■'JT . MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1968 PAGE SIXTEEN ATcrosc Daily Net Preaa Ron ilRanrI;i?sitpr lEom ing !|erall> The Weather J', !■ Ear the Weak Endlag' Nov. 89, 19S8 FoMeaat of D. 8. Weather naraaii Ainyah Steven A. ReaJe. «on of Manclieater Emblem Club will The l^lvalion Army Home that m proper acoustic shell da aa«l>. Mr. And Mr«. A. A. Renle, 74 hold a regular buiineM maeUng at Lea^e wRi. meet tomorrow after­ SHOPi>ING CM A Concert ly lacking. The bass fiddles might'-' Clear early, cloady later toidglit About Town \VOoar.klHnd Air 7:.'?0 to make plann foe the Chrlat- Turkington arid Hra. Bertha Hicka. inaudible most of the tirne. RAYMOND T. The evenlnc gjloup of the ' F'Iqm^- CHRISTMAS By Synfphony BurMii of Orenlafioii rain. High lb upper 80s. ^ er Arrangingf'' classes of Ihe .Man- . F’orce Baae. Tex. Ho has boon «e» ' ma« party. General tone projectlori, except Manchester— A City of Villafie Charm V Chester Garden Club will he held jertod to atlond tho lorhniral The Vi^men'a F«l> Epi^iPopal C hnnh technique was espociatly'well suited At A JIJ.ST Price tW ytsr An nrganiz.nl.lonal meeting for I iod at the Little ('’hipch Around % Some Allies Favor lo this music, and ttie energetic .hiiiirs R Nelson, pon of Mr 'Phe Army and Navv riuh Au.x* the (*orner In New York City cn Bring Vour .‘ihoes HERE! Over 85 Youngsters u'omeii betv.'een 21 and 35 who are iliarv members are lerpiestod to drive In the tempo he chose for the / wHh extra an^l Mra .lam ra R Nelaon 61 interested in fopning a junior iNov. 2r>. 1908, Thank.Mgiving Day. Back.?’)—Fire .striuk a parochial grade school lonerl Yankee Rot Roi«*t Dinner. oiUier Mrs, Allan Srhuher' 28H I Rnice and Marilyn, of Albany, N. I elegant music. The famous horn • Shoes Shined and Dyed. \^'hlrll Temple ( ‘haplei. O lder of Garden Or or Mr*, .lohn (J F**i *nk Y.: Robert F. Boyle of Richmond: solo, a melody now almost as well • Fir.l (:iass Work THIS StASON MAY 1C ISIGHTH gre.ssman Edwin "H. Jfay for witli tci'i'if.ving xwiftnos.s xrsterday. trapping pupils and DAILY .Mr and Mix. William H, Boyle Jr. By ABTHl-R GAVSHON y mental rethinking among the Al­ Mie FHatern Star. \n nerving 3^n Garden Dr. known as the national anthem, was That’s Guaranteed! WITH (XTSA CASH TO CONSOll- lies about thetr^ position not only state cbaiiThan when the GOT teachers at their desks a few minutes h^fore dismi.ssal time. PRESCRIPTIONS Thursday hrtwe'*n.^ ^ and 7 pm .•uul then: cluldren. I^ougla.s. WIN played with a dellolm|s sensuoua- London, Dec. 2 (JP)—Some I State Central Committee .Ninety peVislied. v PIX I.r.T DAI OH NKillT ! ham. Tinmthy. Mar>' Kllen. Pa- , ne.a.a, OATt lilts 0« fUSCHASe THI Allied diplomats toda.v werej in Berlin but in all Germany. There in the MflKonIr Temple in connec­ W nrk Done While I! W ait! is a recognition in several 'Allied meets next Tue.sdav to name The tiival toll included 87 children arid three Sisters of Fr.GS n«7 $1.00 BV EXI’ERTH tion with their f'hristinHS Raz.aar, trieta, .Iiidith and Linda, and Mr. I Scores Acoustics THINGS YOU WANT OS NflO. WHY reported in favor of chal- Board Club IInit and Mr.**. Ostrander. We Give Green Stamps NOT STOP IN tOpAY 0« CAU. capital* thht. 13 years i4(te r the a successor for Clarence K. (Jiarit.v of the Blessed X’irgin Man'. The-fire was Chicago's Will rinse tomorrow They nia\’ be I Claude Debussy's "La Mer" lenginR Nikita Khru.shchev to| war, the time ha* come to examine r FFNK.SII.\Kn made thi'ongh Mr,». Keith .lohneton. I lacked shimmer, gleam and bril- J. W. Hale Shoe Repair Baldwin. worst since the disastrous Iromiofs Theatej" fire of 190,3. \if~ ARTHUR DRUG a plebiscite in which West new approache* and even tike i?2 HEf SVA ST ,03 PIvnioiiDi Line, nr ,\!rs Bertha i S<*ls 2 Meetings j linnee. However, this was no fault I'se Oak St. Entrance Congressmaiv Albert P, Morano. was the third worst .scliool tire in the natiol) in the last lOtf' Berliners could accept or re-! risk.* for the sake of another high- Fairfield county chairman, with­ ' p orter. Ilvde St Christinas Party ' nf either the o rch cslia or its r-on- level Kaat-We.st attempt at a Ger­ years, I drew himself as s candidate for ! The B.k m I of I'lic .Io ia r'.oU ducto". but rather the natural re­ ject his proposal to make their I man peace settlement. .More than 8.o youngsters remained in hospitals, suffer­ 'Hie (irile.s of the WoiuHn'a So­ (’niii.se ('Minmilteo ha« sclierlulefl j Set for Dorcas sult from playing in oirr incom­ city a demilitarized free citv.l the post and announced the com­ Officials here believe that m ittee's support for May In a ing from liurns. Broken hones received in frantic leaps for ciety of the rommunltv Baplixt Iwr* m relm gs f*»r to d iv fn gnih*"’ plete concert trail, a hall in which Qualifled Informants said under K hrushchev's moVe, so fa r as It Ifnr t^ and* sminfl mil fipinmus on statentenl yesterday. Olmn h will meet Ihls week aa f


Foster, fiber flowers; Mrs. Betty bring two 3S-ccnt gifts, the lady's Humphrey, Khrushchev Talk SouthWindsor Lotreck and Mrs, Carolyn Myrick, St. Mary’s Club wrapped in red paper and the School Vote V^raey Offers baked goods; Mrs. Florence wald- Town-Union Dispute )’on and Mrs. Helen Fairbanks, To Meet Friday' Sfaeinwold on Bridge You Should Know... aprons; and Mrs. Kate Linsley and CASH Turnout Light Lease Idea Judge Holds Mrs. Jean Dew’ey, white elephant. U.S., Soviet Split Deep, The 50-50 Club of St. Mary’s Miller to Speak to "wrap tip" your Ll Col, James Pershing Strauss Mrs. Laura Porter is in charge of Episcopal Church will hold 'its Settled by Mediation About 1,200 votes had been cast TWO CHANCES ARE publicity. The golf course committee of the So«(h dtalsr Brief Session December meeting Friday evening HOLIDAY EXPENSES a t about 1 o’clock today In a 11.6 Board of Directors held two ex­ BETTER THAN OME CommaiKling the Nike mietile Mr.s. H attie Lane and Mrs. R uth On Money Matters Notth-BoKh Burnham are bazzaar. co-chair­ at 7 o’clock, following special rtMM fsr >Mr VH MT (H i ploratory meetings yesterday In By Alfred BheUiwoid Evening Prayer. Th« dUput* between unlonlzed^fand union raprejentaUveB after million bond referendum to build Will Remain Long Time NOKIH bsttnlion whose head^uartere is in Dispoaltions by Judge Benedict men. IMS Is l-viilt or 1. U M fsr jisw kslMariliswIsil its quest for opinions on what the "Bank Operations” will be the cwM is Mtyl town employee and the town ended their ronferer.ee in Ma^ln'ii ofTlre. the proposed North Knd Junior tf you hav* two chances for 4 3 Mnncheater li g’'brisk, plain-spoH- The doors will open at 1 p.m., A potiuck will be served by the t. CMS M citss ss ksek Mill.. .Is sst ysw wIsMr ku4|st Is ihapsl town should do about town-owned your contract, which chance ahould k I Kupchunoe at a short seasion of ■ isirw ui t. CSSSMUIT wesfSMf DM (S surint (M koliSsyt . . . wWI todAv aa General Manager Rich-1 Repreaentinjj the imidn were Er- high school. moderator; Ruth K. Willey, aa- V Q 10 • 7 « 2 and a ham and baked bean supper following committee: Mr. and Mrs. subject of the fifth talk in the lec­ (Continued from Pago One) Globe Hollow land occupied by the you .try for first? Don’t Jump to en West'Pointer with 18 years of Town Court last night included au«stir*ynr tlStriCIAL'S OClsMs* MftrasUssM CSieCrttK CM I ard Martin to reinstate im-| neat Jnvin, president »f the I»cal: The turnout was reported light alatant reglatrar: Harriet G. Dar- ♦ 36 will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. at Don Kuehl, chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. ture series on "Money Matters” George Uma. the, Union’s sssislant Manchester (Country Club. concluslotialn answeiing this ques­ ______« 6 5 3 service in the United States and mediately recognition of I.oral 991 by Republican Registrar of Voters by.J Marjr______.lane____ G____obb_____,' checkers:______the' following; Joseph Kasheta. a. cost of 5i per plate for adults Donald Alsbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday night si the high regions I dlrecU>r for New Eng­ seen enough of atom and hydro­ One was an afternoon meeting tion. w u r r KA8T overseas. Leans $20 t# S5M — Leans IHe-lnsured st lew cost State, County and Municipal Em­ Donald Hemingway auid his De.mdX[caflierjne7atne M, Starr, demonstrator; with General Manager Richard M ain 8t., intoxication. 510 and and 50 cents fbr children 12 snd Warren Tennant, Mr, and Mrs. land: and I^frv Young and Wil­ gen bombs,” he added. "Now let Imagine that you . are South, 75 4 042 L t. (3ol. Jam es P ershing S trau ss Dav» DeMfrcharit and Mr. and school. ployes, AFL»-CIO. crnlic counterpart. ICdward Mori- Henry O. Bradley, William J, Sln- Martin,.the other an aVehlM meet­ AAI QM breach of the peace, 520; and An­ under. Children less than six years For Its part, the Locai acknowl- liam Cziikpey. Slate office repre- mankind see and hear more of the playing for a amall slam In hearts. » 3 9 4 esme to Manchester one year ago Mrs. Paul Carter. Guests for the Roland A, Miller will be the t 0« MAIN ST., Over Weolwerth’s, MANCHESTER arty Both had predicted about namon. tenders; John Fogarty, ing. with a committee from the thony J. Setaky. West St., intoxi­ old will be served free. No supper only kind o f destruotlon we want How •would you plan your play? ♦ 3752 10 43 and is responsible for the training MltclMlI S-4156 . Ask fer the YES MAMsAir edg^ed. In effect, its respon.aibilUy senial ivcg,' 4.060 vs'ould have voted by the w atchm an. club. ♦KI reservations are neces.sary. accord­ evening will be Mls.s Em ily Sm ith speaker. He is assistant cashier the elimination of man’s an­ |4aturally, yqu win the |lret trick 41 109 3 7 « 4 3 snd operational readiness of the cation 510 and breach of the peace. Open Thursday Evenings I'ntil 8 P.5I.— SaturdsyS I nHI 12 Noon for the individual whose action re- nestime ftlwk-Off tim e poll.a close a t oVlock to- Those ntfmeen Uietr iirjjed appr-oval of the achool. ening of medical exchange under cuased with the club. must follow a split-second sched­ Ellington, allowing a person un­ that the Iyoi I u nui'l Rlchiirdaon. denionatrator; Alice the U.S.-Soviet cultural agree­ spade toward the king, or ahould ule. There can't be any administra­ der 16 years of age to operate a which will begin at 8:30. liM firitmile j again In lyical 991 officers Cioiipa of parenla were provldinjt Viena Samuel Turrotte, Joseph Varney said his Ideas envisioned Us pnli( V ot non-fi'Mtci mzalion j wish to discuss town-union ments signed In Nt'ashlnglon last a short lease, at least three years, you lead a diamond from dummy remaining spade. If you lose the tive mistakes.” motor vehicle, 51.6; William H. Committee chairmen for the af­ IrHnaporlallon and biiby-aiUing Leary, tendera. in order to rinesap the queen ? fair Include Mrs. Arline Welles, wMth department fiupcivisnrs a matters with them. ■servlcea today. January. with non-members of the club hav­ king of spades, ydu are not yet Colonel Strauss’ Job keeps him Sleith, Sunny V|ew Dr., Vernon, policy that played a par in the At District 3, John Tierney, as­ 2. An additional 2-way flow of If you are blessed with normal beaten. You can still get back to on the move. He makes routine failure to drive right, $12; Milton refre-shments; and Hugh V. Ewing, Tile halt in the (hc'-k-off of Only opposition to the plant haa sistant registrar: Marlon Clifford, ing the right to use the course on incident leading to Mai tin's

1 . P A O B FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, IfANCHESTBR. CONN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER^2,1968 M^NCHES-TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN« TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1958 Mr*. Oeorg* Trueman, 18T- High PAGE PTVX H H A lr—810 W IN F -O X M 2 MHS Of ficials m ' Tree Town Fair St., or ths chuzoh office. Foreign Lfinguage iVTiO—1080 niESORiniON vestad as tandarfoot Scouts last W DBO—IMO Daily Radio ’This year’s fair will fsaturs a Columbia week: Jan* Ssegida and Daloraa WOOO—1280 To Attend Confab Open^ Tomorrow handwriting ipnalyst. Other booths Workshop Slated (VKK&XMO EM ten Stoodard Time W H IP — 1410 SKCMUSn Robinson-Palmer, W edding Burnham. will have a wld* seleetlan of hand­ MereliamUaiaf Intemahlp The two vice principal* of Man- Tomorrow la th* day of “ChrUt* crafted merchandise to decorate Teaching foreign languages to Free Delivery Mlaa Kathleen Koaelka, daugh­ Tb* loUowing prograni •0t>aO4> WlSltC—An,w«r PlM M cheeter High School will attend mas Traa Toavn” in Ooopor hall of th e ' home or a n c e the hoUday slementary .aeboM ehSdren wfil ho Mias Gretchen Palmer, daughter Dimes Drive ter of Mr. a^d Mr*. John Kozelka YEARLY DIVIDEND RATE INCREASED WPOP—Modern Bounda dsmonstrated at a meeting Ded. 8, ulM ar« ouppUet) by tit* radio ?;46— the 73rd annuaj meeting of the the South Msthodlat Church. ThU table. There will bo many articles of Mra. Audrey W. Palmer, 8« of Columbia Green, first year stu­ mana(«m«nta ana or* aubjoct to WHAY —Hound Dog suitaUe for personal gi^. qMnsored by ^ Associatloil for M illfr Hawthorne St., and the late Marx dent a t B ndicott Ju n io r (College In l)«p(Mils mnde durin* the first W Tir M fe in the World New England Aaaoclatlon of Col­ annual fair of the Women’s So­ Childhood KdueotlqB. ^ PharaiMY D in n er S lated chanaa wiUioui noQca. WDRC—Edward R; Morrow Committees nave been working SM G R E E Nr RD : ,-*wl8 chairman. Other committee chair­ toobury ■pedal siomentaiy teach­ laat night at the Community ^ p - chandising at G. Fox and Co. id Wi.’O '—Kfcuro' Kevi«« WP01»—Modern Bounda ton In Boston, from 11:80 to 1:30. , tlat Church. 'The Rev. John R. New York headquartsra of the t;1 6 - men are Mrs. Allen Ward, 'booths; Hartford. She will continue there WKNB—Open Mlk« '^Meeting New England's Higher Tea will be served from 2:30 to Mrs. Vemer’Nylln, merchandlsihg; in g -raff will conduct the demon- Neubert, minialei of the church, National Foundation, will be gilesl W ilU> h.'d Dog stMtibn, Assidinjr her will be two until fthristmaa vacation after WDRC—Cal Kolby W'Th •—NlahlMne Education Needs" will be discuss­ 4 p.m. by th4 Willing W o r k e r s Mrs. R. F. Reinohl, publicity: M ra performed the double ring candle­ speaker at the kick-ofl dinper for which she returns to school. WDRC—R g Lawla ed by Robert Kroepsch, executive Ofastonbury teai»en, and two of the Tolland County Chapter’s WPOP—Ton 40 Show Wl'OP Mcdr-r Bounda ■ Circle, and In the evening a supper John L. 'Von Deck, Ueasurer; Mrs. light aervice. Selections from Prlagle Home 4:0i— secretary of the New England of baked beans, frankfurters,'cole th d r clssees of third and fourth March of Dimes Campaign. WINF—New* Joseph Swenson, supper; Mrs. grade PupilA numbering id ouplls Bach were played on the organ by John Pringle, Jonathan Tnim- ' WHAV —Hound Dog Board of Higher Education; 'Victor elaw and gingerbread with whip­ Kenneth Miller. The dinner, and business meet­ 4 :1ft - WTJO—NIghtllne Herbert Robb, luncheon; Mrs. each. Mias Thompson will demon- biill Highway, Is convalesing at WINF—Muiic mith Jo% Girand L. Bullerfleid, president of Wes­ avings anchester WDRC—J hz7. ie My Beat ped cream will be served from Christy Henrlksen and Mrs. The bride designed and made ing will be held at 'The Qld Home­ his home following surgery on his 4 :16- leyan University; and Shannon Me- stmts a French lessen with the WHAY—Piau«r pRny W r(»P-M odern Bounda 8:30 to 7. Reservstlons for the Mabelle Newton, tea room decora­ third graders, and a Spanish lesson her own gown, which was a bal­ stead in Somers tomor’ow night spine St Hartford Hospital. MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH W fS r BRANCH WCCO—Racord Ravua H 4 6 - Cune. provost of the University supper may be made by calling tions. lerina-length princes* style dress at 7 o'clock. Atty. Thomas Rady WHAY-Hound Dog with fourth gmders. Anniversary Celebration 923 Main Sf. 285 fast Cf'nti'T St. Manchester Parkade WTIC—Aoaa Miller of Massnehusetts. of ivory peau de solo. Poublt box ' of Rockville, Tolland County cam­ WDRC—Cal Kolby WTIC-NIgbtUne Mr. and .Mra. Maurice Ale.xan- Cor. Icnox Sf. West Middtc Turnpike WDRO-Jaa* la My Beat "Expnn.slon: How Can the Inde­ pleats terrtitnaled from darts at ; paign chairman, will preside. WPOP—Too 40 Show WPOP -M .dem Bounda der of Hebron Rd. were in New OPfN THUKSDAY 4 :Sft— pendent Schools Expand Their Use- the waiatlihe and a pleated float­ Mis.s Ajne.s. who holds the rank W IUY —Planer Parly 1:0ft- York over the past weekend lo fV fN lN G S 6 to 8 BOTH BRANCHFS O P f N FRIDAYS to 8 p.m. WTIC—Hoaa Miller WHAY-Hifund Dbg fullness?" will be the subject of a ing panel made up the back. The , of Major in the .Army Nurse celehrate their 17th wedding an- WTU'-Nlahtllne talk by .John Kemper. Iieadmaster Corps has an extcn.sive back­ WDRO—Cai Kolby WDfU*-World Tonight bodice waa covered with a jacket niver.sary. Saturday, they joined a ALWAYS PLENTY Of PRCE PAAKINO WPOP—Top 40 Show of Phillips Academy In Andover, of white lace and had short sleeve.s ^ ground in musing and public re­ 4:4^— WPOP Modern Sound# Ta.shlik family cirele dinner WHAY—Plauer Party 1 :0 6 - Mass.; and Matthew Warren, rec­ and a bateau neckline. She, also ; lations both here and abroad. The WINF—Newa which was attended by .Mr. and WTIC—Roaa Miner f:lft- tor of St. Paul’s School In Concord, w ore a Dior bow on a headband meeting will lie.attended by cam­ ■Mr.i Joseph Tashlik, Mr. and Mra, WDk U—Cai Kolby paign chairman from all the towns WPOP—Top 4.' Show WINF-WINF BandaUfid N. H. COME IN and of ivory peau de aoie with import- i Saul Blum and 'Mr. and Mrs. .Saul »;I6— The banquet speaker will be in the county, repre.senlative.s of 6:00— WHAY-Hound Dog ed illusion, and carried a bouquet Caroline from Columbia and nu­ WHAV-Pmuer J’aiiy Charles Van Doren, professor of of miniature yellow roses with TAPS and women's activities WTlvJ—Naan WTIC-NIghtllne Oven cooking m erous .New Y'ork relatives. Keep that new car. thrill alive. . , WDRO—Newa WDRC-World Tonight English and comparative literature atophanolLs. Materials will be distributed for WPOP—Modem 8- speak on "A HputfjJpk for the Hu­ (■range Installation WINK—r>w8 • r HAY - Kill Watch Palmer, slate of the bride, wore Colmnhla correspondent Mrs. Don­ in any make of car you drive! Wr.NK—flporli WTIC-NIrfilllne m an ities" COMPARE*,^ a pale moas green Skinner’s satin i Raymond F. Lyman. newly ald R. Tuttle, telephone .AOademv 6:16— WDRC!—M«)ode for Romance More than 1,000 delegates from dress, made with a scoop neckline, elected ma.ster of Columbia 8-343.8. U HAY —Plauer Parly WPOP -Modern Bounda 103 colleges, 103 Independent Grange, and others on the slate, WTHj—Roaa Miner »:46— Station wagon with the most room for tbe least money short .sleeves and a bell-ahaped I WDRC—Cal Kolbv WHAV N.ijiM Watch schools, and 406 public aecondary skirt. She also wore a Dior bow ^ will be m.slalled at a m eeting in WPOP—Top 40 Show WTIC-Nlghtllna schools are expected to attend. on a headband of matching green j yeomans Hall tomorrow night at 6 :80— WDRC—Moodi for Rnmanca UMAY-Pjaller Party WPOF* Modern ^unda aallii with matching net. and car- i 8 o'clock. Alfred Beckwith, over- Discount Prices WTIC—Rx.'-i Miller 10;06- ried yellow pompons and several i .seer of Oonnecticiil State Grange, WOKl'—l-'Hi Kolbv WMAV- NKChl Watch of South Windham, a. d his instal­ WPOP—1 Opener WTIC—Treasury of Mualc Y iile Sale, Social TUB j-cllow rose., in a nosegay. ' All Departments 6 :4 6 - WDRC—Mooda for Romanca BYSTUDEBAKER John A. RobinaOn, 112 Deepwood , lation learn will carry out the W HAV-i’iail'^r Party WPOP—Modern Bound# Dr., was his brother's best man. t’aditional ceremonies. WTIC— Miller 16:16— . Planned at /ion Trial Justice ('oiirt ARTHUR DRUG WDRO—Cal Kolby W ^ A Y -N ight Watch and .lames G. Simden JiH art- : U por—Eye Opener w n c —Treaaury of Muale ford, couain of the bridegroom, i Ralph K. Young. 34. Erdoni Rd.. 6:6ft— WDRC—Mooda for Romanca Mrs. Mildred Miller, president i.H.s fined J. ' ir Trial Justice WHAY—Datelina WPOP—Modern Bounda served as usher. | WTIO—Newa 1 0 :66 - of Zion Lutheran Lsidles Aid So­ The hrlde’.s mother wa.s alUiedj Court in Yeomans Hall yesterday WDRC—Newt Kaporttr WMAV Night Watch morning, when he pleaded guilty ciety, her associate riffleers and In a beige dre.ss with tan acres-1 WPOP—Newa WTIC—Behind the Page* Bories and a corsage of bronze I to driving while his lirense was 6:06— WDRC—Mood* for Rnmanca women of the church, will open WTNF—Newa WPOP—Modem Bounda so’s homo hooting pompon.s, and tlie mother of the | under suspension. This was his 6:10— I6 i46— their annual Christmas sale and bridegroom waa _,pttired in a blue second offense on thus charge. He W INF—Mualc for E fantni WTfAY Ntam Watch 12-1 6:16— W TIC-M ualr social Friday evening at H o'clock our way! and white print'dress with white waa sl.so fined IIO when he plesded WHAY—Dateitfia WDRC—Mood* for Romance In the assembly room. This yesr Hrw VoA thmit THbM IM. accessories and a corsage of while ' guilty lo obtaining his regirtratlon WT(C—etrictly Booru WPOP—R. P. Morgan the ydung people will have a sales pompons. by giving false information. He W’DR C—Newa lltftft- Ton gat pramium quality 2 W POP—Dixuland W H AV-NIght Watch section of their own. Mobilbeat with RT-98. . . tha The bride's home, where a recep­ was represented by Alt\. Irwin 6i8ft- WTIC—Newa Friends end guests are Invited to tion for members of the immediate Krug of Willinianlle. Slate pollce- WHAY—Saranadt WDR(%-Newa most eompletaly eflectiv* fuel . Blltli otth J'tiuto WTIC—Muatc by Malaehiino W PO P-N ew a consider Christmas shopping at oil additive in use today. And family was held after the reie- MRS. GEORGE EARL ROBINSON .!!{. man Derwln Anthony <>' Colches­ WDRO—Ouv Uombftrdo 11:16- Zion, and to Join In the commun­ CAMERAS mony, wa.s decoiated in tlie ______ter Barraika was the arresting WPOP—Modem Bounda WHAY-NIght. (^atch ity fellowship and friendship. A you get premium service. Au­ Thanksgiving motif. — - . - officer. J 6:46— WT?(*—Brnirf* Inal F1LM^FI.A8HBULBS tomatic driiverie* . . . a bai- WItAY-tieranada WDRC->Mood* for RomaiiCa luncheon of home baked "Kuchen" OiSOUUNT PRICES When leaving on a wedding trip wa.s attached to a cap. She car- and full .skirt, with ruffles ter- Michael H, Misak. 40, VVilll- WTIC—Threa Star Mxtra W Pf)P- Modern Bounda and cake will be served aneed payment plan and aaany to New 'Vork ('ity the bride chose | ried a prayer book with a white mlnating in a chapel train. Her inantle. was fined fl.'i when he WDRCy—Lowell Thomaa II :ttft other extras designed to make a brown and orange print dress orchid. fingertip French illusion veil was pleaded guilty to |>asslng in a no WPOP—Modern Bounda WHAY—Ja st Alley Members of the society have j 1:ftft- W ire—Btarllaht Beranada been busy for some time fashion­ ARTHUR DRUO home heating really Mty. with bronze pompon coisage. Aflei I Mis„ Lufl wore a hallerlna-„attached to a crown of sequins and passing zone. Slate Policeman WHAY—Baranada WDRC-Mooda for Romanca Dec, 1 the couple will reside at length dress of bine chiffon over pearls. She carried a cascade bon- Kraiifi* Piaelie of Uolchealer Bar- WTIC—Dirk Bertel WPOP Modern Bound* ing useful and decorative articles WDRC—Amna and Andy tl ;46-- for llin home and peraonal u .hc, •2295“ High Manor Pai'k. Vernon. ami a small white liat trimmed quet of white roses witli a white racks was the arresting olBeer. WPOP—Fulton l.awta WHAVA y -Jaaa __ Alley which will he offered nl the sale. Plainly labeled on every car Mobilhgatt?!f8 The bride graduated from Man- .sequins. Her nosegay bouquet crehid center and ivy streamers Misak was represented by Atty. tll6 — WTK5—Starlight Berenade alona with any addmona cheater High School in WHAY—Serenade WDRC—Mood* for Romanca In nddlllon, they will offer In the ester High School in the class of! (,1,,^ carnations. Serving as maid of honor for ! Henry Kucharski. Ally. Flizaheth M obil W'TIC—Dirk Rerfel WPOP Modern Bound* "while elephant secllon a variety 19.’56 and is planning lo continue A reception was held for about her sister was Miss Shirley Stem- I D. Hutchins was Trial Justice and W DRr—Ainna atitl A»>dv r 1 0 - of Items Ml a nominal sum. A GENERAL F>m’lie8t wagon of all. Full 95 cu. ft. cargo space on 115 inch wheelbase, her studies at the Hartford Art i Russell Andrews, prosecuting WPOP—Modern Hmum'U U 1M< Hign Off 30 members of the immediate fam­ pel of Fasthampton. and the grab hag for the rhlhlren will School, She la employed p'krt-time ilies in town. grand juror t:Jlft- yet shorter outside for easier handling, turning, parking. ^^O ptional at Mancircster Memorial Hospital bridesmaid was Miss Mary Bober, WHAY-l!ound Do* ' n ir la In N ow O nlnon In th e again he avallahle. TV SERVICE For going away for the week­ New Girl Scout I-eaclers WTIf-^ys'nwa of th*' W’orid WE GIVE The bridegroom graduated from also of Fasthampton. Tliey wore Smith !’n<‘O' ronlh are onlhna- They extend an Invilalinn lo any end. the bride wore a black sheatli Mrs, Theodore Sanden and Mrs Days OK A Call rear facing hideaway aeat brings passenger capacity up to eight. ^^E conom y Mancheater High School in tlie iridescent green taffeta fiill-lenglli a.Mllo iihoiit ■’homity ninrhe ” They In the cnmmunlty lo atlcrnl the dress with xi’hite accessories and Charles Burnham liave been added Nights wEs9w Plus Parts GREEN STAMPS cla.ss of 19.’>4 and Is also sludying gowns with matching crowns. Both Television I’roErama I rniijfc thoir u hnlo fneo fiuohcinl. Uhrlslmas social and sale FCrlday six or super V-8 delivers top mileage, peak performance, on regular low-cost white orchid corsage. to the adult leadership of Girl TEL. Ml 8-6481 at the Hartford Art .'tchool He is carried cascatle honqiiets of yellow Scout Troop II. Also in keeping Th e N ew C a r G a s o lin e On Pfure Two I chin ftnd nil evening. gas. ^ ^ C o s u less to buy, far lew to operate. Smart... Sensible ... Spirited., employed part-time at r'avcy'a The bride la a graduate of Wind- loses and chrysantliemiiiua w ith new policy In, sconling here NEED GLOVES? Restaurant. , ham High School and is employed The flower girl. Diane Karwat of tliis year, Mrs, Ralph F. Wolmer It’s Your New Dimension in Station Wagons MORIARTY by the VVlIliam B rand Oo. at the Westfield. Mass., wore a Rold tBf- has ^een appointed troop consiilt- Marlow's has the most Stewart-I’hillips North Windham plant. The bride­ fela fiill-li'n^th Roxyn with full anl. Mrs. Wolmer met with the Give* you the high energy Come in and Compare at • • • Mi.ss Donna May Phillips, god­ groom served with the, Marine , Bkirl ajid nialrliing’ i i’own ami two new leaders and tlie former complete folection In Corps and la employed by the carried a ( rscbiIo bouquet of mixed leaders. .Mrs. Rudolph A lbsir and ’59 Mobilgas performance you want from your BROTHERS child of Mr. and Mra. Paul A. Luft I Guay Steel Co. In Chaplin, of Depot Rd,, South Coventry, was j chry.santbemiim.8. .Mrs N orm an Srhiisaler recently, town; oH m arlOW " bOLAND m o t o r s , Inc. married during a nuptial high I Robert Paterson of MHn acees.sonea. Both moiher.s wore patrols are compri.sed of girls I working for tlie second class YOULL HND IT I WANT - - - .Mias Patricia Luft was maid of: Henry St. The Rev. John Chwalek . ga denia cor.« igea. I badges. The older girls are under honor and Richard Stewart of offlclate.d at the double ring cere- After a reception at Tolo's In Mrs. Burnham witli Louise WII- Chaplin, twin brother of the bride mony and celebrated the nuptial Si iilh'.s Ferry, the oiiple left on |pt(p patrol leader and Pamela THANKS TO A groom, was best man. Jamea Luft MaSa. Traditional wedding music, a wedding trip lo a rnaiimninced | Husky. assistant leader. The m a r I ovts was the usher. was provided by Mrs Victoria destination, the 1 idc traveling in yoiinge.st group have .Mrs .Schiis-f The bride wore a ballerina- Morey -and Mrs. Bertha Renkona a charcoal wool .suit with mink ‘ sler as their leader, with .lean AMAZING NEW length dreas of Chantilly lace over wa.s aoloi.st. collar and matching accessories. Coughlin and Jane Rzegda patrol lO O D KING net, faaliioned with a "V" neck­ Given in marriage by her father, Upon their return, Mr^and Mrs. leaders i SAVINGS & LOAN line, fitted bodice, long sldeve.s and the bride chose an im ported .Shef- .Mc.Narama will reside fit 182 Mrs. Sanden will assume lespi n- .MI 9-.j221 full skirt. Her veil of French il- ftey lace gown with fitted bodice. .N as.sachiisetts Ave., Springfield. slhlllty for the hook work foi the Inalon trimmed with seed pearls long sleeves, Queen Anne neckline .Ma-s. FIRST FOR 0 \ ER 47 YKAR.S! CHRISTMAS CLUB n group. 'Two new .Scouts were In-1 HAILED BY DOCTORS DISCOUHT LOW, LOW FOR RELIEF OF DISCOUNT PRICES ASTHMA, SINUS, The finest ride ANB ALLERGIES NEW ENGLAND'S FRESHEST you’ve ever known f^«# git tki t9hd 0Mtlhy •/ Bedy h Piikfft A remarkable new “Puri- iron" ha» been developed PORK 1)y electronic scientists. It| is being acclainjed by doc­ CHOPS . . . starts with the wonders of wide-track wheels tors after they buy it and see it work in their own Lean and Tender / homes, for their own fami­ All Center Cuts tt> ' lies'- and for their patients 57 in their offices and operat­ JOIN OUR 1959 ing rooms. PURITRON clears any CHRISTMAS CLUB BREAKFAST TIME TABLE QUEEN room of irritating dust,| CHRISTMAS IS MUCH MORH FUN WHEN YOU’VE SAVED FOR IT— 100% PURE INSTANT TODAY! FuU Size—White Sliced odors, pollen and smoke! find be.st way to save in in our Chriatma.s Club. It’« like a standing order that It’s better than a kitchen you pay your.keIf regularly. Now l.s the'tim e to begin saving for next year. exhaust fan. Just plug In; It's p*rtaliltl

