5 Hurt in Crash Site for Airport Horse Racing Brings Alexandria Tax $5,095,324 Revenue in Year Pofoifllt >y tti* Associated Press Bowie Havre de Group on paid $1,054,656; Pr6m odeheof Labrador Crash Of Two Autos In Less Settled ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 13.—Controllei Grace, $1,059,503; Bel Air. $153,535; On Businesses. James J. Lacy announced yesterdaj Cumberland. $103,847; Hagerstown, State revenues from horse racing $99,571: Marlboro, $124,002. and Ti- 1947 totaled $5,095,324. monium, $125,815. Incidental fees Sees GoalN. of during Sixteenth Street Area Because of the new law taxing brought in $9,173. to the To Be Sought racing, there were no comparable According law, Baltimore Revised figures available, but Mr. Lacy said City and the counties will receive Woman's Head $2,396,094 of Planners Eliminate receipts during the fall meets were the total, the Fair Council to Get Plan Pollution Control Board, and the above expectations. $245,978, general Goes Lake fund, $2,453,251. A Through Kingman Isle, Under the law, Baltimore and the $72,280 refund Basing Levies on for 1946 overpayment at Pimlico Steps Under counties receive 50 per cent of the Way Windshield 2 Other Possibilities was paid by the State. revenues at mile tracks—divided on Gross Receipts Under the new legislation, the To Clean River A 23-year-old woman was In a population basis—and the State': By Nelson M. major tracks now pay a $1,000 daily A new Alexandria business ta: "fair” condition today after a head- Shepard general fund gets the rest. One- The National license fee and 4 per cent on total program based on gross wil For Swimming on automobile collision that Capital Park and fourth of the half-mile track receipt: receipts injured betting. The smaller (half-mile) come before the Council for four others banning Commission served notice go to Baltimore and the counties City ac early this morning in tracks a tion it still wants an pay $50-a-iday license fee this month. By James Birchfield the 4600 block of Sixteenth street oday airport for another fourth to the State Fail to the county treasurer in the This was disclosed For the first time since its forma- N.W. mall, privately owned planes, close Board and the rest to the general yesterday b: to be useful but far county in which the race is held, Col. Everett A. Hellmuth, chairmai tion in 1939, the Interstate Com- Mrs. Rita 23. of 9409 Gar- enough enougji fund. Carlyle. from 1 per cent on the first $500,000 bet. of the Council’s Finance Committee mission on the Basin iway any “thickly settled de- wood street, Silver Spring, Md„ suf- The breakage at the tracks—the 2 cent on the of the or per next $500,000 and ! after details of the program wer is within of its clean a veloped part" District its sight goal—a fered fractured leg, throat cuts odd pennies between 1 and 10 cents 4 cent on over iuburbs to avoid a per wagers $1,000,000. j outlined by an expert of the Uni river. and a head injury. Her head went becoming public not computed in off bets— nuisance. paying During the last fiscal year the ; versity of Bureau of Publi This is the concensus of com- through the windshield of the auto goes half to the State Fair Board State Thus the field of selec- received $4,540,882 from horse ; Administration which is conductin: mission members, and representa- driven her Samuel narrowing and half to the tracks. by husband, ;ion racing. This figure represents part a tax survey of the The recom tives of industries and the planners again rejected Pimlico bettors city. municipali- Carlyle, 49, police said. made the most of the total Controller mended business 3arrier Island, in Kingman Lake, as Lacy report- tax program out ties throughout the basin who at- John F. Noonan, jr„ 26, of 318 generous contribution to State rev- ed since the i suitable site, and tossed out of yesterday, 1947 spring lined yesterday grew out of the firs tended the annual winter meeting Cedar avenue, Takoma enues with a total of $1,234,012 meet fell | Park, Md., :onsideration two other discussed racing within that fiscal phase of the survey which deal of the commission yesterday and driver of the other car, to Laurel was second with $1,131,206 which according iites—the National Training School year, ended June 30. with business taxation only. Thursday at the Mayflower Hotel. police, was charged with driving on or Boys on Bladensburg road and Archie Dotson, research assistan Already steps are being taken the wrong side of the street. Jhillum an area of the bureau, explained the result that will bring the quality of the Station, south of Others in Noonan Car. Riggs road N.E., between the B. & O. New Plan of his group's survey to officers o river in the Washington area to a Aid-Europe Three Warrants Issued Mr. was Railroad and the District line. Alexandria business groups and th higher degree of purity—that will Carlyle treated at Emer- In the views press. Col. Hellmuth said the ordl allow in the river above gency Hospital and taken home. Mr. upholding of their swimming nance needed Noonan was released after treat- Co-ordinating Committee the plan- Calls for to