

PUBLISHED MONTHLY Want Good Fishing? by the OBEY THE LAW Pennsylvania Board of Fish Commissioners


a u a COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA BOARD OF FISH COMMISSIONERS Five cents a copy •*• 50 cents a year OLIVER M. DEIBLER Commissioner of Fisheries

£s S3 ts Members of Board OLIVER M. DEIBLER, Chairman ALEX P. SWEIGART, Editor Greensburg South Office Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. JOHN HAMBERGER Erie

DAN R. SCHNABEL S3 82 S3 Johnstown

LESLIE W. SEYLAR McConnellsburg

NOTE EDGAR W. NICHOLSON Philadelphia Subscriptions to the PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER should be addressed to the Editor. Submit fee KENNETH A. REID either by check or money order payable in the Connellsville Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Stamps not ac­ ceptable. ROY SMULL Mackeyville *• GEORGE E. GILCHRIST PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER welcomes contribu­ Lake Como tions and photos of catches from its readers. Proper credit will b« given to contributors. H. R. STACKHOUSE Secretary to Board AH contributions returned if accompanied by first class postage. C. R. BULLER Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries Pleasant Mount

IMPORTANT—The Editor should be notified immediately of change in subscriber's address

Permission to reprint will be granted provided proper credit notice is given PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER 1

at night also takes heavy toll in larger able with that of seventy-five years ago. streams. Behind that program, backing it man by A wave of indignation on the part of man, must be the sportsmen of Penn­ fishermen rightfully follows each viola­ sylvania. It is essentially their program S tion of the fish laws. It is their money and it stands or it falls according to that restocks the streams each year for their dictate. ANGLER7 betterment of the sport, and the illegal This issue of sportsmanship is, I be­ fisherman is in every sense of the word lieve, the most vital factor in our pro­ SEPTEMBER, 1934 robbing them. gram. Incident after incident portray­ The fact that, by actual count at the ing the splendid spirit of our Pennsyl­ VOL. 3 No. 9 hatcheries, over 1,000,000 trout above vania anglers has come to my attention legal size were distributed last year, and this year. Many of our fishermen are many thousands more this spring, is demonstrating the true sportsman spirit proof of the sincerity of the Fish Com­ during trips astream. No longer is the EDITORIAL mission in its drive for better fishing. skilful angler judged by the number of If the streams are left to the honest his catch. Instead, his angling ability efforts of anglers in taking these trout, should and is being measured by the good fishing is that much nearer attain­ yardstick of sportsmanship. Real thrill ment. in angling rests in the game fight a bat­ Crush the Violator tling trout or bass can provide in its bid for freedom. In other words, the ang­ Crush the fish law violator and enjoy Builder Sportsmen ler-conservationist considers the sport of better fishing. fishing paramount, the size of the catch Following discovery of evidence in Pennsylvania fishermen today must secondary. He takes home only the several instances of seining and dyna­ regret the ruthless slaughter of fish life number of fish that can be readily eaten miting in our streams, the Fish Commis­ in. our streams that marked the nine­ by his family. sion is making a determined drive to teenth century. A period when seins, Sportsmanship on our streams means break up this destructive practice. The trapnets, and spears devastated inland a square deal for every fisherman in dynamiters and seiners of our inland fishing waters in sharp contrast to Pennsylvania. Restocking waters alone waters, although comparatively few in modern conservation of our aquatic life. cannot restore fishing comparable to number and limiting their activities to Slight consideration was given to the that of seventy-five years ago. A con­ sections difficult of access, today loom as fact that vast hordes of fish could not stantly growing army of anglers invade a real menace to the fisherman's sport. survive this ruthless extermination, and the inland fishing waters each year. With a large force of fish and game the killer's code predominated. Far- They are guardians of this splendid wardens to combat illegal fishing, every sighted sportsmen of the era viewed sport. The Fish Commission, their rep­ possible cooperation on the part of with alarm this unparalleled waste of resentative, is financed by their fund, sportsmen is essential to breaking up fish our fish and wild life. Their views, how­ the fisherman's license fund, and in law violation. Prompt reporting of ever, were given credence only when the large part, this money goes directly to cases to wardens in ,their vicinity by fish­ slaughter was terminated by a well-or­ restocking streams and lakes depleted ermen is necessary. In some instances, ganized group of men inspired by the by heavy catches. When a fisherman is sportsman's code. it is believed, violators attempt to sell unsportsmanlike in taking fish, his act fish caught by illegal methods, and when The past has taught a grim lesson and is injuring not only his own sport but such an attempt is made it should be that lesson is being applied today in our the sport of hundreds of his fellow immediately reported to the nearest fish efforts to provide better fishing in Penn­ anglers. The angler's greatest con­ or game warden. sylvania. I believe that a trite saying tribution to the sport he cherishes is to A few men, fishing with illegal de known to many of us—"You cannot eat play the fishing game according to the vices, nets, seines, or dynamite, may ruin your cake and have it, too,"—serves to rules that govern it. Fine, clean sports­ the sport of thousands of fishermen. illustrate the point. When the supply manship, sportsmanship that takes into consideration the thought of building, Generally such violations occur under of fish and game was ebbing rapidly not destroying, the supply of fish now cover of darkness. If dynamite is used, away during the nineteenth century, the available in our waters, is necessary. or lime, not only the larger fish in the belief prevailed that the "cake" never pool, but small fish and minnows are de­ would be consumed. That the remnants I am firmly convinced that this type stroyed. Fish not wanted are left to of a magnificent natural supply of fish of sportsmanship will spell success in drift away. and wild life was saved in time may be our better fishing program. We need Trout in meadow and mountain attributed in large part to realization by builder-sportsmen. streams have little chance to escape net­ the public that drastic steps to halt the ting activities of the violators. Limited slaughter were neeessary. The Fish size of the pools in which they live does Commission is now engaged in a vast not give the fish much opportunity to restoeking program to bring back to the \

