. Indeed, com- lineages have “regressed” and lost mitochondri- parative genomics has shown that numerous al function. Here, we must be careful to recog- eukaryotic features trace to the LECA. These nize that secondary losses of mitochondria are are now becoming too extensive to list, but in- only partial. Remnants of mitochondria and clude meiosis (Ramesh et al. 2005; Egel and their genes likely persist in amitochodriate lin- Penny 2008), the nuclear pore complex (Mans eages (Gabaldon and Huynen 2003; Gabaldon et al. 2004; Bapteste et al. 2005; Neumann et and Huynen 2007; Mu¨ller et al. 2012). A com- al. 2010) and (Je´kely petition experiment between a secondarily ami- 2007b; Koumandou et al. 2013), the spliceo- tochondriate eukaryote and a hypothetical pre- some and spliceosomal (Collins and mitochondrial eukaryote is necessary to resolve Penny 2005; Roy and Irimia 2009), small nucle- this debate, but is impossible if the latter no olar RNPs (Gardner et al. 2010; Hoeppner and longer exists. Poole 2012), and linear with telo- To conclude, although the acquisition of meres (Nakamura and Cech 1998; Fulneckova mitochondriawas obviously an important event et al. 2013). Consequently, all these features in the path to the LECA, the fact that no present- can be traced back to the same timepoint (the day eukaryotes derive from an ancestrally ami- LECA), but establishing in what order these fea- tochondriate lineage cannot be used to argue tures evolved before LECA is nontrivial. that the first stages of eukaryogenesis coincide Importantly, all models for the origin of the with mitochondrial acquisition; this observa- eukaryote cell (including syntrophic ones) im- tion is agnostic to the timing of mitochondrial ply numerous intermediate stages; starting from origins. some ancestral state, endomembranes, chromo- some architecture, reproduction, and even pro- MITOCHONDRIAL DID NOT cessing of messenger have all been fun- OCCUR IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE LECA damentally changed. It should be obvious that the emergence of all these characters requires The absence of premitochondrial lineages and the existence of intermediate and now extinct apparent radiation at the base of the eukaryotic lineages (Fig. 1), and there is no reason why the tree may support the idea that the process that mitochondrion would represent an exception. led to establishment of mitochondrial symbiosis Indeed, to suggest no diversification of was a rapid event that initiated shortly before forms would require the rather special evolu- the LECA (i.e., mitochondria-last scenarios) tionary case of a trunk containing enormous (Fig. 1) and possibly at the origin of a fast di- evolutionary changes without (Lane versification of the major phyla we see today. In 2011; although, see in-article reviewer com- this case, the host would have already possessed ments and Lang 2014 for robust arguments well-developedeukaryoticcharacteristics.Again, against this position). We can think of no good we need to be wary of the lightning-rod effect reasons why descent with modification (Darwin here; mitochondria-last scenarios are distinct 1859) would fail to generate diversity in the case from the Archezoa hypothesis (Fig. 1). The

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Eukaryogenesis and Mitochondrial Origins

