The Grand College of The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom

Most Illustrious Knight Priest Christopher Gavin Maiden Grand High Priest

Most Eminent Knight Priest Ian Paterson Duff Deputy Grand High Priest Grand High Prelate

Right Illustrious Knight Priests Michael Arthur Hadfield OBE, JP Dr Donald John Woodgate Assistant Grand High Priests YEAR BOOK 2015 – 2016

62nd Year of Publication

Grand High Priest M Ill Kt Pt C G Maiden GCPO, GC, KGC (Hon Causa) GCA

Deputy Grand High Priest Assistant Grand High Priests Grand High Prelate R Ill Kt Pt M A Hadfield, OBE, JP, GCPO M Em Kt Pt I P Duff GCPO, GC, GCA R Ill Kt Pt Dr D J Woodgate, GCPO

Grand Recorder Grand Director of Ceremonies R Em Kt Pt J S Priestley, KCPO R Em Kt Pt G R Goddard, KCPO GC, KGC (Hon Causa) GCA Napier-Clavering Court 6, Forest Business Park Fulford, York, Grand Treasurer YO19 4RH V Ill Kt Pt P M Darley BEM, Phone 01904 622102 KHW, PGVII P Fax 01904 611883

Grand Representative Grand Representative The Grand College of Great Britain The Grand College of America M Em Kt Pt William Howard Koon II R Em Kt Pt John Stephen Priestley GC, KGC (GCA) Past Grand Preceptor KCPO of the Grand College of America Grand Recorder Holder of the Grand High Priest’s Award GC, KGC (Hon Causa) GCA

Website: e-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected]

CONTENTS Page Proceedings of Annual Assembly of Grand College………………………….……. 3 Obituaries...... 15 Grand High Priest Award Holders & Grand Superintendents at Annual Assembly. 18 Active Grand Officers 2014-2015 at Annual Assembly…………...... 19 Report of the General Council……………………………………...... 20 Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2014…………………..………………. 22 Order of Holy Wisdom…………………………………………………………………… 23 Appointments to Grand College Acting Rank 2015-2016……………………………. 25 Promotions and Appointments…………………………………………………………. 27 Calendar of Events………………………………………………...... 35 Roll of Grand High Priests, Deputy Grand High Priests, Assistant Grand High Priests and Grand Recorders………………………………... 37 Graces/Toast List………………………………………………...... 38 Authorised Suppliers of KTP Regalia…………………………...... 39 Financial – Items for Sale and Fees & Dues………….………… ………………… 40 Summary of Annual Returns……………………………..…………………………… 42 Pillar Fund Contributions………………………………………………………………. 48 Grand High Priest’s Awards………………………………..…………………………. 50 Grand College Officers…………………………………………………………………. 54 District Organisation……………………………………………………………………. 97 List of Tabernacles and Recorders…………………………………………………… 117 Introduction to the Pillar Fund………………………………………..……………….. 145

The Yearbook of Grand College is published annually in September. Copies are available through Tabernacles or direct from Grand College at a cost of £2.00 + p&p

© 2015 The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom The right of the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owner.


The Past Grand High Priest accompanied by the Grand Superintendents and Holders of the Grand High Priest’s Award, entered Grand College in procession. The delegation from the Grand College of America entered in procession. The Grand High Priest, M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Gavin Maiden entered Grand College escorted by the Officers of the Year. The Grand High Priest assumed the throne.


The opening hymn was sung, after which the Grand High Priest opened the Annual Assembly of Grand College in ample form and was saluted.

The Deputy Grand High Priest made reference to Knight Priests who died in the past year and called upon the Grand Recorder to read the details of those whom we had lost. The Grand Recorder reported 107 deaths had been recorded at York, since our last Annual Assembly and their names would be reported in the next yearbook including the following senior members of the Order - Philip Michael Ward Knowles, Holder of GHP Award, Past Grand Director of Ceremonies, Leslie Raymond Harborne, Holder of GHP Award, Past Grand Supt of Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire District No 16, Maurice Ernest Oversby, Holder of GHP Award, Past Grand Supt of North &East Yorkshire, District No 1, Terence Edward Smith, Holder of GHP Award, Past Grand Supt of Australia – New South Wales and Australian Capital Territories, District No 11, Theodore Edwin Crisp, Past Grand Supt of the Western Australia District No 18, Charles Stewart, Holder of the Certificate of Merit and Johannes Vos, Holder of the Certificate of Merit.

V Ill Kt Pt Eric George Thompson, KHW, PGVII P offered up prayers for our departed members.

The Grand High Priest called upon the Grand Recorder to call the muster roll. The Grand Recorder reported that 11 Holders of the GHP Awd, of whom two were from Overseas, including the Grand Inspector for Brazil; one Knight Commander, 34 Grand Superintendents including nine from Overseas; 11 Holders of the Certificate of Merit; and all of the active Officers of the year were present other than the Deputy Grand Treasurer and one Grand Steward from whom apologies had been received..

The Grand High Priest introduced the Heads of Orders and distinguished guests who were present as follows – R Ill Kt Pt Michael Herbert, Grand Master KBHC; R Em Kt Pt Eddie Goodwin, Great Prior of Malta; V Ill Kt Pt Paulo Roberto Pithan Flores, Grand Master Grand Lodge of Rio Grande du Sol; V Ill Kt Pt Tadeu Pedro Drago Grand Master, Grand Orient of Rio Grande du Sol; V Ill Kt Pt Osvaldo Roberto Sobrinho, Grand Master Grand Orient of Mato Grosso; V Ill Kt Pt Rui Silvio Stragliotto, Past Grand Master Grand Lodge of Rio Grande du Sol; V Ill Kt Pt Andrew Sweeney, Grand Summus Order of the Scarlet Cord, V Ill Kt Pt Michael Guest, Past Grand Supreme Ruler, Order of the Secrer Monitor; V Ill Kt Pt Jan Hansen, Grand Master Great Priory of the Netherlands; V Ill Kt Pt Christian Pajolec, Grand Master

Great Priory of France; V Ill Kt Pt Nigel Willows, Grand Master Mason The Operatives, V Ill Kt Pt Stephen Ayres, Grand Master Pilgrims Preceptors; V Ill Kt Pt Melvyn Cross, Grand Master Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon and V Ill Kt Pt Paul Johnston, Grand Master Masonic Order of Athelstan.


The minutes of the Annual Assembly of Grand College in Hinckley on Saturday, 14th June 2014 having been printed and circulated in the 2014-15 Year Book were adopted on the proposal of V Ill Kt Pt Michael Guest GVII P and seconded by V Ill Kt Pt Andrew Sweeney GVI P.


The Grand High Priest called upon V Ill Kt Pt David Stephen Pratt, KHW, PGVII P, President of the General Council to present the report.

The President of the General Council stated that the printed report had been made available to all Knight Priests at this Assembly and proposed that they be adopted. He reported that the changes to the 2014 Regulations were approved by the General Council on the 28th April, 2015 and a copy sent out by either e-mail or hard copy to all GHP Award Holders, Grand Superintendents and Past Grand Superintendents, Active Officers of the year, District Recorders and Tabernacle Recorders on 25th May, 2015 and he proposed their adoption by Annual Assembly. R Em Kt Pt Stephen Priestley seconded the proposition which was duly adopted.


The Grand High Priest called upon the Grand Treasurer to present the Accounts for the period ending 31st December 2014. Grand Treasurer presented Accounts stating that there was a surplus of £14000 for the year. His report and that of the auditor were enclosed in the agenda booklet for the meeting. The Grand High Priest called for the adoption of the Accounts and the proposition made by V Ill Kt Pt David Pratt, President of the General Council and seconded by R Em Kt Pt Stephen Priestley, Grand Recorder was carried.


The Deputy Grand High Priest addressed Annual Assembly. “M Ill Grand High Priest, Knight Priests all. Last year I had the pleasure of proposing the re-election of our Grand High Priest and extolled his virtues as a man of VISION. In the past year, that vision has become a REALITY with many of his plans for our Order coming to fruition. Later, in his address to us, he will, no doubt, catalogue how busy Grand College has been and thank his various committees, DC team and Administrative team for their help and support last year. But we congratulate HIM, as the head of our Order, for the way in which he has led us, with dignity and humility. I quote from the Old Testament, the Book of Micah, ch 6 v 8. ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act JUSTLY and to love MERCY and to walk HUMBLY with your God’. Our Grand High Priest has proved us of his ability to lead in such a manner and we all support his programmes to keep our

Priestly Orders to the forefront of Christian Freemasonry. Therefore, it gives me the greatest of pleasure to propose that M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Gavin Maiden be elected as Grand High Priest for the forthcoming year.” The proposition, which was seconded by R Ill Kt Pt Michael Herbert, was passed with acclamation.

The Grand Conductor then proclaimed M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Gavin Maiden as Grand High Priest by his several styles and titles.




The Grand High Priest requested that M Ill Kt Pt James William Turner, Past Grand High Priest, be presented to him. The Grand High Priest then awarded M Ill Kt Pt Turner the honour of Grand Cross of the Priestly Orders.


The Grand High Priest stated “Knight Priests, over the past 12 months my Deputy Grand High Priest has represented me on many occasions, he has performed his role as Presiding and Installing officer, he has visited many Tabernacles and his friendliness and approachability have engendered respect and acceptance of him as the Deputy of our beautiful Orders. I therefore have no hesitation but to re-appoint M Em Kt Pt Ian Paterson Duff as the Deputy Grand High Priest and Grand High Prelate.”

The Grand Conductor then proclaimed M Em Kt Pt Ian Paterson Duff as Deputy Grand High Priest by his several styles and titles.




The Grand High Priest awarded R Ill Kt Pts Michael Arthur Hadfield, OBE, JP and Dr Donald John Woodgate as Holders of the Grand Cross of the Priestly Orders and re-appointed them as Assistant Grand High Priests.

he Grand Conductor then proclaimed R Ill Kt Pts Michael Arthur Hadfield and Dr Donald John Woodgate Assistant Grand High Priests by their several styles and titles.




The Grand High Priest called upon the Deputy Grand Recorder to read the patents of appointment for those distinguished Knight Priests appointed to the high Award of Knight Commander of the Priestly Orders. The Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies escorted R Em Kt Pt J Stephen Priestley, R Em Kt Pt Glyn R Goddard and V Ill Kt Pt David S Pratt who received their patents from the Grand High Priest.


The Grand High Priest stated that V Ill Kt Pt Paul Martyn Darley BEM, KHW, PGVII P, had indicated his willingness to continue to serve as Grand Treasurer and called for any other nominations. There being none, he called for a proposition from R Em Kt Pt David Pratt, President of the General Council which was seconded by R Em Kt Pt Stephen Priestley, Grand Recorder and was duly carried.


The Grand High Priest stated that Em Kt Pt David Oates the current Sixth Pillar of the Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Tabernacle No 117 had indicated a willingness to act as the Account’s Examiner. Em Kt Pt David Pratt, President of the General Council proposed and R Em Kt Pt Stephen Priestley, Grand Recorder, seconded a proposition that Kt Pt David Oates be elected as Accounts Examiner which was duly carried. The Grand High Preist expressed his thanks to Em Kt Pt Richard Davis who had carried out the duties of Accounts examiner for the past two years.


The Grand Recorder reported that his printed report has been made available to all Kt Pts at this Assembly in the Agenda booklet and had nothing further to add to it. It is here reprinted.

“In January this year, the Grand High Priest and I attended the Annual Ingathering of the Grand College of America and it is with great pleasure that we welcome to Hinckley, M Em David Lee Hargett, the Grand Preceptor, M Em David Dixon Goodwin, the Past Grand Preceptor of the Grand College of America and R Em Lawrence Eugene Tucker the Grand Registrar.

During the year we have consecrated one Tabernacle in the UK, one in Canada, two in the Spanish Islands, six in Brazil and one in Paraguay. We have installed fourteen Grand Superintendents and our first Grand Inspector, having split two Districts in the UK and made Brazil into five. On this occasion, the Grand High Priest has carried out all the ceremonies except South Australia, where Walter Burston fulfilled those duties on his behalf. Seven Tabernacles celebrated either their Diamond or Silver Jubilee and we again congratulate them on their milestones.

As for the future, our dear friend Walter Burston has decided to retire as Grand Superintendent in Victoria and Geoff Herbert will also be retiring in Tasmania. We will soon be consecrating another Tabernacle in Greece and another in England. Tentative enquiries are still ongoing in France. Although two candidates from Finland

were admitted at the Seven Pillars Tabernacle No. 225, we are cautious at the moment as to whether this will lead to developments in that country.

The Pillar Fund has now been going for three years and as you will see from the financial statement that it has now grown to over £100k. Whilst this is a tremendous effort, support is very patchy. One District has now reached “Sky Blue” status, but in other districts we have received no donations.

The Order of Holy Wisdom has been well received and the ceremony is being worked up and down England, Scotland and Wales and around the world. The requests for rituals have meant we have almost sold out of the first print. Following some feedback from the demonstrations and live ceremonies, some adjustments have been made to the ritual, mainly in the rubric. It has been decided that gratis copies of the “Revised 2015” version will be sent to those who have purchased a copy of the first edition.

As a further move to reduce costs, one of the Executive Committee meetings has been held on the same day as General Council and it is proposed to continue with this.

The Website has now been updated and selective news stories are appearing on it. We are also making use of Facebook, with most news items from the website also appearing on our Facebook page. We have only had one inappropriate and irrelevant posting made and my Deputy removed it within hours of it appearing.

After the abrupt closure of Road, last year, we selected Hinckley Island Hotel as our new venue. Whilst there were some shortcomings due to the management not fully realising our needs and our need to adapt to a public area as opposed to an exclusive venue, we have met with the management, and hopefully this year’s experience will be even better.

As has become traditional, the Grand High Priest’s team has been here since Thursday meeting visitors from overseas and early arrivals. Our overseas Tabernacles are as full of enthusiasm for our beautiful Order as we UK based members are and this is borne out by the numbers who attend Annual Assembly and we thank all visitors from near and far for their attendance.”


The Grand High Priest stated that as our Orders grow year on year we become more and more reliant on our Grand Inspector and Grand Superintendents to administer the Tabernacles within their Districts and he thanked them all for discharging their duties in an exemplary manner. He re-appointed the Grand Inspector for Brazil and all Grand Superintendents to serve for a further year. He further empowered them to confer the awards of Pillar of Holy Wisdom on Knight Priests, Companion of Holy Wisdom on Illustrious and Very Illustrious Knight Priests and, subject to approval from the Grand High Priest, Knight of Holy Wisdom on deserving Knight Priests who have previously attained the rank of Past Grand VII P.


The Grand High Priest asked the Grand Recorder to announce the names and ranks of those appointed to, or promoted in, Grand College. All Knight Priests who were present at Annual Assembly were presented to the Grand High Priest. Full listings appear from page 23.

On completion of the appointments and promotions, R Em Kt Pt Michael Roalfe, GS East Midlands and R Em Kt Pt Gordon Leaman, GS Sussex were invested by the Grand High Priest their District Pillar Fund collarettes (East Midlands - Sky Blue, Sussex - Green).


The Grand High Priest reminded Annual Assembly that the General Council comprises the Executive Committee as ex officio members together with the Grand Seventh Pillar, the Grand Sixth Pillar and FOUR Grand Superintendents nominated by the Grand High Priest and FIVE elected members: The Grand High Priest’s nominees were stated as R Em Kt Pt Michael H Roalfe, G Supt East Midlands Dist No 31, R Em Kt Pt James J Field, G Supt Essex Dist No 14, R Em Kt Pt Barry S Searle, G Supt Hertfordshire Dist No 37 and R Em Kt Pt Anthony G Lynch, G Supt Cheshire & North Wales Dist No 26. The Grand High Priest called upon the Grand Recorder to announce the five nominations for the remaining vacancies. The Grand Recorder announced that he has received five nominations for the remaining vacancies: R Em Kt Pt David H W Scott, G Supt Yorkshire North & East Ridings Dist No 1; R Em Kt Pt Ian T D Smith, G Supt Surrey Dist No 15; R Em Kt Pt Godfrey Bedford, G Supt Yorkshire West Riding Dist No 24; R Em Kt Pt F John Singer, KCPO and Past G Supt North Midlands Dist No 38 and R Em Kt Pt Michael Graham, Holder of the Certificate of Merit, PGVII P and Past Grand Treasurer. As only five members of the Priestly Orders had been nominated those five members previously named were duly elected onto the General Council. The Grand High Priest thanked R Em Kt Pt Peter Astfalck, G. Supt. West Midlands Dist No. 3 who retired from the General Council.


Knight Priests, my first duty is to thank you all for re-electing me as your Grand High Priest. I have enjoyed tremendously my first two years as leader of this beautiful Christian Order. I am blessed with the wise counsel of my Executive committee and General Council members as well as the encouragement and support of all my senior Officers throughout the world.

What a joy it is for me to have the pleasure today of the company of so many of our Knight Priests. Especially of those Knight Priests that have travelled from the four quarters of the globe and from our sister Grand College in the USA. I shall call for them to be acknowledged later.

This is now the third time that I have had the pleasure of appointing, re-appointing and promoting Knight Priests within our Order, I congratulate you all, in the certain knowledge that you will intensify your efforts to exemplify the truly Christian Ideals of

the Order. I look forward to meeting many of you, within your own Tabernacles, throughout the coming years.

Knight Priests, this time last year I re-introduced the beautiful Order of Holy Wisdom, to be worked throughout the world. My Grand Superintendents as the High Prelates, and it would appear all my Knight Priests throughout the world, have embraced the ritual and teachings and, I know, have enjoyed performing the Order of Holy Wisdom ceremonies. I congratulate all those that have taken part and I wish you all well in the future.

It is a pleasure for me to see that the Past Grand High Priest Jim Turner is with us today and it gave me great pleasure to award him as GCPO. I also congratulate my two assistants, Michael and Donald on that award and the three recipients of the KCPO. When the appropriate regalia is in our possession I shall consider further recipients. Unfortunately, Knight Priests our Past Grand High Priest Peter Donnison is not in the best of health and I am sure your thoughts and prayers are with him.

I have again renewed the patents for all my Grand Superintendents, I know that they will continue to encourage their brethren and maintain the happy and harmonious relationships we all know and love throughout the Order.

I would like to thank the member of the General Council who is retiring - Peter Astfalck and welcome the new member - Michael Graham, Past Grand Treasurer. I especially congratulate and thank R Em Kt Pt David Pratt KCPO for continuing to give service to our order as President of my General Council.

My special thanks go to all those Active officers who retire today, in what has been another busy year as the Order continues to expand.

Over the past 12 months we have undertaken the pleasing duty of consecrating eleven new Tabernacles,

30 September 2014 - John Charles Board No. 261 - Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. 12 December 2014 - Ars Magna No. 264 – Mallorca Balearic Islands. 13 December 2014 – Sant Antoni Abat No. 263 - Menorca Balearic Islands. 7 April 2015 - Ita Karai No. 265 - Asuncion, Paraguay. 9 April 2015 – Minas Gerais No. 266 – Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 10 April 2015 – São Gonçalo No. 267 – Cuiabá, Brazil. 11 April 2015 – Villas – Boas No. 268 - Brasília, Brazil. 15 April 2015 – Bethelém No. 269 – Belém, Brazil. 16 April 2015 – Manaós No. 270 - Amazonas, Brazil. 18 April 2015 – Caxias No. 271 - Caxias do Sul, Brazil. 16 May 2015 – Midland Bay No. 262 – Midland, Ontario, Canada.

We have also installed fourteen Grand Superintendents.

23 June 2014 - Douglas Dennis Black – Middlesex, Dist No 42. 5 July 2015 – William Murray – Scotland – North, Dist No 41. 5 August 2015 – Graeme Hutchinson – Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Dist No 25. 30 September 2015 – Martin Frank Hemsley Levick – Lincolnshire, Dist. No 52.

11 February 2015 – Brian Edward Wisbey – Hampshire & Isle of Wight, Dist No 6. 11 February 2015 - Brian Ernest Parkes – Dorset and Wiltshire, Dist No 53. 11 March 2015 – Iain Norwood Fraser – South Australia, Dist No 22. 9 April 2015 – João Barile Neto – Brazil Dist No 47. 9 April 2015 – Francisco do Egipto Lacerda – Brazil Dist No 57. 11 April 2015 – João Guilherme Cruz Ribeiro – Brazil Dist No 54. 11 April 2015 – Annuar José Elias Junior – Brazil Dist No 55. 11 April 2015 – Elidinei Celso Micheletto – Brazil Dist. No 56. 23 April 2015 – Gordon Leaman – Sussex, Dist No 40. 8 June 2015 – John Malcolm Berry Phillips – North Midlands, Dist No 38. and a Grand Inspector of Brazil on the 11 April 2015, Jorge Barnsley Pessoa Filho. My thanks to R Ill Kt Pt Walter Burston for carrying out the installation in South Australia.

We are looking forward to consecrating two new Tabernacles, another one in Athens, Greece, on 18 July numbered 272 and on 21 July in Chipping Sodbury the Christopher Gavin Maiden Tabernacle No 275.

I pray that our plans to re-introduce our French brethren back to this order is successful and I look forward to that with great anticipation.

I sincerely hope the reasons for the amendments to our regulations passed today are understood and appreciated by all our Knight Priests. We do not recommend changes lightly but after a great deal of thought and consultation and then only if they are for the general good of the Orders. Therefore I commend the major change to our regulations, to remove the requirement to be a Master of a Craft Lodge, to you all. The implications for this in the ritual will be sent out immediately after this Annual Assembly, but it primarily means that as from midnight tonight any candidate for Admission into this Order of KTP must be a subscribing Master Mason for at least three years and approved, in writing, by the District Grand Superintendent or the Administration at Grand College.

Your Rulers were also busy this year with visiting many private Tabernacles on special occasions, these will be itemized in the year book. Long may this tradition of Rulers visiting private Tabernacles continue.

Knight Priests, we are a worldwide organisation and we have representation from at least 15 countries here today; what I would like to do now is to welcome our Knight Priests from abroad, by country, and would ask them to stand when their country is named, which I will do alphabetically, and be acknowledged. Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Paraguay, South Africa, Spain, Togo and last but not least, United States of America. Now Knight Priests, you may give them a rousing welcome.

The Pillar Fund continues to flourish and I have to inform you that the £100,000 mark has been reached, but we must not be complacent as we still have a long way to go but I am confident, that with your continued support, we shall reap the rewards of our labours, in the fullness of time, with a permanent home for the administration of our Priestly Orders.

Knight Priests, you will be pleased to note that my speech is drawing to a close but it is customary to say a few ‘Thank you’s’. I would therefore like to thank all the staff here at Hinckley, for allowing us the privilege of meeting here and being such willing helpers in our endeavors. This venue, I believe is serving us very well and it appears to be quite suitable for us all to meet here again next year.

I would like to thank the Grand Recorder R Em Kt Pt Stephen Priestley KCPO, his Deputy R Em Kt Pt Eric Brown, Linda and Marie for their continued hard work and dedication to the well running of the day to day administration of our Order.

The Grand DC, R Em Kt Pt Glyn Goddard KCPO, continues to work tirelessly for the Ceremonial part of the Order, I thank him and his team for the exemplary way they perform their duties.

I would like particularly to thank V Ill Kt Pt Paul Darley for his magnificent endeavours as our Grand Treasurer, I know he works many hours above and beyond his duty to administer our finances, it is only a small part of this responsibilities to keep our accounts, and his continued administration of all our financial affairs is exemplary. He is of course assisted by V Ill Kt Pt Bill Summ, the Deputy Grand Treasurer, whose main responsibility is to administer the Pillar Fund for the Order. Bill has travelled extensively throughout the country to perform this role for us; I thank you both.

Last but not least, I would like to thank all those that carryout administrative duties for Districts and private Tabernacles.

After the Grand Point I will close this Annual Assembly; please take these words with you. “Grant that we may never be ashamed to own Thy name before the men of this world”. Thank you for your forbearance in listening to me.

May God bless you all.


The Grand Recorder reported apologies and expressions of loyalty. He specifically mentioned: Holders GHP Awd, Grand Superintendents and Past Grand Superintendents not present. He confirmed the dining would be at 2.00pm.


M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Gavin Maiden, Grand High Priest, conducted the Grand Point, those taking part being first Appointments to Active Office and to Grand College Rank.


The Grand High Priest closed the Annual Assembly in ample form, following which the closing hymn and the National Anthem were sung. The Grand High Priest retired, accompanied by the active officers of Grand College, the Grand Superintendents, and the Holders of the Grand High Priest’s Award and Distinguished Guests.


Maurice Agbetra Lux in Tenebris 233 Frederick Charles Anderson St & St Peter 109 Peter David Bailey Nottinghamshire 32 Orrin Kenrick Barrow Jamaica 167 Frank Barton Isle of Wight 206 John Beedham Kente 118 Anton van der Beek Unicorn 107 Peter Bentley Nottinghamshire 32 Donald Blackburn Royal York 2 Stanley John Blewett Kernow 176 Eric Francis Botell Torbay 147 Colin Gyph Bowen Ellan Vannin 126 James Braithwaite Jamaica 167 Edward Charles Branch St Thomas a Becket 55 John Hamilton Bray Cliffe Castle 201 Alan Stanley Brown Bendigo 207 Ian Ross Bryce Arthur Alan Burn Kingsway 17 Frederick John Carrington Tendring 180 G Peter Cates Royal Victoria 76 Brian William Clark Trent 165 Neville Clark St Ninian 171 Robert Cleaver Victoria 52 Hugh Coates Marlborough 150 Thomas Frederick Collins Holy Grail 246 John Carter Copp Tendring 180 William Henry Coton Bromsgrove 42 Lawrence Samuel Coventry Adelaide 58 Terence Cowdell White Rose 24 Theodore Edwin Crisp Fremantle 89 George MacCrae Crosbie Robert de Sable 129 David Cummins Lindisfarne 81 John Leslie Daniel Ballaarat 92 Dion Louis de Beer Omega 65 Leonard Dobson St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 Jack Dove Temple Cressing 221 Ticiano Duarte Nordeste 257 William Frederick Eccles Fremantle 89 Robert William Ellis Venerable 155 Hugh Everett Ferster Fraser 163 Geoffrey William Finney Wallingford Castle 84 George Newton Fletcher Royal Kent TI Elwood Foss St John the Almoner 102 Dennis Henry Fox King Richard I 158 Francis Fox St David’s 59 James Gerrard St Mark’s 34 George William Giller Clare 74 Francis Harold Grant Bromsgrove 42

Alan Bevan Griffiths Jacques de Molay 123 William Hamley Isle of Wight 206 Leslie Raymond Harborne Buckinghamshire 72 James Alexander Hardie Bon Accord 199 Keith William Harding Severn 39 Douglas Peter Harris St Clement 70 Charles B Hasler Himalaya 45 James Fisher Hawthorn Am Furan 144 Anthony Bertram Thomas Hills King Richard I 158 John Owen Hoath St Cedd & St Peter 109 Trevor Keith Hogan Tasmania 168 Roger P Hollinghurst Southgate 216 Wilfred Ernest Horton Southgate 216 Barry Hougton Cliffe Castle 201 Bruce Jackson St David’s 59 Sydney Martin Crawshay Jones Derbyshire 50 William Meredith Kay Forth Valley 175 George William Kearns Fremantle 89 Brian Robert Kemp Gyldeforda 186 Philip Michael Ward Knowles St Paulinus 35 Joseph Harold Lacey Wirral 60 Kevin Larbey Holywell 71 Charles Francis Lepper Terra Sancta 131 Maurice Lilley Crux Roisia 192 Kim Mah Kuala Lumpur 211 Thomas McDonald Forth Valley 175 Alexander McAdam McDowall Warwickshire 44 George McKay Am Furan 144 Roderick James McLennan Bendigo 207 Robert Meanwell Sir Thomas Tresham 137 Duncan John Moore Kirkland 234 Richard Moyle St Peter & St Paul 47 Hugh Dudley Landon Morgans Valley 149 Dennis L Noble Sympathy 218 William Garson Norquay The Holy Rood 135 Werner Olm Pilgrim 120 Maurice Ernest Oversby St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 Edward Charles Payne Holy Trinity 212 Noel Kenneth Payne Star Absalom 139 Wynford Luther Phillips Derbyshire 50 Kenneth William Potts Vale Royal 189 Clive Quinnell King Edgar 31 Lionel William Rann King David 88 Thomas Reaney Rose of Lancaster 145 Hugh Robert Lawrence Reeves Southern Cross 75 David Reynolds Wudcestre 140 David George Ross Queensland 20 John Russell Southern Cross 75 Hermann Friedrich Schmidt Auckland 12 Bernd Schwarze KTP Singapore 210

David William Milton Shepherd Haven of Peace 178 Ernest Roy Skidmore Rosae Crucis 23 Owen Frederick Thomas Smart Pilgrim 120 Alan Smith Finchale 3 Colin Smith The Prior’s Haven 134 Harry Stewart Smith Kente 118 Keith Smith Melchisedec 14 Terence Edward Smith Hunter 162 James B Spence Am Furan 144 Anthony William Player Stephens Torbay 147 Charles Stewart Robert de Sable 129 Clive Thompson Premier 1 Randolf Colin Thompson Kente 118 Peter Thomas Thornton Australian 15 Antonio Trespardene Robert de Sable 129 David Bridges Turner Victoria 52 Norman Boyce Underhill Clare 74 Johannes Vos Unicorn 107 Syndey James Ward St Winnold 95 David Leonard Warren Parsifal 224 Phillip Burdett Waterfall Himalaya 45 Thomas Vallance Webb Fairest Cape 115 Anthony William Wilkinson Tendring 180 Robert Michael Williams Melenydd 157 Derek Wintersgill St 174 John Wood Corra Linn 198 Brian Wren Donald Edwin Tovey 240

GRAND HIGH PRIEST AWARD HOLDERS AT ANNUAL ASSEMBLY OF GRAND COLLEGE 2015 R Ill Kt Pt B F Page P G Supt R Ill Kt Pt A M Jones P G Supt R Ill Kt Pt M Daws P G Supt R Ill Kt Pt M E Herbert P G Supt R Ill Kt Pt S J McDonald P G Supt R Ill Kt Pt D Draker P G Supt


J B Pessoa Filho Grand Inspector, Brazil

R Em Kt Pt’s District G J Davies 2 Lancashire and Cumbria P C Astfalck 3 West Midlands E B Goodwin 4 London P Butler 5 Kent B E Wisbey 6 Hampshire and Isle of Wight C Birkbeck 7 East Anglia D B Whitfield 10 South Africa - Transvaal D P Dezentje 12 Australia - Queensland J J Field 14 Essex I T D Smith 15 Surrey P W Hughes 16 Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire C Williams 19 Somerset and Bristol A L McLelland 20 Canada – Central I N Fraser 22 South Australia T W D Railson 23 Northumberland and Durham G Bedford 24 Yorkshire - West Riding G Hutchinson 25 Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire M H Roalfe 31 East Midlands D K W Paterson 32 Gloucestershire and Herefordshire D J Elsley 34 Wales B S Searle 37 Hertfordshire J M B Phillilps 38 North Midlands G Leaman 40 Sussex D D Black 42 Middlesex M H Thomas 45 Far East J G Mendoza 48 Bolivia W Barton 49 Devonshire and Cornwall S P Preston 50 Catalonia and Canarias M F H Levick 52 Lincolnshire B E Parkes 53 Dorset and Wiltshire A J Elias 55 Centro Norde E C Micheletto 56 Sul Leste


Grand VII Pillar Michael William Guest Mercia 10 Grand VI Pillar Andrew Sweeney St Alphege 128 Grand Treasurer Paul Martyn Darley, BEM St Paulinus 35 Grand Recorder John Stephen Priestley Royal York 2 Grand Director Glyn Raymond Goddard Himalaya 45 of Ceremonies Deputy Eric Douglas Brown The Seven Pillars 225 Grand Recorder Deputy Grand William John Thomas Pratt Haven of Peace 178 Director of Ceremonies Assistant Paul Mycock Mercia 10 Grand Recorder Assistant Grand Ronald Thomson Claverhouse 143 Director of Brian Edward Wisbey Isle of Wight 206 Ceremonies Robert Ward Riches St Winnold 95 Raymond Stewart Ellis Rocheberie 80 Grand Conductor Derek Roy Blumson Galilee 48 Grand V Pillar John Liddle The Prior’s Haven 134 Grand IV Pillar Richard Randle St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 Grand III Pillar Robert Henry Moore King Ina 4 Grand II Pillar Michael Arthur Robinson Jacques de Molay 123 Grand Standard Robert William Chevin Buckinghamshire 72 Bearer Alastair MacKenzie Chertsey 195 Leslie Preston Kirkland 234 Walter Scott Sneddon Forth Valley 175 Grand Banner Bearer Paul Stephen Hollebone St Nicolas 25 Grand Organist John Warburton St Paulinus 35 Deputy Grand David Edward Henry Adams Clare 74 Organist Matthew Redgwell Burt St Peter and St Paul 47 Frederick David Handford Warwickshire 44 James Francis Haughton Rocheberie 80 Grand Keeper of the Inner Porch David Crawshaw Staniforth The Seven Pillars 225 Grand Sentinel Edward John Belcher Mercia 10 Deputy Grand Thomas Thomson Premier 1 Sentinel



The General Council has completed its fifteenth year since inception and meets at least twice a year at York. The Council is comprised of the eleven members of the Executive Committee, together with the President of the Council, four Grand Superintendents nominated by the Grand High Priest, five members of the Order elected at Annual Assembly together with the Grand VII Pillar and Grand VI Pillar of the year and the representative of the Grand College of America, if not already a member by virtue of other Office. The President of the Council assumes the role of chairman of the Council. In his absence, the members of General Council present who are not members of the Executive Committee select one from among their number to act as chairman. The Deputy Grand Recorder acts as Secretary.

For the period under review the Council comprised

M Ill Kt Pt C G Maiden M Em Kt Pt I P Duff R Ill Kt Pt M A Hadfield R Ill Kt Pt D J Woodgate R Em Kt Pt P C Astfalck R Em Kt Pt M H Roalfe R Em Kt Pt J J Field R Em Kt Pt B S Searle R Em Kt Pt G Bedford R Em Kt Pt D H W Scott R Em Kt Pt I T D Smith R Em Kt Pt F J Singer R Em Kt Pt A G Lynch V Ill Kt Pt D S Pratt V Ill Kt Pt M W Guest V Ill Kt Pt A Sweeney V Ill Kt Pt P M Darley R Em Kt Pt J S Priestley R Em Kt Pt G R Goddard V Ill Kt Pt W H Summ V Ill Kt Pt E D Brown V Ill Kt Pt W J T Pratt V Ill Kt Pt P Mycock


During the past year, there have been fourteen Especial Assemblies for the Installation of one Grand Inspector, fourteen Grand Superintendents, the erection of six new Districts and the Consecration of eleven new Tabernacles. There were visits to five Tabernacles on their 25th Anniversaries and one celebrating their 50th Anniversary


The reintroduction of the Order of Holy Wisdom in 2014 was well received throughout the Order. However, there were some comparatively minor reservations regarding some of the terminology used in the ceremony. These observations were accepted and as a reprint of the ritual was already required, the opportunity was taken to make suitable amendments together with some clarifications in the rubric. It was agreed that copies of the revised version of the ritual will be available free of charge to those who have paid for the original.

In 2014 it was brought to our attention that under some Craft Grand Lodges, brethren may sit as Master for several years and that this would stifle Tabernacles in those countries admitting otherwise suitable candidates. After discussion by the Executive Committee and by General Council, the views of the membership of the Order on a proposal to remove the Installed Master qualification were sought through

Grand Superintendents. The overwhelming majority of feedback endorsed such a move and as a result General Council supports this proposal.

Whilst considering the foregoing change, other minor changes to the Regulations relating to clothing and regalia and the authorized signatories to a Warrant have also been made. The proposed revisions were forwarded to all GHP Award and Certificate of Merit Holders, Grand Superintendents and Tabernacle Recorders in mid–May.

As previously stated, eleven Tabernacles have been consecrated this year; one in England, one in Canada, two on the Spanish islands, six in Brazil and one in a new area to us, Paraguay.

V Ill Kt Pt D S Pratt KHW PGVII P, President of General Council

GRAND COLLEGE LTD BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 FIXED ASSETS 2014 2013 Equipment, furniture and alterations 1 1 Regalia 1 1 INCOME 2014 2013 2 2 Registration fees and Consecrations 10030 8167

Annual Dues 82680 87486 CURRENT ASSETS Fees of Honour 21203 14436 Stock 10300 10627 Bank Interest 1 1 Debtors 45805 56162 113914 110090 Bank Accounts – General Fund 40831 11024 Sales of supplies 15816 10449 Bank Account – Pillar Fund 83432 55815 Purchases, adjusted by stocks 6513 4807 180368 131604 surplus on sales 9303 5642


Creditors and accruals 8178 2024 EXPENDITURE 172190 131604 Salaries 38770 36700 172192 131606 Office accommodation costs 12008 12042

Office and computer expenses 18810 14188

Annual Assembly costs (net) 4371 6948 CAPITAL AND RESERVES Travel and subsistence 31595 16000

Yearbooks 2156 939 GENERAL FUND Presentations and regalia 885 3684 Balance brought forward 75791 53419 Professional fees 902 1602 Surplus for year 12970 88761 22372 75791 Bank charges 750 1257

Depreciation of equipment 0 0 PILLAR FUND 110247 93360 Balance brought forward 55815 31325 Excess of income over expenditure 12970 22372 Donations received in year 27611 24461

SIGNED V Ill Kt Pt Paul M Darley, KHW PGVII P interest earned in year 5 83431 29 55815


REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTS EXAMINER TO THE MEMBERS OF GRAND M Ill Grand High Priest, M Em Deputy Grand High Priest, R Ill Assistant Grand COLLEGE LTD High Priests and Knight Priests all. As Grand Treasurer, I hereby present the I have examined the financial statements of the Company and confirm that they are Income and Expenditure Account and the Balance sheet for the year ended 31 in agreement with the books and records produced to me. December 2014. The Accounts Examiner, Em Kt Pt Richard W Davis, being an

Accountant, has duly examined the accounts submitted to him and judged them to In my opinion, from this examination, the accounts give a true and fair view of the be a true and fair view of the Accounts at 31 December 2014. I therefore submit Company’s affairs as at 31 December 2014 the Accounts for the Approval of Annual Assembly.

SIGNED Em Kt Pt Richard W Davis, Charttered Accountant 25 May 2015 V Ill Kt Pt P M Darley KHW PGVII P, Grand Treasurer

Certificate of Merit

Eric Douglas Brown The Seven Pillars 225 Rudolph George Edward Green Jamaica 167 Robert Ward Riches St Winnold 95 Michael Veric Walsingham Maurice de Gaunt 245

Knight of Holy Wisdom James Russell Armstrong St George of Throckley 124 Donald Auld Lindisfarne 81 Richard Anthony Barton Haven of Peace 178 Desmond Arthur Brown Uxbridge 68 Frank Cook St Mary’s 78 Christopher Douglas Cradock Surrey 27 Melvyn Cross Rose of Lancaster 145 Alan Eadie Wilmington 36 Anthony Jack Espag Civic Erin 62 David George Fox The Seven Pillars 225 Paul Crossland Grafton White Rose 24 Graham Spencer Gubb Sant Crallo 164 Michael William Guest Mercia 10 Keith Leonard Hoggard Hull 6 David Victor Hopkin St Cecilia 77 Michael Albert Irons Robert de Turnham 127 David Henry Kirkham Rose of Lancaster 145 Anthony John Leaver Buckinghamshire 72 Anthony William Llewellyn Royal York 2 Peter David Lloyd St Cecilia 77 John David Glynn Marshall Holy Trinity 212 Alan David Moore Wilmington 36 Eidwin Frederick Mullan Ellan Vannin 126 Clive Pogue Finchale 3 Gerald Arthur Riley St Andrew’s 85 Peter Graham Robertson Wellington 148 Reginald Alec Heathcote Smith Boxley Abbey 136 Gerald Southwell Andover 69 Carl Percival Stemp Australian 15 Robert Samuel McBride Stewart St Ninian 171 Andrew Sweeney St Alphege 128 Aubrey Temple Essex 46 Keith John Tilling Wallingford Castle 84 Sidney Edward Ernest Tuck Hertfordshire 29 Keith Burnidge Waller Saxon 104 Colin Williams St Mary’s 78 David Ifor Williams Premier 1

Companion of Holy Wisdom Ronald James Bridger Terra Sancta 131 Roger Francis Brockington Wallingford Castle 84 Peter Brown Gyldeforda 186 Norman McKenzie Carnegie Corra Linn 198 Stanley Crawford San Jaime 251 Bernard Richard Anton Dokter Brisbane 67 Anthony Peter Hartland Andover 69 Leonard George Hayward Surrey 27

Michael David Jordan Powhatan 191 Murray Herbert Kirby St Mark’s 34 John MacKinnon Pilgrim 120 John Muir McAlpine Saltire 121 Duncan McQueen Oxfordshire 41 Thomas Gordon Mitchell The Holy Rood 135 Keith Benjamin Moseley San Jaime 251 Robert William O’Keefe Queensland 20 Donald Kenneth Perkins Terra Sancta 131 Graham David Seeman Wallingford Castle 84 Jan Diederick van Rossum Vellus Aureum 125 Bernard Denis Windsor Torbay 147

Pillar of Holy Wisdom Robert Alcorn Corra Linn 198 Robert Charles Hillier Thames 108 Ian McIndoe Saltire 121 Roy Alan Mitchell San Jaime 251 Norman Arthur Pile St Ninian 171


Grand VII Pillar Derek Roy Blumson Galilee 48 Grand VI Pillar Andreas Papigiannis Filalethia 254 Grand Treasurer Paul Martyn Darley St Paulinus 35 Grand Recorder John Stephen Priestley Royal York 2 Grand Director of Ceremonies Glyn Raymond Goddard Himalaya 45 Deputy Grand Treasurer William Henry Summ Trent 165 Deputy Grand Recorder Eric Douglas Brown The Seven Pillars 225 Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies William John Thomas Pratt Haven of Peace 178 Assistant Grand Recorder Paul Mycock Mercia 10 Ian Henry Maxey Sympathy 218 Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Ronald Thomson Claverhouse 143 Raymond Stewart Ellis Rocheberie 80 Peter John Johnson Phoenix 133 Jack Love Chertsey 195 Grand Conductor David Gareth Gait Golau Dydd 187 Grand V Pillar Ian Henry Maxey Sympathy 218 Grand IV Pillar David Arthur Jagger Tabernacle of the Holy Grail 246 Grand III Pillar Ian Clark Jacques de Molay 123 Grand II Pillar Kenneth Newbold Leicestershire and Rutland 122 Grand I Pillar Christopher Graham Smith St Bernard 248 Grand Standard Bearer Robert Michael Anderson St Mary Magdalene 90 James Albert Green Phoenix 133 Jeffrey Scott Ingram Venerable Bede 155 Sylvere Koyo Lux in Tenebris 233 Philip Clifford Pickard Staines 110 Grand Banner Bearer Harry John Randell Dewi Sant 188 Grand Organist John Warburton St Paulinus 35 Deputy Grand Organist Frederick David Handford Warwickshire 44 James Francis Haughton Rocheberie 80 Grand Keeper of the Inner Porch Ivan George Norris Rocheberie 80 Grand Sentinel Edward John Belcher Mercia 10

Deputy Grand Sentinel Thomas Thomson Premier 1

Grand Steward John Harry Donaldson Tenerife 249 Joseph Hunkworth-Kpelly Lux in Tenebris 233 Frederick Arthur Milgate Zadok 33 James Barrie Rouse St Chad 255


Past Grand VII Pillar George Goldie Alexander The Holy Rood 135 Reginald Arthur Allen Buckinghamshire 72 John George Amos Oxfordshire 41 James Randolph Bain Royal Victoria 76 John Robert Bryant Surrey 27 Michael Allen Bull Nottinghamshire 32 Edwin Burness Claverhouse 143 Graham Francis Carey Salem 100 Barry Ian Coulson Brinkburn 28 Malcolm Cuthbertson All Saints 101 John Alfred Dalley Temple Manor 54 Robert Stanley Darkins Dewi Sant 188 Dion Louis De Beer Omega 65 Howard Francis Doe Chingford 91 Paul Arthur Dolman Marlborough 150 David Frank Edge Tendring 180 Vernon Hay Elphick Hertfordshire 29 Kenneth Anthony Eustace Southgate 216 Robert Barrie Gearie Claverhouse 143 Kenneth Giles The Prior’s Haven 134 Anthony Frederick Golds St Winnold 95 Michel Gortchakoff Galilee 48 James Gray The Holy Rood 135 Edgar James Wilding Griffiths Melenydd 157 John Egbert Griffiths The Three Saints 196 William James Lewis Groom Sant Crallo 164 Geoffrey Hewitt Felix of Burgundy 132 Paul Alfred Heynes Bromsgrove 42 David Richard Hinde Vale Royal 189 Brian John Holland Nottinghamshire 32 David Edward Hollinshead Haven of Peace 178 Evan Glyn Hughes Southern Star 205 Kenneth Paul Jenkins Salem 100 Justin David Britain Martin St Peter & St Paul 47 Kenneth John Milbourne City of Hobart 197 James Geoffrey Tamihana 208 Eric Mitchell James William Turner 222 Terence David Morgan Essex 46 Paul Mycock Mercia 10 Michael John Newth St Nicolas 25 Bryan Russell Ogden Chester Cross 152 Peter Edward Minchin Parsons Mercia 10 William Henry Seldon Preston Torbay 147 David Gary Read Trent 165 George Rough Forth Valley 175 Kenneth James Donald Saunders Wallingford Castle 84 Brian Slim Severn 39 Frederick Arthur Smith St Paulinus 35 John Bingless Smith Cliffe Castle 201 Rodney Staines Terra Sancta 131 Michael Stanhope Trent 165 Graeme William Stapelfeldt New South Wales 16

Albert Edward Stark Brisbane 67 Gordon James Bridson Stephens Perth 79 W Mitcheson Surtees Brinkburn 28 Andrew Sweeney St Alphege 128 Keith Thomson Royal Kent TI Ronald Thornton Hull 6 Victor Barry Topliss St Peter 82 Frank Neville Ward Chester Cross 152 Wayne Buffet Warlow Salem 100 John Treherne Wightman King Richard I 158 Brian Benjamin Williams Wirral 60 Howard Wright Nottinghamshire 32 Arthur Christopher Youell James Edward Glover 179

Past Grand VI Pillar Richard Kenneth Alderson Powhattan 191 Dale Victor Allchin Australian 15 Jorge Arze Escobar Jerusalen 244 Leslie Thomas George Ayres Aaron 170 Vernon Charles Barnard St Mary Magdalene 90 William Frederick Bassett Robert de Turnham 127 Walter Beard St Peter 82 Malcolm Irving Bell St Ann’s 30 Sydney Linton Brailey King Edgar 31 Frederick Donald Buchanan Perth 79 David Gregor Paterson Buist Australian 15 Aloysius Gerardus Maria Captijn Vellus Aureum 125 Jean Cauvin St Genevieve 203 Arthur Roosevelt Chase Royal Victoria 76 Robert Chrystie St Clement 70 Neville Victor Church Hertfordshire 29 Michael George Couch Golau Dydd 187 Eric Michael Davidson St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 Terence Gordon Deakin Crux Roisia 192 Alan Dixon All Saints 101 Bernard Keith Downing Zadok 33 Michael Richard Eells Robert de Turnham 127 Garfield Ernest Ellis Brinkburn 28 William Henry Fletcher St Mary Magdalene 90 Raymond Grove Hull 6 Jan Hansen Unicorn 107 Malcolm Peter Harman Tendring 180 Michael George Harradine Cantuar 26 Alexander Davidson Hart Fraser 163 Michael John Haylock New Zealand 7 Raymond George Hoskins Emmaus 51 Stanley Hunter St George of Throckley 124 Raymond Stanley Henry Hussey Gyldeforda 186 Maxwell Jansen Fremantle 89 John Leslie Jarvis St Cecilia 77 Peter John Johnson Phoenix 133 Paul Johnston Venerable Bede 155 Adrian Thorogood Jones King Edgar 31 Donald Jowett St George of Throckley 124 David St John Keenan Valley 149

John William Thomas Kempton James William Turner 222 Nathaniel Killen Pax 214 Bruce Edwin Laurenson Marlborough 150 Brian Kevin Lawless Marlborough 150 Jeffrey Lawson Halsey 177 Roy William Leavers Premier 1 John Liddle The Prior’s Haven 134 Michael John Littlewood Royal York 2 John Alan Loat Cliffe Castle 201 Eric Longstaff Bernicia 183 David John Major St Raphael 40 Albert Charles Massingham King David 88 John William Lodder Meredith Wellington 148 Barry Edward Minster Australian 15 Eric James Mitchell Trent 165 Alan Cooper Ashley Morrell St Michael 94 John Leonard Morris Patmos 21 David Norman Cantuar 26 William Brian Norton Camino Real 229 Christian Pajolec St John 5 Arthur Graham Parry St David’s 59 Peter Payne Phoenix 133 Henry Robertson Pinkerton Wudcestre 140 Alfred John Prime Ezekiel 83 Brian Sykes Raby St Mary & St George 106 Edward George Robert Richardson Hertfordshire 29 Trevor John Robbins Perth 79 John Roberts Twickenham 172 Keith Neil Rushall-Smith St Peter & St Paul 47 George William Russell Southern Cross 75 Frederick Albert Shade Australian 15 Bruce Charles Shearer Southern Cross 75 David Graham Shipley St Cuthbert 174 Stanley Smith St Raphael 40 David Thorn Speedy Tamihana 208 Vernon Arthur Strudwick King David 88 Francis Swann The Prior’s Haven 134 Alan John Vaughan Maurice de Gaunt 245 Brian Anthony Vickers Premier 1 Nidrel James Walsh Kernow 176 Gavin Kenneth Wardrope Saltire 121 Earl David Warren York 93 Peter Gordon Watkin Melchisedec 14 Byron Thomas White St Augustine 86 Graham Paget Williams King Richard I 158 Donald Edwin Darke Woodward Marlborough 150

Past Grand V Pillar James Norman Alcock Ezekiel 83 Brian Lemual Bates Sympathy 218 William Birch Cliffe Castle 201 John Bone St Ninian 171 Raymond Arthur Briggs St Michael 94 Robert Graham Britten St Cecilia 77 John Mulholland Burgess Nottinghamshire 32