put the new ta Key Bridge and boating and recre- Forming of In Connection With ners reaffirmed their plan into effect is to b ation in the sections of the river ment for leg bruises and one pas- opposition to expected in his Miss Jean Eber- ;he Civil Aeronautics Administra- completed and will be presented t just below Washington—while com- senger car. tion, the Board of Trade and the City Council with -a recom munities and industries in the basin man, 21, of 5149 MacArthur boule- some Teams to Send Goods Strike mendation for his com was a !0 groups affiliated with the Wash- Fairlington adoption by are more interested in vard, treated for bruises and becoming A mittee. foot and An- ngton Aviation Planning plan under which American Warrants have been pollution abatement programs. fractured released. Council, issued In nackers of Barrier Island. Former “sharing teams” will supply destitute v uoiunea. Local government representatives other passenger in the Noonan car, Arlington and Alexandria charging nanges Europeans with food and three men out time and that Dorothy Smith, 23. of 387 Thirty- Representative Jennings Randolph clothing with assault in connec- Major difference in the 'propose pointed again has been was ind a delegation made a futile, last- formulated by a Falls tion with the week-old finances are the main stumbling seventh place N.W., released strike of 170 program and the 1947 busing ta after treatment at stand fight on behalf of the aviation Church couple and was reported maintenance workers in blocks in the way of community John L. of one the six Garfield Hospital Fairlington. ordinance now in effect is that al Corpl. Shaner, 18, Harrisburg, Pa., of which to have to other areas. for forehead and knee cuts. :ouncil, Mr. Randolph heads. today spread Two defendants are nonstrikers and business taxes under the new action on pollution abatement. American soldiers who survived the crash of a military plai big Available. The with each “team" one is a striker, would be based Finances Studied. in Labrador A second accident was narrowly $77,000 plan places police reported. on gross receipt! transport wastelands, is shown last night being the In avoided police said when the steer- Meanwhile, $77,000 in Federal responsibility for paying for. Arlington a warrant was sworn The 1947 ordinance contains 72 fla These financial problems are now carried to a waiting ambulance after arriving at Bolling Field funds is and the out of one of the ambulances available toward an air- collecting shipping food and charging Sylvania Tucker of tax provisions, 42 business licens studied it was ing gear being and reported with his companions. Three other survivors arrived here with Alexandria with on a sent to the scene went out of order port any time—the planners’ Co- clothing. showing a pistol provisions semigraduated seals that action on the co-operative part Corpl. Shaner and were taken to Walter Reed Committee and of the are Mr. and two union and 20 volumes of business taxes Hospital. and the machine just missed an- ordinating approves Originators plan threatening workers, of several communities, or com- the District and Mrs. John 216 James F. All taxes in the woul other car as it started for a Commissioners match Graham, Little Hogan, 28, Sterling, Va„ new p^an munities and industries, be a hospital may the amount. Falls street, Falls Church. Mr. Gra- and Walsh Robinson, 39, Alexandria. be based on volume of business. solution. By Harry Lever with one of the crash victims. The E. A. ham is an Also in were transferred to the Schmitt, head engineer of architect formerly asso- Arlington, Theodore Payne, Mr. Dotson that th The fortitude of a young Air injured emphasized A. A. UUUUUCI £, Aliillgl/UIl Stassen Will Present the Office, ciated with the United States Hous- 28, Herndon, a was cer Engineers striker, new would with Force doctor patrol wagon for removal to the charged plan do away, that are parachute who strug- is chairman of the with manager, reported plans hospital. Co-ordinating ing Authority. assault upon William Jones, tain inequities in business taxatioi made to the gled through stabbing underbrush being enlarge county’s Committee that studied the airport started the employe of a trash and col- that grew out of the 1947 ordinancs and snow to treat six surviv- In another accident early today a They movement by garbage sewage treatment facilities. Fairfax deep over a time. On it firm | Bust to Naval car skidded into a fire rescue question long a team of three lecting which has entered into : To explain this, he showed hos ors of the Labrador plane crash is Halsey squad forming consisting also is to treat are County making plans 1 at representatives of various public families. The team contract with the own- merchants last year had thei one reason four of them are No. truck Fourth street and decided how Fairlington jsome wastes that now are emptied into ] why agencies affiliated with the ers for work I Massachusetts avenue N.W. as it plan- much it can do, how to do it and for formerly done by some license taxes doubled, while th the Potomac. safely in Walter Reed Hospital to- ning commission. whom. of the strikers. The cases same tax for merchants doing : day. Tomorrow answered a fire alarm. The auto against The of Academy Objection to the site of the Na- Tucker and volume of business of th possibility joint community driver, Elbert P. Stephens, 25, at- Under the each team Payne today were con- larger Leaving two of the for By the Associated Press tional School was based plan, picks action in the Virginia metropolitan injured tached to the Naval Air Station at Training tinued in Arlington County Court :same type enjoyed a reduction ii at Fort a fourth member, who organizes area is being investigated. treatment Peperell, New-; ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 13.