Archezoa hypothesis placed mitochondrial ac- of the eukaryote tree (under the tree in Fig. 1, it quisition post-LECA, and is firmly rejected. In is a feature of LECA). This work, therefore, only contrast, mitochondria-late hypotheses place refutes mitochondria-last scenarios under cer- mitochondrial acquisition late in eukaryogene- tain rootings of the eukaryote tree. However, it sis, but pre-LECA. Crucially, rejection of mito- further highlights the value in studying cellular chondria-last scenarios is possible, but this is machineries that have arisen as a result of co- based on “different data” than those that led to evolution of host cell and endosymbiont during rejection of the Archezoa hypothesis. the process that led to full mitochondrial estab- Comparative genomics of mitochondrial lishment. processes and structures show that the process that led to establishment of mitochondrial sym- biosis is unlikely to have begun shortly before DIFFERENT MODELS FOR EUKARYOTIC the LECA, as it required a substantial number of ORIGINS ARE COMPATIBLE WITH BOTH MITOCHONDRIA-EARLY AND coevolutionary events both in the endosymbi- MITOCHONDRIA-LATE SCENARIOS ont and its host, notably the evolution of ATP/ ADP translocases (Amiri et al. 2003) and mito- Although the exact nature of the symbiotic in- chondrial -import machinery (Dolezal teraction between mitochondrial ancestor and et al. 2006; Tong et al. 2011). Moreover, if the host remains uncertain, phylogenetic analyses process leading to mitochondrial endosymbio- have clearly shown that the diversity of mod- sis occurred right before the diversification of ern biochemistries seen in mitochondria, hy- present-day eukaryotes, it would be expected drogenosomes, and mitosomes have emerged that the nature of mitochondrial systems of bac- through specialization and loss from a bacterial terial origin inferred in the LECAwould be very ancestor (van der Giezen and Tovar 2005; Em- similar to those of the bacterial ancestor. How- bley 2006) with biochemical capabilities no ever, this is not the case. For example, the ribo- more diverse than those found in free-living some of the mitochondrion in the LECA already bacteria (Mu¨ller et al. 2012). There is full agree- had at least 19 novel eukaryotic-specific pro- ment that the mitochondrial ancestor was a bac- teins compared to the original a-proteobac- terial cell of a-proteobacterial origin (although terial (Desmond et al. 2011). These identifying its closest extant relatives is still sub- were therefore added to the 54 initial ject to uncertainty) (Esser et al. 2004; Fitzpa- proteins during establishment of endosymbio- trick et al. 2006; Brindefalk et al. 2011; Thrash sis and before eukaryote diversification. et al. 2011; Gray 2012; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta and Other data are appearing that are deepen- Embley 2012; Viklund et al. 2012). There is, ing our understanding of the nature of host likewise, no doubt that the host was more close- cell-mitochondrial endosymbiont coevolution, ly related to modern archaea than it is to any pre-LECA. For instance, the evolution of the lineage of bacteria (Embley and Martin 2006; -mitochondria encoun- Poole and Penny 2007b; Cox et al. 2008; Koonin ter structure (ERMES), which links mitochon- 2010; Guy and Ettema 2011; Williams et al. dria to the endoplasmic reticulum via four 2012). Whether that means the host was an ar- proteins (Mmm1, Mmm2, Mdm10, Mdm12), chaeon in cell biological terms is less certain. was recently investigated (Wideman et al. 2013). As opposed to a sister relationship between The ERMES plays multiple roles spanning at- Eukaryotes and Archaea indicated by trees tachment, molecular transport of proteins and rooted with ancient paralogs (also called three , division, mitochondrial inheritance, primary Domains or 3D scenarios) (Gogarten and maintaining morphology (Wideman et al. et al. 1989; Iwabe et al. 1989; Woese et al. 1990), 2013). On available data, ERMES is either a gain several recent phylogenetic analyses of univer- in the lineages leading to Excavata, , sally distributed proteins indicate an emergence and Opisthokonta, or could have been present of Eukaryotes from within the radiation of pre- in LECA, depending on the position of the root sent-day archaea (also called two primary Do-