Malcolm James Burns Britannic 13 Brian Anthony Calcutt St Raphael 40 James Grierson Carmichael Forth Valley 175 Robert Charlton Lindisfarne 81 Anthony Richard Clark Kingsway 17 John Sidney Colvin Fairest Cape 115 Jeffrey Lionel Conway Langdon Hills 190 William Andrew Culshaw Jacques de Molay 123 Alan Dobson The Kingdom of Fife 220 Robert Eaves Wirral 60 Merrill Martin Elliot Rocheberie 80 Neil Evans Crux Roisia 192 Brian David Fenton Clare 74 Colin Charles Fielder Dewi Sant 188 David John Gamble Kosmos 38 Jeremiah Daniel Gangadeen St John’s Gate 119 William Haddon San Jaime 251 Donald Wane Hazlewood Wellington 148 Derek Michael Hedges Aaron 170 Colin Hollingsworth Twickenham 172 John Anthony Hopper Holywell 71 Raymond William Hudson Anjou 194 Robert John Humphrey Boxley Abbey 136 Michael Robert Jones Torbay 147 Kevin Thomas John Kent Perth 79 John Harold Ladd Surrey 27 Donald Hison Lambert Cape Peninsula 213 Michael Graham Langley The Saint Bernard 248 William Donald Laycock York 93 Donald Hugh Manson Am Furan 144 Ian McWhirter-Morrison Royal York 2 John William Michael Minshaw Robert de Sable 129 David Benjamin Morris Premier 1 Donald Murray Southern Alberta 103 Paul Anthony Norman Cardinal Wolsey 169 Timothy Russell Oxlade Buckinghamshire 72 Barry Richard Pewter St Cedd & St Peter 109 Brian Robert Purvis Tamihana 208 Richard Randle St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 James Reynolds The Holy Rood 135 Michael John Roberts St Augustine 86 Ian Christopher Satherley Sympathy 218 Keith Anthony Scott Jamaica 167 Alan Simpson Leicestershire & Rutland 122 Horace Kay Taylor Tamihana 208 Thomas William Thompson The Prior’s Haven 134 Colin Paul Tunbridge Temple Manor 54 Cornelis van Putten Horeb 138 Robert George Waddell Wudcestre 140 Patrick Joseph Walsh St Peter 82 David Neil Watkins Australian 15 Michael Timothy Watson Wellington 148 Philip Andrew Wightman King Richard I 158 Gordon Wilde Royal Victoria 76 Robert Ian Wilson Uxbridge 68

Walter John Yule Melchisedec 14

Past Grand IV Pillar Ian Douglas Gavin Alexander Premier 1 Hedley Michael Allen Southern Cross 75 Ronald Herbert Burns King David 88 Arnold John Burston Trent 165 Norman Cawthorn All Saints 101 Robert William Chevin Buckinghamshire 72 Brian Cleworth Wellington 148 William Norman Derek Douglas Corra Linn 198 Cecil Dreyer Civic Erin 62 Frederick Giles Kirtley Egner Royal Kent TI James Rodney Elton Fraser 163 Gerald Leslie Freeman Adelaide 58 Michael St John French Torbay 147 Raymond Gledhill Staffordshire 154 Graham Stewart Gorst Chester Cross 152 Angus Partick Douglas Hannagan Premier 1 David Paul Hardie York 93 Colin Havey Severn 39 Joseph Patrick Hatwell Wellington 148 James Francis Haughton Rocheberie 80 Paul Stephen Hollebone St Nicolas 25 David Hongisto Southern Alberta 103 Keith Horne Terra Sancta 131 Herbert Hough Oxfordshire 41 Byron Stanley Huson Wilmington 36 Anthony Philip Judd Oxfordshire 41 Jack Love Chertsey 195 Joseph Edward Lucas Pax 214 Alistair MacKenzie Chertsey 195 James Edward Martin St 146 Denis Ronald William May Saxon 104 Marcel-Pierre Monthorin St Genevieve 203 Robert Henry Moore King Ina 4 Cyril William Mudd Fremantle 89 James Murphy St Ninian 171 Trevor Narey St George of Throckley 124 Eric Parrish St Clement 70 Kenneth Pitchforth Cleveland 53 Kenneth Arthur Powell Tendring 180 Leslie Preston Kirkland 234 Royden Rees Southern Star 205 John Herbert Renshaw James Edward Glover 179 Michael Arthur Robinson Leicestershire and Rutland 122 Phillip Robinson Fraser 163 Alistair Ross Fraser 163 John Rowbottom Lincoln 49 Roy Sayles Manor of Hallam 113 Charles Smith Claverhouse 143 Walter Scott Sneddon Forth Valley 175 David Crawshaw Staniforth The Seven Pillars 225 Graham Eric Stead The Good Shepherd 223 Raymond Stephenson St Cuthbert 174

Jeffrey Taylor Jacques de Molay 123 Dennis Alexander Gill Walker Strathlene 215 Norman Alexander Warden Bon Accord 199 Glanville James Watkins Melenydd 157 Harry Mortimer Watson Finchale 3 Eric Wilfred Weigelt Southern Alberta 103 Edward Matthew Wiggill Natalia 64

Past Grand III Pillar Manuel Rull Ars Magna 264

Past Grand II Pillar Anthony Robert Austin St Peter 82 Lawrence Bell-Wright Staines 110 James Samuel Bradley The Holy Rood 135 Graham Roland Bradshaw St David’s 59 Martin Budds Premier 1 Carl Douglas Davies Sant Crallo 164 Simon Peter Gaskin Trent 165 Thomas Lincoln Hall New South Wales 16 Cecil Francis Hunt King Edgar 31 Paul Gabriel Keeley St Blaise 57 Ying Ko Patmos 21 Earle Crockett MacDonald St Andrew’s 85 Roderick Ian MacKenzie Pilgrim 120 John Matthews Chaffey 153 Roger Odd Boxley Abbey 136 Thomas Pfeifle Cumberland 181 Richard James Robert Shipp St Winnold 95 Gordon Frederick Smith Kente 118 Ole Thorson Camino Real 229 Neil Weller Fraser 163 David Edward Williams The Three Saints 196 Sidney James Wilson St Mary the Virgin 159

Past Grand I Pillar Victor Asbun Gamra Santisima Trinidad 243 Paul James Ashman Kosmos 38 Charles Jonathan Aspinell Hampshire 37 Anthony Lawrence Bargrove Priory 112 Arthur Charles Barker Twyford 217 Thomas Barr Am Furan 144 Melvyn Barrowcliffe Lincoln 49 Michael Richard Beck King David 88 Gordon Berard Southern Alberta 103 Ian Charles Blair Tasmania 168 John Douglas Boak Robert de Sable 129 David Bonnett The Revelation 193 Graham Frank Bradley Keystone 114 Kingsley George Branch Felix of Burgundy 132 Peter Burrows King Richard I 158 Philip Bustin James Edward Glover 179 Stephen Thomas Campbell Lindisfarne 81 Raul Carreon Moldiz Cyril H Rees 237 Edward George Casey Wirral 60

Enric Cat Carreras Camino Real 229 Thomas Cousin Forth Valley 175 Thomas Crompton St Ann’s 30 Alan Cuthil Saltire 121 Robert Arthur Denton Sir Thomas Tresham 137 Trevor James Ducker Langdon Hills 190 Jose Duenas Rivera San Martin de Porres 242 Jeremy Eggleton Auckland 12 Eric Gosnay Royal York 2 Nigel Keith Groves City of Hobart 197 Melvin John Hopper Cantuar 26 Irving James Horne Mercia 10 Colin Hutchison Zadok 33 James Edward Irvine Tamihana 208 William Jobes The Prior’s Haven 134 John Kilmartin St Paulinus 35 Leon Lindley New South Wales 16 Richard John Maloney Southern Alberta 103 Malcolm McCaw Halsey 177 Allan John Morgan Chaffey 153 Jonathan James Murdock Surrey 27 Stephen Murie Queensland 20 Stephen Peter Murphy James William Turner 222 Paulin Victor Phillips St Peter & St Paul 47 Eric Gordon Plaistow Powhattan 191 Martin Rankin All Saints 101 Peter Hugh Percy Roberts Tasmania 168 Bryan Clifford Robinson Wellington 148 Robert Shepherd Saxon 104 Andris Denis Skudra Warwickshire 44 Sterling Bryan Soares Jamaica 167 George Burnham Tapley Southern Alberta 103 Johannes Jacobus van Zyl George Hookham 141 Marthinus Jacobus Vermaak George Hookham 141 Richard Anthony Weedon Haven of Peace 178 Jan Frederick Welle Donker Vellus Aureum 125 Raymond Leonard James Wilkin Ezekiel 83 Derek Roy Wilkins Holywell 71 Malvern Williams Essex 46 Terwyn Alun Williams Southern Star 205

Past Grand Standard Bearer Glenn Stanley Leonard Hollibone Aaron 170 Robert Edmund Quayle Ellan Vannin 126 Christopher John Weeks St John 5

Past Grand Banner Bearer Douglas William Abbott Britannic 13 Athole John Anderson Cape Peninsula 213 Michael Frederick John Baptist Melchisedec 14 Kenneth Biedimabo Barber St John’s Gate 119 Michael Berturelli The Kingdom of Fife 220 Roger Godfrey Brown Royal Victoria 76 Russell Ashley Carr Gyldeforda 186 Frederick Arthur Chambers St Cedd & St Peter 109

Antony Kenneth Clayton Anjou 194 Ivor Cook Southgate 216 David Philip Coupe Cleveland 53 Peter Robert Dack Holy Trinity 212 Timothy Grant Dillon Hull 6 Philip Earwicker St Augustine 86 William Green Grant Bon Accord 199 David Raymond Gregory Buckinghamshire 72 Robert Leonard Gregory Manor of Hallam 113 Geoffrey Hall Nottinghamshire 32 William Hall Terra Sancta 131 David George Hammacott King Ina 4 Graham John Hancock Pride of Surrey 184 Andrew Fitzgerald Haynes St Cecilia 77 Brian Horabin Pax 214 Edwin Alan Jones Isle of Wight 206 David King Finchale 3 Donald Owen Lane Melenydd 157 Ian Leigh St Cuthbert 173 Brian Douglas Lepingwell St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 John Livesey St Mary & St George 106 Gerald Mabbett Zion 166 Keith Malcolm Marriott The Seven Pillars 225 Robert Winning Banks McBride St Ninian 171 Jan Donat Patrick Melvin Kingsway 17 Ian Alexander Minkley Guild of Freemen 156 Samuel William George Mixer St Michael 94 Royston Morris Salem 100 Robert John Morton Bendigo 207 Denis Newnham Isle of Wight 206 David Peasley St Alphege 128 John Clive Penpraze Kernow 176 David Pittock Cliffe Castle 201 John Roger Price Guild of Freemen 156 Alfred Colin Reader St George of Throckley 124 Robert Allan Stevenson Corra Linn 198 Melvin Charles Storrow Derbyshire 50 Albert Thornton Claverhouse 143 Frederick Aldeman Tothill Chingford 90 David John Wheeler Uxbridge 68 Jonathan Charles Whittaker Andover 69 George Angus Wilson Am Furan 144 Colin Woodcock St Raphael 40

Past Deputy Grand Organist David Summer Thomson St Oswald 18

Past Grand Keeper of the Inner Porch Malcolm Stewart Hardman Cambidge Rose of Lancaster 145 George Ferris Hertfordshire 29 Peter John Holland Royal Kent TI David Tuke Kirkland 234 Patrick James Wilson Warwickshire 44


Consecrations of Tabernacles by the Grand High Priest

30 September 2014 261 John Charles Board 12 December 2014 264 Ars Magna 13 December 2014 263 Sant Antoni Abat 7 April 2015 265 Ita Karai 9 April 2015 266 Mias Gerais 10 April 2015 267 Sao Goncarlo 11 April 2015 268 Vias Boas 15 April 2015 269 Bethelem 16 April 2015 270 Manaos 18 April 2015 271 Caxias 16 May 2015 262 Midland Bay 18 July 2015 272 Hyperoon 21 July 2015 275 Christopher Gavin Maiden

Erection of Districts

9 April 2015 47 Reconstituted as Brazil – Sao Paulo 9 April 2015 54 Brazil – Rio 9 April 2015 55 Brazil – Centro Norde 9 April 2015 56 Brazil – Sul Leste 9 April 2015 57 Brazil – Norde Nordeste

Investitures of Grand Superintendents and Grand Inspector 30 September 2014 District 52 R Em Kt Pt M F H Levick 11 February 2015 District 6 R Em Kt Pt B E Wisbey 11 February 2015 District 53 R Em Kt Pt B E Parkes 11 March 2015 District 22 R Em Kt Pt I C Fraser 9 April 2015 District 47 R Em Kt Pt J Barile Neto 9 April 2015 District 57 R Em Kt Pt F do E Lacerda 11 April 2015 District 54 R Em Kt Pt J G Cruz Ribeiro 11 April 2015 District 55 R Em Kt Pt A J Elias Junior 11 April 2015 District 56 R Em Kt Pt E C Micheletto 23 April 2015 District 40 R Em Kt Pt G Leaman 8 June 2015 District 38 R Em Kt Pt J M B Phillips 11 April 2015 Brazil R Ill Kt Pt J B Pessoa Filho


Grand High Priest 6 September 2014 St Helier 146 1 December 2014 Seven Pillars 225 9 February 2015 Sympathy 218 27 February 2015 Rocheberie 80 2 April 2015 Royal York 2 30 April 2015 Zadok 33

8 May 2015 King Edgar 31 17 June 2015 Nottinghamshire 32

Deputy Grand High Priest – Ian Paterson Duff

7 August 2014 Ellan Vannin 126 9 January 2015 Royal Kent TI 15 April 2015 Unity 228

Assistant Grand High Priest – Michael Hadfield 12 December 2014 The Three Saints 196

Assistant Grand High Priest – Dr Donald Woodgate 31 January 2015 Donald Edwin Tovey 240

MAJOR EVENTS IN 2015 – 2016

17 October 2015 New Grand Superintendent Tasmania 27 October 2015 New Grand Superintendent Australia - Victoria November 2015 New Grand Superintendent South Africa - Transvaal 25 May 2016 50th Anniversary St Mark’s 34 13 March 2016 25th Anniversary King Richard I 158 14 March 2016 25th Anniversary St Mary the Virgin 159 4 May 2016 25th Anniversary Hunter 162 nb Concordia 160 declared dormant 2009 and St George’s Ottawa 161 declared dormant 2014 nb the anniversary dates are the actual dates of the anniversary and not of any celebratory meeting – please check with the respective Tabernacle Recorders.



1924 Charles Warren Napier-Clavering William Francis Carmon 1932 William Francis Carmon David Myles 1933 David Myles Charles Wilbert Hodgson 1934 Charles Wilbert Hodgson Alexander Darling 1941 Ernest Dixon William Eddy 1948 James Todd 1949 George Edmund Walker Bridge 1953 Alan Langton Coburn 1958 George Watson Bourn 1959 George Watson Bourn Stanley Embleton, OBE 1963 Percival Thomas Duxbury 1974 Harry Beckett Raylor 1977 Harry Beckett Raylor Horace Ingham 1980 John Owen Place 1987 John Owen Place James Edward Glover 1993 James William Turner 1997 James William Turner Ernest Peter Donnison 2006 Ernest Peter Donnison Jonathan Terence Crompton, JP 2010 Christopher Gavin Maiden 2013 Christopher Gavin Maiden Ian Paterson Duff


2014 Ian Paterson Duff


2005 Jonathan Terence Crompton JP 2009 John Alan Marchington 2010 Christopher Gavin Maiden Ian Paterson Duff 2013 Michael Arthur Hadfield OBE JP Dr Donald John Woodgate


1924 Charles Wilbert Hodgson 1933 Alexander Mossman Laing 1936 Henry Oubridge 1948 John Snowdon 1954 George Watson Bourn 1958 Wilfred Gordon Bird 1965 John Joseph Neesham 1982 George Gerald Ferguson Halliwell 1992 Reginald Kenneth Wilson Cooley 1997 Brian Frank Tomlin 2001 Ian Fithian-Franks JP 2008 Anthony Charles Hayes 2009 John Stephen Priestley


The customary (Latin) Grace before and after meals is given at the end of Ritual I as follows:-

(Before) Benedictus Benedicat per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum (After) Benedicto Benedicatur per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum

The English version is:- (Before) Let the blessed bless, through Jesus Christ our Lord (After) Let the blessed be blessed, through Jesus Christ our Lord


by 1 The Queen (and/or other Head of State as applicable) High Priest 2 The Grand High Priest High Priest 3* The Deputy Grand High Priest, the Assistant Grand High Priests and Officers of Grand College At discretion 4 The Grand Superintendent High Priest 5* The High Priest At discretion 6 Candidate(s) Sponsors 7* Visitors At discretion 8 “ To our next merry meeting” High Priest

*These toasts are at discretion, EXCEPT that when the Deputy Grand High Priest or an Assistant Grand High Priest is present, Toast 3 MUST BE GIVEN. All others are mandatory.

Toast 2 may include the title and name of the Grand High Priest, Most Illustrious Knight Priest Christopher Gavin Maiden And Toast 3 those of the Deputy Grand High Priest and Assistant Grand High Priests Most Eminent Knight Priest Ian Paterson Duff Right Illustrious Knight Priest Michael Arthur Hadfield Right Illustrious Knight Priest Dr Donald John Woodgate


by 1 The Queen (and/or other Head of State as applicable) High Priest 2 The Grand High Priest High Priest 3 The Grand High Prelate At discretion 4 The High Prelate High Priest 5 Aspirants Sponsors 7* Visitors At discretion 8 “ To our next merry meeting” High Priest nb Only to be used at a stand alone Congregation meeting


The following suppliers have agreed that they will follow the standard authorised specification for KTP regalia.

United Kingdom

Belper Masonic Regalia, 65 King Street, Belper DE56 1QA 01773 822048 01773 822209

Central Regalia Ltd, 4 Watling Drive, Sketchley Meadows, Hinkley Leics. LE10 3DS 01455 614911

Craftings, The Bond, Godstall Lane, Chester CH1 1LN 01244 342124

Essex Regalia, 76 Malting Villas Road, Rochford, Essex, SS4 1AF 01702 544950

Fabb Bros Ltd, Unit 1, The Barns, Longham Farm Close, Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9DE 01202 571600

Humberside Masonic Suppliers Ltd, 9 St Nicholas Gate, Hedon, Hull HU12 8HS 01482 890920

Millennium Mark, 15 Massey Close, College Place, Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside WA12 9UE 01925 299555

Rodwell Regalia, 2 Shires Road, Buckingham Road Industrial Estate, Brackley NN13 7EZ 01280 701180

South Wales Regalia, 81 Sketty Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 0EN 01792 298297

Stonebridge Regalia, 233 Cheltenham Road, Bristol, BS6 5QP 01179 428841

Toye, Kenning & Spencer, Regalia House, Newtown Road, Bedworth, Warks CV12 8QR 02476 848800

Overseas Continental Europe W Van Emden Regalia, Pinksterbloem 2, 3068 AL Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Australia P Blashki & Sons Ltd, 2/36-40 New Street, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia 3134

Canada Dominion Regalia Ltd, 4 Overlea Boulevard Drive, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A4, Canada

South Africa Masonic Supplies, 52 Hunter Street, Durban 4001, South Africa

All suppliers must conform to the specification supplied. FINANCIAL

FEES AND DUES FROM 15 JUNE 2014 (Annual dues from 01 January 2012)

Admission £25.00 Joining and Re-joining £15.00 Annual Dues £15.00 (UK & Europe) £10.00 (overseas) Dispensations (Grand Superintendents ) £10.00 Dispensations (Grand College) £15.00 Warrant (replacement) £60.00 Consecration of a new Tabernacle £500.00 Set of Missals at cost

Fees of Honour Grand High Priest £400 Deputy Grand High Priest £350 Assistant Grand High Priest £300 Grand High Priest’s Award £250 Grand Superintendent £200 Holder of Certificate of Merit £200 Grand VII P £155 Grand VI P £120 Grand Treasurer £120 Grand Recorder £120 Grand Director of Ceremonies £120 Deputy Grand Treasurer £85 Deputy Grand Recorder £85 Deputy Grand DC £85 Assistant Grand Recorder £85 Assistant Grand DC £85 Grand Conductor £85 Grand V P £85 Grand IV P £85 Grand Organist £85 Grand III P £85 Grand II P £50 Grand I P £50 Grand Standard Bearer £50 Grand Banner Bearer £50 Deputy Grand Organist £50 Grand KIP £50 Grand Sentinel £50 Deputy Grand Sentinel £50 Grand Steward £50

District Treasurer, District Recorder, District Director of Ceremonies (and Deputies, where permitted) and Holy Wisdom Awards Free of Charge

Note: Annual dues to Grand College are paid annually in arrears. Payment for all who were members of Tabernacles on 1st January 2015 are to be paid on invoice from Grand College or by 31st December 2015..


(Payment with order – cheques payable to “Grand College”)

Yearbook £2.00 Regulations £3.00 Ritual I (large 8x6) £5 00 Ritual I £4.00 Ritual II £3.00 Ritual V £3.00 Order of Holy Wisdom £5.00 Appendant Degrees £2.00 Rite of Memory £2.00 Hymn Sheets (20) £2.00 Keyrings £4.00 Pens £3.00 Lapel Pins £3.00 Ties £10.00 Cufflinks £20.00 Grand College Shields £35.00 Gold Tassels £3.00 Missals (Covers including Large Print Ritual No I) POA The Priestly Order £20.00 + p&p A book on the history of the Order of over 320 pages (UK £4.00 Overseas £6.00)

Order of Holy Wisdom Cordeliers

The only supplier with approved Cordeliers is Belper Regalia who will supply at £9.20 each plus £3.50 p&p or £7.00 p&p for 10.

The majority of members are entitled to wear white Cordeliers. The variations are as follows.

Green to be worn by recipients of PHW Yellow to be worn by recipients of CHW Sky Blue to be worn by recipients of KHW and by the acting Seventh Pillar Priest in a Congregation. Red to be worn by Holders of the Certificate of Merit Purple to be worn by High Prelates (and those acting as such), Grand Superintendents, Past Grand Superintendents, Holders of GCPO, KCPO and GHP Award The Grand Priest and Grand High Prelate, Assistant Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest and Grand High Priest shall wear Cordeliers of especial design..

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year ROYAL KENT TI 47 3 0 50 1 1 0 0 48 PREMIER No.1 41 2 1 44 1 1 0 0 42 ROYAL YORK No.2 22 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 FINCHALE No.3 25 1 0 26 0 1 0 0 25 KING INA No.4 29 0 2 31 0 1 0 0 30 ST. JOHN No.5 37 1 1 39 0 0 0 0 39 HULL No.6 35 2 0 37 1 5 0 0 31 NEW ZEALAND No.7 11 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 12 MERCIA No.10 24 1 0 25 0 1 0 0 24 AUCKLAND No.12 25 0 0 25 1 2 0 0 22 BRITANNIC No.13 19 0 0 19 0 2 0 0 17 MELCHISEDEC No.14 31 1 1 33 0 1 0 0 32 AUSTRALIAN No.15 21 1 1 23 0 1 0 0 22 NEW SOUTH WALES No.16 22 1 0 23 0 0 0 0 23 KINGSWAY No.17 64 0 0 64 1 2 0 0 61 ST. OSWALD No.18 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 QUEENSLAND No.20 25 0 1 26 1 1 0 0 24 PATMOS No.21 47 2 0 49 0 4 0 0 45 ST. GEORGE No.22 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 ROSAE CRUCIS No.23 20 2 0 22 1 0 0 0 21 WHITE ROSE No.24 27 3 1 31 1 1 0 0 29 ST. NICOLAS No.25 19 1 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 CANTUAR No 26 21 1 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 SURREY No.27 18 1 0 19 0 0 0 0 19 BRINKBURN No.28 31 2 0 33 0 1 0 0 32 HERTFORDSHIRE No.29 22 0 0 22 0 1 0 0 21 ST. ANN'S No.30 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 KING EDGAR No.31 29 2 0 31 0 1 0 0 30 NOTTINGHAMSHIRE No.32 33 2 0 35 2 0 0 0 33 ZADOK No.33 26 1 0 27 0 2 2 0 23 ST. MARK'S No.34 43 1 0 44 1 2 0 1 40 ST. PAULINUS No.35 36 1 0 37 0 0 0 0 37 WILMINGTON No.36 23 0 0 23 0 1 0 0 22 HAMPSHIRE No.37 29 2 0 31 0 1 0 0 30 KOSMOS No.38 26 1 2 29 3 0 0 0 26 SEVERN No.39 20 0 0 20 1 2 0 0 17 ST. RAPHAEL No.40 15 0 0 15 0 1 0 0 14 OXFORDSHIRE No.41 14 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 13 BROMSGROVE No.42 28 0 0 28 2 4 0 0 22 WARWICKSHIRE No.44 21 2 1 24 0 1 1 0 22 HIMALAYA No.45 28 1 0 29 2 1 0 0 26 ESSEX No.46 23 1 0 24 0 0 0 1 23 ST. PETER & ST. PAUL No.47 22 3 0 25 0 1 0 0 24 GALILEE No.48 27 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 27 LINCOLN No.49 28 1 0 29 0 2 0 0 27 DERBYSHIRE No.50 34 1 0 35 1 3 0 0 31 EMMAUS No.51 20 1 0 21 0 0 0 0 21

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year VICTORIA No.52 47 0 0 47 1 2 0 0 44 CLEVELAND No.53 32 1 0 33 0 2 0 0 31 TEMPLE MANOR No.54 18 0 0 18 0 1 0 0 17 ST. THOMAS À BECKET No.55 21 2 0 23 1 2 0 0 20 HAWKES BAY No.56 32 5 0 37 0 1 0 0 36 ST. BLAISE No.57 20 1 0 21 0 2 0 0 19 ADELAIDE No.58 17 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 16 ST. DAVID'S No.59 32 0 0 32 1 6 0 0 25 WIRRAL No.60 20 3 2 25 1 0 0 0 24 HOLY CITADEL No.61 16 0 0 16 3 1 0 0 12 CIVIC ERIN No.62 10 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 6 NATALIA No.64 8 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 OMEGA No.65 21 2 1 24 1 2 0 0 21 St FRANCIS No 66 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 SHERWOOD OF BRISBANE No.67 30 1 0 31 0 2 0 0 29 UXBRIDGE No.68 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 ANDOVER No.69 26 2 0 28 0 5 0 0 23 ST. CLEMENT No.70 26 1 0 27 1 1 0 0 25 HOLYWELL No.71 27 0 0 27 0 0 0 1 26 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE No.72 23 2 0 25 1 1 0 0 23 TE NGUTU No.73 14 1 0 15 0 1 0 0 14 CLARE No.74 33 1 1 35 2 3 0 0 30 SOUTHERN CROSS No.75 31 0 0 31 2 1 0 0 28 ROYAL VICTORIA No.76 42 3 0 45 3 3 0 0 39 ST. CECILIA No.77 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 ST. MARY'S No.78 24 0 0 24 0 3 0 0 21 PERTH No. 79 12 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 13 ROCHEBERIE No.80 32 0 0 32 0 1 0 0 31 LINDISFARNE No.81 22 1 0 23 1 2 0 0 20 ST. PETER No.82 32 2 0 34 0 0 0 0 34 EZEKIEL No.83 20 1 0 21 0 1 0 0 20 WALLINGFORD CASTLE No.84 28 0 0 28 1 0 0 0 27 ST. ANDREWS No.85 33 1 0 34 0 5 0 0 29 ST. AUGUSTINE No.86 16 2 0 18 2 0 0 0 16 KING DAVID No.88 14 0 0 14 1 0 0 0 13 FREMANTLE No.89 14 0 0 14 2 1 0 1 10 ST. MARY MAGDALENE No.90 21 2 0 23 1 2 0 0 20 CHINGFORD No.91 30 0 0 30 1 3 0 2 24 BALLAARAT No.92 22 2 0 24 1 0 0 0 23 YORK No.93 51 3 0 54 0 0 0 0 54 ST. MICHAEL No.94 32 2 0 34 0 1 0 1 32 ST. WINNOLD No.95 31 0 0 31 2 0 0 0 29 OTAGO SOUTHLAND No.97 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 SALEM No.100 26 1 0 27 1 2 0 3 21 ALL SAINTS No.101 29 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 29 ST. JOHN THE ALMONER No.102 18 4 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 SOUTHERN ALBERTA No.103 32 1 0 33 0 1 0 0 32

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year SAXON No.104 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 ST. MARY & ST. GEORGE No.106 24 2 0 26 0 1 0 0 25 UNICORN No.107 22 2 1 25 1 0 0 0 24 THAMES No.108 44 0 0 44 0 2 0 0 42 ST. CEDD & ST. PETER No.109 32 0 0 32 2 1 0 0 29 STAINES No.110 14 0 2 16 0 0 0 0 16 NORTHUMBRIA No.111 34 0 0 34 1 1 0 1 31 PRIORY No.112 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 MANOR OF HALLAM No.113 18 2 0 20 0 1 0 0 19 KEYSTONE No.114 11 2 0 13 0 0 0 0 13 FAIREST CAPE No.115 16 1 0 17 1 1 0 0 15 ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX No.117 30 2 0 32 1 3 0 0 28 KENTE No.118 29 3 0 32 2 0 0 2 28 ST. JOHN'S GATE No.119 28 1 0 29 0 2 0 0 27 PILGRIM No.120 25 5 0 30 1 1 0 0 28 SALTIRE No.121 59 0 5 64 0 1 0 0 63 LEICESTER & RUTLAND No.122 27 0 1 28 0 3 0 0 25 JACQUES de MOLAY No.123 23 2 1 26 2 2 0 0 22 ST. GEORGE OF THROCKLEY No.124 27 1 0 28 0 2 0 0 26 VELLUS AUREUM No.125 28 3 31 0 4 0 0 27 ELLAN VANNIN No.126 26 1 0 27 1 0 0 0 26 ROBERT de TURNHAM No.127 18 1 0 19 0 3 0 0 16 ST. ALPHEGE No.128 29 2 0 31 1 1 0 0 29 ROBERT de SABLE No.129 34 1 0 35 1 1 0 0 33 NORTHERN LIGHTS No.130 27 2 0 29 0 2 0 0 27 TERRA SANCTA No.131 19 0 2 21 0 2 0 0 19 FELIX OF BURGUNDY No.132 26 0 0 26 0 1 0 0 25 PHOENIX No.133 20 0 0 20 0 2 0 0 18 PRIOR'S HAVEN No.134 25 3 0 28 0 0 0 0 28 THE HOLY ROOD No.135 58 5 0 63 0 3 0 0 60 BOXLEY ABBEY No.136 20 0 0 20 0 2 0 0 18 SIR THOMAS TRESHAM No.137 31 3 1 35 1 2 0 0 32 HOREB No. 138 41 3 0 44 0 0 0 0 44 STAR ABSALOM No.139 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 WUDCESTRE No.140 30 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 30 GEORGE HOOKHAM No.141 16 1 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 CLAVERHOUSE No.143 64 3 0 67 0 0 0 0 67 AM FURAN No.144 58 0 2 60 1 1 0 1 57 ROSE OF LANCASTER No.145 24 1 0 25 1 0 0 0 24 ST. HELIER No.146 34 2 0 36 0 2 0 0 34 TORBAY No.147 31 1 0 32 1 3 0 0 28 WELLINGTON No.148 18 0 0 18 0 2 0 1 15 VALLEY No.149 15 1 0 16 1 1 0 0 14 MARLBOROUGH No.150 27 0 0 27 2 0 0 0 25 CHESTER CROSS No.152 20 0 1 21 0 0 0 0 21 CHAFFEY No.153 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 13 NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE No.154 17 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 15

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year VENERABLE BEDE No.155 23 1 0 24 1 1 0 0 22 GUILD OF FREEMEN No 156 17 0 1 18 0 0 0 0 18 MELENYDD No.157 22 0 0 22 1 4 0 0 17 KING RICHARD I No.158 33 1 0 34 2 0 0 0 32 ST. MARY THE VIRGIN No.159 21 1 0 22 1 4 0 0 17 HUNTER No.162 17 1 1 19 1 1 0 0 17 FRASER No.163 47 2 0 49 1 0 0 0 48 ST. CRALLO No.164 22 1 0 23 0 1 0 0 22 TRENT No.165 30 0 0 30 0 1 0 0 29 ZION No.166 26 2 0 28 0 1 0 0 27 JAMAICA No.167 45 3 0 48 2 0 0 0 46 TASMANIA No.168 30 1 0 31 2 1 0 0 28 CARDINAL WOLSEY No.169 20 1 0 21 0 1 0 0 20 AARON No.170 27 1 0 28 0 1 0 0 27 ST. NINIAN No.171 56 3 1 60 1 0 0 3 56 TWICKENHAM No.172 14 2 1 17 0 0 0 0 17 HARROW TRINITY No.173 11 0 0 11 0 7 0 0 4 ST. CUTHBERT No.174 18 2 0 20 0 0 0 1 19 FORTH VALLEY No.175 94 5 0 99 2 1 0 0 96 KERNOW No.176 23 0 0 23 1 0 0 0 22 HALSEY No.177 29 1 0 30 0 0 0 1 29 HAVEN OF PEACE No.178 25 2 0 27 0 2 0 1 24 JAMES EDWARD GLOVER No.179 37 1 1 39 1 0 0 0 38 TENDRING No.180 26 1 0 27 3 1 0 0 23 CUMBERLAND No.181 19 1 0 20 0 2 0 0 18 HENRY HOTHAM No.182 39 0 2 41 0 5 0 0 36 BERNICIA No.183 16 0 3 19 0 1 0 0 18 PRIDE OF SURREY No.184 15 0 1 16 0 2 0 0 14 HARRY BECKETT RAYLOR No.185 45 8 0 53 1 2 0 0 50 GYLDEFORDA No.186 22 1 0 23 0 0 2 0 21 GOLAU DYDD No.187 25 2 0 27 0 2 0 1 24 DEWI SANT No.188 33 2 0 35 0 3 0 0 32 VALE ROYAL No.189 16 1 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 LANGDON HILLS No.190 17 1 0 18 0 0 0 0 18 POWHATAN No.191 18 0 2 20 0 0 0 0 20 CRUX ROISIA No.192 16 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 THE REVELATION No.193 18 2 0 20 0 0 1 0 19 ANJOU No.194 21 3 1 25 0 2 0 0 23 CHERTSEY No.195 24 0 0 24 0 1 0 0 23 THE THREE SAINTS No.196 23 1 0 24 0 2 2 0 20 CITY of HOBART No.197 31 0 0 31 1 1 0 0 29 CORRA LINN No.198 42 0 7 49 1 1 0 2 45 BON ACCORD No.199 43 0 3 46 0 0 1 0 45 JOHN OWEN PLACE No.200 28 6 0 34 0 1 0 0 33 CLIFFE CASTLE No.201 17 1 0 18 0 1 0 0 17 LONDON INSTALLED HIGH PRIESTS No.202 23 0 5 28 0 0 0 0 28

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year SAINTE GENEVIEVE No.203 35 3 0 38 0 2 0 0 36 ANCIENT UNION BAND No.204 34 0 2 36 0 0 0 0 36 SOUTHERN STAR No.205 18 1 1 20 0 1 0 0 19 ISLE OF WIGHT No.206 19 1 0 20 2 2 0 0 16 BENDIGO No.207 20 0 0 20 2 1 0 0 17 TAMIHANA No 208 20 2 1 23 1 0 0 0 22 HOSEA No 209 20 3 0 23 0 0 0 0 23 SINGAPORE No 210 34 0 0 34 1 1 0 0 32 KUALA LUMPUR No 211 24 2 0 26 1 0 0 0 25 HOLY TRINITY No 212 18 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 17 CAPE PENINSULA No 213 22 0 0 22 0 1 0 0 21 PAX No 214 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 STRATHLENE No 215 35 1 0 36 0 2 0 0 34 SOUTHGATE No 216 19 0 2 21 1 0 0 0 20 TWYFORD No 217 18 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 18 SYMPATHY No 218 20 0 0 20 0 2 0 0 18 BEAUMONT HAMEL No 219 21 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 21 THE KINGDOM OF FIFE No 220 50 2 0 52 3 0 0 0 49 TEMPLE CRESSING No 221 12 2 0 14 1 0 0 0 13 JAMES WILLIAM TURNER No 222 26 2 0 28 0 2 0 0 26 THE GOOD SHEPHERD No 223 24 1 0 25 0 1 0 0 24 PARSIFAL No 224 23 1 0 24 1 0 0 0 23 THE SEVEN PILLARS No 225 33 7 1 41 0 0 0 0 41 BRASIL No 226 19 3 0 22 0 1 0 0 21 NOVO MUNDO No 227 20 0 0 20 0 3 0 0 17 UNITY No 228 32 0 3 35 1 0 0 0 34 CAMINO REAL No 229 16 1 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 SAO PAULO No 230 21 0 0 21 0 0 0 2 19 PITAGORAS No 231 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 PEREGRINOS No 232 23 5 0 28 0 0 0 0 28 LUX IN TENEBRIS No 233 36 3 0 39 1 0 0 0 38 KIRKLAND No 234 32 0 0 32 1 0 0 0 31 PENDLE No 235 22 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 BRASILIA No 236 18 5 0 23 1 1 0 0 21 CYRIL H REES No 237 14 0 0 14 0 1 0 0 13 RICHARD ATTIPOE No 238 22 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 SAINT SALEM No 239 32 0 0 32 0 1 0 0 31 THE DONALD EDWIN TOVEY No 240 46 0 4 50 0 2 0 0 48 RIO DE JANEIRO No 241 32 2 1 35 1 0 0 19 15 SAN MARTIN DE PORRES No 242 14 5 0 19 0 0 0 0 19 SANTISIMA TRINIDAD No 243 14 3 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 JERUSALEN No 244 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 MAURICE DE GAUNT No 245 23 2 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 THE HOLY GRAIL No 246 24 4 1 29 0 1 0 0 28 RONALD THOMPSON No 247 35 0 1 36 3 1 1 0 31 SAINT BERNARD TABERNACLE No 248 20 2 0 22 0 2 0 0 20 TENERIFE - ST ANDREW No 249 10 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 9

SUMMARY OF ANNUAL RETURNS FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31st DECEMBER 2014 Member- Member- ship at ship at beginning end of TABERNACLE NAME of year Adm Join Total Died Res Hon Exc year ERNEST PETER DONNISON No 250 20 0 4 24 1 0 0 0 23 SAN JAIME No 251 26 3 0 29 0 4 0 0 25 GRAND CANARIA - SACREDOS IN AERTUM No 252 13 6 0 19 0 3 0 0 16 St JOHN OF AVILA No 253 14 3 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 FILALETHIA No 254 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 25 SAINT CHAD No 255 19 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 19 HEART OF ENGLAND TABERNACLE OF INSTALLED HIGH PRIESTS No 256 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 NORDESTE No 257 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 CONDADO de YORK No 258 23 0 5 28 0 0 0 0 28 CAMPOS de PIRATINGA No 259 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 SAO JOAO No 260 14 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 JOHN CHARLES BOARD No 261 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 28 MIDLAND BAY No 262 19 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 19 SANT ANTONI ABAT No 263 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 ARS MAGNA No 264 17 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 17 6190 285 82 6572 102 251 10 45 6130


TABERNACLE NAME TABERNACLE NAME Royal Kent TI 1530 Andover No 69 240 Premier No 1 550 St Clement No 70 3300 Royal York No 2 700 Holywell No 71 100 St John No 5 100 Buckinghamshire No 72 1100 Mercia No 10 400 Clare No 74 575 Britannia No 13 177 Southern Cross No 75 100 Melchisedec No 14 935 Royal Victoria No 76 600 Australian No 15 400 St Cecilia No 77 100 Kingsway No 17 910 Rocheberie No 80 2282 Queensland No 20 1287 Lindisfarne No 81 150 Patmos No 21 5271 Ezekiel No 83 996 Rosae Crucis No 23 150 Wallingford Castle No 84 150 White Rose No 24 410 St Augustine No 86 70 St Nicolas No 25 510 Fremantle No 89 250 Cantuar No 26 100 St Mary Magdalene No 90 57 Surrey No 27 1738 Chingford No 91 395 Brinkburn No 28 150 York No 93 720 Hertfordshire No 29 40 St Michael No 94 285 King Edgar No 31 14 St Winnold No 95 1129 Zadok No 33 240 Salem No 100 171 St Paulinus No 35 1245 Saxon No 104 1717 Wilmington No 36 925 St Mary & St George No 106 1002 Hampshire No 37 130 Staines No 110 800 Severn No 39 1882 Priory No 112 1400 Bromsgrove No 42 17 Manor of Hallam No 113 25 Warwickshire No 44 875 St Bernard of Clairvaux No 117 100 Himalaya No 45 2185 St John's Gate No 119 665 Essex No 46 475 Leicestershire & Rutland No 122 1885 St Peter & St Paul No 47 460 Ellan Vannin No 126 1075 Galilee No 48 250 Robert de Turnham No 127 100 Lincoln No 49 750 St Alphege No 128 1960 Derbyshire No 50 270 Terra Sancta No 131 954 Emmaus No 51 240 Felix of Burgundy No 132 1053 Cleveland No 53 500 Phoenix No 133 17 Temple Manor No 54 400 The Prior's Haven No 134 380 St Thomas a Becket No 55 138 The Holy Rood No 135 435 St Blaise No 57 100 Sir Thomas Tresham No 137 980 Wirral No 60 100 Claverhouse No 143 2150 Holy Citadel No 61 20 Am Furan No 144 100 Sherwood of Brisbane No 67 200 St Helier No 146 100 Uxbridge No 68 500 Torbay No 147 470

TABERNACLE NAME TABERNACLE NAME Chester Cross No 152 1330 Chertsey No 195 370 Guild of Freemen No 156 255 The Three Saints No 196 300 Melenydd No 157 403 John Owen Place No 200 120 King Richard I No 158 207 London Installed High Priests No 202 200 St Mary the Virgin No 159 192 Isle of Wight No 206 5 Sant Crallo No 164 16 Hosea No 209 250 Trent No 165 400 Kuala Lumpur No 211 79 Zion No 166 16 Holy Trinity No 212 810 Tasmania No 168 100 Cape Peninsula 100 Cardinal Wolsey No 169 817 Strathlene No 215 200 Harrow Trinity No 173 100 Southgate No 216 400 Forth Valley No 175 350 Twyford No 217 620 Kernow No 176 20 Sympathy No 218 1702 Halsey No 177 310 Temple Cressing No 221 20 Haven of Peace No 178 425 James William Turner No 222 555 James Edward Glover No 179 200 Parsifal No 224 135 Tendring No 180 150 Seven Pillars No 225 1750 Henry Hotham No 182 62 Kirkland No 234 145 Pride of Surrey No 184 220 Donald Edwin Tovey No 240 136 Harry Beckett Raylor No 185 5 Maurice de Gaunt No 245 255 Gyldeforda No 186 668 Holy Grail No 246 278 Golau Dydd No 187 16 Ronald Thompson No 247 916 Dewi Sant No 188 400 Saint Bernard No 248 2785 Powhatan No 191 1300 Ernest Peter Donnison No 250 250 Crux Roisia No 192 275 St John of Avilla No 253 100 The Revelation No 193 600 GHP Discretionary Fund 5000 Anjou No 194 300 others 300

GRAND HIGH PRIEST’S AWARD Instituted in 1990

R Ill Kt Pt Bert Allen MENNIE, PG Supt 1996 †R Ill Kt Pt Philip Michael Ward KNOWLES, PGVII P, PGDC 1998 R Ill Kt Pt Alan Roy MALCOLM, PG Supt 2000 R Ill Kt Pt Robert Ridley MARTIN, PG Supt 2000 R Ill Kt Pt Arthur CRADDOCK, PG Supt 2000 †R Ill Kt Pt Terence Edward SMITH, MBE, PG Supt 2001 R Ill Kt Pt Reginald Kenneth Wilson COOLEY, PG Supt, GC, KGC (Hon Causa) GCA 2003 R Ill Kt Pt Dr. James Michael Butterfield CARR, PG Supt 2004 R Ill Kt Pt William Desmond PATRICK, PG Supt 2004 †R Ill Kt Pt Leslie Raymond HARBORNE, PG Supt 2004 M.Em.Kt.Pt. Ernest Peter DONNISON,PGHP, GC, KGC (Hon Causa) GCA 2005 †R Ill Kt Pt Frank Kenneth George PHILLIMORE, PG Supt 2005 R Ill Kt Pt Trevor Cyril Kenneth TICKLE, PG Supt 2007 R Ill Kt Pt Raymond Bentinck KEMSLEY, PG Supt 2007 R Ill Kt Pt Walter Palmer BURSTON G Supt 2008 †R Ill Kt Pt William Angus MENZIES, PG Supt 2008 R Ill Kt Pt Anthony Charles HAYES Past Grand Recorder 2009 R Ill Kt Pt John Edward MUIRHEAD PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Brian Frank PAGE PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Alexander Michael JONES JP PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Gordon Mark GENTRY PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Michael DAWS PG Supt 2010 †R Ill Kt Pt Eric Francis BOTELL PG Supt 2010 M Em Kt Pt Jonathan Terence CROMPTON PDGHP 2010 †R Ill Kt Pt David Carr HOOKER PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Kenneth Donald KENNEDY PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt William Suin Loong WONG PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt William Thomas HONE PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt John DENTON PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Kenneth Bradley ROLFE PG Supt 2010 R Ill Kt Pt Peter Ransome DUCKWORTH PG Supt 2011 R Ill Kt Pt John Alfred EDMONSON PG Supt 2011 R Ill Kt Pt Michael Edward HERBERT PG Supt 2011 R Ill Kt Pt Maxwell George LINTON PG Supt 2011 R Ill Kt Pt Nigel Robert John WOODHOUSE G Supt 2011 R Ill Kt Pt John Alan MARCHINGTON PAGHP 2013 R Ill Kt Pt Bartel SMIT PG Supt 2013 M Em William H KOON II, Grand College of America 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Benjamin ADDY, Dist 26, St Oswald’s Tabernacle 18 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Ronald BEIRNES, G Supt 2014 R Ill Kt Pt John Charles BOARD, PG Supt 2014 R Ill Kt Pt John Stuart HAY, PG Supt 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Thomas Firth JACKSON, PG Supt 2014 †R Ill Kt Pt Maurice Ernest OVERSBY, PG Supt 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Maurice Clifton Holmes PHILLIPS, PG Supt 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Stephen Jeremy McDonald, PG Supt 2015

R Ill Kt Pt Graham Leslie Flight, PG Supt 2015 R Ill Kt Pt F Douglas Draker, PG Supt 2015


M Ill Kt Pt Christopher Gavin Maiden, Grand High Priest 2014 M Em Kt Pt Ian Paterson Duff, Deputy Grand High Priest 2014 R Ill Kt Pt Jorge Barnsley Pessoa Filho, Grand Inspector 2015 M Ill Kt Pt James William Turner, Past Grand High Priest 2015 R Ill Kt Pt Michael Arthur Hadfield, Assistant Grand High Priest 2015 R Ill Kt Pt Dr Donald John Woodgate, Assistant Grand High Priest 2015


R Em Kt Pt F John Singer, PG Supt 2015 M Em David Haggert, Grand Preceptor GCA (Hon Causa) 2015 M Em David Dixon Goodwin, Past Grand Preceptor GCA (Hon Causa) 2015 R Em Lawrence Eugene Tucker, Grand Registrar GCA (Hon Causa) 2015 R Em Kt Pt David Stephen Pratt, President of General Council 2015 R Em Kt Pt John Stephen Priestley , Grand Recorder 2015 R Em Kt Pt Glyn Raymond Goddard, Grand Director of Ceremonies 2015


M Em William H KOON II, Grand College of America 2008 M III Kt Pt Patrick Jean JAILLET 2008 R Em Lawrence E TUCKER, Grand College of America 2008 †R Em Kt Pt George Newton FLETCHER, Grand College, Royal Kent Tabernacle TI 2008 †R Em Kt Pt Thomas Gerald Norman CARTER, Dist 39, New Zealand 7 2008 R Em Kt Pt Trevor Malcolm Garvin BRODRICK, Dist 15, Gyldeforda Tabernacle 186 2008 †R Em Kt Pt Jack Lodewyk Charles DRIBBELL, Dist 4, Premier 1 2008 R Em Kt Pt Gordon Percival HIGGS, Dist 35, Royal Victoria 76 2008 R Em Kt Pt John Benjamin LLOYD, Dist 34, Melenydd 157 2008 †R Em Kt Pt Johannes VOS, Dist 29, Unicorn 107 2009 R Em Kt Pt Peter Glyn WILLIAMS, Dist 4, Premier 1 2009 R Em Kt Pt Benjamin ADDY, Dist 26, St Oswald’s 18 2009 R Em Kt Pt Henry Edward OWENS, Grand College, Ellan Vannin 126 2009 †R Em Kt Pt Charles STEWART, Grand College, Royal Kent TI 2009 R Em Kt Pt Stephen Michael AYRES, Dist 4, Premier 1 2010 R Em Kt Pt Raymond George FRETTEN, Dist 14, Essex 46 2010 R Em Kt Pt Michael GRAHAM, Dist 1, Hull 6 2010 R Em Kt Pt Noel Alfred Brian GROUT, Dist 4, Premier 1 2010 R Em Kt Pt Peter John HALL, Dist 1, St Bernard of Clairvaux 117 2010 M Em Gerald Alan FORD, Grand College of America 2010 M Em Joe Rolater MANNING, Grand College of America 2010 †R Em Kt Pt Geoffrey HAYLETT, Dist 1, Hull 6 2011 R Em Kt Pt Austin Arthur HOLTUM, Dist 43, Pilgrim 120 2011

R Em Kt Pt Neville John NIXON, Grand College, Harry Beckett Raylor 185 2011 R Em Kt Pt Stanley Victor POND, Dist 14, St Mary Magdalene, 90 2011 M Em Bruce PRUITT, Grand College of America 2011 †M Em James TAYLOR, Grand College of America 2011 R Em Kt Pt John KNOX, Dist 15, Saxon 104 2012 R Em Kt Pt Roy ELLISON, Dist 38, Trent 165 2012 R Em Kt Pt John Roger PATERNOSTER, Dist 37, Hertfordshire 29 2012 R Em Kt Pt Richard Victor WALLIS, Dist 3, Mercia 10 2012 R Em Kt Pt Gordon LEAMAN, Dist 40, Himalaya 45 2012 M Em Larry GRAY, Grand College of America 2012 R Em Kt Pt Thomas Ian CRANSTON, Dist 26, Chester Cross 152 2013 R Em Kt Pt Kenneth Earl TAYLOR, Dist 32, Severn 39 2013 M Em Gary Deanne HERMANN, Grand College of America 2013 R Em Kt Pt Ian Kay DOBINSON, Dist 1, Cleveland 53 2013 R Em Kt Pt John Stephen PRIESTLEY, Dist 24, Royal York 2 2013 R Em Kt Pt Glyn Raymond GODDARD, Dist 40, Himalaya 45 2013 R Em Kt Pt Graham Frederick REDMAN, Dist 4, Premier 1 2013 R Em Kt Pt John BRACKLEY, Dist 4, Premier 1 2013 R Em Kt Pt Leslie John Bernard BUTLER, Dist 37, Halsey 177 2014 R Em Kt Pt Alan John ENGLEFIELD, Dist 16, Wallingford Castle 84 2014 R Em Kt Pt Stanley HARRIMAN, Dist 31, Leicestershire & Rutland 122 2014 R Em Kt Pt Timothy John LEWIS, Dist 4, Premier 1 2014 R Em Kt Pt Wallace Percival Roy PRICE, Dist 33, Otago Southland 97 2014 R Em Kt Pt Harry John WHITE, Dist 3, Bromsgrove 42 2014 R Em Kt Pt John Peter WILSON, Dist 3, Bromsgrove 42 2014 R Em Kt Pt John Alan WRIGHT, Dist 4, Premier 1 2014 R Em Kt Pt Robert Ward RICHES, Dist 7, St Winnold 95 2015 R Em Kt Pt Eric Douglas BROWN, Dist 24, The Seven Pillars 225 2015 R Em Kt Pt Michael Veric WALSINGHAM, Dist 19, Maurice de Gaunt 245 2015 R Em Kt Pt Rudolph George Edward GREEN, Dist 35, Jamaica 167 2015


M Em William H KOON II – Grand College of America 2008 M III Kt Pt Patrick Jean JAILLET 2008 R Em Lawrence E TUCKER – Grand College of America 2008 V Em Richard F COLE Jnr – Grand College of America 2008


