For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity
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For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2007 ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2007:Vol.27No.9 Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(9) Page 1 COVER STORY Rage Against the Machine Or how Reformasi may be set to rock again by Khoo Boo Teik s Reformasi back in II town? Possibly; it may III have returned this year with three marches that brought some new names, a lot of new actors, and a number of new ways of saying things. Bar Council, Bersih and Hindraf The Lawyers’ March of 26 Septem- ber was led by the Bar Council. The marchers headed for the ‘Pal- ace of Justice’ in Putrajaya, call- ing for the head of the then Chief Justice. Exasperated with the ‘rot- ten state of the house of Den- mark’, the protesting lawyers and social activists demanded an end to the corruption, hence subver- sion, of a key institution of state. The Bersih Rally of 10 November was organised by Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (Coa- lition for Clean and Fair Elec- tions). From different locations in Kuala Lumpur, the rally wound its way to the Istana Negara to hand a petition to the King. Bersih’s participants demanded a cleansing of the electoral system to break the crippling shackles the Opposition faces in every general election. The Hindraf Rally of 25 Novem- ber was called by an ad hoc Hindu Rights Action Front. Its supporters, coming from different Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(9) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE In our cover story, we look at what is going on in Malaysian society in the aftermath of recent demon- CONTENTS strations organised by lawyers, the Bersih coalition and Hindraf. Khoo Boo Teik observes that the good- will that was shown to Abdullah Badawi in 2003- COVER STORY 2004 has largely evaporated and wonders if there is ••• Rage Against The Machine 222 a whiff of reformasi in the air now. ••• The Government Must Be Prepared To ListenListenTo 777 ••• Is Malaysia Going Down The Jeyakumar Devaraj, however, cautions that the Mandalay Road? 999 Hindraf approach is misguided and the struggle ••• Unmuzzle Our Media 111111 for social justice must be reoriented to make it more ••• Why The Hindraf Approach Is multi-racial. Looking at the heavy-handed police re- Misguided 191919 sponse, Angeline wonders if we are heading down ••• A Rising Crescendo Of Protest 222222 the Burma road. As the level of protests rises reaches a crescendo, she writes, in a second article, that the FEATURES fate of the country lies in the hands of ordinary peo- ••• Commemorating The 20th Anniversary ple and their courage to change the course of his- OfOf Operasi Lalang 242424 tory. ••• Gandhi And The Spiritual War Between Good And Evil 262626 P Ramakrishnan say that ordinary people should ••• Level Of Faith: Stone, Water And Air 303030 vote responsibly so that the BN is not given another ••• Treated As Deviant Even Before Court Hearing 323232 huge mandate to perpetuate its arrogance and lack ••• One People, One Nation of accountability. If the government wants to recover - Is It Possible? 404040 its lost credibility, it must be prepared to listen to the people, writes Tunku Yusuf Jewa. In an open letter REGULARS to the premier, Beth Yahp urges him to unmuzzle ••• Current Concerns 151515 the media and practise real democracy. OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS The “Seven Deadly Sins” enunciated by Gandhi are ••• The New Executive Committee 171717 still relevant as Mahadev Shankar points to the ••• Subscription Form 181818 growing concentration of power in the hands of ••• Aliran T-Shirt On Sale 393939 national governments. K Haridas meanwhile argues that we have to deepen our faith so that we view humanity as one and develop a deeper sense of com- passion. Published by Julian Lee reports on a forum to mark the 20th anni- Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara versary of Operasi Lalang while A Detainee recounts (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) his nightmare at being detained and treated as an 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, Islamic deviant – even before a court hearing. Penang, Malaysia. Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 Email (Letters to Editor): ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the [email protected] roster of the Economic and Social Council of the Email (General): [email protected] United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(9) Page 3 parts of the country and starting Indeed, why has ‘water-cannon thousands of marchers who had at different points in Kuala and tear-gas violence’ against had to contend with warnings, Lumpur, went to the British High peaceable marchers become so threats, court order, water can- Commission. The Hindraf leaders much a part of the culture of the nons, tear gas and Red Helmet had prepared to hand a petition ‘Red Helmets’ and their political charges with batons and shields. to Queen Elizabeth II, ostensibly masters? to demand the historical restitu- In the heat of each event, the tion of the rights of British-im- It was easy but cheap to divide or protestors of each rally, let alone ported Indian indentured labour. belittle the lawyers and social ac- outside observers, might have tivists: ‘only 2,000 lawyers out of been engrossed with their own Variety and number the Bar Council’s 13,000 mem- cause, and seen it to be separate bers?’ from the other causes. The phraseology of the demands differed. The slogans varied. The It was simple but stupid to stigma- Still, there is a far deeper common marchers were of different back- tise the Bersih marchers: ‘They cause among them than meets the grounds. None of that was in were not civil society, they were jaundiced eye. doubt. instigated by The Opposition.’ The Bar Council was right to de- This much was certain, too: their And it must have been fun (for mand judicial reform and punish- numbers exceeded expectations – seemingly urbane columnists, ment for those who corrupted le- 2,000 lawyers and activists in such as Rehman Rashid) but vul- gal institutions right up to the Putrajaya, 40,000 marchers with gar to ridicule the Hindraf highest judicial offices. If there are Bersih, and 30,000 for Hindraf. protestors: ‘trillions of ringgit, did no independent and impartial they say, and, really, whatever judges to oversee it, the ‘rule of More than that, the stridency of would the Queen say?’ law’ would be meaningless for their missions indicated a deep different strata, diverse groups frustration and seething anger at Diversity and and ordinary citizens. The Machine of the Barisan common cause Nasional. Yet, no level of govern- It’s fanciful for some to liken peace- ment threats and police warnings This is no time to play any name- ful rallies to anarchy on the could prevent the expressions of and-blame game with the tens of streets. But, without an honestly those sentiments from being lo- cally blogged and globally seen and heard. Cheap and vulgar tactics One of the regime’s favourite re- sponses was to argue that rallies and marches burdened local mer- chants, unnerved foreign inves- tors and turned off foreign tour- ists. ‘Violence’, we are piously told, ‘is not part of our culture.’ We agree. The marches and protestors were orderly and trying their best to avoid trouble until the police dis- persed them with force. Aliran Monthly : Vol.27(9) Page 4 administered system of justice, le- the Indian community. KESAS Highway. gal practice would simply be dominated by powerful preda- The historical deprivation of the Let’s not be fooled either by those tors. poor and powerless requires res- who attack one cause to weaken titution by present-day policies all others. Consider: If Tun Dr Bersih and Hindraf and measures. Otherwise, ac- Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘Buy Brit- countability, transparency and ish Last’ government saw fit to The Bersih coalition was right to fairness are mere words while se- host the 1998 Games of the British insist on levelling the electoral lective neglect and Commonwealth, why can’t playing field, not least because the marginalisation co-exist with Hindraf link the Indian commu- next general election looms. cronyism, discrimination and nity’s present problems to the past privilege. practices of the British Raj? Only the BN and the Electoral Commission believe that the ad- Other dates, Another historical connection ministration of elections is fault- other demands beckons. Where would we place less. Everybody else knows other- the collective demands of the Bar wise. Without reform, the electoral Let’s not forget easily. 26 Septem- Council, Bersih and Hindraf if not system will remain so heavily ber, 10 November, and 25 Novem- beside the Permatang Pauh Dec- loaded against the opposition as ber belong with other dates, other laration, Towards a Just Malaysia to undermine the integrity of elec- moments of discontent and strug- (the manifesto of the Barisan toral contestation and democratic gles for reform that haven’t been Alternatif), and Suqiu’s 17-point representation. achieved. Appeal? Nor were the Hindraf supporters Remember 1998–1999, and the All these return to the requisite nyanyuk by any means. It was use- Dataran Merdeka demonstrations foundations of a broad movement less for the well-fed and well- against Anwar Ibrahim’s mal- to achieve genuinely democratic clothed Samy Vellu to say no In- treatment, the ‘shopping for jus- politics, inclusive social policies dians here are without food and tice’ sprees against his ‘black eye’ and true inter-ethnic respect.