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A.M. Poole and S. Gribaldo

mains or 2D scenarios) (Cox et al. 2008; Guy ligatorily mitochondria-last and 2D scenarios and Ettema 2011; Williams et al. 2012; Lake and need not be mitochondria first (Fig. 2). In fact, Sinsheimer 2013). Another class of results has the exact nature of the evolutionary relation- emerged in , whereby similari- ships between Archaea and Eukaryotes does ties between eukaryote and archaeal gene sets not provide much information on the timing are invoked as evidence that eukaryotes have an of mitochondrial endosymbiosis. In both 2D archaeal ancestry (Alvarez-Ponce et al. 2013). and 3D trees, this event occurred before diver- These results are frequently endorsed to support sification of modern eukaryotes, so this may mitochondria-first models of eukaryogene- have happened early or late irrespective of the sis involving an archaeal host and a bacterium nature of the host (i.e., sister to or nested with- (Fig. 1), yet without the necessary discrimina- in the archaeal radiation) (Fig. 2). Notably, the tory power of phylogenetic analysis. The trouble cellular nature of the host that took up the mi- with these types of analyses is that they are tochondrion is left unresolved even in the case equally consistent with a sister relationship be- of an archaeal origin of eukaryotes, as this may tween Archaea and Eukaryotes in which the “ar- have been an archaeon in the case of an early chaeal component” of eukaryotic was acquisition, but also a lineage with some eu- inherited from an ancestor shared with Archaea, karyotic characteristics in the case of an inter- not a modern archaeon. Indeed, current hy- mediate or late acquisition (and, in this case, potheses on the evolutionary relationships be- nothing distinguishes it from a classical premi- tween Archaea and Eukaryotes rely on limited tochondrial eukaryotic lineage) (Fig. 1). phylogenetic data and surely deserve further Likewise, it is important to note that not all analysis (Gribaldo et al. 2010). 2D models proposing the origin of eukaryotes Most importantly, and contrary to what is from the merging of bacteria and archaea im- sometimes assumed, 3D scenarios are not ob- ply mitochondrial endosymbiosis as the first

B A Mito-first Intermediate Mito-last E

Ye s Ye s Ye s


Ye s Ye s Ye s (if host is a basal archaeal lineage)

Figure 2. Alternative models for eukaryotic origins and different timing of mitochondrial acquisition are not incompatible. Contrary to what may be assumed, 2D hypotheses for eukaryotic origins (upper tree) do not necessarily imply mitochondria-first models and 3D models (lower tree) do not necessarily imply mitochon- dria-last models. Note that both 2D and 3D models require a stem from the FECA to the LECA along which eukaryogenesis occurred. If mitochondrial acquisition is the first step in eukaryogenesis, the host is, by defini- tion, an archaeon. This is compatible with eukaryotes emerging from within archaea (2D), but also with 3D scenarios if they derive from a basal archaeal lineage. The mitochondrion-last model is agnostic as to the evolutionary relationship between eukaryotes and archaea because it only makes the statement that the final step in eukaryogenesis is mitochondrial acquisition, and the host can classically derive from the eukaryotic lineage (3D), but also from an archaeal lineage (2D) that would have developed eukaryotic features.

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Eukaryogenesis and Mitochondrial Origins

step of eukaryogenesis (i.e., mitochondria- two of these three criteria (Table 1); cross-do- first). For example, the synthrophy hypothesis main interactions are documented between ar- of Moreira and Lopez-Garcia (1998) initially chaea and bacteria and there is evidence of a envisages a consortium composed of methano- coevolutionary aspect to this interaction, for gens and d- in which the ancestor instance, the membrane bending observed in of mitochondria would become engaged subse- some syntrophic interactions. However, syn- quently. trophic interactions between partners stop there. No contemporary examples of a bacterial endosymbiont resident in an archaeal host are HOW WERE MITOCHONDRIA known. This indicates that the documented ACQUIRED? close association is sufficient for the interaction The mechanism of entry of the mitochondrial without internalization of the bacterial cell. ancestor into its host is central to eukaryogene- If this were not the case, bacterial endosymbi- sis, yet this is often discussed in very limited onts of Archaea would be as abundant as they terms despite the fact that endosymbiosis specif- are in Eukaryotes. Likewise, in syntrophy mod- ically requires one cell to take up stable residence els, a symbiotic association must be established in another cell. For endosymbiosis to emerge, (Martin and Mu¨ller 1998; Lopez-Garcia and there first needs to be interaction between host Moreira 1999), and the question here is wheth- and endosymbiont. Three processes have been er strengthening this association through endo- recognized as having the potential to permit symbiosis was only possible following evolu- this. These are bacteriovory (meaning, here, tionary changes that enabled either host to the specific case of one bacterium infiltrating engulf or symbiont to infiltrate the host cell. It another), syntrophy (in which two is not clear that the cell biological processes cul- interact biochemically without endosymbiosis), minating in modern phagocytosis could not and phagocytosis (in which endosymbiont en- have been part of this process (Koumandou try is via the phagocytic machinery). What dis- et al. 2013). tinguishes models for eukaryogenesis then is Bacteriovory by bacterial predators is a fas- not so much the timing as the mechanism by cinating phenomenon. Species such as Bdello- which endosymbiosis is established. vibrio bacteriovorans have been shown to infil- Three key criteria are required to support trate the periplasm of their Gram-negative cellular interactions leading to eukaryote cell hosts (Stolp and Starr 1963; Martin 2002), and origins (specifically between a bacterium and some species may even penetrate the a host of eukaryotic/archaeal nature). These (Guerrero et al. 1986). This shows that bacte- criteria are a cross- interaction, coevo- rial cells can gain entry to other bacterial cells, lutionary interaction, and cross-domain endo- thereby indicating that intracellular access is not symbiosis (Table 1). Using these criteria, we restricted to hosts with modern eukaryote cell consider each proposed mechanism in turn. architecture (Table 1; Fig. 3). In the case of Syntrophy models are very well developed bacterial infiltration (sensu Bdellovibrio), endo- on biochemical grounds (Martin and Mu¨ller symbiosis can only be understood in terms 1998; Moreira and Lopez-Garcia 1998; Lopez- of a failed predatory event. This best fits a co- Garcia and Moreira 1999), and clearly show evolutionary model (Table 1) in which the host