—Admiral generally on the indefinite status until Thursday. taxes over the year before. Indian Head, Md„ was charged with another group. for S. foundland. a big C-54 arrived at of its Before the war An Speaking industry, James William F. (Bull) Halsey, whose failing to give the right-of-way to availability. Alexandria warrant charged The new tax plan would in mos Bolling Field night with the it had been to move the The teams select their bene- that Thayer of Cumberland, Md.. said the last 3d Fleet won glory in the struggle an vehicle on a fire run. planned Henry Gray, 24, of Muirs Court, instances reduce license taxes fo four emergency ficiaries from a commission's work has been “inval- remaining and First Lt. Stan- school to another site, and the master list of needy an | with the Japanese in Pacific, will Two Hurt on Lee Highway. ques- Alexandria, employe who stayed the man doing a small volume o ! H. the doctor. families in uable in a ley Bear, 26-year-old be honored tomorrow at a tion is still hanging fire. The other Europe, compiled by on the attacked stimulating community 1 ceremony Three persons were hurt late yes- job, James Smith 'business and gradually raise the ta: The was the same as the Chillum too reputable international relief agen- interest on the part of industry." plane type a bust of his likeness in location, Station, is of Purcellville, a striker. o 1 enshrining terday in a collision of two automo- Va„ The in proportion to larger volumes A few Mr. Army Transport Command ship close to well-settled residential dis- cies. Each team decides on food years ago, Thayer said, the Naval Academy Museum. biles on Lee highway at Uhle street, warrant against Gray had not been business. A comparison of tax rate: that crashed against a low hillside tricts for low it was con- and clothing to be pooled for ship- Industries had little concern with Harold E. Stassen, Republican'as- Arlington. flying, served this morning. for 1947 and the proposed plan fo: in the northern wasteland tended. ment and whether to buy community matters. Tuesday, pirant for the presidency, who O. Clem, of 400 North ready- Pickets were out again today. 1948 in the professional bracke 23 of the 29 Harry 47, boxes. killing aboard. served as Admiral sec- The Co-ordinating Committee will packed New Designs Cited. Halsey’s flag Lincoln street, Arlington,!was ad- ^ fllW ■ a shows that a man who paid $5( continue its studies. Somewhere in Some The survivors were placed in am- retary with the rank of captain, will mitted to Arlington for purchase packages from on $3,000 gross receipts in 1947 woul< “Now industries are taking an ac- Hospital the jociai worKers Assail bulances and whisked to Walter the bronze work of art to Metropolitan Area, the commis- CARE, the Co-operative for Ameri- on same amoun tive part in affairs. New present treatment of face lacerations, and only pay $33.90 the community sion there mu£t be a site can Reed behind a Metropolitan Police the academy on behalf of Mr. and two women believes, Remittance to Europe and some of under the nev plant installations are being designed young were given emer- gross receipts escort. were First suitable for an airport. from other to include both motorcycle They Mrs. Benjamin Gossett of Charles- gency treatment but released. They organizations engaged Baltimore Welfare plan. A man who paid $250 or facilities for treating School Addition Report Lt. J. M. Bickley, 26. of Santa ton, N. C. were Mrs. Studied. in similar work. §30,000 in 1947 wastes that pollute the streams and Shirley Kent, 23, of 730 By th« Associated Press would, however, paj whose condition was Turning to other matters, the those that pollute the air. Monica, Calif., Rear Admiral James L. Holloway, North Oakland street, and Miss Mrs. Beatrice Schalet, director of $339 in 1948. termed critical at Bolling Field; commission authorized its staff to the BALTIMORE, Dec. 13. — Social “This commission has had much jr„ Naval Academy superintendent, Wyllo Hill, 21, of 5420 North Ninth1 CARE office in Washington, re-1 lauiis omiimr, work with all other af- workers to the Corpl. John H. Shaner, 18, Harris- will receive the road, both 6f agencies ceived the so that belonging Progres- to do with this new industrial atti- bust executed by Arlington. plan favorably similar for re Gene L. fected on plans for the proposed sive Citizens of America here Comparisons