R Ill Kt Pt J B Pessoa Filho 9 April 2015


R Ill Kt Pt N R J Woodhouse 43 29 November 1997 R Ill Kt Pt W P Burston 8 2 April 2001 R Em Kt Pt R Beirnes 36 14 June 2003 R Em Kt Pt B R MacConnell 9 20 June 2005 R Em Kt Pt P J Brooke 39 22 June 2005 R Em Kt Pt D B Whitfield 10 11 January 2007

R Em Kt Pt D P Dezentje 12 21 June 2007 R Em Kt Pt P C Astfalck 3 19 December 2007 R Em Kt Pt M H Roalfe 31 19 December 2007 R Em Kt Pt J J Field 14 13 June 2008 R Em Kt Pt B S Searle 37 13 June 2008 R Em Kt Pt A G Lynch 26 12 June 2009 R Em Kt Pt I T D Smith 15 12 June 2009 R Em Kt Pt M H Thomas 45 3 November 2009 R Em Kt Pt P D Cole 35 20 January 2010 R Em Kt Pt P Butler 5 29 March 2010 R Em Kt Pt G Bedford 24 1 April 2010 R Em Kt Pt D H W Scott 1 13 May 2010 R Em Kt Pt E B Goodwin 4 11 June 2010 R Em Kt Pt T W D Railson 23 11 June 2010 R Em Kt Pt J West of Stow 46 11 June 2010 R Em Kt Pt D J Elsley 34 8 September 2010 R Em Kt Pt J B Mendoza 48 19 October 2010 R Em Kt Pt S Forster 30 19 March 2011 R Em Kt Pt G Herbert 44 26 March 2011 R Em Kt Pt D K W Paterson 32 8 April 2011 R Em Kt Pt L G B Pickell 17 21 May 2011 R Em Kt Pt P W Hughes 16 10 June 2011 R Em Kt Pt W Barton 49 10 June 2011 R Em Kt Pt C Williams 19 22 September 2011 R Em Kt Pt J D Peverill 11 8 October 2012 R Em Kt Pt G J Davies 2 17 October 2012 R Em Kt Pt S P Preston 50 17 November 2012 R Em Kt Pt D A C Niven 51 17 November 2012 R Em Kt Pt A L McLelland 20 7 June 2013 R Em Kt Pt C Birkbeck 7 7 June 2013 R Em Kt Pt A P van Aartsen 29 7 June 2013 R Em Kt Pt P H de C De Kock 28 10 August 2013 R Em Kt Pt F A Healey 21 21 September 2013 R Em Kt Pt P Ivamy 33 6 March 2014 R Em Kt Pt J Heazlewood 18 6 March 2014 R Em Kt Pt K Michel 27 12 April 2014 R Em Kt Pt D D Black 42 23 June 2014 R Em Kt Pt W Murray 41 5 July 2014 R Em Kt Pt G Hutchinson 25 5 August 2014 R Em Kt Pt M F H Levick 52 30 Sepember 2014 R Em Kt Pt B E Wisbey 6 11 February 2015 R Em Kt Pt B E Parkes 53 11 February 2015 R Em Kt Pt I C Fraser 22 11 March 2015 R Em Kt Pt J Barile Neto 47 9 April 2015 R Em Kt pt F do Egipto Lacerda 57 9 April 2015 R Em Kt Pt J G da Cruz Ribero 54 9 April 2015 R Em Kt Pt A J Elias Junior 55 9 April 2015 R Em Kt Pt E C Micheletto 56 9 April 2015 R Em Kt Pt G Leaman 40 23 April 2015 R Em Kt Pt J M B Phillips 38 8 June 2015

Tab Name Rank Year GRAND COLLEGE OFFICERS 72 ALLEN, Reginald Arthur PGIII P 2007 DDC 2008 Tab Name Rank Year PGV P 2011 CHW 2013 254 ABAJOLI, Georgios PGIV P 2013 PGVII P 2015 169 ABBOTT, Clive Linford PGII P 2010 170 ALLSOP, Noel Stanley PGII P 2011 13 ABBOTT, Douglas William PGBB 2015 202 ALLUM, Wilfred John PGIII P 1996 29 ABBOTT, Joseph PGIII P 1994 PGV P 2000 36, 191 ABBOTT, Peter PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 2004 PGV P 2006 230, 241 AMARO.Paulo Roberto de Castro DDDC 2015 PGVIP 2010 41 AMOS, John George PGI P 2005 PGVII P 2014 PGIV P 2009 164 ACKERY, Stuart Glanrhyd PGKIP 2014 PGVI P 2013 137 ACOTT, James Frederick PGIII P 2004 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2010 213 ANDERSON, Athole John PGBB 2015 PGVI P 2014 153 ANDERSON, Brian Malcolm PGII P 2003 179 ACTON, John PGII P 2006 PGV P 2007 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2011 74 ADAMS, David Edward Henry DGO 2013 199 ANDERSON, John Alexander Munro PGIII P 2004 188 ADAMS, David Nigel PGIIIP 1995 PGV P 2008 PGIV P 2002 PGVI P 2013 PGVIP 2010 90 ANDERSON, Robert Michael GSB 2015 80 ADAMS, Donald PGIII P 2005 171, 204 ANDERSON, Ronald PHW 2006 PGV P 2013 PGIII P 2012 80,246 ADAMS, Michael PGIII P 2003 150 ANDERSON, Timothy John PGII P 2011 PGVP 2010 26 ANDREWS, John Harold Alan PGI P 2013 18, 179, ADDY, Benjamin PGIV P 1990 167 ANDREWS, Linton Anthony PGI P 2006 250 PGVI P 1995 PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2001 CHW 2013 KHW 2005 PGV P 2014 CM 2009 101 ANNIS, Leslie Brian PGBB 2013 GHPAwd 2014 95, 247 ANSELL, Christopher Wilson Guy PGIII P 2000 54,194 ADKINSON John Leslie PGIII P 2001 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2005 GV P 2011 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2012 12 AGNEW, Ross Mervyn PGIII P 2004 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2008 51, 132 ANTHONEY, Clifford Vincent GII P 1995 PGVI P 2013 PGIV P 1996 37 AIREY, Anthony Hugh PGIII P 2004 AGDC 1998 PGV P 2008 PHW 1999 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2001 144, 215 AKROYD, Frank PHW 1999 PGVII P 2005 G Stwd 2010 KHW 2008 83 ALCOCK, James Norman PGIII P 2011 86 APPERLEY, Ralph Manning PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2013 198 ALCORN, Robert PHW 2015 28 APPLEBY, Kenneth PGII P 2008 2 ALDERSON, George PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2012 191 ALDERSON, Richard Kenneth PGIII P 2007 73 ARBUCKLE, David Scott PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2015 143 ARCHER, Alan James Heron PGII P 2012 119, 202 ALEXANDER, David James PGIII P 1997 35 ARMISHAW, Leslie Benjamin PGBB 2013 PHW 1999 52 ARMITAGE, Richard PGII P 2013 CHW 2000 199 ARMSTRONG, David PGII P 2010 PGVP 2002 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2006 124, 183 ARMSTRONG, James Russell PGIII P 1999 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 2003 KHW 2011 PGVI P 2008 135 ALEXANDER, George Goldie PGIII P 2009 PGVIIP 2010 PGVI P 2013 KHW 2015 PGVII P 2015 101 ARMSTRONG, John PGIII P 1996 1 ALEXANDER, Ian Douglas Gavin PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2000 135, 198 ALLAN, Robert Hugh PGII P 2001 PGVI P 2004 91, 180 ALLARD, Ralph Derek PGIII P 1997 85 ARMSTRONG, Lawrin Carl PGIV P 1989 PGV P 2001 PGVI P 1996 PGVI P 2005 GSupt 2003-11 PGVII P 2008 50 ARNOLD, Peter PGII P 2014 KHW 2012 15 ARTHUR, Christopher Roland PGI P 2014 15 ALLCHIN, JP, Dale Victor PGII P 2003 155 ARTHUR, James Bryant George PGII P 2008 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2015 244 ARZE ESCOBAR, Jorge PGVI P 2015 75 ALLEN, Hedley Michael PGII P 2011 243 ASBUM GAMRA, Victor PGI P 2015 PGIV P 2015 1 ASHBOLT, David Frederick PGII P 2013 92 ALLEN, Peter Jon Alan PGII P 2000 38 ASHMAN, Paul James PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2011 37 ASPINELL, Charles Jonathan PGI P 2015

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

44 ASTFALCK, Peter Charles PGIV P 1993 18 BALDWIN, Allan Hughes PGBB 2013 PGV P 1998 21 BALDWIN, Peter Joseph PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2005 PGVIIP 2010 G Supt 2007- 219 BALDWIN, William John PGIII P 2006 233 ATAYI, Joachim PGI P 2014 PGV P 2011 35 ATKINSON, John PGII P 2012 60 BALE, Leslie Norman PGIII P 2010 221 ATTERBURY, David Ernest PGBB 2013 26 BALL, Ronald PGIII P 2002 81 AULD,Donald PGII P 1998 PGV P 2006 PGIV P 2004 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2008 59 BAMBER, Austin Westbury PGIII P 1996 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 2000 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2005 82 AUSTIN, Anthony Robert PGII P 2015 PGVII P 2008 132 AVIS, Christopher Rubin PGBB 2013 177, 200 BANY, Ignace Desire Laval PGIII P 2006 18, 250 AXFORD, Arthur, OBE, TD, DL PGIV P 1985 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 1991 CHW 2012 PGVII P 1997 PGVI P 2014 193 AYRES, Charles William PGIII P 2007 14 BAPTIST, Michael Frederick John PGBB 2015 170 AYRES, Leslie Thomas George PGII P 2004 119 BARBER, Kenneth Biedimabo PGBB 2015 PGV P 2010 71 BARDEN, Brian Robert PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2014 1, 91 AYRES, Stephen Michael, JP GIII P 1990 71 BARDEN, David Peter PGBB 2014 PGIV P 1991 184 BARELLA, Edwin John PGII P 2010 AGDC 1995-99 112 BARGROVE, Anthony Lawrence PGI P 2015 PGVI P 1996 226 BARILE NETO, João DR 2007 PGVII P 1999 PGV P 2010 DGDC 1999-02 PGVII P 2014 GDC 2002-07 G Supt 2015- KHW 2005 217 BARKER, Anthony Charles PGI P 2015 CM 2010 201 BARKER, Gerald Anthony Granville GBB 2006 133 BABER, Graham Bollen PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2007 PGV P 2012 AGR 2007-11 DR 2012 PGVIP 2010 133 BABER, Richard Walter PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2012 CHW 2014 DGSent 2012 137 BACON, Kenneth George PGIII P 2006 KHW 2014 29 BAIKIE, Peter Tullock PGIII P 2002 90 BARNARD, Vernon Charles PGII P 2007 PGV P 2007 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2015 200, 202 BAILES, Bryan Alan AGR 1999 15, 170 BARNES, Robert Collins PGIII P 2007 PGIII P 2000 108 BARNES, Willard Carman PGII P 2005 PHW 2001 PGIV P 2009 CHW 2003 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2004 144 BARR, Thomas PGI P 2015 72 BAILEY, Derek William G Stwd 2002 149 BARRETT, Anthony PGII P 2009 CHW 2008 PGV P 2013 122 BAILEY, Harold Roy PGII P 2007 186 BARRETT, Roger PGIII P 2005 165 BAILEY, Ivor John PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2009 PGV P 2010 56 BARRETT, Ronald John PGII P 2011 191 BAILEY, Owen Frederick PGII P 2011 86 BARRON, Robert PGBB 2013 157 BAILEY, Richard PGII P 2012 49 BARROWCLIFFE, Melvyn PGI P 2015 144 BAIN, David PGIII P 2007 117 BARRY, Geoffrey Nicholson PGII P 2012 PGV P 2010 146 BARTLETT, Stafford John PGII P 2002 76 BAIN, James Randolph PGII P 2002 25, 178 BARTON, Richard Anthony PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2007 PGV P 2005 DDC 2010 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2015 KHW 2015 219 BAIRD, John PGII P 2012 147, 182 BARTON, Warner PGIII P 2001 219 BAIRD, Walter Herbert John PGII P 2013 PGV P 2005 187 BAKER, Anthony Peter PGIII P 2009 PGVI P 2009 PGIV P 2014 G Supt 2011- 117 BAKER, David Edward PGIII P 2010 109 BASS, Rodney Lister PGIII P 2012 PGV P 2014 147 BASSETT, Jeffrey Paul PGIII P 2012 84 BAKER, John Harry Edward PGII P 2011 127 BASSETT, William Frederrick PGII P 2005 159 BAKER, Keith Dexter Ronald PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2010 CHW 2013 CHW 2013 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2015 DR 2015 147 BATE, John DR 2014 58, 88 BAKER, Leslie Robert PGII P 2001 218 BATES, Brian Lemuel PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2011 173 BATES, Ian PGII P 2009 PGVII P 2014 PGIV P 2014 47 BAKER, Peter James PGIII P 2010 156, 202 BATES, Peter Francis, MA, MB, FRCS PGIII P 1998 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2005 187 BAKER, William Bryntl Harries PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2013

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

90,200 BATES, Terence Gordon PGIII P 1986 30 BELL, Malcolm Irving PGIII P 2006 216 PGV P 1991 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 1997 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2001 155 BELL, Stewart Kunzmaan PGBB 2014 KHW 2006 129, 204 BELL, Walter James PGIII P 1993 41 BAVERSTOCK, Alan CHW 2012 PGV P 1998 GIV P 2013 PGVI P 2002 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2006 29 BAVIN, Richard PGIII P 2001 135 BELL, Walter William PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2006 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2011 60 BELL, William Dunbar PGBB 2014 80 BAYES, Maxwell William PGIII P 2005 33 BELLIS, PGIV P 1995 PGV P 2009 PGV P 2003 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2007 104 BEAL, Henry Walter William PGIII P 1995 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 1999 110 BELL-WRIGHT, Lawrence PGII P 2015 PGVI P 2006 38 BENDELL, Francis Graham PGIII P 1987 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 1994 KHW 2012 PGVI P 1999 24 BEANLAND, Leslie PGBB 2013 PGVII P 2006 179, 250 BEARD, John Michael GIII P 1999 KHW 2011 PGIV P 2000 106 BENNION, Stanley William PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2005 32 BENTLEY, Desmond Harold Jarvis PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2006 PGV P 2014 KHW 2012 138 van BENTVELD, Dirk AGDC 1996-98 82 BEARD, Walter PGIII P 2007 PGIV P 1997 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2015 103 BERARD, George PGI P 2015 132 BEARDALL, Martin Richard PGBB 2014 189 BERETON, Gregory John PGBB 2013 101 BEATTIE, Selwyn Smith PGIII P 1988 79 BERNSTEIN, Phillip John PGII P 2010 PGV P 1993 54 BERRY, David Inglis PGII P 2013 PGVI P 1998 49 BERRY, Dennis Arthur Joseph PGII P 2005 PGVII P 2002 220 BERTURELLI, Michael PGBB 2015 KHW 2007 70 BEST, Denis Bernard PGII P 2010 139 BEAUJEAN, Hubertus Elisabeth Gerardu PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2014 15 BEATY, William Hugh PGII P 2011 76 BETHEL, Carl Wilshire PGII P 2012 128 BEAVIS, John Roger PHW 2012 22 BETTS, Henry Roger PGIV P 1994 17, 119 BEBER, Howard Andre PGIV P 1994 PGV P 1999 200 PGV P 1998 PGVI P 2003 CHW 1999 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 2002 158, 245 BEVAN, Nigel Francis PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2006 CHW 2011 KHW 2009 124 BEWICK, William PGII P 2012 88 BECK, Michael Richard PGI P 2015 208 BIEL, Roderick Hugh DDC 2010 143, 220 BECKERS, William Neill PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2008 48 BIGGS, John Stanley PGIII P 2004 CHW 2009 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2012 91 BILDING, Leslie Alfred PGIII P 1998 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2002 50 BECKERTON, Alan DDC 2014 PGVI P 2006 33, 255 BECKINGSALE, Andrew Downing PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2013 KHW 2011 CHW 2014 210 BINDING, Paul Richard GStwd 2009 DDDC 2015 16 BINGE, Bernard William JP PGIII P 1992 2, 225 BEDFORD, Godfrey PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 1998 182, 234 PGV P 2005 PGVI P 2004 GVIP 2009 PGVII P 2011 G Supt 2010- 24 BINGHAM, Douglas Fields PGIII P 2000 104 BEDFORD, Roland John PGIII P 1998 PGV P 2004 AGR 1999 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2002 39 BINGLE, Bryan William PGII P 2010 CHW 2005 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2006 132 BIRKBECK, Colin PGIII P 2005 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2009 103 BEIRNES, Ronald PGIII P 2000 DT 2012 AGDC 2001 G Supt 2013- GSupt 2003- 101 BIRCH, Dr Geoffrey PGIV P 1991 GHP Awd 2014 PGVI P 1996 10 BELCHER, Edward John GSent 2003- PGVII P 2001 CHW 2006 KHW 2010 PGIII P 2007 112 BIRCH, Harold Erskine Wardlaw PGI P 2014 PGV P 2010 201 BIRCH, William PGIII P 2011 51,132 BELCHER, Michael Percy PGIII P 1986 PGV P 2015 247 PGV P 1992 109 BIRKUMSHAW, Derek Bernard PGII P 2003 PHW 1999 PGIV P 2007 PGVI P 2001 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2008 100 BISHOP, Haydn John PGI P 2014

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

110 BLACK, Douglas Dennis GBB 2010 90, 192 BOWDEN, Charles Henry PGIII P 1994 PGIV P 2011 PGV P 1999 PGVI P 2014 CHW 2000 G Supt 2014- PGVI P 2009 85,118 BLACK, HH AGDC 1985-97 165 BOWERMAN, Raymond Edward PGIV P 1996 Judge William Marshall PGIV P 1986 PGVI P 2001 PGVI P 1992 PGVII P 2009 GSupt 1997-03 70 BOWKER, Michael John PGBB 2014 11 BLACKLAWS, Douglas PGIII P 1991 194 BOWLER, Terence Albert Dennis PGII P 2008 PGV P 1996 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2001 109 BOWLES, Bryan Malcolm GIII P 2007 168 BLAIR, Ian Charles PGI P 2015 PGIV P 2008 126 BLAKE, John Emberton PGIII P 1992 PGVI P 2011 33, 154 BLAKEMAN, David John PGII P 2008 132, 247 BOWLES, Christopher James PGII P 2003 PGIV P 2012 PGIV P 2007 31 BLANCHARD, Jack PGIII P 2010 CHW 2008 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2011 158 BLEADEN, Reginald Andrew PGIII P 2003 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2007 119 BOWMAN, John Hartley PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2013 190 BOWYER, Richard PGII P 2009 127 BLISS, Norman George PGIII P 2003 PGV P 2013 PGV P 2008 TI, 185 BRACKENBURY, Donald PGII P 2005 PGVI P 2013 PGIV P 2009 48 BLUMSOM, Derek Roy PGIIIP 2009 GIV P 2010 CHW 2010 PGVI P 2011 GCon 2014 CHW 2012 GVII P 2015 PGVII P 2013 106 BLURTON, Albert PGBB 2014 1 BRACKLEY, John PGIV P 2010 130 BLY, Elmer Franklin PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2013 174 BLYTHE, Conrad PGIII P 2008 CM 2013 PGV P 2012 28 BRADBEER, John Edward PGII P 2006 CHW 2014 PGIV P 2010 134 BOAK, Francis Christopher PGI P 2009 PGVI P 2014 129 BOAK, John Douglas PGI P 2015 4 BRADEN, Michael John PGII P 2009 82 BOARD, John Charles PGIII P 2001 PGV P 2013 GSupt 2004-14 114 BRADLEY, Graham Frank PGI P 2015 GHPAwd 2014 135 BRADLEY, James Samuel PGII P 2015 51, 247 BODY, Kevin Alexander Trenavin PGIII P 2012 102 BRADLEY, John PGIII P 2007 86, 136 BOGGIA, William George PGIV P 1993 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2000 205 BRADLEY, Roderick James PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2014 207 BRADLEY, Terry PGBB 2014 171 BONE, John PGII P 2011 59 BRADSHAW, Graham Roland PGII P 2015 PGV P 2015 25 BRAHAM, George Derrick PGI P 2008 5 BONE, Maurice Jules PGII P 2010 31 BRAILEY, Sydney Linton PGV P 2011 210 BONES, John PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 193 BONNETT, David PGI P 2015 167 BRAITHWAITE, James Nathaniel PGI P 2002 26,186 BONOMY, John, OBE,J.P GV P 1995 PGIII P 2006 GVI P 2000 132 BRANCH, Kingsley George PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2001 196 BRANNICK, Harold PGIII P 2000 KHW 2005 PGV P 2004 138 BOOIJ, Sybe Tunnis PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 2012 PGVIIP 2010 117 BOOKER, Roger Leonard PGIII P 2004 205 BRASSETT, Peter George PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2008 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2012 66 BRAY, William Albert PGII P 2005 PGVII P 2014 195 BREWSTER, David Joseph PGII P 2012 83 BOON, Kenneth Peter PGBB 2013 72 BRIANT, David John PGII P 2012 161 BOONE, Ralph Melville PGIII P 1997 131 BRIDGER, Ronald James PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2002 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 2013 78 BOOTHMAN, Gerald Thomas PGIII P 2004 CHW 2015 PGV P 2008 94 BRIGGS, Raymond Arthur PGIII P 2011 10 BOOTS, Robert William PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2008 81, 220 BRISTOW, Henry Ian Patterson PGII P 2006 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 2014 CHW 2011 58 BORCHERS, John Donald PGIII P 1996 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 2000 49 BRITTAN, Reginald Leslie DR 2014 PGVI P 2004 77 BRITTEN, Robert Graham PGIII P 2011 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 2015 10 BOSTON, David Robert PGIV P 1993 220 BRITTON, William David Harry GStwd 2009 PGVI P 1998 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 2002 35 BROADHEAD, David George PGIII P 2011 155 BOTONE, Raymond Anthony PGII P 2005 183 BROADHEAD, Ernest George GI P 2006 PGIV P 2009 PGIV P 2007 20 BOUGHTON, Colin PGIII P 2011 PGVIP 2010 CHW 2014 PGVII P 2013

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

113, 250 BROADHEAD, Keith George PGIII P 1998 186 BROWN, Peter PGIII P 2012 PGV P 2002 DR 2013 PGVI P 2006 CHW 2015 PGVII P 2009 92,207 BROWN, Robert John PGIII P 2004 14, 239 BROADHURST, Philip PGII P 2000 PGV P 2008 PGIV P 2004 PGVII P 2011 GV P 2008 KHW 2013 PGVI P 2009 76 BROWN, Roger PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2012 40 BROWN, Stan PGII P 2013 153 BROCCIO, Francis PGIII P 2012 43 BROWN, William Alexander PGII P 2011 36 BROCKBANK, Peter Christopher PGIII P 2010 59 BROWN, William Tait Robertson PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2010 84 BROCKINGTON, Roger Francis PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2014 14,214 BROCKLEBANK, John Henry PGIII P 1994 23, 214 BROWNE, Peter William PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 1999 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 2003 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2007 52 BROWNSEY, Lionel John PGII P 1998 186,195 BRODRICK, Trevor Malcolm Garvin PGIII P 1995 PGIV P 2002 AGDC 1998 AGDC 1999 PGV P 1999 GSupt 2009-11 CHW 2001 122 BRYAN, Malcolm Thomas GBB 2013 PGVI P 2003 PGIV P 2014 PGVII P 2007 27 BRYANT, John PGIII P 2002 CM 2009 PGV P 2006 137 BROOK, Eugene John PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2012 148 BROOKE, Philip John PGIII P 1997 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2001 79 BUCHANAN, Frederick Donald PGII P 2005 AGDC 2001 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2015 GSupt 2005- 219 BUDDEN, Gerald William PGIII P 2007 69 BROOKER, Stanley Alfred PGII P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGIV P 2010 1 BUDDS, Martin PGII P 2015 PGVI P 2012 15 BUIST, David Gregor Paterson PGIII P 2009 116 BROOKER, William Harry, DFC PGIII P 1994 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 1999 12 BUKOWSKI, John Weislaw PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2005 113 BULL, John Leonard PGIII P 1990 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 1994 47 BROOKES, Laurence Thomas PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2000 61 BROOKSHAW, Peter PGI P 2003 32, 122 BULL, Michael Allen PGIII P 2004 26 BROOSHOOFT, Peter Michael PGIII P 1993 PGVP 2008 PGV P 1998 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2004 PGVII P 2015 188 BROWN, Arthur Henry Hallett PGIII P 2003 196 BULLOCK, David Graham PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2007 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2011 68 BUNCE, Dennis Godfrey PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2014 123 BROWN, David Walter PGIII P 2001 38 BURDEN, David Edward PGIII P 1991 PGV P 2005 PGV P 1996 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2000 PGVII P 2011 PGVII P 2006 68 BROWN, Desmond Arthur PGIII P 2001 58 BURDEN, Peter James Edward PGII P 2014 PGV P 2005 DR 2015 PGVIP 2010 40, 90 BURGESS, John David P PGII P 2001 PGVII P 2012 212 PGV P 2007 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2011 185, 225 BROWN, Eric Douglas AGR 2009 PGVII P 2013 DGR 2009- 32 BURGESS, John Mulholland PGII P 2011 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2012 45 BURKE, Peter Arthur PGII P 1988 KHW 2014 PGV P 1993 CM 2015 143 BURNESS, Edwin PGII P 2003 3 BROWN, George PGII P 1998 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 2002 PGVI P 2011 92 BROWN, George Clifford PGII P 2003 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2011 101 BURNIP, Robert PGII P 2006 2 BROWN, Gerald James Andew PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2010 7 BROWN, James PGII P 2003 13 BURNS, Malcolm James PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2008 PGV P 2015 135,185, BROWN, John Myer Paul PGIII P 1993 88 BURNS, Ronald Herbert PGII P 2011 198 PGV P 1998 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2002 186 BURRIDGE, Norman Thomas PHW 2001 PGVII P 2006 PGIII P 2003 205 BROWN, Kevan James PGII P 2009 PGV P 2007 PGIII P 2014 KHW 2008 253 BROWN, Michael Robert DT 2013 91 BURROWS, David PGIII P 2003 PHW 2014 158 BURROWS, Peter PGI P 2015 165 BURSTON, Arnold John PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2015

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75 BURSTON, Walter Palmer PGIV P 1994 186 CARR, Russell Ashley PGBB 2015 PGV P 1999 237 CARREON MOLDIZ, Raul PGI P 2015 AGR 1999 21 CARROLL, Anthony Herbert PGII P 2009 GSupt 2001- CHW 2012 GHP Awd 2008 PGIV P 2014 47 BURT, Derek Bidkar PGIII P 2009 58 CARTER, John Kirby PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2014 149 CARTER, Richard James PGII P 2006 47 BURT, Matthew Redgwell DGOrg 2012 PGIV P 2010 PGIII P 2012 PGVI P 2014 PGIV P 2013 162 CARTER-SMITH, Brian PGIV P 1994 13, 17 BURTON, Paul Jeremy PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 1999 179 BUSTIN, Philip PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2004 177 BUTLER, Leslie John Bernard PGIV P 1995 KHW 2011 PHW 1999 244 CASASSA ZAPATA, German PGI P 2014 AGR 1999 60 CASEY, Edward George PGI P 2015 PGV P 2000 229 CAT Carreras, Enric PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2005 198 CATHCART, John James PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2008 CHW 2013 KHW 2010 123 CAULFIELD, Edward Charles PGIII P 2007 36,194 BUTLER, Paul PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2009 85 CAULIER, Tabor Jan PGIII P 2011 G Supt 2010- 80, 137, CAUNT, John Anthony PGIV P 1997 46 BUTLIN, David Henry PGIII P 1987 248 PGVI P 2001 PGV P 1992 PGVII P 2005 PGVI P 1997 KHW 2006 PGVII P 2001 162 CAUSE, William John PGII P 2005 KHW 2004 PGV P 2011 259 CABALERO, Edgar Sanchez PGVI P 2015 203 CAUVIN, Jean Guy PGIII P 2007 139 CAIRNS, Ronald PGIII P 2007 CHW 2008 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2011 215 CAITHNESS, John Willaim PGIII P 2012 PGVI P 2015 40 CALCUTT, Brian Anthony PGIII P 2011 55, 90, CAWOOD, George Augustus PGIII P 1983 PGV P 2015 156 PGIV P 1985 31 CALDERLEY, Denis PGIII P 2006 PGVI P 1990 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 1995 PGVI P 2014 KHW 1999 145 CAMBIDGE, Malcolm Stewart Hardman PGKIP 2015 101 CAWTHORN, Norman PGII P 2011 45 CAMERON, Angus PHW 2014 PGIV P 2015 20 CAMPBELL, John McNeil PGII P 2004 142 CHADWICK, John Hilton PGIII P 2001 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2005 81 CAMPBELL, Stephen Thomas PGI P 2015 244 CHAHUAN, Juan Abuawad PGI P 2013 41 CAMPLIN, Patrick Alexander PGI P 2000 177 CHALKLEY, Michael Kevin PGBB 2014 94, 247 CANNON, Peter Cecil John PGII P 2002 171, 204 CHALMERS, Archibald PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2007 PGV P 2006 PGVII P 2011 CHW 2009 151 CANNON-JAMES, Edward Albert PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 2011 44, 246 CAPSTICK, Herbert Gordon PGIII P 1994 DDDC 2011 PGV P 1998 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2002 93 CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph Charles DDC 2013 PGVII P 2006 PGII P 2014 KHW 2011 17 CHAMBERLAIN, Phillip Brian PGI P 2014 125 CAPTIJN, Aloysius Gerardus Maria PGIII P 2007 144 CHAMBERS, Donald James PGIII P 2012 DDC 2010 109 CHAMBERS, Frederick Arthur PGBB 2015 PGV P 2011 1 CHAMBERS, John PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2015 TI CHAMBERS, Robert Frederick PGII P 2010 71 CARD, Brian PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2014 PGVP 2006 1 CHAMPION, Ronald Albert PGV P 1993 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2000 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2003 100 CAREY, Graham Francis PGII P 2004 KHW 2005 PGIV P 2008 140 CHAN, John Yim PGII P 2009 CHW 2010 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2013 38 CHARLESWORTH, Dr Edward Guy PGIII P 1998 PGVII P 2015 PGIV P 2002 175 CARMICHAEL, James Grierson PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2006 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2008 175 CARMICHAEL, Lachlan McLaclan PGIII P 2012 KHW 2012 198 CARNEGY, George Good PGII P 2009 81 CHARLTON, Robert PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2013 CHW 2013 198 CARNEGY, Norman McKenzie PGII P 2008 PGV P 2015 PGIV P 2012 138 CHARPENTER, Bernard Paul PGII P 2005 CHW 2015 PGVI P 2012 188 CARNES, John Anthony PGIII P 2006 76 CHASE, Arthur Roosevelt PGII P 2007 PGV P 2009 PGIV P 2011 6, 49, 82 CARR, Dr James Michael Butterfield GKIP 1986 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 1987 51 CHASTON, David John PGIII P 2006 GSupt 1991-04 PGV P 2010 GHPAwd 2004 PGVI P 2014

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21, 211 CHEAH, Kok Cheong PGII P 2006 38 CLOETE, Thomas Dante PGIII P 1995 54 CHEESEMAN, Malcolm Edward PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2000 PGV P 2010 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2014 189 CLIPSHAM, Jonathan Robert PGII P 2011 72 CHEVIN, Robert William GSB 2014 145 CLOWES, Michael PGI P 2013 PGIV P 2015 147 CLUFF, Nicholas John PGII P 2009 177, 200 CHILVERS, Robert William PGII P 2011 PGV P 2014 53 CHINN, Philip Alan PGII P 2012 21 COAK, Brian Leonard, JP PGIII P 1992 41 CHISNALL, David Eric PGIII P 1996 PGV P 1997 PGV P 2000 PGVI P 2001 45, 209 CHITTENDEN, Stephen Paul PGII P 2004 195 COATES, William Arthur PGI P 2008 PGIV P 2008 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2014 36 COBB, Brian Charles PGIII P 1996 163 CHOW, Herbert PGI P 2013 PGV P 2001 69 CHRISTIE, Michael Pascal PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2007 70 CHRYSTIE, Robert PGII P 2007 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 2011 121 COCHRANE, Keith GStwd 1996 PGVI P 2015 122 COCKS, Derek Eustace PGIII P 2002 21 CHUANG, Quincy PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2011 84 CHUNG, Glyn Carlyle PGII P 1998 233 COFFIE, Coltaire PGV P 2014 PGIV P 2002 76 COLE, Peter Desmond PGIV P 1995 PGVI P 2006 PGV P 2000 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 2004 KHW 2013 PGVII P 2008 33 CHURCH, Adrian William PGII P 2012 G Supt 2010- 29 CHURCH, Neville Victor PGII P 2007 132 COLEMAN, Robert Andrew PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2011 17,173 COLEMAN, Ronald, J.P. PGIV P 1995 CHW 2012 PGV P 1999 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 2003 51 CHURCHYARD, Peter Rolfe PGIV P 1996 PGVIIP 2010 91 CLAPHAM, Shane Aubrey Duff PGI P 2014 139, 251 COLEMAN, Roy Charles PGII P 2006 136 CLARE, Phillip Charles PGII P 2013 PGIV P 2013 163 CLARE, Richard Hilliard PGIII P 1999 74, 247 COLES, David Charles PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2013 PGVII P 2011 51, 247 COLES, Peter Thomas PGIII P 2004 KHW 2013 PGV P 2008 17 CLARK, Anthony Richard PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2012 DDC 2012 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2015 57 COLLCUTT, Keith Edwin PGII P 2010 108 CLARK, Douglas Glen PGII P 2004 PGIV P 2014 PGIII P 2009 70 COLLIN, Christopher John PGII P 2009 123 CLARK, Ian GIII P 2015 PGIV P 2013 105 CLARK,James Raymond PGII P 2005 239 COLLINGS, Glenn G DR 2009 1 CLARK, Robert Alistair Ingham PGV P 1982 CHW 2011 PGVII P 1986 GI P 2012 129 CLARK, Ronald PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2013 176 CLARK, Roy Henry PGII P 2011 75 COLLINS, Lindsay Ward PGIII P 2007 80 CLARK, William Taylor PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2013 PGVII P 2014 82 CLARKE, John Michael PGI P 2013 248 COLLINS, Martin PHW 2014 167 CLARKE, Peter Douglas PGII P 2008 137 COLLINS, Philip Major PGIII P 2000 PGV P 2013 PGV P 2004 197 CLARKE, Robert Theo PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2011 194 CLAYTON, Antony Kenneth PGBB 2015 50, 179, COLLISON, John Raymond PGIII P 2001 83 CLAYTON-BARKER, Stephen PGIV P 1996 250 PGV P 2006 PGV P 2001 PGVIIP 2010 GVI P 2006 KHW 2012 PGVII P 2007 213 COLVIN, John Sidney PGIII P 2011 KHW 2010 PGV P 2015 166 CLEMENT, Paul Raymond PGII P 2000 70 CONN, Michae lPeter PGII P 2012 AGDC 2000 116 CONSTABLE, James Alfred William PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2004 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2008 216 CONSTANTIS, George Haji PGI P 2014 GVIIP 2010 190 CONWAY, Jeffrey Lionel PGIII P 2011 KHW 2011 PGV P 2015 82 CLEMENTS, John Raymond William PGIII P 2005 100 COOK, Clinton Andrew PGII P 2006 PGV P 2009 PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 2014 157 CLENCH, Sidney Francis PGIII P 2006 78 COOK, Frank PGIII P 1997 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2001 154 CLEWES, Eric PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2008 148 CLEWORTH, Brian Herbert PGII P 2004 KHW 2015 PGIV P 2015

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14 COOK, Harry Shepherd PGIV P 1992 53 COWLEY, Paul Edwin PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 1997 PGV P 2009 PGVII P 2001 PGVI P 2012 KHW 2011 PGVII P 2014 216 COOK, Ivor PGBB 2015 122 COWOOD, Michael Peter Godfrey PGIII P 1998 86 COOK, Reginald Thomas PGIII P 1994 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2000 21 COX, Alan Rodney PGII P 1998 PGVI P 2008 PGVI P 2012 33 COOKE, John Stephen PGII P 2014 47 COX, Donald Edward PGIII P 2003 152, 239 COOKSON, John Mottram PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 2008 23, 123 COX, William Michael PGII P 1983 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 1987 35, 185 COOLEY, Reginald Kenneth Wilson DGR 1987-92 PGVI P 1992 GR 1992-97 GVII P 1997 PGVI P 1992 KHW 2002 PGVII P 1996 29 COXWELL, George PGII P 2012 GSupt 1998-04 200 CRADDOCK, Arthur, OStJ GV P 1977 KHW 1999 GVI P 1983 GHPAwd 2003 AGDC 1983-88 4 COOPER, Colin Trevor PGIII P 2004 GVII P 1987 PGIV P 2009 GSupt 1992-00 2 COOPER, Frederick George GKIP 2011 GHPAwd 2000 PGIV P 2012 27 CRADOCK, Christopher Douglas PGIII P 2003 196 COOPER, Gerald Nigel PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2007 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2013 76 COOPER, Graham Michael PGIII P 2006 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2011 151 CRADDOCK, David PGIII P 2005 120 COOPER, Michael Andrew PGII P 2012 PGV P 2009 31 COOPER, Paul PGII P 2002 181 CRAFT, John Richard PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2006 151 CRANE, Trevor Hall PGIII P 1996 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2000 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2004 33 COOPER, William Robert PGIII P 1994 PGVII P 2006 PGIV P 1999 14, 152 CRANSTON, Thomas Ian GI P 1997 PGV P 2003 239 PGIV P 1998 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 2002 PGVII P 2010 DDC 2005 138 CORBET, Jozef Jan August GII P 2002 PGVII P 2006 PGIV P 2003 KHW 2010 169 CORBETT, Gilbert PGIII P 2004 CM 2013 PGV P 2008 251 CRAWFORD, Stanley CHW 2015 PGVI P 2012 44 CREEDY, Edward PGIV P 1990 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 1996 54 CORDER, Colin William PGII P 2002 PGVII P 2000 PGIV P 2010 KHW 2004 PGVI P 2014 152 CRESSWELL, Alan Keith Peter PGII P 2010 126 CORLETT, Ronald William PGI P 2013 155 CRESSWELL, Dennis PGII P 2000 1, 202 CORNISH, Peter Ewart CHW 2000 PGIV P 2004 PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 2005 PGVIIP 2010 PGVIP 2010 39 CRESSWELL, John Charles PGII P 2005 168 CORNWELL, James Lyall PGII P 2013 PGIV P 2010 21 CORSER, Paul Jeremy PGIV P 1993 PGCon 2014 187 COUCH, Michael George PGII P 2007 DT 2011 PGIV P 2011 GSupt 1997-01 PGVI P 2015 49 CROAD, John Michael PGBB 2014 28 COULSON, Ian Barry PGII P 2004 162 CROFT, Harold James PGIII P 2010 PGIV P 2008 3 CROFT, James Peter PGIII P 1992 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 1997 PGVII P 2015 PGVI P 2001 39 COULSTON, Bert Leopold PGII P 2006 PGVII P 2005 PGIV P 2011 KHW 2010 53 COUPE, David PGBB 2015 19 CROFT, Peter Isaac PGII P 1998 180 COURT, Maurice Geoffrey PGBB 2014 PGIII P 2004 175 COUSIN, James PHW 2007 PGV P 2009 PGIII P 2008 92 CROFT, Wayne John Henry PGII P 2011 PGV P 2012 18, 106, CROMPTON, Jonathan Terence PGIII P 1992 175 COUSIN, Thomas PGI P 2015 250 PGVI P 1997 69 COUSINS, Ronald Leslie PHW 2008 GSupt 1997-05 PGIII P 2009 AGHP 2005 PGV P 2014 DGHP2006-10 177 COWAN, Victor Albert PGII P 1999 GHP Awd 2010 PGIV P 2003 30 CROMPTON, Thomas PGI P 2015 67 COWIN, Jack David PGII P 2006 78 CROOK, Joseph PGIII P 2008 PGIII P 2011 128 CROSBY, George David PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2010

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60 CROSS, Henry Edward PGII P 2000 64 DARKES, Donald PGII P 2011 PGIII P 2005 188 DARKINS, Robert Stanley PGII P 2004 PGV P 2009 PGIV P 2008 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2012 145 CROSS, Melvyn PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2015 GVI P 2013 35, 185 DARLEY, BEM, Paul Martyn PGII P 2001 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2006 KHW 2015 PGVIP 2010 186 CROSSAN, Patrick Peter PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2012 DR 2009 GT 2013 PGV P 2013 KHW 2014 181 CROUCH JP, Harold Stanley PGII P 1999 10 DARLISON, Anthony Joseph PGII P 2011 PGIII P 2003 14, 59 DAVENPORT, Harry Fry PGIV P 1995 PGV P 2008 PGV P 1999 137 CROWE, Alan Victor PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2003 83, 250 CRUTCHLEY, Shaun Barry PGIII P 2006 PGVII P 2007 PGIV P 2010 KHW 2010 PGVI P 2014 117 DAVIDSON, Eric Michael PGIII P 2007 232 CRUZ, Valter Flavio Silveira PGI P 2013 PGV P 2011 PGII P 2014 PGVI P 2015 198 CULLEN, William Murchie McGibbon PGBB 2014 73 DAVIES, Alan William PGII P 2004 123 CULSHAW, William Andrew PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2015 166 DAVIES, Brian PGIII P 2006 18 CUNNINGTON, David George PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2009 164 DAVIES, Carl Douglas PGII P 2015 PGVI P 2013 59 DAVIES, David Michael Wyndham PDGOrg 2013 39 CURZON, Roy Edgar PGIII P 2000 7 DAVIES, Geoffrey John PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2004 PGVI P 2008 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2012 101 CUTHBERTSON, Alan PGIII P 2004 KHW 2013 PGV P 2008 145 DAVIES, Glyn Jackson PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2006 PGVII P 2014 DDC 2009 101 CUTHBERTSON, Alistair PGII P 2000 PGVIP 2010 PGIV P 2007 G Supt 2012 PGVI P 2011 157 DAVIES, John Credig G Stwd 2011 PGVII P 2014 188 DAVIES, John Keith G Stwd 2010 101 CUTHBERTSON, Malcolm PGII P 2005 92 DAVIES, Leonard Gordon PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2009 23 DAVIES, Norman Robert PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 2005 PGVII P 2015 PGVI P 2009 121 CUTHIL, Alan PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2014 86, 112 DACK, Gordon Robert PGIII P 1997 139 DAVIES, Ronald Leslie, OBE PGIV P 1996 PGV P 2005 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2009 185 DAVINSON, Donald Edward PGIV P 1994 212 DACK, Peter Robert PGBB 2015 PGVI P 1998 226, 232 Da FONSECA, Paulo Roberto Couto PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2002 PGVI P 2014 KHW 2006 227 Da SILVA, Francisco Gomes PGIII P 2010 124 DAVIS, Anthony Russell PGII P 2013 PGVI P 2010 73 DAVIS, Daniel Clive PGIII P 1983 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 1986 226 Da SILVA, Jose Carlos Rodrigues G Stwd 2014 PGVI P 1991 DDC 2015 PGVII P 1996 115 DAGG, Peter Craig PGII P 2014 KHW 2011 179 DALEY, Brian PGII P 2007 112, 193 DAVIS, John Vincent PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 2006 54 DALLEY, John Alfred PGIII P 2001 CHW 2008 PGV P 2005 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2012 PGVII P 2015 55, 91 DAVIS, Michael Verdun PGII P 2009 126 DALRYMPLE, Robert Keith PGIII P 1994 PGV P 2013 PGV P 1999 28,140 DAWES, Ewan David, JP PGIV P 1992 PGVI P 2006 PGVI P 1997 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2001 KHW 2011 28,140 DAWS, Michael PGIII P 1996 75 D’ALTERA, David John PGII P 2011 PGV P 2000 216 DALTON, Eddie PGIII P 2007 GSupt 2000-10 208 DALZIEL, Ross PGIII P 2012 GHP Awd 2010 33 DANIELS, John Michael PGBB 2013 1, 202 DAY, Alfred John GII P 2004 DDC 2015 PGIV P 2005 168, 197 DANN, Terence Donald PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 2008 CHW 2012 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2014 181 DAY, Douglas Charles PGII P 2010 45 DANT, Terence Edward PGIVP 1989 PGVIP 2010 50 DARBY, James Peter PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2013

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18 DEAKIN, Kevin PGIII P 1997 217 DISCOMBE, Ronald Thomas PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2001 PGIV P 2006 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2010 PGVII P 2008 86 DIVE, Andrew PGI P 2014 KHW 2011 101 DIXON Alan PGIII P 2007 192 DEAKIN, Terence Gordon PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 2015 81, 183 DIXON, Edward Waldock PGIII P 2002 86 DEAN, Ronald Reginald PGI P 1998 PGV P 2006 PGIII P 2002 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2007 PGVII P 2012 PGVI P 2011 53, 174 DOBINSON, Ian Kay PGII P 1998 132 DEARING, Christopher Robert PGII P 2012 DDC 1999 118 De BEAUPRE, Eugen Francis Antoine PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2002 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2005 241 de CAMPOS, Carlos Roberto PGIII P 2010 AGDC 2006-11 257 de SOUZA,CORREA Jnr, Armando PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2007 DDDC 2015 KHW 2010 52, 85 DECKER, Cecil Elvin PGIII P 1990 CM 2013 AGDC 1997 220 DOBSON, Alan PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 1998 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2003 61 DOBSON, David Akrill PGIII P 2011 154, DEETH, Ivan George PGII P 2009 52 DODD, Norman Douglas PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2013 PGV P 2012 15 DEHN, Herbert Lindsay PGIII P 1989 28 DODDS, Frederick PGII P 2012 PGV P 1994 191 DOE, Howard Francis PGIII P 1991 PGVI P 1999 PGVI P 2011 PGVIIP 2010 PGVII P 2015 115 de Kock, PieterHendrick de Chatillon G Supt 2013- 67 DOKTER, Bernard Richard Anton PGII P 2002 111 DELANEY, Michael Joseph PGKIP 2013 PGIV P 2007 242 de la QUINTANA, Ernesto Duarte PGI P 2013 PGV P 2011 226, 260 de MORAES, Marco Antonio Bueno DDC 2015 CHW 2015 154 DENNE, Colin Brian GBB 2004 85 DOLLIMOUNT, John PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2005 150 DOLMAN, Paul Arthur PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 2004 PGVIIP 2010 PGVI P 2009 143 DENNIS, Michael Wesley Lycett PGII P 2009 PGVII P 2015 PGIV P 2013 176 DON, Neville Roy Hendrey PGII P 2004 10 DENTON, John PGIV P 1986 PGIV P 2008 PGVI P 1995 PGVI P 2013 GSupt 1997-07 131 DONAGHY, Terence PGKIP 2014 GHP Awd 2010 172 DONALD, William Phillip GKIP 2012 137 DENTON, Robert Arthur PGI P 2015 PGIV P 2013 226, 258 de PAULA, Felipe Eduardo Portela DT 2015 198, 204 DONALDSON, John Cole PGII P 2004 193 DERRICK, Robert PGII P 2005 PGIV P 2008 25 des MOULINS, Colin Roger PGII P 2009 CHW 2010 PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2013 236 De SOUZA, Laelio Ladiera PGI P 2013 249 DONALDSON, John Harry G Stwd 2015 226, 230 de SOUZA NETO, Wilson Correa G Stwd 2010 169 DONALDSON, Stanley Sturrock PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2013 6 DONNISON, Ernest Peter PGIII P 1986 DDC 2015 AGDC 1986-92 172 De VILLE, David PGII P 2009 PGVI P 1991 227 DEVAL, Oswaldo DT 2015 DGDC 1992-97 3, 183 DEVINE, George PGII P 2004 PGVII P 1995 PGIV P 2008 GSupt 1997-98 PGVI P 2012 DGHP 1997 67 DEZENTJE, Dr Donald Patrick GIII P 2006 GHPAwd 2005 PGIV P 2007 GHP 2006-13 GSupt 2007- 207 DORAN, Henry Joseph PGIII P 2011 225, 269 DIAS CARNEIRO, Paulo Cesar DT 2015 236 dos SANTOS, Marco Antonio Cabral PGII P 2014 130 DICKENS, Dennis Bruce PGIII P 2005 DDC 2015 164, 187 DICKENS, Raymond Charles PGII P 1999 58 DOUGLAS, Horace John Brian PGIII P 2012 PGIII P 2005 34 DOUGLAS, Thomas Kennedy PGII P 2002 197 DICK, George Robert Abercrombie PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2009 53 DICK, Stuart DDC 2014 98 DOUGLAS, William Norman Derek PGII P 2010 16 DICKS, John Charles PGII P 2006 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2011 103 DOWDELL, Lyle Cameron PGIII P 2001 171 DICKSON, Samuel PGI P 2013 DDC 2014 76 DILLETTE, Charles Robert PGII P 2010 60 DOWDESWELL, Donald William PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2014 PGIV P 2005 6 DILLON, Timothy Grant PGBB 2015 PGVI P 2009 155 DINNING, Raymond Norman PGII P 2004 PGVII P 2013 PGIV P 2008 126 DOWNIE, David Patrick PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2012 33 DOWNING, Bernark Keith PGIII P 2011 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2015 161 DIONNE, Willard PGII P 2005 259 DRAGO, Tadeu Pedro PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2011