Table 1. Three criteria must be met for a specific mechanism to be able to explain mitochondrial acquisition and endosymbiosis Syntrophy Bacteriovory Phagotrophy Cross-domain interaction? Yes No Yes Contemporary examples of cross-domain endosymbiosis? No No Yes Evidence of coevolution? Yes Yes Yes

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A.M. Poole and S. Gribaldo

Host Endosymbiont ote origins for the simple reason that there are no documented instances of a bacterial preda- Bacteria Bacteria tor invading archaeal cells, so it does not fit the criterion of cross-domain interaction nor cross- Archaea Archaea domain endosymbiosis (Table 1). This absence of archaeal prey is notable not only for cytoplas- Eukarya Eukarya mic or periplasmic cell entry, but also applies to Figure 3. Known endosymbiosis across Bacteria, Ar- other known mechanisms of bacteriovory such chaea, and Eukaryotes. Bacterial of as wolf pack predation by Myxococcus and epi- other bacteria are well known, the most striking ex- biontic attachment by Vampirococcus (Martin amples being that of M. endobia,ag-proteobacterial 2002). endosymbiont of T. princeps,ab-proteobacterium The third process that could account for that is, in turn, an endosymbiont of mealybugs mitochondrial origins is phagotrophy. Com- (von Dohlen et al. 2001; Husnik et al. 2013), and parative genomic studies of the molecular ma- Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, which infiltrates prey bac- teria as part of its cycle (Rendulic et al. 2004). chinery for both phagocytosis (Yutin et al. Eukaryotes are known to house bacterial, archaeal, 2009) and (Dacks et al. 2008) reveal and eukaryotic endosymbionts. For instance, that components of each do trace back to the in microoxic, sulfidic environments carry both ar- LECA (Koumandou et al. 2013). That some chaeal and bacterial endosybionts (Edgcomb et al. components are not universal requires further 2011), and the persistence of in cryp- consideration, but we should bear in mind that tophytes and chlorarachniophytes show these line- post-LECA embellishments are a feature of most ages independently acquired through engulfment of eukaryote algae (Curtis et al. 2012). eukaryotes. For instance, there are clear ex- No instances of Archaea-carrying endosymbionts amples of post-LECA gains in the evolution have been documented. This is a requirement for of specific versions of the nuclear pore com- models of eukaryote origins in which the host is plex, despite the fact a near-complete pore can cell-biologically archaeal. Note that this is different be inferred in LECA (Neumann et al. 2010). from a phylogenetic origin of eukaryotes within Ar- What is more, phagocytosis has been insuffi- chaea in which phagocytosis predates mitochondrial ciently studied to ascertain the minimal ma- acquisition (Je´kely 2007a; Poole and Neumann 2011; Martijn and Ettema 2013). chinery for this process. Add to that the obser- vation that eukaryote genomes have undergone extensive protein family expansion via gene du- is infiltrated by the parasite, but instead of the plication both pre- and post-LECA (Makarova parasite destroying its host, the parasite per- et al. 2005; Devos et al. 2006; Dacks et al. 2009; sists in the host and the host also survives. Lynch et al. 2011) and one finds there is nothing From such interactions, a stable endosymbiosis special about the observation that the phagocy- may emerge. Hence, bacteriovory may mecha- tic machinery has been embellished post-LECA. nistically explain stable bacterial–bacterial en- As far as we can tell, resistance to involve- dosymbioses such as the case of Moranella ment of phagotrophy in eukaryogenesis comes endobia,ag-proteobacterial endosymbiont of primarily from the mistaken belief that this Tremblaya princeps,ab-proteobacterial endo- mechanism is only compatible with the 3D symbiont of mealybugs (von Dohlen et al. topology—another instance of the lightning- 2001; Husnik et al. 2013). Likewise, rod effect. However, the recent emergence of mitochondrii,ana-proteobacterial endosymbi- “phagocytosing archaeoan” models (Je´kely ont of mitochondria (Sassera et al. 2006; 2007a; Yutin et al. 2009; Poole and Neumann Montagna et al. 2013), could be accounted for 2011; Martijn and Ettema 2013) serves to illus- by this mechanism. However, although the case trate that phagocytosis is not tied to a particular has been made for bacteriovory at the origin phylogenetic topology, even if it has been histor- of the eukaryote cell (Davidov and Jurkevitch ically associated with the view that Eukaryotes 2009), this mechanism fails to explain eukary- and Archaea are sister lineages (Cavalier-Smith