WOLLEN into torrents of brownish water Sby heavy spring rains, one of Pennsyl­ vania's greatest bass and wall-eyed pike streams is verging on stage. Two weeks before, great masses of ice churned through its riffles and eddies, and since the break-up of the ice jams, even its smallest feeders and 'Vet weather" streams have poured bank-full into the river. In a great eddy formed by the juncture of one of the larger creeks tributary to the main stream, thousands of fish have gathered. Predominantly, they are suckers, ready for their spawning run up the creek. Just when the run will start is dependent upon the rise in water temperature which determines to a large extent the ripening of the eggs in the female fish. Mingling with the sucker horde, however, are a number of big, spindle-shaped fish. Known under many names, but more par­ ticularly pike-perch, wall-eyed pike and Sus­ quehanna here in Pennsylvania, their spawning time is, coincident with that of the sucker run, in early spring. In a week or two, these pike will move up the creek to spawn. Of the inland water game fishes, PICKEREL they perhaps are least known insofar as re­ production is concerned. throughout the winter start moving up tiny Preparatory to spawning, the male small- When they start their spawning run, the runs on their spawning migration. By pairs, months have selected suitable spots on gravel pike must buffet a heavy current to reach these eastern chain pickerel enter shallow bars or, at the bases of rocks and logs for their objective in the shoal waters of a quiet tributaries of the stream and even drainage the nests. Late May finds them vigorously section of the creek. For the active and ditches to deposit their eggs. Perhaps there fanning away silt and sediment until the strong male fish, this task is not particularly is method in the apparently careless tendency spawning places are ready for the eggs. difficult. But for the females, encumbered of the voracious stream pickerel to seek Then a-courting they go. A female accom­ as they are with eggs, the strength of the spawning grounds of this type. The tiny panies each male fish back to the nest, and current is sometimes too great to overcome. pools of the run harbor few fish enemies after depositing the eggs, leaves the house­ Failing to attain their goal, the female pike of the baby pickerel, and later, barring the hold duties to the sire. An amazing change frequently are forced to deposit their eggs possibility that it is a "wet weather" stream, has taken place in the active and voracious in unsuitable locations. And as the males these same pools will furnish food enough male. When it assumes guardianship of the have in many instances forged ahead, these for the young in the form of small organisms nest, covering a period of from seven to 14 eggs are often not fertilized. Even if they and tiny minnows. days, all of the aggressiveness that marked are, the heavy current soon covers them with Like the pike-perch, the pickerel desert its driving rushes for minnows two weeks silt and mud or sweeps them away. their eggs after they are spawned, letting earlier seems to have merged into a jealous protective instinct. Hovering over the eggs It is believed that the pike-perch under the young shift for themselves. It is not un­ it keeps them clear of sediment by a fanning normal spawning conditions gather in groups usual on some of the creeks having pickerel motion of its fins. Should a blundering carp in the shoal water. Spawning completed, in central Pennsylvania to catch a large or sucker venture near, it is met by a slash­ they abandon the eggs and return again to number of young in a scoop of a minnow ing attack from the bass unmatched In the deep, rock-bottomed pools in which they net in a shallow back eddy of a stream. ferocity. Almost any object, large or small, are found during most of the year. So hardy This leads to a belief that even small weed- brings a furious onslaught from the parent are the baby pike that they require no grown bays on such streams and in ponds fish if it approaches the vicinity of the nest. parental care, and considerable success has may be resorted to by the pickerel at spawn­ Unscrupulous fishermen at this particular attended stocking them, while in the fry ing time. Young pickerel are very delicate time may do irreparable damage by taking stage, in suitable waters. and an apparently slight injury may result big bass from the nest, for removal of the As the waters of the spring freshet sweep in death. It is an interesting coincidence that parent results in the total loss of eggs and through the reed-fringed flats of the creek, the comparatively few eggs deposited by an young. Fortunately, the present laws govern­ graceful, slender fish that have been active adult female (from 1000 to 2000), and the delicate nature of the fry may be offset in ing bass fishing protect the fish over this large part by the care taken in choosing crucial period. a spawning ground in which the most favor­ After the young fish are hatched, the able conditions for growth of the infant fish guardianship of the male continues until they obtain. are ready to leave the nest. Increasingly Spawning Bass voracious after this long vigil, the male again Emerging from a state of semi-hibernation reverts to the killer and will not hesitate when water