Site for Airport Area Sought
5 Hurt in Crash Site for Airport Horse Racing Brings Maryland Alexandria Tax $5,095,324 Revenue in Year Pofoifllt >y tti* Associated Press Bowie Havre de Group on paid $1,054,656; Pr6m odeheof Labrador Crash Of Two Autos In Less Settled ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 13.—Controllei Grace, $1,059,503; Bel Air. $153,535; On Businesses. James J. Lacy announced yesterdaj Cumberland. $103,847; Hagerstown, State revenues from horse racing $99,571: Marlboro, $124,002. and Ti- 1947 totaled $5,095,324. monium, $125,815. Incidental fees Sees GoalN. of during Sixteenth Street Area Because of the new law taxing brought in $9,173. to the To Be Sought racing, there were no comparable According law, Baltimore Revised figures available, but Mr. Lacy said City and the counties will receive Woman's Head $2,396,094 of Planners Eliminate receipts during the fall meets were the total, the Fair Council to Get Plan Pollution Control Board, and the above expectations. $245,978, general Goes Lake fund, $2,453,251. A Through Kingman Isle, Under the law, Baltimore and the $72,280 refund Basing Levies on for 1946 overpayment at Pimlico Steps Under counties receive 50 per cent of the Way Windshield 2 Other Possibilities was paid by the State. revenues at mile tracks—divided on Gross Receipts Under the new legislation, the To Clean River A 23-year-old woman was In a population basis—and the State': By Nelson M. major tracks now pay a $1,000 daily A new Alexandria business ta: "fair” condition today after a head- Shepard general fund gets the rest.
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