RIAO WHAT DOCTORS AND USIRS SAY A*OUT PURITRON I CHOOSE THE WEEKLY AMOUNT THAT SUITS YOUR BUDGET 6-OZ. JAR 1 LB. "Surpassfd all expectations. ' First time in IS year* my »on has *lept Performs miracles for • with hli mouth closed ... not fighting to S27 SAVE .SAVE SAVE .SAVE SAVT! SAVE Loaves dust allergy patient" (Penn­ breathe. No sore throat, no cracked lips. To 50c sylvania doctor) . . "For the inventor and manufacturer, my thanks." $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 • "Tried so far only on* day and found It WEEKLY WEEKLY WEEKLY WEEKLY WEEKLY GRADE A FRESH the first time I woke 'up WEEKLY without sinus trouble"( New gave marvelous relief. Thanks!" • "1 get OKT GET GET GET GET GET X-LARGE LARGE MED. / Only CAR WITH iv/Df-r/MCjr wHEfLS \ Jersey MD) . . . "Controlled asthma with hay fever and that’* why I a stubborn form of reepira- bought Puritron. Believe m# it la wonder­ .$25^ $50 $100 $150 $250 $500 FANCY SNOW WHITE . . . acdsirntd by txperti m tht ytar's tap en/^inttring advanct! The wheels are ^ ^ tory allergy in my daughter, ful. Make* me breathe easier-... and steep. IGGS 53c 49c 43c age ft" (Souihern physirian) (All lettimonials above were «n**licit*4.) DOZi -DOZ. . INNK. • moved out 5 inches for the widest, steadiest stance in America—lower center MUSHROOMS Lb. 39c o f gravity for better grip on the road, safer cornering, smoother ride, easier handling. Ptnfiar gJris you tvadability no narrow gauge car, can offer! SNO W WHITE FANCY SOtmiBRN YELLOW OPEN UNTIL HOLIDAY Ydu'Te never known t car to ride so smoothly or handle so surely extra cost, a new V-8 companion, the Tempest 420E, that actually O 'TtcA .ed^^ek, T2t ■A 'ft SUMMER SQUASiH ,.,. 7 e .'. . beau ie BO a r was ever built like this before. And that wide, 5 PAH. VANIUA delivers bette?' gas mileage than many smaller cars with so-called solid stance is only the beginning. Engineering's hotrest team really "economy engines." There are great new True-Contrtur Air-Cooltd MON.-1VES.-PRI. Foitner dicM y ■ poured it on to produce this one for you: There’s b great new Tem­ Brakes for smooth, fafer stops. And inside, seats wider than a sofa! SAVINGS Tlil.'R8DAT8, Mina pest 420 engine to give you the' rnost breath-taking performance on ■Come on in and see for yourself. And rtmtmhtr, your qualit) Pontiac ICE CREAM Hartford R4. 8 A.M. to 8 P.M, wheels . . . or, if it’s extra er»wwy you're after, Pontiac has, at no WEDNESDAYS, and Pine St. dtaler/iiiJpUyttbt manu/acfurtrt luggtited retail prices onntry new Pontiac! a n d LOAN 8 A.M. to NOON- Manchester, Conn. /V s .S* O < ' 1 A r 1 O N rUlSRD SATURDAYS Me«W of .FREE N im ac s ta in V-e RKTOITI a raaOsc Tampstiaiof lMi»M«NASCAt 1 GAL. 6 9 ^ watHeaed sad sapatvliad 1,442 ml. (MsMs-caasi Maaamy morii sa America’s Number 0 Road Car! FREE PARKING ■Paroel____ ^ fsfWIw fas—ssty tlAf |»*c ^s>tls at as avaraas apaaJ sf 4 M a>^.lU MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE We ItesMTa Dm Right to liaUt QaapUDM •m leeto YmrOnr S Tmnllf N u r'^ m • Catalma • Star Ckn/

•r » MANCHESTER EVENING JI^RALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1958 PAGE SEVEN PAGE S U MAN0HE8TBB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.- TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1968 Sunday morning servlca, and were will not alwnyi b« giving th« •am* own formal poat mortem, could be about diffarant food* popular with RockviUe^V errum placed la tbc pew racka Ipr uae by 3 Trinity Students pariahionera during service* and In ^anrlfpatpr priority to th* *am* particular ■lgnlflc*iit *nd explanatory. peoplo of other dountrloa. Textile "Trouble Blamed For here thought and apok* the P^upils Learn Tho third viaitor waa .Mr*. WATCH . viaitlng Ui4 chu’rch for meditation goala. and that liicana that the Connecticut somewhat inndCint, naive product Jamea Smith, co-leader . of OIrl during the week. , ' Injured in Crash Supiiiuii l^prald headline* are KO^ng to divide both of the routine. school of political Scout Troop I which v 1 a 11 e d New fifember* Received . PUBLIBHKD BV About Norway Windsor Locks, Dec. 2 (/P) — PRmriNO ~C INC. waya for a long time to come. Yankee thought and behavior who could Norway laat aummer. Har colorad TOMORROW'S PAPER Fint Oongregationmr Churclr of On Foreign Competition la Biuell Streeli not possibly dream that, the les­ ptetura*'brought to Ufo .m any Vernon received 25 new ihefhbers Three Trinity College students Mancbester Conn ions of the’ ward kindergarten Fourth grade pupils at South at a apbcial aervice of Hoiy Com­ THOMAS F F^bRGUSoN By “a . U. 0. thing* th* ehUdran had laamad were among four persona injured WALTER R FERGUSON Meter Holidays Again could fall to apply and gover^ In School have discovered that learn­ about Noihsfay, about it* moun­ Rural Land Use Study munion Sunday night. A aocial (Continued from Page tme) findings at the conclusion of the F 0 R T H E \ . hour followed the seyvfce. in a two-car accident here last Publlahera the more adult world of a state ing about another country can be tain*, fjorda and famoua build- — ' 4 I current hearing—whether it will Founded O ctober i. ibtil _____ I For a aerond year, we are about Th« man who took the worat of election. Organizational u n i t y , fun. Coming Itventa night. Inn. The Planning Oommiaalon of the^approved by the council. It does higher guarantee support price ac­ simply write • report with recom­ PINE LENOX Published Everv Kvenint Kxcei.t ; („ wrtncaa the riirloug apectade of It preaented his public explanation campaign funds, and campaign T hree Manchester residents Pupil* compiled a book of tha The Sacred Heart Circle No. 576 corded U.S. cotton growera. mendations for the full committee Two students were admitted to Stmdave and HolMay. Knterrfi mi tn. , . *u * argument directed solely to the visited t h e i r classrooms and Vernon Fir* District la preparing not contain any Items consider^ will hold a grocery social for mem- Manclie.lrr . Conn Mr. one (Ommrmity after another anm- of the Repiihllcftn defeat in Con­ Information thay had gatharadaiid Union spokesmen, without too or propose legislation. Hartford Hospital. They were Car­ Post Office ai pocketbooks of Connecticut from brought a personal touch to, their to select a firm of planning con- controversial. bera and friends tomorrow at 8 much support from management, Tile difficult.v with proposing' rington Clark. 20. of Columbia. PHARMACY Second Class Mall Matter ting down the operation of Ita necticut the other day. preaented It to their parmta at a GRJSdT Other Items on tonight's agenda every conceivable angle—these study of Norway, leaving them apeolal program. aultants to design a comprehen­ p.m. In Red Men's Hajl. The Circle have p ro p w d that an independent specific legislation is thst such I S.C. and Samuel Sargent, 22. of SUBfc'CRIPTION RATl*^ parking meters as a ipecral wel­ Aa State Comptroller Fred Zel­ were the high Ideals for a success­ with vivid impressions pf the sive tilan tor .future land use in are the usual procedural motions, Is planning a Christmas party for federal agency be established for matters has trade restrictions lax i Beverly Farms, Mass. They were 299 C. ^ t e r 8 t _ 6 n 9-4W99 Pavahle in Advance ler presented hU theala of defeat, ful (Smpnlgn, And there have been Norwegian life. rural Vernon. deferring action on setting a tax Dec. IT. continued supervision of the indus- relief, cotton pricing and the like! One Y ear ...... ; ...... IIJ come to Clirlatmas ahoppeis. rate until the second Tuesday In reported in satisfactory condition. PlX MoDlhs ...... 7 76 he failed. In our opinion, to develop occasions, obviously, when they Under the revised social studies Burpee Woman's Relief Corp. trj’ and for research which might would have to be considered bv'; Three Months ...... This apei iai gesture seenn likely Ronald Burke, a commission June, and authorizing the city ■ A third student, Edward Mac­ one clear and valid reaaon. Never- have been enough. Thla was one curriculum Introduced In Manches­ Teachers Attend will hold its regular supper meet­ restore its economy. - other Senate and House commit-1 intosh Wiener. 19. of Gross Points, On^ Month ...... * to spread significantly this year. of those time.a, however, when no member said today, the 6-member treasurer to borrow In anticipa­ '•••*aaaa*saa*«***»A^*^9| Weekly ...... Ihcleia, hla total performance ter schools this fall, fourth graders ing tomorrow at O p.m!, after The subcommittee has not de­ tecs the recommendationa could I Mich., and Edward Nichols 'of And we have no quarrel with It, amount of them would have been commission has interviewed rep- tion of taxes. The amount to be termined what it will do with its Ftnifle Copy ...... ^ added up to aomethinF of an ex­ •stud.v Norway and countries with Science Conclave resentatlvea of six firms and has which officers will be elected.'Mrs. not be contained in one package. Simsbury were treated for minor DOES A HIARIN* Al» ; enough, and when, in fact, the Re­ similar geographical features. They borrowed is not to exceed $150,000 MEMBER OF because our Ideal for any commu­ planation. after all. scheduled a seventh arid final in­ Shirley Roy is lii charge of the hurts. HAVE TO i i : publican exaltation of auch valuea, use a history and geography text­ ’ Although the current city fiscal meeting. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS nity la provision of ample free He grave aome credit, perhaps Eight teacher* from tha Man­ terview for Dec. 9. year .started Nov. 16, taxes to Basketball League will hold Its Police aald Clark and Wiener The Aasoclated Press is exclusively and po othera, merely deepened the book of Norway from the time Hospllal Notes enUtlert to the use of repuhllcatlon of parking all year round first credit, for the Republican de­ cover the expenses will npt be col­ fir.4t practice session at Town Hall Bailey Appointed were passengers in a car driven feat to the party split which, lie Republican defeat If the Republl- of the Norsemen to the present. chester public ichool ayatem at­ Each firm was asked to present Admitted .yesterday: Edith Rich, all news dispatches credited to It np What must he pointed out. how- lected until next September, mak­ from 7 to 9 p.m. A dinctor and b.v Sargent, Tiie vehic’- and a aer­ not otherwise credited In this i>ai>er intimated, had aiirvived the con­ can.a did eapei lally poorly on Nov. The Lutz Museum offers suppIe-:_ tended a conferenca on acienca FUR a proposal and a cost estimate by 34 Orove St.; Bernard Caton. U TO BE THE BISTT * ing It necessary to start borrowing coaches are needed for the leagtie, Counlv Director ond car driven hy Niehol'- collided, and also the ‘ocal u^ws imhiiflod j ever, is that there la a shifting vention struggle which resulted in 4, and look a defeat woiae than mental material, and each pupil fair* at Willimantic Teacher* Col­ the middle of this month, after Warehouae Pt.; Marlene Holt, 32 Heads Fellowcraft All rlRhts of repuhllcatlon of special that originally (oming to them which the commission will study almost immediately. composed 'of four teams of boys police said. dispatches h'-reln are al-o reserv»»d mill cpI I'f parking meters In- hl.a own nomination But the ele( - may do simple research. lege yesterday. New Homes PlannM High St.: William Reid, RFD 2. 16 to 18 years o' age. Frank H. Gakeler of 33 Trebbc P Mot on your life! tion I fault WH-s obviously much anyway, that waa hecauac they had But It was the three visitors who the submissions and select one for Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Manchester Postmaster Alden Dr., proprietor of Joyce Flower service cll^n* of N F A S/’rv I voiced \^’hen ttiese devices began! poiitlcal game voiced in the poal Miss Ethel Robb, Mra. Anna Building permits for 19 new E. Bailey haa been appointed | The Zenith Quality 50-R isSSO nioie Umn a buaIncHH of Republi­ did the most to give the' South recommendation- at a district Brenda Rogu-ski and son, Sun.set Vernon and Taleottville news Is Shop, last night waa elected presi­ Ir^ Inc ttirii 1 nnrjiie.st of Ihe Ainerlcanl been wearlnng, of late, nothing NappI, Mila Huldah Butler, Mra. meeting. dwellings In rural Vernon were Hartford County director of the complete...yet is unexcelled Pnhll.-hrrs I’' |>M-s»’»uiilivrp I fi« can voters following one leader- | School children a rich iinderstand- ' Issued during November bv Build Dr.. Vemo.i. handled through The Herald’s dent of the Fellowcraft Club of in performance by bearing Julitis Math»‘ws .Sprcial Ar* n. Y Nra S'ene. lire prime "argument for! ahlp faction or Mnolber, It wa.s; better than that l oii'e|)l of the ing of the people of Norway. Mellle Farr, Mra. Zoe Burke, Vin­ Birth yesterday: f daughter to National Association of Postmas­ Manchester Lodge of Masons. He Police^ A rresls V rk ('hirncf. r>''lrmf and Po«ion cent Ramlzl, Robert Kudra, and district will then ing Inspector Arthur F. Hunting Rockville Riirraii, 7 W.. 6Iain St., aids selling for S200. or more, ibem «as that tliey would con- obvloualy a matter of thoiiaands nf t mortem of their (Hiididale, DescrlheM firtidhomi be asked to approve an appropria­ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pointek. ters it waa learned today. succeeds Walter Person. MKMRKH Arnrr r i t i a i ' oi- Don Bergeron heard Dr. Ralph ton. teleohone TReinont 5-31.SO. 10-Day Money Back Guaran­ rn-i’in.ATiuNS imii\')dual RepiihlU nna, * ‘ o had I One of the visltora was Mrs. tion to hire the firm chosen. The Broad Brook. The appointment was made by The electiona weire held at the Inhiile to Ihe convenience of shop-| Keiratead, consultant in icience SALEAT THE The value of the new houses is Richard Shea, who lives at the ' tee! Come in...or phone for little connection with party nr-1 Earl 'Oardner. who, as Helga commission plana to apply for fed­ Janies J. Morway, president of annual meeting of the club al the Thf' lifmld Printinc ('oniitHiiv Inc per.s. bv making sure they could ^ education for the Connecticut State estimated at $178,800. The total Admitted today; Don Miller, Sheridan apartments, 'vas arrest­ home demonstration today! xitounif'.'* nf> flrianciai f''viviifihlMf y ff i gani^ation. reaching their own ver- ^ Uoliiisen, spent the first 27 years eral aid Under the 701 program Wilahire Rd., Vernon Viola Fur­ Export Eariiiiigti Pliiiijie the Connecticut chapter of the Oasis Club in East Hartford. I find a place to park even at the A Tlimiglil for Tmlay Department of Education, who estimated value of building per­ NAP. ed last night and charged with in- , fvpftrrapfiicft' •*rmr? api'carlnr Iti nd flirt In the contrast between the, of her life in Norway before com­ which was set up to aid com­ mits issued last month Is $687,- long. 67 High St. William DeBrito of F-a,sl Hart­ and nih»r r»'fifl1np m/iUci husie.st boiirs. Nmv. in a conifilete two nominees Sponaorad by thr Manchdn»‘«id«v I Ilian in suspend llie opernlion of and showed mementos of Nor­ tion department, also took part In of Henry A. Tesaier, .51. nf Ea.sl PHONE Ml 3-4136 r r h'rlrtAy—1 r< m Thuraflav Ihe fa*t, he said, flint they were a year to 18 months to prepare a of occupancy. 39 zoning permits party, with an exchange of $1 was a 9 per cent Increase in tea nating body under the office of master general and. In turn, rec­ Ihe ipeters dining wlial happens uncrnt)< j)a?lv 8 and IH mm Movie Projectors will likely be contacted. B u r k e j .®-‘' PO®«‘ble. lie HR goml as our way. 'H^on Mia uddedadded ' ^ ommiinily Ia>*gue Teams everywhere, inidudlng RIbn-off m goodnoKS ntnl men y must fiurMUo —sound ,nr silent, also 86 nun mnn nuiHt. who h waa not the m il-' norl of nirlatmftft bomi.a. slide projectors. The comprehensive plan will en­ Six teams were formed .Saturday fit lal nu»T)n ni t linj; the Klobe but ' otn aeiiatin/il vftilaliona of oul- f^onnei’tlcut. w*aa nothing more UK through (ho yeuis until Mo finds in the Vernon Community Basket­ than a alooge for VVnIler Reuther, us again, and bringH us lionir re- tail a land uae map, but the com­ the power whit h lifterl It there TTie lof»k HMde, the one baalc and de* WELDON DRUG CO. mission has not decided how far it ball League, with enough members labor lender. loicing, w'ondering why we over on each team tq. make first and J'dt’menf la that, on the Inter* fendahle mle lor parklnR melera Zeller also thought the icii|in>- 901 Main St. Tel. 611 8-8821 will go in detailed planning, Burke Hod siudi love and mho Finally, in •aid. second teams. ronlincntal nilsHllea, preHumed to cal trade ngreements, by ‘'Hliflmg" lovo. He takes us out of this Ilfo in that nf aei vlni; the convenience Los.s of earnings during this period The professional firms selected Teams and their coaches are; he ibe prime weftpon of a luture of *lhe HhoppUm puhllr. and they ('onnertirut InduMlncs, hnd »on- to a greater goodness He has pre­ Demons. Ray Berube; Boston Cel­ Irlbiilrd lo his defeat In this pared for ua In Ihe Father's House, would not be covered by ordinary fire for interviews by the Planning We^r in which we And Ruaau nilffht do fill that role, even IhoUKh we Commission are all established tics, Michael Bryne: Black Eagles, llinilghl. be Ignoicrl fwn ttUllgH. tho w hore we enjoy His love forevoi. in.surajice—but WOULD be covered Tom Lotus; Warriors. Edwin Rem- puah-hutton hlaat each other from pretend dllfeienlly al nirlal uifis IIImI being that the re«ipro(al firms that have worked in this area Rev. Krich Brandt by Busine.sa Interruption Insurance. on towns comparable to Vernon. kiewicz;-Huskies, Willard Kuhnly; our respective contlnenla, we ha'c;„^u^nn Hut the diTHiii «miiinunilv Irnde [imgrain vcii.h n I>emociatm and Ravens, Len Lucia. TRUCKLOAD SALE fimgram In tlie fli.'d phue. and the If you don’t have Business Interrup­ The Planning Commission was been behind Ruftftift but have now of the futuie, tf such ahould ever, set up at the annual Fire District The program of the community ser-orul being wdnit could have been tion In.surance. call our office today league sponsored by residents of caupht up to where Riiaaia wfta arrive, wouhl have enough leiilinl his own post mortem realiznlion, WE SELL meeting in July 1957. Kran Kil­ and let ua tell you how this coverage patrick is chairman. Other mem­ rural Vernon for boys in that about A year acn \^’hete Ruaxwi Iv lo»nlcf| flee parUmn nieu In which wna thni f’ongiesarnnn Maw area, will open Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. at may have (fone In the meantime who endorsed the program. niHfle can be apjilied to your busijpess . bers are Henry Wiitanen, recre- guarantee the convenience of all tary: William John.son and Robert Vernon Elementary School. Town In the way of further projrreaa. no- ahoppera witjiout meters, in any the beat run of anv flepnhln nn on and city officials have been invited 6 d a ys o n ly Nov. 4 Priddy. bo«ly la aayinp aeaaon MONEY ORDERS to participate. Tlipse apei'lflc rraami.s, in theiu- City Meeting Tonight Bibles Given Church Our Amerban pride m the AI selvrs, could )in\e hnd almo.Hl noth- Pay blit* whi/a you SHOP The annua! city m eting for ap­ Mrs. Frederick Maharan of Ban­ laa waa. then, anmething lempe»er| nm to r\n \^ilh the Ho\’ 4 result proval of the budget will be held croft Circle has given 24 copies of and chaatenef) by the realization Kxquifiilf KnHiiiPis Hut tlie fnct that the ilefealed enn- today at 8 p.m. in City Court the King James Edition of The didate proflmerl them nil, m hi.a room. that It wna not a feat of lender tn what haa aeeined lo be the PINE PHARMACY Holy Bible to the First Congrega­ obert J* Voters will be ashed to approve tional Church of Vernon, in mem­ ahlp, but one of rntrhinp up tvpirni poat*war wunler. there haa a proposed budget of $349,.')76 for ory of her husband who died sud­ Now the report, nnoflnial and nlwava been a fteflnite enrh’ »old the fiscal year ending Nov. 15, denly on Thanksgiving Day in unronflrmefl, that Rnaatn hna been enap. fricid enouph to frdjhlen all 1959. This budget, about $6,200 1957. teat-flylnK ti ' world'a flral pinnr of UH into mil red flannel inenlall* R less, than the 19.58 budget, has been The Bibles Were dedicated at the equlppefl wllb a nuclear power tlea 'Huh would uauallv roineenriv REAL E8T MITH plant, bilnpa the ndmiM.mnn, whi'h III l»ccnnhei 'nten, aftri we lind 968 MAIN ST. la offninl, ttinl we arc probably tic« oiue mentMlIy adiualeil to the INSURANCE INOUKPURATBD Rome lime behind the Huaatana !n Idea nf a lined winter, there would I in da A crott from Oak St. MORIARTV f f l MAD4 S i m s riAtOR — TEL. Ml f-5241 the malter of nuclear flight Oner ( ome Die nmi white Chilatnina. and Shn[) 'ii ...... - - • )?ain, then. Knaaia neema to he the mild New Year a l)av, an 9 to 12 of ftkUl aa It la a mallei of cboire la no mgn of Inter mlldneMa nne and am|>hnMa tbini: to tie noted about It la that It It fteema to he fnitiv wHl eatnh did not, aflei all. rarr\' out the fPSCIAL llahftd that we miFht hn\e been Ih C|l,below zcio ihienta of the weather­ Aral to win Ihe uorM a hejnllln man, aa the Iviilt’al p<. oi oi •ntnif It WMM not lo hf* caui;ht, thla win­ tion tliat our baale proKrnpi nf ter. ataitlnR out with- a freaklah Sea our talecfien of . . miflsile ))owci hIkiuM indil piioiti\ < oM aniip It »'f)iild not !nftlnlHln. ‘'lt COMPARI WITH OTHERS over any Incidental iHuncblii^ of a Intendn to work lift way down to­ • DOLL CRIBS and CRADLES Batelllle, we let the Uiiaainna make ward zeio. and then below* It. with PRES SILLIN^ POR $ 5 0 MORI • DOLL COVER SETS the flraL ef^iit, wlm ti am t eciled. a lold-btonded Rradualneaa which • Full size . . . Dial teruion Rlmlliuly. V 0 do iu*l know uliere will enai»le It to atny down once ■®uy tree! • DOLL CARRIAGE PADS • Sessa forward and reverse we mtpht he today In the fle\elop* It Rota there, 'niore will alwaya, • Hinged preaaer foot aews over pin* unit) the and, be aomethlnR a little inent of a nuclear plane if we had • DOLL PILLOWS IlKoth • Automatic darner for mendinf . ever devoted ouraclven ain^le- wnrae si ill to come. 'BEFORE LOSSES HAI>PEN, • AuUmmUc bobbin winder mindedlt* t*i m kIi an t^iije. ine Don ! blame ua for Ihta weather 12482323235348532323534823235353482323992353534848482353532353535348534848 NVaahlru; I on, for renaona l•l^ lllana peHHinuam. It ta no mood of ours; INSURE WITH LAPPEN" do not beirln to fnihom. baa k e p t'" e bate the Whole luialneaa. It la. rhfLnp'h'ii Its mmd nn the qup'itlon hnwoM i the cifcren of avnry har- P^rtyf of A niu lfMi' plum', liit ninj,; • t K it will bo n wlnloi- to b.o etulinod CHARGE PLAN CREDIT CARD hftft jfund rrnann to tiHxr nurb Mowrxor, iho .spirit ami loth- CMRpori with stliftrs of $100 mort doubts, I'tMlinpH tills Uu.Msinti iiini\- nlque oi am ir onduiRtn o nio avnll- .stroaity. If it rxi.Mt.s m initliiiii; nhlo It \xHs Sunday morning, aa SWING NEEDLE ZIG ZA6 morn Ihnn n pikn lini.i niiN' |*mu • that n \ and finiima uiml wna at tlcftl point nf vtrw. military or itB hetRht,' Ihftt a flight of 100 Wl*e ChiistmM shoppers know there’s s way to make shopping painless . . . and that’s with MOST IMPORTANT PACKA8E MODIl POBTABU f Ivillnn < vtlai wux w iiig.a, Ihoir bioa.xta like The Manchester Trust Company's popular CHARGE PLAN CREDIT PLATE. Here’s how it • Mend* In nn\ rn.sr. wr i|o nnl knu\s how Iho faint winr of wliitor (wlllglit works: (1) Apply for your CREDIT PLATE s i s member store------there are 66 psrtidpatihg IN THE HOME • l>ama far we tnighl hK\r progren.-cd If ^ ek,\'. tln-ir uiiig-Mpnt.M .Mriirlet vivid, Manchester merchants—or at either “Trust Company office (2), Make your purchases In s '• Appliquaa we hnil I oni'cPtnilril Mnnio efforl ! *»d mil i\ feBlIier ruffled even • Embroiders member store; (3) Sign the sales slip; (4) Once a month “The Trust Company” will send you This man's Homeowners Policy is the most on developing b nurlenr idnnc We j when Ihe hrnnrhrM on which they YOUR important “package” in his home because it • Sews on lac* have not yiven Ihc pro|nt nny l"'iched Hwnved ernzily In Ihe one carefully itemized bill covering all your purchases. With Christmas rapidly approaching protects all the others! Pick up .vour p^ione • S«wa on butlona .such priority and riiiphmjjN, jgii.its. nppenied on jjiir Mcene In d<»n't wait! Recome a CHARGE PLAN member today and start doing all your shopping the • Makaa buttonhole* PHARMACIST nowfor drop into our convenient ground floor ALL WITHOUT Meanwhile, houtnri. \.e hnvr luiiACBt nniUifhna plp.^. They were convenient way I office, for full information about this remark­ ATTACHMENTS had our piece nf Btonuc pionecnng. |'hh chIiu biuI le'iolule ae the,\‘ were able Homeowner.s “package’’ covering nearly all In a flehi « hri r \M' Ilid nu e nloruii , ex'l'iiaile And If such B fBiilBellc Bv years nf training, your pharmuci.'.t major hazards, including fire, water damage, power priordy VVe did nnt fnol In I pirce of InvellneB.B Intend! to »ur- is nn exacting scientist. theft, personal liability and many others. AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG our IntcnlKMi to develop a niicleai time w intei ahoBd. lo can the As s member of the community health team, eubmannr, ainl there la every eyl- cnidtr, vigher rest of ua. IxMtk for Hia familiar grean . Youi; questions or rate quotations on any MOBIL m POBTABLI he i.s a dedicated professional man A dente lhal wlml we h«.e achieved i ______•_ _ and gold CHARGE PLAN EM­ fo riP '^ insurance will receive our immediate • Haa all the fc«turaa of la not any headline fluke, but a -______' Yet he is a businessman engaged in serving BLEM displayed by tha •fi attMticm, with no obli^tion whatever to buy. the Swing Needle ZiaZag , Manchaatar marchaata. Bolld achloveoient for practical uae. plua “Built-in SMlT' to I yxnir needs not only as a supplier of medicines \ i / -