are tude.” burg. Pa., ’serious: Corpl. Wheeler Williams of New York. Police said all were passengers in she said she would ask the or-; addition to the jranded as a tail merchants. A merchant wh< Harter, 20, of Fort Wayne. Ind., and an Armstrong High New York "reactionary business Again, on the local level, the com- Mr. Gossett attended the Naval automobile driven by Lawton E. ganization’s headquarters; last on School. point of view” a recent of paid $27.50 year $2,000 woulc Sergt, Joseph P. Stefanowicz, 20, of and later the Ma- of 1007 North to describe it in newspaper releases report mission has established close rela- Academy joined Inabenet, 32, Liberty pay only $10 in 1948, while oni Warren. Ohio, both good. NCPPC also asked readjustment the he Maryland Commission on Gov- tions with the National Capital Park rine Corps. He is president and street, Arlington. The Inabenet car throughout country. who $201.90 on $100,000 woulc »f plans for the Payne School con- ernmental Efficiency and Economy, paid and Planning Commission. This leus story ox neseue. treasurer of the Gossett mills of was struck, they said, by one driven Mrs. Graham said the idea has under struction at Fifteenth and C streets which criticized Baltimore City's pay $320 the proposed plan should stimulate more Anderson. S C by James T. Johnson, 29, of 1721 In the Falls Church area progressive Lt. Bear told of the rescue to news- 5.E. The idea taken hold public welfare The breaks down all busi- | North is to provide one policies. plan action in the Metropolitan Area. 1 reel men and he Guests. Edison street,. Arlington. and that she has explained it to; reporters, although Distinguished large playground on the property The report had stated that prac- ness licenses into 11 categories The commission will name mem- had been without for 48 hours. interested groups in nearby com- J sleep A of visitors, Instead ones ;ices Each has a rate $101 A. T .. TT-. /*«__lA-i._1_ group distinguished of two small by shifting followed by the city welfare category per munities. “We went out in a helicopter from many of whom served with Admiral the building site. department encouraged "idleness” gross receipts. It was emphasizec fore its spring meeting near Harris- Goose Bay. where the plane was Halsey during the war, will attend Maher to Office A resolution was adopted authoriz- ind "dependence upon the gov- that the rates had been workec burg, Pa. This group, to be com- Open based," he said. “After about eight the ceremony on the steps of the ing transfer of the Suitland-Balti- ernment.” out in each category so that < posed of representatives of the Agri- miles, we saw a small lake nearly museum. nore parkway to the jurisdiction of While the PCA members charac- man earning $5,000 gross profits ii culture Department and State 12 Water and Sewer half a mile from the wreck and the in view ;erized the commission's statement any type of business would pa; will Admiral Holloway will deliver the For groups, seek to prevent pollution Murphy Hearing * • * landed near its surface. 3f its as an to is an "attack social work approximately the same license tax soil erosion. bust to the custody of Capt. H. A. importance approach upon by Special Assistant Corporation The 11 and ta> “Then I started crossing the BaWbridge, curator of the museum. Washington. ind social workers in general," more categories suggested Erosion Is Factor. Counsel Daniel B. Maher today or Contracts Awarded rate dense brush. It took more than an The planners also acted to expe- 'avorable comment was forthcoming per $100 gross receipts follows Among those to attend the cere- Monday will set up a temporary of- It was pointed out by E. A, hour before I saw the wreckage. dite completion of original plans for The Washington Suburban Sani- rom various city officials. Retail merchants. 32 cents; whole- mony will be Admiral and Mrs. fice in the Municipal Center Build- Schmidt, chief engineer of the There were a of Canadian the ornamentation of the Arlington Commission today announced Elmer Bernhardt, chief of the city sale merchants, 23 cents; profes- couple Halsey, Mr. and Mrs. Gossett, Vice for use until the Trial Board tary that ing Memorial the cut- declared that Washington Aqueduct System, woodsmen there.” Admiral Robert B. Ad- Bridge, including the award of contracts for 12 water payroll bureau, report sional, $1.13; contractors, 43 cents Carney, hearing of Fire Chief Clement Mur- * • • •oil erosion upstream places an ad- ting of the roadway direct through main and sewer construction will serve to "clarify a services. 