temperatures of stream and lake to devour as many young bass as he can rise during April, the black bass enter into find. He might rightfully be termed the an orgy of feeding. Literally gorging them­ "Jekyll and Hyde" of the water world. selves on minnows and other live forage, While smallmouth bass are spawning in smallmouth bass of swift, rock-bottomed streams of Pennsylvania, a similar chapter streams, and largemouths in weed-grown is being enacted by the largemouth bass in ponds and lakes are conditioned for their ponds and lakes. Approximate times of the spawning by the latter part of May or early nesting of the two species may vary slightly. June. Save for a tendency to deposit their eggs WALL-EYED PIKE PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER 3 in tiny coves of aquatic vegetation, the large- of our trout waters are subject to wide It is significant that many of the trout mouths carry through a very similar spawn­ variation in temperature during the year. ing process to that of the smallmouths, and above legal size stocked after the close of For this reason, the modern brook trout or the season from the hatcheries are potential the largemouth male, guarding its nest and charr and the imported brown trout may be young, is every bit as devoted to its task spawners and participate in the spawning said to be fishes that spawn on a falling run. In this way, they rank as an important as is its cousin in the faster creeks and temperature of the water. rivers. Not infrequently, both species of bass factor in aiding natural reproduction in Observation on several outstanding trout our trout waters. will be found in the same body of water and streams in Pennsylvania has revealed an in such cases, spawning habits differ but interesting fact relative to the spawning of Spawning time for the rainbow trout, that slightly. brook trout and brown trout when the two popular fighting fish introduced to Pennsyl­ Autumn Spawners species inhabit the same stream. The vania waters from the Pacific slope, comes There is a tang of frost in the air, and the brookies spawn first, usually from one to in our waters usually in the spring. There leaves are turning in color when the big two weeks before the brown trout ascend to is some reason to believe however, that their brook and brown trout stage their annual the spawning grounls. Their mission com­ spawning season may extend into the summer spawning migration. Generally, the time is pleted, they hurriedly drop downstream and even autumn when the rainbows have late October or November, and fortunate is again, leaving the brown trout in undis­ lived several generations under Pennsylvania the fisherman who can be on a good stream puted possession of the spawning areas. conditions. to observe the pilgrimage of the mottled Coincident with spawning activity of both Fish life affords many fascinating topics kings. species, considerable fighting occurs; and in for observation and the game fishes of our During October the adult trout of both the event of the mingling of brook trout streams and lakes present no more interest­ species have displayed increasing restless­ and brown, the larger and heavier fish of ing study than that linked with their spawn­ ness. Chill autumn nights and a general the latter species undoubtedly would create ing activities. drop in water temperatures have heralded havoc with the smaller brook trout. the approach of their spawning time. Under As the big trout move upstream, their primitive conditions in Pennsylvania, the dorsal fins show above the surface in shallow native or brook trout is believed to have riffles; the male fish cut smoothly through WALLENPAUPACK BROWNIES been a fish that spawned on an even tempera­ the water, the females, heavily laden with Famous for the great catches of pickerel, ture of the water. Trout waters generally eggs, more sluggishly. Arrived at the spawn­ bass and wall-eyed pike it provides each were subject to little variation in tempera­ ing ground, some small pool far up in the year, Lake Wallenpaupack in Pike and ture during the year. Their source, cold main stream or in a spring fed tributary, Wayne counties also yielded some unusually deep-seated springs of never-failing flow, the male hovers over a selected spot on a 'arge brown trout during the trout season, and the shade of giant trees arching above tiny bar of pebbles or gravel, its pectoral according to Warden John A. Schadt, Jr., of them were factors that aided in holding fins swiftly fanning the nest. When all Lake Ariel. Two brownies, each 24 inches the water at an even or possibly very slight'y sediment has been removed, the female de­ in length, and another measuring 17 inches, varying temperature the year round. To­ posits the eggs, the male fertilizes them, comprised the catch of Robert Hunsicker of day, conditions have changed radically. The and both fish leave the spawning bed for Glenside. Art Gumble of Paupack landed a great have fallen before the relent­ their downstream migration. Under favor­ brownie measuring 28% inches in length and less advance of the sawmill, many of the able conditions, in wild streams, trout fry weighing 6% pounds. Four brown trout cold feeder springs no longer exist, and most hatch in from 90 to 120 days. taken by Pep Singer of Paupack measured 19%, 22%, 23, and 21 inches respectively.


