Li'^S Si the JW HAL€ COM. I in Mrs

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Li'^S Si the JW HAL€ COM. I in Mrs V-. X., FRIDAY, MARCH U ,im p a g e t w e n t y Welcome Your Red Cross Solicitor Tornorrow, Red ^ . Member.'of the Mancheater Rod an'd^'Gun Club will meet at the Artraf* Dalljr Net Preaa Rntt About Town The Weather ' Watklns-West Puneral Home to­ Ear Dm W a * iM a d night at 7 oclock to pay reapecta i aureb 8. 1158 Paraeaat of U. 8. Waatbar Baoaa Th* Women's Xllsstonsry Society to John Pcntland, a member of the ■ ■/ o^ Brhumuel Lutheran ChurCh at club. Deoreaalag doudlMsa, BtUa their meeting yesterdfy^ made 12,634 cbMga hi teoiparatiira taai|^ The Past Mistress Cliib of the: plans to entertain the; New Elng- Mambar af tha Aaittt U tw near 80. Partly deoliy, land, Conference of Women’s Mis­ Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, will meet tonight at 8 o’clock at- the Bo n m af CIroalattoM wiady Soaday. HIgb aear 40. sionary Societies, 'at the local Hianche§ler-~-A City o f Village Charm church. -April tO'and 11. All ses­ home of Mrs. Ethel Duncan, 8 Lit­ .XL sions nil! be >«ld at Emanuel, \^th tle St. - the excejstibh of the banquet Trj- VOL. LXXVIL NO. 140 (Claaalfloe Advortidng aa Paga lO) day ev'qning, April 11. which w ill Mrs. Philip Holway, 143 A ^ ald e MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS be ^ I d at the South Methodist Rd., is among the 74 Oopiiectiqut Chiireh. Delegates are expected Republican w’omen who-^i^lll attend from all over New England. the sixth annual National Wom­ -o en’s Republican ^ Confertnea in Hot Dessert Bandmaster C. Peter Carlson Washington ^uftday through To Complete Your New Spring'Ensemhle 300 Escape and the Salvation Army Band will Wednesday, leave Sunday at 8 a.m. in private Denver. March IS (A—Flames from a brandy-soaked dessert cars for Ansonia. The Band will Office!^ and^ membera of the severely burned Mary ‘ Eliia- As Spillway supply special music for .the Shel­ ! British Anieticai^ Chib will meet 1 beth Kerchevsl, 30, on the left ton Congregational Church in that i at' the clubhouse .this evening a t . Choose from a wonderful oiiorf* To Find ‘Red’ Sub arm yesterday during a tele­ city, and will he entertained at ,-7:30 and' proceed to the Burke ^ vision program. dinner by the Salvation Arn^v Funeral Home in tribute to Mrs. Miss Kcrcheval conducts a ’ Gives W ay there. The local service will be con­ Margaret B. Shields, whose hus- menf of lovely spring ^flowers for program at Station KBTV tin­ ducted by Mrs. Major John Pickup . band, Chester Shields, is a m em -. Off Atlantic Coast der the name of Mary Kirk. Bennettsville, S, C., March and Mrs. Col. Edwin J. Perr'etl. I eb rof the club. | tfk ' S ^ During the course of a dem­ \ your coaf or luit waar. We hav#^' onstration on how to prepare 15 (/P)— An overflow spillway Edward J. Habcrcrfi. Son of Mr. i The Married Couples Club o f ; (KOTIBt m u m c . ray, AaooN- the brandied defsaert, another of a wilRlife reservoir dam and Mrs. Michael Haberern. 13.’5 In Mrs. I the Covenant Congregational' -atad Praaa mUltary aflalni roport- performer Ignited the brandy. was swept away'here eafly to­ Bissell St., has been appointed a.s- ; Church will meet at 8 p.m. tom or-; ar. waa aboard tbo atomic odb- The flames flared up and sistant mail clerk of his recruit DAISIES. ROSES, VIOLETS, GAR­ marlaa Saawelf oa a crolse pbuiaed day flooding a quarter mile row at the Manchester Bowling caught Miss Kerchevsl before * r - company at the Great Lakes Naval Green. iM part of a routtae taaiabig b m - she could spring aside. She was area, including a Negro resi­ Training Center, Great Lakes, III. DEN BOUQUETS, ate. lieavar aloag tba Baat Coaot. Bat taken to a hpepltal. dential section. Mrs. Oglore White, patriotic in­ a report that a Hnoataa aabtaarlac Police Chief F. E. Dsvls Said The 1958 Cub Scout Themecraft arigkt bp larbiag la tbe arm, beat no deaths or injuries were report- M il Bliow for BlaCkledge District will structor of the Auxiliary to An- Police derson-Shea Post. VFW, presented ' tbe Seawall oa a bunt tkroagh tbc tA in the Booded area immediately be held tomorrow from 6:30 to 8:30 aceaa deptba. lihla waa Om ftrat below the lO^foot high dam. Davis p.m. in the Verplanck School a flag last week to Den 3 of Cub Pack 112 at the home of den moth­ .00 Eb m a reporter t v t ir bad takea High Wind, said about 300 Negroes awoke to auditorium. Elverypne is welcome. eat part la eoeb a veatiire. Ibe ea- find the waters of Lake Paul A. On Fossil]_ There will be no admiqsion charge. er. Mrs. Beryle Gluca, 71 Cedar and St. TTie flag was accepted by Cuh - tira atory oaa’t ba 4oM boeatna af Wallace awliifhg"''bemfiiQr''’^ M r ScotR’ irosepir'CurTti. ' aecartty eeeelderatteae. Wbat «aa o w beds. ba told ia rdatad here.) Davis said a division dam which Death Link TTie Newcomers’ Club, sponsored runs down the middle of the lake RAINBOW GIRLS By ELTON C. FAY slso waa in danger of breaking. by the YWCA, will hold a ''New­ (AF Mmtary Affalra Beporter) 8tate Police are in v est!