32 persona He said he found the six men, miral Halsey’s chief of stall, and ends. proj- muddy repair cents; ditional burden on the District's phy the Columbia Island traffic circle. ects in and Prince picture.” services, 32 business services two unable to move from injuries Mrs. Carney; Brig. Gen. William E. Montgomery cents; W'ater purification facilities. Mr Mr. Maher said the temporary A study of traffic at the circle is one for Thomas D Alesandro ear- 32 65 cents and shock and the others with Riley, deputy chief of staff, and Georges Counties, including Mayor cents; amusements, Schmidt said it now costs about transfer is being made to facilitate being made. ier the of our manufacturers and n< $17 minor hurts but “awfully hazy.” He Mrs. H. Moul- veterans’ homes in Wheaton Hills, expressed “gratitude processors. to treat Riley; Capt. Douglass his of the case, 1,000,000 gallons of Wash- kit prosecution Murphy at a cost of $855,153. sntire community” in a letter to rate fixed; miscellaneous, no rati unhooked the medicine strapped ton, operations officer; Comdr. Wil- which ington water. If soil erosion were will be tried in the building Charles H. Buck, commission chalr- fixed, and regulatory taxes, no rati across his chest and administered liam J. Kitchell, flag lieutenant; This contract and one in Lewis- controlled, he said, this cost could be at Fourth street and Indiana ave- pian. fixed. plasma, transfusions and morphine Comdr. Carnes Weeks, medical offi- Officials Unit dale, near Hyattsville, for $33,699, reduced to some degree. nue N.W. He will continue to main- Virginia Francis A. Davis, chairman of to Lt. Bickley and Corpl. Shaner. cer, and Mrs. Weeks; Lt. Comdr. were awarded the Intercounty Con- Revenue Boost Expected. The need of financial aid to th« tain his office with the other mem- ;he Both had broken City Welfare Advisory Board, Based on an estimate of $53,420, legs. Corpl. Wheeler Williams, U. S. N. R.. and bers of counsel's struction Co. of Hyattsville. commission from the Federal Gov- the corporation said last his was Shaner's left arm was broken. Mrs. Rear Admiral night group study- 684 in business volume for 1948, thi Williams; Felix staff in the District Elects W. F. Binford Other awards were announced as ernment was Building. brought out again yes- ng the report with a view to im- new tax schedule would thi It was noon and it was Johnson, director of public rela- bring terday by Harold A. District Thursday, He added that he wants to follows: the Welfare Kemp, tions, and Mrs. Johnson; Mr. and ques-, W. Francis Binford, trial justice proving Department. city an estimated revenue of $262. wet and getting colder. The sky tion certain witnesses in the sanitary7 engineer, who said the Murphy from Prince George County, Va., Orchardale water and sewer, Leo 745 next as witl was overcast and unfriendly. There Mrs. Lee Spruance (the former year compared $10,888 requested by the commisslor case in privacy that his present was elected first Butler Co.. $19,549; Hampshire realized from license taxe was intermittent snow. He made a Margaret Halsey', Mr. and Mrs. yesterday president Home xuie Plan is $137,671 would be the "best investment the office does not provide. Chief Mur- of the Inter-Association Council of Knolls water and sewer, Ahl Bros. MiDjeci in 1946. This license ta: warm fire, life from William F. Halsey III. year’s Government ever made.” using preservers faces other mem- phy charges by Virginia Public Officials at an or- Co., $20,604: Beltsville water main revenues have not been compiled, i Mr. said the wrecked plane for fuel because Naval Academy List. bers of the that he Kemp the support of the department ganizational meeting at Arlington in Baltimore avenue, Ahl Bros.. To Dirksen was explained, but it is expected ti the wood from trees was wet. There contributed but demorali- Change, Says commission, w'hich is stimulating Those from the Naval Academy "nothing County Courthouse. $5,329; Rock Creek Hills, water and be much higher than 1946. was no American personnel to help. to attend zation” to the Fire The Auchincloss plan for home action in pollution control by com- include Capt. Jesse R. Department. Named serve as sewer, Nickles Bros., $8,639; Avon- Another effect of tin to vice president rule for is to important munities. would be an investment Pretty soon radio equipment was Wallace, chief of staff, and Mrs. The corporation counsel's office Washington subject of the new group was Arlington dale Grove water and sewer, Henry newr tax plan, it was explained from a and a has amassed 700 of affidavits -nodification from time to time and repaid to the Government many dropped plane ground Wallace; Capt. Frank T. Ward, com- pages Clerk H. Bruce Green, whose J. Bowie, $4,703; Ridgewood Village would be the abolition of the "obso County was stimulate times. rescue party came toward dusk after mandant of and Mrs. and reports since the Commission- designed to public de- midshipmen, recommendations in August 1946 at project, Henry J. Bowie, $3,165. lete fee sysem which, like other fea the underbrush. Comdr. L. ers ordered an of late among citizens here. Chairman Before it adjourned yesterday the fighting Ward; Byron Gurnette, investigation Capt. a of the tures of the tax has con meeting Virginia Court Also Sumner subdivision project, Dirksen of the House District Com- system, commission to and Mrs. Joseph B. Conroy’s charges against pledged support the They cut a slender trail through flag lieutenant, Gurnette; Clerks’ Association led to formation & tinued in effect long after its use his L. S. Construction Co., $8,832; nittee said last night. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries the brush. Improvised stretchers Comdr. C. Russell Burke and Lt. superior. fulness ceased.” of the public officials’ association. Deanwood Park sewer in Main The lawmaker addressed the Commission in a sur- Marine B. Kelleher. Mr. Maher will take this material hydrographic were constructed from ladders and L. & S. Co, Mr. Dotson explained the problen to his new office E. Glenn Jordan, commissioner of street, Construction Dharles Carroll Forum at the May- vey of the Chesapeake Bay and ite mattresses hauled from the wreck- Following the ceremony, the guests of tax enforcement "will become o revenue of Richmond, was elected $3,610; Modoc lane and Alden way flower Hotel at which Justice Ed- tributaries. age. Three of the hurt men w-ere will attend a luncheon at Admiral critical under the ne\ Mare aoara secretary-treasurer and S. S. Kel- water main. Forest Heights, Henry ward M. Curran of District Court importance" started toward the helicopter and Holloway’s quarters and later hear ro uiscuss lam, treasurer of Princess Anne J. Bowie, $931; painting of Bradbury iresided. Mr. Dirksen plan. civilization. The snow was still com- a performance of Handel’s “Messiah” Although District Sludge County and S. J. Thompson, com- Heights elevated tank and Alta Vis- dealt mainly with the international ■ ■ ^ Allied Civic Group Meeting ing down and now it wa,s dark. Res- by the Naval Academy choir and Disposal Dec. 13 monwealth’s attorney of CamDbell ta and North Woodside standpipes, situation, he to answer a cuers were getting lost because they the Goucher College chorus in the RICHMOND, Va„ f/P).— digressed The District of County, were named members of Eastern Maintenance Co., $4,230. on the Auchincloss institution permits couldn't see the trail. So the other Academy Chapel. Columbia’s practice questioner plan Set in Silver the Executive Committee. Monday Spring three had to wait until the next of dumping its sewage sludge on it the close of his address. day. After of its constitu- The Allied Civic Group of Silvet federally-owned lands on Pohick approval His committee evolved the plan, “We used parachutes as tents." Lt. tion and by-laws the council ad- Spring will meet at 8 p.m. Monday Hamilton to Head creek in Virginia will be discussed he said, in the hope that out of the Deadline Extended Bear continued. "A plane dropped Attorney journed to meet at Richmond Wheaton to Dedicate —a week earlier than usual—be- at a meeting of the State Water again discussions will come "a meas- sleeping bags, and we had the fire. larger The Montgomery County com cause of the Christmas sea- Control Board here L. on January 7. holiday We all out in the Wednesday, ure of the fabric of freedom for the missioners have extended fror got morning.” Cancer Associations on the son, vicvur J. nitmei, jjjesiuem. Arlington Drive L. Hedgepeth, executive secretary represented of the District.” He He told of how three or people described to 15 the deadlin four of council are the clerks, treasurers, Yule Candle Monday January announced. William G. an attor- of the board said. Tonight the as “fluid.” those in the ill-fated plane lived for Hamilton, sheriffs and commis- plan being to obtain permits ior nursery school the to Mr. the city sergeants, Wheaton’s can- Discussing proposed agends a ney, has been head of According Hedgepeth, 32-foqt Christmas An economic boycott against Rus- i: while after the crash and how the appointed sioners of revenue, trial and and other private institutions for the meeting Mr. Richter saic the 1948 cancer fund drive in Ar- sludge is taken from a District justices dle at Georgia avenue and Old sia to halt of rest of those killed died instantly. commonwealth shipments petroleum, the county, it was learned today. that because of continued com- A. executive sewage plant and transported into attorneys. Bladensburg road will be dedicated The ship had crashed in the moun- lington, John Collier, steel, scrap iron and other potential J. Ernest Hawkins, clerk of th of bus ir for The It is the aim of the council to at 8 oclock plaints passengers living tains, and a tree had sheared the director of the Arlington Chapter, Virginia disposal. practice, tonight. war materials is foreseen by Mr. was or serve as a clearing house for legis- board, said the.extension the area regarding inadequate shel- American Cancer an- he added, has drawn protests from those in the Dirksen. He indorsed the fuselage right through the middle. Society, lation and iron out conflict Among participating principle dered to enable the commissioner at the anc other the creek. any of ter facilities Georgia The men were nounced today. points along ceremony will be Commis- of the Marshall Plan. "catapulted right out,” purpose before reaches the Gen- County j to correct a flaw in the ordlnanci Alaska avenue terminal, the group Mr. Hamilton lives at 3037 North ^it sioners Brooke Johns and Oliver W.1 Lt. Bear declared. eral Assembly. The deadline was set aboijt tw will again endeavor to have bettei Quincy street, He is a 30 Get Licenses E. Brooke vice! Supervises Removal. Arlington. Embalming Youngblood, Lee, months ago when it was learne protection provided. graduate of the of Ar- Dec. 13 chairman of the University ANNAPOLISs (yP).