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93 DRAKER, Fredrick Douglas PGIV P 1997 180, 190 EDGE, David Frank PGIII P 2003 AGDC 1999 PGV P 2007 GVI P 2001 PGVI P 2011 AGDC 2001 PGVII P 2015 PGVII P 2002 71, 136 EDMONDSON, John Alfred PGIV P 1996 KHW 2003 GSupt 1997-10 GSupt 2005-13 GHP Awd 2011 GHPAwd 2015 152 EDWARDS. Benjamin Marsh PGIII P 2001 50 DREW, George St Quentin PGBB 2013 PGV P 2005 68 DREW, Peter PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2006 62 DREYER, Cecil John PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2009 PGIV P 2015 KHW 2013 188 DRISCOLL, James Daniel PGI P 2013 93 EDWARDS, Bruce Gordon PGKIP 2013 210 DRYSDALE-BANKS, Ian PGII P 2014 196, 255 EDWARDS, David Michael PGIII P 2005 190 DUCKER, Trevor James PGI P 2015 PGV P 2009 115, 213 DUCKWORTH, Peter Ransom PGIV P 1996 PGVI P 2013 GSupt 1999-13 PGVII P 2013 GHP Awd 2011 KHW 2014 16 DUCKWORTH, Ronald James PGIII P 2004 48 EDWARDS, Frank PGII P 2001 PGVI P 2011 215 EDWARDS, Joseph PGBB 2014 242 DUENAS RIVERA, Jose PGI P 2015 126 EDWARDS, Leslie Victor PGIII P 2009 143, 220 DUFF, Ian Paterson PGIII P 2001 PGV P 2013 CHW 2003 42 EDWARDS, Stuart Ian PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2005 127 EELLS, Michael Richard PGII P 2007 GSup 2005-10 PGIV P 2011 AGHP 2010-13 CHW 2013 DGHP 2013- PGVI P 2015 217 DUFFETT, Roger Creve PGBB 2013 127 EFFEMY, Neil PGII P 2009 113 DUFFY, Graham PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2013 138 DUMONT, Jacques Andre PGII P 2009 2 EGGLETON, Jeremy PGI P 2015 10 DUNHAM, Kenneth David PGIII P 2012 148 EGLEY, David Akehurst PGII P 2005 53, 155 DUNN, Peter Gordon PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 2010 PGVI P 2000 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2004 TI EGNER, Frederick Giles Kirtley PGII P 2011 KHW 2010 PGIV P 2015 95, 247 DUPONT, Ian Anthony Forster PGII P 2012 126 EIO, John PGII P 2006 25 DURANT, Robin PGII P 2002 PGIV P 2010 PGIV P 2006 37 ELGIE, John Rowntree PGIII P 1988 PGV P 2012 PGV P 1993 108 DURER, Willi Hans Adolf PGII P 2004 PGVII P 1998 PGIV P 2009 236 ELIAS, Annuar Jose PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2012 G Supt 2015- 158 DURNFORD, David Reginald PGIII P 2000 125, ELLEN, Geert PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2004 DR 2013 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2014 53 ELLENOR, Phillip Clive PGI P 2014 213 DUTHIE, Alasdair Bruce PGIII P 2009 171 ELLIOT, Bruce PHW 2012 PGV P 2013 46 ELLIOT, George Joseph PGIII P 2007 106, 179 DUTTON, John PGIV P 1994 PGV P 2012 PGV P 1999 80 ELLIOT, Merrill Martin PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2006 86 ELLIS, Edward PGIII P 2012 KHW 2012 28 ELLIS, Garfield Ernest PGII P 2007 62 DUXBURY, Brian Clarance PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2011 13 DYKES, Benjamin PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2015 171 DYKES, William Alexander Roger PGI P 2014 80, 250 ELLIS, Raymond Stewart AGDC 2012 114 DYMOND, Roger Francis PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2012 224 DYSON, Bruce Swift PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2014 36, 191 EADIE, Alan PGIII P 2000 59 ELLIS, Richard Leonard PGIV P 1989 PGV P 2004 PGVI P 1996 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2012 33, 154 ELLISON, Roy PGIV P 1993 KHW 2015 PGVI P 1998 140 EAMES, Richard PGII P 2004 CHW 1999 PGIV P 2008 PGVII P 2003 PGV P 2012 KHW 2010 25 EARLAND, Eugene Roderick PGIV P 1991 CM 2012 AGDC 1991-01 12 ELLYETT, Ronald Harold PGIII P 1994 PGV P 1992 PGV P 1999 PGVI P 1997 PGVI P 2003 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2007 KHW 2015 KHW 2011 86 EARWICKER, Philip PGBB 2015 91 ELMES, Kenneth Joseph PGIII P 2010 60 EAVES, Robert PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2014 PGV P 2015 29 ELPHICK, Vernon Henry PGII P 2000 23 ECCLES, Michael PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2005 133 EDGAR, Roger Stuart PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2015

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83 ELSBY, Brian PGII P 1998 227, 260 FERREIRA, Armir Caetano DR 2015 PGIV P 2005 29 FERRIS, George PGKIP 2015 188 ELSLEY, David John PGIII P 2010 217 FEWINGS, John Richard PGIII P 2007 G Supt 2010- PGV P 2012 163 ELTON, James Rodney PGII P 2010 167 FFRENCH, Aubrey Eugene PGII P 2007 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2011 214 EMERSON, David PGBB 2013 29 FIDLER, Ronald George PGIII P 1998 147 EMMERSON Brian PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2011 13, 190 EMMS, Henry John PGIII P 2009 10 FIELD, Christopher Peter PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2013 130 ENERSON, Ronald Curtis PGII P 2010 CHW 2014 84 ENGLEFIELD, Alan John GIV P 2002 91 FIELD, James John PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 2003 AGDC 1999 PGVI P 2004 PGVI P 2000 GVII P 2006 PGVII P 2004 KHW 2007 KHW 2007 CM 2014 GSupt 2008- 159 ERBSMEHL, Kurt PGI P 2013 188 FIELDER, Colin Charles PGII P 2011 127 ERLEN, Peter Hannes PGIV P 1992 PGV P 2015 AGDC 1992 106 FIELDING, Gordon PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 1997 PGIV P 2014 CHW 1999 143 FINDLAY, Angus PGIII P 2007 AGR 1999 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2001 116 FIRTH, Robin Vincent PGIII P 2005 KHW 2003 PGIV P 2007 27 ERTEN, Eddie PGI P 2014 PGVIP 2010 62 ESPAG, Anthony Jack PGIII P 2000 166 FISH, Morris Charles PGII P 2003 PGV P 2005 PGIV P 2007 PGVIP 2010 188 FISHER, Colin Beckingham PGII P 2005 PGVII P 2012 PGV P 2013 KHW 2015 94 FISHER, Malcolm George PGII P 2013 119, 202, EUSTICE, Kenneth Anthony PHW 2001 28, 140 FISHER, Sidney Isaac PGIII P 1998 205 , 216 PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2002 PGV P 2007 PGVI P 2006 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2015 KHW 2012 164 EVANS, David Russell PGIII P 2007 58 FISK, Edward Thomas PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2014 147 EVANS, James Albert PGKIP 2013 141 FLEMING, John Bothwell PGIII P 1995 192 EVANS, Neil PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2000 CHW 2012 PGVI P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2009 65 EVANS, Robert Wilmore PGIII P 1993 KHW 2012 PGV P 1998 155, 174 FLETCHER, Gordon PGII P 2006 PGVI P 2002 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 2006 18 FLETCHER, Malcolm Clay PGIII P 2001 KHW 2011 PGV P 2006 188 EVANS, William David Griffiths PGIII P 2008 PGVIP 2010 188 EVERETT, John PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2013 90 FAGENCE, Robin PGII P 2008 90 FLETCHER, William Henry PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2011 123 FAIRCLOUGH, David Charles Watkin PGIII P 2006 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2010 215 FLETT, William Geddes GII P 2006 CHW 2013 PGIV P 2007 PGVI P 2014 CHW 2008 233, 238 FARAH, Raymond Thomas GStwd 2008 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2011 PGVII P 2014 21 FARLEY, John Stuart PGIII P 2006 DT 2014 PGVI P 2013 178 FLIGHT, Graham Leslie GIP 2004 25, 178 FARLOW, Herbert Charles PGIII P 2000 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2004 GSupt 2005-15 PGVI P 2008 GHPAwd 2015 PGVII P 2014 173 FLORENCE, Keith Leslie PGII P 2009 KHW 2015 PGV P 2014 19 FASTIER, Ian Walter PGIII P 2000 158 FLYNN, Michael John GIII P 2009 PGV P 2004 PGIV P 2010 GSupt 2005-11 PGVI P 2014 42 FEETUM, Leonard Paul PGBB 2013 170 FOLEY, William John PGIII P 1998 128, 246 FENN, Spencer Thomas Edward PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2006 PGVII P 2013 PGVIP 2010 57 FORD, Derek John PGBB 2014 PGVII P 2013 GCA FORD, Gerald Alan CM 2010 KHW 2013 114 FORD, Nigel Allan Langley PGII P 2001 74 FENTON, Brian David PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2009 144 FERGUSON, James Kenneth Cameron PGIII P 1996 123, FORD-GILTRAP, Arthur Howard PGIII P 1998 PGV P 2001 PGV P 2002

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64 FORDYCE, Brian George PGIII P 2008 12 FRENCH, Arthur Noel, JP PGIV P 1992 58 FORSTER, Bruce Fenton PGIV P 1989 PGVI P 1999 GSupt 1991-95 KHW 2001 171, 185 FORSTER, Stephen PGIII P 1999 PGVII P 2003 204 AGR 1999 147 FRENCH, Michael St John PGII P 2011 CHW 2000 PGIV P 2015 GV P 2003 46, 109 FRETTEN, Raymond George PGIV P 1991 PGVI P 2004 AGDC 1991-95 PGVII P 2006 PGVI P 1995 KHW 2008 GVII P 2000 G Supt 2011- KHW 2003 3 FORTUNE, Malcolm Hall PGII P 2005 CM 2010 PGIV P 2009 45 FROOM, Alan Reginald PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2013 PGIV P 2012 53 FOSTER, Andrew Peter Fall PGII P 2009 169 FRY, James Adrian PGI P 2013 PGIV P 2013 52 FRY, William PGII P 2009 74 FOSTER, Anthony Roy PGIII P 2005 76 FULLER, John Charles PGII P 2009 PGV P 2009 PGIV P 2014 CHW 2012 103 GAGE, Richard Dolloway PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2013 38 GALATIS, Lefkios Mathew PGII P 2005 TI, 109 FOSTER, Ivan PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2006 226 GAIL, Philippe Andre PGIII P 2010 PGVIP 2010 187 GAIT, David Gareth PGIII P 2011 PGVII P 2014 G Con 2015 10 FOSTER, John Frederick PGIII P 2002 51 GALLAGHER, Timothy Antony PGII P 2014 PGV P 2006 146 GALLICHAN, Herbert William PGII P 2006 CHW 2007 PGV P 2010 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2012 75 GALLOP, Jack Garfield PGII P 2005 KHW 2014 PGV P 2011 137 FOTHERINGHAM, Peter Ernest Albert PGIII P 2000 38 GAMBLE, David John PGII P 2011 GV P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2005 1 GAN, Richard Ludwick PGIV P 1993 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2003 109 FOULKES, Brian James PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2007 183 FOWLER, John PGII P 2011 KHW 2012 225, 35 FOX, David George GIV P 2009 119 GANGADEEN, Jeremiah Daniel PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2010 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2012 55 GARBUTT, Neil PGIII P 2003 KHW 2015 PGV P 2011 95, 247 FOX, Ian David PGIII P 2009 111 GARDNER, Gerard Alton PGII P 2007 PGV P 2013 PGIV P 2011 130 FRADO, Allan Donald PGBB 2014 80 GARDNER, John Vincent PGII P 2003 154 FRANCE, Eric GKI P 1990 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 1991 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 1996 113 GARNER, Douglas PGIIIP 2008 CHW 2000 PGV P 2013 164 FRANCE, Peter Gordon Ward PGII P 2001 128 GARRATT, Raymond William PGII P 2010 DDC 2004 191 GARROD, David Howard PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2005 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2009 165 GASKIN, Simon Peter PGII P 2015 CHW 2010 DT 2015 PGVII P 2012 81 GAULD, Alan Robert Thompson PGII P 2009 112 FRANCIS, Robert Burns PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2014 259 FRANZ, Rubens Ricardo PGVI P 2015 201 GAZZARD, Simon Thomas PGI P 2013 67 FRASER, Alan Thomas PGII P 2004 143 GEARIE, Robert Barrie PGIII P 2005 PGIII P 2011 CHW 2007 65 FRASER, Iain Cameron PGII P 2001 PGV P 2009 PGIV P 2005 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2015 PGVII P 2011 5, 17 GENTRY, Gordon Mark PGIV P 1987 KHW 2014 PGVI P 1992 116 FRASER, Iain Norwood PGIII P 2006 PGVII P 1997 PGV P 2010 GSupt 1999-10 PGVI P 2014 GHPAwd 2010 G Supt 2015 27 GEORGE, Christopher Francis PGIII P 2004 61 FREE, Maurice Sydney PGII P 2003 PGV P 2008 PGIV P 2009 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2014 39 GEORGE, Ian Terence PGBB 2014 58 FREEMAN, Gerald Leslie PGII P 2011 151 GEORGE, Kenneth Dudley PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2015 74 GEORGE, Richard Paul PGBB 2014 176 FREEMAN, Roger PGIII P 1999 70, 209 GEORGE, William Arthur PGIII P 1996 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2000 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2004 90 FREEMANTLE, Eric PGII P 2004 86 GEORGIOU, George PGIII P 2005 174 FREER, Henry PGII P 2009 PGV P 2013 PGIV P 2013 139 GERARDS, Hans Joachim PGII P 2005

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254 GIANNAKOPOULOS, Prokopios PGIV P 2013 5 GOODAL, Gerald William PGIII P 2012 26 GIBBINS, Maxwell PGII P 2011 10 GOODFELLOW, Kenneth Henry PGII P 2003 183 GIBBS, Ian PGI P 2013 PGIV P 2007 74 GIBBS, Raymond Trevor PGIII P 1987 94, 247 GOODRUM, Leonard George PGIII P 2001 PGV P 1993 PGV P 2006 PGVII P 1999 PGVIP 2010 KHW 2004 PGVII P 2014 121,204 GIBSON, Arthur Keir PHW 2006 GCA GOODWIN, David Dixon KCPO 2015 71 GIBSON, Michael James Dehalton PGII P 2009 156,202 GOODWIN, Edwin Bryant PHW 2000 PGV P 2013 PGIII P 2002 151 GIBSON, Milton George Charles PGIII P 1997 CHW 2004 PGV P 2001 GV P 2006 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2007 PGVII P 2007 GVII P 2009 KHW 2013 KHW 2010 196 GIDDINGS, Bryan Denis PGII P 2010 GSupt 2010- PGIII P 2014 144 GORDON, John Angus Ross PGII P 2009 118 GIFFORD, George Herbert PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2014 PGIV P 2014 130 GORDON-CRAIG, Dr Christopher PGII P 1998 56 GILBERT, Graham Arthur PGIII P 2010 152 GORST, Graham PGII P 2011 DT 2015 PGIV P 2015 17, 226 GILBERT, John Healey GStwd 2004 48, 203 GORTCHAKOFF, Michel C A PGIII P 2005 CHW 2006 CHW 2006 PGIll P 2006 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 2009 PGVII P 2015 DGOrg 2010 29 GOSLING, Alan PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2012 2 GOSNAY, Eric PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2012 218 GOSS, Gerald PGIII P 2008 KHW 2013 PGV P 2013 166 GILBERT, Peter Reuben PGBB 2014 110 GOTHAM, Ernest Russell PGIV P 1993 134 GILES, Kenneth PGII P 2003 PGV P 1998 PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2003 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2010 PGVII P 2015 1 GOUGH, Shane Hugh Marion PGIII P 2009 13 GILL, Gaspar Llewellyn PGII P 2013 184 GOULD, Michael John PGII P 2009 6 GILLIES, Angus Murdo PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2013 41 GILMORE, John Sidney Thomas PGIII P 2007 130 GOULD, Terry Dale PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2013 134 GOWLING, Arthur PGII P 2005 103 GIROUX, Omar PGII P 2012 96 GRACE, William Albert Campbell PGIII P 1997 38 GLANVILLE, Bernard Richard PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2004 169 GLASGOW, Edward William PGI P 2003 24 GRAFTON, Paul Crossland PGIII P 2010 PGIV P 2007 GVI P 2012 60 GLAZIER, Alan PGIII P 1998 PGVII P 2013 PGIV P 2002 KHW 2015 PGV P 2006 156 GRAHAM, Ernest James PGII P 2009 PGVIP 2010 6 GRAHAM, Michael GT 1993 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2000 154 GLEDHILL, Raymond PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2002 PGIV P 2015 KHW 2003 106 GLOVER, Geoffrey Kenneth PGIV P 2012 PGVII P 2005 33 GLOVER, Gerald PGII P 2009 CM 2010 PGIV P 2012 23 GRAINGER, Steven Leslie PGII P 2007 45, 209 GODDARD, Glyn Raymond PGII P 2003 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2007 121, 204 GRANT, Alistair Hugh PGIII P 1996 GDC 2010- PGIV P 2000 PGVII P 2010 PGVI P 2004 KHW 2012 CHW 2006 CM 2013 PGVII P 2009 KCPO 2015 KHW 2011 17 GODFREY-CASS, Douglas Leslie PGIV P 1991 23 GRANT, James William PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 1996 PGV P 2006 AGDC 1997 PGVIP 2010 PGVII P 1999 PGVII P 2014 KHW 2001 199 GRANT, William Green PGBB 2015 125, 138 GOEDHALS, Abraham GBB 2005 46 GRAVENOR, Michael james PGBB 2014 PGIV P 2006 4 GRAVES, David Walker PGIII P 1988 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 1995 23 GOFF, Bradbury PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2002 217 GOFFIN, Peter Bugh PGIII P 2008 135 GRAY, James PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2009 95, 247 GOLDS, Anthony Frederick PGIII P 2004 CHW 2011 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2015 CHW 2012 DDDC 2015 PGVII P 2015 192 GRAY, Martin James PGII P 2008 167 GOLDSON, Dennis Paul Aylward PGII P 2001 PGV P 2013 PGIII P 2005 17 GRAY, Tevor Clive PGBB 2013 43 GOLEBY, Ronald Spencer PGII P 2011

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153 GREEN, Alfred Leslie PGIII P 1995 164 GUBB, Graham Spencer GIII P 2002 PGV P 2000 PGIV P 2003 PGVI P 2004 PGVI P 2007 PGVII P 2007 PGVIIP 2010 KHW 2009 KHW 2015 133 GREEN, James Albert GSB 2015 177 GUDKA, Hansraj Fulchand PGBB 2013 1 GREEN, John Edwin PGIII P 2008 1, 10 GUEST, Michael William PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2013 GVII P 2014 149 GREEN, Robert Francis PGII P 2004 KHW 2015 PGIV P 2010 73 GULLIVER, Edward Leslie Eric PGII P 2004 PGVI P 2014 PGIV P 2010 76, 167 GREEN, Rudolph George Edward JP PGIV P 1996 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2001 224 GULLIVER, Trevor Charles PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2005 156 GUNNELL, Julian Keith PGIII P 2010 CHW 2006 22 GUNNER, Donald Harry PGIII P 1987 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 1993 CM 2015 PGVI P 1998 181 GREENACRE, John Allan PGBB 2014 PGVII P 2003 78, 145 GREENHALGH, Gordon Mather PGIV P 1993 KHW 2007 PGVI P 1998 5 GUY, Basil Thomas PGI P 2014 PGVII P 2002 174 GUY, Danny PGBB 2014 70 GREENHEAD, Robert Charles PGIV P 2014 62 GWYNN, Michael Peter PGIV P 1993 72 GREGORY, David Raymond PGBB 2015 PGVI P 2000 113 GREGORY, Robert Leonard PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2005 78 GREGORY, Mark Stephen PGI P 2014 KHW 2011 91 GREY, David Reginald PGIII P 2008 94, 247 HABBITTS, Robin AGR 1999 PGV P 2012 PGIII P 2004 196 GRIFFIN, Edgar Vincent PGIII P 2003 GVP 2009 PGV P 2007 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2012 PGVII P 2013 KHW 2013 104 GRIFFITH, Michael Edward Clavey PGI P 2014 65 HACKNEY, Brian Edward PGII P 2003 191 GRIFFITHS, Duncan Andrew PGIII P 2012 129, 251 HADDON, William PGIII P 1999 157 GRIFFITHS, Edgar James Wilding PGIII P 2003 DDDC 2012 GIV P 2008 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2009 179, 185, HADFIELD, Michael Arthur OBE, JP GT 2005-13 CHW 2010 225, 250 CHW 2010 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2011 PGVII P 2015 AGHP 2013- 47 GRIFFITHS, Gordon Bowen PGIV P 1996 GCPO 2015 PGVI P 2003 10, 128 HADLEY, Clifford William GI P 1990 PGVII P 2006 PGIV P 1991 196 GRIFFITHS, John Egbert PGIV P 1997 PGVI P 1995 PGV P 2001 GVII P 1999 PGVI P 2013 KHW 2003 PGVII P 2015 132 HAGGER, William PGII P 2008 154 GRIFFITHS, John Middleton PGIII P 2012 PGIV P 2012 88 GRIFFITHS, Roy PGIII P 1998 DDC 2013 PGV P 2003 GCA HAGGERT, David KCPO 2015 PGVIP 2010 80 HAGGETT, Royston Godfrey PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 2014 22 HAIR, Robin McDonald PGII P 2013 193 GRIMSHAW, Jack James PGIII P 2007 149 HALDEZOS, Gabriel PGIII P 2009 164 GROOM, William James Lewis PGII P 2003 PGV P 2013 PGIV P 2007 14, 239 HALE, Stephen Martyn PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 2012 PGVP 2009 PGVII P 2015 PGVI P 2013 195 GROUT, Leslie GIII P 2013 112 HALES, Trevor Ernest PGIII P 2010 PGIV P 2014 32 HALL, Geoffrey PGBB 2015 1, 194 GROUT, Noel Alfred Brian GIII P 1996 140 HALL, George Matthew PGBB 2014 202 PGIV P 1997 102 HALL, James PGIII P 1994 GVI P 2002 PGV P 1997 PGVII P 2003 PGVII P 2011 KHW 2004 18 HALL, Kenneth PGII P 2002 CM 2010 PGIV P 2007 6 GROVE, Raymond PGIII P 2006 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2010 79 HALL, Kenneth George PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2014 197 GROVES, Nigel Keith PGI P 2015 140 HALL, Kenneth Walton PGII P 2005 146 de GRUCHY, Graham PGIII P 2000 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2004 117, 182, HALL, Peter John PGIII P 1990 PGVI P 2008 185 PGV P 1994 2, 185 GRUNDY, Ian William PGIII P 2009 AGDC 1995-97 DDC 2010 DGDC 1997 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 1998 GDC 1999-02 PGVII P 2000 KHW 2002 CM 2010

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14, 189 HALL, Robert CHW 2011 84, 131 HARRIS, Graham Cyril PGIII P 1997 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2001 16 HALL, Thomas Lincoln PGII P 2015 PGVI P 2005 46 HALL, Walter PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2008 131 HALL, William PGBB 2015 2, 23 HARRIS, James Henry PGIII P 2003 100 HALLAM, William Ellis PGII P 2007 126 HARRIS, Kenneth Robert PGBB 2014 PGV P 2011 53 HARRISON, Bruce DDC 2010 193 HAM, Peter, Wedgewood CHW 2012 PGIII P 2010 PGII P 2014 CHW 2013 59 HAMBLETON, Harry PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2014 65 HAMEL, Carl Andre Sydney PGII P 2011 95 HARRISON, David Walter PGIII P 1994 170 HAMILL, Keith Graham PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2003 PGV P 2012 34 HARRISON, Leroy Percy PGII P 1998 52 HAMILTON, Donald William PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2002 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2007 36 HAMILTON, Michael John PGBB 2014 PGVII P 2011 4 HAMMACOTT, David George PGBB 2015 168 HARRISON, Lionel Isaiah PGII P 2011 193 HAMMOND, Anthony Peter PGBB 2013 44, 246 HARRISON, Michael PGIII P 2000 65 HAMMOND, Dennis Roy PGII P 2008 PGV P 2004 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2008 48, 156 HAMMOND, Peter Dennis PGII P 2001 PGVII P 2011 PGIV P 2005 KHW 2011 PGVI P 2009 137 HARRISON, Paul GIII P 2011 33, 196 HAMPTON, Harold Wilford PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 2012 255 PGVI P 2000 CHW 2014 PGVII P 2004 54 HARRISON, Trevor John GStwd 2003 CHW 2009 GBB 2008 KHW 2010 PGIV P 2009 CM 2013 CHW 2010 DR 2015 GVII P 2012 184 HANCOCK, Graham John PGBB 2015 KHW 2013 44 HANDFORD, Frederick David DGO 2013 148 HART, Alan Langley PGIV P 1995 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 1999 25, 209 HANDFORD, John Richard Henry PGII P 2000 PGVII P 2004 DR 2004 KHW 2011 PGIV P 2004 163 HART, Alexander Davidson PGII P 2007 PGVI P 2008 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 KHW 2012 163 HART, Alex Fraser PGII P 2009 TI HANDLEY, Graham PGII P 2012 69 HARTLAND, Anthony Peter PGI P 2013 52 HANNA, Tom PGI P 2007 CHW 2015 1 HANNAGAN, Angus Patrick Douglas PGIV P 2015 DR 2015 36 HANSON, Emmanuel Benjamin Ayeh PGBB 2013 24 HARTLEY, Barry Laurence PGIII P 2009 233 HAS-MOEVI, Aristote PGII P 2013 PGV P 2013 107 HANSEN, Jan PGIII P 2011 70 HARTLEY, Colin Ray PGII P 2001 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2005 93 HARDIE, David Paul PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2009 200, 172 HARDIE, Gerald Michael Pritchard PGIII P 2002 4 HARTLEY, David GIP 2001 PGV P 2006 PGIV P 2002 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2005 177, 216 HARDIE, Jeffrey Alexander GKIP 2010 PGVII P 2008 PGIV P 2011 KHW 2012 PGVI P 2014 89 HARTLEY, Kevin Charles PGIII P 2004 CHW 2013 PHW 2007 69, 224 HARDING Larry Anthony PGII P 2006 DDC 2009 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2014 203 HARDY, Patrick Jean Paul PGIII P 2008 CHW 2014 170 HARDY, Warren Francis John PGII P 2002 39 HARVEY, Colin PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2005 PGIV P 2015 PGVIP 2010 134 HARVEY John PGII P 2006 180 HARMAN, Malcolm Peter PGIII P 2007 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2015 74 HARVEY, Oswald Theodore PGII P 1996 65 HARMSE, John PGBB 2014 PGIV P 2001 54 HARREL, Keith PGIII P 2007 GVI P 2007 26 HARRIDINE, Michael George PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2011 KHW 2011 PGVI P 2015 206 HARWOOD John PGIII P 2006 188 HARRIES, David DT 2014 PGV P 2010 166 HARRIES, Phillip PGIII P 2010 48 HATFIELD, Douglas Alan PGKIP 2014 PGV P 2014 184 HATTON, Christopher Francis DDDC 2010 32, 122 HARRIMAN, Stanley William PGIV P 1992 DDC 2011 PGVI P 1997 PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2001 CHW 2014 CM 2014

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26 HATTON, Nigel Antony PGIII P 1999 18, 239 HENDERSON, Donald Richmond PGIII P 2003 PGV P 2003 PGV P 2007 PGVIP 2010 GVI P 2011 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2012 148 HATWELL, Joseph Patrick PGI P 2003 170 HENDERSON, Kent William PGIII P 2001 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2005 80 HAUGHTON, James Francis DGO 2014 PGVIP 2010 PGIV P 2015 111,219 HENDERSON, Philip Henry PGII P 2002 126 HAVERCROFT, George Herbert PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2008 94 HAWES, Richard PGIII P 2012 PGVI P 2013 136 HAWORTH, Rex Harman Arthur PGIV P 1997 144 HENDERSON, Robert Banks Beech PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2002 174 HENDERSON, Robert Muir PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2008 136 HENDERSON, William John Butler PGIII P 2000 KHW 2012 PGV P 2004 71, 136 HAY, Eric David Arthur PGIII P 1995 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 1999 PGVII P 2012 GVI P 2004 11 HENLEY, Frederick George PGII P 2004 PGVII P 2005 14 HENRY, Ivor James PGII P 2013 KHW 2012 164 HENSHAW, Jeffrey Wayne PGIII P 2012 151 HAY, John PGII P 2007 105 HERBENER, Kevin Eugene PGII P 1999 29, 177 HAY, John Stuart PGIII P 1991 168 HERBERT, Geoffrey G Supt 2011- PGV P 1995 1 HERBERT, Michael Edward PGIV P 1991 GVI P 1999 GVII P 1996 PGVII P 2000 GSupt 1999-07 GSupt 2001-04 GHPAwd 2011 GHPAwd 2014 89 HERMAN, Hilton Bruce PGIII P 1994 6, 185 HAYES, Anthony Charles GKIP 1998 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 1999 PGVI P 2003 DGR 2001-8 PGVII P 2005 PGVI P 2002 KHW 2011 PGVII P 2004 94,132 HEWITT, Geoffrey PGIII P 2004 KHW 2006 247 CHW 2008 GR 2008-09 PGVP 2009 GHP Awd 2009 PGVI P 2013 104 HAYES, James Arthur PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2015 91 HAYES, Keith William PHW 2011 84 HEWITT, Michael John PGBB 2014 7 HAYLOCK, Michael John PGIII P 2005 42 HEYNES, Paul Alfred PGII P 2002 PGV P 2011 PGIV P 2006 PGVI P 2015 PGVIP 2010 77 HAYNES, Andrew Fitzgerald PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2015 27 HAYWARD, Leonard George PGIII P 2009 55 HEYWARD, Stephen PGII P 2012 PGV P 2013 167 HEYWOOD, Lawton Croswell GI P 2005 CHW 2015 PGIV P 2006 148 HAZELWOOD, Donald Wayne PGIII P 2011 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2014 213 HEAD, Ronald PGIII P 2008 45 HICKMAN, John Charles William DT 2014 PGV P 2012 75 HICKLING, Ron PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2013 99 HICKS, Philip Bryce, RFD, JP PGIII P 1997 111 HEALEY, Frederick Andrew PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 2001 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2006 GSupt 2013- 106 HIGGINS, Harold Nigel Hugh PGIV P 1990 78 HEAP, Henry Barrie PGIII P 2000 PGVI P 2000 PGV P 2004 76 HIGGS, Vincent Maynard PGIII P 1991 PGVI P 2008 AGDC 1993-94 PGVII P 2011 PGV P 1996 190 HEARD, Stephen Robert PGII P 2005 175 HILDITCH, William James PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2006 180 HEASMAN, Brian George PGIII P 2005 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2009 PGVII P 2012 CHW 2010 91 HILL, Malcolm Lewis PGIII P 1987 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 1993 79, 89 HEAZLEWOOD, John Beckwith PGIII P 2000 PGVI P 1998 PGIV P 2005 PGVII P 2003 PGVI P 2009 KHW 2011 DR 2009 165 HILL, William Thomas PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2011 108 HILLIER, Robert Charles PHW 2015 GSupt 2014- 34, 108 HILLMAN, Lawrence Franklin PGIII P 1995 139 HEBEL, Philip John DDR 2010 PGVII P 2011 PGIII P 2011 257 HIMENES, Rosselberto PGVI P 2015 170 HEDGES, Derek Michael PGIII P 2010 DDC 2015 PGV P 2015 3 HIND, Josheph Alan PGIII P 2012 96 HEDLEY, Bernard PGIII P 2005 189 HINDE, David Richard PGIII P 2007 52 HEMMINGWAY, Brian PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2011 144 HENDERSON, Alexander PGIII P 1995 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2000 55 HITHERSAY, Brian Willaim PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2006 211 HO, Kum Moon PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2008 KHW 2012

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14, 59 HOBBS, Derek PGIV P 1986 77, 209 HOPKIN, David Victor GBB 1999 60, 83 PGVI P 1991 PGIV P 2000 PGVII P 1997 PGVI P 2004 KHW 2002 CHW 2005 92, 170 HODGES, Terence Thomas AGDC 2001 PGVII P 2013 PGIII P 2002 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2007 187 HOPKINS, Michael PGII P 2010 PGVIIP 2010 PGV P 2014 KHW 2011 71 HOPPER, John Anthony PGII P 2011 6 HODGKINSON, John GII P 2010 PGV P 2015 PGIV P 2011 26 HOPPER, Melvin John PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2013 17, 80 HOPTON, Douglas Taylor PGIII P 2002 129 HODGSON, Bryan PGIV P 1992 246 DR 2004 PGVI P 1997 CHW 2005 PGVII P 2001 PGV P 2006 KHW 2005 GVIP 2010 125 HOFSTE, Johan PGI P 2014 PGVII P 2011 6 HOGGARD, Keith Leonard PGIII P 2004 KHW 2014 PGV P 2008 214 HORABIN, Brian PGBB 2015 CHW 2012 29 HORNBY, Paul Frederick PGII P 2005 PGVI P 2012 52 HORNE, Charles Leonard PGIII P 1995 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2000 KHW 2015 10 HORNE, Irving James PGI P 2015 109 HOGGETT, Alan PGIII P 1993 131 HORNE, Keith PGII P 2011 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 2015 156 HOLDEN, Christopher Henry John PGI P 2013 184 HORTON, Raymond Charles PGII P 2000 32,185 HOLLAND Brian John PGIII P 2005 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2013 CHW 2010 PGVII P 2015 PGVII P 2011 TI HOLLAND, Peter John PGKIP 2015 188 HOSGOOD, David Ewart GStwd 2009 143 HOLLAND, Ronald Mortimer GStwd 2006 51 HOSKINS, Raymond George PGII P 2007 PGIV P 2012 PGIV P 2011 26 HOLLANDS, Wesley Val PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2011 108 HOSTINE, Larry John PGII P 2001 25 HOLLEBONE, Paul Stephen GSB 2014 41 HOUGH, Herbert PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2015 DDC 2015 32 HOUSLEY, Harvey William PGIII P 1998 170 HOLLIBONE, Glenn Stanley Leonard PGSB 2015 PGV P 2002 16 HOLLEY, Kenneth PGII P 2010 1 HOUSTON, Thomas Alexander PGII P 2010 PGV P 2014 PGIV P 2014 172 HOLLINGSWORTH, Colin PGII P 2010 191 HOWARD, Jeremy David PGII P 2009 PGV P 2015 180 HOWARD, Raymond Frederick George PGIII P 2006 178 HOLLINSHEAD, David Edward PGII P 2002 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2006 PGVII P 2014 PGVIP 2010 60 HOWARTH, Barry PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2015 140 HOWIE, James Graham PGIII P 2006 32 HOLMES, David Joseph PGIII P 2003 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2007 100 HOWORTH, Robert Storey AGDC 1998-01 PGVI P 2011 GKIP 1999 PGVII P 2014 PGIV P 2000 192 HOLMES, Graham John PGBB 2013 PGV P 2003 18 HOLMES, Mark PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2007 PGIII P 2014 PGVIIP 2010 23 HOLT, Thomas GI P 2011 46 HOWSE, David PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2012 PGV P 2006 120 HOLTUM, Austin Arthur PGIII P 2001 PGVIP 2010 DR 2003 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2005 69 HUBBARD, Charles Bryan PGI P 2000 PGVI P 2007 PGIII P 2003 KHW 2007 PGV P 2008 PGVII P 2009 118 HUBBELL, Harold Gordon PGIII P 2011 CoM 2011 44 HUCKLE, Peter George PGIII P 2006 154 HOMER, Leonard PGI P 2013 PGV P 2010 73 HONE, William Thomas PGIV P 1984 CHW 2013 PGVI P 1991 PGVI P 2014 GSupt 1993-99 194 HUDSON, Raymond William PGII P 2011 GHP Awd 2010 PGV P 2015 103 HONGISTO, John David PGII P 2010 127 HUGHES, Colin Walter PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2015 205 HUGHES, Evan Glyn PGIII P 2006 4 HONNIBAL, Joseph Sidney PGII P 1998 CHW 2008 PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2006 DDC 2010 PGVIP 2010 PGVII P 2015 59 HUGHES, Leslie James PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2005 PGVI P 2009 188 HUGHES, Lionel Clark PGII P 2014

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84 HUGHES, Peter William DR 2006 127 IRONS, Michael Albert PGII P 2001 GIII P 2008 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 2009 PGVI P 2011 CHW 2009 PGVII P 2013 G Supt 2011- KHW 2015 157 HUGHES, Raymond Jones PGIII P 2008 208 IRVINE, James Edward PGI P 2015 PGV P 2012 TI IRVING, John Henry PGIII P 2006 40 HUME, Colin PGII P 2010 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2014 TI, 134 HUME, Roderick Allan PGIV P 1996 214 ISHERWOOD, William PGII P 2008 PGV P 2000 126 ISHERWOOD-BENNETT PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2004 Harold Edmonde PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2008 150 IVAMY, Phillip James G Supt 2014- KHW 2010 153 JACKAMAN, Barry Lenard PGI P 2012 109 HUMPHREY, Paul Baden PGIII P 2006 194 JACKSON, Anthony Norman PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2010 117 JACKSON, David Gilfoy PGII P 2003 136 HUMPHREY, Robert John PGIII P 2011 61, 176 JACKSON, Keith Barry PGIV P 1988 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 1994 233 HINKWORTH-Kpelly, Joseph G Stwd 2015 PGVII P 1999 56 HUNT, Alan PGII P 2005 194 JACKSON, Luke Arnold PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2010 43 JACKSON, Roger PGIII P 2008 205 HUNT, Brian PGIII P 2004 78 JACKSON, Thomas Firth PGIII P 1998 PGV P 2009 AGDC 1999 31, 245 HUNT, Cecil Francis PGII P 2012 PGV P 2002 49 HUNT, John Marshall PGIII P 2011 GSupt 2004-12 59 HUNTER, George Ralph PGII P 2000 GHPAwd 2014 PGIV P 2004 112 JACOBS, Geoffrey Frank PGI P 2014 PGV P 2008 128, 246 JAGGER, David Arthur GIV P 2015 PGVI P 2011 GC JAILLET, Patrick Jean CM 2008 101 HUNTER, Perter George PGI P 2014 136 JAKES, Ronald David PGII P 2010 124 HUNTER, Stanley PGII P 2006 PGIV P 2014 PGIV P 2011 197 JAMES, Barry Norman PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2014 36 HURREN, William James PGIII P 2003 157, 188 JAMES, Colin Mansel PGIII P 1987 PGV P 2007 PGVI P 1992 36 HUSON, Bryon Stanley PGII P 2011 PGVII P 1997 PGIV P 2015 CHW 2001 186 HUSSEY, Raymond Stanley Henry PGII P 2007 KHW 2011 PGIV P 2011 193 JAMES, Derek Frank PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2005 179 HUTCHINSON, Graeme PGIII P 2009 44 JAMES, John Frederick Colston PGI P 2004 PGV P 2013 PGII P 2008 GSupt 2014 PGIV P 2011 118 HUTCHINSON, James Hugh PGII P 2005 105 JAMIESON, John James PGIII P 1996 PGIV P 2009 PGIV P 2001 33 HUTCHISON, Colin PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2006 36 HUTCHISON, David PGII P 2012 195 JANES, Rodney PGIII P 2006 166 HUTIN, Kenneth James PGII P 2007 PGV P 2010 47,193 HUTLEY, Michael Anthony, QPM PGIII P 1993 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 1998 89 JANSEN, Maxwell PGIII P 2007 CHW 2001 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 2003 77 JARVIS, John Leslie PGI P 2007 PGVII P 2005 PGIII P 2011 KHW 2006 PGVI P 2015 CM 2015 47 JEEVES, Roger William PGII P 2013 81 HYDE, George PGII P 2001 DDC 2015 PGIII P 2006 16, 96 JEFFERIES, Frank Morris PGIV P 1989 167 HYLTON, George Arthur PGIII P 2000 162 PGVI P 1993 PGV P 2004 PGVII P 1998 PGVI P 2008 GSupt 2001-07 165 HYLTON, John PGII P 2010 DT/DR 2015 PGV P 2013 123 JEFFERIES, Stanley Rowland Clive PGIV P 1995 109, 180 IBBETSON, Kenneth Thomas PGIII P 1998 PGV P 1999 PGV P 2002 PGVI P 2003 PGVI P 2006 PGVII P 2007 PGVII P 2008 31 JEFFORD, William Francis PGIII P 2001 KHW 2012 PGIV P 2005 137 ILSELEY, John Stuart PGIII P 1996 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2001 PGVII P 2013 83 INGHAM, Thomas PGII P 2005 157 JENKINS, David Robert PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2009 100 JENKINS, Kenneth Paul PGIII P 2005 155 INGRHAM, Jeffrey Scott GSB 2015 PGV P 2009 34 INGREY, Arthur Walter PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2013 PGIV P 2014 PGVII P 2015 76 INNISS, Roderick Eugene PGIII P 1997 161 JENKINS, Maurice PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2004 145 JENKINSON,Alan PGII P 2005 PGV P 2010

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168, 197 JENNINGS, David Austin PGIII P 2005 187 JONES, Eeifion Bowen PGII P 2003 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2007 117, 185 JENNINGS, Peter Roy GKIP 2006 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2007 93, 161 JONES, Glenson Trevelyn PGII P 2003 PGVIP 2010 PGIV P 2007 DR 2010 45 JONES, Gordon Howard PGIV P 1995 PGVII P 2012 PGVI P 1999 KHW 2014 PGVII P 2003 163 JESPERSON, Alan Henry PGIII P 2011 KHW 2004 131 JESSON, David Kenneth PGIII P 2006 156 JONES, James Daniel PGII P 2008 PGV P 2010 188 JONES, John Denzil PGIII P 2002 CHW 2013 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 2014 PGVIP 2010 134 JOBES, William PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2013 86 JOHN, Alun Llewelyn PGIII P 2004 88 JONES, Keith Harvey PGII P 2011 PGV P 2008 1 JONES, Kessick John PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2013 77 JOHNSON, Edward Samuel Bela PGIII P 2004 147 JONES, Michael Robin PGIII P 2008 DR 2006 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2008 133 JONES, Neil Desmond PGII P 2002 29, 110, JOHNSON, George Alfred DDC 2007 PGIV P 2006 182, 200 GKIP 2008 PGVI P 2010 216, 222 PGIV P 2009 PGVII P 2012 CHW 2010 155 JONES, Robert PGII P 2012 GCond 2012 100 JONES, Royston William PGIII P 1997 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2001 KHW 2014 CHW 2004 120 JOHNSON, George Ernest PGII P 2007 PGVI P 2005 41 JOHNSON, Kenneth PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2008 PGIV P 2014 KHW 2010 52 JOHNSON, Malcolm Deverne PGIII P 2014 5 JONES, Samuel Horton Maurice PGIII P 1996 179 JOHNSON, Michael Niall PGII P 2014 PGV P 2000 181 JOHNSON, Neville George PGIII P 2004 59 JONES, Thomas Glynn PGIII P 1992 CHW 2005 PGV P 1997 DDC 2006 PGVI P 2002 PGV P 2008 PGVII P 2006 PGVII P 2013 KHW 2009 133, 246 JOHNSON, Peter John PGIII P 2011 65 JORDAN, Edward Carl Ludwig PGIII P 1993 CHW 2014 PGIV P 1999 AGDC 2015 PGV P 2003 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 2007 155 JOHNSON, Paul PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2009 122 JOHNSON, Roland Victor PGIII P 1996 KHW 2012 PGV P 2003 191 JORDAN, Michael David PGI P 2013 PGVI P 2007 CHW 2015 PGVII P 2011 227 JOVANOVIC, Vojislav, Aleksandar PGIII P 2013 93 JOHNSON, Ronald Kenneth PGIII P 2004 124 JOWETT, Donald PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2008 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2014 44 JUDD, Anthony Philip PGII P 2009 111 JOHNSTON, Robert McKay PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2015 81 JOHNSTON, Ronald Adam PGII P 2004 79 KAGIS, Frank Gunnars PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2008 58 KALATZIS, Demetrius, JP PGIII P 1991 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 1996 198, 204 JOHNSTON, Thomas Joseph Callaman PHW 2004 PGVI P 2001 PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2006 PGIV P 2011 KHW 2011 175 JOHNSTON, William PGII P 2009 79 KALEJS, Janis Gvido PGIII P 2008 127 JOLLEY, Michael Bellian GKIP 2000 PGV P 2012 PGIV P 2001 130 KAMPJES, Richard PGIII P 2007 CHW 2002 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2008 78 KAVANAGH, David PGIII P 2012 KHW 2013 78, 123 KAY, Robert PGII P 1980 31 JONES, Adrian Thorogood PGIII P 2007 PGIV P 1985 PGV P 2011 AGDC 1987-96 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 1989 24 JONES, Alexander Michael, JP PGIII P 1996 PGVII P 1993 PGV P 2000 CHW 1999 GSupt 2000-10 KHW 2000 GHP Awd 2010 150 KEARNS, Graham Stephen. PGV P 2001 113, 225 JONES, Brian Archie PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2009 58 JONES, Colin PGBB 2014 G Supt 2011-14 50 JONES, David Owen PGIII P 2004 37 KEELEY, Paul Gabriel PGII P 2015 PGIV P 2008 189 KEELY, Ronald PGII P 2005 PGVI P 2012 CHW 2008 206 JONES, Edwin Alan PGBB 2015 PGIV P 2009 PGVI P 2013

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149 KEENAN, David St. John PGIII P 2007 78, 145 KIRKHAM, David Henry PGIII P 1996 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2000 212 KEENS, Ian John PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2004 135 KEEPER, Edward George PGIII P 1998 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2002 KHW 2015 CHW 2005 194 KIRKMAN, Robert Albert PGII P 2014 PGVI P 2006 82 KITCHEN, Maxwell Gene PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2013 KHW 2012 65, 141 KLEINGELD, Karel Erné PGIV P 1997 59 KEERY, Samuel James PGIII P 2009 PGVI P 2001 PGV P 2013 PGVII P 2005 234 KELLET, David PGII P 2013 KHW 2011 DDDC 2013 138 KLEP, Eric Maria Arthur PGBB 2014 134 KELLEY, Peter Michael PGII P 2009 6 KNAPPER, Donald PGIII P 2008 177 KEMPTON, John William Thomas PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2013 PGV P 2011 122 KNEW, John Leonard PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2014 56 KEMSLEY, Raymond Bentinck PGIII P 1984 3 KNIGHT, Robin Francis PGII P 2013 PGV P 1988 170 KNIGHT, Ross PGII P 2011 GSupt 1991-97 104 KNOX, John PGII P 2000 KHW 2000 AGDC 2002-7 GHPAwd 2007 PGVI P 2003 121, 204 KENNEDY, Kenneth Donald PGIII P 1998 PGVII P 2006 AGDC 1998 DGDC 2007- GSupt 2000-05 KHW 2010 GHPAwd 2010 CM 2012 166 KENT, Harold PGIII P 2011 21 KO, Ying PGII P 2015 79 KENT, Kevin Thomas John PGIII P 2011 107, 139 KOK, Peter Gerard PGIII P 2001 CHW 2014 PGV P 2006 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2012 97 KERR, Albert David AGDC 1993 KHW 2014 PGV P 1997 254 KOKKALIS, Athanasios PGVI P 2013 GSupt 2001-04 GC KOON II, William H CM 2008 50, 250 KERRY, Richard Alan PGII P 2010 GHPAwd 2014 PGIV P 2014 107 KOOPMAN, Johan Peter Justinus AGR 1999 159 KERSLAKE, John PGIII P 2006 Frederick PGIII P 2000 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2005 CHW 2013 PGVIP 2010 PGVII P 2014 148 KORONIADIS, Athanasios PGII P 2010 128 KETTLEBOROUGH, Edward Charles PGIII P 1999 116 KOVENDY, Louis PGIII P 1993 PGV P 2003 PGV P 2000 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 2005 PGVII P 2011 233 KOYO, Sylvere GSB 2015 13, 202 KEYS, John Richard PGIII P 2002 6 KRAWCZYK, Tadeusz PGI P 2013 PGV P 2007 105 KRIEGER, Francis Stanley PGII P 1998 CHW 2009 PGIV P 2003 PGVI P 2012 139 KRUIS, Frits Arjen PGIII P 2010 214 KILLEN, Nathaniel PGIII P 2006 CHW 2011 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2015 21 KWOK, Albert Ping Ki GStwd 2005 35 KILMARTIN, John PGI P 2015 PGIV P 2010 42 KIMBERLEY, Brian Mander PGIII P 2008 CHW 2012 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 2014 CHW 2012 211 KWONG, Allen Sea Yoon PGIII P 2009 3 KING, David PGBB 2015 226, 232 LACERDA, Francisco do Egipto DDC 2010 30 KING, Ernest PGIII P 2001 237 PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2005 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2009 G Supt 2015 118 KING, Thomas AGR 1999 27 LADD, John Harold PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2011 PGV P 2015 52, 102 KING, Thomas Arthur GStwd 2000 3 LAIDLAW, Kenneth PGII P 2002 20 KINGSTON, John Risely PGIII P 1996 PGIV P 2006 PGIV P 2001 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2006 PGVII P 2012 PGVIIP 2010 175, 204 LAING, John Crauston PGII P 2003 TI KINNAFICK, Norman PGII P 2009 25 LAKER, Roy Desmond William PGIII P 2006 155 KINNISON, John Michael Petit PGII P 2010 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2014 131 LAMB, Edward Gerald PGI P 2013 196 KINSEY, David PGIII P 1993 105 LAMBERT, Colin Keith PGIII P 1994 PGV P 2002 PGIV P 2001 PGVI P 2006 213 LAMBERT, Donald Hisom PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 2015 34 KIRBY, Murray Herbert CHW 2015 114 LAMONT, Allan Heywood PGIV P 1996 168 KIRCHNEBER, Norbert PGII P 2014

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144, 215 LAMONT, Calum Sam PGII P 2003 133 Le BAIGUE, Edward Arthur PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2007 PGV P 2013 CHW 2008 136 LEDGER, Brian Richard PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2012 PGVII P 2014 20 LEDLIE, Graham PGII P 2009 KHW 2014 PGIV P 2013 30 LANDRIAU, Michael PGBB 2013 147 LEE, David Ronald PGIII P 1998 157 LANE, Donald Owen PGBB 2015 PGV P 2002 4 LANE, Ivan Edgar PGII P 2003 PGVI P 2006 PGIV P 2008 PGVIIP 2010 PGVI P 2013 39 LEE, George Stewart GStwd 2012 77 LANGLEY, Leslie PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2014 PGIV P 2012 211 LEE, Henry PGII P 2005 122, 248 LANGLEY, Michael Graham PGIII P 2011 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2015 173 LEIGH, Ian PGBB 2015 192 LAPSLEY, Anthony Thomas PGII P 2014 102 LEIPERT, William Frederick PGIII P 2011 211 LARGE, Charles Graeme PGIV P 1990 16, 96 LEMON, Brian Sommers Dillon PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 1997 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2001 108 LENIUK, Robert Joseph PGII P 2007 53, 174 LAURENCE, David Norton PGII P 2002 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2006 189 LENNARD, John Mark PGII P 2012 PGVIP 2010 156 LENO, Daniel PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2012 PGV P 2012 150 LAURENSON, Bruce Edwin PGII P 2006 117 LEPINGWELL, Brian Douglas PGBB 2015 PGIV P 2011 154 LE-ROLLAND, Percy Edward PGIII P 2006 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2010 37 LAVERICK, George PGBB 2013 90, 216 LESKE-HEED, Ronald Charles PGIII P 2002 150 LAWLESS, Brian Kevin PGII P 2009 CHW 2003 PGIV P 2011 PGV P 2006 DR 2014 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2013 56 LAWRENCE, David John PGII P 2009 231 LESSA, Jao Octavio Cezar PGII P 2014 146 LAWRENCE, Frank Alec PGIII P 2004 49 LEVICK, Martin Frank Hemsley PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2009 GCon 2013 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2014 177,205 LAWSON, Jeffrey PGIII P 2004 GSupt 2014 PGV P 2009 49 LEVICK, Norman Sidney PGIII P 1995 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2000 88 LAWSON, Samuel PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2004 2, 24 LAYCOCK, Edwin Vivian PGIV P 1992 PGVII P 2009 PGVI P 1997 KHW 2014 PGVII P 2001 170 LEWELLIN, Edward Robin PGII P 2005 KHW 2005 PGV P 2010 93 LAYCOCK, William Donald PGIII P 2011 153 LEWIS, Ernest George PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2008 85 LAYTON, John Wilbert PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2012 101, 185 LAYTON, Peter PGIII P 2009 187 LEWIS, Michael John DDR 2014 GV P 2013 180 LEWIS, Roy Albert PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 2012 CHW 2015 74, 247 LEWIS, Terence Clive PGII P 2012 101 LAYTON, Roger PGII P 2010 1, 202 LEWIS, Timothy John PGIV P 1993 74, 247 LAZENBY, Brian Leslie PGII P 2009 PGV P 1998 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2000 90 LEACH, Peter Charles PGI P 2014 GVII P 2003 111 LEADBETTER, John Roy PGII P 2006 PGVII P 2004 PGV P 2011 CM 2014 88 LEAHY, Anthony Thomas PGII P 2011 102 LEYSHON, Alun John PGII P 2012 95 LEAK, John Thomas PGI P 2013 80, 246 LIDDINGTON, David Harold PGII P 1998 45, 209 LEAMAN, Gordon GII P 1989 PGIV P 2002 PGIII P 1990 PGVI P 2006 PGV P 1995 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 1999 KHW 2014 PGVII P 2003 TI, 134 LIDDLE, John PGIII P 2010 KHW 2004 185 DR 2010 DDC 2005 CHW 2012 CM 2012 GV P 2014 G Supt 2015 PGVI P 2015 106 LEATHER, Raymond William PGII P 2010 140 LIGHTLEY, Michael John PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2014 62 LILJESTRAND, Sven Axel PGIV P 2004 72 LEAVER, Anthony John GII P 2003 PGVIP 2010 PGIV P 2004 124 LILLIE, Robin David PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2007 PGIV P 2012 PGVII P 2011 181 LIMBERT, Sidney William, JP PGII P 1998 KHW 2015 PGIV P 2002 104 LEAVERS, Roy William PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2011 PGIV P 2011 116 LINDLEY, Alan Lewis PGIII P 1998 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2001 203 Le Bail-Collet, Gunhael PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2006