PROUD! "Dotie" Biazzo of Water Gap was one of the proudest boys in Pennsylvania on the first day of the bass season. Fishing in the upper Delaware, "Dotie," who is 12 years old, caught a 28-inch wall-eyed pike that weighed five pounds. Warden Joel Young of Fullerton reported the catch and said that 72 fishermen interviewed the first day had taken 32 largemouth and smallmouth bass, 76 sunfish, 39 yellow perch averaging 10 inches in length, 14 wall-eyed pike from 12 to 28 inches in length, 18 pickerel from 12 to 22 inches, 14 suckers, and 150 eels.

jyi/ Seth Says ^C^WV ) " reckon as how ED MOUND. CHARLEROI. MADE THIS TWO-DAY CATCH OF ll^^-USf there's one big pike in BASS. ROCK BASS, AND CATFISH IN TEN MILE CREEK, our crick WASHINGTON COUNTY >dC\ »iw thet'll live to ^gR^gB^Fl^^fev. a right old age. Not '

WOMAN, 65, ENJOYS FISHING AT NIGHT Still-fishing at night is fine sport and cer­ PYMATUNING DAM IS tainly is not being monopolized by men, ac­ cording to A. A. Allegar, special warden of Berwick. While patrolling Fishing Creek DEDICATED recently, Allegar and his companion Foster MacNeal, deputy game protector, met Mrs. Martin, 65 years old, of Berwick. It was then 2 A.M. and Mrs. Martin had had fair luck in the Cinder Tip pool above Light Street. When the wardens talked to her she dis­ played a large snapping turtle and several good size fish.

Some Bullhead! Here's a top-notcher of a bullhead catfish fishing incident that should hold real appeal for all anglers who derive a kick out of fishing for catfish. And while Floyd Waters of Jermyn who re­ ports the happening does not mention names in connection with it, he assures us that it can be verified without diffi­ culty. It seems that three Jermyn anglers while fishing for bullheads one night recently went to sleep in the boat. Each man had one rod, baited with worms out on the same side of the boat. When they awoke at about 2 A.M. and started to take up their poles, it was discovered that one bullhead had taken the three baits, each hook from a separate pole being embedded in the GOVERNOR PINCHOT AT PYMATUNING mouth of the fish.