—Thirty- Maryland-National friendship largo Loaded there were approximately 29 school A made some months Before talking to newsmen, he kansas Yule Service Set request age and George Washington new State embalming licenses have Hyattsville Capital Park and Planning Commis- l and institutions in the whic that be received helped supervise tne unloading of facilities improved University, and has been active in been granted by the State Board of A candlelight Christmas service by sion: Donald K. Staley, president of coujlty T the men. were operating without pelmits. a the Transit Co. injured The first one taken civic students of all faiths will be the Silver At Norfolk for reply by Capital Arlington affairs for several Funeral Directors under a new law held at Spring Board of Trade, Europeans one of the 29 not re out was Lt. Shaner date, only hljs he said. The company was asked Bickley. Corpl. years. for certain with- the First Methodist and of the tho Associated Pross providing permits Hyattsville representatives Kensing- Sy ceived a he said. > was then removed, followed by permit, to provide greater protection by ex- Corpl. As a part of the national cam- out prior examination. The list in- Church at 8 p.ni. tom'’- ton and Bethesda Chambers of Harter and Stefanowicz. NORFOLK Va., Dec. 13.—The This institution, according to M: tending the open shed at the ter- Sergt. paign for funds next Mr. Ernest A. Archie L. School Glee Commerce. April, cludes Adams, Hyattsville High Club, American steamer Hoosier State Hawkins, is the Hite Nursery Schoo minal. Only Sergt. Stefanowicz seemed Hamilton said he to and Francis J, Collins of under the direction of Mrs. Anita expects perfect Haycock Carols will be sung by choirs from sailed yesterday from Norfolk with on the Rockville pike between Rock The proposed increase in bus able to talk as flash bulbs popped a will will county-wide organization that Washington, D. C. Hargraves, sing. the Woodside Methodist Church and the first consignment of “friend- iville and Bethesda. Mr. Hawktn rates also will be considered. :and movie cameras ground away in reach into home. A of every part St. Luke’s Lutheran Church. The ship cargo" loaded here. Isaid he believed that the reaso Ralph D. Boyd, chairman of the the flood-lighted area. the funds will be used for the can- Rev. Joseph T. Kennedy, pastor of She will load more of the same for the delay is the fact that Mri Civic Planning Committee of Mont- “This is like cer detection clinic established last | just Hollywood,” he St. John’s Catholic Church, will de- cargo at Baltimore and New York ; Maude C. Hite, owner, has not ye gomery County, will discuss the said. February at 1800 North Road Churth Consecrates Edison Ager liver the invocation. and then sail for Naples, Genoa complied with recommendations fc purpose and work of his committee street. Later he told some one near him, At the cloie of the program Santa and Trieste, Italy; Piraeus, Greece, improvement of the school’s flr which recently was appointed by the "I'm hungry.” Claus will give candy to the chil- and Istanbul and Izmir, Turkey. prevention facilities. County Commissioners to study fu- New Educational UnitTomorrow As he drank coffee given him by Bullis and S Sergt. William J. Bu- dren and coffee and doughnuts will In addition to the relief cargo, The school figured in the new ture needs of the county. clerk Members oi Ager Road Metno- ia«. me congregation worsnipea the Red Cross, Lt. Bear said he jack, flight and the only mem- be served. Thomas G. Oyster, presi- there also was placed aboard the about JtbPee months ago when ber dist Church will hold a consecra- in a small white building at Riggs would leave for Westover of the crew to survive. dent, will act as master of cere- at Norfolk 32 airplanes, which was discovered that Mrs. today new ship Hitp«J»a tion service of the church's and Ager roads from October 1, monies. Field, Mass., where he is stationed. n.f « a A a will be unloaded at Piraeus. failed to obtain county^.df'stat educational unit at Ager road and 1942 until the present sanctuary was Tree That was where the crashed uuu/ci m Laoraaor L,rasn They were being shipped by the permits. 'Adopted' plane Roanoke street. Green Meadows, opened in September, 1944. was eoine when it went down State and are ol The Department part Being Out ATC Md., at 3 p.m. tomorrow. present pastor, Mr. Wallace, is To Lt. Bear has been in the service Brought by the aid the United States extend- Supply Holly WESTOVER Dr. Fred C. Reynolds, Washington is the first full-time minister to Parkers Visits Planned since A member of the famed FIELD, Mass., Dec. All-Day ing the Greek government. Exchange July. 13 east district superintendent, Meth- serve the congregation. The pastors- ^ Air t^P).