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16 LINDLEY, Leon PGI P 2015 50 LONG, Brian Harold PGII P 2002 168 LINDUS, Jack PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2006 PGV P 2013 PGVIP 2010 20 LING, James Alan PGI P 2013 67 LONGRIGG, William Marks PGI P 2013 111 LINGLEY, John Harold PGIII P 1989 183 LONGSTAFF, Eric PGIII P 2007 PGV P 1996 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2011 180 LORD, James Gordon PGIII P 1998 43, 168 LINTON, Maxwell George PGV P 1994 PGV P 2002 AGDC 1994-99 PGVI P 2006 GSupt 1999-05 PGVII P 2008 GHP Awd 2011 KHW 2011 153 LISTER, William Henry PGII P 2001 167 LORD, Sylvester Leroi PGI P 2014 PGV P 2010 182, 195 LOVE, Jack DDC 2014 135 LITTLE, Colin Richard PGIII P 2010 202 GStwd 2014 DDDC 2012 AGDC 2015 PGV P 2014 PGIV P 2015 DDC 2015 16, 96 LOWE, Alan George PGII P 2004 171 LITTLE, Robert PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2012 PGIV P 2011 20 LOWE, John Richard PGI P 2013 CHW 2012 33, 196 LOWETH, Stanley Charles PGIII P 2001 2 LITTLEWOOD, Michael John PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2011 106 LIVESEY, John PGBB 2015 KHW 2011 2, 225 LLEWELLYN, Anthony William PGIII P 2006 218, 245 LOWTHER, Colin GII P 2012 GV P 2010 PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2011 214 LUCAS, Joseph Edward PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2013 PGIV P 2015 KHW 2015 147 LUCAS, Richard Alan PGI P 2013 31 LLOYD, Albert Francis PGII P 2000 190 LUCKETT, Roy Henry Frederick PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 2004 PGVP 2008 PGVI P 2008 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2012 90, 200 LUCKMAN, Reginald Frederick PGIII P 1988 73 LLOYD, Brian Richard George PGII P 2006 PGV P 1993 157,188 LLOYD, John Benjamin, OStJ PGIV P 1997 PGVI P 1998 PGVI P 2001 PGVII P 2002 PGVII P 2005 KHW 2005 KHW 2007 119 LYDON, Jon PGII P 2012 CM 2009 106, 239 LYNCH, Anthony George PGIII P 2001 40 LLOYD, Lloyd PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2005 PGV P 2012 CHW 2006 69 LLOYD, Malcolm Reston Melbourne DDDC 2010 PGVII P 2006 PGIII P 2011 GSupt 2009- CHW 2013 189 LYSONS, Eric PGIII P 2004 DDC 2015 PGV P 2008 77 LLOYD, Peter David PGII P 2003 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2007 108 LYTTLE, James Cameron PGII P 1998 PGVI P 2009 199 MacBRIDE, Stuart Crawford PGIII P 2003 PGVII P 2013 CHW 2004 KHW 2015 PGV P 2007 157 LLOYD, Vivian PGI P 2014 PGVII P 2013 201 LOAT, John Alan PGIII P 2007 KHW 2014 PGV P 2011 56 MacCONNELL, Bruce Ralston PGIII P 1995 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2000 57 LOBB, Brian William PGIII P 1996 PGVI P 2004 AGDC 1997 G Supt 2005- PGV P 2001 14 MacDONALD, Christopher John PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2005 PGV P 2012 PGVII P 2008 85 MacDONALD, Earle Crockett PGII P 2015 123, 214 LOCKE, Alan PGIII P 1997 120 MacDONALD, Graham PGIII P 2006 GV P 2001 CHW 2009 PGVI P 2002 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2006 144, 215 MacDONALD, John Alexander PGIII P 1998 106 LOCKETT, Charles Peter PGII P 2011 AGR 1999 183 LOCKEY, Malcolm PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2002 33 LOCKLEY, John PGII P 2004 CHW 2005 PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2006 PGV P 2012 PGVII P 2008 57 LOCKYER, Keith James PGIII P 2003 GSupt 2010-14 PGV P 2008 121 MacDONALD, Hugh PGII P 2004 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2010 233 LOCOH, Theophile PGII P 2013 215 MacGREGOR, Eric William PGII P 2010 186 LONG, Arnold PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2014 PGV P 2007 195 MacKENZIE, Alastair GSB 2014 CHW 2010 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2013

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54 MacKENZIE, Ian William PGIII P 2004 168 McLAUGHLIN, Edward PGIII P 2002 DDC 2010 PGV P 2007 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2014 64 McLAUGHLIN, Neville Paul PGI P 2013 142 MacKENZIE, James Norman PGIII P 2008 71 McLEAN, Malcolm William PGII P 2003 120 MacKENZIE, Roderick Ian PGII P 2015 PGIV P 2007 129 MacKINNON, Jock PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2005 7, 148 McLELLAN, Robert Alexander PGII P 1998 PGVI P 2009 PGIV P 2003 PGVII P 2012 PGVI P 2007 120 MacKINNON, John PGII P 2013 PGVII P 2011 CHW 2015 34,93 McLELLAND, Andrew Lind DDC 2005 197 MacLAINE, Angus Robert PGIII P 2009 182 PGIII P 2005 168 MacLennan, David Arthur GStwd 2013 PGV P 2009 70 MacMAHON, John PGBB 2013 PGVII P 2012 111 MacNEVIN, Lloyd George PGII P 2002 G Supt 2013- PGIV P 2008 207 McLEOD, Barry William PGII P 2006 129, 171, McALEER, Mervyn Gerald Keith PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2011 204 CHW 2011 144 McLEOD, William PGII P 2010 PGV P 2012 CHW 2013 43 McALPIN, Douglas Ian PGIV P 1995 PGIV P 2014 PGVIP 2010 129 McLEOD, William Lawson PGI P 2013 121, 171 McALPINE, John Muir PGII P 2004 201 McMANUS, Joseph PGIII P 2008 204 PHW 2007 DR 2004 PGIV P 2008 CHW 2010 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2012 CHW 2015 TI McMEEKAN, Douglass GBB 1994 171 McBride, Robert Winning Banks PGBB 2015 PGIV P 1995 135 McBURNIE, Morton Samuel PGI P 2014 PGV P 1999 129 McCALL, Edward PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2003 111, 160 McCARTNEY, Robert, OPC PGII P 1998 PGVII P 2005 177 McCaw, Malcolm PGI P 2015 KHW 2010 169 McCULLY, Keith PGBB 2014 TI McMILLAN, Ian PGI P 2008 166 M CUTCHEON, Frederick Leighton PGII P 2002 24 McMURRAY, Andrew PGIII P 2006 John PGIV P 2006 PGV P 2010 143 McDONALD, Alexander James PGIII P 2008 38 McNALLY, David Arthur PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2013 102 McDONALD, Donald Duncan PGIII P 2002 20 McNAMARA, Douglas Ernest PGII P 2007 PGVI P 2011 47 McNIVEN, Alistair PGII P 2007 62 McDONALD, James PGII P 2008 41 McQUEEN, Duncan PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2012 PGV P 2013 100 McDONALD, Liam PGIII.P 2009 CHW 2015 171 McDONALD, Robert Hay PGII P 2014 225 McWHIRTER-MORRISON, Iain PGII P 2011 193 McDONALD, Dr Stephen Jeremy PGIII P 2000 PGV P 2015 PGV P 2005 CHW 2015 CHW 2007 166 MABBETT, Gerald PGBB 2015 G Supt 2007-15 42 MACE, Ronald James PGIII P 2003 GHPAwd 2015 PGV P 2007 52 McEACHERN, David Lyall PGII P 2004 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2009 104 MACHIN, Anthony Glyn PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2014 22 MACKEN, Arthur Russell PGII P 2010 124 McEwan, Ronald James Kelso PGII P 2010 143 MACKIE, Brian Carrie PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2014 PGV P 2014 172 McFEE-PETHER, Alastair PGII P 2006 51 MACKLIN, Ian Herbert PGII P 2008 185,. 229 McGOLPIN, William Gillespie Brownlee PGVIP 2010 CHW 2011 PGVII P 2012 GIII P 2012 198 McGOWN, Ian McEwan PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2013 121 McINDOE, Ian PHW 2015 DR 2013 26, 54 McINTYRE, Peter John PGIII P 2005 5 MAGEE, Edward PGIII P 1998 PGV P 2010 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2014 22 MAGERA, Andrew Frank PGII P 2008 171 McKAY, Archibald PGII P 2009 158, 182 MAIDEN, Christopher Gavin PGIV P 1997 CHW 2011 AGDC 1999-02 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2001 94 McKEE, James Dunlop PGIII P 1999 DGDC 2002-7 PGV P 2003 PGVII P 2003 PGVI P 2008 GDC 2007-10 PGVIIP 2010 AGHP 2010 43 McKENNA, Nigel Reece PGII P 2004 DGHP2010-13 PGV P 2011 GHP 2013- 112 McKINLAY, John PGIII P 2009 120 MAISON, Joseph Kenneth PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2014 CHW 2007 41 McKNIGHT, Alexander James PGBB 2014 PGIV P 2008 59 McLAIN, John Dunn PGII P 1992 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 1997 PGVII P 2013 PGVI P 2002 184 MAITLAND, James George PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2006 KHW 2014

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40 MAJOR, David John PGII P 2004 TI, 3, 53 MARTIN, Robert Ridley GIII P 1984 PGIV P 2010 GV P 1986 PGVI P 2015 AGDC 1987-90 43 MALAM, Raymond Edward PGI P 1998 GSupt 1990-00 PGIII P 2004 GHPAwd 2000 PGV P 2011 75 MARTINE, Neil Graeme PGII P 2002 66 MALAN, Pierre Edouard PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2007 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2013 137 MASON, Alan James Sullivan PGBB 2013 23, 59 MALCOLM, Alan Roy GKIP 1976 18 MASSEY, Alan Ernest PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 1980 PGV P 2010 AGDC 1982-87 PGVI P 2014 GSupt 1987-96 162 MASSEY, Ian PGIII P 2010 KHW 1999 218, 245 MASSEY, John PGIII P 2007 GHP Awd 2000 31, 158 PGCon 2013 53,185 MALLORY, Alec Leslie, J.P. PGIV P 1993 88 MASSINGHAM, Albert Charles PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 1998 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2002 198 MATHER, Gordon PGIII P 2012 KHW 2009 DDC 2013 103 MALONEY, Richard John PGI P 2015 CHW 2014 114 MANFIELD, Jack Bertram Hirtzel PGIV P 2000 198,204 MATHEW, Robert Barton PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2004 CHW 2009 GCA MANNING, Joe Rolater Jnr CM 2010 PGVI P 2011 229 , 251 MANSELL, Barrie Roy PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2014 CHW 2012 153 MATTHEWS, John PGII P 2015 DDC 2012 30 MATTERSON, Ronald Kelvin PGIII P 2000 PGV P 2013 PGV P 2004 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2008 144 MANSON, Donald Hugh PGIII P 2011 121, 204 MATTHEWS, Barrie PGIII P 2003 CHW 2013 PGIV P 2007 PGV P 2015 74,169 MATTHEWS, Cyril Arthur Noel PGIII P 1999 111 MANTHORNE, Glen Mason PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2007 237 MARCHETTI, David Alcoreza PGII P 2013 113 MATTHEWS, Maurice PGIII P 1997 106, 179 MARCHINGTON, John Alan AGR 1999 PGV P 2001 182 GI P 2000 PGVI P 2005 PGIV P 2001 PGVII P 2008 AGDC 2002-05 166 MATTHEWS, Neil Howard PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 2003 PGIV P 2005 GSupt 2005-09 PGVIP 2010 AGHP 2009-13 PGVII P 2013 GHPAwd 2013 28 MATTHEWS, Stephen PGI IP 2014 33, 154 MARDLING, Trevor Ralph GIV P 1997 30 MATTHIAS,Philip John PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2003 83 MATHIE, Anthony George PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2010 225, 261 MAURIER, Antony Craig PHW 2014 254 MARIAKIS, Georgios PGVII P 2013 218, 245 MAXEY, Ian Henry DDC 2014 217 MARLOW, Stephen John PGII P 2010 261 CHW 2014 257 MARQUES RIBEIRO FILHO, Carlos DDR 2015 GV P 2015 Alberto AGR 2015 225 MARRIOTT, Keith Malcolm PGBB 2015 104 MAY, Denis Ronald William PGII P 2011 145 MARSDEN, John Michael George PGII P 2004 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2008 34 MAY, William Benjamin PGII P 2000 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2005 59 MARSH, Godfrey Richard PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2009 133 MARSH, Peter Alfred GIV P 2004 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2005 30 MAYBURY, Terence Vincent PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 2011 KHW 2012 DDC 2012 27 MARSHALL, Albert Edward PGIII P 1991 18 MAYER, Kenneth PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 2012 37, 212 MARSHALL, John David Glynn GIV P 2006 169 MAYES, Colin Oliver PGII P 2008 PGV P 2007 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2010 TI MAYES, David Eric PGII P 2004 PGVII P 2012 PGIV P 2008 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2012 138 MARTIN, Claude PGIII P 2006 168 MAYNE, Roger Denis PGIII P 2006 55 MARTIN, Harry Owen PGII P 2013 PGV P 2010 146 MARTIN, James Edward PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2014 PGIV P 2015 226 MAZIOLI Lisboa, Alexander PGV P 2015 47 MARTIN, Justin David Brittain PGIII P 2004 DR 2015 PGV P 2008 54 MEERES, Brian PGIII P 2003 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2010 213 MARTIN, Leslie Alexander PGII P 2013 PGVI P 2014 42 MARTIN, Reginald Albert PGIII P 1997 35 MELEMENDJIAN, Ardashes PGBB 2014 PGV P 2001 254 MELIGDIS, Apostolos PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2005 231 de MELO, Eugenio Lisboa Vilar PGII P 2014 PGVII P 2008 143 MELVILLE, Robert Dennis PGI P 2014

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12 MELVILLE, Sydney PGIII P 2001 34 MILLER, William Bruce PGII P 2003 PGV P 2005 PGIII P 2009 PGVIP 2010 121, 204 MILLETT, William David GStwd 2002 124 MELVIN, David PGII P 2002 140 MILLS, Maurice PGII P 2008 PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2012 PGV P 2010 115, 213 MILLS, Stephen Eaton CHW 2000 DDC 2010 GStwd 2001 CHW 2012 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2011 17 MELVIN, Jan Donat Patrick PGBB 2015 KHW 2013 17, 237 MENDOZA, Jose Guilhermo PGIII P 2008 37 MILLS-GOODLET, Robert Kenneth PGIII P 2002 G Supt 2010- PGV P 2006 236 MENEGETTI, Gelson PGVI P 2015 PGVIP 2010 DT 2015 77 , Alasdair Birrel PGII.P 2009 34 MENNIE, Bert Allen PGIV P 1982 PGIV P 2013 GSupt 1985-96 91 , John Ernest PGII P 1999 GHPAwd 1996 PGIV P 2002 251 MENOYO, Jose Luis DR 2015 PGVI P 2006 148 MEREDITH, John William Lodder PGIII P 2007 KHW 2007 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 2015 DDC 2009 197 MEREDITH, Peter PGIII P 2007 39 MILNES, Richard PGIII P 2012 43 MERTIN, Ronald Glen PGIII P 2003 222 MINGO, David Henry PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2009 179, 250 METCALFE, Donald Keith GI P 2008 156 MINKLEY, Ian Alexander PGBB 2015 PGIV P 2009 129 MINSHAW, John William Michael PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2015 CHW 2012 15 MINSTER, Barry Edward PGIII P 2011 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2015 DR 2014 200, 222 MITCHELL, Eric PGIII P 2005 94, 247 MIDDLETON, Stewart Charles Lambert PGIII P 1996 CHW 2008 PHW 1999 DR 2008 PGV P 2001 PGV P 2009 GVI P 2005 PGVI P 2013 PGVII P 2006 PGVII P 2015 KHW 2008 165 MITCHELL, Eric James PGIII P 2007 64 MICHEL, Karl G Supt 2014- PGV P 2011 226 MICHELETTO, Elidinei Celso PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2015 DT 2014 186 MITCHELL, Gerald Barnard PGII P 2006 G Supt 2015- 156 MITCHELL, John Wallace PGIV P 1997 196 MICHELL, Roger Anthony PGII P 2014 CHW 1999 108 MIELKIE, Kenneth Brian PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2001 1 MIGHALL, Simon PGIV P 2011 PGVII P 2005 238 MIGNONSON, David PGII P 2014 KHW 2010 168 MILBOURNE, Kenneth John PGIII P 2001 251 MITCHELL, Roy Alan DR 2013 PGV P 2006 PHW 2015 PGVII P 2015 135 MITCHELL, Thomas Gordon PGII P 2013 129, 234 MILBURN, Norman Dunkeld GIV P 2011 CHW 2015 PGVI P 2012 94 MIXER, Samuel William George PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2014 96 MOGG, Gordon PGIII P 1990 115, 213 MILDENHALL, Clive Ernest William PGIII P 2012 PGV P 1996 DT 2014 PGVI P 2002 191 MILES, Donald Richard Leslie PGI P 2014 171, 204 MOIR, Keith PGII P 2006 94, 247 MILES, Peter Donald PGII P 2006 PGIV P 2010 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2014 49 MOISER, Frank Victor PGIV P 1997 33 MILGATE, Frederick Arthur G Stwd 2015 PGV P 2001 75 MILLANE, William Halliwell PGIII P 1987 PGVI P 2006 PGV P 1992 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 1997 55, 158 MOLES, Anthony Clive PGIII P 1986 PGVII P 2001 PGV P 1991 KHW 2006 PGVI P 1998 12 MILLER, Anthony James Napier PGII P 2005 PGVII P 2002 67 MILLER, Gibson William PGIV P 1997 72, 119 MONK, Alan Frederick Alexander JP GII P 1993 PGV P 2002 PGIV P 1994 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 1998 PGVII P 2011 PGVII P 2008 208 MILLER, James Geoffrey PGIII P 2000 KHW 2013 PGIV P 2004 145 MONKHOUSE, John Henry PGIII P 2009 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2015 163 MONRO, Norman Keron PGI P 2013 167 MILLER, Neville Rupert PGII P 2004 153 MONTEATH, Ian Gilbert PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2013 175 MILLER, Paul George PGII P 2004 203 MONTHORIN, Marcel Pierre PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2008 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2012 96, 162 MOON, Donald Cedric PGIII P 1995 PGVII P 2014 PGV P 2002 37 MILLER, Ronald Anthony PGI P 2014 PGVIP 2010

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36, 191 MOORE, Alan David PGIII P 1999 192 MUIR, Brian Fraser PGIII P 2001 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 2008 PGVIP 2010 PGVII P 2012 GVII P 2013 KHW 2015 KHW 2014 57 MOORE, Bernard Garnet PGIII P 2000 22 MUIR, Lawrence Douglas PGIV P 1989 PGV P 2004 PGVI P 1994 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2000 PGVII P 2012 KHW 2010 51 MOORE, Edmund Tony PGKIP 2013 20, 67 MUIRHEAD, John Edward PGIV P 1989 4 MOORE, Robert Henry GIII P 2014 ADGC 1990-98 DT 2014 PGVI P 1994 PGIV P 2015 GSupt 1998-07 28 MORALEE, John Young PGII P 2010 GHPAwd 2010 PGIV P 2014 144 MULHEARN, Peter PGI P 2013 7, 73 MORE, John David, J.P. PGIII P 1984 126, 210 MULLAN, Eidwin Frederick GIII P 2004 PGV P 1989 PGIV P 2005 PGVI P 1996 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2004 PGVII P 2011 KHW 2012 KHW 2015 153 MORGAN, Alan John PGI P 2015 79, 89 MUNACHEN, Ian Adair PGII P 2003 167 MORGAN, Jeffrey Paul PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2007 46 MORGAN, Terence David PGIII P 2004 DR 2009 CHW 2007 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2008 CHW 2014 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2015 115 MUNDY, Brian Arthur PGIV P 2013 65 MORGAN-WILSON, Robert PGII P 2000 130 MUNNIKHUIS, Johnanus Nicolas PGII P 2011 PGIII P 2004 189 MUNRO, James Ian PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2008 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2014 199 MUNRO, Sidney William PGIII P 2009 226 MORILLO, Joao Luis DR 2015 PGV P 2014 94 MORRELL, Alan Cooper Ashley PGIII P 2007 51 MURCUTT, Brian John PGII P 2013 PGV P 2011 3 MURDOCH, Geoffrey PGIII P 1996 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2000 1 MORRIS, David PGII P 2011 PGV P 2004 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2008 38, 158 MORRIS, George Edward PGII P 2004 PGVII P 2011 PGIV P 2008 27 MURDOCK, Jonathan James PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2012 20 MURIE, Stephen PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2014 171 MURPHY, James PGII P 2010 200 MORRIS, John Edward PGIV P 1997 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2002 171 MURPHY, Peter PHW 2013 PGVII P 2006 222 MURPHY, Stephen Peter PGI P 2015 KHW 2011 103 MURRAY, Donald PGIII P 2011 35 MORRIS, John Hardy PGII P 2007 PGV P 2015 PGIV P 2011 111 MURRAY, John William PGIII P 2003 21 MORRIS, John Leonard GStwd 2005 PGIV P 2007 PGVI P 2015 PGVI P 2011 100 MORRIS, Kenneth PGII P 2012 144 MURRAY, Malcolm PGIII P 2006 223 MORRIS, Peter Bruce PGBB 2014 PGV P 2008 100 MORRIS, Royston PGBB 2015 CHW 2009 215 MORRISON, Andrew William PGIII P 2013 PGVII P 2014 CHW 2014 215 MURRAY, William PGIII P 2007 DDC 2014 CHW 2008 25 MORROW, David Wilson PGBB 2013 PGV P 2011 207 MORSE, McGillivary Wynes PGII P 2005 GSupt 2014- PGV P 2011 24 MURTAGH, Ronald Joseph PGII P 2014 41 MORTIMORE, Alan Wilson PGII P 2008 10 MYCOCK, Paul AGR 2013 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2013 207 MORTON, Robert John PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2015 157 MOSELEY, Ian Duncan PGII P 2010 92 MYERS, Gavin Meyrick PGI P 2014 PGIV P 2014 139, 251 NAIRN, Douglas Clark John PGIII P 2009 251 MOSELEY, Keith PGIII P 2003 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2013 155 NAIRN, Thomas Turnbull PGIV P 1992 CHW 2015 PGVI P 1997 183 MOSES, David PGII P 2008 108 NAPIER, James Murray PGII P 2001 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2011 50, 250 MOSS, Richard Samuel PGIII P 2006 124 NAREY, Trevor PGII P 2011 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2014 40 NASH, Paul David Arthur PGIV P 1995 89 MUDD, Cyril William PGII P 2011 PGV P 1999 PGIV P 2015 CHW 2001 PGVI P 2004 PGVIIP 2010 3 NEIL, Samuel James PGII P 2014 105 NEILSON, Graham Douglas PGII P 2001

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138 NELISSE, Jacob Cornelis PGI P 2013 94 NORMAN, Jeremy PGIII P 2003 58 NEPS, Jaan PGII P 2000 PGV P 2008 PGIV P 2004 67 NORMAN, Leonard Richard Thomas PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2009 10 NORMAN, Maurice Edward GII P 2005 PGVII P 2011 PGIV P 2006 KHW 2014 PGVIP 2010 140 NESBIT, William Edward PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2012 24 NESBITT, John Sheridan PGIII P 1997 169 NORMAN, Paul Anthony PGII P 2011 PGV P 2001 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2006 80 NORRIS, Ivan George GKIP 2015 PGVII P 2009 249 NORTON, William DT 2012 KHW 2012 DR 2013 61 NEUMAN, Adolf PGII P 1998 CHW 2014 AGDC 2002-04 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2002 135 NOTMAN,Thomas Ewan PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2006 226 NOVO Jnr, Odilson Ferreira PGV P 2015 55 NEVILLE, Stephen Charles PGIII P 2010 DDC 2015 PGV P 2014 233 NUBUKPO, Henri PGIII P 2007 122, 248 NEWBOLD, Kenneth DT 2014 PGVI P 2014 GII P 2015 84 NUNES DE SOUZA, Richard Raymond PGIII P 2007 13 NEWBY, Paul Arthur PGIV P 1993 109 NUNN, Roland Stanley PGIII P 2004 PGV P 1998 PGV P 2008 CHW 1999 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2002 223 NURNBERGER, Robert PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2006 117 NURSE, Patrick Roy PGIII P 1993 219 NEWELL, Donald PGII P 2011 PGV P 1997 4 NEWHAM, Paul Edward PGI P 2013 PGVI P 2001 206 NEWNHAM, Denis PGBB 2015 PGVII P 2005 25, 209 NEWTH, Michael John PGII P 2004 KHW 2010 PGIV P 2008 205 NWAIWU, Uchena Nbana PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2012 PGIII P 2014 PGVII P 2015 128 OAKLEY, Peter John PGII P 2012 DR 2015 36 O’BOYLE, Brian Michael PGII P 2004 65 NEWTON, Brian PGBB 2013 115 OBRAY, Sidney George PGIV P 1993 145 NEWTON, Douglas PGII P 2007 PGVI P 1999 PGIV P 2011 PGVII P 2001 23 NEWTON, Thomas PGII P 1986 76 O’BRIEN, Hugh Allison PGII P 2008 PGV P 1991 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 1996 26,191 O’BRIEN, Roger Joseph Ernest PGIII P 2001 PGVII P 2001 PGV P 2005 203 NEYMOND, Bernard Michael PGIII P 2009 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2013 PGVII P 2013 129 NICHOLL, John Samuel PGII P 2003 116 OCHSE, Reginald Edward PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2007 136 ODD, Roger PGII P 2015 6 NICHOLSON, Laurence PGIII P 2004 46 ODEY, John David PGII P 2011 PGV P 2008 152 OGDEN, Bryan Russell PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2011 3 NICOLL, Donald PGII P 2006 PGVII P 2015 PGIV P 2010 20 O’KEEFFE, Robert William PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 2007 177 NIGHTINGALE, Anthony James FrandorPGIII P 1996 PGVI P 2011 175, 251 NIVEN, David Anderson Christie PGIII P 2007 CHW 2015 PGVI P 2011 128 OLD, David William PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 2012 PGV P 2012 G Supt 2012- 195 OLDFIELD, Richard Leonard PGIII P 2004 106, 179, NIXON, Neville John PGIV P 1995 PGV P 2008 250 AGDC 1997 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 1999 107 OLIE, Robert Gerard Diederik DT 2014 GVII P 2005 130 OLINSKI, Allan William PHW 2001 KHW 2006 PGIII P 2002 CM 2011 62, 66 OLIVER, Albert George PGVI P 1973 70 NKUNE, Eyo Nsa PGII P 2006 PGVII P 1980 PGIV P 2010 PGII P 2001 PGVI P 2014 45 OLIVER, Derek Franklin PGIV P. 2005 95 NOAKES, Peter PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2009 97 NOBLE, Alexander John PGIII P 1995 PGVII P 2014 AGDC 2001 81 OLIVER, James PGIII P 2012 PGV P 2007 46, 240 OLIVER, Jon Gregory DT 2015 15 NOBLE, Stewart William PGIII P 1992 11 OLNEY, Selwyn Dudley PGII P 2005 PGV P 1997 142 OLSEN, Jorgen Kjeld PGII P 2002 PGVI P 2001 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2007 176 OLSZEWSKI, Jan Alexander PGII P 2010 KHW 2010 222 O’MALLEY, John Joseph PGII P 2014 26 NORMAN, David PGIII P 2006 DDC 2014 PGV P 2011 67 O’NEILL, Edward PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2015 113 O`NEILL, Michael Joseph PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2012

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266 ONERION, Valson Luiz DT 2015 42 PAGETT, Cedric George PGIII P 1996 78, 145 ONSLOW, Dennis PGIII P 1995 PGV P 2001 PGV P 1999 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2003 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2007 146 PAINT, Barry John Edward PGI P 2013 145 ORR, John Raymond PHW 2000 5 PAJOLEC, Christian PGVI P 2015 GStwd 2003 159 PALFREY, Maurice Percival PGIII P 2002 76 OSADEBAY. Emmanuel Enebeli PGBB 2014 PGV P 2006 126 OSBORNE, Thomas Edward PGII P 2002 PGVIP 2010 PGIV P 2006 PGVII P 2012 PGV P 2009 217 PALMER, Alfred Thomas PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2011 16 PALMER, George Edward PGIII P 1995 53,185 OSGATHORP, Michael James Herbert PGIII P 1998 PGIV P 2000 PGV P 2002 PGV P 2004 PGVI P 2006 PGVII P 2011 PGVII P 2008 45 PALMER, Leonard Peter PGBB 2013 KHW 2009 254 PAPAGEORGIOU, Pavlos PGIII P 2013 172 OSTROWSKI, Silverio Leonard GBB 2011 254 PAPAGIANNIS, Andreas PGIV P 2013 PGIV P 2012 GVI P 2015 120 O’SULLIVAN, Anthony John GII P 1998 254 PAPANDREOU, Antonios PGI P 2014 PGIV P 1999 138 PAPASTATHOPOULOS, Stathis PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2003 254 PAPAVASILEIOU, Sotirios PGIV P 2013 PGVII P 2006 93 PAPAVRAMIDIS, Dimitrios CHW 2012 KHW 2007 PGI P 2013 120, 139 O’SULLIVAN, Garrett PGIV P 1989 108 PARDO, Donald Russell PGII P 2010 CHW 1999 25 PARHAM, Raymond William PGII P 2005 PGVI P 2003 PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2006 PGV P 2013 KHW 2007 93 PARK, Peter David PGII P 2003 119, 202 O’SULLIVAN, Gavin Thomas PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 2007 222 CHW 2005 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2008 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2014 146 PARKER, Roger Trevor PGIII P 2003 DT 2014 PGV P 2007 69 OULD, Thomas Anthony PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2011 47 PARKES, Brian Ernest PGIV P 1996 24,183 OUTRAM, Vernon GV P 1994 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 1999 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2005 AGDC 2010-12 KHW 2009 KHW 2013 166,188 OWEN, Alan John GIV P 1984 G Supt 2015 PGVII P 1993 122, 249 PARKES-BOWEN, Malcolm David GII P 2001 KHW 1999 Marston PGIV P 2002 212 OWEN, Brain Harold PGIII P 2012 PGVI P 2006 14 OWEN, Edward Charles Garnett PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2008 CHW 2011 KHW 2014 PGV P 2014 190 PARKIN, David James PGII P 2013 90 OWEN, Thomas Joseph PGIII P 1992 66 PARMENTER, Charles Reinerus PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 1997 203 PARRENIN, Francois PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2002 70 PARRISH, Eric Lionel PGII P 2011 KHW 2010 PGIV P 2015 126 OWENS, Henry Edward PGIV P 1990 59 PARRY, Arthur Graham PGII P 2008 PGVI P 1995 PGIV P 2012 PGVII P 1999 PGVI P 2015 KHW 2003 10 PARSONS, Peter Edward Minchin DDC 2006 CM 2009 PGIII P 2008 HPrel 2015 CHW 2008 72 OXLADE, Timothy Russell PGII P 2010 GIV P 2012 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2013 166 PADDISON, Roy PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2015 114 PADGINTON, John Ernest Charles PGBB 2014 82 PARSONS, Robert Spencer PGIV P 1995 132, 169 PAGE, Anthony Christopher PGII P 2004 PGVI P 1999 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2003 PGVI P 2011 KHW 2005 PGVII P 2014 219 PARSONS, Walter Job PGIII P 2008 17, 104, PAGE, Bryan Frank PGIV P 1990 53, 174 PARVIN, Frederick Bradley PGIV P 1995 182 PGV P 1994 AGDC 1995 AGDC 1995-98 PGVI P 1999 GSupt 1998-09 GVII P 2002 GHPAwd 2010 KHW 2003 141 PAGE, Gerald PGIII P 2010 176 PASCOE, David Walter PGII P 2008 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2012 68 PAGE, James PGIII P 2007 29, 90 PATERNOSTER, John Roger PGIII P 1990 PGV P 2012 119 PGIV P 1995 32 PAGE, Michael James PGI P 2013 PGVI P 1999 PGVII P 2003 KHW 2006 CM 2012

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220 PATERSON, Rev’d Andrew Eadie CHW 2012 236 PERES, Marco Antonio PGIII P 2008 GII P 2013 PGV P 2010 PGIII P 2014 229, 249 PEREZ, Aberlado Cervera PGV P 2012 39, 218 PATERSON, David Keith Whitton GStwd 2003 131 PERKINS, Donald Kenneth PGIII P 2005 182 DDC 2004 PGV P 2009 GKIP 2005 PGVI P 2013 PGIV P 2006 CHW 2015 PGVIP 2010 91, 40 PERRY, Alan Barry PGIII P 1987 G Supt 2011- 100 PGIV P 1993 197 PATON, David Robert PGIII P 2006 PGV P 1994 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 1998 76, 167 PATRICK, William Desmond PGV P 1990 PGVIIP 2010 GSupt 1992-05 205 PERRY, Alan Martin PGI P 2014 GHPAwd 2004 73 PERRY, Clive Lionel PGII P 2004 150 PATTERSON, Edgar Reginald PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2010 PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2011 161 PATTERSON, George Herbert PGII P 2003 69 PERRY, Ian Alvyn Colquhoun PGIII P 1991 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 1998 124 PATTERSON, John Brigham PHW 2014 PGVI P 2004 129 PATTIE, Thomas PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2012 PGIV P 2011 11 PERT, Alexander Henry PGIII P 2002 214 PATTINSON, Alan Wilson PGIII P 2005 17, 226 PESSOA, Jorge Barnstey GSupt2006-15 PGV P 2009 G Insp 2015 PGVI P 2013 GCPO 2015 178 PAYNE, Jonathan Richard PGII P 2012 78 PESTELL, David PGII P 2009 146 PAYNE, Michael Anthony PGBB 2014 PGIV P 2014 133 PAYNE, Peter PGIII P 2007 56 PETRIE, Nigel Mathew PGII P 2012 PGV P 2011 1 PETRIE, Robert Alexander Neill PGIII P 2002 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2006 40 PEACOCK, Graham John PGIII P 2009 121 PETTIGREW, James McKean PGIII P 2010 PGIV P 2010 CHW 2012 44 PEARCE, Robert Handel PGBB 2014 PGV P 2014 74, 247 PEARSON, Ivor Ronald PGII P 2010 16 PEVERILL, John Douglas PGIII P 2005 PGIII P 2014 PGVI P 2011 53 PEARSON, John Edwin PGII P 2013 G Supt 2012 31 PEARSON, John Reginald PGIV P 1993 109 PEWTER, Barry Richard PGIII P 2011 PGV P 1998 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2002 181 PFEIFLE, Thomas DDC 2012 PGVII P 2006 PGII P 2015 82 PEARSON, Phillip Ray PGII P 2010 40, 100 PHILLIMORE, Frank Kenneth George AGDC 1992-95 66, 115 PEARSON, Robert William PGII P 1985 182,164 TD GIV P 1993 PGIV P 1987 GSupt 1995-05 PGVI P 1996 GHPAwd 2005 88 PEARSON, Ronald Keith Campbell PGIII P 1996 26 PHILLIPS, Christopher Edward PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2003 CHW 2013 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2014 158 PHILLIPS, David Edward PGKIP 2014 128 PEASLEY, David PGBB 2015 70, 209 PHILLIPS, John David PGII P 1998 149 PEAT Ewen Cameron PGIII P 2005 PGIV P 2002 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2006 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2008 27 PEATY, John Edward PGIII P 1990 KHW 2013 PGV P 1995 196 PHILLIPS, John Malcolm Berry PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2000 DDC 2009 79 PEDDEY, George Albert PGII P 2010 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2014 CHW 2012 49 PEDDIE, John Stewart PGIII P 1996 G Supt 2015- PGV P 2000 89 PHILLIPS, Kevin Leslie PGIV P 1996 PGVI P 2004 AGDC 2001 PGVIIP 2010 PGVI P 2003 17 PEER, John Lawrence, MBE PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2005 78 PEMBERTON, Stephen George PGIII P 2007 GSupt 2009-14 PGV P 2011 88 PHILLIPS, Maurice Clifton Holmes AGDC 1993 115, 213 PENN, Gordon Geoffrey PGII P 2001 PGIV P 1993 CHW 2004 PGV P 1998 PGIV P 2010 GSupt2001-14 18 PENNEY, John Wilfred PGII P 2007 GHPAwd 2014 PGIV P 2011 47 PHILLIPS, Paulinaus Victor PGI P 2015 147, 206 PENNY, Raymond Douglas Mawson PGIV P 1993 140 PHILLIPS, Thomas Charlton PGII P 2001 GVI P 1998 PGIV P 2005 PGVI P 1999 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2002 208 PIBWORTH, Ronald William PGIII P 2008 176 PENPRAZE, John Clive PGBB 2015 110 PICKARD, Phillip Clifford DR 2005 38 PENROSE, David Graham PGBB 2013 GSB 2015 38, 114 PENROSE, Travers Stanton PGIII P 1988 81 PICKARD, Thomas William PGBB 2014 PGV P 1994 PGVI P 1999 PGVII P 2003

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163 PICKELL, Leonard Gordon Belding PGII P 2001 43 PRAKS, Leonhard PGIV P 1997 PGIV P 2010 PGVI P 2002 GSupt 2011- PGVII P 2004 181 PICKERING, Richard Venn PGIII P 2005 KHW 2005 GSupt 2006-12 48 PRATT, David Stephen PGIII P 2008 45 PIGGOTT, Harold Ebenezer PGIII P 1983 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2012 214 PILCHER, Alan PGII P 2012 KHW 2014 199 PILKINGTON, Scott PGBB 2013 PGC 2014 26 PIKE, Roy Albert PGII P 2008 KCPO 2015 77 PILE, Kenneth Noel PGIII P 1993 178 PRATT, William John Thomas PGII P 2009 PGIV P 1998 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2002 DGDC 2013 PGVII P 2012 PGVI P 2013 171 PILE, Norman Arthur PHW 2015 KHW 2014 76 PINDER, Hartis Eugene PGIII P 1998 163 PRENTICE, Douglas Bruce PGIII P 1995 PGV P 2002 AGDC 1997 PGVI P 2007 PGV P 2004 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2009 221 PINKERTON, David Scott PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2011 PGV P 2014 232 PRESTES, Renato Soares PGII P 2014 140 PINKERTON, Henry Robinson PGII P 2007 234 PRESTON, Leslie CHW 2014 PGIV P 2011 GSB 2014 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2015 57 PINNER, Neil Anthony PGIII P 2008 35 PRESTON, Peter Oliver PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2011 DT 2014 PGVI P 2013 53 PITCHFORD, Kenneth PGII P 2011 174, 248 PRESTON, Stephen Philip G Supt 2012- PGIV P 2015 26 PRESTON, William Henry Seldon PGIII P 2001 257 PITHAN FLORES, Paulo Roberton PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2005 201 PITTOCK, John Clive PGBB 2015 PGVIP 2010 102 PIZZEY, William PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2015 191 PLAISTOW, Eric Gordon PGI P 2015 70 PREVETT, Brian James PGII P 2008 113 PLANT, Derek PGIII P 1996 PGIV P 2012 PGV P 2001 201 PRICE, Brian Ward, OBE PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 2005 PGV P 2007 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 2011 194 PLAYFORD, Norman John PGII P 2014 PGVII P 2013 136 PLUMMER, Richard PGII P 2012 165 PRICE, Brian William PGIII P 1998 3, 101 POGUE, Clive PGIII P 1987 PGV P 2003 PGV P 1993 PGVI P 2008 PGVI P 1999 PGVIIP 2010 PGVII P 2003 183 PRICE, David Alain PGBB 2014 KHW 2015 119, 169 PRICE, David John PGI P 1998 80 POINTING, Anthony Charles PGII P 2010 PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2014 208 PRICE, John Ashley PGI P 2014 19 POLASCHEK, Alan James PGII P 2009 156 PRICE, John Roger PGBB 2015 PGIV P 2014 187 PRICE, Vyvyan John PGII P 2005 184 POLKINGHORNE, Simon Edwin PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2009 PGIV P 2012 97 PRICE, Wallace Percival Roy PGIII P 1991 55, 90 POND, Stanley Victor PGIII P 1987 CM 2014 PGVI P 1992 2,48, PRIESTLEY, John Stephen AGR 2005 PGVII P 1999 185, 225 PGV P 2007 KHW 2003 DGR 2008 CM 2011 GR 2009- 48 PONTING, Michael Frederick PGIII P 1997 PGVII P 2010 114 POOLE, Dr Ronald Thomas PGII P 2005 KHW 2012 PGIV P 2009 CM 2013 PGV P 2013 KCPO 2015 139 POOT, Frank Cornelis Johannes PGII P 2013 27 PRIESTLEY, Kenneth Adrian PGII P 2010 DT 2014 PGIV P 2014 158 POPE, Ivor George PGIII P 2012 83 PRIME, Alfred John PGII P 2007 54 PORDAGE, Peter PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2011 159 PORTER, John Haydon PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 181 PORTIS, Ronald Arthur PGII P 2011 23 PRINCE, Thomas Kenneth PGI P 2013 100,109 POTTER, Derek Peter AGR 1999 125 PRINS, Jan PGII P 2011 GStwd 2003 104 PRISK, Brian Noel PGIV P 1989 PHW 2004 PGVI P 1995 GIII P 2008 PGVII P 1999 PGIV P 2009 KHW 2005 PGVI P 2012 224 PRIZEMAN, John Herbert PGII P 2013 138 POUPART, Jean Baptiste PGIII P 2011 158 PROSSER, Arthur Frederick PGII P 2002 180 POWELL, Kenneth Arthur PGII P 2011 PGIV P 2005 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2009 71 POYNTER, Anthony Robert PGIII P 1999 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2003 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2012

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100 PROSSER, Robert John DR 2007 35, 123 RAYLOR, John Malcolm GV P 1985 PGIII P 2007 185 PGVI P 1990 CHW 2010 PGVII P 1995 PGV P 2011 52 RAYNOR, Michael Patrick PGIII P 2009 72 PRYOR, Kenneth David Edward PGIII P 1987 PGV P 2014 PGV P 1993 TI REAY, Robert Taylor GStwd 2011 PGVI P 1998 165 READ, David Gary GI P 2009 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 2010 KHW 2013 PGVI P 2013 190 PURDY, Clive Robert PGII P 2014 PGVII P 2015 DT 2014 143, 220 READ, John Lawrence Ward TD PGIV P 1997 DR 2015 PGVI P 2001 74 PURDY, Ian Milward PGIII P 2006 PGVII P 2003 176 PURKIS, Edwin Frederick John PGII P 2003 KHW 2005 PGV P 2007 DDC 2010 PGVII P 2011 159 READ, Peter PGII P 2012 136 PURSSELL, Roy Antony Baynton PGIII P 2005 183 READ, Stephen PGII P 2012 208 PURVIS, Brian Robert PGII P 2011 124 READER, Alfred Colin PGBB 2015 PGV P 2015 53 REAVLEY, Jeffrey Guy PGI P 2000 126 QUAYLE, Robert PGSB 2015 PGIII P 2004 59 QUAYLE, Roger Thomas DDDC 2010 PGIV P 2010 AGDC 2011-12 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2013 214 REDHEAD, David PGIII P 2011 126 QUILLIAM, Norman Douglas PGII P 2007 1 REDMAN, Graham Frederick GIV P 2003 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2004 106 RABY, Brian Sykes PGIII P 2007 GVII P 2007 CHW 2009 KHW 2008 PGV P 2011 CM 2013 PGVI P 2015 119,200 REED, Wilfrid Edward PGIII P 1998 24 RABY, Paul PGII P 2011 202 CHW 1999 60, 239 RADCLIFF, Samual Sidney PGIV P 1991 GV P 2002 PGV P 1996 PGVI P 2003 PGVI P 2000 PGVII P 2005 PGVII P 2004 KHW 2007 KHW 2007 82 REEDMAN, Victor Malcolm PGII P 2002 64 RADEMAN, Frederick John PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2006 PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2008 41 REENAN, Cyril John PGI P 2013 G Supt 2008-14 92 REES, Bernard Charles PGIII P 2001 69 RADFORD, Derek Robert PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2011 CHW 2015 KHW 2014 DT 2015 180 REES, Clive Francis Richard PGIII P 2009 TI, 101, RAILSON, Thomas William David PGII P 1998 CHW 2012 155 PGIV P 2002 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2006 187 REES, Gareth Denver PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2008 164,187 REES, Kenneth PGIII P 1997 DDC 2000-10 PGIV P 2001 G Supt 2010- PGVI P 2005 159 RAILTON, John Robert Henry PGIV P 2014 PGVII P 2008 97 RAMBLE, Leslie James PGIII P 2002 CHW 2008 PGV P 2007 205 REES, Royden PGII P 2011 62, 115 RAMSDEN, William Arthur PGIII P 1991 PGIV P 2015 PGV P 1996 114 REES-GIBBS, Robert Cecil PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2000 105 REEVES, Colin John PGIII P 2001 PGVII P 2005 PGV P 2006 KHW 2011 143 REGAN, Patrick PHW 2014 188 RANDELL, Harry John GBB 2015 76 REIACH, Norman James PGIV P 1993 117 RANDLE, Richard GIV P 2014 PGV P 1998 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2004 116 RANDLES, Dennis PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2008 PGIV P 2010 171 REID, Trevor Craig PGII P 2003 101 RANKIN, Frank Alexander PGIII P 2012 PGIV P 2007 95 RANKIN, James PGBB 2014 34 REINHARDT, Hans-Joachim PGBB 2014 101 RANKIN, Martin PGI P 2015 153 RENFREY, Robert Arthur PGII P 2011 207 RAPHAEL, Norman Leslie PGV P 2011 115 RENSBURG, Ronald John PGIV P 1994 45 RAPLEY, Paul Cheyne PGII P 2011 Jansen van PGV P 2000 31 RAPLEY, Ronald PGIII P 1992 AGDC 2001 PGV P 1997 179, 250 RENSHAW, John Herbert PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2001 PGIV P 2015 PGVII P 2005 135 REYNOLDS, James PGIII P 2011 3 RAVEN, James William GI P 1993 PGV P 2015 PGIV P 1994 78, 145 RHODES, David Keith PGIII P 1985 PGV P 2000 PGV P 1990 PGVI P 2004 PGVI P 1995 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 1999 23 RAWSTHORNE, Ralph Edward PGIII P 2003 KHW 2004 PGV P 2007 71 RHYDDERCH, David PGBB 2013 139 RAYFIELD, Gordon PGIII P 2004

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104, 184 RICE, John George PGII P 1991 35, 185 ROBERTS, Alfred PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 1995 PGVI P 2000 PGVI P 1999 PGVII P 2004 PGVII P 2005 KHW 2010 KHW 2008 149 ROBERTS, Christopher Malcolm PGII P 2014 10 RICE, Robert David PGIII P 2003 120 ROBERTS, David Glynn PGII P 2011 PGV P 2007 CHW 2014 PGVI P 2011 172 ROBERTS John PGIII P 2005 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2010 49 RICHARDS, Brian Francis PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2015 80 RICHARDS, Michael Arthur PGII P 2004 68, 110 ROBERTS, Jonathan Charles PGII P 2003 PGIV P 2008 172 DDC 2005 154 RICHARDS, Malcolm Emrys PGII P 2005 PGIV P 2007 PGIV P 2009 PGVI P 2011 152 RICHARDS, Paul Stefan PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2014 157 RICHARDS, Robert Gwynedd PGIII P 2009 76 ROBERTS, Leopold Alexander PGBB 2013 82 RICHARDSON, David Barrie PGIII P 2012 PGI P 2014 29 RICHARDSON, Edward George PGII P 2004 86 ROBERTS, Michael John PGIII P 2011 Robert PGIV P 2009 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2015 168 ROBERTS, Peter Hugh Percy PGI P 2015 78 RICHARDSON, John PGII P 2010 60 ROBERTS, Robert William Charles PGBB 2014 55 RICHARDSON, Robert James PGIII P 2010 148 ROBERTSON, Peter Graham PGIII P 2002 CHW 2010 PGV P 2006 46 RICHARDSON, Roger Charles PGIII P 2010 PGVIP 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVII P 2013 95, 247 RICHES, Robert Ward PGIII P 1996 DT 2014 PGIV P 2003 KHW 2015 CHW 2005 46 ROBINSON, Alfred William PGIII P 2010 DDC 2008 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2008 148 ROBINSON, Bryan Clifford PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2012 49 ROBINSON, Bryan Walter PGIII P 1985 AGDC 2013 PGV P 1993 KHW 2014 PGVI P 2001 CM 2015 PGVII P 2007 17, 226 RIDDOCH, David William GStwd 2006 122 ROBINSON, Michael Arthur GI P 2014 PGIV P 2013 PGIV P 2015 193 RIDGE, Gerald Walter Gillan DT 2015 91, 221 ROBINSON, Michael John PGIII P 2000 134 RIDLEY, Peter Henry PGBB 2014 PGV P 2004 16 RIEFLER, John PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2008 PGIV P 2014 PGVII P 2010 229 RIETMULLER, Horst PGII P 2011 KHW 2013 193 RIDGE, Gerald Walter Gillan GII P 2009 165 ROBINSON, Peter Nicholas PGIII P 2012 PGIV P 2010 163 ROBINSON, Philip PGII P 2009 122 RIDGE Jeremy Austin PGII P 2005 PGIV P 2015 PGIII P 2014 140 ROBSON, John PGIII P 2002 19 RIDGEN, Edgar John, JP PGIII P 1983 PGIV P 2006 PGV P 1989 PGVI P 2010 PGVI P 1995 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2001 11 ROBSON, John Fenwick PGII P 2001 18 RIDGWAY, Kenneth PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2013 32,184 RODGERS, John Brian GKI P 1994 85, 219 RILEY, Gerald Arthur PGIII P 1996 PGIV P 1995 PGV P 2003 PGVI P 2001 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2005 PGVII P 2011 124,134 RODGERS, Raymond Duff PGII P 1998 KHW 2015 PGIV P 2002 23 RILEY, Lawrence Melvyn PGIV P 1995 PGVI P 2006 PGVI P 1999 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2003 KHW 2014 KHW 2012 88 ROESLER, Peter PGIII P 2001 16 RITCHIE, Robert PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2011 237 RIVERA, Victor Alejandro Rosas PGII P 2014 KHW 2014 DR 2014 12 ROGERS, Barry Woodward PGIII P 2012 122 ROALFE, Michael Henry PGIII P 2003 130 ROGERS, Marvyn Roy PGIII P 2005 GV P 2007 PGV P 2011 GSupt 2007- 203 ROIDER, Olivier PGI P 2013 56 ROBB, Roy Kenneth PGIII P 1991 51, 132 ROLFE, Kenneth Bradley PGII P 1984 PGV P 1996 216, 247 PGIV P 1987 PGVI P 2001 GSupt 1998-08 PGVII P 2011 163 ROLLO, Alexander Simpson GStwd 2010 118 ROBBINS, George Ernest PGBB 2014 CHW 2010 12 ROBBINS, John Earl PGI P 2013 104 ROLLS, Gordon Cooper PGII P 2006 79 ROBBINS, Trevor John PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2011 78 RONSON, Ian PGIII P 2004 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2008 PGVII P 2014 28 ROSE, Ernest Richard PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2013