.'1 /. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1958 PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, 8IANCH18TER, OONN^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1988 fA G E MDIR House; Cuto Scout Pack 88, Den 8, U.S. Qefansa Savlnga Stamps, S ment AaaodaUw, a Boston eon- M d f e, Maas. Mambsra of Um par­ Industrial Group suiting firm. j Z ip^r Club Plans Andover gestions are completely unac­ slana. "InsiaU on what it caila free Photgzmmms^, 8oel«ty of Motion Coventry St 6:80 fjn „ home of Mra. Clar­ 8 s.m.i' RoMrtson 8ch(X>l. Paint Sets iah who wlah to attend aro aakad Some Allies Favor ceptable to the Allies even as a ence Atnldon; Civil Defense flrat Also, Rotary Club, 6:45' p.hi., Also schedultd for discussion to- elecUons. It delibctatriy ignores Clarke to Speak Plcturo and Tblovlrion Engtiiaors, nlgkt is the progress being made Framw — OOs — Ounraa to ^ tify Richard Eadle of Bunker subject for negdtljttlon. the circumstance that two c 21 Details will he announced Tile publie Is Ini’ited . Mrs. PIbyd In town. No matches, tries’7" Re.servation.s should be made by Firemen have acknowledged a glass or sharp gifts may he ac­ FoUawlng the magaaine report. Thursday «ith Mattacchiorte. check In the amount of $405,19 cepted. Miss Katherine Hagen, mualc su­ whose telephoiir is tisterl in the from Us Women's Auxiliary to ap­ Mrs. Floyd has requested that pervisor, will lead the group In ply to the Ambulance Fund, as EVERY NIGHT TILL 9:00 Willimantir diredory ail contributioiui be left'at the col­ community stnging. I>anrlng will be from 9 pm . to prm ceds of a recent bazaar. lection centers Mfore noon Dee. 13 Instead Of the usual grab bag or Another check In the amount of STARTING WEDNESDAY NIGHT INCLUDING SATURDAY 1 a m, to nuisir of Allyn (Tark's Challenge Sale j since they will be delivered to the exchange of gifts, a free will collec­ oerhest ra S.VtO was received from the Worn hospital that weekend. The glfU tion wUl be made and the inoftey Folio (linie en's Auxiliary In fulfillment of Us win then be sorted and tagged raised will be used to purchase There will be a Salk vareine pledge toward the Building Fund. with the name of the patient for Christmas gift for the patients at polio rllnlr from 9 .30 a m. to Piitliick Planne>esl constables h v< been rov­ iliary members who plnp In du vol nothing held back—don’t miss this Challenge sale value! ering the town In private cars tinleer service at this’Inslllulloii. equipped with two-way radios Attending will be Mrs. l-oiils A sinre Thursday when the Police Steullet, president, Mrs Marlon V Misses and Women's Patrol rnilser was taken to a Wll- (Irogory, Mrs Charles Rsiscb and llmantle dealer for repairs. The Mrs. Henry Koi her of North Wind cruiser Is expected to be In use hsrn. Soft leathers, glamour fabrics again by tomorrow, according to Kveiite T imIs.v Men's Nationally Known Make of Fine Mrs. I..eo T. I^eary, public relations Evening unit meeting League of Warm Wool Gloves i chairman Women Voters, 8 p m . Boolli-Dl FAVORITE SLIPPERS Patrol Arrests mock Memorial Library: North Tliree persons srreal.d by the Coventry Women’s Club Christmas Long Sleered Sport Shirts SWISS Rityulor 1.99 loral patrol are scheduled fo sp- psrty, 8 p in., Church Community 4 Mott popular new ityle of the year. . . and you uve a Wow! The selection it ftb- p r. ulout. Above are juit 4 of handsome 30% if you pur- | the terrific nluei you’ll find chase during this tale. Mir­ 0 at Grantt. All ttylet, fabrict; ...lUtsd at 19.98 acle Orion ia completely 2 for $1 2 for $5 cottiy leathert. Same com­ pofr • Meclr resfstanf washable, never needs V fort features found in high- • ffectrealceily tf«e

'Women's Smartly Styled Children'S Estron and Rayon Girls' 7 to 14 Gift Slippers Sleep Cover Winter Coats W CHALLENGE SALE!

a ro^ular 2.98 volut SPEClAi A VVldt* chnlrc of HtyloJi tn- regular $2936 le $39.95 values rlutiiiih* a fur trtmmiMl Our lowest price ever for thig ni

filC* TODDLER’S ■««. 4JM. WOMEN'S SPECIALS BOYS' SPECIALS MEN'S SPECIALS 0vtrSI«i|Mr 147 WASH 'N WEAR-BEO. MS u m m i Rag. lAO omUnUBN'S Reg: 2JR S I N|lMt I7c ^ r t Shirts Spart SMrli Reg. 2M 147 BHilqrKiitLMf SMrf '^ 1 .1 7 a 1.99 vd u * B iU M t 1.77 BswTitMABsIlSst Reg. 1A6 R lw Da a ii Balt Sat Reg. IJSO 147 aKTHOOUinUUr R eg. Z.49. Also liuiudetl In this group a $2.99 value a $2.98 vdlue HiaiwariMri Rag. I jM €70 BswTisMiSs^tSsf Reg. 1.00 (7c Laathar Slifipars aixi sueiii* flannel ililrts . , . Fine quality corduroy longees with Otrinrif Slaikt 147 n wonderful array of pat­ Choice of navy, gray or blue R e g .'8J 8. BtMd Ptarlt ' R«v. IB# 970 Fur lined. Reg.3.99. tern* . . all ln-slze*'6 to 18. a full flannel lining. Boxer waist Paskags Hass (7e . . . all li'ith colorful suede . ■ ■ all popular colora. SisM 3 to 6x. flannel lining. Sizes 4 to 12. 177 F lU M l I m t R eg. M B 1.17 4 psir/to pRckage. Reg. 1.00. Haarfkarehiafs Reg. 2.96. Braa90l0lh Pajanua R«g. ibbI47 Package of 10. Reg. 1.00.; rhtldrcit’s.M **^* HiiNlligi 157 _ BraaialaBi Shorts Reg. 8.98. Wi0b^ W llr Br0H00 ^ 1 2 7 PINGPONe Gift Box Open WrbIi 'n wear. Reg. 69c. re ree Christmas Cards NIvhto tin f P3|L Skirts 197 ii«7J7 TABLE SkatoSaaks ' . me 47a , Bf000ii ' Rag. M l 177 a. m. to 9 I CHILDREH’S BOOTERY MANCHESTER MANCHESTER SHOjPMMa PiULKAM FARKADE PARKADE

^ . I • i ■ j- ■ T

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1958 P A G B T E N MANCHEST8II BVBNINO HERALD. MANCHEgrBR. CONN.. TUESDA^ DECEMBER 2,1^68 EAGlE^iOJi^lBr. tic tank would have to b* in­ llsn. Crowley,, 86 Vernon .Bt; ter, Warehouse Point. Priscilla Bouchard, South Windr L Vernon; Mr*. Anna Welakopp, - ...... -T stalled on the property. Becauae Bernsdme Morgan, Bolton Lake, DISCHARiOED TODAY; Mrs. aor; Jsmea Prentice, 670 Center 70H E. Center Bt.> Mix. Winifred liefeM Haiiowsen of th is year, and waa Weaded narrowly by Re- Hospital Notes Vernon; ^ra. Marcia Trapp and Ora Bickford, 236 Woodbrldge St.; Bt.; Mr*. Nellie Dubanotkl, 181 Connolly and dauihter, 82 Ploc- the waxing ,«f the windows o f the Bolton publieaq^ M in Langen. of the. nature of the ground thl* ence St.; Mrs. OUv# Wllk and jFia^idd ■ GOP D arlin g Farm Plans would lead to a "grave problem ' daughter, 9^ East Bt., Rockville; Robin Karkowskl, South Win4eor; Glenwood St.; Jo*hn Garbsrlni, Nathan Hal* Sodp Shop Halloween, House Incmiry . Aftef announcement that her P-WA Union because drainage from the tank ADM ITTBU YESTERDAY; Mrs. Shirley'Foreman and daugh­ Jdyce Willard, 151 Hartford Rd.; Coventry! Wayne Wsi+en,^ RFD daughter, 71 Hawthorn* S t night huabditd Waa droming hia suit oHRililwMim would flow Into neighboring back­ Adrien ' Robenhymer, 36 Falknof In a idions intarvlaw today, agdintt KjeldahL Rep. XnutSon AVAlLABLk AT' Bacliis May fo^ Harvey said that the wdndbw Due on ^ y a ’s Offer Call for 379 Homes yards, he skid. Dr. I Mrs. lasbelle McClung, 116 Garrity Gives Opinion au ed the House Dectiona Oom- RuMnow also said the dimen­ L^ka Bt.; Franx Yankowakl, 93 breaking incident occurred a num­ mlttee to look into tha matter. ber of year* ago, "befote tha Po-. IK U O irS sions of the proftoaed bouse indi­ North St,; Carol Ann Brazeau, Slate Leader Defeat a t Polls Charging a malicious conspir­ 681 MAOflpnrsBn the*-attractive and desirable homes" cated It would be "kesthetically North Cove.itry; Mrs. Roalana ...... ' .1. -- licf Patrol eaer existed,’’ ai^ that acy, Mrs. Knutson contended her Of Pay Boost Plan* which could lead to 'Hubley, Wapptng; Denise Ray­ sine* thi -inception of the'Police political oppoaition was back of building of a 379-hou»e fubdivielon would have to be built for a mini­ undesirable" for the neighborhood. (OsaffBOOd from Pag»,0|Ml'^ On School Sites Vote 8-^44- mond, 73 Horton Rd.; Mr*. Mar­ Patrol “ things have beeii. very (Oohtlim^ from Page One. her husband's "Coya,' Come Heme" (Ooatiiaed tram Pegs Oae) on the Darling Farm tract over a mum price of *16 44.'^. This would, The dimensions were approx­ News about the New Rockets! garet Schmidt, West Willtngton; quiet" and he has experienced efforts earlier this year. 10-year peridd were revealed at a however, be a "very aaleable imately 20 by 6(tfcet. r^onty S^inpiiUpe would support signed by/knutaon to dismiss the A Spokesman for tbs Interna­ home" be said, because of the Phelon countergd with a state­ Anthony Loocerello, Thompson- May. T7.-. . little or no trouble in recent years. ppastbUi^y--^t no deoieion nrat offenders betwean the ages of In St. Paul, Minnesota secretary ublic hearing held by the Town vllle; Johanna Knochenhauer, 25 According ..to , JUiyzim,. Harvey would M rMChedNq- tomorrow’s case was enough. tional AsMciatlon of Machinists WINDOW SHADES P'lannlng Commiealon laat night In price. „ ment that no aeptid-. tank would be "I have talked to Ed May," 16and2L o. State Joseph Donovan re­ Ridgewood St.; Mrs. Elizabeth was *0 ’' fUWrUtpd” of , U vttg e achdol site rcfereftdunKjM been State Sen. Herbert ' Bundodk (AFLrCIO) said the pay offer was the Municipal Building 10-Year I’lan Installed and that a'^ house valued Morano added, "and have oMjmun- Witbhut explaining why. Flta- ceived notification yesterday that approved by the company’s work­ When Shea once again took the at approxim ately 325,000 would be Skoglund, 1 Union Pi.; Mlai Bar­ icated our decision to M gangs whlch.rbamed tbe arda that ruled out by Town ODiuiMF4|erold ,(R.Bridgepert), chairmait of the the elections comriittee will look LONG KVEARING Development of the tu) was afraid of - reprisale if he Oarrity.' commission, said yesterday that g e r ^ said hla operatives have ers at the large Blast Hartford divlalon off Keeney St depends, floor . he said plans rail for the built on the lot if the change waa bara Cook, 4Ul \ aln St.; ’Umberto ready, willing and ableJ^VIpieUayel into Mra. Knutson’s charges. Palumbo, 142 Prospect Sl„ Rock- <■ i^ylftined,' about the damage Garrity gave'iuB opinion in r e j^ Mraons committed to' the camp beM watching Mrs. Knutson'a it, and branches at Manchester, INnRSTAtE CLEANTEX however, on the decision to be erection of S.'ifl such homes over a granted. to rebuild the party in apartment. „ Otairmah Clifford Davit (D- hvUle, Meriden and Southing­ made by the Commission reguding in-year period Twenty addition­ Another hearing last nignt dealt ijle ; Joseph Naudzus, 2B0 Hilliard and to .make it a col«^y«,-.edOMT’'' to ;hta property. to an- Inquiry by Raymond E. would be put to " work - with the e St,; Mrs. Anna Yaworskl, 17 Meeting last night, Coopfii.who will-be moderator for Sitatk-Park .nnd Forest;, Commla- / Mrs. Knutson declined to talk Tann.) told Donovan In a tele­ ton. the rone change sought by b'lii'^ei al iionica m the higher priced with a request from the ,,Oak getic, $2.25 gntb T«or *• RnBen bracket would hr built on the more Kerry St.; Mrs. Agnes Kamor, 76 ui','.’ ,Selectman - trislted Nathan the ruerendum. tion. with newsmen yesterday. A mem gram that Mrs. Knutson's com­ The company’s employes at the Frank Wood ow*ner of the iso acre I,^dge Motel pn Tolland Tpke, (or ber of her office staF aald she was plaint "eatabllahes a prims facie desirable lots in the AA Zone If Devon Dr.; Mrs, Arlene McCarthy. ill* Soda Shop, own«Kl by Clar- ' Voting will take place tomorrow Bundock "said that for mapj’ North Haven factory are repre­ PULL LINE OP UUBTOM trael a zone change from existing Rural staying with Mrs, Knutson. The (at Aral! view) caae requiring tn- sented by the United Automobile Wood has been trying iinsiic. ess ihi.s zone change is authorized by Residence. Residence AA and Res­ 19 Thompson St,, Rockville; Roy tlons." r. 'e ^ e .Crane to check the complaint from 8 a.m. tq^t p^m. at the Oom- first offender* g'-griabn or refoi-tn- Ihe T P r he .said Vaughan. 122 Avondale Rd., Mrs. registered by Jibyzim. miuilty Hall. 'Voteri will east a atory aentence i* ttukjf'worat thing a‘de said the did nut know where veatigating by the committee.” He Workers (AFL-CIO), which nego­ VENETIAN BLINDS fully since l»Sh to have II,e prop idence A lo a Business II Zone. Zellei^&Oat*«r^^ Knutson was living. ’ erty reroned from niiral Kesidenre Attempting to bring sewer lines Della Morin, Wapping; Mrs. Helen the ma< . C ri^ . told, them that In viSw “yea”' or "no"-ballot in favor of in the world.” , said a meeting wlM be called to tiates separately. They weren't In­ Ally. Shea, representing the urchaae of the Roae property oA He aald the 'Idea of 4Ji6>plan is Differences betvzeen the Knut­ consider a course of action. volved in $he wage talks. BO he could utilise ihe land for sub min Ihe present Fliiral Zone ami ' motel, said the request was being Middicbrook, 14 Dover Rd.; Judith he was' o f the thlnga .Ht h'd done when prnraling Ihe i i-st among less than I Rhuda. 188 Tahner St The :p,ttoil«^4'-th6re gteele’s' Grossing’ Rd. at accost ot to give the youthful first bffehders sons became news laat spring Prior to the new increases, the division purposes made because Oak 1,-odge had been he., was a. teenager he thought when Andy publicly appealed to E. A. JOHNSON At la.st night f nueiing. Wood 1!00 hemes w ith targe lots and I ADMITTED TO D AY : RuXaell apjteari nsinctwbln, o^ xh wixlng windows was a rather 125,000; the Bolton-Toomey tract an opportunity to. be Mbabilltatei BUI Hartack la the Arat Jockey lowest labor grade received $1.86 operating on a variame -granted at Boltofl Center, at $30,000; and The comirifttee 'kleo luggeatcd Mil. blonde wife to give up politici to win the United Nations Handi­ an hour. Seven cents added'to it repesled his offer, ma le months larger- ^ frnnlages wasn’t feasible | In May 1047, when it was first boftus, Siidbiiry, Mass. sitlon t| 'ord County Oon- irlld pastime for Hal'oween and ago, to share half the cost with the ecnnoniical!\' Siiea saifi, so It I the Swanson Farm at Blwndy St., several minor. change* In the and'"return home. He Is a Hotel cap at Atlantic City on two ocea- will bring the pay to $1.93. The PAINT GO. hiiill. BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A son greesm he did not feel it was worth reg­ town of lUnnlng a trunk sewer frnni ^^.^uid liave to be "septic tank I He 0'gatn-6ta- thought at $35,000; or to reject the pur­ itate’a penal system as it complet­ opcratoF'ljt Oklee, Min.. sieni. Hs scored with Closed Door higheet labor grade has a top ot .Shea aald at the time the motel to Mr. and Mrs. Janies Torrance, istering a pomplaint about. $3.34 an hour, and with the 12 ad­ f-fcrliford ltd lo ttic area if _ tbe | •• Stores; a daughter to Mr and the el :bf a new chainmut '*'1 w atet^ the klda do it and chase of any property by a "no" ed work'on It*, report'40 the 1959 Disregarding this app*6li ^fa. in 1654 and with Blue Choir In 72,n Main S t. teL Ml 9 4 5 0 1 zone change was aulhnriz.ed 'tolnl Dcvelopmen! m an A A Zone was erected it was the first one In vote. Legltlature. Knutson ran for j third term but 1955. ditional cents, it will be $3.46. Ihe area and the variance waa Mrs. Raymond Fenn, 89 Apcl Pi : should t,/!pr«ir.ogatlye of^ tha knodr who thCy are. They are some ro.si cf .such a project hn.s been j 2»>.'i dwelling also was not State Atty. Garrity pointed out in hie granted to see how the business a son to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ■*" mem* .of’ -my beat customers," Crane written reply that the basic ques­ rriimalpfl by W’ater and ^''_wer ; because tile cost per house Clancy, 167 Highland St-: a son bers." sajd. ■ ' , -' Pepnitment Siiperiniendenl If'red ex( esslve There w-ouldn't would he operated. tion being voted upon tomorrow Is Tile motel Is now well eatab­ to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warren. - LoywM*also aald-that be did not -whether or not to buy a school site. Thi-nll a' JRn.nnn be enough hoii.srs to Justify the Andover. Woo'd originally wished K- have llshed. he said, and should be want to .preaa personal charges Secondly, he said, the vote will cnal of inslalling Ihe hnei^ he said. BIRTHS TODAY: A son to Mr, Ihe enure tra< I rezoned from Ruial placed in Its proper zone There arc Con Ualnst Odiiain directly but unless show a preference for one of three The area is "not that desirable lo several such business zones near­ and Mrs. John Flucklger, 52 Grove tbo.. Selectmen ' did aomething I-oscden, (■ to nesidence A Zone, Justify Ihe AA Zoning," he .said sites; It 'follows, the town counsel bill was lUMicd down by Ihe TP<' by. he pointed oiil St., Rockville; a son lo Mr. and todiard seeing that the patrol, re­ said, that the total "yes" vote cast The alternative plan Is the one Shea said If the change was Mrs. C. Malcolm UaFrancis, Oder organized tinder, better leadership! MAN^HESnR SHOPPING PARKADE Iasi Mai-h after il considered Ihe for all school sites will apply being presented to the TPe, Shea granted, Ihe building could either Mill Rd„ Bolton; a daughter to he might be forced to. proposllion for niaiv- mon.ths. said, bringing the sewer lines Into agalnat thd vote cast for no site. In his preseni ref|uesl Wood pro­ be sold Or improvements made to Mr. and Mf"- Roland Folsy, 22 19S9 OUSMMIU NMiTT-lieMT HOUDAY SCWtCOUrt- shield. All share the smooth, serene “ Glide” Ride— Loyzim did not elaborate on If the "yes" vote prevails, then the the area and having 389 smaller meet competition from other Ward St., Rockville; a daughtar to poses to haty all bill in acres of homes In the flat A Zone to help Rear Mat paMengers ride under a aky of pu n Safety- behind the quiet and economical Rocket Enginel The what he meant by pressing per­ Bite getting the greatest number of the ti ac| rez!oned from ftiirsl lo motels In the area which have been Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bukowskl, carry Ihe cost and having the 20 Plate Glaai, especially proceaeed and tin W to block SoeniCoupe is available at your local autborind PoKre Patrol sonal charge*. votes would, be the one preferred Residenee A TTie smaller and built In the last few years. Ellington. He further said that unless the by the voters. "m ore desirable " high portion of larger homes In Ihe AA Zone on Other Hearings DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; out the eun’a rayal Front seat paasengen ahare the Oldamobile Quality Dealer’s in all thme seriM— the choice location on Ihe hill Representative - elect Stephen administration did something to It had been (eared that If each the land he v iahed to have zoned Selling It would be difficult, he Emil Panteleo, 267 Porter Bt.; Ruel beauty of Oldamobile’s new Vista-Panoramk: wind­ Dynamic 88, Super 88 and Ninety-Ei^t. which has s "good view snd shade aald, withmil the proper zoning, Loyzim met with the Coventry correct the Situation the "people” of the four Items facing the vot­ AA Wicks, 67 Glenwood St,; Mrs. Val­ trees.” ami the contemplated Improve­ Board of Selectmen last night and would see that there was a new ers Were considered individually, Ttie to acres is a .150 by 1.200- erie Downs, 70 Haynes St.; Mrs. complained of, the leadership of administration to do something then the split of the "yes" votes fool reclangiilar strip .With one of The smaller homes would cost ments can't be made hecaiiae of the Stella Sturgeon, 48 Lake St.; Mrs. 316.800 snd up, he said, while the variance restrictions. the Coventry Police Patrof. next year. would give unfair advantage to Ihe narrower ends bordering on the Arlene Legere, Coventry; John MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES, Inc. - 512 West Center Street Loyzim, who said last night he those voting “no" in the total. norihet-n property line of the tract others would probably cost around No opposition was expressed to Taylor, 61 Waddell Rd.: Martin Loyzim concluded that while a 328,000. I Ihe proposal by those sllending the was appearing as a citizen, a tax­ number of people he has spoken and psrMally dividing Ihe farm Reale, 160 Charter Oak St.; Wll- payer and a member of the Board Advertisement— property. "This Is not a i rash type pro­ hearing to are in favor of aboliihing the gram.” Shea said, "hut will extend Henilngs were also held on the of Finance, has a running fued patrol altogether, he does not (eel When Buying or SelliM Bolton For more than a houi last over a 10-year period" i rc-siibriiviston of two Inls and on ■i.iairwi 'Si»«*W4- wesWIHI -',14 J^lr»^S|lPB^»>^lc^l)^^Besi Jlli||MIII'OI*!(»«WX|iX'milllW»’ 'X»X ';|yitli .(he Selectmen over thfe ouster this should b4 done. He does feel Property call Lawrence F. Fiano, night plans for the area and rea­ ; Konwoofl n propon#'d EtJbdlvlJilon on • ( Patrol Chief John Cousin. that the patrol should be reor-^ Broker. Phone MI 6-5910. sons why the pyeaent zone changes Hiilld on .Spe<.|ilatl(m 4 BIG DAYS and The basic plan, he said, lx for I t 'nion St Although he did not mention ganiaed under different leadership, are being requested were present­ Wood lo atari Ihc aubdlvIaloM wilh I Anflrou- Ansaldi liM-n) rontriu- •Coussin by namen last night he Loy- he said. Manchester Evening Herald ed bv Atty. John F. Rhea .Ir three or four "nttracllvely huill toi’. wlwhf’fl to rr-«iibdivide* two lot« Manchester Shopping Parkade Open every nite till iiim told'tho■ .SelectmoO^at...... he felt Bolton Mrreepondent Mrs. Doris .Shea first traced the history of Earlier ' thla year Loyzim re­ WEDNESDAY thru SATURDAY home.x" on a apeculallve basis He [on Itw* roin cr of K, MIddIr TpUr •there something-ei^ng when DTtnIia, telephone Mitchell 8-6545 the area for the last few years. quested that the Selectmen have woiilil then sell off Ihe rest of the iRud Kiirl at. Eo thry will fm> on [^uBlne»«nel(f>;in; the Malti St, area OFSN SATURDAY NIGHT TILL 9KM Introduced aerial photographs of STARTING DEC. 3 Cousin removed as a result of a lots lo private Individuals nr to !‘)rtrl St « f S ot^ jO m ^ tO ’.'neaf the patrol Ihe farm and then outlined the statement COusin made to the Youth Camp Proponed builders I AnHHidI bhkI. will allow him Ktsai ;>tatieK:'"aiw having trouble with three possihle uaea for the prop­ press advocating the' lowering of An advantage of this plan, he I to tic *nlo cxlHtinff newer linen and ^uven^'va^liem, the legal drinking age from 21 to Hartford. Dec. 2 liW—The Legli- erty. said, la that II would not be a sub­ ! Rino will Inrrcanc the fronlapc of ' Th*y eelwipen said . they Ijov* 18. At this time the patrol was lature’a Penal Iqatitutiona Com­ The State Development Corn- division wllli "all the homes look lone lot from to 70 fret end the rhad complaints about a.sked to vote on the matter. Cous­ mlsalon had ruled II out as en In mittee has recommended the es­ mg alike," as they do In nnme ^ frontage of thr other from 5^ >et ‘the cinqitgFOFlibtions of the patrol in won the vote of confidence of tablishment of a pilot "youth diiatrlal alte. he said, and It was projects. to 7r>'u feet Thin In denliHble. the and!lh',4]ln^Mid,they are not go- the men. camp" for the rehabilitation of no longer suitable for present-day .Summing up. Shea said 'level- rontrac’tor nald, nlm-e Inrreanlng farming purposes. Therefore, Rhea npment of the area, 1 it were the lot frontage will lead to better I t out at talk* with Bald, the moat practical and mnsi z.oned AA, ran’t he iind»-rtaken npMftng of the hemnen. ^r^lMtrol l6lto" jn the Stanley Rray, lonil I'ealtoi’, In approjiriale use -was for a hous­ bei-ause the houses \^•ouIdn’t be 'Re while yi* Selectmen neeking approval of the Union St ing development. aaleable nevelofunent of the area aln amount of control' niihdlvinlon whleh will rontnin 10 With this eatabllshed. Shea said under rural zoning would mean overUft Jjttrol the chief la elected the next thing was lo examine lotn No opponltlon wan expreaned T>y ;t)m,^trol menfbers and that large lots, amall home.x and sep to either of the two requextn the "economic, undertones,' for tic tanka because the coat of acu the'BIUMRmen have no more au- thorityciodgr. hla selectmeh thap unless It was economically prac­ ermg 11 would be prohibitive Challenge Sale! tical to build hoiijies there il The A-AA Zone plan aubniltled they dii over eelectlon of the chjef ronldn’t be the most apiprnpriale ' tno Volunteer Fire'Department la the "absolute and he.xl plan, " lioynim pressed bti atUck by BUY BOTH Baatn Argument lumr IIparings Shea said, for he "fa-led to see _ vlng ak nxam: ’ " His basic argument, the attor­ how an area v.-it,. aeptii tank.x Jiving ab nxamgllM o f vandalism BOOKS ney said, ta If Ihe farm is lo be­ -the breaking of 40- windows at the can be serving Ihe best interest -pid Mill biqldlng!' o w i^ by ARMrt ROEBUCKSEARS AND CO come a residential area It Is to the of the town frf.ni 'a health anri Slated Today • LOUTA * DR. ZHIVAGO beat Interests of the inwn that it aeathetlc view poinl J. Hanfey, .d*yeral,y6at# ago, the • CHILDREN'S ROOKS should be serviced by sewers snd .destnietli of f aa 'fence-^in’ front «f T il' member En..an" Gara- Before Board -a hcuscN r Main St. the night water lines. However, It Is not venla aakeil .Shea If he thought • 2.000 BOOKS TO CHOOSE PROM flnanrlally possible for Wood lo aiich a plan was gotid zoiilm.. hav­ Four public hcHi-mgs sched­ Scoop! Girls' Famous Makes sewer the area If it Is classified ing 20 houses in an A A Zone sur­ are uled of Direclora' higher than A Zone except for rounded by an Zone for a RohiiI meeting tonight at 8 o’clock In the 20% OFF LIST m w Wm m the one small portion, Shea said Shea replied Ihnl he tlld not Scoop! Municipal Building I mist On In repeating W ood’s offer to con.xlder this Mi-calleil "spot zon­ Coats 0 Coat Sets AND SA V E! contribute 130,000 toward the in They Involve ( 11 sn appropria­ ing" hecaiiae the topography of tion of 3100.000 to build a pump­ stallatlon of the trunk line from the land wax not uniform and that Reg. 14.98 Kariford Rd. Shea urged action ing station and force main In the DOLLS on4 CLOTHES Hus W'ouhl nol he s lypicnl hous­ weal end of town; (21 a 312,000 before the new highway ( fU fii ing developmenl was built. appropriation to pay for Vernon 19.98 All Nylon REVLON SILL Besides, he said, there are not THAT’S RIGHT! HOW-YOU GET BOTH KENMORE If the town waits until the high­ St. aldewallt repairs: I3i a $2,800 Choice winter coats and .4li\t’k set,a . . . cla.s.3ic SAFE loo many places left in town rom- appropriation for printing the GINNY TOM way la built and then decides to paral'e to the properly In Ihe and fitted st.vles . . . all from our regular mak- put In Ihe sewer line, the expense town clinrler and town ordinances proposed A A Zone, and he fell this cr.s. Fine wools, wool fleeces. Coats in sizes 7 Pram will be much greater hecaiiae the m loose-leaf form; and (4 1 a pro­ waa Ihe heal and must appropriate i OFF line will have to rrosa beneath posal to Install 4-foot sidewalks on to H : I’OHt and .slack .sets in sizes 3 to 6.x; coat, WASHER AND DRYER FOR LESS THAN YOU’D use for choice land. the road, he said the nortli side of W Middle Tpke,, hnt and legging sets for tots 2 to 4. Snosuits Several other queallnus were from Tower Rd. lo Ihc Dairy rnntlniilng, Shea said Wood's asked by TI’ C members about the BOXED contribution of 1.30000 was by no Queen. type houaes and Ihc aewerlng In Three Board subenmmUtcea will means the end of the amount of Ihe propoaed subdivlaloi,. report on aludles concerning es- Scoop! Boys' and Girls' EXPECT TO PAY FOR MANY WASHERS ALONE! money hla client would put Into K.sported opposition to the pro- labllahment of a publle worka de the project. jiosed zone change on the grounds partmenl. the lown'a fiscal po.xi HEATING CHRlSTMAis CARDS The attorney said Wood con­ thai a large aubdivislon In the Hon. and leaamg Jown-owned land Zipper, .,qullt-Iined, all A f templated contributing -3340,000 area would Intensify the reported lo the Country Club Snow Suit Sale Just for aewera In Ihe aiibdlvlalon nylon pram snowsuits overcrowding In the K iney 81. The Board will also: . . . beautifully embroi­ 130OUTOM39 2 for $1.00 If Ihe zoning changes were al­ School did nol materialize. Three 1 Conalder ratifying Its appoint dered! Enclosed hands lowed. and would spend an addi­ area residents did. apeak agalflit menl of Ally. Phillip Rnyei as and bootee feet. HARTFOM^ lUILDERS Rag. $1.00 Voluot ooek tional 3263,000 for 26,3.30 feet of II, however, on the grounds that town counsel highways In the development 10.98 the value of Iheir properties would 2. Consider authorizing Ihc slail which would have 370 houses If the deprermle if the zoning change of ronti'Hcl pinna and sprclflca Perfect gift idea . . . a warm snow suit for USE OIL IN THEIR area Is ever fully developed was gran led Hons for Ihe North End Jiimni ('hri.stmas! Bu.v now and save! Choo.se from Before this amount of money Action Tabled high School, provided It l.s ap­ nylons and cotton sheens. Orion pile or quilt- OWN HOMES . . ; BOTH O N LY was expended, the saleahlllty of No adlnn waa taken by the proved In a I efereiKliim today lined. ijizes 2 to 4: 3 to 6x. R E E D % Inc. Ihe lots and houses had to he taken Scoop! Cummissinn last night as the 3. Conalder accepting deeds to Inlo consideration. Rhea said. lie meniher.x wished lo study tran­ Mountain Rd from Garth Rd lo MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE then called Warren E. Howland a Us« Your Charge Account script of Uie hearing E. Middle Tpke , for (T oft Or. and costs less too lo, III realtor, for an opinion re- Diexel Hr. off Burnham .SI . fi r Reg. 1.98 Marlin Alvord, Tpr chairman, g'lrillng laiiil and hniiaing values Nelaoii PI. from Mrs. Bridget A said Ihe ('ominlsslnn'a decision Howland sahl that l.f Ihe area Meiz, and for a 40-foot atrip of would he based on whetlirr the was developed under the pre.seni — ------1^ Arctic Weight proposed zone changes would be loud on Ihe east side of Veinmi Zoning, 206 niral lots could he laid ihe best plan for Ihe development- St out If all the farm properly was of the whole area: 4 Receive leports on amis Sleepers hroiiglil against the town by Cal- used WhetherVIl w-aa all usable "We must consider the beat was queatlonable, he said, and ar- use of the land for the town and Ilata Petersen, 8 Cooper SI . add SriiM 1/ 111 ki S \I O\S tnallv only about 148 or 180 lots also the potential development. I Anna Dzlordzl. 88 School 81 NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS could be laid out. have seen some fine AA Zone 8 Consider proposed rules on Not SAleahle Price developments ' he aald. purchasing procedures. Figuring the road and sewer Alvord also said population 6 Hear recnmmendal ions by 9|3 M^NSniEBT MANCHESTER rrnHf phis-a "reasonable profit" for density In the area must be con- (ieneral Manager Rlchni'd Marlin Plaetlc-soled, 2 piece TIL FEBRUARY 19591 the subdivider, these lots ^oiild aldcreil, " nnt Just how sewers and to n|ipolnl a new charter revlslcin knit sleepers In aizee 0 have to sell for 38,423. Howland utilities will be brought In" commission and niilhonze a $4,000 to 3. Never before said, and there was nothing In the In answer lo a fliuil question profeaalonni review of the town s priced 10 low! area to justify such a coal. No asked by TI’ C member I’ hllllp Har­ position classlficallnn and salary rural Iota are priced that high, he rison. Hhra said there was a de­ range plan added'. finite possibility that reslrlcllve O U R A minimum house for a rural deeds would he consldereil If llic zone would cost 313,200 plus the zone change were granted. cost of the lot which would bring At anolhei hearing laal night ToUaui! County Scoop! 19 Month o« th» price lo 318,880.; This would a request was ennsldered from W. SUPER not be a "competitive price ' in ft Tinker, who wishes a building Superior Courl today's market, he said, and "the line change made on properly he Boys' 2 pc. *5 DOWN Paymont Plaii house* wouldn't sell." If Ihe price owns on Boulder Rd of the sevver line for each house Tinker wants a 2.’’i-fool line .six more Jiiroia have been called was dropped and aeptlc tanks In­ changed lo 18 feel so he can erect for duty during present aessioji of Pajamas stalled Instead, the price would be a house on Ihe properly. A lly; Tolland (,’ounlv Superior Court WB fIRVICI VTHAT WB BfLL lowered by 3700, Howland added. Herherl Phelon. repreaentlng They ai>s Abraham 1- Brooks If ths properly were all zoned Tinker, said his client wanted the and Edward M Bryan, of Ver­ AA. (which the “TPC has iniUcstrd Change made so the building could non; N(?s • F.lhel Crnmei and Cqll Ml 3-1581 It favors I Howland aaliT 26,8 lots be biilll lo conform to sideline .lo.xeph Bolion, of Ellington, and could he laid out In the .subdivision regiilalions. Mi'a. Celia J Keyiudds and Henry and again, with the cost of iiUlltlea Phelon said Tinker Is’now being Krechko of Tolland. Warm cotton Bannela figured In. the developer would taxed on the land but can’t make The additional names were Ski style pajamas for have to sell the Iota for 34,268. uae of It. He said that if the house drawn to aasuve that sufBclenl boys 4 to 16. However, all of the lot.s on the could be built it would Improve jurors will be available for forth­ Darling Farm were not "rholie the property and would Increase coming cases ill two cases so (at 1 ones", Howland said, and there­ tha value of other properllea In Ihe Ihls Icrm persons had to he railed V' fore this was not a saleable price neighborhood. off the sliect to complete Jurlea There are other lots In town, at Phelon also said water was when a number of Jurors were ex- • OM dial tHliilI KM«in«ailMi,s|iii4riM M i Ro( kledge for example Howland available ananda. eiaee 6 to 12. Also asrana with warm aa'ftir Orton Iw # natng. boys age* 2 to 1 2 . 1 ^ snd water and still tvould not be The attorney also eald it would If allowed to blaze a few momenta cocoa tan! Sliea 4 to 12. Perfect for gift­ itie* 14 to I^ tw e e ^ or atripca, rw. 5.98 Rib knit eoUar and cults. U ms 8 -^ m i 'M 'M n b ixsdUy saleable at this price. To be physically impossible to tie more, could have deatro.ved consid­ ing! Save even more, boy Ui* two pairs to 6.80. a.tt. Husky Mte* in etripea, 26" lo / ' Mostly In natural tan. UnbailavabI* at ■--jot erable property, compMMU, be contlnu^ ‘‘.very Into the sewer Un* end that a sep- for 6.00. - ^ »6" mista, 6.80, EM. |33k80. Teirlflc at Our low flCJi. - ■ , ri ' •=: - i l " ' ■ r . • V . " ibsssm oa FACE TWELVE IfANCHESTBB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN« TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2.1968 MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTE^^ Church (ab.) judges were. Miriam Burgess, Shar- Clifford Treat. David Kosclol, Mariew'k is MoneliMtvr'f ..»ONG TWt TH' ..THAT COULD B£ 17 W a i Mated 9 C u d d le ' 30 E x is t d u c k i as matron of honor. Mrs. Robert tickets may be obtain^ by call­ decorations to be sold st the eOVTHENT? i-on Bldredge and Diana Poulin, Steven . BeSiichene and James PROSPEaOF POWNmaHT 15 Pillars 10 Mum of 33 He has been 44 T a x is Taylor of Ouston, R. I., was Monaghu, Bear ' -tok; James ing Stevens, 16 Femdale Dr., or "Chri.stmas Caravan," an annual mmp RUKJKIINQ OM! THAT'S 48 Rocky crag and ^his contest was won by Dot- htadquortara for G * ROUGH.. 20 D riv in g poetry ------for. a bridesmaid. Monsghan,' 1-yegr pin; Thomas any member of the committee. project apSonsored by the various the fiCV' NOTHING com m and num ber o f 47 Whale (comb, tie Minney and Eddie Muslal. I I M e n u ! John Ballard of Providence, Kittle and Jameti-Monaghan, W’olf units of the Hartford County MENT *U- SI Pfwlar colni roles fo rm ) d Btcftrie Wankefi— ! ^ capacities brother of the bridegroom, was badges. YW CA. It w-ill be held this year ■lOURSELF' of Thailand best man, u d Allister Fraser of Beauticians Plan on Dec, 11 at the Communit.v Y. 22 Com pact 1 J r 1 r - 1 i6 II Providence and Raymond Loomis St. John’s Bazaar The boys were shown some In­ Mrs. Alden Grant, chaii-man of 24 Masculine of Pawtucket seated the guests. teresting slides on model trains For Salon Week Homemakers Holiday, w-ill be as- appellation it The bride's full-length gown was an:' on Insects. The n eeting closed tslsted by Mrs. George Nutter. Mrs. 2< River barritr T" . Saturday, Sunday of white satin. The fitted bodice with M reminder of the Chnstma.. ' Roh»rt McComb. Mrs John Knowl- 27 Paltry psrty on Dec. 14 at 1:30 p.m. at Manchester Beauty Shop ow-nera ') ir a was designed with a sculptured The annual basaar of St. John’s and operators, at a meeting last ton. Mr.« Herbert Kiecolt, Mrs.' 28 Pa ite n in c TfTM the school. i , device neckline snd long tapered sleeves. Church will bi held Saturday, from evening held at Mias Bernice Juul’.'i I Rockwell Richmond. Mrs. W. J ' ^ THAT. it il A li Her veil of illusion, of fingertip i Dobson. Mrs. Daniel Taylor, Mrs. fte^MVbSAR? 30 Honey-maker i m 1 to 5 p.m., and Sunday morning, studio, 99 E. Center St., di.'cu.ssed 31 C ra fty fl length, was held in place by a from 10 to 12.' Paiier Hikes Price plans for the observance of Na­ I Richard Hurd, Mrs. Paul Frsnken- ti H crown of seed pearls. She carried a 32 Sea eaila I It is being sponsored by the — r— * tional Beauty Salon Week -Feb. 8- burg. Mrs. Albert Schulse and 33 Pron o u n X 31 prayer book with marker of white Young Ladies Sodality. Bennington, Vt., Dec. 2 Up)—The 14. Albert Mw-eeia of Hartford, Mrs. Wallace Geiger ro.ses. 34 River in i wm Featured as the main attrac­ Bennington Evening Banner has national chairman, waa present, Anyone who is interested In CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Switzorlaad 1 » The matron of honor wore a tion of the basaar will Y>e a dis­ increased its price from five to and he gave a talk on plans and learning to make attractive and M y»-ftr. S t Sh u t S dre.ss of peacock blue velvet with play of handmade articles. Re­ seven cents a copy. answered questions. inexpensive Christmas gifts and 3t Fall flower k matching jheadpieco and carried a freshments of homomsde pastries The price increase went Into ef­ All local hairdressers will co­ decorations is invited. YWCA 40 Water vehicle I cascade o f-w h ite carnations and and other delicacies will be served fect with Monday’s edition. Pub­ operate. and they voted to accept membership is not necessary Baby PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER 41 Feminine r M y> pine. The bridesmaid wore the I during the affsir. lisher Frank E. Howe I I said in­ for their project Children's S,rv- ! silting service for pre-school rhil- MARLOWlS nicknam e i ^ Q O S W , M O M P r ssme type of gown and flowers. The b|Lsaar will be open to the creasing production and handlihg Icea, the local branch of which Is di-en will he svsilsble st a nom­ - w PRISCILLA'.) WWY DIDN'T YOU STOP 43 H eroic r The mother of the bride select­ rm ST FOB EVBBYTHaXO! I M A T E TO w . public. costs forced the price boost. at 577 Main St. It la probable they inal cost. SET OUT WER»» VOU'DE MER V 45 Table scrap II w F ed a gown of beige lace over satin, OLDER BROTHER!y P U L L R A N K 4t Belted coat 1 u m ' t OF THAT S, ON HER.-y i and the bridegi-oom's mother, ap­ r 48 Uncle Tom 'i 8 (i W< N ple green. Both wore accesaorles to WATER! friend match their gowns and corsages of ’'“i 4t New Oulnea II k green orchids. port SO Papal capo r 1^ II A reception immediately follow­ II Pen point ing the ceremony was held at the home of the bride's parents in SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAli North Coventry. When the couple left for their n-eddlng trip, the bride was wear­ % WHATSTMATf7 tNEMV ing a turquoise velvet dress, PBDPAGANDA. matching acces.sories and corsage WOW! of white roses. The bride was graduated from *11 Manchester school.s and the Uni­ ____ IX \ „ ft <>M *1 WA »» T M UA. OF versity of Rhode Island School of Almost svorybody can use Nursing. She also attended Boston Buttcrwiirth Plioto. LONG SAM BY AL TAPP nnd ROB I.URRERS University Graduate School. MRS. EDWARD CRAVEN BALLARD JR. The bridegroom is a graduate of ms TBU6 THAT MOST LaSalle Academy, providence. He 6H 06T 6A /K PKOK>- THAT6omRwue«ne attended Georgetown University \ ernon Town Hall Dec. 4, 5, and RorkriUc-t'vrnon PtA6MlC-ANC>CANT 0C 6H05TT5 ACP Washington, D.C., and graduated 6 and will be open from 9 a.m._ to iNuo«?6P. POT rwe done andBLOOO, from Brown University Sehool of 9 p.m. RgS&ACCH- AND' Kngineering, Providence, where he Marine Recruiters Young men between the ages of was a member of Sigma Chi fra ­ 17 snd 25 are invited to visit the ternity. He served four years in A N H A T « IT M i ls oflice for information about their for Christmas the Navy. He is a .sales engineer To Set Up Office military obligations. Ladies inter­ $ A V LW D g R AMf^ycA WOWII! for metals and control in A ttle­ ested in the Women Marines are TH E P i c t u r e ? boro. Mass. The.v plan to make A Marine mobile recruitmg of­ also Invited to Inquire about that their home in Lexington, Ky. fice will be stationed in front o f ' organization.