^ comer's Look Fashion Show” n Tie Region Water on one aide waa being low­ r Aboard Nucltar Submarine Sea- ered so that a weak spot about six ing a note found in the pock4t^ Of MonehMftr Tuesday night at 7:45 In the . J . Plan to attend the STYLE SHOW at WHITON HALL naxt j woU. March 12 (DeUyodj («>— feet could be sandbagged. book of Mrs. Evelyn Olsen Whilon Memorial auditorium. Bomerwhere In tha sea around this By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Membera may Invite friend.s and I The spillway break waa on the Seddon, 38, Mansfield, murder atmn-powered aubmarlna may be a A wild northeast storm other side. YWCA members and the public I TUESDAY, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. HALE'S will shew ntw Spring | Soviet tub, lurking in deep waters, pasted New England with,ad­ victimtim found in g parked cair are also invited. The earth dam at the spillway FOOD SALE /.• •• \ off the AUanUc Coast. ditional heavy snows today, on Valley Falla Rd., I stylet. The show it under the sponsorship of the New Comari* Club. I The Seawolf baa been given the apparently, waa undermined be­ tangling power lines, snarling cause of wet weather and gave Thursday mottling. Saturday, March 15 Anthony D. Paone,. seaman, Job of tryttig to find that Ruseian Lt. Harry. Taylor said tha nota USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domenic traffic and generally belying, way between 2:15 a.m. and 2:45 oubmarlne, if it ia there. ajn. read something like this: “This Is 10:30 A.M. A. Paone. 44 Princeton St., ar­ It’s the first time the Navy has S ■ f f-M-i the fact that spring was less The water swirled through the something you a)W4ys wanted and rived in Boston, Mass., Feb. 28 Ordered an atomic undersea craft I than a week away, by. the cal­ now you've gptr it." aboard the heavy cruiser USS Al­ to condhet what is very much like W. T. GRANTS endar. (Ck^tinued on Page Six) Police botWve tho note is In bany after a tour of duty with the a war patrol, I Heavy, wet snow’ measuring up Mrs. S f^ oa'a own liandwriUng. Main Stroat U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediter­ When the Seawolf started out They, said they do not know from port,, it was beaded for a rou­ ; to 22 inches covered Tsnnersville ranean. in the Cats kill Mountains of New whether the note Is connected with tine training cruise.' But an order, her murder. radioed to tba eub a few hours . York, n i i Inches blanketed aec- Scranton Fire The Auxiliary to Anderaon-Shea I tiona. of Connecticut and more Talked of Suicide Post, V I ^ , will hold Its regular iVeu.Sprmg S C A R F S after it sailed.- converted its mis- Mrs. Olga Darico, fritnd o f Mrs. Non into a bunt for an unidenU- than 13 Inches was on > card party tonight at 8:30 at the , In northwestern New jS t S Kills 2 T^m en; Seddon’s whom she visitad Tues­ post home. The public is invited. fled submarine—or eubmarines— day afternoon on Bolton Rd., said beliavad sighted In this area. storm was given added ferocity with winds, which gusted up to 70 the victim had talked of suicide SAM ■ I Mra. Wilber UtUe and Mrs. See our assertment of lovaly naVf Spring scarfs There would be no great aurprlae In the News m.p.h. in section.^ of New Engjuid 5 Others Hurt several times a few years ago. , Eugene Freeman made their an- If this search eventually should Friday and earty'/tpdsy. ,How- Mre. Darico said she never took I ' nual vialt yesterday to the Newing­ in tquara, tfubbi# and long ^ ylss. Cheiea of Identljty the reported unidentified sver. temperatures wdra^pot sever* ... tho girl seriously; Police have de­ ton Veterans Hospital where they ! 44 aubmarina as Russisn. The subma­ —mostly around the frew ng: level. Beranton, Pa. March 15 W — A Sharp Skid .Disaster Averted finitely ruled out suicide. YULYES distributed gifts to 188 patients.
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