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45 ROSE, Norman PGII P 2010 95, 247 SAMPSON, Colin Talbot PGII P 2011 45 ROSE, Paul Norman PGI P 2014 PGV P 2014 181 ROSEN, Phillip Alfred PGI P 2013 DT 2014 163 ROSS, Alistair McInnes PGII P 2010 89 SANDERS, Kenneth Leslie PGIII P 1995 PGIV P 2015 PGV P 1999 67 ROSS, John Spencer PGII P 2010 AGDC 1997-01 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2004 146 ROSSER, Alfred David John PGIII P 2008 KHW 2007 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2009 PGVII P 2011 101 SANDERSON, Francis Maxwell PGII P 2008 HPrel 214 7 SANGSTER, Robert Hine PGIII P 2009 57 ROSSER, Frank William PGII P 2004 14 SANSOM, Colin PGIII P 2012 PGIV P 2008 254 SARDELIS, Pavlos PGIV P 2013 164 ROSSER, Neil Gary PGII P 2010 118, 161 SASTRE, Michel Jacques Sebastien PGII P 1998 PGIII P 2014 PGIV P 2003 154 ROSSON, John Bladow PGIII P 2003 218 SATHERLEY, Ian Christopher PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2008 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2012 52 SAUDER, Gerald Bryan PGIII P 2010 PGVII P 2014 46 SAUNDERS, Dennis Brian GBB 1997 175 ROUGH, George PGII P 2005 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 2009 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2013 PGVII P 2006 PGVII P 2015 KHW 2010 255 ROUSE, James Barrie G Stwd 2015 84 SAUNDERS, Kenneth James Donald PGI P 2001 129 ROUTLEDGE, Alfred PGIV P 1997 PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 2001 PGV P 2009 PGVII P 2005 PGVI P 2013 KHW 2009 PGVII P 2015 214 ROWAN, Ian Charles DT 2014 187 SAUNDERS, Roy PGII P 2013 223 ROWAN, John Aloysius PGIV P 2011 61 SAVERY, Thomas Edward James PGII P 2012 106 ROWBOTTOM, Henry Eric PGII P 2002 127 SAWYER, David Malcolm GII P 2011 PGIV P 2006 45 SAWYER, John David PGII P 2009 PGV P 2010 PGIV P 2013 49 ROWBOTTOM, John PGII P 2010 83 SAXON, Kenneth James PGII P 2004 PGIV P 2015 PGIV P 2008 37 ROWE, Roy Edward PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 2012 PGV P 2009 28 SAYERS, Melvyn PGII P 2002 PGVI P 2014 PGIV P 2006 124 ROWELL, Thomas Gordon PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2010 179 RUDD, John Graham Russell PGIII P 2012 PGVII P 2014 243 RUIZ, Mario Cabrera PGVI P 2013 113 SAYLES, Roy PGII P 2011 264 RULL, Manuel PGIII P 2015 PGIV P 2015 186 RUMBLE, William Stephen PGII P 2008 163 SCHAFER, Richard Francis Earnest PGII P 2005 47 RUSHALL-SMITH, Keith Neil PGII P 2007 PGIV P 2009 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2015 120 SCHAFER, Wolfgang PGII P 2011 150 RUSHTON, Arthur PGII P 2006 PGV P 2014 PGIV P 2011 19 SCHMIDT, George Gordon GStwd 2006 75 RUSSELL, George William PGIII P 2006 2 SCHOLES, Stephen DR 2010 PGV P 2011 GBB 2012 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2013 121 RUSSELL, James GStwd 1993 141 SCHOLTZ, Johannes Eckhof PGIV P 1993 85 RUTT, Charles Ervin Ellis PGII P 2006 PGV P 1998 PGIII P 2009 PGVI P 2003 PGV P 2012 159 SCHRAN, Gunther Caspar PGII P 1998 123 RYAN, Colin Hugh PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 2002 PGVI P 2000 PGVi P 2010 PGVII P 2004 PGVII P 2014 46 RYDER, William Cecil PGBB 2013 138 SCHULTINK, Robert PGVI P 1995 74 RYNSARD, John Gilbert Frederick PGIV P 1983 PGVII P 2006 PGVI P 1991 138 SCHWAB Werner Maria PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 1999 PGV P 2012 KHW 2004 164 SCONE, Derek Vivian PGII P 2008 32 SALE, Anthony Barratt PGIII P 2012 PGIV P 2012 119 SALE, Martin Jeffrey PGIII P 2008 220 SCOTT, Brian MacFarlane PGII P 2012 PGV P 2012 53 SCOTT, David Harold William DDC 2006 257 SALLES, Lazaro Emanuel Franco PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2008 181 SALMON, Ronald Frederick PGIII P 2011 GSupt 2010- 50 SALT, Peter Gerrard PGIII P 2008 78 SCOTT, Ian Harold PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2012 7 SCOTT, John Stephen PGII P 2006 35, 185 SALTER, Geoffrey Arthur Howard PGIV P 1995 167 SCOTT, Keith Anthony PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2000 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2003 175 SCOTT, Roy, JP, MD, DL, OLJ PGIII P 1998 KHW 2006 CHW 2000 233 SAMBIANI, Pakandame Raphael PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2002 PGV P 2011 PGVIP 2010 DDR 2012 219 SCOTT, William PGII P 2011 CHW 2014

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45, 209 SCOTT-DARLING, Stuart PGII P 2000 1 SIMKINS, Peter Alfred GIII P 1994 PGIV P 2004 PGIV P 1995 PGVI P 2008 PGVI P 2001 PGVII P 2014 257 SIMOES, Edmir Japiassu DR 2015 4 SCULL, Colin Albert PGII P 2005 91 SIMONS, John Railton CHW 2006 PGIV P 2010 GIV P 2007 177, 182 SEARLE, Barry Spanton AGR 2000 PGV P 2008 GBB 2002 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2003 122 SIMPSON, Alan PGII P 2010 PGVIP 2007 PGV P 2015 GSupt 2008- 3 SIMPSON, Charles PGIII P 1986 84 SEEMAN, Graham David PGIII P 2009 PGV P 1989 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 1994 CHW 2015 PGVII P 1999 34 SEGUI, Thomas Billardino PGIII P 2009 35 SIMPSON, Frank David PGI P 1998 220 SEMPLE, William McIntyre Shileds DR 2014 PGIII P 2001 117 SETTERFIELD, Gordon Frederick PGII P 2013 PGV P 2006 16 SEYMOUR, Peter Harold PGII P 2000 PGVI P 2010 PGIV P 2004 PGVII P 2012 PGVIP 2010 121 SIMPSON, George PGI P 2013 118 SHADDOCK, Bruce Benjamin PGIII P 2003 42 SIMPSON, Michael Birt PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2009 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2011 132 SIMPSON, Ronald Charles PGIII P 1998 15 SHADE, Frederick Albert PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2003 PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 2015 PGVIIP 2010 215 SHAND, William PGIII P 2009 49 SIMS, Ronald George PGBB 2013 29 SHARP, John Leonard PGII P 2006 144 SINCLAIR, Andrew PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2012 71 SHARPE, Trevor Marley PGIII P 2012 199 SINCLAIR, Ian PGIII P 2007 108 SHAW, Clarence Leon PGII P 2007 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2014 CHW 2013 118 SHAW, Eric PGII P 2012 DDDC 2014 189 SHAW, Geoffrey Frank PGIII P 2009 33 SINGER, Frederick John PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2013 DDC 2007 55, 146 SHAW, Ronald Walter PGIV P 1997 GSupt2008-15 PGVI P 2001 KCPO 2015 PGVII P 2005 160 SITEMAN, Richard Strugnell GStwd 1999 KHW 2010 214 SKARRATTS, George PGII P 2012 30 SHAW, Stuart PGBB 2014 207 SKIDMORE, David Arthur CHW 2011 235 SHEA, Kenneth Peter PGII P 2013 66 SKINNER, Dr Roy Morgan PGIII P 1997 75 SHEARER, Bruce Charles PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2003 PGV P 2011 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2015 112 SKIVINGTON, Gordon Arthur PGIII P 2012 175 SHEARER, Robert Coutts PHW 2013 44 SKUDRA, Andris Denis PGI P 2015 147 SHEPHARD, John Fletcher DT 2014 133 SKUSE, George Talbot PGII P 2006 123 SHEPHERD, Paul Sheridan PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2010 104 SHEPHERD, Robert PGI P 2015 DR 2010 121, 204 SHEPHERDSON, William Cowell PGIV P 1991 CHW 2013 AGDC 1995 PGCon 2014 PGVI P 1996 48 SLATER, John Foster, CMLJ PGIII P 1989 PGVII P 2000 PGV P 1995 KHW 2000 1, 112 SLATER, Malcolm Ernest GBB 2001 102 SHERSTIBITOFF, Peter John PGII P 2011 224 PGIV P 2002 115 SHERWOOD, Dennis Charles PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2005 116 SHILLABEER, Paul Roe PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2012 GVII P 2011 174 SHIPLEY, David Graham PGIII P 2007 KHW 2012 PGV P 2011 166 SLATER, Ronald PGBB 2013 PGVI P 2015 39 SLIM, Brian John PGIII P 2007 95 SHIPP, Richard James Robert DR 2010 PGV P 2012 CHW 2012 PGVI P 2013 PGII P 2015 PGVII P 2015 206 SHIVERAL, Charles Hill PGIII P 2011 145 SLIMMING, Douglas Campbell PGII P 2011 147 SHOBBROOK, Richard Donald PGIII P 2006 218 SMALE, Colin Frank PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2010 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2014 161 SMALLMAN, Donald Paul Baghott PGI P 2007 168 SHOTT, Arnold George PGII P 2014 157 SMALLWOOD, Rodney Clive PGIII P 2007 203 SICRE, Emile PGI P 2013 PGV P 2011 147, 217 SIDEY, Reginald Morris PGII P 2000 221 SMART, Alec James PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2004 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2008 138 SMIT, Bartel AGDC 1998-04 PGVIIP 2010 PGIII P 1998 207 SILK, Colin William PGII P 1996 PGV P 2002 PGIV P 2001 GSupt 2004-13 PGVI P 2007 GHP Awd 2013 107 SMIT, Jacob Evert PGII P 2011

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14, 152 SMITH, Alan Eli PGIV P 1993 40, 190, SMITH, Stanley PGIII P 2006 189 PGV P 1998 240 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2002 CHW 2010 PGVII P 2006 PGVI P 2015 KHW 2011 48 SMITH, William Gordon PGBB 2014 165 SMITH, Albert Percival PGIII P 2008 90, 177 SMITH, William James PGI P 1998 PGV P 2012 PGIII P 2007 81 SMITH, Anthony James PGII P 2008 PGV P 2011 PGIV P 2012 34 SMUCK, Allen Grant PGIII P 1998 73 SMITH, Bryce Mattew Reid PGBB 2014 PGVII P 2011 143 SMITH, Charles PGII P 2011 175, 220 SNEDDON, Walter PGIII P 2001 PGIV P 2015 PGV P 2005 168 SMITH, Charles Henry PGIII P 2000 CHW 2006 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2008 PGVII P 2011 PGVII P 2011 KHW 2013 165, 248 SMITH, Christopher Graham GI P 2015 175 SNEDDON, Walter Scott GSB 2014 187 SMITH, Degary Nicholas PGIII P 2004 DT 2014 PGV P 2008 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2012 139 SNEL, Fransiscus Wilhelmus J J MA PGIII P 1998 206 SMITH, Derek John PGIII P 2007 PGVII P 2014 CHW 2010 31 SNOOK, Anthony Guy PGII P 2013 DR 2010 167 SOARES, Sterling Bryan PGI P 2015 PGV P 2011 226, 258 SOARES OLIVEIRA ISMAIL, Kennyo DR 2015 30 SMITH, Frank Hood PGII P 2010 Mahmood 35 SMITH, Frederick Arthur PGIII P 2006 226 SOARES, Sergio Luis Pereira PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2011 236 SOBRINHO, Osvaldo Roberto PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2015 121 SORBIE, Gavin PGII P 2007 17 SMITH, George Frederick PGIII P 2007 254 SOTIRAKOS, Ilias PGI P 2013 PGV P 2013 48,173 SOUTER, George Christopher GStwd 1998 118 SMITH, Gordon Frederick PGII P 2015 PHW 2004 49 SMITH, Gordon Walkerley PGIV P 1993 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 1998 PGVI P 2007 PGVII P 2002 PGVII P 2010 KHW 2014 217 SOUTHGATE, Derek William GKIP 1997 86 SMITH, Graham PGIV P 1992 PGIV P 1998 PGVI P 1997 PGVI P 2007 PGVII P 2002 PGVII P 2009 KHW 2007 141 SOUTHON, William Douglas PGIV P 1994 121, 175 SMITH, Grahame John PGIII P 2001 PGV P 1999 204 PGV P 2005 PGVI P 2003 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2007 PGVII P 2011 KHW 2011 186, SMITH, Ian Trevor Dudley PGII P 2002 69 SOUTHWELL, Lt. Col. Gerald PGIII P 2001 182 PGIV P 2006 PGV P 2005 GSupt 2009- CHW 2008 201 SMITH, John Bingless PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 2009 PGV P 2009 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2013 KHW 2015 PGVII P 2015 48 SOUTHWOOD, Anthony John PGIV P 1991 5 SMITH, John Philip PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 1997 PGV P 2006 CHW 1999 PGVI P 2011 110, 172 SPARKS, David PGIII P 2001 25 SMITH, Kenneth Arthur Clive PGI P 2007 GSupt 2005-14 60 SMITH, Kenneth William PGIII P 1995 GHPAwd 2014 PGV P 1999 178 SPEARMAN, Bryan Rosslyn PGI P 2013 PGVI P 2006 208 SPEEDY, Donald Thorn PGIII P 2005 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2010 22 SMITH, Lindsay George PGIII P 1997 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2002 26 SPENCE, William George Sutherland PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2007 133 SPENCER, John Douglas PGII P 2010 PGVIIP 2010 84, 131 STAINES, Rodney PGIII P 1994 151 SMITH, Mervyn Claude PGIII P 2001 PGIV P 1998 PGV P 2005 PGVIP 2010 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2015 94, 247 SMITH, Michael John PGII P 2010 35 STAINTHORPE, John Bryan PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2014 CHW 2012 167 SMITH, Ralph Robert PGII P 2011 PGV P 2013 136 SMITH, Reginald Alec Heathcoate GI P 2007 44 STAMMERS, William Roger GBB 2007 PGIV P 2008 PGIV P 2008 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2013 PGVII P 2013 KHW 2015 KHW 2014 57 SMITH, Robert Victor William PGIII P 2011 221 SMITH, Roger Langdon PGII P 2014

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29 STANCER, Charles Frederick PGIV P 1992 175, 220 STEWART, Angus James PGIV P 1997 PGVI P 1997 PGVI P 2003 AGDC 1997-01 PGVII P 2007 CHW 1999 KHW 2008 PGVII P 2012 121,171 STEWART, Robert Samuel McBride GBB 2000 KHW 2012 204 PGIV P 2001 165 STANHOPE, Michael PGIII P 2004 PGV P 2005 PGV P 2009 CHW 2007 PGVI P 2013 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2015 PGVII P 2012 225 STANIFORTH, David Crawshaw KIP 2014 KHW 2015 PGIV P 2015 56 STICHBURY, Keith Leslie PGII P 2007 16 STAPELFELDT, Graeme William PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2005 219 STICKLAND, Samuel P PGIV P 2011 PGV P 2011 136 STIRLING, Alan John PGBB 2014 PGVII P 2015 175 STOCKMAN, Thomas Andrew PGII P 2010 67 STARK, Albert Edward PGV P 2005 PGIV P 2014 DDC 2007 4, 183 STOKELL, John Lambert PGIV P 1991 PGVI P 2012 TI, 185 PGVI P 1996 PGVII P 2015 PGVII P 2003 27 STARK, Barry PGBB 2013 KHW 2010 30, 214 STARKEY, Frank Austin PGIII P 1995 174 STOKOE, Alan PGIII P 2010 PGV P 1999 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2003 181 STOLZENBURG Peter PGII P 2007 KHW 2006 PGIV P 2011 PGVII P 2007 50 STORROW, Melvin Chase PGBB 2015 31 STARLING, Roy Edward PGII P 2003 231 STRAGLIOTTO, Rui Silvio PGII P 2013 PGIV P 2007 PGVI P 2015 152 STAVERT, Gordon Kenneth, C of St L PGIII P 1998 176 STRATTON, Stephen PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2002 PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2006 88 STRUDWICK, Vernon Alfred PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2011 166 STAYT, Michael John PGIV P 1989 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 1994 169, 247 STRUTT, Richard Peter Collingwood PGIII P 2009 PGVI P 2000 PGV P 2013 PGVII P 2003 CHW 2014 KHW 2009 65 STUART, Richard PGII P 2012 223 STEAD, Graham Eric PGII P 2011 44, 246 STURT, Trevor Howard CHW 2009 PGIV P 2015 GI P 2010 169, 247 STEED, Frederick James PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2011 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2014 242 SUARES PANIQUE, Zoilo PGI P 2014 147 STEELE, Harry PGII P 2003 165 SUMM, William Henry DGT 2013 PGIII P 2007 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 2011 50 SUMMERS, William PGII P 1998 84 STEGGLES, Leslie Reginald PGII P 1996 PGIV P 2002 PGIII P 2000 PGVI P 2008 PGV P 2004 PGVII P 2010 15 STEMP, Carl Percival PGIII P 1997 30 SURTEES, David Ralph PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2001 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2007 28 SURTEES, William Mitchenson PGII P 2005 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 2009 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2013 199 STEPHEN, Nicholas PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2015 79 STEPHENS, Gordon James Bridson PGII P 2004 67 SUTTERS, John PGIII P 1995 PGVI P 2011 PGIV P 2001 PGVII P 2015 PGVI P 2006 49 STEPHENSON, John PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2010 PGV P 2014 152 SUTTON, Richard Cresswell PGII P 2013 174 STEPHENSON, Raymond PGII P 2011 134 SWANN, Francis PGIII P 2007 PGIV P 2015 PGV P 2011 51, 247 STEVENS, David Frank PGIII P 2005 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2009 74, 221 SWANNELL, Peter PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 2013 PGV P 2007 222 STEVENS, Keith Richard PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2011 CHW 2013 PGVII P 2014 PGIV P 2014 128 SWEENEY, Andrew GVI P 2014 117 STEVENSON, George Guy PGIII P 2009 PGVII P 2015 PGIV P 2013 KHW 2015 92 STEVENSON, Maxwell John PGIII P 2006 155, 174 SWIFT, William PGIII P 2005 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2009 198 STEVENSON, Robert Allan PGBB 2015 PGVI P 2013 186 STEWARD, Alan William PGBB 2014 158 SZERENCSES, Imre PGII P 2010 46 STEWARD, Trevor Alfred David PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2014 PGV P 2013 17 STEWART, Alan Edgar PGIV P 1989 PGVI P 1994 PGVII P 1999

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28,185 TAIT, Thomas, J.P. PGIII P 1994 214 THOMAS, Frank Neil GKIP 2007 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 2008 PGVI P 2002 PGVI P 2011 PGVII P 2006 PGVII P 2014 KHW 2009 61 THOMAS, Frederick Richard GI P 2013 123, 214 TALLON, Anthony John PGIII P 2004 PGIII P 2014 PGV P 2008 166 THOMAS, Kenneth Lloyd PGII P 2008 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2013 5 TAN, Boon Sin PGI P 2014 21, 210 THOMAS, Martin Howard GStwd 2005 211 TANG, Vincent Fook Lam PGIV P 2008 PGIV P 2009 DDC 2009 GSupt 2009- 100 TANSWELL, Robert John PGII P 2010 130 THOMAS, Norman Thomas PGII P 2003 PGIV P 2014 71 THOMAS, Patrick James PGIII P 2008 103 TAPLEY, George Burnham PGI P 2015 PGV P 2012 1 TARRANT, Paul William PGIV P 2014 116 THOMAS, Ronald Albert PGIII P 2011 193 TAYLOR, Anthony Reginald PGIII P 2004 137, 139 THOMAS JP, Vivian PGIII P 2000 CHW 2007 PGIV P 2003 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 2007 PGVI P 2012 PGVII P 2009 PGVII P 2014 KHW 2014 KHW 2015 239 THOMASON, Eric Middleton PGII P 2013 TI,.124, TAYLOR, Brian PGIV P 1995 15 THOMPSON, Alan PGII P 2012 185 PGV P 1999 31 THOMPSON, Alan Livingsrone PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2003 124 THOMPSON, Alexander PGIII P 2004 PGVII P 2007 PGV P 2008 KHW 2011 PGVI P 2012 3 TAYLOR, Gary Douglas PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2014 PAGDC 2014 184, 217 THOMPSON, Brian Stephen PGIII P 1997 DT 2014 126 THOMPSON, Colin Michael PGIII P 2010 19 TAYLOR, Gavin William Alexander PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2014 35 THOMPSON, Eric Gordon PGIV P 1991 208 TAYLOR, Horace Kay PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 1996 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2000 199 TAYLOR, James PGBB 2014 KHW 2012 123 TAYLOR, Jeffrey GII P 2014 36 THOMPSON, Geoffrey George PGI P 1998 PGIV P 2015 PGIII P 2006 39 TAYLOR, Kenneth Earl PGII P 1998 PGV P 2011 PGIV P 2002 184 THOMPSON, James PGBB 2014 PGVI P 2007 38, 65 THOMPSON, James Edmund PGIII P 1988 PGVII P 2010 PGV P 1994 CM 2013 PGVI P 1999 42 TAYLOR, Michael George DDC 2004 PGVII P 2002 PGIII P 2010 KHW 2011 CHW 2013 14 THOMPSON, Kenneth George PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2010 1 TAYLOR, Peter Alexander PHW 1999 PGVI P 2014 PGIII P 2006 134 THOMPSON, Thomas William PGII P 2011 PGV P 2012 PGV P 2015 124 TAYLOR, Richard David PGBB 2014 78, 145 THOMPSON, William Augustus John PGIII P 1988 84 TAYLOR, Roger Martin PGIII P 2006 PGV P 1993 GSupt 2006-11 PGVI P 1998 118 TAYLOR, Stuart William PGII P 2009 PGVII P 2002 PGIV P 2011 KHW 2007 TI TAYLOR, Thomas Richardson PGII P 1999 194 THOMSETT, Brian Francis PGII P 2009 167 TAYLOR, Whilston Davis, JP PGV P 1997 148 THOMSON, Alan Peter PGII P 2009 PGVI P 2002 PGV P 2014 GSupt 2005-10 18 THOMSON, David Summer PDGOrg 2015 51 TAYLOR, William John PGIII P 2003 44 THOMSON, Hugh Robert G Stwd 2008 PGV P 2007 TI THOMSON, Keith PGIII P 2003 PGVI P 2011 PGVIP 2010 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2015 239 TEARE, Stephen Charles PGII P 2014 121 THOMSON, Peter Breathet PGII P 2014 174 TELFER, Brian PGII P 2012 143, 220 THOMSON, Ronald PGIII P 2006 46 TEMPLE, Aubrey PGII P 1998 CHW 2008 PGIV P 2002 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2006 AGDC 2011 PGVII P 2008 PGVII P 2013 KHW 2015 KHW 2014 38 TENNANT, Laurence Francis PGII P 2007 1, 21 THOMSON, Thomas GKI P 2001 158 THATCHER, Michael Francis PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2002 PGIV P 2012 PGVI P 2007 66 THATCHER, Robert Frank PGII P 2013 PGVIIP 2010 166 THOMAS, Arthur PGBB 2013 DGSen 2013 131 THOMAS, Brian Francis PGII P 2008 KHW 2014 PGIV P 2012 56 THOMAS, Edwin Driffield PGII P 2001 PGIV P 2005 PGVI P 2010

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135, 198 THOMSON, William Alfred PGII P 1999 43, 197 TRIMBLE, George Eason PGV P 1996 PGIV P 2003 PGVI P 2001 CHW 2004 CHW 2002 PGVI P 2007 5 TRODD, Eric PGIII P 1997 PGVII P 2009 PGV P 2001 KHW 2011 PGVII P 2006 143 THORNTON, Albert PGBB 2015 KHW 2008 6 THORNTON, Ronald WILLIAM PGII P 2004 159 TROLLOPE, Rex PGIII P 2008 PGIV P 2008 PGV P 2013 PGVI P 2012 29 TROTTER, Raymond Victor PGIII P 2003 PGVII P 2015 PGIV P 2009 72 THOROGOOD, Paul Edward PGII P 2009 198 TROTTER, Robert Simpson GStwd 2007 229 THORSON, Ole DDC 2012 CHW 2011 PGII P 2015 198 TROTTER, Robert Simpson Spence PGIII P 2004 17 THREADGOLD, Leslie William PGIV P 1996 PGV P 2008 PGVI P 1999 109 TRUDGETT, Anthony Michael PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 2004 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 2009 151 TRUMPER, Hewitt Benjamin PGII P 2006 111 THURBER, Darrell Kevin PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2013 29, 200 TUCK, Sidney Edward Ernest PGIV P 1996 29 THURSTON, Colin William PGIII P 2010 PGVI P 2001 PGCon 2014 PGVII P 2005 23,123 TICKLE, Trevor Cyril Kenneth PGIV P 1993 KHW 2015 GSupt 1996-04 GC TUCKER, Lawence Eugene CM 2008 GHP Awd 2007 KCPO 2015 71 TILL, Roland Derek PGIII P 2001 234 TUKE, David PGKIP 2015 PGV P 2005 84 TULIP, Arthur PGII P 2010 PGVI P 2009 CHW 2013 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2014 84 TILLING, Dr Keith John PGIII P 2003 TI TULIP, Noel Wesley, MBE GStwd 2000 PGV P 2007 54 TUNBRIDGE, Colin PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2013 54 TUNBRIDGE, Edwin Richard John PGIII P 2010 KHW 2015 PGV P 2014 52 TILLOTSON, George PGIII P 2011 28, 183 TURNBULL, George PGIII P 1996 101 TINKLER, Lawrence PGII P 2002 PGV P 2001 PGIV P 2007 PGVI P 2005 PGVI P 2011 KHW 2005 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2008 TI TITMAN, Clive PGBB 2014 44, 246 TURNBULL, Peter Henry Russell PGIII P 2009 21 TOH, Tony Chong Weng PGIII P 1999 PGVI P 2010 115 TOIT, Ronald Frederick du GStwd 2001 PGVII P 2011 PGIII P 2006 217 TURNER, Anthony St John PGBB 2014 86 TOLLER, Paul PGII P 2010 27 TURNER, Daniel Clive DDDC 2014 28 TOMLIN, John PGBB 2013 93 TURNER, Harry Douglas PGII P 2000 165 TOON, Andrew George PGIII P 2006 PGIV P 2004 PGV P 2010 PGVI P 2008 91 TOPLEY, Stewart Leslie PGBB 2013 PGVII P 2011 82 TOPLISS, Barrie Victor PGII P 2003 KHW 2013 PGIV P 2007 46, 240 TURNER, Ian Cameron PGV P 2011 PGVI P 2011 CHW 2013 PGVII P 2015 46, 91 TURNER, James William, ERD PGIII P 1985 236 TORRES, Jafe PGIII P 2008 GV P 1987 PGVIP 2010 GSupt 1989-95 PGVII P 2013 DGHP 1993-97 90 TOTHILL, Frederick Aldeman PGBB 2015 GHP 1997-06 36 TOUGH, Ian Wilson PGIII P 2007 GCPO 2015 PGV P 2010 159 TURNER, John George PGIII P 1995 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 1999 17 TOURLAMAIN, Peter David PGIII P 2000 32 TURNER, John Ignatius PGII P 2010 38 TOWNSEND, Anthony Leonard DDC 2007 57 TURNER, Michael PGII P 2009 Richard Raymond PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2013 PGV P 2014 194 TURNER, Steven John PGIII P 2004 53 TOWNSON, William Stanley PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2008 PGV P 2010 CHW 2010 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 2012 74 TRAVIS, John PGII P 1998 PGVII P 2014 PGIV P 2002 96 TUXFORD, Paul Gordon PGI P 2001 PGVI P 2007 PGIII P 2005 PGVII P 2010 173 TYDEMAN, Clark Walter PGIII P 2006 181 TRAYNOR, Anthony Francis Austin PGII P 2001 PGV P 2011 PGIV P 2005 146 TYDEMAN, Keith Jonathan PGII P 2012 PGVIP 2010 67 TYLER, Terence PGII P 2008 77 TREVETT, Robin George PGII P 2010 PGIV P 2013 PGIV P 2014 106 TYLER, Thomas William Edwin PGII P 2013 7 TREWERN, Peter John PGIII P 2007 178 TYNE, Raymond PGIII P 2008 PGV P 2011 PGV P 2012 DDDC 2015

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131 TYSOE, Clifford Harry PGII P 2008 140 WALES, Leslie PGIII P 1997 PGIV P 2012 PGIV P 2001 254 TZANNES, Stamatios-Solon PGVII P 2013 PGVIP 2005 156, 186 UPTON, Robert Harry GBB 1998 PGVII P 2007 PGIV P 1999 72 WALFORD, Royston PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2003 215 WALKER, Dennis Alexander Gill PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2007 PGIV P 2015 KHW 2011 145 WALKER, Michael Robert GT 2003-4 10 URSELL, Francis Edward PGIII P 2006 65 WALKER, Neil Harley PGII P 2010 PGV P 2010 134 WALL, Colin GStwd 2009 65 UYS, Heinrich Benehoff PGII P 2010 170 WALLACE, Christopher Scott PGII P 2008 PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2012 125 van AARTSEN, Antonie Peter PGIII P 2004 104 WALLER, Keith Burnidge PGII P 2001 DR 2004 PGIV P 2005 PGV P 2009 PGVI P 2009 PGVI P 2013 PGVII P 2011 G Supt 2013 KHW 2015 25 van der BURGH, Andries Johannes PGII P 2012 19, 97 WALLIS, Allen Osborn PGIII P 1993 66 van DER LINDE, Henry William PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2009 107 van DER PLAAT, Johannes Bertus PGIII P 2002 10, 128 WALLIS, Richard Victor, JP GI P 1992 21 van Ginkel, Frank PGI P 2014 PGIV P 1993 138 van PUTTEN, Cornelis PGII P 2011 PGVI P 1998 PGV P 2015 PGVII P 2002 62 van ROOYEN, Dewald Johannes PGII P 2002 KHW 2006 PGIV P 2007 CM 2012 PGV P 2010 23, 60 WALSH, Derek Francis PGIII P 1986 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 1992 125 van ROSSUM, Jan Diederik DR 2014 PGVII P 1997 CHW 2015 176 WALSH, Nigel James PGII P 2007 64 van WIJK, Herman PGIII P 2010 PGIV P 2011 PGV P 2012 PGVI P 2015 141 van ZYL, Johannes Jacobus PGI P 2015 82 WALSH, Patrick Joseph PGIII P 2011 7 VANDENBURGH, Fransisco Martin PGI P 2014 DT 2014 48, 185 VAREY, Nicolas Calvert GIII P 2010 PGV P 2015 225 PGIV P 2011 4, 245 WALSINGHAM, Michael Veric PGV P 1993 PGVI P 2014 PGVI P 1998 CHW 2015 PGVII P 2005 50 VARLEY, Arthur Steven PGII P 2012 CM 2015 245 VAUGHAN, Alan John PGIV P 2014 71, 136 WALTERS, Raymond Edward Roy PGIII P 1993 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 1998 134 VAUGHAN, Roy PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2004 249 VAUGHAN, Steven David DT 2014 PGVII P 2009 138 VERBIST, Jean PGIV P 2012 35 WARBURTON, John DG Org 2007 PGVII P 2014 G Org 2010 141 VERMACK, Marthinus Jacobus PGI P 2015 PGIV P 2010 135 VERNON, George PGII P 2003 PGVI P 2012 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2014 PGVI P 2011 128 WARD, David Bruce PGBB 2013 135 VERNON, John PGII P 2004 152 WARD, Frank Neville PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2008 PGV P 2007 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2011 20 VERRAN, Alan PGII P 2007 PGVII P 2015 PGIII P 2011 32 WARD, Terence Desmond PGII P 2014 21 VESSIGAULT, Dominique Etienne PGIV P 1997 DT 2014 1 VICKERS, Brian Anthony PGIII P 2007 201 WARD, Thomas Lindsay PGII P 2012 PGV P 2011 195 WARD, Rev’d William Edward Victor PGII P 2012 PGVI P 2015 DDC 2015 39 VICKERS, John Lionel PGBB 2013 199 WARDEN, Norman Alexander PGII P 2011 20 VICKERS, Owen DR 2009 PGIV P 2015 PGIII P 2010 121, 204 WARDROPE, Gavin Kenneth PGIII P 2006 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2010 57, 191 VIGGERS, David George PGIII P 1997 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2002 1,5 WAREHAM, Brian Clifford PGIII P 2008 PGVI P 2008 PGIV P 2013 PGVII P 2011 53, 174 WARHAM, Clive PGIII P 2003 238 VIDIANNAGNI, Barthelemy PGIV P 2014 PGVI P 2007 6 VINCE, John Ernest PGII P 2014 PGVII P 2010 147 VINCE, Michael Robin Orme PGBB 2014 KHW 2013 119 VOUDRIS, Panayotis PGII P 2006 28, 140 WARHAM, John PGIII P 1999 140 WADDELL, Roerbt George PGII P 2011 PGV P 2003 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2007 123 WAITES, Ernest William PGII P 2011 PGVII P 2009 62, 64 WAKELY-SMITH, Sidney Rex PGIII P 1995 KHW 2014 115 PGV P 2000 128 WARING, Peter GIII P 2003 PGVI P 2005 PG IV P 2004 PGVI P 2007 PGVII P 2009

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173 WARK, Ronald Alfred PGIII P 2008 149 WEBLEY, Athol John PGIII P 2002 PGV P 2013 PGV P 2007 100 WARLOW, Wayne Buffett PGII P 2003 39 WEBSTER, Gordon Charles Vivian PGIII P 2009 PGIV P 2007 PGCon 2013 PGVI P 2012 35, 110 WEBSTER, Neil CHW 2015 PGVII P 2015 23 WEBSTER, Robin Anthony PGII P 2009 94, 247 WARNE, John Stanley PGIII P 2008 38, 65 WEBSTER, Ronald PGIV P 1993 PGV P 2012 GSupt 1997-06 18 WARNER, Allan PGII P 1983 GHPAwd 2010 PGV P 1988 95 WEDGBURY, Richard Ivor PGII P 2010 PGVI P 1994 151 WEDGE, Charles Alan Robert PGIII P 2003 PGVII P 2000 PGV P 2007 93 WARREN, Earl David PGIII P 2007 178 WEEDON, Richard Anthony PGI P 2015 PGV P 2011 5 WEEKS, Christopher John PGSB 2015 DT 2014 103 WEIGELT, Eric PGII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 PGIV P 2015 121 WARREN, George Short Brownlee GStwd 2007 85, 219 WEILAND, Harald Richard Kurt PGIII P 2003 PGIV P 2009 30 WEIR, John PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2013 125 WELLE DONKER, Jan Frederick PGI P 2015 13, 91 WARWICK, Steven John PGIII P 2001 163 WELLER, Neil PGII P 2015 PGVI P 2010 189 WELTON, John Christopher PGII P 2014 71 WATERS, David Stewart PGIII P 1998 21 WEN, Edward Tai-Hay GStwd 2012 PGV P 2003 PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2007 44, 246 WENSLEY, Simon Mark PGII P 2012 PGVII P 2010 65 WESSELS, Piieter Johannes PGII P 2010 110 WATERS, Keith Roger Duncan GKIP 2013 PGIV P 2014 PGIV P 2014 195 WEST, David Ronald PGBB 2014 3, 101 WATERS, Sydney George PGIII P 1991 129 WEST, John Watt PGIII P 2008 PGV P 1996 PGVI P 2012 PGVI P 2000 145 WEST, Terence PGIII P 1997 PGVII P 2004 PGV P 2001 10 WATKIN, Neil Edwin Austin PHW 2012 PGVI P 2005 59 WATKIN, Michael Arthur PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2014 135, 175 WEST of STOW, James GII P 1997 14 WATKIN, Peter Gordon PGIII P 2007 PGIV P 1998 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2001 PGVI P 2015 PGVII P 2005 15 WATKINS, David Neil PGIII P 2011 KHW 2009 PGV P 2015 GSupt 2010- 157 WATKINS, Glanville James PGII P 2011 16 WESTBROOK, James Edward PGIII P 1997 PGIV P 2015 PGVI P 2010 60 WATKINS, Raymond PGII P 2009 PGV P 2003 PGIV P 2013 PGVI P 2010 206 WATLING, Ivan Ronald PGIII P 2012 218 WESTERN, Mervyn Saumuel PGIII P 2009 179 WATSON, Colin PGIV P 1992 68 WHEELER, David John PGBB 2015 AGDC 1992-95 40 WHEELER, Dennis Wolfgang PGII P 2012 147 WATSON, Gerald William PGII P 2010 61 WHEELER, Frederick Henry PGIII P 2009 97 WATSON, Grant Rowland PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2013 3 WATSON, Henry Mortimer PGII P 2011 164, 187 WHERRETT, John PGIII P 2002 PGIV P 2015 PGV P 2006 179 WATSON, James Douglas PGII P 2013 CHW 2007 155 WATSON, Leslie Samson PGII P 2006 PGVIIP 2010 PGIV P 2010 KHW 2013 190 WATSON, Michael John PGII P 2008 86 WHITE, Brian Thomas PGIII P 2007 PGV P 2012 PGIV P 2011 149 WATSON, Michael Timothy John PGIII P 2011 PGVI P 2015 PGV P 2015 42 WHITE, Dr Harry John PGIV P 1993 155 WATSON, Philip Anthony PDGOrg 2013 PGVI P 1998 48 WATTS, James Kenneth Lukyn PGIII P 1988 PGVII P 2002 PGV P 1993 CM 2014 80, 246 WATTS, William John PGIII P 2002 194 WHITE, Jack William Francis PGIII P 2010 PGV P 2006 79, 89 WHITE, Kenneth Oliver PGIII P 2012 CHW 2009 104 WHITE, Michael John PGIII P 1993 PGVI P 2011 PGV P 1998 PGVII P 2013 PGVI P 2002 25 WAYMARK, John Michael PGII P 2010 PGVII P 2006 190 WEBB, Maurice Raymond PGII P 2010 KHW 2009 PGIV P 2014 183 WHITE, Trevor PGII P 2010 111 WEBBER, Charles Herbert PGIII P 1989 PGIV P 2014 160 PGV P 1996 43 WHITEHEAD, John Corry PGIII P 1997 PGVI P 2002 38 WHITFIELD, David Brian AGDC 1999 PGVIIP 2010 PGIII P 2000 GSupt 2011-13 PGV P 2004 147, 217 WEBBER, Roy Harold PGIV P 1997 GSupt 2007- PGV P 2001 93 WHITING, Kenneth Lawrence PGIII P 1994 PGVI P 2005 PGV P 1996 PGVII P 2008 PGVI P 1999 21 WHITMORE, Phillip Andrew PGII P 2011

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

69 WHITTAKER, Jonathan Charles PGBB 2015 91 WILLIAMS, Eric Graver PGIII P 2012 108 WHITTLE, Charles Gordon PGII P 2013 38, 65 WILLIAMS, Geoffrey Alan PGII P 2006 56 WHITTLE, Dennis Francis George PGIV P 1996 PGIV P 2010 PGVI P 2001 PGVI P 2014 PGVII P 2005 74 WILLIAMS, George Louis PGIII P 2007 KHW 2011 PGV P 2012 57 WHITTON, Leslie William PGII P 2012 158 WILLIAMS, Graham Paget PGII P 2007 4, 156 WHITWORTH, Graham Gomm PGII P 2000 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2004 PGVI P 2015 CHW 2005 60 WILLIAMS, John PGII P 2002 PGVI P 2008 PGIV P 2006 PGVII P 2010 46 WILLIAMS, Malvern PGI P 2015 120 WICKENS, Michael PGIII P 2008 5 WILLIAMS, Nicholas David PGIII P 2007 CHW 2011 PGV P 2012 GV P 2012 187 WILLIAMS, Nigel Edward PGII P 2014 PGVI P 2013 136 WILLIAMS, Peter David PGIII P 2006 192 WICKES, John Harlow PGII P 2013 PGV P 2010 72 WICKHAM-RUFFLE, Eric PGBB 2013 1, 202 WILLIAMS, Peter Glyn PGIV P 1993 4 WIDDICOMBE, John Sidney GII P 2007 PGVI P 1997 PGIV P 2008 PGVII P 1999 PGVI P 2011 KHW 2001 64 WIGGILL, Edward Matthew PGII P 2009 CM 2009 PGIV P 2015 60 WILLIAMS, Raymond PGIII P 2005 158 WIGHTMAN, John Treherne GStwd 2010 PGV P 2009 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2013 CHW 2014 148 WILLIAMS, Richard Ernest PGIII P 2006 PGVII P 2015 195 WILLIAMS, Robert Edward Lloyd PGIII P 2010 158 WIGHTMAN, Phillip Andrew PGII P 2011 PGV P 2014 PGV P 2015 77 WILLIAMS, Robert John PGIII P 1990 76 WILDE, Gordon Roger PGII P 2011 PGV P 1995 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2000 26 WILDEY, Keith PGBB 2014 117 WILLIAMS, Ronald Leslie PGII P 2002 12 WILDING, David Michael PGII P 2012 PGIV P 2006 83 WILKIN, Raymond Leonard James PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2010 71 WILKINS, Dereck Roy PGI P 2015 PGVII P 2012 148 WILKINS, John Christopher PGII P 2014 164 WILLIAMS, Ryan Andrew PGIII P 2006 113 WILKINSON, Robert Norton PGIII P 2004 PGIV P 2010 PGV P 2008 205 WILLIAMS, Terwyn Alun PGI P 2015 PGVI P 2013 83, 154 WILLIAMSON, Kenneth PGIII P 1996 60, 239 WILKS, Frederick Thomas PGII P 2006 PGV P 2002 PGIV P 2010 PGVI P 2009 CHW 2014 PGVII P 2011 47 WILLCOCK, David John William GKIP 2003 KHW 2012 PGIV P 2004 14 WILLIAMSON, Maurice Albert GKIP 2009 PGVI P 2007 PGIV P 2010 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 2014 KHW 2013 91 WILLIS, Bernard PGIII P 2006 164 WILLIAMS, Alun PGIII P 2009 PGV P 2010 CHW 2010 PGVI P 2014 PGV P 2013 80 WILLIS, Donald Charles PGIII P 1999 60, 239 WILLIAMS, Brian Benjamin PGII P 2004 PGV P 2003 PGIV P 2008 PGVI P 2010 PGVI P 2012 110 WILLOWS, Nigel Alan PGIII P 2005 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2012 61 WILLIAMS, Basil Duncan PGII P 2004 PGVII P 2014 44 WILLIAMS, Charles Richard PGIII P 2003 116 WILLS, Lindsay Arthur PGIII P 2001 PGV P 2007 PGV P 2006 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2010 PGVII P 2014 PGVII P 2012 158, 245 WILLIAMS, Christopher PGII P 2006 178 WILSON, Charles Martin PGII P 2014 PGIV P 2010 163 WILSON, Edward Russell PGIII P 2014 G Supt 2011- 144 WILSON, George Angus PGBB 2015 44 WILLIAMS, Clifford Robert PGIV P 1995 20, 67 WILSON, Dr. Graeme Brownlie PGIV P 1987 PGVI P 1999 PGVI P 1992 CHW 2002 PGVII P 1997 PGVII P 2003 AGDC 2000 KHW 2007 CHW 2002 78 WILLIAMS, Colin PGIII P 1995 51 WILSON, John Maurice PGIII P 2009 PGV P 1999 PGV P 2014 PGVI P 2003 42 WILSON, John Peter, CPM PGIII P 1995 PGVII P 2007 PGV P 2000 KHW 2015 PGVI P 2004 196 WILLIAMS, David Edward PGII P 2015 PGVII P 2008 1 WILLIAMS, David Ifor GIV P 2000 CM 2014 CHW 2003 21, 210 WILSON, John William PGIII P 2006 PGVI P 2004 PGV P 2011 PGVII P 2010 44 WILSON, Patrick James PGKIP 2015 KHW 2015

Tab Name Rank Year Tab Name Rank Year

111 WILSON, Robert Gordon PGII P 2007 150 WOODWARD, Donald Edwin Darke PGII P 2009 PGIV P 2011 PGIV P 2011 135 WILSON, Robert Hardie PHW 2011 PGVI P 2015 GStwd 2013 95, 247 WOOLNOUGH, David Edwin PGIII P 1993 68 WILSON, Robert Ian PGIII P 2011 PGV P 1999 PGV P 2015 PGVI P 2003 159 WILSON, Sidney James PGII P 2015 PGVII P 2007 16, 96 WILSON-MOORE, Terence Wayne PGII P 2006 KHW 2008 71 WINCHCOMB, Cecil Stephen PGIV P 1997 165 WOOLEY, Patrick John Wooton PGII P 2014 PGVI P 2002 152 WOOLLAM, Raymond PGI P 2014 PGVII P 2006 80 WOOLTERTON, Brian Victor PGII P 2007 147 WINSOR, Bernard Dennis PGBB 2013 PGIV P 2011 CHW 2015 175 WRIGHT, Brian Joseph PGII P 2013 32 WINTER, Lewis PGIII P 1987 42 WRIGHT, Charles John PGII P 2007 PGV P 1992 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2003 2 WRIGHT, Howard PGV P 2006 PGVII P 2006 PGVI P 2011 131 WINTER, William Herbert PGI P 2013 PGVII P 2015 206 WISBEY, Brian Edward PGIII P 2008 41 WRIGHT, Ian Watson PGIII P 2003 DDC 2009 PGVI P 2011 CHW 2010 PGVII P 2013 PGVI P 2012 1, 146 WRIGHT, John Alan GIV P 1999 AGDC2013-15 74 PGVI P 2004 G Supt 2015 PGVII P 2012 143 WISHART, Robert William PHW 2013 CM 2014 3 WITHINGTON, Derek PGIII P 2002 45 WRIGHT, Stanley Herbert PGII P 2007 PGV P 2006 PGIV P 2011 PGVI P 2010 2 WRIGHT, Walter Henry Samuel PGIV P 1993 21 WONG, William Siu Loong PGIV P 1985 37,224 WYLES, Peter Frederick PGIII P 2001 PGVI P 1991 PGV P 2006 PGVII P 1997 CHW 2008 GSupt 2001-09 PGVI P 2009 GHP Awd 2010 PGVII P 2011 176 WONNACOTT, James PGBB 2014 KHW 2013 18 WOOD, Andrew Neville, JP PGI P 1998 CM 2015 PGIII P 2002 16 WYNN-JONES, John PGIII P 2011 PGV P 2006 153 WYNNE, Denis John PGII P 2002 PGVI P 2010 PGIV P 2007 PGVII P 2013 PGV P 2011 121, 204 WOOD, Joseph Stewart AGDC 2000 180 YARDLEY, Stephen William PGII P 2013 PGIII P 2001 92 YOLE, David Linfield PGIII P 2011 GSupt 2005-11 68 YORKE, Patrick Michael PGI P 2013 31 WOOD, Walter PGIII P 2009 196 YORKE-SUMMERSKILL, Dudley PGBB 2013 PGVI P 2013 179, 250 YOUELL, Arthur Christopher PGIII P 2004 40 WOODCOCK, Colin PGBB 2015 PGVI P 2011 35 WOODCOCK, Christopher George PGIV P 1997 PGVII P 2015 PGV P 2001 83 YOUNG, David PGI P 2014 PGVI P 2005 204 YOUNG, George PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 2008 PGV P 2012 154 WOODCOCK, Michael Edwin PGIII P 2002 65 YOUNG, John Moir PGIII P 1988 PGV P 2007 PGV P 1995 PGVI P 2011 PGVI P 2000 95, 247 WOODGATE, Dr Donald John PGIII P 2008 PGVII P 2007 GSupt 2008-13 KHW 2011 AGHP 2013- 104, 184 YOUNG, Laurence James PGII P 2001 GCPO 2015 212 PGIV P 2005 111 WOODHAMS, Harold Charles Lindsay PGIII P 1997 PGVI P 2009 120 WOODHOUSE, Nigel Robert John PGIV P 1990 CHW 2010 AGDC 1990-97 PGVII P 2011 PGVI P 1995 KHW 2014 GSupt 1997- 14 YULE, Walter John PGIII P 2011 GHPAwd 2011 PGV P 2015 110 WOODLEY, Keith William PGII P 2014 105 ZILLMAN, Terrence James PGII P 2003 78 WOODS, George, J.P. PGIII P 1996 119, 184 ZOGRAFOS, George PGIII P 2001 PGV P 2000 205 PGV P 2005 PGVI P 2004 PGVI P 2009 PGVII P 2010 PGVII P 2011 4 WOODWARD, Basil Rex PGIII P 1997 138 ZONHOVEN, Wilhelmus PGII P 2001 PGV P 2002 34 ZORGDRAGER, Oliver Gerrit PGII P 2007 PGVI P 2010 PGVII P 2011 KHW 2013 31 WOODWARD, Charles Edward GII P 1991 PGIV P 1992 PGVI P 1997 CHW 2001 PGVII P 2004 KHW 2010

Home Districts

Cheshire and North Wales (No. 26) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Anthony G Lynch, 18 Lindbury Avenue, Offerton, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 5SH [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Glen G Collings PGIV P, 4 Parkgate House Court, The Parade, Parkgate, Neston CH64 6SQ [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies R Em Kt Pt T Ian Cranston CM Deputy District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt Roger Thomas Quayle PGVI P 14 Melchisedec Chester 18 St Oswald Hyde 59 St David’s Connah’s Quay 60 Wirral Wallasey 83 Ezekiel Sandbach 106 St Mary and St George Stockport 152 Chester Cross Christleton 189 Vale Royal Macclesfield 239 Saint Salem Neston

Devonshire and Cornwall (No. 49) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Warner Barton, 3a Danby Heights, Torquay, TQ1 2HR 01803 215185 District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt John F Shepherd District Recorder Ill Kt Pt John F Bate, The Gables, 22 Treesdale Close, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 3QB [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt John M Daniels PGBB 61 Holy Citadel Plymouth 147 Torbay Torquay 176 Kernow Hayle 217 Twyford Tiverton