, TM Hi# «*. F* OH. The Bank that gives you PLANNED SECURITY n - t T f MylgA Bwataa. 0 JUDD SAXON BY KEN BALD and JERRY RRONDEIELD 'T thought I'd hotter be prepared——there’e a lot of laryngitit go4ng around!" NO, JUDD, o o r OP I AA1 exCIIlP AVI THIS WORLD.' EVER I WONDER w hat J SPACE travelers * WILL EAT ON A LITTl.E SPOUT Ry ROUSON LONiS L0N6 JOURNEV — WITH NO ROOM u tn -e ? S * r T T TO STORE FOOD? 0 ‘i i i WELL, nyf'/tf SOIVING THAT have MORE fun PROBtim — we HOAtf , shopping & giving next Christmas


B. C. BY JOHNNY HART BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE / -i NOW LO O K , 'msisAwiirnil' 'OFUTtORDSATV. RlPCAT,im> y [ x v r vXIST U A R N E D C O lO N t l or A PLOT TO IRHSAIAM AtlAftlKATE , IS MOT IN . 6 E N C R A L UCSCN. s e . 'C


with this convenient MEMBERSHiP CARD a

i B s t n a ! Tj 0 hy WR lirvtee, h>e. T gg pft | CAinAlN EASY BY I.KSI.IE TURNER Hi naiALL'/ MAKKIiD ABAM. BUTHEB Take a tip from Sente! Blanket your family MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY M I N G L A N O i. t h i s t m u i f o r w s a r a u i s o N e Open a SBM Christmas with comfort this winter.,. wiUi our E l e c t r ic WHAT MONIV i X M IA K D I R itC M W I S i k ^ N p O N v » r n t o i ^ lanebt lub t W ONDER IF t h e y HAfPRNtD ‘KS» B C . If your family has never used TOtiUtW B p x r m c o M LOOK, r ^ HAVE NICE nSURES Electric Blankets, they’U be thrilled with theiie IMkTHHr AFTER ABERNATHY 'POUUiFr HIM Club f o r ’59 lovely, unexpected gifts. They’ll enjoy the HERE w m J m i IM, C O M E A BABYt Callinf all old and new ChriatmaM Clubbera . , . warmest, cosiest wintertiihe sleeping they’ve BOM E Now’s the time to atari your Christmas C|uh for a happier And hrighter Christinas ever known. Imagine—a single Elwtric Blanket BIRLS/ ih 1959 . , . with a SBM Christmas Cluh Plan you can he sure of a debt free buying; t i spree. So start by saving a little each week and this time next year get that wel­ replaces three ordinary heavy, bulky blankets. come chedt. Look ahead! Join today! Here’s all you do: Use the handy Membership . card mailed to-you recently by The Hartford Have READY CASlH Electric Light Compapy. Take it to your •0 favorite appliance dealer or department store $ 25 CLUl 50e weekly and get all tha beaiitifiil Electric Blankets you JEFF CURB next Year,./ $ SO CLUl THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS •RY PETE HUFFMAN $ 1.00'tvyeekly need for gifts and for the family. Select foom Hf VDUTRV AkJVTUINe TUkiwy rti OHiSHRSOKAyl DORThlAME / ONLY THAT ) $100 CLUl $ 2.00 weekly etrikinf colors, too! Just wey: " I'd like Ome LOUltt.'iOU LEFT VOUK AUNT AUltV L0C>;ED 1 MAVC A better idea, mot far from USE TTIE ICE PICIC lU-MV RXKET, KMJESS.L.I'PS I y0U/-.X------...... S«ve IN TUP CPLUK OF HER HOME. DON'T lOU HERE 1 MAVS A

c.aiiis ^ * i » •'•i* ' "f i e S l B i r V . '