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Eukaryogenesis and Mitochondrial Origins

2002; Poole and Penny 2007a). In fact, models in pre-LECA and, as discussed here, that mito- which eukaryotes would emerge from an ar- chondrial endosymbiosis was not the final event chaeal lineage having developed some mecha- before diversification of modern eukaryotes. nisms of phagocytosis are compatible with Regarding the nature of the host, knowing both 3D and 2D scenarios. Most importantly, the exact phylogenetic origins of eukaryotes is these models are neutral on the relative timing important, but it does not illuminate the set of of emergence of other eukaryotic features. cellular features that would have been present Embracing a phagotrophic archaeon as at the time of mitochondrial acquisition. Dem- host for the mitochondrial ancestor allows us onstrating a phylogenetic origin for eukaryotes to sidestep the odd requirement of other models within Archaea is helpful because it would im- (endosymbiosis through syntrophy or preda- ply that the host carried archaeal features. In tion between a bacterium and an archaeon), this case, eukaryotes could be considered as a invoking a mechanism of acquisition for which highly derived group of nucleate, mitochondri- there is no genuine precedent. Bacteriovory has on-bearing Archaea. However, it does not fol- only been reported between bacteria, and syn- low that, in the path to modern eukaryotes, trophy has not been shown to lead to bacterial mitochondrial acquisition was obligatorily the endosymbionts resident in archaea. A phago- first step in eukaryogenesis. The relative timing trophic archaeon comfortably accounts for the of the origins of modern eukaryote features ongoing and widespread cases of endosymbio- traceable to LECA is hidden behind the LECA ses between eukaryote hosts and eukaryotic, event horizon. If Archaea and Eukaryotes are bacterial, and archaeal endosymbionts (Fig. related as per the three-domains tree, the pic- 3). As has been pointed out, all such endosym- ture is even murkier. bioses are predicated on a biochemical associa- In examining the mechanism of mitochon- tion (Nowack and Melkonian 2010). Phagocy- drial acquisition, two conclusions are clear. tosis as a mechanism for engulfment or as a First, phagocytosis is the sole mechanism that, means of bacterial infiltration (Poole and Penny on current data, can account for mitochondrial 2007b) is, in this regard, just a mechanism for acquisition because it is the only process known entry and a means of establishing a wide variety that leads to cells of one domain living intracel- of endosymbiont–host biochemical interac- lularly in cells of another domain; eukaryotes tions (Nowack and Melkonian 2010). play host to endosymbionts from all three do- Finally, it should be noted that nothing mains. Bacteria are only known to play host to distinguishes a phagotrophic archaeon from a other bacteria and no archaea are known to car- protoeukaryote in the pre-LECA era. Therefore, ry endosymbionts of any kind. The common whether Eukaryotes are sister to Archaea or de- description of bacterial–bacterial endosymbio- rive from them, the centrality of phagocytosis in ses as occurring between two is eukaryote origins remains intact as a mecha- an instance in which preferential use of the nism for endosymbiont entry (Cavalier-Smith term (Doolittle and Zhaxybayeva 2002, 2009; Poole and Penny 2007b; Poole and 2013) has clouded our understanding because Neumann 2011). it suggests bacterial–bacterial endosymbioses support hypothesized bacterial–archaeal endo- symbioses when they do not. Second, given that CONCLUDING REMARKS basic phagocytic and endocytic machinery trace Three aspects of eukaryote origins have been the to the LECA, this provides a clear mechanism subject of extensive debate: the timing of mito- for mitochondrial acquisition. Models involv- chondrial acquisition, nature of the host, and ing phagocytic archaea recognize that mito- mechanism of acquisition. Although it is diffi- chondrial acquisition via phagocytosis is the cult to pin down the timing of mitochondrial best-supported mechanism, and illustrate that acquisition, the field has made progress. It is this can occur in a lineage that is phylogeneti- now uncontroversial to argue that this occurred cally archaeal, but on the path to eukaryogene-