—With the rescue of six sur- To Rail Workers Rescue Service, he received will deliver the ser- were Revs. vivors of the crash of a odist Church, in-charge the Edgar Force Price Rise the Associated Frets at big United and Cadet By parachute training Fort Ben- mon. The will of First By Midshipmen States military plane in Labrador pastoral prayer be Beckett, pastor Methodist Rockville to Hold ning, Ga., and additional experi- 1 Laymen iy th« Associated Press JACKSONVILLE, Md., Dec. 13.- wasteland* completed, the Air said by Dr. Horace Cromer, p:-rrr Church of Hyattsville at the time At Lot ence in Montana. He now will go Great Plaza Dec. 13. — Nav A century-old holly tree. 75 feet tall Transport Command today contin- of McKendree Methodist Church of the Ager Road Church started as a ANNAPOLIS, to Florida for jungle training, to I Too much business has White Gift Yule Service and cadets will se that Baltomore & Ohio Railroac ued the task of out bodies Washington, and the thanksgiving Sunday school; Chester Craig, all-day middies Army El bringing < Paso, Tex., for desert experience, Richard forced the Great Placa parking lot how the other fellow works an passengers and trackmen adoptee of 23 other Army men killed in the prayer by the Rev. Charles I. Wal- D. Ames and Charles C. A white gift Christmas service [ and to the Rocky Mountains for near visit 17 years ago is going to provide ] > disaster. lace. pastor of Ager Road Church. Richardson. The congregation now behind tlTe District Building, will be held by the Rockville Lay- lives in a series of exchange winter training. He was a to decorations for thi ;! physician Four Paul J. 8nyder, chairman of the has 140 members. Fourteenth and E streets N.W., Association at 8 tomor- planned for the academies nex holly sprig lapel before he of the six survivors, none of approximately men’s p.m. this entered service. church’s of will raise from 50 to 60 cents for company’s employes year. whom appeared to be injured crit- board trustees, Native of Baltimore. prices row in the Presbyterian Church year. The said from th< The plane which brought the in- make the consecration declaration all-day parking, effective This will be the third year flrs company sprigs ically, were flown to Washington Mr. Wallace, a native of Balti- Tuesday,! in Rockville. to jured men here was First on behalf F. Warren Brokaw, who operates It, of and Wes tree will be boxed and shipped al [ piloted by yesterday. of the congregation. more, came to Ager Road Church Those attending the service are classmen Annapolis .: Lt. William C. Livingston of said The and Point have a week-end wit its terminals for hostesses, conduc Sally, The other two —Lt. Col. Harry $23,000 Building. this summer. A graduate of West- today. night prices asked to bring contributions of spent tors other to wea ■ S. C. It is based at Goose the a month rate for Fed- their numbers. The ex and personnel Bay. Bullis of Portland, Mich., and The $23,000 two-story building has ern Maryland College and Westmin- special $5 canned or dried foods which will be opposite eral workers remain undisturbed. are to acquain December 21-27. The officers who flew the rescue T Sergt. William J. Bujak of Phila- an assembly hall, five class rooms, ister Theological Seminary, he served distributed to needy families in the changes designed The tree acre sur The lot takes care of cars. future officers with each other' and the of land helicopter were First Lt. Dale R. delphia—remained in a Goose Bay. pastor’s study, three primary class at Morgan and Buckey town charges 1,150 community. Hugh G. Price, dean rounding it were bought by the E Paules of Taft, Calif., and First Lt Labrador, hospital. rooms, kindergarten room and nurs- in Maryland before coming to his Mr. Brokaw, who with Dominic of Montgomery County Junior military upbringing. &. a : select of second class O. in 1930 and barbed wir Thomas R. Tipton of Terra Haute The ATC's Atlantic division head- ery. present post. Antonelll, Jr., leases the lot from the College will be the guest speaker. A A group fence ) men also will this yeai set up around the tree to kee] Ind. Another such ship partici- quarters had only meager reports of Ager Road Church was first started Mr. and Mrs. Wallace live at 6213 Federal Government, said it is now special program of Christmas music participate from t it a permanent part of the scener pated in the operations later, the rescue operations. The men as a Sunday school in a home on Sligo parkway. Green Meadows filling up early with all-day parkers. has been arranged with Mrs. Anne Six week-ends, February set aside for con along the railroad tracks. It 1 i The two survivors left at Fort were carried out by helicopter in 18 Peabody street. Green Meadows, on They have two children, Charles I If the 60-cent rates does not change Wilson, of Western Maryland Col- May, have been to visi located 40 miles north of Baltlmor ! Paperell because they are stationed degree temperatures and with snow July 26, 1942. It was organized Wallace, jr„ 4, and Rebecca Nobis this, Mr. Brokaw said, the firm will lege as the guest soloist, supported tingents of one academy on the Washington-New York, line near there «vere Lt. Col. Harry J falling. with 25 members on September 13, Wallace, 20 months. Iflhit the lot to all-day pickers. by the Association choir. the other.