' ' ' . * 1 ■ V T


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1968 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGB POURTBEN IfANCHESTER ach of fho iacklu.stri pifi basketball Cin­ with Henry Tagatac, a for- outings. Quimby took part In anly 27 more than runnerup Bob .885 achieved by Cincinnati'a Philadelphia, Dec. 2 (>P)— full steam. Play in the various, age brackets at each of the Washington, Dec. 2 (JP)— makes ita first home stfirt of Pettit of St. Louts, but this Archie Dees, and a cluster of cinnati Rnvals. lie sniri. "1 expected it. 'Ve were losing and teammate at QuinnIpiSc, in II games and compiled an imprea- The National Football League throe Recreation, Department buildings—East Side, West The Cincinnati Redlegs ap­ the 1958-69 season tonight at le backcourt. sive ^ . 3 average. Schmidt, with week Baylor Is slated to be in four New Yorkers — Kenny there wa.s nothing else lliat eotild be done. \Mien it comes is beginning to look more like Side and Y—has started for juniors, intermediates and sen­ pear to be in the midst of the spacious Manchester Higj Tall Sonny Marlinirq (6-4) of UCorm last winter and Voted the action only once, while Pettit Sears (.885(, Carl Braun fire-n 1*^ the imnl ’■.iie’A 11 r \n'i\ inn I* has four Chances to tske over iors. Among the Independents, Red- —------' - New Haven Teachers G o liege most valuable player in' the (.857). Willie NauUs (.854) Die thr bnllrlavrrs, no onl> on^ itself again. Recent league a series of trade negotia­ School gym. The local C< the lead. snd Ron Sobie (.845) — meetings have been so peace­ Kmhcr launched its Campaign In ntcUcut Baskatball Assn, ^ t r y fame, will Jump center. A talent­ Orange Bowl Tournament, got off ^'ijy 11* wa.s the mo.sl consistent, hitting tions involving Pittsburgh, ed brother combination, Oeggie to an excellent atari, with the Em­ Pettit, who Is now 16th bunred behind him. Sons of Stars the State Bnskethall League last ..'521) at Fenway and .328 on the plays host to Porky Vieira's All- among the all-time NBA Ml.*> y\if''‘f'^!'OV i.* \eter,cndcnt offering to­ Valley League meet the neigh­ Springfield while Dave was a sec­ while., at Middlehury College and Pettit and the th(rd scorer, holds an edge of j)ut one over R/'Mlng in ( rllar hotel windows. The NFL ownera night at Uic higli .school. Sunday Mom Fenway . . . In the pitching manager, huddled for several hours boring Rockville American Lsgloh ond team All-CBA selection with the yotithful Perron# holds all In Shrine Till were, acllnif like ,NFL ownera department. Ike Delock. Tom last night with his new manager, Georg# Yardley of Detroit, Baylor, 315-314, and another Mr inlipri:f> a tr;im that hi.' '* on the Manors start plav in the Farm­ in a 7:16 p^lmlnary. Danbury a year ago. Only last scoring racords al Bulkeley High Paul Artzin of Philadelphia, Celtic, Bob Cousy, is begin­ Commiaaloner Bert Bell confirmed ington Valley League. Friday Blower ami F''raiik Sullivan each Ma.vo Smith, and Joe Brown, Pitts­ Only the^nan of the house will Sunday Dave caged 31 points in School. only three of lhi> ,^an Praneijw/o. Drr, 2 /Ti 5tona nntchefi 10 triumnhs at home. burgh general manager. holder of the league's second ning to warm up the as.sist • in and iv himlv i’i the ^^■e>t^;^ It In a backhanded aorl of way. night Oieney Tecli opens at Flast be requlFM to pay tonight. Mom Isading the Hat City club to a 91- Red Ember, reserves include best per-game mark (26.1), is race. Detroit’s Di):k McGuire of men who atarrad a jr^naratlon The l■ommiaaioner pieaided over Windsor Higli and Manchester >:■ * * It was rtellably reported that r».vi5.on nirllHi I! 1* a pirrimrifi- azo in K'aat-U>at pamaa will ha and the children will be admitted 78 victory over the Ember. iholdover Paul Grogan (Springfield fourth with 417, follow-ed by remains on top w)lh 133 feeds the annual early draft scasion dur­ High gets off to a start o i B oaill the Pirates had offered Franlt p-elv • oijrp that '.i-l— a plavinz hare P»ar 27 in tha 34th free on dad'a ticket. Also, ladies In their lone sUrt this ^ason college) and neWomere Johnnv Jack Twvmsn of Cincinnstl but the Inromfiarable Cousy ing which the clubs drafted IS of IV. 12 against VVethcrsIleld here Thomas, their power hitting In- d'lVJ^hl'* h'Ph'^hot 'n - ..in- T•r*^e■^al of tha Rhiina foothall wm not be required to pay if ac- the All-Stara lost 106-102 to the jones and Jake O'Donnell, both of 413). clicked on 46 passes in four the nation's top college football 11 Inok.s like a long season and HnsLf>u H rpiticfl ajipcar to fielder - outfielder, and catcher p-.,c,i;r f*>- -1 rez'i’ar tendeir’ t" pazcant odmpanied by a gentleman. Spon­ strong New Haven C p i u m b ii s a ic . playmaker Gene King No player in history has game.* during the week and f 11'r f- ’i •') rj'iarter players. Iowa's Randy Duncan, a from all indications Hie liiggc.sl in liai k on the licam apain and Coach Honk Foilee for lefthanded pitcher sor Sam Carllli came up with the ~Bears in a double overtime, • with ■■ (UConhi and Dan Pinto (J4srtford Tiir nutatandinp player of tha Rt'd Aurrharh s (’lub is gradually Joe Nuxhall, catcher Ed Bailey maintained a hotter del'd goal hopped from fifth to second *j" ,r j-,e 1 •. I ,e ■ t < ni IlH - a l.^O fine passing quarterback from volume of games ever scheduled in Family Night idea hoping to at­ the fabulous Vieira hooping 42 Public). percentage through 15 gan)es and i* the per-garae paceset­ 1030 zamc wa.« All-Amcnra Bron- Iowa, was the number one pick tills f'itv of. Village Clianu. rlosinz in on the FC^stern Division and third baaeman Don Hoak. tract a large crowd for the home markers in a losing cause. than New 5’ork’s Kenny ,1 , IT f •- f . t •- t ’lonie g 1 in'*' kn Nnz’irakl of Mlnnaaota who loatlin;; New York Knicks. The two Lack of a southpaw starter Coach Woody Bushey of- the ter with S3 a contest. With til ** .te (.• "I e M Z',1* les«« than Green Bay .selei led the 21-year-old lidllfter. Eml>er Coach Frank Toro is ex­ Green Manor quintet will ohow an Sears. The blond Kmcker- 108 assists this year. Cousy gained tame both a.^ a taeklr and Big Ten star. ( luhs tangle loni^iht at Madison handicapped the Pirates in their Ex-College Players pected to retaliate with tall Burr all-local hneup. His stsrtera will l>e bocker's 5.13 tlU on 2H( a tlu tj*a-'l fiiUhn- 1<- ^ Square Garden in the feature of a late pennant drive laat season. now haa 4 095 for his nine- Then, Bell and the owners secUnl- IL-at (>rouii • i ’nl '^id M 1 r I'D me, aea.'^nn as rrinily s leadm;;^ , Louis in tlic first j;amp. . . Bob leg^ also w'ere interested in adding Bell, never bashful with comment jjround ^ainei'. Although injured in coiisy’s injured instep has rc- shortstop Roy McMillan to the Will unveil.a lineup comprising newcornera Sonny Dennis snd lund. Norm Hohenthal, TerVy Cun­ In tha 10.37 gainr, tha Kaat a even when It tun t.s, told the press: thc early minutes of the finale treatment and Bill former college performers. The Carmen Perron# at g))ards. ningham, Irv Fostsr and Gens Jazz Fuller Tops All Keglers 1!'- I i». ' ' r..pe- star rrntar waa F!arl .Rvrndnan of package if they could snatch Dick y o frr] hr "I told them (the owners) to against V\e.sleyan. .lolinson iusne«l i^^scotoif is oni*e again a regular aharpshooting Vieira, who com- Carlson was ths No. 1 polnt-get- Johnaon. . . h . b ' • ha M all MInnc.aota Hta aon Barnard la- Roland I.aStar/.a, left, former heavyweight contender, Groat, the talented shortstop, from n i l ' - - i"h ...... stop squabbling or they could have for 568yards in 82 can u*s for a starter, llie Inttei sal out most of the Pirates. t'lrna In thla Kazar .Rtadium Rama recoil.x from glancing right thrown in (Irat round by i niy Job." 6.9 per yard average. Only i»nce In Rec Loop with 125.12 Mark al.an a^ a rentar after three aea- laat sea.son with a knee injury Both aides said there was a I,arry Zernilz in bout last night in St. .\ichoIas' Arena. Bell attempted to smnoth over was Johnson Uiiown. for a loss. wldch later required surgery, aona at MinncBola reasonable chance of some sort of I the disclosure by descrihing It as this was against Amherst and wa.s Known a.s a “hatchet man/' Los- Dixon Honored LasI yiifihl’’s V iolin Zernitz rhillcd LaStarza’s comchack hnpp.s with a .split deal resulting from their conver­ (Tlayton (Jaxsl Fitller, new an-A- •McCann'a Service and Rerm’s Tav­ Dthera named yeataiday ware. decision \irlor,\. (AP Photnfax) I a heart-to-heart confab with his for only one yard. . . . When asked cutoff is also a fine scorer and has sations. Neither would pinpoint Bout All Signed? Kn' pet suasion." the "They’ll have to go pretty high On All-New England rltro are scheduled In meet la The Lieflovers downed the Rer .stars on every team you play, but George Ehrlich handling the play- has knocked down 2,262 pins for hit last season, k'uller haa alsc Ne\e«., 1S3. I’orliiK'al. '0 t anfl Niipurakl 1 64-year-old coinmisstoner asserted. to get him," said Mayo who man­ a It-round bout In Chicago Sta­ a terriOc average of 125 12 The nants 69-48 in the opening game i in the pro game there ai*e no ‘aver - by-play. The broadcasts will b« dium Feb. 4. I’olled the heat single game to date Philadelphia l>r Jonra 1P2. ' (iuarda Klllaon Kelly, Mlrhlpan LaSlarza Gels Beating "I told them the indivulnal hick aged the Phillies last summer. husky rsrpenter Is in March of age’ plnyer.s. Pro ba.sketbairs de- sponsored by .ronnectirul Milk for 161,*Jerry Smith is next with 158 York AlopfH'd Don Warnrr. | Slate; A1 K>w York. 10 Quarlerbaeka Kremhlaa, Wll- 'IVo m-\v voinr motion plclure* JohanasoB knocked out Ma- after rolling in 16 games and and three-game score (1852). llama, and Rob PtareU, Mtchlpan ing up with .some sharp pa.s.s- up my contra,t.“ * ♦ * Milwaukee also Is anxious to while Joining Don Warburton. x.T a e .Now ^ ork, Dec. 2 i/P)— It .spcnifil so easy I'nim thi' oiit.sjilt' in^ to set up many score.s. The of hH.sel)Hll, the Worlrt Seriex of Brown's All-Ivy League center, as chen la the first round last Sep*- knocking over some 1.A52 pina has Top 16 Bowfort nallAJi Floy Mania. H>0. <’ul A; Halfhark.**. I'ton t'larU. Ohio The fiwm^i.s retorted, so Bid! re­ ricivrt Sitiiatioii!4 find a replacement for Red Schoen- Yankee Conference 14 In Getheaibtirg, Sweden, and an average of 123.7. Another man, Shoot, Tex . outpointed Donnie | looking in. iNo more Rocky .MHiTiano. The champion—hpa\y- Flcmnants’ big man was sharp- ported. by giving the comnil.ssoiner 3958 ami the All-Star Game of dlenst who is hospltallxed with the only repeaters from last year's Team O Ave State, Wray Orlaon, Duka. Tom­ 19.58 have been priKluied by Uia now has hla eyea on World Chet (Curley) Nowiekl muet also lieeman, 1S2. Midlothian, Tax . 12 woiKhl king Flriyd I’aUPt son—difln’l appear too formidable. ' f'lem PonUllo who got a unanimou.s vole of ('onfuieni'e All scats for all performances of tuberculosis. Temple would be team. 1. Fuller Dari-Maid. .18.-125.12 my Iy>rlno, AMhurn. r>irk Malay, Ameiiciin and National LeaRties of Improved — Greer Champion Floyd Pattoraon. be reckoned with The leadoff man Richmond, Calif filxto Rod- help from big Fd Brown anfl and told him to f>perale by the the Ire (!apades at the Springfield their first choice. The surplus of fine bscka on 2. Twaronite Oliva's. .15. .123 7 I Ptttahurph The eontenders didn't seem much to heat. Profcs.sional Bii.^ieball f'Uibs, Mo­ Involved In the contreveray fnr Derl-Maid has an average of rlfpie*. 170, Sa. Anaalmo. Calif . Fullharka Nt« k Pietroaanta, So RoUnd LnStar/a. si ill hand * rhnrlie F'rnh, Lenny Kric.sr)n was book come what may. ('oliseum P''i-iflay. Saturday and Second base seen)s to be the fo­ New England's 32 college teams 3. Nowiekl Darl-Maid. .15. .121.9 I he pe|)per pot for tlie lo.srrs grab­ Srfndav have b(»en .sold. .lack But- , tion Picture Dtvi.sion, . All high- Slorrs, Dec. 2 (Ab The Univer­ Is an agreement held hy Sid 12I.A. outpointed Billy Hratcr, 16.1, ."^an Notra Dame, and Jon Mnhha, Wia- some and still hopeful at .31. de­ . 'Pile .$o0.000 a year commi.s.'‘ione?' cal point of the trading talk. resulted in unusually keen compe­ 4. Areto MeCann's. .15. .117.1 But hr (Miiklnl keep I^irry off bing man>’ rebounds an'. a.sserded he wa.s annoyed bv a<- The Giants have made strong tition for spots on each of the two 6. T. Martin Paganl’s. .21.. 114.15 rvrn Ihougli tlir New Knglander ■41iei'ther e a.r e still good seat locations | the New York Yankees and team. Yankee Conference cham­ The agreement, aigned the night The battle for the league croam 6. Newcomb Renn's. .17. .114.12 up many m. e pas.se.a, Wedne.sday j f.„s„t,ons made by owner-s against overtures to the Cardinals for Don elevens named. After much dis­ before the Sept. 14 bout, statM Mts boxing roinehack msv have IS more of a mauler than a punch- night Hie leagup moves to tlie Fsast . paep other- and against him He available for the perfoitnames to- | MIlwaHkee Braves are included in Bla8inga)i)e. They are willing lo cussion, the Selection Committee pions. will face a strong league astpeara to be centered around 7. Smith Paganl's. .21. .114 11 opened and closed in one mghi i rr. RolatuI wn.s cid over the left the 16 mm .sound World Serie.s film. this season, says Coach Hugh that In the event Johansson de­ three teams. Dari-Matd il9-2). 8. Sasiela Ollva'a. .21. .114 9 Ride Rec where two gamers will be Intimated someone called him a night. VVerlnesday and Thin-.sday. give up shortstop Daryl Spencer added a utility back position to feats Machen the two will meet The New Yorker who was at one eye in the thinl round and bled played In the opener- al 7 o (dock, .stooge. He said he was annoyed . . . All bo.\ and reserved .seats at Running time l.s 3.5 minutes. The and one of their three voung out­ each unit. Greer. Oliva's (17-4) and Paganl'a (13-8). 9. Bates Oliva'i. .17. .114.9 lime the top tlinllonget, was' film wilt be relea-sed Jan. 5. Tlie In a return match of It rounds from the ga.sh throughout the Herms- play the White Fagle.s and - with eoaehing squawking about of- Yankee Stadium for the Sunday, fielders—Bill White, Willie Kirk­ Rounding out ths top bsrkfiekl Greer told members of the Con­ le Chicago during the laat week Dari-Mald's only losses rame from 10. Massaro West Side. .18. .113.12 aounflly beaten last nighl by Lnn\ ; fight. ; in the nightcap, Liberty Mutual fidals. Dec. 14 meeting between the Gi­ All-Star film, also 16 mm sound, land, or Leon Wagner. necticut Sports Writers Alliance lias a running time of 20 minutes with Oreen were Dartmouth's Jake of January nr the first week ef /iernltr.. a plodfling prospect from' Only in the se\’enth round did will fare the Remnants. j -ifth e y don't stop, you can have ants and Cleveland Brnwn.s have Surplus Talent .yesterday that Vermont and New New Haven, ('onn , in a in-roundei and may he hooked now. Organiza- Crouthamel. Bridgeport's George February, 1969. I^aStar/H flash anything of his HE<’ SF.NIOIl LEAOI'K ' J^b." he said “Kontbali has been sy>U1 Bleacher- seals for this' Hie Giants have surplus talent Hampshire look "A great deal .\nlionnl Fnothall 1-pa-u.' mcctinjr' Intprp.sleri in »pourinB lh« Dixon. Brown's Paul Choquette It also statea that Johansaen at Rt Nicholas Arena, 1’he verdict former skill. He got off two left- i The Telephone Co. edged >’^bV life. If you Wfjn't let me because of the return from servlee better than last year." was split, but ringside critics will go on .sale the morning of the may write to I.je\v Fonseca and Williams’ Chip Ids. The utility Is to be paid 8t00,000 er tO per right romhmalions to the head. North Knders riO-44 in the opening nccfuiling to the book. I'll of White and Jackie Brandt. Thus, He said Massachusetts la the t t i J t TV STYLED game. If both the Giant.s and | Jfx kaon Blvd,, Chicago 4, back post went to Ide, e epeedater cent—whichever Is greater—ef uf ^ Rut his jah was f'lmostalmost non-ex- game of tlm Prmoi- League The •‘'tf'P down You run they have made a proposition to who gained more than 900 yards "darkhorse of a belter balanced the gross receipts, less taxaa 'Open House' rlrlala that Aernit/. in scoring hisi intent, hr* letlexes wei-e slow, and North Phideis led at halftime 22-19 Tlien. after he had said his piece, Brown." win Sunriay tlie Dec. 14 the Phils for two of their strong Louisiaiia State Tops, and scored 11 touchdowns In eight league." He la also to receive 97,666 or sixth straight victory, had won by | missed often. but the Telephone crew opened up ' minimize It. “non't meeting will be doubly important! * armed pitchers, righthanders Jack games. Greer, starting his lUh season 26 per oeat of television rights, NEW MODERN BAY a big margin. i -i t,-nj,ied two numths for this." in tlie third period to f»\jt,score t he > « big thing of it boy.s.'' he lo both cluh.s. (.leveland holils a LxilOllHIVO Sanford and Jack Meyer. Manager 209 Pound line as head basketbsll roach, said his whichever Is greater.' 1 St. Nick's, New York's nlde-st I nnid tbe still articidate loser-, '’‘but Nor therners, 19-11 and take over i ^ b e press. It’s not small one game edge with two game.s to , ^ Billy Rlgney declined to say who team hat "lots of hustle." However, Edwin Ahlqulat. Ito SHOW fight cliih. Is only s short distance plav. A Brown win the next two 1 Nineteen years ago John H am a he was offering, but acknowledged Up front on a line averaging 209 you cHut Irll R thing until yon tlic IcHtl i\'lni h they held onto for when you offer to quit, ho was National Grid Champs pounds wars Jim Kenney of Boston Connertirut opens its 56th sea­ Johansson’s attornsy, nays the from Madison Square Garden and get. In the ring. I thfnighl it wr*» the leniRimler- (if the game told. vvrrk.s cliiii h Ihp fliif;. Oii ! " " » interest In both men. son Wednesday her# against SHELL SERVICE STATION tlip oilier luiiwl, M Brown win . S u n - i n v . ’.,tinent. Today th® j . V - - ■' U University and John Flanagan of Hwedish champion will ao$ fight not far fiom Yankee .Stadium ( lo.sp. but I WR," rtivR ppninl rrt In Ftig Kfl ^■fl.^t^l- Rinl .Inhn Dougan Bell went tm'lo olhci- tliing.'T. H»‘ The American League market Boston College at the ends. Bob American International. The Hus­ Machen. wliere Roland nni e was the head­ my peifornnuH-r hit rlonblc figiiro.s for the winner'." .said the league faced a difhnilt duv and a lo.-is t., Ihr GimU.s who I Havel.s with $2,50.000 in waa atalled. New York, D,ec. 2 (IP)—Louisiana State, the nation’s only kies had a 9-1 Itague record last so WINDSOR AVE.. ROCKVILLE. CONN. mii.sL also wiii .Sumlav, would ^ ® S"i>0.000 invest- Shtunessy of Harvard and Ray Johansson did not alga the liner. Bui tile fighter himself was a hcv future fle.spite recor(l-."cUing nt- Boston had hoped to make it season, and 17-10 overall. the WORLD “I gf)t f>ff H cnuplr in the - uml Hnmlrt Hiaimuil ami W’ally merit in rostume.s and pioduction major unbeat^-untied team, up an overwhelming plurality Fisher of Tufts at ths tackles snd agreement drawn In Gothenburg long, long way from the atrong. tenrlanre ra< h >ear cioalc H fust place li»'. imc game deal with Washington, but it fell ------. enlh rontul but thnt whr it It DarluTg Rcoiert higlie.'^t for the loa- de.sjgning. . .Jai'k Kvams. ,30-year- in the final Associated Press college football poll of 1958 to Jim Healy of Holy Cross and Al but Ahlqulst, acting as Johana- smart rhallenger of the esriy ■'Tills i." the host yrar In oiu- playotf Ihon uoul'l h(' nctc.s.sary tn through at the last minute. Wednesday, Dec, 3 — 7 fo 9 P.M. never came agnin. He kept coming fr.s U'ertne.Krtay night two more nld defen."eiiuin with the Chicago win its first/national championship.* Krutsch of Dartmouth at • the sen’s agent, and a Witneaa did. fifties. ami I conlfln’t rope with him Not gamcR will be pln>'ef| at the hi.eh historv," he .sard, “yet four or five ficLemiine the Kastt'in (’oiifei-rncc Calvin Griffith, Washington Hookey at a Glaiioe Ahlqulst contends he signed It was s little over five years champ and the ngtrt t.)9. The Yanks will play junior hockey in Toronto and haji If they would throw In Elston How­ 167 carries with comparatively 7,ernlt*, a 25-year-old ex-GI, the nlt/'a Armv-lnte?iiiptert career good quarter." to defeat the (’hiefn Auburn won the first last ytar. In addition to Iowa, five other “Some of lhe.se teams dnn't each rival duh three trme.s under n silver plate in his head. This is ard,” Griffith added. teams among the top 10 in the little blocking support. His sight- winner, .In (lira Phil Bntwlmk. n ahowa a 21-41 record. 1.3-27. The Chief." tallied 2.3 of their have the big se.asfui ticket .sales LSU rolled over 10 opponents, touchdowns Included runs of 92. SYLVANIA newcomer, hart It 5-4-! fnr 27 points in tlie net-ond Iralf but the art light" at tlie Hou.sr* .that the rea.'Aon for the special head- poll will participate in bowl games. Off hi." old record. (..aStar/al of the richer clubs. Several Suu- opening with a 26-6 victory over 47, 45, 40, 24. 12. nine and three couldn't over-come the \vinner.<« 26- Kuili Built. I u'ket price." for box j genj-. .. Look alike.": Lou Fontinat^ Louisiana State will meet Clem- fllar/a. The AP carrt hart Xemlt/ waa Inatallert a 9-.Y betting choice r R 62-0 annihilation of Tulane on on defense. Frank Finney, who ZernllE, a alx-font„ l99\-pnunrt- der's h.'* an opponent come to him no hnoe." ammdfd In the mnaty. oM the cord." .larkic Simmon." di‘l a scored 275 points to their op­ viewing eoiy on your eyei'^ battling for life," he said. subject of bfi.seball the Fted .Sox Auburn, iindar NCAA probation, passing, but had to settle for a Con AfForo To Owr! he coulrt nail him with "tinging arena It had aeemed ao ea."\ be- good job of rehounfling nml netted i ponents' 53. 1.3 counters while .lertw Mi"ti‘cttn 1 Must Share T\ Yloney have announced ticket price." will l-eave .\loiie was ineligible for poat-seaaon com­ second team berth. Gat 0 1st Class Dtdll Jaha anrt aharp tight" to the heart fnr-e, )u"t Ini'Yking in. In the final balloting, LSU col­ petition. Here li elegoece and iMorinei* *• •vikino and new ohol Hie Unilfd handled the hall uell nnd chipped The commisainner .suggcg,ted one renwin the same for 19.39. The Red Foollmll coaches should leave With 40 GoaV lected 1.804 points on the usual Named with him were Hank Stole! Gavernmenl ka% leleded ttve enginal Sylouette tor ikowieg et in with 11 point.". Little Mike' \ ay to help wa.s a -more equal Ho.se open at Fenway Park April tl)e calling of plays to their quar- basis of 10 points for a first place Mississippi, bound for tha Oator Lussl of New Haven Teachers ROAR-nST of NT WMpTatasJ NO DOWN PAYMENT the ^ viieti World I foir fv«ry line and deloll ef the SyleweMe by Haponik r.allred the Chiefs in the I ."hare of tel:rvisu)n money. As 14 against Washington . . . teiback.s. That's the advice from' a STANDINGS vote, nine for second., etc. Iowa Bowl with an 8-2 record after New England's top scorer with 116 TraAbdta md fta'I to Sylvonie It eieculed with iiftking timplirity fnKan All-Amciica selection had all hi.s Alabama 14-8 in Us season finale with an 8-2 mark. gained tn the sir, was voted tl^e ’S BUIQK ’ ! MEROURY un>." to out costs of scoutin'. ing the 1958 baseball aenson The New York—Ken ScWnkel of The top 10 teams - with first utility back. 7 5 I le g o nt y e o rc ■ o he ad ily li e g Duplin was next in the scoring, i iiRming camps, travel, hotel bills slender Texan, who alternated be- P'''’ 6ay» Bpringfleld ecored a gqei in the last Saturday. PiCture PrOfnpler lho> ffn# hin«i placs votes and won-lost records In Hpeclal Riviera C 4 1 iK ollecting fight poinfs All eight ofht'p routine. Thev're getting tween f.r.st and second ba.so, com -■ u ''""'"'' only game hla team jilayed laat Army moved up a couple of Itarand Teem Cholres 4-doer hardtop oulemolieolly. ti5 >. 111 >1 au vm by, dccl.inng Mcls had 78 hil.s m 280 at bpla. On' lown, Graham says,’’ League, and the single point raised victory over Navy. The Cadets' others named to the second team Wfllnvt. fitture tube ?1‘ meoi Pumpers had diftVculty uni racking '■N\cie a \2 icaii league and we When Paul Brown .sent in a play hia league leading total to 40. record was marred only by a tie 1. Louisiana from Connecticut included Bill ured dioflonellyi '349 in in Iho road. Runnels battM .280. Run- ’H OLOSMOBILE themselves in thr flist h.ilf hut have to remain at leasl that. We he 'could be reasonably sure that Schinkel alao led in goals with 18, with Pittsburgh. Oklahoma, 7-0 State ___ (139) (10-0) 1904 Wallner, Univeraity of CJonneeli- Viewing tree. norup at Fenway among the Rod OLDSMOBILE lo bug... played good hall over the last two cHii'i play with ."i\ O' hcven Wo his men would execute the plav a.s to which he had added 21 assists. victor over Oklahoma State on a 2. Iowa .., '.(17) (7-1-1) 1469 cut'a co-captain and guard, and Super M Holiday etA A C ’55 periods. Ralpli Rus.vo registered Sox player .s •* wfi" third haseman lie h.id envisioned it. High sr'hool need eat h other The ricli mu."t The goal he scored also enabled final period touchdown, dropped S. Army ... .(13) (8-0-1) 1429 Roger Le Clerc, ace Trinity Col­ sedan. eight of hi" team total of 12. Frank Maiznn.' with ft .311 aver­ and college coaclies nei'ci' can be help the pi>oi- or we 11 hi 'c nothing him to keep aUve his consecutive down two pegs. The Air Force 4. Auburn . .(91 (9-0-1-) 1396 lege center. SaiMT M HfMIdar Tlie league will operate every age. Aw-ay fr/uii the friendly loft- .sure uliat ...... ilieiivmh players .h will do. eouptio eventually " ^ ' point acoi^g 8ti;esk, which has climbed up from eighth after 5. Oklahoma (10) (9-1) 1200 Among those selected for honor­ MnndsN' and \3‘erlnrsday evening field wall. .Malzone fell to 249 on ,so it is fonh.sh' fnr 'rhem''to'trv''t .Ml Ib.eseO pnhli '.i." Hud more Q now reached 21 straight gamea in dowming Colorado 20-14. '8. Air Force! .(2) (9-0-1) 800 able mention were Al Bs(taer. 'S7 OLDSMOBILE and all parents are invited to at­ loiciRii fields Williams, however. i dictate sli alegv which he has ^ r e d a point or The first 10 was rounded out by 7. Wisconsin (13) (7ilrl) 797 New Haven Teachers and Tom tend. aie bn the docket for the league'." 8. Ohio Statee (8) FlenU Station M KOK Hiinunl meeting liore starling Jan more. Schinkel ia only three (6-1-2) 671 Conroy, Connecticut, ends: Boh Wagon. e e 9 e « ’54 OLDSMOBILE V MllHiKT LKAUI K 20 Peace was wonderfdl while gamea from $ba all time record of 9. Syracuse ..(1) (8-1-0) 340 Splain, New Haven Teachers, I Two Midget League games weVe It ln."tcd 24, aet by Tommy Burlington while Barons was ths league's penalty 10. Texas tackle; Paul Lj^ch, Tale, Guard; i played last nighfat the Keith's Mfi/or Lcaffue BasebaU Players with aeveland in 1845-46. minute leader with a total of 68 Christian (6-2) 311 Mike Pyle. Yale, center; John Mc­ ’SB FORD •fi l-doerj $Bf5 I WRllnprd Mb's A Bill's, .38-17. and Bill Sweeney of Buffalo was sec­ comprised of 24 minora, 2 majors Second 10; Miaaiasippl (2) 80S: Hugh, New Haven Teachers; Ron in the nightcap. Garden Grove up- and a . ten minute mlaconduct. Clemson ni'246, Purdue 196, Flor­ Reopfl, Trinity; Harry Drlvas and Fnirlane f i l A S Model iic a a e Iiilt'i'iiirdiatr l.ruj'iK* ond In scoring with 35 potnta. Oeiivertlble. I ended Pjcck Lunihfr. 24-18. Waul Share of Total Receipts Harry Pldhirny of Springfield held Marcel Paille of Buffalo reduced ida 134, South Carolina 101. Cali­ Norm Chahan. both Connecticut; Odtrlv people,- newlyweds and small families, this is for- Trend-ietting TV deiign in ri(h ’S OLDSMOBILE Pete ("asi ella led the v.iriety t third place with 34 points; and also hia league leading goaltender fornia ' 78. Notre Dame (1) 81, Herb Htllaa and ' Rich Winkler, 3 y6u, i or 8 hodrbom homes. economical, luxurious, warm Mahogany. Ook Hende Oak O' ;Sjoie to their lop.aided win witli 14* (»u«." (ti iruler.'^. C'hiuler Oak had the most assists, 26. Jimmy average to 2.23 on 49 goala allow- Southern Methodist 52. Oklahoma both Yale, and Don Scott, Bridge­ winter, •'col in sumnter. These new homes include com­ Wfllnul gro‘fved fniihei tor evi'y Wastuligtnn. Dee, 2 I/P) MajO) ’S7 CHEVROLET in w point." Dnnny Uukief followed Grocery and McBrule's notched •3ox ouch grabbed two draftees at Andanott of Springfield -was fourth ad tn 22 gamea. Bo^by Perreault State 49, Rutgars (1) 46. port, backs. pute rumishihgs in all rooms, plus the newest applUnpea. modern day decor. Pictvre- league baseball plnyci's "took the I the .standard $25,000 price LaR. , « ilh 11) Hud D«uk Sl)0);t., liHil eight ' vlelortes Ib.xI night nl the F.a.xt Wth 32 points followed by Bob of Hershey scored hia second shut­ 216 HprMop M M K $745 Just imagine all thla snd n)t>ra brand new fpr only $3,300 to F ro m p te r o v lo mo-tico 11 y fin e initiative today in an ail-out drive : Detroit. Kansas City. PhiUdelphia, v>6. e le V e for increased .salaries. They asked Bailey of Clevalafid and Bruce out of the eeason to tie Harry $6,300 . complete prices, no extras Uasd from $1,200 to tunei- Fowertu) S-MO cho!iSkM ks fO R S A f m y / why you n»»d I seonnjr Imnora for the losers. later. L j farm in the Pacific Coast League. SELF STOfllNO llvtolj(.iri liam flipped in 15 ooiinters and I iweeA ^ MAKK I n i n m o n t h •\t a nioctlng .ve.sterday. tlie Tiui Team l-a^ague AUTO pjayei.s’. repi-esentativei voted STORM WINDOWS / m fifilMe d AJCTRICAL STfriM FORA pla'y P erk'rt3:00.'’ held to olgid point, by tbeViose- I The America!) A.s.sn. will tr.v to FAMILY imanimoiisl.v to ask for 25 pei elievkliiK Grinders but still was cedi of the 16 clubs' over-all an- j fly with to clubs next season, hav- i high i))8n for the losor.s. minl income. This went far beyond i, ing acquired Houston. Dallas and SpAcial 1.00 I Charter Oak Qrorery broke out IFort Worth from the Texas GLASS ^'rrfilling Tonight I heir original demands for a cut of IO»*r As* M) League for a total of $75,000. The Gnen Stempfi Givfia On All Gas, Graeat PIB'®® COUPLE •Hnriforii v ..si.,* ' a first half slump "to score 42 the regular .season radio And tele­ •ndw jr- to ehnage fre « ano sans an to realigni))ent finally waa accom- u l team remat d, ' ; Polht.s in the la.st two'peiiods to vision money. Ot^Mlkinda otker; nnd so tasty to dena Irons taUde ' and Oil Piirclifififie Of Servict Aeeonntn- Fumituro Moy lo Ucod A« Dome FoyHiootf pli.ahed yesteiday. VMV iMOMr t htMbillv wiestler agal.rst iw T fT s ""<1 63-46. ^ 12 from Minora Drafted The majo)-a will watch this 10- liisMiM FromiHly . matman of Scottish dLent a "a \Tl J’'’'"'-'' ^ Meanwiuie, it u'as the mi tttr cluh operation witl) great interest STORM MORS sm s* MANY OTHER MAKES and MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM former Mr Amen,a.America, and a Poe.toPuerto j.^., second half, .for the wtlh victors. H, li'.cgiic.s- turn to draft baseball hi A l MflAit off C o n Rican star. pin.s in viety of thu speculation about •iMtaltotfon OpttonaL pla.vers fi-oiii tl\ctr own ranks -to-, future expansion of the big leagueit JENSEN'S. INC. pier all add np lo a stm -'^angJbd il"*'!.MeAiiley and * - r . ^ * j .Trt^ Twarfvnits nnrfkH tliA r*lM»>tiAtsu day after tlie fnajoiu had pibked lo iO or 12-teant unita. mat show to be held tonlffht at ■foe TiAarontte paced the Clothiers. ROLUNO HILLS. ET. 44A. MANSFIELD—DA 9-643S oft the cr6ain of Uio crop, aelect- It is quite possible tliat two of OPEN • OATS A WftBE—A AJI, tm $ PJM. UTiiM S • ftlEBTIMATES /mso/i Foot Guard Hall, Ha.vatarks McBride's gained their Initial ing ja men for a total of SSOO.OOO. Manchester Motors Sd PARE ROAD. WEST HAE1*DE1>—AD S « 1 6 ELECTRONICS the association cities might ntovs I Country Boy) Calhoun, w'hn is a win of the yotingf' aeason wUh • All the minora- from ClaaA up to the major! in tha. next Yew "SejUng land Servtetog New OMtaaahllea for Over 23 Yean'Y , Parks * Seise EieMhas Ikreeghtait OesMsetlcat pound over 600 pounds, takes on convincing 44-M win over the Elks. ptple A through Claap C had a yearx. Houston already had mp- J. A: W HITE GLASS CO.I •IS w-ESTOcurmanUcrr 9 Open Mnadar Through Saturday • to • STANEK LABORATORIES Judo-'Jack Teny' and Tokyo Jof Jimmy Morianos had- 14 counten turn at the graht bag before the prpved a 20-mtIUon,-doUar boi|dl’is­ I I U TVNSKY MI 3-4H1—OPEN AVEMINOS Meniuy. Wednaadey sM Thundey Rveeinga. In a alnid^ fall match to a flni.sh for high honors ’Yellowed by Ron­ annual minor league conventloti sue to build a bgU park If ta«d iiwsiusT. -raoNSMt-nakl RAT DWYEEr-t^ato Ow Mniifttr 277 BrtOAD STRKFT—PHONE MI 9112< BLENOeO WHISKEY . 90 PROOF • (9« GRAIN NEUTRAL: SPIRITS tn tha semi-final slot. The rinit nie Pockett with 1|. and -Wa'lt tattled Into Ita buaTiieaa rou'Uha. when a big league frandtfw U supports h ty t been M stered'for aieaapn’a 10. Hard-tvorking Dick THE FLEISCNMANN OfSUUING CORPORATION. NEW YORK CITY The' St, tiOuia Car^nala, Cleva* readx'. Minneapolis has a puic this on!. 'BisaeU netted U for the loaera land ln