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Eukaryotic Origins: How and When Was the Mitochondrion Acquired?

Anthony M. Poole and Simonetta Gribaldo

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2014; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015990 originally published online July 18, 2014

Subject Collection The Origin and Evolution of Eukaryotes

The Persistent Contributions of RNA to Eukaryotic Origins: How and When Was the Eukaryotic Gen(om)e Architecture and Cellular Mitochondrion Acquired? Function Anthony M. Poole and Simonetta Gribaldo Jürgen Brosius and the Origins of Multicellularity in Bacterial Influences on Origins the Kingdom Rosanna A. Alegado and Nicole King James G. Umen The Archaeal Legacy of Eukaryotes: A Missing Pieces of an Ancient Puzzle: Evolution of Phylogenomic Perspective the Eukaryotic Membrane-Trafficking System Lionel Guy, Jimmy H. Saw and Thijs J.G. Ettema Alexander Schlacht, Emily K. Herman, Mary J. Klute, et al. Origin and Evolution of the Self-Organizing The Neomuran Revolution and Phagotrophic in the Network of Eukaryotic Origin of Eukaryotes and Cilia in the Light of Organelles Intracellular Coevolution and a Revised Tree of Gáspár Jékely Life Thomas Cavalier-Smith On the Age of Eukaryotes: Evaluating Evidence and Transport as a Necessary from Fossils and Molecular Clocks Consequence of Increased Cellular Complexity Laura Eme, Susan C. Sharpe, Matthew W. Brown, Maik S. Sommer and Enrico Schleiff et al. Origin of Spliceosomal Introns and Alternative How Natural a Kind Is ''Eukaryote?'' Splicing W. Ford Doolittle Manuel Irimia and Scott William Roy

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Protein and DNA Modifications: Evolutionary What Was the Real Contribution of Imprints of Bacterial Biochemical Diversification Endosymbionts to the Eukaryotic Nucleus? and Geochemistry on the Provenance of Insights from Photosynthetic Eukaryotes Eukaryotic Epigenetics David Moreira and Philippe Deschamps L. Aravind, A. Maxwell Burroughs, Dapeng Zhang, et al. The Eukaryotic Tree of Life from a Global Bioenergetic Constraints on the Evolution of Phylogenomic Perspective Complex Life Fabien Burki Nick Lane

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