DOI: 10.18196/jmh.2016.0078.171-185 VOL.23 NO.2 / DESEMBER 2016 Institutions and Mechanisms for Internal Conflict Resolution: Legal and Non-Legal Means in Resolving Dispute and Attaining Justice in Malaysia Khairil Azmin Mokhtar DATA NASKAH ABSTRACT Masuk: 25 Januari 2016 Diterima: 21 November 2016 Among the questions that the research seek to tackle is should the court be- Terbit: 8 Desember 2016 come the only saviour of justice? In this article it is argued that the task to combat injustices, produce a just ordering of society, ensure a fair distribution of material KORESPONDEN PENULIS: Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, and legal resources, safeguard the rule of law, promote equality, ensure proportion- International Islamic University ality in punishment, and protect entitlements and legitimate expectations should Malaysia not be put on the shoulders of judges and courts only. It must be spread out and P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
[email protected] shared by other institutions and by whatever means available. This article seeks to establish that in spite of the crucial role of the court in establishing justice, there are other institutions and mechanisms that can and have been used to achieve justice. In this study Malaysia is used as an example. This article is the result of a qualitative study which employs legal analysis of the constitution and laws in the country. Despite the judiciary’s fundamental role in dispensing justice it have weaknesses and limitations. As shown in this article apart from the formal courts and judges there many institutions and mechanisms which are outside the formal structure of the judiciary that play significant role in resolving dispute, avoiding conflict and realizing justice.