- 1. ' J. \ PAGE SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2,1968 ■S. IIAMCHESTER SVGNIN6 HERALD. MANGHESIEB. CONN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2,1963 PAGE SBVBWW Uew THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! Household Goods„: I I Motorcycles— Bicycles 11 BY FAGALY snd SHORTEN ArtklM For Sal* 45 Rooina .Witl|i9(it BoRrd 59 Apgnmenta— Flats— F e rtte M 72 B o o n l»r Sate 72 G.E. BLXjCTBIC range, practically \ Saborbui tor Sate 75 Legal N otlee h e a t e d r o o k for a lady or one Tenemeota 63 HARLRT-Daviaon motorcycle for LIONEL TRAIN 037 gauge, table new. cost $301. sell lor lono. Fhcne MOJfo closi^ ooota. Attractive BOLTON CENTER—New rainch or two gentlomctt. Kitchen ptlvl- XX OTATE OF 6, next" to bath and oiower, (Oompletely finished). Built-in .CbriteB W. Batch- Judge. . ADVERTISING chine, 825. Call mornings or eve­ stove and oven, tlKplaoe, oeromle tea. ' ______tor, MI 3-1877. TV SERVICE — any make—hlfheft tree policing. MI 0-0887. Upon application of Gudnin Jacob­ nings, MI 0-9983. a n d i i i ROOM apartments. tile bath, n u i basements, omesue sen of (Mventry. praying that adminis­ quality work, at lowest price for m GENERAL ELECTRIC refrlger*-; tor. excellent condition, naiaca- 'NlCELiT FORNISHiaD room, newly Furnished or unfumlehed. Adults. drives, completely londecaped. M>kNCHESTBR tration of said estate be granted, aa ner CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMLM DEPT. HOURS expert work. Famous for service New Bolton Rood, MI 8-6889. Wanted>-Real B fuia 77 appears: tt Is Boats and Acceaaoriea 46 able. MI 9-7176. decorated, very nrorm and com­ 10% down, FJl.A, R, F. Dimoclt O R p E R ^ ; That said application be In School Fire 8:15 A.M. to 4:.30 P.M. since 1931. Phone MI B-4.137, Pot- HosordviU^OH room Roach, full fortable. Private borne,‘for gen­ Oo., Reoltore, MI 9-B34S. LISTINGS WANTED, eingla and heard and determined at a Court of terton’s. BLBXTTROLUX cleaner, model No. tleman. 818 Spruce Bt. FOUR R(X)M tenement, flret floor, boaoment, corner lot, $0 days oc­ Probate to be held at the Probate Qf- McIn t o s h b o a t c o . 74 WelU St., $65. MI 94229, MI two-family housos. Memhor of flM ta the Tovm of Coventry, on the (OoBtiBoed from Page Obs) COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 30. Also roll around model No. Rl. ' r Jcxi cupancy, excelltat location. Price from the schooL Leroy. Hewlett FI.COR 8ANDINO and refinishinf. 8> 82 OAK ST. WORKINO MAN, quiet home, free 8-7444. $18,000. MLS. Howard R. Hastings, M ol- 9th day of December. 1967, at 10 MON. THKD n i l. 10:30 A.M.—SATtlRDA Y B A.M. .Speclallrinii; In old floors. MI J MI 3-5210 after 6. oclock In the forenoon: and t|tet notice 13. gave this graphic descilptteBS parking. Near So. Main St. M I MANOIBSTER — Beautiful alx tor. MI 9-1107 any time. of^the pendency of said apritcatlon. "Nothing killed Uioee kids but 9-57.W. Now offering all 1958 motors FURNISHED 4% room apartment, Duplex 64. Two-cor garage. and of the time and place of hearinz heat and smoke,’’ Quinn sold. “Kida were hmiging from tb« PLEASE READ YOUR AD \ GOING 3-2822. room roach in prime ieountry club windows. Jumping or fafling tn and boats at tremendous off HOUSEKEEPINGT centrally located, $90. Ineludee Priced for quick sole, ARE YOU CONSIDERINO thereon, bo given to all persona known "They just couldn't get out into CUMirti>d or “ Wont Ad»” nro takrn o\rr thn phonn an a con­ HIU-S' TF.I.KVISION Service. heat. Call MI 9-6S08. location. 18’x24^ Uvtng rooin vrlth SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? to be Interested In said estate, hv groups of three or four at a time. YOU OWE IT l a r g e ROOM, double bed. Kitch­ the corrlder to go downstairs.'' venience. The advertlacr nhmild read hl» ad the FIRST DAV IT Available at all limes Phllco far- HOOHOO.^ season discounts. 1958 Johr- fireplace. LeiBe attractive Utohen. IS ocfte of. loud, Avery Street, We wlU appraise your property <»u«lng . a-copy of thIa order to be Nearly all of the eighth grade Smoke and flame poured from tbe U mTiL a M0t% TO YOURSELF en privileges. For one or two. Recreation room and den finished published once In some newspaper hav­ APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the next Ineer- lorv supervised service. Tel MI RMIMPIV son motors at cost prices Charter Oak St. MI 3-8368, CH FIVE ROOMS and bath, also pan­ So Windobf. Five minutes walk to free and without any obligation. ing a circulaUon in aald District, and. class in two upper-fl(>or class­ windows. A little girl stood at 9-9698. 0ESIREABI.T m p v b u TO SEE THIS try. Gas heat. Adults only. CoU In basement. Over 1,700 equere feet new school now being built pmted on the public eignpost nearest Uon. The Herald U responnible for onl.v O.NE Incorrect or omitted apartm ent while they last. 6-4187. ,Wo also buy property for cash. rooms' perished. the window of a ledge, aereamiag UWEACUf BIG BARGAIN! MI 4-0910. —Wapplng. of living erea on e large wooded where the deceased last dwelt In the for help.” Inaertlon for any adverlliwment and then only to the extent of a BECOMES 10 to 9 daily “SUPER DE LUXE” Member Multiple Listing Town of Coventry, sent by registered Parents Hear Simeams CONNIE’S TV and Radio Sendee, ofeofFie? ROOMS FOR rent, tingle or doUr lot. R. F. Dimock Co., Realtors. STANLEY BRAY, Realtor msll lo; Early reports that there had "m ake fo o d " Inaertlon. Error* which do not Icaaen the value of VACANT- 8:80 to B Saturdays 8 ROOMS OF FtJRNITURE TO RE94T—A lovely four room flat. MI 94345, The screams of the children the advertlnment will not be corrcr ied by "make fo o d " Inaertlon.. available all houra Satiafartinn ble, kitchen privtiegea. Private B A D REALTY ASSN^INC. BRAE-BURN REALTY Gudrun Jacobsen. Coventry. Conn been ar explosion were discounted Kfuaranteed Call Ml 9-1815 TkEN HE'S A All 100% Cuaranteed Convenient location. Write Box H, John Jacobsen, 16 Slone Avenue. trapped on upper floors drifted Deposits for spring delivery ONLY $433 home, gentlemen only. Call MI Herald. MI 8 -^ 8 Bebylon. L I, down to hundreds of horrified by firemen. Commtasiimer teuton TOUR tXXIPERATlON WTl.L REGULAR xxn Ms 9-807S days M ft M RUBBISH-Offers com- accepted 9-7846, 4:80-7 p.m. Adelaide O'l-eary. S746 East Jflth ^>ectators and hysterical parents B^d the boiler room was IntaoL MATINEE PAT ONLY $14.08 Month Ml 9-8640 evenings SELUNQ YOUR home? For Street. Brooklyn, lif. Y. BE APPRECIATED Dial MI 3-2711 plole full lime cleanlne service. standing below In the 30-degree Then he said, "thia could have lOOL* c n t o s h b o a t c o - YOU GET — BEAUTTFOL rOom, excellent lo­ MANCHESTER — Attractive six prompt, efficient, courteuua eerv alt at least five days before said day Ashes, rubbish removed. light M I . POUR r o o m Mortment, first room Capa with two wood punsled of hearing. cold. been a touch-off. It spread toa 52 OAK ST. 16-PIECE BEDROOM cation on bus line. References ex­ MANCHESTEK — Four 'omily ice and appraising without nbhga- damn rapidly." trucking. M etal. csrdtxiard 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM floor. Welles St. 'Tel. Ml 94987. badrooma. Large kitchen Full El-MORE TURKINGTON. Judge. Firemen raised ladders and Lost and Found 1 Automobiles for Sale 4 □ Telephone MI 9-8103 changed. Coll MI 8-6980. home, excellent Income, six car tion, call 8. A. Beechler. Realtor, dnims. Regular service avail- 12-PlECE KITCHEN baaement, fireplace. Convenient to brought down dozena of ahocked Fire investigators were (doeely FIVE LARGE rooms, first floor, garage, large lot, price way be­ MI Sf6969 or Wesley R, Smith, As- checking the story of Mra Bar­ FOUND lirn S O N 1954 Super Wasp. .54,000 able. Ml 9-9757, — Plus — f u r n is h e d r o o m , near Main school and shopping $15,990 w. F. low replacement coet. Short way aociatea. Ml 94963. Member Multi- pupils. Priests on the scene even mllrn, fnm flr»or. gray and whitp. ELECTRIC garage, oU ateem heat. Near Dlmock Co., Realton, Ml 9-8348. and of Excelsior Lodge of Masons bara GlowackL who operates a Building Materials 47 St. Gentleman preferred. 9 Hazel achools and bus. Residential ou t excellent homes, some with pie Listing Service. before the firefighters, led out A way to nave ymir back anti heart whitpwnllB, radio, hPatrri hydra- REFRIGERATOR St. MI 9-2170. garages, priced under $10,600. New of Hartford. others. candy store adJSMMnt to the slcBlMt «nd churrh. nr .Inlin Pnlann, 417 Adnm.s 43-45 AIX.YN ST,, HARTFORD Street near Waddell School 1% tions.' electric sewer clenninf. Broad and West Middle Tpke, ered. Call PI 3-7886. Mahogany Paneliiw 15c per sq. ft. MAIN STREET—Four rooms, 1st monthly, Nice location. <3all MI with attached garage, fireplace, chester for the past three years. tery. Friends may call at the White one could live in that fire." Are which^ killed 294 March 18. St , Manrhcsier. | baths, buUt-ln atove and oven. CHKVrTi LFT iwm 19.56 *2 d r I'UIOR SANDING a specialty. drainpipes cleaned fast and effi­ Knoty Pine Paneling 14c per sq. ft. OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 P.M. floor, Ideal combination office and 3-7925 any time. hot water heat, large lot. All city He was a member of Carnation Aa the bodies were brought 1937, end the CoUinswood School Completely landscaped. Amaatta utilities. Asking $15,200. Other Funeral Home. 65 Elm St., to­ sedan I.ow Millencr Priced for a Call Andy .Sehula. Ml 9-8919. ciently. Will R, C.iiy, MI 3-0677. SNOW BLOWERS-Reo, Snowbird, We will beat our competitor's SAT, 6 P. M. home. Heat, hot water furnished. Lodge of Masons in Chicago. morrow from 8 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. down In the eerie, hazy light, par­ Are which claimed ITS Uvea March lOST — Pair while woolen Rlovrs, Help Wanted — Male 36 and Toro. Push and ■eU-propelled. Furniture available. MI 4-0288 af­ MODERN FOUR room flat, newly drive. R. P. Dlmock Co., Rcaltom, listings available. Cal] Alice black trim .Manrliosler Trust o r' quick aale. Oidy $96 down. Ixiw advertised prices by at least 5% MI 94245. Besides his daughter in Man­ ents pushed against police lines, 4. 1908 In aeveland. hank payments Rrunner's, Tal FI/IO RS WA.SHF.D and waxed for Capitol Equipment, 88 Mair MI MAPLE BUNK beds, complete. In ter 8. decorated. Central location, large Clampet. Phone MI 9-4048. crying, "Where are our children? Marlow's. Msin St MI .1-8660 j Millinery DrefumakiRg 19 AUTOMOBILE salesman -Brun­ 3-7958. good condition, $.50. Tel. MI 6-1184 yard, porch, garage. Heat fur­ chester, he leaves two other In Chicago it ranfc* am the eeo- roltvlllr Phone MI 1-6191, offli-es srfiall buMlnesses Have NOBODY — BUT NOBODY daughters. Mrs. John M. Prevost Where are our children?” ond greatest Are killer o f the Can* own equipment Also lanlorlal ner's, your Studebaker Lark deal­ UNDERSELLS NATIONAL after 5 p.m, VERNON—One three room apart­ nished. $95. Available Jan. 1. MI XXV ELLINGTON—Five room ranch, FOUND - One Collie, male, aahle j DRESSMAKING, alteration, spe- WALLPAPER SALE on new 1659 ment with garage, stove, refrig­ 9-6544. fireplace, high elbvatlon, hot of Michigan and Mrs. John Cha- The dead were placed in a tury. On Dec. 80, 1908, 603 per* and w'hite Call Is-e Fra( i liia. Dof ! MKROURY STATION wafon, 19.57 scrvlees ,MI 1 6670. er needs 10 aggressive salesmen. Funcrala clallzing In children's clothes. 5fl F.xpertenre preferred, but not es­ wallpaper, trim and plasticized. DINING ROOM set for sale. Call erator, References. MI 0-2837. MANCHESTER—Seven roon\ ram­ water heat, full basement, city parrot of (Jhlcago; a aon. William courtyard where only a few hours tons died when flames swept Warden. MI .1-8591 Rarhi), healer, automatic. .Iiial n a t i o n a l l u m b e r . INC. Weaver of Riverside, Calif.; a sis­ before the children had been through the downtown Iicquote nexi III new Onlv $195 down Cash 9 9140, sential. Chance to earn $7500 to C. J. Morrison Paint Stors, 885 381 STATE STREET MI ^6418 or 29 Foley St. after 8 bling Cape. Large rear patio and utilities. Vacant IlS.OtlO. aifford p.m. THREE An d four room apart­ Hansen, Realtor, MI 3-3458, MI laughing and playing. Theater. , I/1.9T- Near Pn.ri (iffue two kevs oi- trade Rninner'8 TalcoItvIMe. MASON WORK and repairs. Ml $10,000 yearly. Draw against com­ Center St. NORTH HAVEN. CONNEOTICrUT TWO ROOM apartment, $26 attached garage. Paneled dining ter, Mrs. Lillian Spence of Bhtst Louis Bayer I 3-1870 mission. Ambition and neat ap­ ments. Call MI 9-4071, 5 to 7 p.m. monthly. Call AD 6-1566. • room, recreation room, two hatha. 94793. Orange, N. J.; 13 grandchildren, The funeral of Louts Bayer. 219 Three Heroic'Nuns News of the disaster brought on rhain with It A V- marked 4117 Open evemi\KS ,1 III 9 Moving—Trucking— IX)AM—The best for $1 less! Lost CHestnut 8-2147 THREE-PIECE living r(»m set. only. and luckv piece Reward Tel Ml pearance most essential. See .lohn Class A nelghbortiood. $30,000. R. and 0 great-grandchildren. Parker St., Was held at 2 o'clock The Injured were taken to seven city, school and church oflletete to LFAVF. 5’OUR rubbish worries to call for fall delivery. Ml 8-8603. One year old. Asking $100. Call SIX ROOM duplex with garage. F. Dlmock C^i., Realtors, Ml 94345. 818,700— Immaculate atx room the scene. Archblehop Albert 8-4647 Storage 20 Garrlty or Chet Brunner, ' t Brun­ FOUR ROOM modern rent, con­ The funeral will be held at the yesterday afternoon at the Wein­ nearby West Side Hospitals. Twen­ NASH l‘.»rir. uutpiMmlinjf biiv Must ' me' Cellnis. attics ileaned, Sand, stone, gravel, fill. UiamonOs— Watrhee— MI .3-1007. Apply 99 Ridge St. Available im­ (Jape, garage, new heating sys­ W. P. Quish E\meral Home, 325 stein Mortuary. Hartford. Rabbi Gregory Meyer, recently Installed ner's In Talcottville, Tel. MI venient to schools, bus. Children mediately. tem, pork-like yard, near ' bus, ty-two victims died en route to sril Ml 0-26S7 I.CMies rnked and removed light MANCHF,STP:R Psekage De'lvery. 3-5191. XXVI Main St.. Thursday afternoon at 2 I.4on Wind and Cantor George hospitals or soon after arrival. as head of the Chicago Oathollo trill king of all kinds, for homes, Fight tnil'king ami package ^eliv- FOR SALE—,30 " Dumont TV, cost Jewelry 48 G.E. De LUXE refrigerator, 8,8 accepted. Call MI 84814. school, shopping. Assume 4(4% l/)sST—Whit^ Rrifl twn Collip Ho cubic feet. Excellent condition, HEATED four, three and two nxtm o'clock, with the Rev. Lawrence Wald ofllelated. Burial was In Sixty-eight bodies were sent di­ Archdiocese, stood stunned at the stores and offices. Norm's ory. flcfilgarntoiB. wasnern and WINDOW CLEANER Must be ex- $2,400 new, for quick aale, $300. In MANCHESTER — New six -oom mortgage, $83 month. Carlton W. ward. MI 9 1527. LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ approxlmatelv two years old $125. AVAILABLE NOW —Apartments, apartments. Inquire 419 North Almond, minister of the South Temple Beth Sholom Memorial rectly to the morgue Where parents scene. In a statement he later 1917 Ml'/rilO Iriuk, In rondl- Trucking Ml 3 8995 alove moving aperlaMy Folding perieneed. Part-time. Call MI good condlllon. (7an be seen at ranch home in Rockledge aectitm, Hutchins, MI 9-5182, said; Walnut Restaurant, 7 Walnut St. pairs. adjusts watches evpertly. Ml 9 0.562. one each of four and five. Main St., or call MI 9-0576. 12-1 Methodist Church, officiating. Bur­ Park. and relatives gathered for the : lion $;i75. ( ’all P( 2 7728 chnira for ront, MI 9-0752, 3-7614. IH baths, ceramic tile kitchen The bearers were William Bayer ' ORNAMKNTAI. Iron made to Reasonable prices. Open daily. (More being constructed), op­ p.m. and after 5 p.m. counters. Attached garage, ame- VERY ATTRACnVE 3 bedroom ial will be in the family plot in dreaded identification ordeal. “In this hour of supreme trag­ rersonalB 3 Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce SUBURBAN gas and coal ranga posite big new shopping renter. East Cemetery. and Mark Solomon, grandsons of Of the dead 53 were girls and 34 edy. my heart goes out tn sym ­ 19.55 I IF .SOTO lilni k and while, ! order Railings fiirriltiire, fix- MOVF BY TRAII.f r vnn. It's less PART-TIME or full time eolleetor PEARL FLOOR COVERING site drive, full landscaped lot, ranch - complete recreation room Street. MI 9-4387. (Caloric I with electric panel. Rea­ Thoroughly modern tiled bath, SIX ROOM duplex, three bed­ the deceased, and Bernard Heller. pathy to all the bereaved famlllM h'lreilnmc 8 two (lonr- hniitliip All ■ lures etc Call MI 4-0083, expensivp One losd Instead of rm weekly arcounts. Muat have $19,800. R. F. Dimock CP., Real­ with oar, garage, 106' frontage, Friends may call at the funeral boys. The heroic nuns accounted VACUUM CIJCANERS repaired In sonable. Glastonbury ME 3-9367, shower and vanity. Beautifully rooms. Centrally located. Immedi­ home tomorrow from 2 to 5 and Marvin Heller, Herbert Isaacs and for the other three. who lost children in thia Are, ak my (jwn horns ahop Forty years' powei. exi'clleni intidillnn Pro- two or three F.nsler loading and own ear. See Chet Bninner at CO., INC. tors, MI 9-5345. trees, high elevation, many fessioniil mnri s seimid enr $1699 iLFiAVKS ASHES nnd rubblah re- unloading Distinctive, dlRnlfled equipped big kitchens, with gar­ ate occupancy. $90 monthly. Call extras, only 116,900.' Oarlton W. from 7 to 9 p.m. Milton Bayer, nephews. The u-shepad school at 3808 well as to those who have loved factory experience. All makee. low j moyrd Wry rraaonnhie. (lirapeat Rninner's. vour Lark dealer In Fuel and Feed 49-A MI 8-2721 before 5, MI 9-9557 after Memorial week is being observed ( 'n 11 .Ml 3 6900 and smart "The Best for I..ess ” Talcottville,’ MI 3 5191, At Route 83 and Allan Road. b l e disposal, red birch cabinets, XXVII Hutchbia, Ml 94133. Iowa Street was built some 40 ones among the injured.’' rates, tree eatlmates, free pickup 1 In town ( ’nil PI 2 8.198, Musical Instrumentfi 53 and formica countera, three min­ 6. at his late home. and delivery. Mr. Miller JA The Ansi in A ('ham hers Co . 503 Manchester to Rockville Road, one CXIRDWOOD, top quality hfird- Garrett Flemming years ago. It waa remodeled about Inside the b u m ^ out buUdlng Fast .Mh!(tli- Turnpike, ,MI 3-5187. EXCEI.LENT opporlunity— Young utes walk to public and parochial MANCHESTER—6 and 6 Duplex. SOUTH WINDSOR — 8(4 room five years ago. Fire officials said were remnants o f the vietlma' last 3-8S04. ^.AND CI.KArUNG, i hiilri sfw mile north of Vernon Circle. wood, well seaiioned. aaweil any PIANO TUNING. We are the only THREE ROOM apartment, first Garrett Flemming, 76. died yes­ I9M I-'uIU) $110, (*nli MI 3 0192 Harlforil ( 'll 7 1423. man 20-30 for credit and retail schools for one or two children. Nice (xmdition inside and out. Oil ranch, ceramic bath, hot water Mrs. Rose E. KUgour the school was checked last Octob­ day of school. A water lagged : wiirk (4y the jiib or the hour. Cnll length. Edward Yeomans, PI firm In this area tuning nlanoa floor. Heat, hot water, stove and terday at the Laurel Manor Con­ afirr 6 .10 p in sales. Previous experience or On bus line In Rockville, $100 and hot air heat, aluminum combina­ heat, full baaement, amesite ITie funeral of M s. Ross E. er and no violations were found. geography book which would RIDE— Vicinity G Fox s, Hnitfnrd ■MI 9-06.50 sfter 5 TELEPHONE TR 5-6124 2-8002. electronically. Others use the c'd- refrigerator. $65 a month. Call valescent Home. from Manchester Working hmiis eollege graduate preferred. Good $110 (range, freezer, washer, tions throughout. N|ce lot In con­ drive. Immediate occupancy. Call Kilgour was held at 2 o'clock yes­ Exits were adequate, they said, never be used again by its owner. 1951 P.AMRLEPi atalinn wagon fashioned by ear method. Ward MI 8-2785 before 5. He was born in Hackensack, N. 9 a m. to 6 p 111. MI 9 6325 Fainting— Papering 21 salary, yearly bonus, paid vaca- foR SALE—Seasoned hardwood, slightly extra). Heat and hot venient location. 80 day oc(nipancy William Peck Lumber, Inc. MI J.. June 8, 1882, and formerly terday afternoon at the Watkins- and the ceilings were of wo(>d lathe The charred desk o f a nun. A wool Pailio hralrr. Handy loun rai Krause. Ml 3-5336. 94395 after 6. MI 8-8600. LKAVF.S RAKED nnd removed, lion, penainn plan and other iiatial FEATURING ARMSTRONG for fireplace, furnace or stove. water Included. Ml 9-4824, TR on one aide. $18,800. R. F. Dlmock resided in Hartford. West Funeral Home. The Rev. and plaster. There were no false mitten tramplad underfoot SO'i May hr arm a I 101 North .SI t'AINTINiI ANI> paperhanglng. 5-5775. THREE ROOMS and bath, fur­ A MONKY RAVKR 1 will < Mrt to mid )4c a block. pairing. Ward Krause, 87 Walnut Business Locations TWO-FAMILY duplex 4-4, lust off E. Center SI., and in St. James' Burial was In East (Jemetery. waa in the center pf the rear, or Products 50 Cape lust off Porter Street Fire­ Hartford Road. Amesite drive, Bearers were Harold D. 'Ven­ hill h If tlualrrd. Ml 3 (lai 1 , PRGFE.SSIONAI. Exterior and In- St.. Ml 3-5.336. For Rent. 64 place, full baaement. Aluminum Church at 10 o'clock. Burial will east side of the bulldlhg—the bot­ Automobilcn for Sale 4 PART-TIMP; Rubber tile, 15c a block. FOUR ROOM apartment, second atlifnlnum atorm windows. In good tres, Earl C. Loveland Sr.. Earl tom of the "U " which Joined the Hou.aehfl1d Services terlor painting. Painters and pa combinatihna. Nice lot $14,600. R. be in St. James' Cemetery. Coventry REFORK YOF RI ’ Y a uani . ar APPLES and pears, now on sale YOtJ SEE PINK elephants? I see condition. Please call Paul J. (Jor- C. Ixiveland Jr. and Newton Tag­ WANTED—Clean uard rare We perhanger HVallnhle on short no 12 ft, wide linoleum, 75c a eq. floor. Adult family. MI 3-4751. COMMERCIAL business or office P. Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5248. Friends may call qt the funeral wings. arr (•orinaii Moloi SaU*a Ruirk Offered 13 A Karn Up To $100 A Month at Bottl's Fruit Farm, 260 Bush pink pianos! Any color you renti. Broker. Ml 3-8868. gart. buy. trade down or iratle any­ ilec Fre< estimates Bernard Lo­ yard. Hill Rd. ■pace for rent. Up to 6500 qquore home from 7 to 9 o'clock tonight. As news of the Impending disas­ Salra and So m Iii* 2Hr» Main zier. Coventry, PI 2 6462. NO experience neceaaary. Operate choose. Ideal for living or recrea­ THREE ROOM tenements, central feet. Will sub-divide. Main St. Lo­ ter spread through the low Income thing. Doiiglaa Molorii, .13.1 Main. FURNITtlRF RFPAmiNnU Tn. XXX TWO FAMILIES—Four of them for Firemen Answer .Mtirri MI 9 1571 Hpm ryuninga. ymir own businesa. A'ou wdll he Broadloom carpeting, $3.29 a sq. tion rooms. Meyers Plano, 255 heating, 454 Main St. MI 9-5229, cated near Center. Plqnty of park­ Rimer II. Williams Mrs. Milton K. Whitten -neighborhood, hundreds rushed to llflUf'B rc.storrd Furnltiito Rrpnir INSIDE AND outside painting. trained to do profeaaiona) furniture Market St., Hartford. Open 4 MI 8-7444. aale. One duplex (6 and 6), 2 flats OLDER CARS, mechanlca tpotMala, Horvli-r TalroRvIllf MI 3 7449. yard. Household Goods 51 ing. Phone MI 94229 Or Ml 8-7444. LAKE STREXIT—New six room Rockville — Elmer Henry Wil­ The funeral of Mrs. Miiton K. the scene. Gnef-strlcken parents Three Fire Calls flxlt yourielf earn, aiwaya a good Speelnllzlng In Interior work Isnv polishing, exclusive rug dry clean­ p.m. to 11 p.m ., all day Satur­ of 8 and 8 and another flat with Auto Driving Srhoul 7-A , THREE ROOM apartment. Heat, Colonial with garage. Built by U 8 and 8. All priced to sell. T. J. liams, 80, of Wolf Den Rd., Brook­ Whitten, 16 Russell St., was held began crashing through police cor­ •election. Look behind our office RADIO RKPAIR.S on unv ninkr winter prii ea No Job too small. ing melhoda and floor mainte­ Vinyl I-atex paint $3.49 a gallon. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, silver, davs. Have vour piano tuned elec­ ft R. Bui't-in stnve and oven. lyn, Conn., formerly of Rockville, at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon dons as the dead were removed. Cnll MI 3-2521, nance We fiirnlah you with mod­ tronically. Call CH 7-5505. hot water and utilities, $77 per FOR RENT—Store, see Mr. Clkrk, Oockett, Realtor, MI 8-1577. A chimney fire, beater fire and Douglaa Motors, <133 .Main; MORTLO(n< S Manrhratrr'a h'nd- iill imipIifiri'H Hiif! phonogrnpfix glass, china, and used furniture month. Weldon Apartment, 45 Large fireplace. Sun deck, 1% died yesterday after a short ill­ at the Holmes Funeral Home, with Several persons fMnted in thO surg­ ern equipment nnd riistoniers In Wallpaper 20c a single roll. 709 Main St. Tel MI 8-2068. a mistake accounted for three nine ing driying at linol 'I’htrr aklllril, nml iliHngi'in (Ivfi 47 vrwiA tntnl PAfNTI'lU and pnis-rhanger. deco- bought and sold. I-\irnilure Repair Wellman Rd. Phone MI 8-6940. hatha, three bedrooms. BeauUfiil MANCHESTER .— Desirable loca­ ness. the Rev. Arnold W. Tozer, minis­ ing mass of humanity. NEED A <’AH nnd hml yn\ii- i irtlH your area Car necea.sary Call for Service. MI 3-7449. rouilrtMia inFl t nclora. ('la.sa room rkprrh'ncf 9»i dny.u giinrnnlor on , ruling Good elean Job. ren.sonahle 12x15 broadloom tweed rugs, Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 BUSINESS LOCATION for store or view. $18,700, R, F. Dlmock Co., tion. Near bus and shopping. He was bom In New Britain, ter of the Second Congregational Priests walked through the made by the South Coventry Vol­ turned down? »Short diiwn pay nil wni k Pultfi'ton H appointmeni daily 9 a m to 9 p m. BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat, tiled Realtors, MI 9-5245. crowd and stood near the doomed m en f’ Had e repoaaraainn ’ I >on t Inatnii'Mnna fnr 15 10. 