Dorset and Wiltshire (No 53) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt B E Parkes Acorns, Monkton Wyld, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 6DA [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Gerald Ridge District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Keith D R Baker CHW, PGV P, 119 Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 1NJ [email protected] District Direcor of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Roger Jeeves PGII P 47 St. Peter and St. Paul Blandford 159 St. Mary The Virgin Marlborough 193 The Revelation Bournemouth

East Anglia (No. 7) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Colin Birkbeck, 36 Melton Grange Road, Melton, Woodbridge, IP12 1SD [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Colin Talbot Sampson PGV P District Recorder III Kt Pt Ian H Macklin CHW, PGIV P 41 Park Road, Spixworth, NP10 3PJ [email protected] Deputy District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Richard P C Strutt PGV P Collingwood, 39 Henley Court, Henley Road, Ipswich, IP3 3SD [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt William Hagger PGIV P 51 Emmaus East Dereham 74 Clare Clare 94 St.Michael Wroxham 95 St. Winnold Downham Market 132 Felix of Burgundy Southwold 169 Cardinal Wolsey Ipswich 247 Ronald Thompson Wroxham

East Midlands (No. 31) A Sky Blue Contributor to the Pillar Fund Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Michael H Roalfe, 23 The Ridgway, Rothley, Leicestershire LE7 7LE [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Kenneth Newbold District Recorder VIIIKt Pt John A Caunt KHW PGVII P Fawcliffe, Cross Lane, Braunston, Daventry, NN11 7HH [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt William J Watts CHW, PGVII P 80 Rocheberie Rugby 122 Leicestershire & Rutland Leicester 137 Sir Thomas Tresham Kettering 248 Saint Bernard Loughborough

Essex (No. 14) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt James J Field, Churchview, Church Lane, Eaton Bray, Dunstable, Beds LU6 2DJ [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt John G Oliver District Recorder III Kt Pt F Clive Purdy PGII P Devine House, 1299-1301 London Road, Leigh on Sea SS9 2AD [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt John E Milner KHW PGVII P 46 Essex Southend on Sea 55 Thomas a Becket Upminster 90 St Mary Magdalene Harlow 91 Chingford Chingford 109 St Cedd and St Peter Colchester 180 Tendring Frinton on Sea 190 Langdon Hills Orsett 221 Temple Cressing Braintree 240 The Donald Edwin Tovey Braintree

Gloucestershire and Herefordshire (No. 32) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt David K W Paterson, 10 Boulton Road, Cheltenham, Gloucester GL50 4RZ [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt J C Cresswell PGIV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Graham Baber PGV P, 11 Corinium Gate, Cirencester, GL7 2PX [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Peter J Johnson PGIII P 39 Severn Cheltenham 133 Phoenix Cirencester 158 King Richard I Downend 218 Sympathy Wotton under Edge 275 Christpher Gavin Maiden Chipping Sodbury

Hampshire and Isle of Wight (No.6) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Brian E Wisbey, 17 Meadow Close, Sandown, Isle of Wight, PO36 9NS [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Derek R Radford, CHW PGIII P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt A Peter Hartland CHW PGI P, Gibbons Cottage, Church Street, St Mary Borne, Andover SP11 6BL [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Malcolm R M Lloyd PGIII P 37 Hampshire Havant 69 Andover Andover 112 Priory Christchurch 206 Isle of Wight Ventnor 224 Parsifal Chandlers Ford

Hertfordshire (No 37) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Barry S Searle, 25 Central Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 5T [email protected] District Treasurer V Ill Kt Pt Gavin O'Sullivan, CHW, PGVIIP District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Eric Mitchell PGVII P, 8 Vine Close, Hazlemere, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP15 7UT [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt John O’Malley PGII P 29 Hertfordshire Radlett 177 Halsey Cheshunt 192 Crux Roisia Royston 216 Southgate Southgate 200 John Owen Place Twickenham 222 James William Turner Watford

Kent (No 5) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Paul Butler, Nimrod, 7 South Close, Bexleyheath, Kent, DA6 8HH [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Neil Anthony Pinner PGV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Stephen J Turner CHW, PGVIi P, 46 Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood, London, SE2 9QY steventurner1@gmail District Director of Cermonies Ill Kt Pt Ian W MacKenzie PGVI P 26 Cantuar 36 Wilmington Wilmington 54 Temple Manor Chatham 57 St Blaise Bromley 71 Holywell Folkestone 86 St Augustine Ramsgate 136 Boxley Abbey Maidstone 191 Powhattan Gravesend 194 Anjou Welling

Lancashire and Cumbria (No. 2) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Glyn J Davies, Higher Trotter Hill, Whitechapel, Preston, PR3 2FP [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Ian Rowan District Recorder Ill Kt Pt David Redhead PGIII P, 15 Kirkstone Crescent, Beechwood, Runcorn WA7 3JQ [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Terry Maybury PGV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt David Kellett PGII P 23 Rosae Crucis Ormskirk 30 St Ann’s Bolton 78 St Mary’s Chorley 123 Jacques de Molay 129 Robert de Sable Carlisle 145 Rose of Lancaster Garstang 214 Pax Widnes 228 Unity Chorley 234 Kirkland Kendal 235 Pendle Burnley

Lincolnshire (No. 52) Grand Superintendent Designate R Em Kt Pt Martin Frank Hemsley Levick, Westfields, 46 High Street, Beckingham, Doncaster, DN10 4PB [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Patrick Joseph Walsh PGV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Reginald Leslie Brittan [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt Ian Henry Maxey GV P, AGR 49 Lincoln Lincoln 82 St Peter Skegness 261 John Charles Board Cleethorpes

London (No. 4) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Edwin B Goodwin, 19 Bateman Road, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth. Herts, WD3 3BL [email protected] District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Douglas T Hopton PGVII P, Touchwood, 349 Dunchurch Road, Rugby CV22 6HT [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Evan G Hughes PGV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Anthony R Clark PGIII P 1 Premier MMH 5 St. John Duke St 13 Britannic MMH 17 Kingsway MMH 40 St. Raphael Civil Service Club 48 Galilee MMH 119 St John’s Gate Duke St 156 Guild of Freeman MMH 202 London Installed H.P. MMH 203 St Genevieve MMH 205 Southern Star Clerkenwell

Middlesex (No. 42) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Douglas D Black, 32 Alenhurst Close, Copthorne, Crawley, RH10 3QQ [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Philip C Pickard GSB, 13 Medlake Road, Egham, TW20 8HU [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt John C Roberts PGVII P 68 Uxbridge Uxbridge 110 Staines Staines 172 Twickenham Twickenham 173 Harrow Trinity Harrow

North Midlands (No. 38) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt John M B Phillips, 102 Severn Way, Cressage, Shropshire SY5 6DS [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Simon P Gaskin, PGII P District Recorder R Em Kt Pt Harold W Hampton CM, KHW PGVII P, April Cottage, College Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton WV6 8QE [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Rev Preb William E V Ward TD PGII P. Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Andrew D Beckingsale, CHW, PGVP 33 Zadok Stafford 154 North Staffordshire Stoke 165 Trent Burton 196 The Three Saints Shrewsbury 255 St Chad Albrighton

Northumberland and Durham (No. 23) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt T W David Railson, 71 Neptune Road. Dumpling Hall Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 7XG [email protected] District Treasurer V Ill Kt Pt Gary Taylor PAGDC District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt John Liddle, CHW, PGVI P 55 Brandling Court, Hackworth Way, Royal Quays, North Shields NE29 6WT [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt David Melvin, CHW, PGVII P 3 Finchale Gateshead 28 Brinkburn Morpeth 81 Lindisfarne Berwick 101 All Saints Burnopfield 124 St George of Throckley Throckley 134 The Prior’s Haven North Shields 140 Wudcestre Ashington 155 Venerable Bede Durham 174 St Cuthbert Darlington 183 Bernicia Blyth

Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire (No 25) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Graeme Hutchinson, 39 Welland Road, Hilton, Derbyshire DE65 5GZ [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Terry D Ward, PGIIP District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Donald K Metcalfe CHW, PGVII P, 149 Holymoor Road, Chesterfield, S42 7DR [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Alan Beckerton 32 Nottinghamshire Mansfield 50 Derbyshire Buxton 179 James Edward Glover Chesterfield 250 Ernest Peter Donnison Buxton

Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire (No. 16) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Peter W Hughes, Chapel Cottage, Trellech Grange, Chepstow, NP16 6QN [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Duncan McQueen CHW PGV P, 24 Kennet Road, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 3ST 01235 520600 District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt Reginald A Allen CHW PGVII P 41 Oxfordshire Oxford 72 Buckinghamshire Windsor End 77 St Cecilia Sindlesham 84 Wallingford Castle Wallingford 127 Robert de Turnham Bletchley 131 Terra Sancta Banbury

Scotland – East (No.46) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt James West of Stow, Stowmill, Stow, Galashiels, TD1 2RB [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt W Scott Sneddon PGIV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt William McI S Semple [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Colin Little PGV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt James Gray, CHW PGVII P 135 The Holy Rood Edinburgh 143 Claverhouse 175 Forth Valley Linlithgow 220 The Kingdom of Fife Rosyth

Scotland – North (No. 41) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt William Murray, 10 Milton Drive, Buckie, AB56 1NW [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt William G Flett CHW PGVII P District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Stuart C MacBride KHW, PGVII P, Pegasus, Ardoe, Aberdeen AB12 5XT [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Andrew William Morrison CHW PGIII P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Ian Sinclair PGV P 144 Am Furan Inverness 199 Bon Accord Banchory 215 Strathlene Buckie

Scotland – West (No. 30) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Stephen Forster, 19 Blackfarm Road, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, G77 5HT [email protected] District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Robert B Mathew, CHW, PGVI P [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Gordon Mather CHW PGIII P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt Archibald Chalmers PGVII P 121 Saltire Glasgow 171 St Ninian Kilmarnock 198 Corra Linn Carstairs Junction 204 Ancient Union Band Glasgow

Somerset and Bristol (No. 19) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Christopher Williams 2 Old Gloucester Road, Frenchay, Bristol, BS16 1QW [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Robert H Moore PGIV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Nigel F Bevan PGIII P, 13 Ellesmere Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5DY [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt Adrian T Jones PGVI P 4 King Ina Taunton 31 King Edgar Bath 245 Maurice de Gaunt Bristol

Surrey (No. 15) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Ian T D Smith, 24 Bramley Lane, Darby Green, Camberley, GU17 OBY [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Peter Brown, PGIII P, 189 Lovedean Lane, Lovedean, Hampshire, PO8 9RT [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V Ill Kt Pt Jack B Love PGVI P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Daniel C Turner 27 Surrey Surbiton 104 Saxon Surbiton 184 Pride of Surrey Sutton 186 Gyldeforda Guildford 195 Chertsey Chertsey 212 Holy Trinity Croydon

Sussex (No. 40) A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Gordon Leaman CM, 17 Orchard Park, Worthing Road, Rustington, BN16 9PS [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt John C W Hickman District Recorder V III Kt Pt Michael J Newth, PGVII P, 42 Cardinal Court, Grand Avenue, Worthing BN11 5NL [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt Paul S Hollebone PGIV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Ray Tyne PGVP 25 St Nicolas Brighton 45 Himalaya Littlehampton 70 St Clement Bexhill 178 Haven of Peace Peacehaven 209 Hosea Peacehaven

Wales (No.34) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt David J Elsley, Llys-y-Coed, Llandygwydd, Cardigan, Ceredigion, SA43 2RP [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt David Harries District Recorder III Kt Pt Alun Williams, CHW PGV P, 23 The Drive, Miskin, Pontyclun CF72 8PX [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Michael Hopkins PGV P Deputy District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Michael J Lewis [email protected] 100 Salem Newport 157 Melenydd Llandidrod Wells 164 St Crallo Bridgend 166 Zion Swansea 187 Golau Dydd Bridgend 188 Dewi Sant Cardigan

West Midlands (No. 3) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Peter C Astfalck, The Mews House, 45 Coundon Road, Coventry, CV1 4AR [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Trevor R Scott-Worthington District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt William R Stammers KHW, PGVII P, Blossom Cottage, Chapel Street, Swinford, Lutterworth, LE17 6AZ [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Peter E M Parsons CHW PGVII P 10 Mercia Birmingham 42 Bromsgrove Bromsgrove 44 Warwickshire Coventry 128 St. Alphege Solihull 246 Holy Grail Guy’s Cliffe 256 Heart of England I HP Knowle

Yorkshire – North and East Ridings (No. 1) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt David H W Scott, 39 Barnes Wallis Way, Marske-by-the-Sea, Redcar, TS11 6NA [email protected] District Treasurer/Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Peter R Jennings KHW PGVII P, 21 Hall Gate, Cottingham HU16 4DN [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Stuart Dick 6 Hull Hull 35 St. Paulinus York 53 Cleveland Middlesborough 117 St.Bernard of Clairvaux Filey

Yorkshire – West Riding (No. 24) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Godfrey Bedford, Stone Court, Oldfield Road, Honley, Holmfirth, HD9 6NL [email protected] District Treasurer/Recorder III Kt Pt Stephen G Scholes PGIV P, 132 Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield HD4 6JL [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Ian W Grundy PGV P 2 Royal York Barnsley 24 White Rose Thornhill Lees 113 Manor of Hallam Dore 201 Cliffe Castle Keighley 225 The Seven Pillars Goole

Overseas - Europe

Catalonia and Canarias (No 50) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Stephen P Preston, The Chapel, Robson Street, Shildon, DL4 1EB [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Steve Vaughan District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Jose L Menoyo [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Ole Thorson 229 Camino Real Barcelona 249 Tenerife St Andrew Tenerife 252 Gran Canaria Sacredos in Aertum Santa Brigida

Central and Southern Spain (No 51) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt David A C Niven, Laujen, 1 Morven Drive, Polmont, Falkirk FK2 0XD [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Michael Brown PHW, DT District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Roy Mitchell, DR Avenida Fedrico Garcia Lorca No 45 – 2E 013178, Benijofar, Alicante, Spain [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Barrie Mansell CHW, PGV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt William Haddon PGIII P 251 San Jaime Queseda 253 Saint John of Avila Fuengirola

Germany (No. 43) Grand Superintendent R Ill Kt Pt N R John Woodhouse, Neuwalder Strasse 2, 49163 Bohmte, Germany [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Frank Cornelis Poot PGIII P District Recorder R Em Kt Pt Austin A Holtum CM, Hirschberger Str 43, D-33659 Bielefeld [email protected] Deputy District Recorder VE Kt Pt Joachim Atayi [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt Joseph K Maison CHW PGVII P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Aristote Hans-Moevi PGII P 120 Pilgrim Bielefeld 139 Star Absalom Rheindahlen 233 Lux in Tenebris Togo 238 Richard K Attipoe Ivory Coast

Netherlands (No. 29) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Antoine Peter van Aartsen, Hoge Larenseweg 173, 1221 AN Hilversum, Netherlands [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Robert Gerard Diederick Abraham Olie District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Jan Diederik van Rossum, Staringlaan 3, 1215 BR Hilversum, Netherlands [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Aloysius G M Captijn PGV P 107 Unicorn The Hague 125 Vellus Aureum Bilthoven 138 Horeb Breda

Overseas – South Africa

South Africa – Cape (No. 28) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Pieter de C de Kock, PO Box 955, Hermanus 7135, Western Cape, South Africa 7200 [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Clive E W Mildenhall PGIII P District Recorder V Ill Kt Pt Stephen E Mills, KHW, PGVII P District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Ronald Head PGVII P 66 St Francis Port Elizabeth 115 Fairest Cape Pinelands 213 Cape Peninsula Pinelands

South Africa – Natal (No. 27) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Karl Michel, P O Box 11, Bothas Hill 3660, South Africa [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Herman van Wijk PGV P 62 Civic Erin Durban 64 Natalia Camperdown

South Africa – Transvaal (No. 10) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt David B Whitfield, PO Box 92821, Norwood 2117, South Africa [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Anthony L R R Townsend PGIII P 38 Kosmos Johannesburg 65 Omega Johannesburg 114 Keystone Germiston 141 George Hookham Polkwane

Overseas – The Americas

Bahamas and Jamaica (No. 35) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Peter D Cole, PO Box N121, Nassau, Bahamas [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt James R Bain, PGVI P 76 Royal Victoria Nassau 167 Jamaica Kingston

Brazil Grand Inspector R. Em Kt Pt Jorge B Pessoa Filho, Alameda Joaquim Eugenio de Lima, 680, 12 floor Jardim Paulista - São Paulo / SP Brazil 01403-000 [email protected]

Brazil – Centro Norde (No 55) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Anuar J Elias Junior [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Gelson Menegatti Filho PGVI P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Kennyo Mahmud Ismail District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Marco Antônio Cabral dos Santos PGII P Deputy District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Rosselberto Himenes PGVI P Deputy District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Carlos Alberto Marques Ribeiro Filho Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Armando de Souza Correa Júnior PGVI P 236 Brasilia Brasilia 267 Sao Goncarlo Cuiaba 268 Vilas-Boas Lago Norte 270 Manaos Manaus

Brazil – Norde Nordeste (No 57) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Francisco do Egipto Lacerda PGIII P District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt V L Oniero District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Edmir J Simoes, Rua Manuel de Carvalho, 310 Apt 603 Recife PE 52050-370 District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt O Novo PGV P 257 Nordeste Recife 266 Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte 269 Bethelem Belem

Brazil – Rio (No 54) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Joao Guilherme da Cruz Ribeiro District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Felipe Eduardo Portela de Paulo District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Alexander Mazolli Lisboa PGV P [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Wilson Correa de Souza Neto PGIV P Deputy District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Paulo Roberto de Castro Amaro 230 Sao Paulo Sao Paulo 241 Rio de Janiero Rio de Janiero 258 Condado de York Rio de Janiero

Brazil – Sao Paulo (No 47) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Joao Barile c/o Rua Oswaldo Cruz, 141 – Apto 34B – Sao Caetano do Sul – SP- CEP 09541-270 Brasil [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Oswaldo Deval District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Luis Morillo, Rua Ana Zozi Toni, 320, Pres Altino-Osaco - SP-Brasil, CEP. 06210-050 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Jose Carlos Rodrigues da Silva 226 Brasil Sao Paulo 227 Novo Mundo Sao Paulo 232 Peregrinos Santos

Brazil – Sul Leste (No 56) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Elidinei Celso Micheletto PGV P District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Paulo Cesar Dias Carneiro District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Armir Caetano Ferreira, Rua Eduardo Silva Magalhaes, 756- Sao Paulo, SP - CEP 05324-000, Brazil [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Marco Antonio Bueno de Moraes 231 Pitagoras Sao Paulo 259 Campos de Piratininga Higienopolis 260 Sao Joao Sao Paulo 271 Caxias Caxias do Sul

Bolivia (No 48) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Jose Guillermo Mendoza, Calle 10 No. 598, Obrajes, La Paz, Bolivia [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Mario R Cabrera, Calle Villalobos No. 1751, Miraflores, La Paz, Bolivia [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Victor Rosas Rivera 237 Cyril H Rees La Paz 242 San Martin de Porres La Paz 243 Santisima Trinidad La Paz 244 Jerusalen Santa Cruz

Canada – Central (Ontario) (No. 20) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Andrew L McLelland, 1002-3 Massey Square , Toronto, Ontario M4C 5L5, Canada [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt E David Warren PGV P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Joseph C Chamberlain District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Joseph C Chamberlain 34 St Mark’s Ingersoll 93 York Etobicoke 108 Thames Chatham 118 Kente Belleville

Canada – East (Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland) (No. 21) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Frederick A Healey, 2 Old Kingston Road, West Kingston, New Brunswick, Canada E5N 1V6 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Cecil E Decker PGVII P 85 St Andrews Dartmouth 111 Northumbria Riverview 219 Beaumont Hamel Within the District

Canada – Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) (No. 36) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Ron E Beirnes, 27 Peniscola Close, Calgary, Alberta SE, Canada T2A 2K5 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Lyle Dowdell PGIII P 102 St John the Almoner Saskatoon 103 South Alberta Calgary 130 Northern Lights Edmonton

Canada – West (British Columbia, Yukon and North West Territories) (No. 17) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Leonard G B Pickell, 89-21928 48th Avenue, Langley, British Columbia, Canada V3A 8H1 [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Alastair Ross PGII P District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Richard Armitage PGII P, 2688 Piercy Ave., Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada. V9N 7E3 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Alexander Hart PGIV P 52 Victoria Victoria 163 Fraser Abbotsford

Overseas – Oceania and The Far East Australia – New South Wales and A.C.T.(No. 11) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt John D Peverill, 20 Carcoola Avenue, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia 2170 [email protected] District Treasurer/Recorder R Em Kt Pt Frank Jeffries PG Supt, 6 Reganza Street, Lake Haven, New South Wales, Australia 2262 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Thomas Pfeifle PGII P 16 New South Wales Sydney 22 St George Mortdale 43 Canberra Barton 162 Hunter New Lambton 181 Cumberland Blacktown

Australia – Queensland (No. 12) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Dr Donald P Dezentje, PO Box 64, Murwillumbah, New South Wales 2484 [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Owen Vickers PGIII P, PO Box 1099, Caboolture, Queensland 4510 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Albert E Stark PGVI P 20 Queensland Sandgate 67 Sherwood of Brisbane Sherwood 223 The Good Shepherd Cairns

Australia – Victoria (No. 8) Grand Superintendent R Ill Kt Pt Walter P Burston, 9 Pineview Court, Narre Warren South, Victoria, Australia [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Barry E Minster PGIII P, 54 Sydney Street, Collingwood, Victoria, 3066, Australia [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies V III Kt Pt Terence T Hodges KHW, PGVII P 15 Australian East Melbourne 75 Southern Cross Gardenvale 92 Ballaarat Smythesdale 153 Chaffey Merbein 170 Aaron Ardeer 207 Bendigo Bendigo

South Australia (No. 22) Grand Superintendent R Em KI Pt Ill Kt Pt Iain N Fraser, 72 Pitman Road, Windsor Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia 5087 [email protected] District Recorder/Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Peter JE Burden PGII P PO Box 451, Williamstown, South Australia 5351 [email protected] 58 Adelaide Marden 88 King David Brighton

Tasmania (No.44) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Geoffrey W Herbert, 26 Richardson Street, Ulverstone, Tasmania, TAS7315 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Roger D Mayne, PGV P 168 Tasmania Launceston 197 City of Hobart Lindisfarne

Western Australia (No. 18) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt John B Heazlewood, 563 AFME Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek, Western Australia 6149 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Kevin C Hartley PGV P 79 Perth Perth 89 Fremantle Fremantle

Far East (No. 45) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Martin H Thomas, Zetland Hall, 1 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong, [email protected] District Recorder Ill Kt Pt Albert P K Kwok, CHW PGIV P 19/F Winfield Gardens, 38 Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill Kt Pt Vincent F L Tang PGIV P 21 Patmos Hong Kong 210 KTP Singapore Singapore 211 Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur

New Zealand – Central (No. 39) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Phillip J Brooke, PO Box 12 457 Thorndon Wellington, New Zealand 6144 [email protected] District Treasurer V Ill Kt Pt Peter G Robertson PG VII P District Recorder VIII Kt Pt Alan L Hart KHW, PGVII P, 9 Camrose Grove, Kingston, Wellington, NZ 6002 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Geoffrey J Davies KHW, PGVII P 7 New Zealand Otaki 73 Te Ngutu Patea 148 Wellington Johnsonville 149 Valley Lower Hutt

New Zealand – North (No. 9) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Bruce R MacConnell, Flat 27 Morris Spence Ave, Napier, New Zealand [email protected] District Treasurer Ill Kt Pt Graham A Gilbert District Recorder III Kt Pt Maurice Munro, 34/11 Oxford Street, Taradale, 4112 New Zealand [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies Ill KT Kt Roderick Biel PGV P 12 Auckland Auckland 56 Hawkes Bay Hawkes Bay 208 Tamihana Te Puke

New Zealand – South (No. 33) Grand Superintendent R Em Kt Pt Phillip Ivamy PO Box 83, Nelson, New Zealand 7010 [email protected] District Director of Ceremonies III Kt Pt Bryan Kevin Lawless PGIV P 97 Otago Southland Balclutha 150 Marlborough Blenheim

Tabernacles under the direct Supervision of Grand College TI Royal Kent Newcastle 126 Ellan Vanin Peel, IOM 146 St Helier St Helier, Jersey 182 Henry Hotham Birmingham 185 Harry Beckett Raylor York 254 Filalethia Athens 265 Ita Karai Asuncion, Paraguay 272 Hyperoon Athens


1 Yorkshire – North and East Ridings 2 Lancashire and Cumbria 3 West Midlands 4 London 5 Kent 6 Hampshire and Isle of Wight 7 East Anglia 8 Australia – Victoria 9 New Zealand – North 10 South Africa –Transvaal 11 Australia – New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory 12 Australia – Queensland 14 Essex 15 Surrey 16 Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire 17 Canada – West (British Columbia, Yukon and North West Territories) 18 Western Australia 19 Somerset and Bristol 20 Canada – Central 21 Canada – East (Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland) 22 South Australia 23 Northumberland and Durham 24 Yorkshire – West Riding 25 Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire 26 Cheshire and North Wales 27 South Africa – Natal 28 South Africa – Cape 29 Netherlands 30 Scotland – West 31 East Midlands 32 Gloucestershire & Herefordshire 33 New Zealand – South 34 Wales 35 Bahamas and Jamaica 36 Canada – Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba) 37 Hertfordshire 38 North Midlands 39 New Zealand – Central 40 Sussex 41 Scotland – North 42 Middlesex 43 Germany 44 Tasmania 45 Far East 46 Scotland – East 47 Brazil 48 Bolivia 49 Devonshire and Cornwall 50 Catalonia and Canarias 51 Central and Southern Spain 52 Lincolnshire 53 Dorset and Wiltshire 54 Brazil - Rio 55 Brazil – Centro Norde 56 Brazil – Sul Leste 57 Brazil – Norde Nordeste


Installation meetings are in italics Many Saturday meetings are daytime – please check with the Recorder

TI Royal Kent (GC) TI Masonic Hall, Fern Avenue, Jesmond Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 2RA 1st Wednesday in May and 2nd Friday in January J Liddle, 55 Brandling Court, Hackworth Way, Royal Quays. North Shields, NE29 6WT [email protected]

1 Premier (London [4]) 31 May 1924 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PL 3rd Monday in June, 2nd Friday in December R W Leavers, 14 Bridgefield Close, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 1LR [email protected]

2 Royal York (Yorkshire-West Riding [24]) 31 May 1924 Masonic Hall, 11 Cockerham Lane, Barnsley S75 1AT 1st Thursday in April, May and September. P R Smith, 60 Beechfield, New Farsley, Leeds LS12 5QS [email protected]

3 Finchale (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 9 October 1924 Masonic Hall, Ingram Street, South Shields, NE33 2DQ 3rd Thursday in May, October and December S J Neil, 19 Maple Grove, Prudhoe, NE42 6PU [email protected]

4 King Ina (Somerset and Bristol [19]) 23 May 1925 Masonic Hall, 20 The Crescent, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 4EB Friday following 3rd Wednesday April, September D Hartley, Furlongs, Shoreditch, Taunton, Somerset TA3 7BL [email protected]

5 St John (London [4]) 24 October 1925 10 Duke Street, St James’s London SW1Y 6BS 4th Friday January, 3rd Friday October E Trodd, 14 Brockhurst Lodge, Shorneath Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8RT [email protected]

6 Hull (Yorkshire-North and East Ridings [1]) 18 October 1926 Masonic Hall, 69 Beverley Road, Hull HU3 1XL 4th Tuesday in May, 4th Friday in September D A Lowthorpe, 20 Legarde Avenue, Anlaby High Road, Hull HU4 6AP [email protected]

7 New Zealand (New Zealand-Central [39]) 13 October 1930 Masonic Hall, Waerenga Road, Otaki, New Zealand 2nd Saturday in March, 1st Saturday in August & November G J Davies, 81 Warwick Street, Wilton, Wellington, New Zealand [email protected]

8 Clifton (New Zealand-Central [39]) March 1935 Wellington, New Zealand Erased without having met 1941

9 USA 16 August 1935 Grand College of America

10 Mercia (West Midlands [3]) 15 May 1954 Masonic Hall, 21 Wrethan Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B19 1ED 2nd Monday in March, June and November N E A Watkin, 229 Birmingham Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1EA [email protected]

11 Northland (New Zealand–North [9]) 17 January 1942 Whangerei, New Zealand Warrant Surrendered 2007

12 Auckland (New Zealand–North [9]) 20 May 1944 Masonic Temple, 132 Church Street, Otahuhu, Auckland, New Zealand 1025 5th Thursday when occurring. Installation on the last meeting of the year. D M Wilding, 4 Parkdale Close, Snells Beach, New Zealand 0920 [email protected]

13 Britannic (London [4]) 22 March 1948 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL 1st Wednesday in April, 1st Tuesday in November H J Emms, 177 Clays Road, Walton on the Naze, Essex,CO14 8UA [email protected]

14 Melchisedec (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 25 June 1948 Masonic Temple, 2 Queen Street, Chester, CH1 3LG 1st Friday in May, July, and September W J Yule, 43 Bunbury Drive, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4AL [email protected]

15 Australian (Australia–Victoria [8]) 9 November 1949 Freemasons’ Hall, 141 Gipps Street Abbotsford, Victoria, Australia 3067 4th Tuesday in April, June, August and October B Minster, 54 Sydney Court, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia 3066 [email protected]

16 New South Wales (Australia–New South Wales and ACT [11]) 12 May 1951 The Masonic Centre, Concord Road, Concord West, Sydney, New South Wales, 2nd Monday in January, April, July and October Australia 2193 J Peverill, 20 Carcoola Avenue, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia 2170 [email protected]

17 Kingsway (London [4]) 7 November 1951 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL 2nd Wednesday in February and November and the 3rd Wednesday in June J L Peer MBE, 65 Stubbington Lane, Stubbington, Hampshire, PO14 2PG [email protected]

18 St Oswald (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 28 March 1953 Oaklands Masonic Hall, Beech View, Mottram Road, Hyde, SK14 3DE 4th Saturday in April, 1st Saturday in February and September K Deakin, 66 Kensington Avenue, Royton, Oldham, Lancashire, OL2 5XZ [email protected]

19 Canterbury (New Zealand-South [33]) 24 October 1953 Christchurch Dectared Dormant 2014

20 Queensland (Australia-Queensland [12]) 26 January 1957 Freemasons’ Centre, Dux Street, Caboolture, Queensland, Australia 4020 3rd Wednesday in January, April, July and November O Vickers, PO Box 1099, Caboolture, Queensland, Australia 4510 [email protected]

21 Patmos (Far East [45]) 26 June 1959 A Sky Blue contributor to the Pillar Fund Zetland Hall, 1 Kennedy Road, Hong Kong 4th Tuesday in April, June and 4th Friday in September A P K Kwok, 19/F Winfield Gardens, 38 Shan Kwong Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong [email protected]

22 St George (Australia–New South Wales and ACT [11]) 29 February 1960 Masonic Temple, Cronulla M C, 43-45 The Kingsway, Cronulla, NSW, Australia 5th Monday when occurring except December (then meet in January) nearest February L G Smith, 4/122 Russell Avenue, Dolls Point New South Wales, Australia 2219 [email protected]

23 Rosae Crucis (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 5 May 1961 The Masonic Hall, Park Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 3BT 3rd Tuesday in May and September D R Crowley, 1 Rydal Close, Aintree, Liverpool L10 8JX [email protected]

24 White Rose (Yorkshire–West Riding [24]) 29 July 1961 The Masonic Hall, Saville House, Lees House Road, Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury, WF12 9BP 3rd Tuesday in January, April, June and September B L Hartley, Hinds Cottage, Old Hall Road, Batley, WF17 0AX [email protected]

25 St Nicolas (Sussex [40]) 6 May 1962 Sussex Masonic Temple, 25 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3YH 4th Wednesday in June and November, 1st Thursday in April G Earland, 27 Falcon Close, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex BN43 5HN [email protected]

26 Cantuar (Kent [5]) 5 May 1962 Masonic Temple, 38 St Peter’s Street, Canterbury, CT1 2DA 4th Thursday in March, 2nd Thursday in September R Ball, 61 Springvale, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 8RX [email protected]

27 Surrey (Surrey [15]) 1 May 1963 A Green contributor to the Pillar Fund Surbiton Masonic Hall, Glenmore House, 6 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 4BN 4th Tuesday in January, 1st Wednesday in July and 2nd Wednesday in November L G Hayward, 17 Nursery Road, Lower Sunbury, Middlesex TW16 6LA [email protected]

28 Brinkburn (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 3 May 1963 Masonic Hall, Dacre Street, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 1HW 3rd Friday in May and November J E Bradbeer, Millbank, Ellington Village, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5JJ [email protected]

29 Hertfordshire (Hertfordshire [37]) 30 May 1963 Masonic Hall, 6 The Rose Walk, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 7JS 1st Friday in February, May and 3rd Friday in October W Rumford, The Chestnuts, 39 Park Street Lane, St Albans, AL2 2JA [email protected]

30 St Ann’s (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 9 May 1964 Brookfield Masonic Hall, Peel Street, West Houghton, Bolton, BL5 3SP 1st Friday in February, June and December D R Surtees, 248 Davyhulme Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 8QH [email protected]

31 King Edgar (Somerset and Bristol [19]) 1 May 1965 Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath, BA1 1JU 2nd Friday in May and September R M Cole, 3a St Nicholas Court, Bathampton, Somerset BA2 6UZ [email protected]

32 Nottinghamshire (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire [25]) 12 June 1965 Masonic Hall, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield, NG18 4AE 3rd Wednesday in June and 2nd Wednesday in August B J Holland, 197 Sherwood Street, Warsop, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG20 0HG [email protected]

33 Zadok (North Midlands [38]) 11 June 1965 Masonic Hall, Gaol Square, Stafford, ST16 3AJ Last week day in January, April & November A D Beckingsale, 41 Avon Rise, Stafford, ST16 3XD [email protected]

34 St Mark’s (Canada–Central [20]) 25 May 1966 Masonic Temple, 194 Thames Street South, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada First four 5th Tuesdays (Installation, first meeting) M H Kirkby, 740 Scott Street West, Listowel, Ontario, Canada N4W 1J5 [email protected]

35 St Paulinus (Yorkshire–North and East Ridings [1]) 23 September 1966 Castlegate House, 30 Castlegate, York, YO1 9RP 3rd Friday in January, 4th Friday in May, 2nd Friday in September N Webster, 1 Royal Chase, Dringhouses, York YO24 1LN [email protected]

36 Wilmington (Kent [5]) 28 July 1967 Masonic Hall, corner of Church Hill & Hawley Road, Wilmington, Kent, DA1 1PA 3rd Saturday in February, March and June C Edwards, 87 Melville Road, Maidstone, Kent ME15 7UT [email protected]

37 Hampshire (Hampshire and Isle of Wight [6]) 28 June 1968 The Masonic Hall, 11 Waterloo Road, Havant, PO9 1BH 1st Friday in February and October P Wyles, 33 Brecon Avenue, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 2AN [email protected]

38 Kosmos (South Africa–Transvaal [10]) 14 February 1968 Freemasons’ Hall, 6 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa 1st Thursday in January, April, July and November D A McNally, PO Box 1102, Bedford View 2008, South Africa [email protected]

39 Severn (Gloucestershire and Herefordshire [32]) 29 June 1968 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund The Masonic Hall, 2 Portland Street, Cheltenham, GL52 2PB 2nd Friday in April, 1st Friday in October and December G Webster, 4 Shakespeare Court, Tolsey Quay, Tewkesbury, GL20 5UP [email protected]

40 St Raphael (London [4]) 7 June 1969 Civil Service Club, 13-15 Great Scotland Yard, Westminster, London SW1A 2JH 3rd Tuesday in January and July P D A Nash, 13 Blakeney Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 1HD [email protected]

41 Oxfordshire (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 6 June 1969 Weyland Hall, North Street, Bicester, OX26 7ND 3re Wednesday in June and 1st Thursday in December A P Judd, 88 Waverley Avenue, Kidlington OX5 2ND [email protected]

42 Bromsgrove (West Midlands [3]) 24 July 1971 Masonic Hall, Churchfields, Bromsgrove, Worcs, B61 8DX 1st Saturday in February, 3rd Saturday in May and 2nd Saturday in October C E Philips, 8 Abbey Gardens, Evesham, WR11 4SP [email protected]

43 Canberra (Australia–New South Wales and ACT [11]) 4th March 1972 Masonic Centre, Bligh Street, Barton, ACT, Australia 2600 1st Saturday in March and July, 2nd Saturday in November D G Phillips, 5 Maughan Crescent, Fadden, ACT, Australia 2904 [email protected]

44 Warwickshire (West Midlands [3]) 11 May 1972 Drapers’ Hall, 165 Warwick Road, Coventry, CV3 6AU 3rd Wednesday in March and December, 3rd Tuesday in September W R Stammers, Blossom Cottage, Chapel Street, Swinford, Lutterworth LE17 6AZ [email protected]

45 Himalaya (Sussex [40]) 12 May 1972 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund The Masonic Centre, Church Street, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5EN 4th Monday in February and September, 3rd Monday in May J Hickman, 24 Roundstone Way, Selsey, Chichester PO20 0PH [email protected]

46 Essex (Essex [14]) 3 May 1972 Southend Masonic Centre, Saxon Hall, Aviation Way, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6UN 4th Monday in January and June, 2nd Friday in September M J Gravenor, 10a Kennington Avenue, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 4BS [email protected]

47 St Peter and St Paul (Dorset and Wiltshire [53]) 12 May 1972 The Masonic Hall, 27 West Street, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 7AW Last Wednesday in May and October R S Stacey,Woodstock, Chaffcombe, Somerset TA20 4AP [email protected]

48 Galilee (London [4]) 5 September 1973 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL 4th Saturday in May and 2nd Saturday in September D R Blumsom, 63 Beaulieu Close, Datchet, Berks, SL3 9DD [email protected]

49 Lincoln (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire [25]) 29 May 1975 Lincoln Masonic Centre, 116 Nettleham Road, Lincoln LN2 1RR 4th Monday in April, 2nd Monday in September T G Kelsey, 9a Greenwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 4QA [email protected]

50 Derbyshire (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire [25) 9 June 1976 Derby Masonic Hall, 457 Burton Road, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6XX 1st Monday in July, 1st Friday in September E T Allcock, 25 Main Street, Weston on Trent, Derby DE72 2BL [email protected]

51 Emmaus (East Anglia [7]) 9 June 1976 Masonic Hall, Norwich Street, East Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DP 4th Friday in April and 1st Friday in July R Senter, The Hero, Wells Road, Burnham Overy Staith, Kings Lynn, PE31 8JE [email protected]

52 Victoria (Canada–West [17]) 18 September 1976 Masonic Temple, 1632 Yale Street, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Last Saturday in January, May and October M Raynor, 808-W 19th Street, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, V7P 1Z9 [email protected]

53 Cleveland (Yorkshire–North and East Ridings [1]) 18 June 1977 Masonic Hall, Roman Road, Middlesborough, TS5 5QA 4th Thursday in January, May and October P E Cowley, 27 Windsor Road, Linthorpe, Middlesborough, TS5 6DS [email protected]

54 Temple Manor (Kent [5]) 10 January 1978 Masonic Hall, 5 Manor Road, Chatham, Kent, ME4 6AG 3rd Monday in April and October D Berry, Plora House, Queensborough Drive, Minster-on-Sea, Isle of Sheppy, Kent ME12 2JJ [email protected]

55 St Thomas a Becket (Essex [14]) 29 July 1977 The Masonic Hall, Deyncourt Gardens, Upminster, Essex, RM14 1DE 2nd Friday in May & September B W Hithersay, 11 Ladywell Prospect, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire CM21 9PR [email protected]

56 Hawkes Bay (New Zealand–North [9]) 4 November 1977 Freemasons’ Hall, Elbourne Street, Taradale, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand 1st Saturday in March and December, and 2nd Saturday in June and September B R MacConnell, Flat 27, 8 Morris Spence Avenue, Napier, New Zealand 4001 [email protected]

57 St Blaise (Kent [5]) 10 January 1978 Masonic Centre, Oakley House, 358 Bromley Common, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8HA First and third 5th Mondays in the year P G Keeley 4 Northumberland Close, Northumberland Heath, Kent DA8 [email protected]

58 Adelaide (South Australia [22]) 1 April 1978 Payneham Masonic Hall, 393 Payneham Road, Marden, South Australia 2nd Wednesday in March, August and December P J E Burden, Po Box 451, Williamstown, South Australia, 5351 [email protected]

59 St David’s (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 5 April 1978 Lady Augusta Masonic Hall, Rhewl. Holywell, Flintshire, CH8 9HW 4th Tuesday in June, July and September D M W Davies, Carreg Sidan, Brynteg Lane, Glyn Garth, Menai Bridge, Anglesey LL59 5 NU [email protected]

60 Wirral (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 6 April 1978 Masonic Hall, 139 Manor Road, Wallasey, Merseyside, CH45 7LU 3rd Monday in February, 2nd Friday in May, 1st Monday in September B B Williams, 37 Sandridge Road, Pensby, Wirral, CH61 8RY [email protected]

61 Holy Citadel (Devonshire and Cornwall [49]) 10 June 1978 St Aubyn Masonic Hall, 33 Devonport Road, Stoke, Plymouth, PL3 4DJ 2nd Monday in March, June and November B Ludford, Beatlands Cottage, Beatlands Road, Sidmouth EX10 8TH [email protected]

62 Civic Erin (formerly Civic) (South Africa-Natal [27]) 31 January 1979 Natal Irish Masonic Hall, Folkestone Road, Rossburgh, Durban, South Natal, South Africa 5th Wednesday in March, July and October A J Espag, 4 Place, Ridley Park, Queensburgh 4093, Natal, South Africa [email protected]

63 Erin (South Africa-Natal [27]) 31 January 1979 Durban Amalgamated with Civic No 62 in 1993

64 Natalia (South Africa-Natal [27]) 1 February 1979 Masonic Temple, 8 Bishop Street, Camperdown, Natal, South Africa 1st Tuesday in April, July and October H van Wijk, Unit 2, 22 Assegai Road, Pietermaritzburg 3317, South Africa [email protected]

65 Omega (South Africa-Transvaal [10]) 5 February 1979 Freemasons’ Hall, 6 Park Lane, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa 3rd Monday in March, June and October I C Fraser, 7 Hill Road, Emmarentia 2195, South Africa [email protected]

66 St Francis (South Africa-Cape [28]) 8 February 1979 Masonic Temple, 7 Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth 6001, South Africa 4th Monday in February, May, August and November J A Youthed, PO Box 242, Grahamstown 6140 South Africa [email protected]

67 Sherwood of Brisbane (Australia-Queensland [12]) 15 March 1979 Sinnamon Masonic Centre, 671 Sixteen Mile Rocks, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4073 3rd Thursday in February, June and October J S Ross, 8 Ipswich Street, Riverview, Australia 4303 [email protected]

68 Uxbridge (Middlesex [42]) 30th March 1979 Uxbridge Masonic Cnr, Western House, 4a Hercies Road, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 4th Monday in June, 1st Thursday in September, 4th Tuesday in November 9NA D A Brown, 100 Blossom Way, West Drayton, UB7 9HG [email protected]

69 Andover (Hampshire and Isle of Wight [6]) 30th March 1979 Masonic Hall, 2 East Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1EP 2nd Friday in May and December A P Hartland, Gibbons Cottage, Church Street, St Mary Bourne, Hants SP11 6BL [email protected]

70 St Clement (Sussex [40]) 15 June 1979 A Sky Blue Contributor to the Pillar Fund Masonic Temple, Wilton Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex, TN40 1HY 2nd Tuesday in March, May and September T S Brown, 40 Medway, Hailsham, BN27 3HE [email protected]

71 Holywell (Kent [5]) 15 June 1979 Masonic Hall, 11 Grace Hill, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1HA First fifth Wednesday in March, April or May and September, October or November L L Finnis, 3 Ardent Road, Whitfield, Dover CT16 2GH [email protected]

72 Buckinghamshire (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 10th August 1979 Beaconsfield Masonic Centre, Old School House, Windsor End, Bucks, HP9 2JU 3rd Friday in March, June and November A F Monk, 2 Peerland House, 40-42 Chapel Street, Marlow, SL7 1DD [email protected]

73 Te Ngutu (New Zealand-Central [39]) 24 November 1979 Freemasons’ Hall, Stafford Street, Patea, New Zealand 3rd Monday in March, 2nd Saturday in July, 2nd Monday in October W T Hone, Kohi Road, RD1, Waverley, New Zealand 4591 06 346 5660

74 Clare (East Anglia [7]) 10 November 1979 Masonic Hall, 35 Cavendish Road, Clare, Suffolk, CO10 8PH 4th Thursday in June, 1st Tuesday in September B D Fenton, 19 Fairbairn Road, , CB4 1UG [email protected]

75 Southern Cross (Australia-Victoria [8]) 26 February 1980 Gardenvale Masonic Temple, 237 Nepean Highway, Gardenvale, Australia 3185 4th Thursday in March, May, September and November B C Shearer, PO Box 18, Burwood, Victoria, Australia 3125 [email protected]

76 Royal Victoria (Bahamas and Jamaica [35]) 25 January 1980 Masonic Temple, Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas 3rd Wednesday in January and 4th Wednesday in September N J Reiach, PO Box N8424, Nassau, Bahamas [email protected]

77 St Cecilia (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 22 March 1980 Berkshire Masonic Centre, Sindlesham Court, Mole Road, Sindlesham, Berks, RG41 5DB 2nd Wednesday in February and September, 3rd Wednesday in December D V Hopkin, Spinneyside, Langley Hill, Calcot, Reading, Berks, RG31 4QY [email protected]

78 St Mary’s (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 12 March 1980 Masonic Hall, 2 Cunliffe Street, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 2BD 2nd Wednesday in April, June and October K Laidlaw, 28 Meadow Way, Tottington, Bury BL8 3HU [email protected]

79 Perth (Western Australia [18]) 20 March 1980, warrant surrendered 29 November 1999 M H, Temple Street, Victoria Park, Perth, Western Australia reponed 3 November 2005 1st Thursday in March, June, September and December I A Munachen, 21 Clements Road, Booragoon, Western Australia 6154 [email protected]

80 Rocheberie (East Midlands [31]) 13 June 1980 A Sky Blue Contributor to the Pillar Fund The Masonic Hall, Eastfield Place, Rugby, CV21 3AT 4th Friday in February, 3rd Wednesday in April and 3rd Thursday in November J A Caunt, Fawcliff, Cross Lane, Braunston, Daventry, NN11 7HH [email protected]

81 Lindisfarne (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 4 September 1980 Masonic Hall, 69 Church Street, Berwick upon Tweed, TD15 1EB 1st Friday in June, 3rd Friday in October S Cairns, St Aidans, 43 Swansfield Park Road, Alnwick, NE66 1AR [email protected]

82 St Peter (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire [25]) 7 March 1981 Masonic Hall, 31 Rutland Road, Skegness, PE25 2AY 1st Saturday in March, 3rd Friday in June and 3rd Wednesday in September A Whitehead, 19 Cherry Walk, Boston, Lincs PE21 8AS [email protected]

83 Ezekiel (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 28 March 1981 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund Masonic Hall, 23 The Commons, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1FJ 1st Wednesday in May and June, 2nd Wednesday in July A G Mathie, Tibidabo, Welshman’s Lane, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 6AB [email protected]

84 Wallingford Castle (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 30 May 1981 Masonic Hall, Goldsmiths Lane, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 0DU 1st Saturday in August and December A Tulip, Meadow Cottage, Brightwell Baldwin, Watlington OX49 5PG [email protected]

85 St Andrew’s (Canada-East [21]) 11 August 1981 Dartmouth Masonic Centre, Mount Hope Avenue, Woodside Industrial Park, 4th Saturday in January, March and October Dartmouth, NS, Canada G A Riley, PO Box 22015, Bayers Road, PO Halifax, NS, Canada BL3 4T7 [email protected]

86 St Augustine (Kent [5]) 5 September 1981 St Luke’s Masonic Centre, 9 St Luke’s Avenue, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 7LB First 5th Friday after 1st March, first 5th Friday after 1st September A John, 41 Beech Grove, Cliffs End, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 5LD [email protected]

87 Trinity (South Africa-Cape [28]) 6 February 1982 East London Warrant surrendered 22 May 2002

88 King David (South Australia [22]) 13 March 1982 Brighton Masonic Hall, 1 Commercial Road, Brighton, South Australia 5048 1st Wednesday in March, August and November S Lawson, 16 Mitford road, Happy Valley, South Australia 5159 [email protected]

89 Fremantle (Western Australia [18]) 19 March 1982 Fremantle MC, Chalmers Street/High Street, Fremantle, Western Australia 6160 2nd Monday in January, 1st Monday in April, July and October J B Heazlewood, 563/2-18 Bull Creek Drive, Bull Creek, Western Australia 6149 [email protected]

90 St Mary Magdalene (Essex [14]) 4 June 1982 Masonic Hall, 1 Church Road, Potter Street, Harlow, Essex, CM17 9HD 4th Saturday in February, 2nd Saturday in September and 1st Saturday in November R Fagence, 5 Balmoral Close, Billericay, Essex, CM11 2LL [email protected]

91 Chingford (Essex [14]) 5 June 1982 Chingford Masonic Hall, Forest Approach, Chingford, London E4 7AZ 2nd Saturday in May and 4th Saturday in November D Grey, The Old Telephone Exchange, 5 Walfords Close, Old Harlow, Essex CM17 0DG david.grey27@ntlworld

92 Ballaarat (Australia-Victoria [8]) 18 June 1982 Prince of Wales Lodge Rooms, Smythesdale, Victoria, Australia 3rd Friday in April, August and October D L Yole, PO Box 482, Vermont, Victoria, Australia 3133 [email protected]

93 York (Canada-Central [20]) 29 July 1982 Etobicoke Masonic Hall, 596 Renforth Drive, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada First four 5th Thursdays excluding July, Installation first Meeting of the year A L McLelland, 1002-3 Massey Square, Toronto, Canada M4C 5L5 [email protected]

94 St Michael (East Anglia [7]) 22 October 1982 Wroxham Masonic Club, 108 Norwich Road, Wroxham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 8RY 1st Wednesday in June, 3rd Wednesday in July R Briggs, 7 Beverley Way, Orchard Bank, Norwich, NR8 6RP [email protected]

95 St Winnold (East Anglia [7]) 23 October 1982 Masonic Hall, 4 Ryston End Downham Market, PE38 9AX 3rd Friday in March, 4th Wednesday in June A F Golds, The Firs, Wretton Road, Broughton, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE33 9AJ 01366 500642

96 Sydney St Andrews (Australia-New South Wales and ACT[11]) 22 January 1983 Willoughby,NSW Warrant surrendered October 2005

97 Otago Southland (New Zealand-South [33]) 5 March 1983 Masonic Hall, Cnr Elderlee and Eden Streets, Milton, New Zealand Last Saturday in March, July and November G R Watson, 4 Kipling Street, Waverley, Dunedin, New Zealand 9013 [email protected]

98 Pillar ( Western Australia [18]) 18 March 1983 Cannington Warrant Surrendered 9 September 1999

99 Delta (Western Australia [18]) 18 March 1983 Mount Hawthorn Warrant Surrendered 28 March 2010

100 Salem (Wales [34]) 23 April 1983 Masonic Hall, 109 Lower Dock Street, Newport, Gwent, NP20 2AG 4th Friday in February, 3rd Friday in May and 1st Friday in November C A Cook, 49 John Batchelor Way, Panarth CF64 1SD [email protected]

