December 2015 Issue 215 Federation of Independent School Associations in British Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia Columbia Contact Information Website: Email: Coming Soon: Convention 2016!
[email protected] FISA BC’s mission is to protect parents’ right to With over 5000 delegates in attendance, we Address: choose the kind of education given to their recommend that each participant select the 4885 St. John Paul II Way children, and to safeguard the autonomy of Session Speakers and Ed Talks from the web- independent schools. FISA BC was formed in site at that Vancouver, BC 1966 after extensive discussion among the di- are of most interest and to be sure to arrive at V5Z 0G3 verse independent schools in BC. Eleven years the selected rooms well in advance of the be- of subsequent political action resulted in 30% ginning of the relevant sessions. Due to the Telephone: funding for operations in 1977. The Sullivan large number of delegates at the Convention 604-684-6023 Commission in 1989 increased government we are unable to offer preregistration for funding from 30% of operating costs to 50% for these sessions, so seating will be awarded on a Executive Director: Group 1 schools and 35% for Group 2 schools. first come, first served basis. Peter Froese In the intervening years, FISA BC has protected independent schools from erosion of govern- We would like to take this opportunity to ex- Executive Assistant: ment funding, procured full funding for special press appreciation to the individuals and com- Magda Hogewoning needs students, initiated Distance Learning, panies that have chosen to support Conven- and strengthened statutory property tax ex- tion 2016 financially and/or contribute door emption for independent schools.