5 Hurt in Crash Site for Airport Horse Racing Brings Maryland Alexandria Tax $5,095,324 Revenue in Year Pofoifllt >y tti* Associated Press Bowie Havre de Group on paid $1,054,656; Pr6m odeheof Labrador Crash Of Two Autos In Less Settled ANNAPOLIS, Dec. 13.—Controllei Grace, $1,059,503; Bel Air. $153,535; On Businesses. James J. Lacy announced yesterdaj Cumberland. $103,847; Hagerstown, State revenues from horse racing $99,571: Marlboro, $124,002. and Ti- 1947 totaled $5,095,324. monium, $125,815. Incidental fees Sees GoalN. of during Sixteenth Street Area Because of the new law taxing brought in $9,173. to the To Be Sought racing, there were no comparable According law, Baltimore Revised figures available, but Mr. Lacy said City and the counties will receive Woman's Head $2,396,094 of Planners Eliminate receipts during the fall meets were the total, the Fair Council to Get Plan Pollution Control Board, and the above expectations. $245,978, general Goes Lake fund, $2,453,251. A Through Kingman Isle, Under the law, Baltimore and the $72,280 refund Basing Levies on for 1946 overpayment at Pimlico Steps Under counties receive 50 per cent of the Way Windshield 2 Other Possibilities was paid by the State. revenues at mile tracks—divided on Gross Receipts Under the new legislation, the To Clean River A 23-year-old woman was In a population basis—and the State': By Nelson M. major tracks now pay a $1,000 daily A new Alexandria business ta: "fair” condition today after a head- Shepard general fund gets the rest. One- The National license fee and 4 per cent on total program based on gross wil For Swimming on automobile collision that Capital Park and fourth of the half-mile track receipt: receipts injured betting. The smaller (half-mile) come before the Council for four others banning Commission served notice go to Baltimore and the counties City ac early this morning in tracks a tion it still wants an pay $50-a-iday license fee this month. By James Birchfield the 4600 block of Sixteenth street oday airport for another fourth to the State Fail to the county treasurer in the This was disclosed For the first time since its forma- N.W. mall, privately owned planes, close Board and the rest to the general yesterday b: to be useful but far county in which the race is held, Col. Everett A. Hellmuth, chairmai tion in 1939, the Interstate Com- Mrs. Rita 23. of 9409 Gar- enough enougji fund. Carlyle. from 1 per cent on the first $500,000 bet. of the Council’s Finance Committee mission on the Potomac River Basin iway any “thickly settled de- wood street, Silver Spring, Md„ suf- The breakage at the tracks—the 2 cent on the of the or per next $500,000 and ! after details of the program wer is within of its clean a veloped part" District its sight goal—a fered fractured leg, throat cuts odd pennies between 1 and 10 cents 4 cent on over iuburbs to avoid a per wagers $1,000,000. j outlined by an expert of the Uni river. and a head injury. Her head went becoming public not computed in off bets— nuisance. paying During the last fiscal year the ; versity of Virginia Bureau of Publi This is the concensus of com- through the windshield of the auto goes half to the State Fair Board State Thus the field of selec- received $4,540,882 from horse ; Administration which is conductin: mission members, and representa- driven her Samuel narrowing and half to the tracks. by husband, ;ion racing. This figure represents part a tax survey of the The recom tives of industries and the planners again rejected Pimlico bettors city. municipali- Carlyle, 49, police said. made the most of the total Controller mended business 3arrier Island, in Kingman Lake, as Lacy report- tax program out ties throughout the basin who at- John F. Noonan, jr„ 26, of 318 generous contribution to State rev- ed since the i suitable site, and tossed out of yesterday, 1947 spring lined yesterday grew out of the firs tended the annual winter meeting Cedar avenue, Takoma enues with a total of $1,234,012 meet fell | Park, Md., :onsideration two other discussed racing within that fiscal phase of the survey which deal of the commission yesterday and driver of the other car, to Laurel was second with $1,131,206 which according iites—the National Training School year, ended June 30. with business taxation only. Thursday at the Mayflower Hotel. police, was charged with driving on or Boys on Bladensburg road and Archie Dotson, research assistan Already steps are being taken the wrong side of the street. Jhillum an area of the bureau, explained the result that will bring the quality of the Station, south of Others in Noonan Car. Riggs road N.E., between the B. & O. New Plan of his group's survey to officers o river in the Washington area to a Aid-Europe Three Warrants Issued Mr. was Railroad and the District