101 All Saints (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 28 May 1983 Masonic Hall, Front Street & New Road, Burnopfield, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE16 6PU 2nd Monday in February, May and October A Cuthbertson, 11 Lintzford Road, Hamsterley Mill, Rowlands Gill, Tyne & Wear,NE39 1HA 01207 542423

102 St John the Almoner (Canada-Prairies [36]) 18 August 1983 Masonic Hall, 1021 Saskatchewan Crescent, West Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 3rd Saturday in March, September and November M Millar, PO Box 357, Kindersley, Saskatchewan, Canada S0L 1S0 [email protected]

103 Southern Alberta (Canada-Prairies [36]) 18 August 1983 Bowmont Hall, 7704 39th Avenue, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3B 1X4 4th Saturday in March, June and November R Beirnes, 27 Pensacola Close SE, Calgary, Strathmore, Canada T2A 2K5 [email protected]

104 Saxon (Surrey [15]) 10 June 1983 A Green contributor to the Pillar Fund Surbiton Masonic Hall, Glenmore House, 6 The Crescent, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 4BN 2nd Monday in June and the last weekday in November L J Young, 10 Dukes Avenue, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2 5QY [email protected]

105 Wide Bay (Australia-Queensland [12]) 30 July 1983 Maryborough Warrant Surrendered 1 May 2010

106 St Mary and St George (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 5 November 1983 The Masonic Guildhall, 169 Wellington Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3OA 2nd Monday in February, April and October G K Glover, Leigh Brow, Walton Park, Preston PR5 6QZ [email protected]

107 Unicorn (Netherlands [29]) 18 February 1984 Freemasons’ Hall, 2e Sweelinkstraat, The Hague, Netherlands 2nd Monday in February and October R A F de Lind van Wijngaarden, Groot Hasebroekseweg 27, 2243 EC Wassenaar, The Netherlands [email protected]

108 Thames (Canada-Central [20]) 30 May 1984 Masonic Temple, 430 Riverview Drive, Chatham, Ontario, Canada 5th Wednesday when occurring, except July & August, Installation 2nd meeting of the year R C Hillier, 976 Devon Avenue, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada N7S 1Y6 [email protected]

109 St Cedd and St Peter (Essex [14]) 27 July 1984 St Giles Masonic Centre, 5 St John’s Green, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7EX 3rd Saturday in February, June and November R L Bass, Five Corners, Wickham Bishops, Chelmsford, Essex, CM8 3NW [email protected]

110 Staines (Middlesex [42]) 29 November 1984 The Staines Masonic Centre, Elmsleigh Road, Thames Street, Staines, Middlesex, 2nd Saturday in March and 1st Saturday in September TW8 4PH L Bell-Wright, 119 Chertsey Court, Clifford Avenue, London SW14 7BY [email protected]

111 Northumbria (Canada-East [21]) 19 November 1984 Coverdale Masonic Centre, 36 Bradford Road, Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada 1st Saturday in April, September and November C H Webber, 58 Simpson Court, Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada, E1B 4P2 [email protected]

112 Priory (Hampshire and Isle of Wight [6]) 30 November 1984 A Green contributor to the Pillar Fund The Masonic Hall, 45-47 Warren Avenue, Mudeford, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3JY Last convenient weekday in January and September J McKinlay, Furzey Cottage, South Weirs, Brockenhurst, SO42 7UQ [email protected]

113 Manor of Hallam (Yorkshire-West Riding [24]) 15 March 1985 Masonic Hall, Woodland View,226 Abbeydale Road South, Dore, Sheffield, S17 3LA 2nd Friday in March, May and September D Garner, 12 Stonesdale Close, Mosborough, Sheffield, S20 5DW [email protected]

114 Keystone (South Africa-Transvaal [10]) 23 March 1985 Sinai MC, 71 Grace Avenue, Parkhill Gardens, Germiston, Transvaal, South Africa 3rd Thursday in January, April, July and October R T Poole, 4 Oakmont Avenue, Rynfield Ext 30, Benoni 1501, South Africa [email protected]

115 Fairest Cape (South Africa-Cape [28]) 1 June 1985 Masonic Centre, Ringwood Drive, Pinelands 7405, Cape Town, South Africa 1st Thursday in March, June, August and December S E Mills, PO Box 500, Constantia 7848, Western Cape, South Africa [email protected]

116 St Luke’s (South Australia [22]) 8 March 1985 Marden, South Australia warrant surrendered May 2012

117 St Bernard of Clairvaux (Yorkshire-North and East Ridings [1]) 13 April 1985 Masonic Hall, 27 Rutland Street, Filey, YO14 9JA 2nd Thursday in May and September R Randle, 23 Wilson Street, Anlaby, Hull HU10 7AN [email protected]

118 Kente (Canada-Central [20]) 22 August 1985 Masonic Temple, 91 Centre Street, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada First three 5th Mondays except July & August. Installation 1st meeting of the year J R Stiles, 106-630 Parkhill Road, West Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, K9J 6N6 [email protected]

119 St John’s Gate (London [4]) 1 November 1985 10 Duke Street, St James’s, London, SW1Y 6BS 3rd Friday in February, 1st Wednesday in June D J Alexander, Suite 10, 36 Maiden Lane, London, WC2E 020 72402325

120 Pilgrim (Germany [43]) 2 November 1985 Masonic Centre, Lessinghaus, Lessingstrasse 3, D-33604 Bielefeld, Germany 4th Saturday in March, 2nd Saturday in July and October R MacKenzie, Holzhauser Strasse 95a, 32257 Bunde, Germany [email protected]

121 Saltire (Scotland-West [30]) 22 March 1986 Masonic Hall, 133 Whitehill Street, Glasgow, G31 2LS 1st Saturday in March, June and September P B Thomson, 23 Caledonia Road, Dykehead, Shotts ML7 4DU [email protected]

122 Leicestershire and Rutland (East Midlands [31]) 2 April 1986 A Sky Blue contributor to the Pillar Fund Freemasons’ Hall, 80 London Road, Leicester, LE2 0RA Last working day of March and September C D Crocker, Anson House, Main Street, Desford, LE9 9GR [email protected]

123 Jacques de Molay (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 4 January 1986 Masonic Hall, 22 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BY 1st Monday in June, 1st Tuesday in September E W Waites, Dee Farm, Wittering Lane, Heswall, Wirral CH60 9JL [email protected]

124 St George of Throckley (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 16 November 1985 Falmouth House, Hexham Road, Throckley, Newcastle-Upon Tyne, NE15 9DX 1st Tuesday in February, June and November A Thompson, 27 Purley Gardens, Kenton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 3DJ [email protected]

125 Vellus Aureum (Netherlands [29]) 28 April 1986 Freemasons’ Hall, Bilthoven, Rubenslaan 1, Netherlands 2nd Friday in February, 4th Friday in April and October G Ellen, De Wildtlaan 19, 1852 CJ Heiloo, Netherlands [email protected]

126 Ellan Vannin (GC) 3 September 1986 Masonic Buildings, Stanley Road, Peel, Isle of Man 4th Thursday in June, 1st Thursday in August H E Owens, Broogh-ny-Hawin, Patrick Road, St John’s, Isle of Man IM4 3BN [email protected]

127 Robert de Turnham (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 6 August 1986 Bletchley Masonic Centre, 263 Queensway, Bletchley, Buckinghamshire, MK2 2BZ 4th Tuesday in April, 3rd Monday in October G C Perry, 54 Buckingham Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 5HL [email protected]

128 St Alphege (West Midlands [3]) 4 November 1986 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund Masonic Temple, 1621 Warwick Road, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9LF 1st Tuesday in January, July and November A Ball, 39 Deepdale avenue, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 3EL [email protected]

129 Robert de Sable (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 15 November 1986 Masonic Hall, 10 Portland Square, Carlisle, CA1 1PY 3rd Friday in January, May and September N D Milburn, 86 Boundary Road, Carlisle, CA2 4HT [email protected]

130 Northern Lights (Canada-Prairies [36]) 15 November 1986 Highlands Masonic Hall, 5526-118 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 1st Friday in March, 2nd Thursday in September and November M R Rogers, PO Box 1124, Athabaska, Alberta, Canada, T9S 2A9 [email protected]

131 Terra Sancta (Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire [16]) 19 March 1987 Freemasons’ Hall, Malborough Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 5DV 5th Wednesdays during the months April to August. Installation first meeting of the year D K Jesson, Wychwood House, 10A Astrop Road, Kings Sutton, Banbury, OX17 3PG [email protected]

132 Felix of Burgundy (East Anglia [7]) 2 May 1987 Masonic Hall, Manor Park Road, Southwold, Suffolk, IP18 6AF 1st Saturday in April and November C J Bowles, 280 Church Road, Kessingland, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 7SB [email protected]

133 Phoenix (Gloucestershire and Herefordshire [32]) 30 September 1987 Masonic Hall, The Avenue, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 1EH 4th Tuesday in April, June and September N D Jones, 6c The Avenue, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 1EH [email protected]

134 The Prior’s Haven (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 14 November 1987 Masonic Hall, 31 Albion Road, North Shields, NE30 2RQ 3rd Tuesday in March and 1st Monday in November J Liddle, 55 Brandling Court, Hackworth Way, Royal Quays. North Shields, NE29 6WT [email protected]

135 The Holy Rood (Scotland-East [46]) 12 March 1988 Masonic Hall, 60 Mount Vernon Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6JQ 3rd Saturday in April and June, 4th Saturday in September T G Mitchell, 6 Warrender Crescent, Ashfield, Dunbar EH42 1LL [email protected]

136 Boxley Abbey (Kent [5]) 21 April 1988 Maidstone Masonic Centre, Courtney Road, Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 6QS 3rd Monday in May, 1st Tuesday in September, 1st Friday in November R A H Smith, 106 Hurstwood, Chatham, Kent, ME5 0XH [email protected]

137 Sir Thomas Tresham (East Midlands [31]) 20 June 1988 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund Masonic Hall, 4 York Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN16 0DB 1st Thursday in February, 1st Friday in June and September P Harrison, 2 The Barns, Bridgend, Carlton, Bedford, MK43 7LP [email protected]

138 Horeb (Netherlands [29]) 21 October 1988 Freemasons’ Hall, Ginnekenweg 141, Breda, Netherlands 2nd Wednesday in January and May, 3rd Wednesday in October B Smit, Brasemdaal 17, 2553 NA's Gravenhage, Den Haag, The Netherlands, [email protected]

139 Star Absalom (Germany [43]) 22 October 1988 Stadtwaldstrasse 35a, Rheindahlen 41159, Monchengladbach, Germany 3rd Saturday in March and July, 4th Saturday in November H R Lioe-a-Tjam, Kemphaanstraat 17, 1911 XA Uitgeest, Netherlands [email protected]

140 Wudcestre (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 29 October 1988 Masonic Hall, John Street, Ashington, Nothumberland, NE63 0SE 2nd Thursday in April and October J Warham, 2 Park Road East, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 8AE [email protected]

141 George Hookham (South Africa-Transvaal [10]) 3 September 1988 66 Voortrekker Street, Polokwane, South Africa 2nd Wednesday in February and May and 2nd Saturday in September K E Kleingeld, PO Box 314, Bendor Park 0173, South Africa [email protected]

142 King of Salem (Western Australia [18]) 14 December 1988 Inglewood Warrant surrendered 5 March 2008

143 Claverhouse (Scotland-East [46]) 11 March 1989 Albert Halls, 79 Tullideph Road, Lochee, Dundee DD2 2JE 2nd Saturday in March, Last Saturday in June and October P R Regan, 42 George Street, Coupar Angus, PH13 9DJ [email protected]

144 Am Furan (Scotland-North [41]) 4 February 1989 Masonic Temple, 5 Gordon Terrace, Inverness, IV2 3HD Masonic Temple, Breadalbane Terrace, Wick 3rd Saturday in March and 1st Saturday in May at Inverness and 3rd Saturday in September at Wick M Murray, 1 Granville Crescent, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 7NP [email protected]

145 Rose of Lancaster (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 29 April 1989 The Masonic Hall, Wyre Bank, Church Street, Garstang, PR3 1PA 2nd Tuesday in April and September, 1st Monday in June D C Slimming, 2 Lockhurst Avenue, Thornton Cleveleys FY 3DY [email protected]

146 St Helier (GC) 30 September 1989 The Masonic Temple, Stopford Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4LZ Friday following 2nd Thursday in May and 1st Saturday in September A D J Rosser, 4 Jardin de L’Est, La Rue De la Rosiere, St Mary, Jersey, JE3 3DG [email protected]

147 Torbay (Devonshire and Cornwall [49]) 7 October 1989 The Masonic Hall, 3 Tor Hill Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ2 5RN 2nd Wednesday in March May and October (Daytime) M R O Vince, 7 Grove Crescent, Teignmouth TQ14 9HP [email protected]

148 Wellington (New Zealand-Central [39]) 24 February 1979 (admitted 17 February 1990) Masonic Hall, 383-401 Ohiro Road, Brooklyn, New Zealand – Last Saturday in May Masonic Hall, Phillip Street, Johnsonville, New Zealand – Last Saturday in August Masonic Hall, Te Moana Road, Waikanae, New Zealand – 1st Saturday in November P G Robertson, 5/24 Ottawa Road, Ngaio, Wellington 6035, New Zealand [email protected]

149 Valley (New Zealand-Central [39]) 24 May 1980 (admitted 17 February 1990) Hutt Masonic Centre, 465 High Street, Lower Hutt, New Zealand or Trentham Masonic Centre, 29 Islington Street, Trentham, New Zealand 2nd Saturday in May and December, 1st Saturday in August D SJ Keenan, 13 Ruru Crescent, Heretaunga, Upper Hutt, New Zealand 5018 [email protected]

150 Marlborough (New Zealand-South [33]) 23 July 1983 (admitted 17 February 1990) Masonic Hall, Brayshaw Park, Blenheim, New Zealand Four meetings per year coinciding with KT meetings in Marlborough or Nelson. Installation at the Installation of Marlborough Preceptory P J Nelson, 37 Milford Street, Blenheim 7201, New Zealand [email protected]

151 Akarana (New Zealand-North [9]) 5 August 1989 (admitted 17 February 1990) Mount Albert Amalgamated with Auckland No 12, October 2009

152 Chester Cross (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 25 May 1990 A Green Contributor to the Pillar Fund Freemasons’ Hall, Cheshire View, Plough Lane, Christleton, Chester, CH3 7PT 4th Wednesday in January, 2nd Friday in May and September B R Ogden, the Copse, 3 Plemstall Close, Mickle Trafford, Chester, CH2 4EY [email protected]

153 Chaffey (Australia-Victoria [8]) 13 February 1990 Sunraysia Masonic Centre, 2091 Fifteenth Street, Irymple, Victoria, Australia 1st Saturday in February, May and August A L Green, 158 Magnolia Avenue, PO Box 5129, Mildura, Victoria, Australia 3020 [email protected]

154 North Staffordshire (North Midlands [38]) 19 September 1990 Masonic Hall, Snow Hill, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 4NA 3rd Monday in January, March and October T Fitchet, Home Farm, Sauerley Green, Stoke on Trent ST11 0OX [email protected]

155 Venerable Bede (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 24 November 1990 Masonic Hall, 36 Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HN 1st Monday in February, June and October G Hogg, 67 Lowhills Road, Peterlee, SR8 2DJ [email protected]

156 Guild of Freemen (London [4]) 12 November 1990 Civil Service Club, 13-15 Great Scotland Yard, London SW1 2HJ 4th Thursday in February, 4th Monday in June, 1st Monday in December B D Everett, 4 Mowden Hall Drive, Darlington, DL3 9BJ [email protected]

157 Melenydd (Wales [34]) 22 October 1990 Masonic Temple, 2 Park Terrace, Llandidrod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AY 3rd Tuesday in March and September, 4th Tuesday in May I D Moseley, Walwyn, Hay on Wye, Hereford, HR3 5DT [email protected]

158 King Richard I (Gloucestershire and Herefordshire [32]) 13 March 1991 Masonic Hall, 20 Shrubbery Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 5TB 4th Tuesday in January and March, 1st Wednesday in December R A Bleaden, 9 Leap Valley Crescent, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 6TF [email protected]

159 St Mary the Virgin (Dorset and Wiltshire [53]) 14 March 1991 Masonic Hall, 3 Oxford Street, Marlborough, Wilts, SN8 1AP 2nd Thursday in March, 1st Tuesday in September K D Baker, 119 Marlborough Road, Swindon, SN3 1NJ [email protected]

160 Concordia (Canada-East [21]) 20 July 1991 Montreal Declared Dormant 2009

161 St George’s Ottawa (Canada-Central [20]) 24 July 1991 Carp, Ontario Declared Dormant 2014

162 Hunter (Australia-New South Wales and ACT [11]) 4 May 1991 New Lambton Masonic Centre, corner St James Road/ Cromwell Street, New Lambton, 3rd Friday in January, April, June and October New South Wales, Australia T Ryan, PO Box 5273, Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia 2340 [email protected]

163 Fraser (Canada-West [17]) 9 August 1991 Abbotsford Masonic Hall, 33860 Pine Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, 3rd Saturday in February, May and October V2S 2P3 E Wilson, 35188 Spencer Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, V3G 2E3 [email protected]

164 Sant Crallo (Wales [34]) 21 September 1991 Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend, CF31 2AP 4th Thursday in April, 2nd Wednesday in January and September J W Henshaw, 5 Talygarn Drive, Talygarn, Pontyclun CF72 9BY [email protected]

165 Trent (North Midlands [38]) 22 October 1991 Freemasons’ Hall, Ashfield House, 218 Ashby Road, Burton-on-Trent, DE15 0LA 4th Monday in January, 2nd Friday in March, 2nd Thursday in June (meets Daytime) P J W Woolley 44 Lincoln Close Lichfield Staffs.WS14 7SW [email protected]

166 Zion (Wales [34]) 13 November 1991 Masonic Temple, 152 St Helen’s Road, Swansea, SA1 4DF 1st Thursday in January, June and September P J E Harries, 23 Libanus Road, Gorseinon, Swansea, SA4 4AN [email protected]

167 Jamaica (Bahamas and Jamaica [35]) 28 January 1992 Masonic Temple, 45-47 Barbados Avenue, Kingston 5, Jamaica, WI 3rd Saturday in January, 2nd Saturday in May and August M A Anderson, 5 Retreat Drive, Kingston 10, Jamaica [email protected]

168 Tasmania (Tasmania [44]) 21 March 1992 Masonic Hall, 39 Brisbane Street, Launceston, Tasmania 3rd Saturday in March, July and November A G Shott, PO Box 15, Riverside, Tasmania 7250 Australia [email protected]

169 Cardinal Wolsey (East Anglia [7]) 30 November 1992 Freemasons’Hall, 8 Soane Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 2BG 2nd Monday in April and October J A Fry, 1 Chapel Farm Lane, Hitcham, Ipswich IP7 7JW [email protected]

170 Aaron (Australia-Victoria [8]) 17 October 1992 The Western Masonic 1a Ralph Street, Ardeer, Victoria, Australia 3020 3rd Saturday in February, June and October C S Wallace, 1003 Ripon Street South, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia 3350 [email protected]

171 Saint Ninian (Scotland-West [30]) 31 October 1992 Masonic Hall, London Road, Kilmarnock, KA3 7AG 3rd Wednesday in May, 3rd Thursday in June and 1st Saturday in October NA Pile, 11 Broomfield Avenue, Cumnock, Ayrshire, KA18 1AH [email protected]

172 Twickenham (Middlesex [42]) 29 January 1993 Twickenham District Masonic Centre, Cole Court, 150 London Road, Twickenham, 2nd Saturday in February, 1st Saturday in October TW1 1HD J Roberts, 37 School Hill, Little Sandhurst, Berks, GU47 8LD [email protected]

173 Harrow Trinity (Middlesex [42]) 30 January 1993 Harrow declared dormant 2014

174 St Cuthbert (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 31 March 1993 Masonic Hall, Archer Street, Darlington, DL3 6LS First three fifth Wednesdays excluding July. Installation first meeting of year C Blythe, 28 Kielder Drive, Darlington, DL1 2BD [email protected]

175 Forth Valley (Scotland-East [46]) 24 April 1993 Masonic Temple, Market Lane, Linlithgow, EH49 7AJ 3rd Saturday in February, 1st Wednesday in June, last Wednesday in August W Sneddon, Bryn-Almond, 37 Mansewood Crescent, Whitburn, EH47 8HA [email protected]

176 Kernow (Devonshire and Cornwall [49]) 29 May 1993 Perry Morgan Temple, 9 Foundry Square, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4HH 1st Wednesday in February, June and October K R F Barlow, Rostherne, Feliskirk Lane, Marazion, TR17 0HA [email protected]

177 Halsey (Hertfordshire [37]) 26 June 1993 Walnut Tree House, Walnut Tree Close, Turner’s Hill, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 8NJ 1st Wednesday in July, 3rd Monday in December L J B Butler, 17 Rolleston Close, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 0BZ [email protected]

178 Haven of Peace (Sussex [40]) 10 July 1993 East Brighton Masonic Centre, Jerrom Hall, 16 Seaview Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8PX 4th Thursday in April and October, Last weekday in July W J T Pratt, 8 Stonecroft Close, Hangleton, Hove, BN3 8BP [email protected]

179 James Edward Glover (Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire & Derbyshire [25]) 7 August 1993 Masonic Hall, 72 Saltergate, Chesterfield, S40 1JR 1st Wednesday in June, 1st Tuesday in August D K Metcalfe, 149 Holymoor Road, Chesterfield, S42 7DR [email protected]

180 Tendring (Essex [14]) 6 November 1993 Masonic Hall, Station Road, Kirby Cross, Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, CO13 0LT 3rd Saturday in March and October and 4th Saturday in November S W Yardley, 32 Godmans Lane, Marks Tey, Colchester, CO6 1LU [email protected]

181 Cumberland (Australia-New South Wales and ACT [11]) 26 July 1994 Masonic Centre, 31 First Avenue, Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia 4th Tuesday in January, April, July and October N Johnson, 1 Windsor Avenue, Carlingsford, New South Wales, Australia 2118 [email protected]

182 Henry Hotham (GC) 11 June 1994 Warwickshire Masonic Temple, 2 Stirling Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9SB 2nd Saturday in June, 3rd Saturday in November D K W Paterson, 10 Boulton Road, Cheltenham GL50 4RZ [email protected]

183 Bernicia (Northumberland and Durham [23]) 3 September 1994 Masonic Buildings, 37 Beaconsfield Street, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24 2DR 1st Wednesday in June and September D Moses, 28 Carlow Drive, West Sleekburn,Northumberland,NE63 5UT [email protected]

184 Pride of Surrey (Surrey [15]) 17 September 1994 Masonic Hall, 9 Grove Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1BB 2nd Friday in June and December S E Polkinghorne, 153 Stoneleigh Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8XZ [email protected]

185 Harry Becket Raylor Grand College Officers (GC) 29 April 1995 Castlegate House. 30 Castlegate, York, YO1 9RP 4th Saturday in March and 2nd Saturday in October E D Brown, 5 Carr Beck Road, Castleford WF10 5JS [email protected]

186 Gyldeforda (Surrey [15]) 24 June 1995 Weybourne House, Hitherbury Close, Portsmouth Road, Guildford, GU2 4DR 2nd Friday in January, 2nd Monday in July P Brown, 189 Lovedean Lane, Lovedean, Hampshire PO8 9RT [email protected]

187 Golau Dydd (Wales [34]) 3 November 1995 Masonic Hall, Coychurch Road, Bridgend, Glamorgan, CF31 2AP 1st Friday in March, 3rd Friday in November (Daytime) D G Gait, 25 Bryn Derwen, Cwmdare, Aberdare, Rhondda, Cyno Taff CF44 8SW [email protected]

188 Dewi Sant (Wales [34]) 4 November 1995 Masonic Hall, Napier Street, Cardigan, SA43 1EH 3rd Wednesday in January, March and November D E Littlejohns, Hilltop, Swiss Valley Park, Felinfoel, Llanelli, SA14 8DF [email protected]

189 Vale Royal (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 25 November 1995 Masonic Hall, Riseley Street, Macclesfield SK10 1BW 3rd Friday in March, last Wednesday in May, 2nd Wednesday in December D R Hinde, 349 Chester Road, Hartford, Northwich, CW8 1QR [email protected]

190 Langdon Hills (Essex [14]) 20 January 1996 Orsett Masonic Hall, Rectory Road, Orsett, Essex, RM16 3EH 2nd Wednesday in February and September C R Purdy, 7 Harvest Way, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4PS [email protected]

191 Powhatan (Kent [5]) 3 February 1996 Masonic Hall, 25 Wrotham Road, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 0PA 2nd Saturday in April, September and November S J Turner, 46 Eynsham Drive, Abbey Wood, London SE2 9QY [email protected]

192 Crux Roisia (Hertfordshire [37]) 24 February 1996 Masonic Hall, Jepps Lane, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 9AP 3rd Monday in February, 3rd Tuesday in April, 2nd Thursday in September M J Gray, 62 Drove Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8HD [email protected]

193 The Revelation (Dorset and Wiltshire [53]) 30 March 1996 Masonic Temple, 14 Ferncroft Road, Kinson, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 6BY 4th Tuesday in March and November (Daytime) D F James, 5 Vine Farm Road, Talbot Village, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5EN [email protected]

194 Anjou (Kent [5]) 17 August 1996 Westwood Masonic Centre, 168 Bellegrove Road, Welling, Kent, DA16 3RD 3rd Tuesday in February, 2nd Tuesday in June and October (Daytime) M A Woolcott, 32 Crathie Road, Greenwich, London SE12 8BX [email protected]

195 Chertsey (Surrey [15]) 30 November 1996 Agincourt Hall, 487 London Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3JA 4th Monday in February, 2nd Friday in October A D Matthews, 14 Hardy Green, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 7QR [email protected]

196 The Three Saints (North Midlands [38]) 14 December 1996 Freemasons’ Hall, Crewe Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 2HQ 1st Wednesday in April, 2nd Monday in June, 2nd Friday in December D E Williams, The Beeches, Waters Upton, Telford, TF6 6NP [email protected]

197 City of Hobart (Tasmania [44]) 14 March 1997 Lindisfarne Masonic Centre, corner Gordon’s Hill & Beach Road, Lindisfarne, Tasmania 3rd Saturday in February, June and October D Paton, PO Box 1373, Lindisfarne, Tasmania, Australia 7015 [email protected]

198 Corra Linn (Scotland-West [30]) 26 April 1997 Masonic Hall, 36 Strawfrank Road, Carstairs Junction, Lanark, ML11 8RD 4th Saturday in April, 1st Saturday in July, 2nd Saturday in August G Mather, 150 Neilsland Road, Hamilton ML3 8EX [email protected]

199 Bon Accord (Scotland-North [41]) 1 May 1997 St Ternan Masonic Lodge, Mount Street, Banchory, Kincardineshire, AB31 5SL Last Saturday in March and May, 3rd Saturday in August I Ross, 81 Cairney Road, Aberdeen AB16 5NF [email protected]

200 John Owen Place (Hertfordshire [37]) 26 July 1997 The Halsey Hall, Walnut Tree House, Turner’s Hill, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 8NJ 4th Thursday in April and October E Mitchell, 45 Coppice Farm Road, Tylers Green, Bucks HP10 8AN [email protected]

201 Cliffe Castle (Yorkshire-West Riding [24]) 22 November 1997 Masonic Hall, 16 Cooke Street, Keighley, BD21 3NN 4th Wednesday in April, July and October G A G Barker, 23 Menston Old Lane, Burley-in-Warfedale, Ilkley, LS29 7QQ [email protected]

202 London Installed High Priests (London [4]) 1 April 1998 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL last working day in June, 2nd Monday in December (daytime) D Alexander, Suite 10, 36 Maiden Lane, London, WC2E 7LJ 020 72402325

203 Sainte Genevieve (London [4]) 23 May 1998 MMH, 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL 4th Saturday in May, 2nd Saturday in September F Parrenin, 16/18 Rue Escudier, 92100 Boulogne, France [email protected]

204 The Ancient Union Band (Scotland-West [30]) 10 October 1998 Masonic Hall, 133 Whitehill Street, Glasgow, G31 2LS 1st Saturday in June and September R S M Stewart, 1/1 10 Muirshiel Avenue, Glasgow, G53 6PE [email protected]

205 Southern Star (London [4]) 27th February 1999 Central London Masonic Centre, The Old Sessions House, Clerkenwell Green, London, 3rd Thursday in January, 4th Thursday in May EC1R 0NA R J Bradley, 5 Vincent Way, Billericay, Essex, CM12 0UJ [email protected]

206 Isle of Wight (Hampshire and Isle of Wight [6]) 27 April 1999 The Masonic Hall, Grove Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1TH 2nd Wednesday in June, 1st Thursday in September D J Smith, Greenwood, 85 Venner Avenue, Cowes, IOW PO31 8AG [email protected]

207 Bendigo (Australia-Victoria [8]) 23 October 1999 Masonic Centre, McIvor Highway & Nelson Street, Bendigo, Australia 3550 4th Friday in March, May and September R J Brown, PO Box 292, Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia 3450 [email protected]

208 Tamihana (New Zealand-North [9]) 30 October 1999 Masonic Centre, Oxford Street, Te Puke, New Zealand 3rd Saturday in February, May, August and October D Speedy, 2 Hayward Rise, Owhata, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand [email protected]

209 Hosea (Sussex [40]) 25 November 2000 East Brighton Masonic Centre, Jerrom Hall, 16 Seaview Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8PX 3rd Saturday in April and November M J Newth, 42 Cardinal Court, Grand Avenue, Worthing BN11 5NL [email protected]

210 KTP Singapore (Far East [45]) 24 March 2001 Freemasons’ Hall, 23A Coleman Street, Singapore 179806 3rd Tuesday in January, March, July and November J Wilson, Freemasons’ Hall, 23A Coleman Street, Singapore 179806 [email protected]

211 Kuala Lumpur (Far East [45]) 27 March 2001 Dewan Freemason, 15 Jalan 18/16, Taman Kanagapuram, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 3rd Saturday in March, July and November Ho Kum Moon, 108 Jln Tun H S Lee, 50000 Kuala Lumpur [email protected]

212 Holy Trinity (Surrey [15]) 19 May 2001 Masonic Hall, 73 Oakfield Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2UX 1st Thursday in May, 2nd Monday in September J D G Marshall, 76 Longmeadow, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey, GU16 8RJ [email protected]

213 Cape Peninsula (South Africa-Cape [28]) 1 November 2001 Masonic Centre, 37 Ringwood Drive, Pinelands 7405, Capetown, South Africa 1st Thur in February & September, 3rd Thur in May and 1st Wed in November S E Mills, PO Box 500, Constantia 7848, Western Cape, South Africa [email protected]

214 Pax (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 26 January 2002 The Masonic Hall, Kingsway, Widnes, WA8 7QH 1st Friday in March and October S Hindley, 1 Henley Court, Runcorn WA7 5QL [email protected]

215 Strathlene (Scotland-North [41]) 13 April 2002 The Masonic Temple, Newlands Lane, Buckie, AB56 1PB 3rd Saturday in April, 1st Saturday in July, 3rd Saturday in October A W Morrison, 24 Fraser Avenue, Bishopmill, Elgin, Moray, IV30 4EX [email protected]

216 Southgate (Hertfordshire [37]) 25 July 2002 Southgate Masonic Centre, 88 High Street, Southgate, London, N14 6EB 2nd Tuesday in January, 4th Tuesday in June R C Leske-Heed 8 Gaynes Hill Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 8HY [email protected]

217 Twyford (Devonshire and Cornwall [49]) 30 November 2002 The Masonic Hall, 4 Trafalgar Lawn, Barnstaple, Devon, EX32 9BD 3rd Wed in May and October, 4th Sat in November J Summers, Huxtables Cottage, Lake, Tavistock, Devon EX31 3XQ [email protected]

218 Tabernacle of Sympathy (Gloucestershire and Herefordshire [32]) 15 February 2003 A Green contributor to the Pillar Fund Venn’s Acre, Wotton-Under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7BE 2nd Monday in February and June I H Maxey, 4 George Road, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen LN8 3LH [email protected]

219 Beaumont Hamel (Canada-East [21]) 5 February 2003 At a location within the District specified by the High Priest On dates coinciding with Knight Templar meetings L G Moss, 42a Westport Drive, Paradise, Newfoundland, Canada A1L 0R5 [email protected]

220 The Kingdom of Fife (Scotland-East [46]) 30 August 2003 183/185 Admiralty Road, Rosyth, Fife, KY11 2BW 4th Saturday in February, 1st Saturday in September, 3rd Saturday in November G W Michie, 14 Leven Valley Gardens, Markinch, Fife KY7 6BX [email protected]

221 Temple Cressing (Essex [14]) 29 November 2003 Howard Hall, 36 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, CM7 9AA 4th Wednesday in April, 4th Monday in October R L Smith, Myra Cottage, 1 Maldon Road, Danbury, Essex CM3 4QH [email protected]

222 James William Turner (Hertfordshire [37]) 31 January 2004 Halsey Masonic Hall, Rickmansworth Road, Watford, WD18 0JE 4th Saturday in March, 2nd Saturday in October E Mitchell, 45 Coppice Farm Road, Tylers Green, Bucks HP10 8AN [email protected]

223 Tabernacle of the Good Shepherd (Australia-Queensland [12]) 17 November 2005 Masonic Centre, 120 McMillan Street, Ayr, North Queensland, Australia 4807 1st Saturday in February, May, August and November P B Morris, 18 Tunbridge Street, Nelly Bay, Queensland, Australia 4819 [email protected]

224 Parsifal (Hampshire and Isle of Wight [6]) 22 March 2006 Masonic Hall, Kings Court, 81 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, SO53 2GG 3rd Tuesday in March, 2nd Wednesday in November T C Gulliver, 26 Beresford Road, Stubbington, Fareham PO14 2QX [email protected]

225 The Seven Pillars (Yorkshire-West Riding [24]) 29 April 2006 Masonic Hall, Belgravia, Goole, DN14 5BU 4th Thursday in May and July J S Priestley, Harlthorpe Hall, Harlthorpe, Selby, YO8 6W [email protected]

226 Brasil (Brazil – Sao Paulo [47]) 1 July 2006 Av Paulista, 568 – 1o and, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2nd Wednesday in March, May, September and November A V Braccialli, Av Paulista, 568-1 and Cep:01310-000, Sao Paulo, Brazil [email protected]

227 Novo Mundo (Brazil – Sao Paulo [47]) 21 July 2006 Rua Sao Joaquim 138 – 2o and, Sao Paulo, Brazil 1st Tuesday in February, June and November E C Micheletto, Av Paulista, 568-1 and Cep:01310-000, Sao Paulo, Brazil [email protected]

228 Tabernacle of Unity (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 1 September 2006 The Masonic Hall, 2 Cunliffe Street, Chorley, PR7 2BD 3rd Wednesday in April and October D Redhead, 15 Kirkstone Crescent, Beechwood, Runcorn WA7 3JQ [email protected]

229 Camino Real (Central and Southern Spain [51]) 11 March 2007 Gran via de les Corts Catalanes, No 617, Barcelona, Spain 2nd Saturday in March, June and October R Onses, Rambla Catalina 96-5.L, Barcelona 08008, Spain [email protected]

230 Sao Paulo (Brazil - Rio [54]) 13 April 2007 Ilha de Sta. Matilde cep 22640310 Rio de Janeiro RJ 4nd Monday of April, July, August and October Sidney Braga da Silva, Rua Itamatare, 99 – Casa 5, Rio de janiero / RJ CEP: 22780-804

231 Pitagoras (Brazil – Sul Leste [56]) 14 April 2007 Pythagorean Temple, Av Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto 455 Porto Alegre-RS, Sao Paulo J F Moriera, Rua Comendador Creidy 337, Bairro Chacara das Pedras, Porto Allegre RS Brasil [email protected]

232 Peregrinos (Brazil – Sao Paulo [47]) 15 April 2007 Rua Almeida de Morais, 13, Santos, Brazil 1st Thursday in February, May, August and October A C Souza, Nabuco de Araujo 639 apt 22, Santos-SP, Brazil

233 Lux in Tenebris (Germany [43]) 13 May 2007 Angle Rue Des Plantins et Avanue du Janvie, Togo 4th Saturday in March, 2nd Saturday in July and October I Fatonzoun, BP 8533 Lome, Togo, West Africa [email protected]

234 Kirkland (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 30 August 2007 Masonic Hall, Station Road, Kendal, LA9 6BT 4th Wednesday in March and November, 3rd Wednesday in August L Preston, Coal Ash Cottage, Grizebeck, Kirkby-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA17 7XU [email protected]

235 Pendle (Lancashire and Cumbria [2]) 1 August 2007 Nelson House, Nelson Square, Burnley, BB11 1LA 2nd Friday in May and September I Ronson, 55 Thirlmere Avenue, Horwich, Bolton BL6 6DS [email protected]

236 Brasilia (Brazil – Centro Norde [55]) 27 September 2008 Grande Oriente do Distrito Federal, SQN 415, Área dos Templos, Brasília - DF 2nd Friday in February, May and September Orismundo Mendonça de Araújo, SQN 415, Área dos Templos, Brasília DF - Cep:70878-000, Brasilia - DF, Brazil

237 Cyril H Rees (Bolivia [48]) 30 September 2008 Villa Acacia, 8th Street No 8040, Calacoto, La Paz, Bolivia 1st Friday in March, June, September and December D Alcoreza Marchetti, Calle Los Alamos 200, Calacoto, La Paz, Bolivia [email protected]

238 Richard K Attipoe (Germany [43]) 7 March 2009 08 BP 2028 Zone 4 C Abdijan, Cote d’Ivoire 2nd Saturday in February, June and November G P Ezaley, 17 BP 591 Abidjan 17, Cote d’Ivoire [email protected]

239 Saint Salem (Cheshire and North Wales [26]) 25 April 2009 The Masonic Hall, Bushell Road, Neston, Wirral, CH64 9QB 1st Saturday in February, April and November S C Teare, 7 Curzon Road, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1YE [email protected]

240 The Donald Edwin Tovey (Essex [14]) 21 April 2010 The Howard Hall, 36 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, CM7 9AA First 5th Saturday of the year and 3rd Saturday in July B W Hithersay, 11 Ladywell Prospect, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire CM21 9PR [email protected]

241 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil - Rio [54]) 15 October 2010 Rua Jose Bonifacio, 35 Niteroi - RJ Brasil 24210-230 2nd Wednesday in February, May and September Francisco José Miranda da Silva [email protected]

242 San Martin de Porres (Bolivia [48]) 18 October 2010 Villa Acacia, Calle 8 no 8084 Calacoto, La Paz Last Wednesday in March, June, September and December J Terrazas Ibanez, Av Inofuentes 1681, Calacotoi, La Paz, Bolivia [email protected]

243 Santisima Trinidad (Bolivia [48]) 18 October 2010 Villa Acacia, Calle 8 no 8084 Calacoto, La Paz 3rd Wednesday in March, June, September and December J Cabrera Ruiz, Calle Felipe Lopez, Ed Fatima 5D, Villa Fatima La Paz, Bolivia [email protected]

244 Jerusalen (Bolivia [48]) 19 October 2010 Calle Ayacucho no 431 Santa Cruz, Bolivia 2nd Tuesday in March, June, September and December J L Abuawad Asbun, Calle Gob Videla 2181, Ramaza Santa Cruz, Bolivia [email protected]

245 Maurice de Gaunt (Somerset and Bristol [19]) 27 October 2010 Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Park Street, Bristol BS1 5NH 2nd Tuesday in March, 3rd Wednesday in September N F Bevan, 13 Ellesmere Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5DY [email protected]

246 Tabernacle of the Holy Grail (West Midlands [3]) 2 November 2011 The St Mary Magdalene Chapel, Guy’s Cliffe, Warwick 1st Tuesday in April and 2nd Tuesday in October T H Sturt, Greystones, The Fosse Way, Combrooke, Warwick, CV35 9HS [email protected]

247 Ronald Thompson (East Anglia [7]) 9 December 2010 Wroxham Masonic Club, 108 Norwich Road, Wroxham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR12 8RY or as directed by the HP 1st Wednesday in May, last Wednesday in August I H Macklin, 41 Park Road, Spixworth, Norwich, NR10 3PJ [email protected]

248 The Saint Bernard Tabernacle (East Midlands [31]) 14 March 2012 A Sky Blue contributor to the Pillar Fund Masonic Hall, Ashby Square, Loughborough, LE11 5AA 3rd Friday in February and 2nd Wednesday in September C G Smith, 8b Willowbrook Close, Ashby de la Zouche, LE65 1JY [email protected]

249 Tenerife – St Andrew (Catalonia and Canarias [50]) 17 February 2012 Masonic Centre, Guaza, Tenerife 3rd Saturday in January, April and August S D Vaughan, Calle Veronica 15, Callao Sevaje, 38678 Adeje, Tenerife [email protected]

250 Ernest Peter Donnison ( Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire [25]) 19 April 2012 Masonic Hall, The Old Court House, George Street, Buxton SK17 6AY 1st Wednesday in April and 2nd Friday in September D K Metcalfe, 149 Holymoor Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S42 7DR [email protected]

251 San Jaime (Central and Southern Spain [51]) 3 March 2012 Sociedad Compas, Calle Toledo 14, Ciudad Quesada, Rojales, Alicante 1st Saturday in March, 2nd Friday in May and 3rd Saturday in November B R Mansell, Calle Alta, Ciudao Queseda, Rojales, 01370, Alicante, Spain [email protected]

252 Gran Canaria-Sacredos in Aeternum (Catalonia and Canarias [50]) 20 Jun 2012 Casa Verde, Carretara a la Atalaya 3, Santa Brigida 35300, Gran Canaria 4th Saturday in March, June ans October L P Martin, C/ Benavides, nº 42 4º piso puerta 8, 38004 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Un TAF [email protected]

253 St John of Avila (Central and Southern Spain [51]) 17 November 2012 Edif. Bougainvillea, Fuengirola 3rd Wednesday in February, 2nd Thursday in May and 3rd Thursday in November M R Brown, Calle Van Dulken, 11 Sitio de Calahonda, 29649 Mijas Costa, Malaga [email protected]

254 Filalethia (GC) 2 May 1995 (admitted 10 May 2013) 76 Irakleidon Street, Athens, Greece 2nd and 4th Friday in September to June installation December A Papagiannis, Ithakis 32, 11257 Athens, Greece [email protected]

255 St Chad (North Midlands [38]) 16 October 2013 Masonic Hall, The Red House, High Street, Albrighton, WV7 3JA 3rd Wednesday in March, June and October A D Beckingsale, 41 Avon Rise, Stafford, ST16 3XD [email protected]

256 Heart of England Installed High Priests (West Midlands [3]) 10 December 2013 Knowle Masonic Centre, 1621 Warwick Road, Knowle B93 9LW 1st Wednesday in February and June. N E A Watkin, 229 Birmingham Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield B72 1EA [email protected]

257 Nordeste (Brazil – Norde Nordeste [57]) 31 March 2014 Rua da Penha, 45 City of Recife, State of Pernanbuco 1st Thursday in March, August and October T A de C P de Oliveira, Rua Ministro Nelson Hungria 402/403, Boa Viagem, RECIFE – PE, CEP: 51020-100, Brazil [email protected]

258 Condado de York (Brazil - Rio [54]) 1 April 2014 Rua Teotonio de Brito, 360 City of Rio de Janeiro – RJ 2nd Friday of March, May,August and October R C Montiero [email protected]

259 Campos de Piratininga (Brazil – Sul Leste [56]) 3 April 2014 Rua Barão de Tatui, 94 city of São Paulo - SP 1st Friday, of March, May and September L H D Walker, Rua Professor Celestino Campos 135, Campinas SP ZIP 13088-000

260 Sao Joao (Brazil – Sul Leste [56]) 4 April 2014 Rua Hidelbrando de Lima, 338, city of Osasco, state of São Paulo 3rd Wednesday of March, May, September and first Wednesday of December A C Marconi, Rua Acacia 438 – Jardim, Das Flores-Oscasco-SP, CEP: 06120-120, Brazil [email protected]

261 John Charles Board (Lincolnshire [52]) 30 September 2014 The Cleethorpes Masonic Centre, 1 Kings Road, Cleethorpes, DN35 0AJ 3rd Friday in September and the fourth Wednesday in May I H Maxey, 4 George Road, Middle Rasen, Market Rasen LN8 3LH [email protected]

262 Midland Bay (Canada Central-Ontario [20]) 11 May 2015 Masonic Hall, Victoria Harbour, Midland Bay, Ontario, Canada 5th Mondays when occurring R F Martin, 121 George Road, Sutton, Ontario, Canada L0E 1R0 [email protected]

263 Sant Antoni Abat (Catalonia and Canarias [50]) 13 December 2014 Menorca Masonic Hall, Sant Josep 7, Es Castell, Menorca 1st Saturday in February and November J J Armario-Sanchiz, Mas Palomas, C/Las Margaritas 23A 35100 Grand Canaria [email protected]

264 Ars Magna (Catalonia and Canarias [50]) 12 December 2014 C Monterrey 62, Palma de Mallorca 3rd Saturday in February, May and November J Ull, Calle Peral 7-11, 0750 Manacor, Spain [email protected]

265 Ita Karai (Grand College) 7 April 2015 Zorobabel Masonic Hall, 15 de Agosto No. 961, Asuncion, Paraguay 1st Saturday in May, August and November D S Figueredo, 15 de Agosto No 961, Asunction, Paraguay [email protected]

266 Minas Gerais (Brazil – Norde Nordeste [57]) 9 April 2015 Avenida Barbacena No 85 Belo Horizonte MG Cep 30198 -130 4th Monday in March, May, September and November V L Oniero, Rua Uberaba, 158 Bella Horizonte, MG 30198 – 130, Brazil [email protected]

267 Sao Goncarlo (Brazil – Centro Norde [55]) 10 April 2015 693, Razão e Lealdade Street, Cuiabá-MT, Brazil, CEP 78070-322 4th Tuesday in February, April, July and November M A de Maceda, Rua Topazio 183, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, MT Cep 78050-080, Brazil [email protected]

268 Vilas Boas (Brazil – Centro Norde [55]) 11 April 2015 Shin Ca 08 Lote 02, Lago Norte, 71.503-508, Brasília. 4th Tuesday in February, April, July and November C A F R Ferreira Avenida Parque Aguas Claras LT 3740 BI. B Ap. 407 Brasília – DF [email protected]

269 Bethelem (Brazil – Norde Nordeste [57]) 15 April 2015 Avenida Ceará Número 754, Bairro de Canudos, Belém – PA, Cep – 66070-080 1st Saturday in March, June, September and December A de A Gondim, Rua Diogo Maia, NS 254 Ap 703 Belem do Para PA Cep 66055 – 170 [email protected]

270 Manaos (Brazil – Centro Norde [55]) 16 April 2015 Rua Carbonita, 49, Shangrila 1 Manaus, Amazonas, Cep 69054-000 4th Wednesday in March, May, August and October M J Antunes Rua Professor Samuel Benchimol, 641 Ap 72 Bloco 05 A Manaus -AM 69040-540 [email protected]

271 Caxias (Brazil – Sul Leste [56]) 18 April 2015 Rua Cruz e Souza, No. 432 Caxias do Sul, RS Brazil Cep 95070-510 1st Wednesday in April, July, September and November R F Pinto Junior - Rua Cruz e Souza, 432 Caxias do Sul - RS CEP: 95070-510 [email protected]

272 Hyperoon (GC) 18 July 2015 76 Irakleidon Street, Athens, Greece 5th Wednesday and 5th Friday September to May A Bonas, Naiadon Street, 17561 Palaio Faliro, Athens, Greece [email protected]

275 Christopher Gavin Maiden (Gloucestershire and Herefordshire [32]) 21 July 2015 Masonic Hall, Hatter’s Lane, Chipping Sodbury, South Gloucester, BS37 6AA First Wednesday in May N F Bevan, 13 Ellesmere Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5DY [email protected]

Tabernacle meeting place locations can be found at the undernoted address which is repeated on the Grand College website. msa=0

To All Knight Priests

August 2014

Dear Knight Priest


I send to every member of our Order my best wishes and greetings and those of the Deputy Grand High Priest and Assistant Grand High Priests.

It was at the Annual Assembly in June 2012 that M Ill Kt Pt Ernest Peter Donnison formally launched the Pillar Fund Appeal in the following terms.

“It is with pleasure that I introduce to you and launch our Pillar Fund. As you are aware, our Order in its present form as a Sovereign Masonic Body was founded in 1924 and our Centenary will soon be with us. As you are also aware, due to various factors, we recently took the opportunity to terminate the lease we had on offices at Castlegate House which had been our home for around ten years and move to other accommodation in York.

In order to celebrate the Centenary of our Order by the procurement of our own premises as Headquarters for our Order, it has been decided to set up a special fund to this end. It is envisaged that these premises would house the administration of our Order, including all Committee and Council Meetings, a Museum and it has been suggested that there be space for Tabernacle meetings to take place with a refectory.”

As you will see elsewhere in the yearbook, the Fund had gross receipts of £55800 at 31 December 2013. This included a transfer of £5000 from the Grand High Priest’s Discretionary Fund during 2012. The remainder was received either from Tabernacles or individual members representing 108 Tabernacles.

I can advise you that, as this yearbook goes to print at the beginning of August, gross receipts had reached over £72000 from 120 Tabernacles. I must thank everyone who has made a contribution so far.

It is encouraging, that this early in the appeal, we have received such widespread support from about 40% of our Tabernacles and a percentage of Districts. But in order that we attain our goals I would ask you to consider making a donation to the Fund either by a regular standing order for which the form is appended to this letter, or by a one off payment.

Some Tabernacles and Districts have appointed a Centenary Pillar Fund Representative who coordinates fund raising in their particular sphere.

I would remind you that there are several levels of acknowledged donations as follows.

Individual Members Tabernacles (individual equivalent) District

Green £100.00 £70 per member } Sky Blue £150.00 £100 per member } as per Grey £400.00 £275 per member } Tabernacles Royal Blue £750.00 £500 per member }

I am delighted to report that over 200 Knight Priests have made contributions of at least £100 entitling them to receive a Green certificate and the unique lapel pin. We have five Tabernacles

qualified at the Green level and one at Sky Blue and arrangements will soon be made for their respective High Priests to receive the collarette acknowledging this.

I reiterate what I stated last year that supported by my Deputy and Assistants, I believe that this fund is worthy of a contribution from every member of our Order. If members individually and Tabernacles collectively promote the Fund, then they will play an important part in celebrating the Centenary in securing a permanent home for our Order.

Yours sincerely and fraternally

Christopher Gavin Maiden Grand High Priest

Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests Centenary Pillar Fund


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Address ......


Sort Code - -

Please make the following payments until cancelled by me in writing



SORT CODE 40 – 47 –31

ACCOUNT NO. 74451600




DUE DATE*** 1st January Annually OR 1st monthly


NAME ......


SIGNED...... (To be signed in accordance with the Bank Mandate)


*The Reference should be your surname followed by your initials and the number of your Tabernacle. **Please insert amount ***please delete as appropriate. If you wish to make an annual payment on a date other than 1st January, please amend. If you wish to make a monthly contribution, please insert the month you wish to commence. For administration purposes, please advise the DGR by e-mail at [email protected] of any Standing Order you may set up.

Every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of going to press. Grand College cannot accept any responsibility for any error that might appear. It would be appreciated if Recorders would check the information contained herein and advise us in the event of any errors or omissions.