17 year ; pi Ire , S Yencha. MI 9 6914 after $65. $80. office. Call between 5 and 7. MI Three Bedroom ranch, excellent Feb. 24, 1878, son of the late Ly­ Church, officiating. Burial was In unteer Fire Department yesterday SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall bath and kitchen, storm windows, building, administering Extreme give up' .See fiouglaa Moloia, got t'kla 'IVlf’ plmiio Ml, Mnrilork, I 6. BOY’S THREE piece chinchilla 3-6441. condition, 4% mortgage available. man and Marilla Allen Williams, East Cemetery. FLAT I'MNISH Hnlinml window CAI.I, COLLKCT BK 5-798.0 lile.s 4c a tile. Kentlle, from 7c coat set, size 1-8. Almost new, Venetian blinds. Range, refrigera­ XXXI H. B. Grady, Broker. MI 34009. and had lived in Brooklyn for the Unction, last rite of the CRthollc afternoon and evening. the lowdnwii on ihe Inwrai down Diirrlor of Driyri FiVunlion. STOKE HOURS each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, Bearers were Edward Winzier, hIumIdh, ninih* Ilf nif'MfliiH* All I EXTFRIDR and Interior painting also pants. Jersays. MI 3-4921. tor, garage available. Adults pre­ DESIRABLE business location on past 37 years. Church. The chimney fire was qt ths and smalleat paymrnta nnvwhrrc Ml n-7M9H. 111 Mpi'ifien, (ionn. at the Green. Thomas Graham, Samuel Mal- , nw'lnl \rnoliMn hlinil.H at h ni*w I Ceilings reflnlshed. Paperhanglng. 8-6 Daily Thurs, and Frl. 8-9 ferred. Must be seen to be ap­ Hartford Road. Five rooms ground VERNON—New alx room Colonial TO BE SOLD He leaves his wife, Mrs. Matilda Telee of Heroism home of Richard Folsom, Gable Not a email loan or finnno rom with attached garage. Built-in tempo and Welter Casaells Jr. .M AN ('I iI‘’,S'I’F it llru'ing Ai mleinv hiw pi u o Kuya inndp w hilr you j Wallpaper books Rsllmales given preciated. MI 3-7056 after 6. floor. Ideal for professional use Williams of Brooklyn; a son, Rus­ As in most tragedies, there 'were Rd., Coventry at 8:06 p.m. ttes. pany plan Dougina Motoia 333 WMil Mni ln^v n TOOL MAKERS FOR S A L E - One 5Jtroll-0-Carrlage. Three breakfast seta $30, $40, $60 Wanted—To Buy 58 range and oven. Fireplace sun WASHINGTON STREET — An Main Strrrl non iiffri'. tH’lilml the wlicel and Fully enverprt by Insurance. Call the original price $71. Can be had 8 cubic ft. refrigerator ...... $60 such as dentist, etc. MI 9-8784. sell Williams of Tolland; foilr August Vonllone countless tales of heroism. Folsom said she saw amoks coal­ < Inrisroom mat no I ions fm 15 16, ' Edward R. Price, MI 9-1008 UPPER APARTMENT for rent. deck. baths, three bedrooms, older home of six rooms located 1 daughters, Mrs. Harold Dowding ing out of the chimney near i W F A V IN H hnrna, ninth hnlua AN'D for $35. used about 6 times. Also a Simmons Hlde-a-bed ...... $80 high wooded lot. Brlckfront. The funeral of August VonHone, A nun, who refused to Identify 1951 PONTIAC $200 nr HM2 Pnnllar I 17 vear olds. Call Mr. Mlclrlle, ^ N T E D TO BUY Modem five rooms, heat, itove block from Main Street. Oil heat, and Mias Pearl Williams, both of kitchen stove and called a mem­ nnd lorn thdliing hnalrry mna. ('FII.ING.S RFFINIRHFD. rooms L’rigidaire in good condition $35. Two Pianos ...... $30. $60 and refrigerator with hot water. Houses for Rent 65 $17,400. R. F. Dlmock Co. Real­ 166 Bldridge St., was held at 3 herself, made three trips into the $75, Take your pick I'll lake ilir PI '2 7'.M9 New Simmons and other na- Good used resalable furnlturs, 2-car garage, enclosed porch, etc. this city, Mrs. John Kuhnly of Ell­ blistering fire, each time leading ber of the fire dapartmont to have J hnndhnga irpniiiMl rippri lu luiinlod Fvenlngs and Saturdavs FIRST CLASS MACHINl.STS If Interesled call MI 3-50.37, Also Children accepted. MI 6-072-'' after tors. MI 94245. Offered for quick sole at $14,900. o’clock yesterday afternoon at the other, (.’an t ua© boih, PI pinrrmcnl, unihiTlIna irpnlti*fl stroller used twice. tlonaly advertised mattresses and also small upright and aplnet ington, and Mrs. Bruce Larrow of W. P. (^tsh Funeral Home, with out six pupils. "I felt untold It checked. She said that she to not IjAR.SON ,S Coiiiie. ticul s flist 11- < 'nil Ntl 4 8016 pianos, 6 p.m. Property now vacant and available ! mrn ii ahirt rollnia revorard and I - For work on close tolerance Air- box springs, savings up to 50%. COVENTRY—Five room rent with Bridgeport; a sister, Mrs. Alice the Rev. Erich O. Brandt, pastor strength,’’ She told newsmen while even sure at this point that there 1950-P4EVR OLET four door rdnn. censed driving school trained. craft Prcrlaion PartB. FOR SAI.E ■ CMpiplele bathroom XXXII for immediate occupancy, Coy of Plainville; two brothers, Certified and approved, is now of­ I roplnrofl Mntlm^■n Llttlr M piu I WAI.I.PAPFH SPF’.CIAI, We will FIVE ROOM flat, second floor. In option to buy. MI 9-3786. of Concordia Lutheran Church, of­ being treated for buma at St. was a fire but thinks the shimmy ood condition and good Urea. RU set. Includes tuo, lavatory and WATKINS Watkins Used Furniture Frank Williams of New Britain Anne's Hospital. may have been blocked end that f•.3561. fering clnsaroom and behind I Ing .Shop, aii|i|i|y and hang wallpaper at only quire at 46 Benton St., or phone VERNON—New six room split HENRY STREET — Bowers ficiating. Burial was In East Ceme­ h k ; h h o u r l y r a t e s water closet. Six years old, slight­ l a k e and Newton Wllllama of Foreat- wheel Instillclinn for leenagers. $19 !*5 prr nwim Fp lo 10 mngl© USED FURNITURE Exchange MI 3-4041 after 5:30. COVENTRY :—Three rooms. level. High wooded lot. Otiietlia) School area. Modern seven room tery. Casimir Janlk, 88, a milkman, smoke coming from the stove ea- DK'K'fl WEATHEriaTRIP^rnm rnllA. 0\’©i- UiO 1959 pB(trinn tO ly worn In spots, while. Includes Stove and refrigerator furnished. ceiling with redwood beama. r»ulU' vllle; five grandchildren hnd four caped into the room. She said flu 1947 PONTIAC, rsdio. heslei spot- MI 9-61175. If you don't qualify for one of EXCHANGE' 15 Oak Street home. Fireplace, modem kitchen, C arers were Frank Steiner, said an unexplainable Impulse pnnv. dtKija and windnwa. rnatoin rhiMiflp from. Brrnnifl Ixirln PI fixtures, will sell cheap. Call MI 2'A ROOM kpartment. Heat, hot Cali kn 9-7566. in range and oven, m baths large great-grandchildren. fire department bad corrected the lljfl'l. good running condlllon. these positions, please do not ap­ 3(4 baths, recreation room, base­ Joseph Steiner, Walter VonHone made him alter his regular route Name your price. Ml 8 7877. work gunrnnlBfd, Cftll MI 9 1583 2 6452 9-5323. 15 OAK -STREET water. Apply Marlow's, 867 Main fireplace. Finished laundrv room. ment garage, hot water heat plus The funeral will be held tomor­ and Bernard VonHone, home. He arrived at the school be­ trouble In a matter o f minutes. Mofoi'c.vclps— Hlcy(le."i H aftrr 6 p m ply. CHII-D'S ROIJf, top desk. Call MI St. SIX ROOM ranch, in fine neighbor­ Garage. Three bedrooms $17,990. row et 3 p.m. at the Ladd Funeral IMAL TOOL & TWO SNOW re-i;ap tires, 760x15. hood, garage, electric atove, dtsh- many other attractive features. fore firemen. He parked nearby The mistake occurred on RL St Open Thursday Evenings .3-6995. R. F. Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml Property now vacant. Priced at Home, 19 ElUngtoh Ave., with the and several times ran into the at Perkins Corhsr in Btoj^vtlte BEI-MONT Rug r?Ii»nn1ng Com­ Courses nnd Classes 27 ENOINEERINC COMPANY Never used. Ml,-f9 0693 between Until 9 THREE ROOM apartment fur waaher. immediate occupancy. 9-5245. Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor of ROY 21“ hit VI Ir F.m rllm l rnn pany—For thoaa who oar© ahmit 5-6 .30. nished, parking space. Couple of $125. Rental purchase plan option­ 119,900 and present mortgage of school, carrying burned children to where en etorm was turned tn at Combine Your Fabrics dlUon. $18 23 Llhi. .St Closed Mondays $13,000 may be assumed. Union (Jbngregatlonal Church, of- Area VFW Ladies safety. Ihalr ruga— phon© M.1 8-0012 RADIO KIcrtronlcx Tolrvlalnn In 2 - 291 ADAM.S .STREET Rooms Without Board 59 W(>rklng men or young married al. Excellent financing possibility. 4:24 p.m. by a resident living n ea r, WELBII.T ELECTRIC range, ex XXXIII flciatlng. Buriat will be in Grove "I found one girl, her shoes Erffl pickup and, d©l)3-^ry Fre© cNcnlmjH ]>cr werk \vr i nn trach | - couple. Buaineaa location for store MI 9-8668. TOLLAND TURNPIKE—Lo(>kinf Hill Cemetery. the com er who saw what She' cellent condition, $.60, Bov Scout FURNISHED room for rent, con­ Meet in Hartford missing." hs said. “ Hanging on to ratimatfa given Wa apacinlira In' yi»u piaclical ari viring Y ou : ADVERTISINH Aanintant ~ Younff KENMORE GAS rangs good con­ Or office. Call between 6 and 7. VERNON—New six room ranch for a home with some land? We Friends may coll at the funeral thought was a parked car burning. Simple Embroidery! furnlfiir© nnd wall to wnll carpet-, ■ Lcain hy DoinK al ('tinnerticnt a i ambitloua man to naaiat In advei * uniform, 14 husky, complete, like dition. MI 3-7980. venient location. One minute from MI $4441. with attached garage. Built-in a banister, seemingly in a state of It turned out to be a trash barrel new. $8, Tuxedo short 40, excel­ Main St. Light housekeeping, SnbnrtMui For Rant 66 ore offering a seven room home, home today from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 ■hock. 1 yanked her loose, took her 1»K I OUlcNt Electronic.4i School Alaoj llalng snd printing depsrlmenl of range end oven, fireplace in living plus bam and other outbuildings, p.m. President Laura Ecabert of the near the car that was smoking. fnlMlme flay Tochnlnan tralninf?. ; progressive food chain. Must he lent condition. $20. Mouton lamb woman only. Phone Ml 9-7959. to church and placed her on a pew. ROCKVILLE — Three room apart­ room end baaement. Wooded lot, with 14 acres of land. Owner will VFW Auxiliary, accompanied by The department Wes csllad out ( ’liiHarw Htnrt .JHiuiaiy Mh ( ’all able to type, willing to learn. coat, $10. Call MI 9 9302 after 5 BEAUTY RANGE gas stove $25. FIVE ROOM apartment, second nice location. $16,500. R. F. Dlmock 11 members of the local unit, at­ Twice I carried two girls out. One fsr the third time at 8:02 pjo. Itiiilrilng— Contmctlng 14' p.m MI 9-6074. floor, hot water heat. 66 North St. ment, entirely redecorated, heat consider subdividing property if LeoUa F. Cooley under each arm." HaitfoMl' .lA r» 3 M9> fii' wi'Uo for Many benefits Aftlitary obligation Co., Realtors, Ml 94245. less land is desired. tended the Hartford District Auxi­ when a heater in the borne e t full infoi niallon. New England ROOMS FOR rent, free parking. and hot water, $60 per month. TR Rockville—Leslie Frederick Coo­ Students In the school psinted s AI . ricit ATIONS to kllchena hath-i I'onipleled Apple In person, Ganr FARMALL TRACTOR, model F12 FOUR ROOM apartment. Heat and 5-5136. liary meeting yesterday in Hart­ Charlton F. Relncke, Green Itevlm T p< hnlcnl Tnatltulr of ronn Inc., Hrolhera, 69 I-eggett SI , Fast CHAMBERS FURNITURE Call between 5 and 7. Ml 9-0826. ley, 70, of 12 S. Grove St., died grisly picture of terror. rooms ntlii's, rellai'S. pon iies, m hot water furnished. A. G. Crick- XXXV For further information please ford. Rd., Etoglevjlls, caught fire. This 5(1 Fmon Plac$' Hartford 3. ( ’onn. Mat tford with power pulley and all steel suddenly yesterday morning while piiivioorn i'lunibliig, carpenliv, cordwood saw table. PI 2-7211. LARGE MODERN room with all more, PI 34449. ANDOVER — Four room apart­ contact: Mrs. Lucille Hirth. post pres­ ‘Our Berke Were Burning* alarm was aiMwered by the Eagte- SALES \ MANCHESTER—OnO year old alx at work at Hartmann's Supermar­ ident of the local auxiliary and Linda Barleto, 13, eald she was elerim al and inaaonry Aluminum MATURE Individual to do slo<*k housekeeping facilities fully* at­ ment. heat, hot water and garage ket. vine and ManSfteld Fire Depart­ tached. Gcntleme-i only, private FIVE ROOM tenement to rent, 100 included, fumiished or unfumiahed room ranch. Three bedrooms, ROBERT J. SMITH. INC. now serving u president of the pushed out a window in a second ments as wall t s ths one from 2669 sldnig ilaragea, roltages, out ■ Honds— Stocks Mortgages 31 work nnd selling Second shift. Ap- stereophonic phonographs, from Utcheni dining room, large living He was bom In ElUng^, April tmddinga, loom nilditlons N-jaide PAIR Bl.ACK Canadian Flyer fig­ entrance. Inquire »01 Chestnut St. Spruce St, Oil heat. Apply 95 $86. PI 34042. distrlcL presented an attache case floor classroom. “Our becks were South Coventry. Damage was plv Tov Dept , Towers .591 Fast 1149 up. Portsbie, table model and room. BuUt-ln range and oven. 063 MAIN STREET 14, 1888, son of the laterSTederlck burning. Then someone pushed me Fiigineeilng Ciimpnin, Inc. 3 | LOW COST financing. A oenny per ure skates, size 7, Cali MI 9-8.352. console T.vys. Contour chairs, Foster' St. in memory of her mother, Mre. Blight. Atiddte Tpke, Ask for Mr. Mr- Fl'RNlSHED room. complete UNETJRNI8HED modem three Aluminum combinations, full cel­ J. and Neills Cady Cooley. He waa Helen Beebe, for the use of distriet out the wlri()ow." She suffered Oak .SI. MI 3 lt'2.5 month fi each dollar you borrow. Cnrlliv lamps, smok’srs. lar. d o s e to bus, schools and ahop- MI 94341 a member o f Fayette Lodge of Mortgage loiiiia to stretch your GIRL'.S WHITE shoe ire skstes, housekeeping facilities, one block room apartment, large bath and presidents. Mrs. Delia Farrington, burns end bruises. size 5. I.lke new. $4. Csll MI SIX ROOit duplex, oU heat. MI A-real buy at $16,600 R. F. Moaona, and Damon Lodge, ALL TYPES of carpentry work Im onio It s easier to carry debts Use our lay away plan now for from Center, women only Call porch. Parking. OnipTe with child EXTRA BUILDING lot avaU a^ musician of the Manchester unit, Her cousin, Andrea Gagliareo. Cuban Rails Expand ■ 3-T183 MI 3-5539. 8-2873. preferred. $10 weekly.. ,107 I ^ h Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 1-8348. Knights'of Pythias. done, alterntlona. dormers, rixif If you put them all in on# basket. SitUKtlon.4 Wanteil— Christmas with six room single home. 3 bed­ was Installed as muslclsn of the 13, tqilc newsmen, •'some of the tng porches, etc Cali Ml 9-6981 ' St... Rockidlle. Ha leavas his wlfa, Mrs. Lillian district Installation servlcea were tews Jumped oiit the window. Havana — Railroads are Ug Dial Cm 6 8897 and ask Frank Female 38 TWO 670x15 while wall tubeless HEATED ROOM, one block from OOTTAOB ST. apartment, oil furn­ XXXVI rooms, paneled den, copper Burke Or Mrs Carter how to do It. plumbing, Timken oil humor, Uarkart Cooley; and a aon, Don­ conducted by Mrs. Florence When we looked out we saw them business in Cube. Two o f (the te> CARPENTER-ExrTerienkrd^ ir sII tiws,, recaps Phone after 6:30 CHAMBERS FURNITURE Main ST., Separate uif^nce. Gen­ ace, automatic hot water heater, ROCKVILLE—Three room modem ald R. Coolay, both of thia city; Connediciit Mortgage Exchange, EXPERIENCED. Refined middle- p.m. Ml 3-1626. modem kitchen. MI .9-4498. fairly priced. B. A. Beechler, Real­ Streeter of Maniihester, pest de- lying still on the ground. It waa land's largest Unas, with a total o t fields of carpentry. Cnnlract or tleman. Parking. MI 3)4724. apartment with bath . apd gas twoslstors, Mrs. Walter M. Matte- 15 I,r\vi.s St,. Hartford. aged woman as companion, gov­ SALES range. O il TR 6-8608. family and a separata four room tor, MI 34969. W. R. Smith, Aaao- paftrhent president. like a miracle when we sew the 4.800 miles of trade, are investing reasonable hmiriv rales Ml soif of Gross Valley, Calif., and Following the meeting a Christ­ firemen with their ladders." 8-0731 erness Will do light housekeeping AVAILABLE—Modem three room home. Th two-fomlly la in vary date, MI 9-8983. $23,000,000 in new rolling stow Ousiness OpportunTties .12 MI 3-0941. 1951 STUDEBAKER, $.t0 Also re­ AT THE GREEN FURNISHED ROOM for rent at apartment. Heat, lights and all ROCKVILLE:—Two apartments 4% nice, condition Inalda and out. Mrs. John S. Rialey of Maqchester; mas party was held. A litUa boy who lives aeroas and track constnietloa. frigerator, $30, Call MI 9-4485. 106 Birch St. MI 9-3884. utilities...... furnished. Q ill Ml 8-8534. rooms and bath with hot water. TEU4 ROOM single, one block from and sevarol nieces end nephews. BIDWFLL HOME Improvement Open 10-5 -7- 7:30-9 Bsparate heating systems, eimper Co. Alterations, addltlohs. ga­ LET 1950 BE tlie turning p..bedroom water* Realtors, Ml 9-6348. Lutheran Church, officiating, Bur­ Situations Wanted— Male 39 aiilomnUc washer, electric stove, front house. Oil fumaea, tUa bath, 6-9199 equipped Mobile Soft Icr Cream a u t o m a t i c washer, like new. CENTER ST. — Six room duplex,, ial will, ba In Grove Hill Cemetery. Unit You own fhc-lerrttory You fireplace set, two |)ower mowers, Wardomatic de luxe. First $75 fireplace, insulated, all electric. XXXVII Sabaitaii for Sate 75 Friends m iy coil at the funeral MA.SON. carpenter and osinler picnic lawn table and behch and ■team heat, oil burner, one car MI 8-7116. make all flic profits. No previous wishes work. $1,50 per hour. CH takes it. 78 North St. MI 3-0053, home tomorrow from 8 to 5 and 7 (toofing-Siding 16 miscellaneous garden toots. Cali garage, vacant now. McKinney Two woeka to sen. Priced well be- VERNON—New 6% room ram­ experience needed. Minimum In­ 9-1375 • SEPTIC TANKS Broa., Ine. MI $4060. to t p.m. vestment. pay out of profits. Never PI 2-7825 aHer 5:30 p.m. CHRISTMAS Suggestion - Child's loW today’s market for a S vaar bling ron^ home. Featuring iarte CLEANED and INSTALLED R s n n s HIM ( junI Fnr Rr Is 71 COtlOHLIN ROOFING Company, a dealer failure. More than 500 sturdy maple platform rxv'kers. old 8% reiom ranch with large liv­ attractive kitchen with buUt^n FUEIYOIL TANK, complete, 250 FIVE ROOM eepond flOor flat. All Mre. Frederick . J. Schmota Inc Aluminum siding, asphnll- franehlaed dealera In 22 stales MAN 48 WANTS work, khill "lime. Western upholstery design. Choice ing room, fireplace, three bed­ oven and range. Attractive living gallon, two years old. $29, MI modara convtnlencea, including FOR d i f f e r e n t sites ajnd types Mrs. Frederick (Mimi) J. ashestos roofing, AI8o aluminum, linve proven Ihere's money to be of colors now. Kemp's. Inc. MI # SEWERS rooms, acre lot end basement ga­ room .with peneUng, ceramic tile Good driver. Ml 9-4414. 9-6644. tile bath with Shower, eunporch,| of farms and land tracts within 30 Schmutx, a former Mamthester gnlvanized or copper gutlers and made You work 8 months a year, —— ------—------^ , , , i,. 3-5680. J MACIIINE CLEANED rage. Near Bolton-Coventry line. bath, three specious bedrooms, lenders MI 8-7797 garage, oil heat and automatic hoV milea of Hartford. Lawrence F, resident, was instantly killed yes­ earn high Ineome Franehises are BIC$’CI-E-Hedstrom 16'' sidewalk water, Available Janueiy $1 Fiono, Broker. MI 94910, $14,900. R. F. Dlmock ft Co., Real- closet apace galore. Large attrac­ Doga*- Bl rd»— Pete 41 i r ton . M l 8-8348. terday afternoon in a hcodon cel- 8178 RA5"H ftOOI-'lNG CO,, shingle snd exclualvo and limited Inquire to­ \Vith training wheels. Boys or • INSTALLATION Adults preferred, $$0. ..Write B(»t tive wooded lot. Beoutlftd atone Uaion near her home, Winnetuxat • j'5- :6'/i 3 5 day foi- complete faela. Write or front, wolk-out baaement. Near biilll-up roofs, gutter and conduc­ girls, Uke new, Small Governor SPECIALIST Z, Hera Rd., Plyinpton. Maas. y phone Mlsler Soflee Of Soutliern " ” J . Hotuws For Sate 72 xxvin aveiythlng. Only small dWn pay­ WfTM TWJ nrw DeSICNSU tor work, roof, i lilmnev repairs, DACHSHUND PUPPIES, Good Wlnthrop mahogany desk. Call Born In New Jersey, she and her Ray Hngenmv. MI 9 i2M : Ray New KngiamI, 976 Farmington MI 6-0714. t h r e e l a r g e sunny ' robins, ment required. Don't miss out. PAn-O.RAMA pedigreed. ME 8-7861, F. V. T0N8REN MANCmqSTER-Oape, 6 flnlilMd, Aaeume 4% mortgage on immacu­ Only 118.900. Wetater Agency, husband llyad in Mancheatar tor for ensaoiDeRV .lai k.son. Ml 3-832,5, Ave , Kaimington, Conn, ORehard Mancheatar Green, second floor,, stveral.years, leaving harp nearly 7-9089, EMBROIDERED pillow caaea, RBAtr KBTATE BROKER Town aail Couatry haoted. Good coaditlon. Stove, re­ needs paper, paint, full cellar, oil late *fW r room ranch in Bolton. Realtor, TR 8-8745. A hand.some yoked dress lli.xt WANTED Home for two kittens Total monthly payments Including 80 ycora ago. Her huabiteO- who 'ifi^bincA two fabrics so effective­ I .Measuring I rion 2 to 4'.^ Im hea, ROOFING SIDING, pninling. Car- and two six month old cats House- scarf*, chair sets, towels table­ “ Anything In Real Eatater* frigerator and veaietian btiiide. $60 heat Must cell, price reasmabto. I Iheae adoralde cnimal.s are simple cloths, cejiterpteces. Handker-, Drainage Co. per month. MI S-S$8$. B. RonaoiL P. V; TongMn, Broker. “ Anytiilng mortgage, taxes and insurance Is died about IS years ago. was a ly- A special design foi the nol- pent r\ Alterations and addlllona. Help Wanted-—f^mnlr 3$ broken. Free delivery. MI 3-0234. M l 3 - i 3 2 1 under 888, comblnetion aluminum technical hilk eim M , aaalatant to ao-tall woman to inaure perfect to enihiiiidi-i nil cliihirrn a liiiena Ceilings Wnrkmanslilp puaran- chiefs, .short aprons, doilies, small in Real Estate." MI 3-6831. Lesal Nottra Items. Ml 3 7632, Ml 9.4143 ONE ROOM. RTITH kitchenette. Windows, amaaite drive, lake prlvi- Will CbSMy of (^eney Bros. Their fitting. and. weniiilire.s id i i',xe I he Iran.s- teed A A. Dion, Inc., 209 Autumn BUCKLEY 8CKOOL Section. At­ leges, $10,700. R. F. Dlmock ft Co., ;f(i'.s ji.x |i,'iiniuig .ni.llinea to doc- St MI 3 4860 CLERK-TYPIST TWO MEXICAN aithualuia pup .Stove, refrigerator. Plenty of ,AT A COURT o r PPRoiuT|C held home was at 26 Green HU) St. ' No. 8178 with Patl-O-Hamn la heat, hot water. Cleon. MI 6-1683, tractive five room ranch >tn large Realton, MI 84248. at (>>v«Dtry. wltbln and for the DIs- Mrs. Schmutx leaves a daughter, In sizes 12'j, 14',, Hit,, igij, 'o ia te n.iiaeiy turn,''lire or waihs.i pies, Call .TR 5-7294). lot. Fireplace. Full baaement IrtiH of .Covrnlr)', on tb« 1st day ( Pattern No, 20ti. lia.s liol-i'ron QUALITY MATERIAL and work- Inlere.sllng opportunity available evenings AD 3-5955. December. IMM. Mrs. Roy Stiller; and two grand- 201,2. 22Va. 24'2. 2ii'.j Size 1 4 ',, Price $U.00Q, Cteab required $3100. $13,900 ATTRACnVE three bed­ dai^tors, all of Plympton. 2.5 bust. 3-4 sleeve, 3 .5-8 ynids (if Iran.xfri tor 3.5 iiinlil.x. a tiliti'll- nmnshlp Any type of roofing and in our sales department for voung room ranch, oen m ic bath, hot Present Hon. Clmors Tarkinatao, siding For free estlthales cifll Poultry and Supplies 43 A PUKUANT fivenva room onpiex,duplex, Moiteege $0 year term. Madeline Judge. T to funeral will be held Thurs­ » 3.5-lnch; 3-4 vaid coni rust. liistralion.-.; rolor rhiirt. lady with good typing sblllty for SEFTIO TANKS threeI IM hr*“ n------om s, oil ‘ " heat, ‘ conUnu- -‘■-- Smlm, Realtor. HI .t-l$43. water heat, baaement picture win­ ,Entale OI of -iiMoaoreTboodore B.s . Toanose,vaanosc, latelais Mam liealer Rrwiflng, Ml 9-8983. diversified elerical work. Position of Coventrytry lain sUdsiUd District,...... deccoMd. day afternoon et 2:30 in the Con­ Send thirlv-tive cenOt m coins Send L’.'ic in i nin.s lor , I hex pat- BROADBREASTED bronlle tur­ AND oua hot$ot water, nice neighborhood, dow, 148’ fnntege. (^ ton W. nl.so avnilable for good typist to he ANDOVER LAKE-88 feet Of eondp The Admdmlnlstratiix...... havinc mad* gregational Church, Plympton. for this pattern to Sue Burnell, tin to Anne v’al.nl, Tlie lliiiii hea­ s u p e r b keys. Fresh or frozen. Ready any d o e s to tu ecboola and bus - line. Hntchtna. MI 94183. written aptzppUcatkia______to ___ said Oetiri. te FOR rmtfing, siding, ma- trained in dletaphmie work. Excel- FOa THE VERY lEST IN HOMES CALL beech, three bedrooms, 1% bathe, The Manchester Kvcning Herald, ter Evening Herald II.Mi W E . tl’ rial and gunranteed workinan- time. SehAub'i Turkey Farm, 188 PLUGGED SEWERS Storm windows, garage if desired. occordoneecr with U;eU;« statute, lot ooon Everett R. Lowreoce 1150 AVE. OF^A.MEItK'AS, NEW o r A.MEKU A.S, NEW $O R K .$0, lent hbnefllg and pleasant working Inmedlate occupancy. Weekdays family site kitchen, appUaheaq, IXICA'nON, room plan tad lot ex- order of solseolt of tbe whole or port of me ahip, rail ,voni' local Tllo repre- eondltlons. Hillatown . Road, Manrhesteri oaptionaL Six rooma, custom built real estate describeddeeciibed therm. It is Roekvflte — Everett Ray Law­ YORK 50. N. Print name, ad­ N .l . Print .Nam-. Addre.s.s and Conn. can MI t-TTil, after ■ p.m. aallboat, rowboat, fxceUant home ordered that sold appUcoiioB he haori sentattve. M l 8-0847.' MaehiRt CtaaaaA R. F. DIMOCK CO. or inveatment ^>700. CUftevd for cozy oomtorLlTwo'flnplaces. rence, 55,- of Hyde Ave., died et dress wdth zoqf, atx'le .number nnd ra lle n i .Number. Add 10<- for each SEE OCR OLASSmED ADS XXXX at the Prohote Office In "Ceveniry. an RockviUe City Horattol this mom- LIBERTY MUTUAL Neptio Tanks, Dry Wella, Rewer S1VE AND' three room opart- RamMa, Realtor, l a 8-3451, MI Full biUb. ritowar and lavatory, th* um day of December IIH. at 11 size. Add 10c f(ir each patient pattern for I1rrl-cla.s.s tnailing. Ml *-8345 a brief Ulna for flrat-clasa mailing. A r R ^ For Sate ~4S Lines Inatalle4l--Ciellar Wnter* manta, tiled hath rooms, linoleum, t-OTM. wolk-out basomeftt Traaa, flewar o'cM O n me nrenooo; and that eetiee Have yon a copy of oiir 1958 Roofing Mid Oilmneya 16*A INSURANCE CO. BARBARA $VN»e,dm a. riteclty utflitisa, vvocbiit, « ^ ttaoiic- post sovaa ysors. Ha was a cham* ooiM for women who sew. Just three crochet items. 'Only .25c ■ C^DAR CLOTHES line polea Ih- StWBTMt Oisposolt , S5. teiice. Fret eetlmatee. Celt How- “"iratort wanted. Day ehlfi, Aa- Unity located ^wrimaiit. $78. Also liikt MOOBd um iiiIgace. «U,0I!. lag to M t 'k- a ^ . $18,060. — CUflbrd 1st with the Spanetr Rubber Oo, COp|j' •talled, alt aii«e, rMiNnabie. Deed IMhinMM St Ml S4M8 ' catOoid------BiMMft.- ''itep.’ia ley, Moncheeter. MI S-688ia Kaklar T oy Co., 60 HUliard B t chain oaw. M I 8-1888. , • fonr MOM aportmont, fSB- Ctf HiaasB, .Itealter. JA 8-M ML XI. la Manchaetof. Ha was a. mambtr I Riatnstriyc'KiiiC iSL VliteE.-ODaffagatteaal