line. Alexandria business groups and th higher degree of purity—that will Carlyle treated at Emer- In the views press. Col. Hellmuth said the ordl allow in the river above gency Hospital and taken home. Mr. upholding of their swimming nance needed Noonan was released after treat- Co-ordinating Committee the plan- Calls for to put the new ta Key Bridge and boating and recre- Forming of In Connection With ners reaffirmed their plan into effect is to b ation in the sections of the river ment for leg bruises and one pas- opposition to expected in his Miss Jean Eber- ;he Civil Aeronautics Administra- completed and will be presented t just below Washington—while com- senger car. tion, the Board of Trade and the City Council with -a recom munities and industries in the basin man, 21, of 5149 MacArthur boule- some Teams to Send Goods Strike mendation for his com was a !0 groups affiliated with the Wash- Fairlington adoption by are more interested in vard, treated for bruises and becoming A mittee. foot and An- ngton Aviation Planning plan under which American Warrants have been pollution abatement programs. fractured released. Council, issued In nackers of Barrier Island. Former “sharing teams” will supply destitute v uoiunea. Local government representatives other passenger in the Noonan car, Arlington and Alexandria charging nanges Europeans with food and three men out time and that Dorothy Smith, 23. of 387 Thirty- Representative Jennings Randolph clothing with assault in connec- Major difference in the 'propose pointed again has been was ind a delegation made a futile, last- formulated by a Falls tion with the week-old finances are the main stumbling seventh place N.W., released strike of 170 program and the 1947 busing ta after treatment at stand fight on behalf of the aviation Church couple and was reported maintenance workers in blocks in the way of community John L. of one the six Garfield Hospital Fairlington. ordinance now in effect is that al Corpl. Shaner, 18, Harrisburg, Pa., of which to have to other areas. for forehead and knee cuts. :ouncil, Mr. Randolph heads. today spread Two defendants are nonstrikers and business taxes under the new action on pollution abatement. American soldiers who survived the crash of a military plai big Available. The with each “team" one is a striker, would be based Finances Studied. in Labrador A second accident was narrowly $77,000 plan places police reported. on gross receipt! transport wastelands, is shown last night being the In avoided police said when the steer- Meanwhile, $77,000 in Federal responsibility for paying for. Arlington a warrant was sworn The 1947 ordinance contains 72 fla These financial problems are now carried to a waiting ambulance after arriving at Bolling Field funds is and the out of one of the ambulances available toward an air- collecting shipping food and charging Sylvania Tucker of tax provisions, 42 business licens studied it was ing gear being and reported with his companions. Three other survivors arrived here with Alexandria with on a sent to the scene went out of order port any time—the planners’ Co- clothing. showing a pistol provisions semigraduated seals that action on the co-operative part Corpl. Shaner and were taken to Walter Reed Committee and of the are Mr. and two union and 20 volumes of business taxes Hospital. and the machine just missed an- ordinating approves Originators plan threatening workers, of several communities, or com- the District and Mrs. John 216 James F. All taxes in the woul other car as it started for a Commissioners match Graham, Little Hogan, 28, Sterling, Va„ new p^an munities and industries, be a hospital may the amount. Falls street, Falls Church. Mr. Gra- and Walsh Robinson, 39, Alexandria. be based on volume of business. solution. By Harry Lever with one of the crash victims. The E. A. ham is an Also in were transferred to the Schmitt, head engineer of architect formerly asso- Arlington, Theodore Payne, Mr. Dotson that th The fortitude of a young Air injured emphasized A. A. UUUUUCI £, Aliillgl/UIl Stassen Will Present the United States Office, ciated with the United States Hous- 28, Herndon, a was cer Engineers striker, new would with Force doctor patrol wagon for removal to the charged plan do away, that are parachute who strug- is chairman of the with manager, reported plans hospital. Co-ordinating ing Authority. assault upon William Jones, tain inequities in business taxatioi made to the gled through stabbing underbrush being enlarge county’s Committee that studied the airport started the employe of a trash and col- that grew out of the 1947 ordinancs and snow to treat six surviv- In another accident early today a They movement by garbage sewage treatment facilities.
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