■'i,' . a , „ »Txr« y ".

PAGE EIGHTEEN TUESDAY, DECEMBER *, 1981 manrlfpiBtfr lEtJPttfttg J|pralii Averaue Daily Net Press Ran I , For the Week Ending Nnv. sa, IMS The Weather A ilud/ of the recreational facil­ [POPPING by tbs entirs assembly, the bene­ Foreenat e f D. R. WeiOlMr O e n n About Town ities in the town of Manchester is Bowmen Gimpe^e I I Memorial Service diction, and the sounding of taps. the topic for discussion at the unit DAYS TO A committee from the-Manches­ 12,840 meclings of the League of Women 19 At Semit*o*rama Planned by Elks ter Emblem Club will serve re­ LEGLERC Member of the Audit J Snow, not so cold tonight. Low Mother Cahrin; Mothers Cirrlr Voters ibmorro’v. The morning ICHRtSTMAS I ----- freshments after the exercises are FUNERAL HOME Bnrena oC^XUrcoIntioB 2.4-80. Snow changing to min and' wiU meet Wednesday nipht at 8:15 session will be held at the home ()n» of llip fPHtiired PVPiU« si concluded. The Emblem Club has ■warmer Thursday. High near 40. .X lit the home of Mrs, Joseph Lynch. Ol *Mrs. A, Diskan 543 F^oilcr ■Manrhester Lodge of EIk’» will assisted the lodge at these services Manchtiiter— ’A City of ViUago Charm thp Armory .Saturdsy during the observe "Elk’s Memorial Day” 117 Dclmonl Si. Each member is St., at 0:3’ Jehovah's Witnesses tfr- by every Elk's lodge on the first Lsthrop .Sr. and Edward N. Ser- t^clerc, Kngland In lompetlllon, demon- Director morrow ni^ht at '':30 at the Green niorrow at 8 p ni. in Kingdom Hall. atraling Iheir prowess with the .Sunday In Deremher each year to rell. School. All adult workers in the 791 Main Si , will be "Your Will I long bow, commemorate the memory of Elks .Members of Manchester Lodge Cigarettes Get who have died this year are Police Call Ml 9.5869 reiR’hborhood are invited Be Done On F3ar lli " i Among the gioup are several who have died during the year. The servires wdll commence with Lt. Milton W. Stratton, Ralph A. 23 Main StfMt, Mwichector rove who have bagged big game with The Manchester ('arden (^luh Officers of .Manchester Gfange the feathered shaft In the fashion the Invocation by the lodge chap­ Richmond, S. McGrath, Albert H. More Arsenic^ ’Will hold a worksliop in prepara­ w'lll he inalHlled at an open instal­ of Robin Hood, treking as far lain and Will be followed by musi­ Merrer, Alexander Fulton and Ldon tion for its Chn.simas sale 'I'hui.s- lation tomorrow evening m Orange north as Maine in aeareh of deer cal selections given by the Round L. McKlnne.v. U.S. Seito Loft Mice, day mominjr at 10:30 at the home ; Hall. Pa.Mt Master Wilber 1,-itlle and bent. Table Singers of Mancheater High ol Mrs I>ouplas Roberts. Vernon Will have the privilege of installing RopreaentHllvea from the Hart­ The bowmen will eompete in an School under the direction of G. his wife MrA Heatri<-e Little, for HOLLYWOOD North End School Rd * Bolton Members s a.sked to ford Gounty Council f»f the (.'on- archery eoiiteat and will domon- Albert Pearson. GENERAL New York, Dec. S (/P)— her se/ond term as master, of the ne< tlcnf Kdin atutn Aaan. will meet An altar service will be con-1 brinp materials an table for : alrale the uses of the different The North End Junior Higfr Cigarettes contain more arse­ wreaths and arrans'enienls, ;Girange. Refi eshinents will be at Mancheater High School tonight iKiws and tlie arrows used for vari- ducted by the lodge officers after TV SERVICE served after the leremony hv Mrs. at 7:30 in the ca^erla. which the eulogy will be given by I School project got o ff the nic than is allowed in fo ^ , a William Paxson and her commit­ I oils means. Highlighting the ex- WHUtCHAM St. Mary'a Guild will meet, liibltion will be a 12 year-old Jun- A lly. Robert E. Gordon of Man­ Days M OK A mark last/ night after beii\g group of Texas scientists re­ tee. Friends are Invited. Engaged chester Lodge. ! Nights ilA »9 3 Plus Parts Thursdav at 11 a in In the Guild; The Alphina Society will hold it.a I lor bowman. tied to the post for three ported today. The engagement of Mlaa Elea The sendees will conclude with j TEL: Ml >-M8t C ■ astir «*a* rrtom. Ho.ate.s.^rs will be Mrs FIIieb — I>eaions of the ( ‘ovenant (Vm- I ( !hnatina.*< party tomorrow at 6:30 I Also appearing on the program rbttbd ftotSi years by indecision and con-’ Arsenic, they added, is the only Satellites nore Frances Manlon to John Jo-! the singing of "Auld Lgng Syne” both Kennedy Mr.*< Martha I/oe- gregntlonal ChiiMh will iiieei to­ pm at the Kalian AmeiKaii Glub i w ill be an exhibit. Inrhidlng rear-wheel i* part of cigarette smoke that is nion, Mrs -Martlvi Bell and Mr.^. Meni)>eiiH are naked to bring grab inovie.s. spon.sored hy the Man- seph Fisher, son of .Mr. and Mrs. ' diet .over its plans. known to cause cancer In humans. night at 7:45 With Mr. and Mr.s 'IroBt-whecI In yesterday’s referendum, Man­ Henry StansfieUl Plans will he- P.obetl Widluun, 32 Benton St. To­ bag gifla (lie.Mrr hianrli of the Southern I Andrew Fisher, Andover, is an-1 psopelliag, et The arsenic attached to small ir­ made nt this meeting for the an- '.N'e.i Kngland Telephone Co Dana chester voters approved by a nar­ ritating panicles of tar and In­ morrow a! 7:30, the midweek serv­ I nounced by her parents. Mr. and all )-tocb row, 383-vote margin s 81.5 mU- T W A Contract ntial ('hn.sfnn.s parly. i ice wril be held at the chun h, arrd The annual (.’linslma.a party of Waniig of Glastonhiiry Will pre- I Mis. Joseph T. Manlon, Bolton ' k '•s.ters. haled habitually may lead >ilti- the Manche.Ktepion Home will! trol. will be helrl at 7 o i lor k to- 1 eaei'vaI Inn.a ar e alill open, arvl I show which begins si I :.^0, ('hil- On purchases of BL'Tf’HER’S bowl. Sturdily con- ficient quantities to cause lung «truci~i. Esiilv cleaned. In a regular meeting, authorized meet at 8 o’rlork tomorrow nlplit , morro\v- night at the Ameriran !>*- Mra. I.nahel Quinbv. 88 'Panner .St dccii^ under nine will be admitted \VA.\ «e give awsy Triple SSS cancer, however, the scientist.* Kansas City. Dec. ,S (JP)— at the post home, f Prompt Sorvieo— 2 Watehmolitrt the drawing of detaileil plans and wrote In the current issue of "Can­ Scheduled glqn iiome may be called Kiflv-(ent glfti is'ithout charge. Blue Stamps. Wenry negotiators reached a phould be brought ff>j- the grab hag SSI.00 specifications oq which conatruc- cer," journal of the American Can- F''i n v-l tiree mills representing .Uonr bidy cap he taken., cer Sof’i^tv. tentative .settlement this nioie than 1,800 scouts, rubs to ex- .Manchester Manehosttr's Oldost Establishod Jtw titr Wa.khington, Dec. 3 (/P)— ' High LeagiieiM r.f Ihe Gf»\enant ' N ^ e raoat recent timetable for A spokesman for the tobaci’o in -: fh'l-ning of the machinists' plorei , will pre.seni exhibits de- Wallpaper and Paint ( o. UiwNproJect calls for the taking of The United States will begin «'ongregntlonal Ghurch have chns- .'igiierl to show scolding in aition 737 MAIN ST.— STATE THEATER BLDG. WELDON DRUB CO. diistry re.search committee said stI’ike which has stopped oner- 24b Broad St. Anthorlseii Dealer bids by April, with construction firing a series of big satellites j eii Ihe following officeis (letald 111 Ihe BIsekledge Dlstrlet whirh, w - in 'h- "Gan- atiops 01 T i an.s W orld A ir- M I T f M l MAIN BTe—Ml S-ASIl scheduled,^to be completed in tlniie ifi Aitic'lp Eponi to £0 bevnnd i:, ^ ♦ v* * from the new Vandenberg i .Swen.*ion, president .Jeffre* Smith, aicricding tn Chairman Wall Par­ for the opening of school in anything warranted bv known Since .\ov. _ I. vice president, Linda Wne7.ia ser- ker prnniises lo beeome an annual ' ha.se in California in the next \ September 19gn. facts. i Shortly after 2 o i lock, the np£0- ! few weeks. Some of them will / relarv', P'red Wneria, I r ensiii er, ' 'list rict event. 2A «t to 2,184 He said the use of arsenic com- ' “ " l" 's trudged nut of their hotel In all, 4,751 Voters— about 22 pounds on tobacco plant.s is now 1 ' ‘'•'n' and .said they hail reached carry mice and monkeys. per cent of those eligible— went to generally considered negligible ” '' "Kreemenl siih.iect, tn ratifica- The Defense Department’s Ad- « * the polls yesterday, and approved and lias been declining for a mini- ' *’■' member,* and approval hy ' vanced Re.search Projects agency Why feed the big thirst of bigger '59's? the appropriation by a margin of her of years. | officers of the Inter national As- j announced today that the "Project See the Compact New 2,567 to 2,184. The turn-Out wag Some scientists feel that the ns- i foi lation of Machinist,* I'nion I Discover.er' program will trv to o . - 1 about average for a referendum of ing amount of arsenic found mi 'h ® statement. TWA president put up a 1,300-poimd device In its / IIAV BKI.I.EK'S first launching attempt "late this this type. But the 383-vote mar­ cigarettes over the past 'i.'i yeai.s\ ea I S ■ '’ harles Thomas said Ihe agree- gin of victory was among the na.r^ might have conlrihiiied to the vis- i ment "wa.s at the same rate as year or early next year." MUSIC SHOP rowest given by Manchester voterii ing incidence of lung cancer, the ' had already been agreed lo by- At least s dozen satellite to any of the school projects ap­ Texas team reported. ^ Capital. .National and Northeast launchifigs will be attempted, u Now Low Priett proved In the town's 10-year post­ There is two to six time as miieh 1 Airlines and includes for TW A a f®®t ®-' one a month, Roy Johnson, Rambler war school-bulldmg program. ARPA director, told newsmen. arsenic found in cigarettes today ! satisfactory agreement on other STAMPS RECORDS The vote clearly reflected geo­ as was found in ( igareltes 2."i , Issues." John.son also aaid that an at­ graphical Interest in the project. tempt «111 be made next year to Messish (( nmpletr), ( filuinl)ln. years ago. the group .said | The settlements referred to by The heaviest "yes” vole.s were re- j recover a capsule from a satellite, Reg $1.1*8. Even More Economical III a study of five regular-sired , Thomas callecl for wage increase’s ^5.49 cord^ in the voting districts' unfiitered, leading hraiids of ciga- of 30 cents an hour, bringing It back through the et- 2 .Not Pal Ro'ine 1, P.'s. closest to the school site, while the rettes, arsenic coiiceiitrntions The "mcmoraiuliim of agree- mosphere. Beg, $8.08. for 1959! negative votes were recorded ih' raiiged from 42,.I to 52 part.s^ per meni " was signeil two hours later Johnson aaid mice will be used 52.79 those farthest away. and "W e may. In one, use a pri­ " " fi'” "' ''""'Pnn.'' sod union negotiators. mate." • ^ • District 5 In the northeast sec- i igarettes are not cI.ih.soiI as Immediateli- the I.VM represeiUa- He said that th# program, for BUR taiighn, Xmss l,.P. tlon of town; voted 494 to 182 In tood, Ihe article aaid hut iii food lives began a telephone poll of in- favor, a margin of 312, while Dls-1 the present, does not Include send- Keg $.$,f*8 ^2.79 regulated by i ternalional union officers on Its ' Ing up a man. trlct 4, In the northwest, voted i the U..S hood and Di-.ig .\dnilnis-j terms, a picllminarv to the rank- All .liirr, l„p.'s— 20-!, DI.Sf Ot'NT 714 to 439 In favor, a margin of; tration three parts of arsenic tri- snd-filc vole. The aatellite.s launched from Includes ,fona .Innea. Date Bniheck, Etc. 275. His head encaged In « bandage, LawTence. Waller. 13, 8th grade o.xide per million Is the maximum n iff Miller, chaiiman of lAM Vandenberg will be aimed In a The only other affirmative vote pupil at Our Lady the Angela school: is comforted in Garfield ^ * r r " ,r 1 District 142 and chief union iiego southerly direction over the Pscifle Sttreo-Hi'PI was recorded in District 3, which hosplUl by a nun. The boy was oni the second floor of the On the average cigaivlles con-' Uator, .said he .would recnmmei Ocean. Their orbit would be Record* and Bond Instrumontt Is in the West Side, but north of, school Monday when Are swept the building. (A P Photofaxi. tain 4,1 nperograma of ar.senic of acceptance of the atatemeni around the world over the North Middle Tpke. The vote here w as' ' . ' which about a third remains in the : "I am eonvmced that it is iFgood and South Polea. ini:i MAIN .S'l'—MI 0-20.2(1 625. to 508, a margin- of 17. Oppii 'ninr%. Rtul Trl. unsmoked butt. Another third re-' agreement ' Miller aaid The first attempts wUl be aimed TIM , 9 0ft The negative votes were racked mains in the ashes and a third to put the big eateintee up to re­ up ip Districte 1 and 2, the south­ goes into smoke. lative lovt' altitudes of perhapi s east and southwest sections of If this third, about 4 95 micro-j few hundred mllea, A R PA eatl- town, reapectlvelv. "nje vote In School Blaze Cause grams of arsenic trloxide is in­ P r e s s u r e s P i l l matea they m l^t make two or District 1 was 494 to 461 against, haled from eaclt cigarette. L jivlnQ-ewept are that roared over the Santa Monica mountains three passes arouml the woSid m •aterA y and through the night ttinuid this hillside home into a FAIRWAY a margin of 57, and in District 2 Generally filters remove only perh^sps stay up for a vhwk. On P^ar Santa vast ball of Are. 11 .was one of many houses destroved hv the lt.«WIU> .aai to 383 againat, a mar­ about 1.5 micrograma of arsenic i / ______The first diacoverer vehiele win gin of 178. blaze. lA P Photofa.x). be a 2 -a t«e rocket, The booster from the smoke — although some ' JWjlford. Dec. 3 l/Pl I-et- Intereat 1.500,000 filters remove tip to 1.9 micro- will be a 'flior IRBM produced b » The, 81,5 million figure is an grams. lefs to Sants Claus are heiiig Douglas Aircraft Co. Holiday Wonderland ■A4',:i» /lecelved at a rapid rate at Ihe estimate biuied on prelimlnarx- Chicago, Dec. 3 (A5- ______The second stage, the announce­ ■While an-4.chtldren were announced bv 1' .8. Post Ofllce here. plans. If the low bid received tops giiished parents prepared to bury church officials. (Contlnned on Page Four) ment said, is a new vaMela pro- their 87 children who with three Postal officials reported yes­ (lured hy the Lockheed Aircraft Tw-enty-five priests set out terday that the usual rim of Malibu Fire Cuts (Oontlmied on Page Four) nuns died in Chicago's -worst and powered by a Bell-Hustler terday 'front the rectory %8sitlng _ m , ' bright lellers also were engine. scltool fire, the puzzling cause of homes of the victims and .seeking W e s f g s l-C r s Ik l i a s • « u posted. Now for '.'ill, Hainbler give-s you even more miles |jer the fiery catastrophe still plagued This latter engine is a liquid approval for such a service and One small girl wrote; gnll rlrco more on first cost —up to .$‘214 on comparable 4-door stairwell in the northeast corner make separate funeral and'burial I of the brick Our Lady of Angels iCaiigliL^led to ner give me this year for my approximately 1,800 pounds,” the ralod and roloird. Crl Ihpni im« for rnken, rookios, models, Kasieal of all to turn and park . . . first to give arrangements if they wish. j school was generally agreed upon. Christmas gift cause last year announesment said. "Thla Includes mnili;iK, Rifts, Hr. ^835 Presidency ofi®' In the hospitals the fight for! I wrote tn> you and I didn't Malibu Beach, t alif f)c<- 3 ifs .»snip ai ross the highway but the SUPER MARKETS you Personalized Comfort: individual sectional sofa the weight of the second stage ditivcftd prictit Konoiht Wii* The why and the how were the­ the living went on i A wlnd-l®shed fire has cut an «- intensive efforts of firemen. and front seats; reclining sealhacks; adjustable headrests. consin, lor ^door todin at l«ft Stilt and ories. iAr(^a Holdups I have nothing ffom you Santa vehicle which will orbit at an local taia$. il any. au(nmale>t Sevent.v-flve of the Injured still , _ __ and I was very dl.sappointed. mile-wide swath from the moun-'n,eir pumpers and residents with See Rambler and .voce at your dealer's now. One police arson expert theo­ tains to Ihe sea bui a massed bal- ganlen hose.s checked the threat, Integral part of the satellite after and opimnal tnuipmmt avtra American Loop required hospitalization. Two of Hertford, Dec. 3 i>, Two men I'll be thinking of you 'till burnout.’' rized a cigarette flipped csreleiMly Christmas," tery of punipers, virtually one to a stopped bv Ihe Pacific Oi-ean PROM Into a pile of trash, Jkpwsstebaaket I hoiiHe, today cherked a IhK-m to ih Johnson, waa asked If bigger a X r F le v T c h U d ” "'' • I • " attempted $5,000 safe Another aaid "We'll have tlarne.s turned their furv to­ DoCORMIER MOTOR SALES. Inc.— 24 Mopio St., Manehostor Washington. Dec. 3m-- Wil- or papers may hsvr sparked the the famed film colony. boosters alfib e uaed later for even 2 5 ' to 6 9 ' 11>-m Harridge resigned today as Critical tv;nditL ''^ptk"houM n’r n ' ' Y ^ lunch ready for you )>y the ward thukly settled Malibu blaze. A school boy sneaking a Klsewhere, flame walla tOO feet larger satellhes. Proposals have president of the American League. fireplace." ' Canyon, at the mouth of which lies smoke was one possibility, he said. bv''rir''t”"" high roared on unchei-ked„ Ihe beach colony that has long been made to use the Atlas tnter- S FLASH! RAMBLER NOW 4th IN Harridge, who headed the b\ the 0ver\vhelmin£ response to holdups in the ^renter Hnrtford One unsigned letter merely The huge Maze, driven by 50 SALES IN NEW ENGLAND league since 1931, made his de- Flames might have smoldered said "Bleach, bird seed." been a favorite residential area ? r ‘;r : f t ! T 7 i n ®rca Sur!i;g November m.p.li. winds, has destroyed at es- (ODUttnueg T m ) DOUBLE . etsipn known this morning after for an hour, aaid Sgt. Drew Brown, for grafts. Calls from prospective ' net r’.nt Tn..ni, n for movie peop'Ie.. tlmalod .10 hnmcH. meeting with the club owners. and then whooshed up the staircase blood donoB^ Albuquerque, ,N. M., Dec. 3 Firemen battled fiercely with horrifying speed to kill the Hundreds of residents have fled His retirement will become ef­ were so great that...... many were sofl Garden St., and Elra L. Dun- (AV-Somewhere in Albuguei- the scene. through Ihe night in an effort to WORLD GREEN children and the Roman Catholic told lo call later in the week and que there are s couple of keep tlie blaze out of .Malibu fective as soon as the league is Igan, 32. of 83 Pleaaant St., will The Blaze perhaps set by an STYROFOAM nnh teacheiE. even after. parents who would feel s little CBnyon .hul lost the light Just be- prepared to select hia successor. Bill he emphasized It only was be questioned In connection with arsonist, htust out yesteraiay on the Harridge will continue to pre- Three Glrla MIm Id£ shaky ■- if they just knew brush and oaksludiled inland fore dawn wlicn flames 100 feet theory. j other robberies and holdups In what Junior has In mind. Bulletins W « hovt th# largest selection availoblt in th» •ide at .the current convention. the morgue, three mar- Hartford and surrounding com- slopes of...... the ...... Santa .Motilca.. Moun ^*Kh roared over the top of the Arson was discounted, but not Some iinldentifled young­ from (he AP IVireg After notifying cl'-h owners of ruled out. red bodies still lay unidentified. ! munitiea * tains. The winds qui. Ulv ' 'hrpwd ''*** ‘^ow n on the ereo— in WYary eencaivabl* tii* and sliap*. his decision, Harridge told a re­ Three girls were missing, but hope-1 Their capture early today came ster sent a letter asking’ .Santa It over the crest of the hills and " half-mile below, STAMPS • We always suspect arson where for this: down canyons to tlie sea. j Directly in Ihe path of the porter that his age was the reason PEARL FLOOR COVERING Co., Inc. there is a loss of life and we can­ t nv’’v.cHi’ ‘”' 1®® ® result of a conUtr^red p T "Four or five ceps for my ’’.The si’lUHtlon dnesn t look tool®®” ’ ®' ®''® ® dozen liomes. a HOUn:p IN .NF.W BRITAIN Whatever your needs you'll sure find it at THE for hia retirement. He said the not establish the cause of the fire." All of ?h. otht at I involving not only U,. dyna-mlte.” prpmiaing an.vwhcre ' John Bar Inn.'l ''hutch and school and an New- Rrttsin, Dee. 8 Ulf—A MANCHESTEWoROCKVILLE RD.. ROUTE 83 AT ALLAN DR. ^ Job calls for a younger man "with Fire Commissioner Rotrert J FAIRWAY! WEDNESDAY more vitality." assistant county fire chief, said m-■ s< bool that is being giuiman ealmly mlere4l a 1 MILE NORTH OF VERNON CIRCLE Quinn said yesterday. 1 ^ " State Police Bloomfield and Wind: day. He described the fierce fire's ' " ’" ’h h'e flghting licadqiiarters pGrtmGQt Rtorr today aad look Harridge, 72, Joined the Ameii- been positively identified. sor Police forces. Plan for .Maas Funeral Still missing sre Bernice Cichoc- fluidity by saving: The whole fire a" > ' hi rial ion leiiici. 8598 from an office clerfc. TbCR «an League as secretary to Pregi- As the search for clues went ion, Police said this la what hap­ rlze New York. Dee, 8 (AV-.A mid- CHUCK lo the scene. As Policeman .Sebas- ^?*’ ®f fbls point caMlf* out with him. ^ ' dle-sged woman robbed a branch tion- who would succeed Harridge. Local Fire Regulations although the name of Boston Red of the First National City Bank Sox Manager Joe Cronin figured today of an uadeberntiMdl promptly in the guessing. ™ i “r ""!•"-1 -- r . . . amount of money after threaten­ Harridge’s announcement came For Schools ‘Excellent’ ing to explode a grenhde, Yha ROAST c.baae Dunigan behind the Mqi k rebellion. woman encaped. ’The granaBa M a surprise to the American -More than 325,OfK) New England Twain School at 395 Lyme 81, threat wao contained la n note (Oontlaiied on Page SeveatMin) bv , b , ' s , s;--' Him ,r,r „".'v! i she passed to a teller. GIFT BOXES SELECTED LOIN regular annual pollcv dividends Alcorn, Butler Explain of life in the Chicago school fire, «®ch room are posted in the cot ner During the flight Dunigan ...... " of each room, together with alter- dropped a fully-loaded pistol which during 1969. . . Foreign .Minister ISRAEU-BYRIAN CLASH principals of Manchester’s public ------*----“ ------^...... Je -owUem, laraeU SqMar. Dee. COMPLETE CHRISTMAS ASSORTMENT schools met yesterday afteimoofi TiAte routes. wax later recovered by police. Fujiyama of Japan disinlasea aa propaganda Soviet n-arnlng for 8 1.4b—Syrtaa aad Israeli aidil- G)va Refuses discuss fire regulations here, State Police Capt. Carroll E.’' Meanwhile, Policeman Porrl lery units duele* aoroea the har­ IN ALL SIZES Af(D SHAPES Shaw, who Is also deputy state' ‘'based Ihe car Into Wilson, II was Japan to break Its mlHUrv assist­ Democratic Vote Sweep VEAL «h ey decided the regulations are der for an hoar today. Tlia ance treaty with United States. "excellent." fire marshal, said tpda.v the fire *P®lted by three Windsor cruisers. shooting (Sided si 7tI8 YO UIL PINO IT AT THE FAIRWAY! To Come Home M fety code covering cimnecticut h®Hed the car on West Bar- Rare senim rushed from New • We have a very carefully form­ York to Evanston. III., In Air New York. York, Dec.Dec 3 (A5—TheOa net of 47 House seats, and a net after F .N . truce oboervera I IJt. ulated list of rules and regulations schools la "reaaonsbly good." I Wilson and fled tn a rear chairmen'of. the Republican andd I of 5 ■ govemorahlps for a cease-fire. First But It ia no better than Ita eh- Circle where he Force Jet plane considered last re­ I CHOPS Phlledelphis, Dec. 8 liF)— Rep. pertaining to fire drills.’’ aaid as­ sort remedy for critically III 2- DemdcraUc National f>>mmlttees Among the reasons, Alconrsaid indleated that one man __ forcemeat, he aaid. Coya (D-Mtnn.) says the Isn't go­ sistant superintendent of schools today gave the nation s business were what he called stepped up Israeli ahepherd—was MOM by And local fire marshals who (Continued on Pnge Four) ygar-old Mark Sroge. , . } United EHLERS ing home to her husband. Raymond D. Stinchfield this iffom- leaders their explanations of the •helMre, a I'.N. apoheMHa have to enforce the sUte regula- Illuminating Co. in Bridgeport an­ contnbutlona from Labor to Demo- "It has nothing to do with the Ing. nounces that it win begin 820-mll- Democratic sweep In the Nov. 4 cralic candidates, a falling off of said. "We agreed to mathUin'tbe same ttone are working under serious eleiitians. Needless to say they dis­ •lections" she told a reporter for handfeapa, Shaw said. llon expaasioa of lu harbor sU- Republican cnnlrlhutions, branding FEATURIKG ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM the Philadelphia Inquirer yester­ vigilance we always have," he aaid. Last Male PaKse.s jlion'poiyer plant next month. - agreed. of the OOP by the Democrats as GREEK SHIP SBY’BMB) SEQUINS GLIDER Meanwhile, local ' aulhbrilles INSTANT Save 12 FOOT WIDE day. "Andy and I are friends but The "general policy of the achobls" Femjl.v of James M. C'lirley savs GOP National Chainnan Meade 'he righl-to-work parlv, and fail- • t.imdon, Doc. 8 ~ Ib a You II be amaied at the selection— seguins by there Is no reconciliation." is,"to hold fire drills twice a month Bcro.ss the state critically survey­ Alcom blamed hls party's pool j ure of the Republicans to present 7.194-Ion Qreek-owned gtniR' c l YARD GOODS In Shaker Colony the longtime Boston Democratic 26 Sq. Yd. 75 c LINOLEUM TILE PerBIk. 1 0 c The Congresswoman was the throughout the year." ed fire M fety conditions of their political leadei did not leave showing Od a combination of fac- to the [leoplc the true alma of their ship -Prodromos was cait hi taro the yard and glitter by the pound ore also avail* only. Democratic candidate not Manchester firenten, as a rule, i ®f'h<*o!® light of the fire tn Chi- enough money to fulfill all chari­ loro, niainty on the Jlowntni'n ip ' pai tv, In a 'ealllslon with a COFFEE BROADI.OOM TWEED do nut mifier’viae these fire, drills! I■''hlch left 87'school children HanrcK-k. ■ Mass., Dec. 3 (A*, - freighter early today |g: elected in Minnesota on Nov. 4. K table and personal beqiieata in hia '“"'I Alcorn said his party has come Instead, each principal aetiids a re-. An Enfield. Conn., clockniaker, f»gg.v Kogllsh rhaaaoL able. All colors, siies, shapes! CARPETING ^!q. Yd. ^3.29 hitch developed In her reelectlon will . . . .)el-|>uwereit helicopter Hrana^^’iin V re Th uI m* ' hack from worse defeats and will RUBBER TILE PerBik. 1 0 c port to the superintendent of "Ln some fespects," Shaw said, who was the only male member CHICKEN OF THE SEA WHITE MEAT campaign w^en her husband, Andy, of the United Socieiy of Belleyers crashes off aoiuhwes'. Louisiana ucf toli^^” hiu "vv” 1. J ■“> «K»lB if .1 is dedicated and British .Admiralty said that the made a public "Come Home Coys’ schools on each fire drill tmme- "UonnecUcul’a fire safety code la coast in Gulf of Mexico .earrving force ’ ^ determined enough. But he'said il captain and . o other oOteefa diately after it is held. superior to most roden throughout in- the Tocal colony, died yesterday 12xl.'»Rl'G appeal. in Pittsfield at Ihe age of 89. four men lo their death. of tpe - Prodromos' wera atill *6 5 .0 0 PLASTIC WAUs TILE He asked her to give up public During- fire prevention - week, •'ountry'-We won't allow achool HU Democratic counterpart, aboard the (ore end ot the'ahip LAYAWAY PLAN WOKI.I) Sq. Ft. 2 , 7 c Ricardo Beldon. who was noted Cambodian government fornmia Paul M. Butler, said the Nov 4 I ".e life and return, to their home and some members pf the fire depart- *hildren to‘ )>e moved Into a tern- ly deniee it is Contemplating rup­ but the rest, of the crow gob'aB menu idalt the echools and explain for his skill in repairing antique results were a ' ' ‘nKidg. repudia-, ^ ON EVERYTHING! (IKKKN SOLID hotel business tn -Oklee, Minn. porary but unsafe building even ture of diplomatic relations with In lifeboats sat were Ptrhad op fire fighting and fire plwentlon If It Is Just so the town can tear clocks. Joined the society when tlon of the Eisenhower administra .STA,MI*.S Pl'AKEU RIKUS. 9x12 *6.95 After the election Knutson South Viet Nam and recognition being put forth by the opposition.'.' by reociie craft. PACK I fan WALLPAlft:R Singlr Roll 20k to the childi-ani jlown their old a< hool building to he was eight years old and cam* -tlt^ and-its failure to provide ag- brought a 1200,000 suit. igainat here In 1926. of Communis led North Viet Butler said the fact that the "Every y^ngster s, shown the erect a new one.” . gre^ive, full-time and forwarit- LABOR HELPED DODO William KJedahk hi> wtfa's con' The sect, also known as Shakers Nam . , . Stuttgart-KpnsUnz Bx- pemocratic victory 'waa over­ 4\SPHALT TIIaE correct methbd i6i eacape),'' eeld In 1847, the tiute (j-tgislature ‘RSokiog leadership in the areas of Hartford, Des-. 8 — Labor PrrRIk. 5 ic RUBBERIZED VINYL PAINT gressiohal ■ecreta'ry, charging Stlnchflald, “ tad alM alternate because of a dance ritual which presa plows through group of nine economic growth. - employment, whelming and national in .aoopc TUNA «... * 3 . 4 9 alander and alienation of affecUona. aiHhoriaed the SUte Police Copi- unions contribated soma W par CALIF. PASCAI, I ITIE.SII metluMla in caae on4i area la block- was' part of Us form of woi'ship, rallrosaRqjgarkers, MUtiig savea cost of living, labor legialatiori, ed- Indicates that national Issueswere BANANAS The ault was dropped last week. m isaiM r and qtate fire matahal now ijujRibera aeveh women. •erioiasly tajurtaig aaotlMsr In Ger- , , J . .V . : **** •* *** 872,88# e e B a o M ia CKLERY I WATERCRESS •a." to w im a Oro aafety code covering iKmtioR, defense, human rights and declatve in producing the etrong i n ..» .a the ancoeeatul Then thig week, Benedict F. The' Rev. John P. Blanchneld. " M o yroup originated in..the many. foreign policy." democratic Ode. lb. 10c— Ikiooe Fltagerald Jr., a Washington at- allpubBobulldlnga. . • ate m a - by Tbosnaa J. DWM> hch. I.lc yich. 2:lc principal o f S t Jnme$ Parochial .Af Alban.v. N. Y., and ex- Debbie Reynolds' lawyer aaya “nie two chairmen were invited He attributed Democratic gains Weat Hartford, Democrat. A taniey, annptuced that -a tara- A t 0)8 aeme ume,vthe Legiala- ' rdpgh jhoat of the New •he ia nearing a Rnanoial aetUe- SiOioDt deporM that ilre driBa are to give their vievj’s —and to pull no to voter confidence in what he campalga contribntina w tp iH i cerder waa fdanted in Mrs. j^ut* ttire put--th4) laapection of the lUtea. ment with Eddie Fiahef and im y ST.*! FAIRWAY M AIN .STy MANCHKvSTER— F*HONE MI 3-12I2 held on«e a month a t 8L JamiU'. punchea-i-before the -annual con­ called the reapoosibla record of tore alateaaiat fiM «i*v U (h h WaJI also hnwt Horsemdlah Roots, Red BamuMs Mif| French eaforcdNient of STORE HOURS* belie raleropbone waa planted Id The Riaterq of Merar .who teach Hancock' colony indudee a tm tor * divorm . . . Formal vention of the National 'Aasocka- hU party in Coagrsaa and in atata CQlInTs n w u ««n FRIDAYJ A.M. I* 9 FliL-KOCKVMJLI T* 54124 S f ftfe ty 4»d e tn tM the :er -of communal biilldinga atata idlia# tha im . EMvtssBYl Waahlngton apstf t* J young- local Md to Demoerntie.pnirty to. hold Uon of Miinufaeturera—Uia 68rd govemmenta during past yaan. vBriaiiifi. .ftre w teew tlee nMthoda. of .atpiMt._Tbe aelf-eugtainlag. iU oaarioMtiHna t m AageMo OMigregt qf American induaMy„r He «aM it waa algmiiehat that h » ly Waa noted for manufacture Vrfli be made la Wnifilactoa. thid tbn alaeMHH-kat month, the Mat U Btnau Mnbh