The vast economic and recreational advantages to be derived by the people of Penn­ sylvania and eastern Ohio through the construction of the Pymatuning in GOOD BASS CATCHES ON Crawford County and eastern Ohio were stressed by Gifford Pinchot, Governor of Penn­ sylvania, in dedicating this vast body of water on August 17th. Before thousands of people ALLEGHENY RIVER gathered at the dedication, Governor Pinchot stressed the important part Pymatuning al­ Splendid catches of bass have been made ready has played in the industrial life of the Beaver and Shenango valleys during the this season on the Allegheny River and both drought this summer, and Its importance as an outstanding asset in conservation. branches of the Brokenstraw Creek in Warren county, writes Warden R. C. Bailey Of major importance from a conservation standpoint is the stocking program inaugur­ of Youngsville. While patrolling the river ated at Pymatuning last spring and now being pushed vigorously forward. near Kinzua recently he met three fisher­ "This body of water," Governor Pinchot declared prior to the dedication, "will be richer men, one with nine bass, the other two with in fish food than any other lakes in the east. Already the Pish Commission has planted eight bass apiece. He expressed the belief 44,000,000 pike perch and yellow perch. Many more millions of bluegills, catfish, sunfish that more bass are being taken this year and largemouth bass will be released in the lake this year. There will be thousands of than last, which was regarded as a banner sites for public and private camps; there will be plenty of bathing beaches. season. "The nicest catch I have seen for some "At the Pymatuning dam. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has done a model job time," he writes, "was made by Joe Richard­ of conservation, flood control and drought prevention, in addition to providing one of the son of Sisterville, W. Va. Mr. Richardson finest outing places in America. made his catch near Magee in the Allegheny. 'Tt is one of my fondest hopes fully realized." He started fishing at 4:30 in the afternoon and when I contacted him he had nine bass that weighed 17 pounds, and the six largest weighed 14% pounds. He was using soft "PLANT A WILLOW" IS DR. shell crabs (crayfish) for bait. He spends his vacation here and declares that we have SEYLAR'S SLOGAN Catfish Hits Spinner Hon. Leslie W. Seylar, McConnellsburg. the best bass fishing this year that he has member of the Board of Fish Commissioners, Those bullhead catfish of Lake ever experienced." Wallenpaupack not only grow to large urges that fishermen help the sport along size but apparently are developing sure hy planting a willow twig at every oppor­ fire game qualities according to CANNIBAL BROOKIE tunity when fishing on a favorite stream. Warden Anthony Lech of Shenandoah. More willows mean better fishing, Dr. A fine 14-inch brook trout was caught by Seylar said. Not only are the trees bene­ Lech informs us that Clyde Stryker, C. D. Campbell of Media, R. D. 2, while he ficial in helping to conserve moisture, but highway patrolman from Schuylkill was fishing Lyman Run in Potter county. I heir interlacing roots provide ideal pro­ Haven, recently had a real fishing sur­ Observing a bulge in the fish, Campbell pro­ tection for trout. prise when he caught a 14-inch bull­ ceeded to perform an autopsy on it. head on a spinner while fishing for It is a comparatively easy matter to plant When opened, he found that the big brook willow twigs at any moist spot along the pickerel, bass or other game fish in the lake near Hawley. trout contained an eight-inch brookie that stream, he said. The twigs take root quickly, apparently had been swallowed only a short and their rate of growth is rapid. time before. (i PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER Native Trout Flies By Chas. M. Wetzel

EDITOR"S NOTE: This is the second of a series of three art clcs by Mr. Wetzel relative to trout flies on Pennsylvania Wtttert. The ANGLER is privileged to present these splendid descriptive accounts of insect life, icritten and illus­ trated by a veteran fisherman, and keen student of nature, to its readers.



Stone Flies when one is trying to capture it. It has two It was late afternoon when I reached the HE stone flies belong to the family of pairs of wings which are longer than the forks, and a cool wind swung toward the TPlecoptera or Perlldae. In streams, and body, and are coarsely netted with cross south with gusts of rapidly increasing tur­ especially clear streams, which wind around veins. When at rest, the hind wings are bulence, an unimaginable delight after the the mountains and over stony beds, the folded lengthwise on the back and are, when oppressive heat of mid-day. Dark threaten­ ing clouds, low down, raced along, obscured larva of the stone flies are plentiful during unfolded, wider than the fore wings. The antenna or feelers are long and there are the sun, and spread with wonderful swift­ early summer. Lift any good sized stone, as two stylets at the tip of the abdomen. ness over the whole sky. Here and there large as the hand or larger, and it is likely The males and females mate on the ground jagged flashes of lightning illuminated the that two or three dark objects, resembling near the place of emergence. The fertilized heavens, followed by the dull rumble of small shrimp, will run along it to seek eggs, which are black and oval, project from thunder, which reverberated and came echo­ the side which is turned away from the light. the end of the abdomen of the female, being ing back from the mountains. The long pool On Weiker Run. which I frequently fish, loosely held together by a transparent skin below the confluence of the feeders—which two species of aquatic larva occur side by or egg sac. The female may sometimes be a few minutes earlier had shone and sparkled side under such stones. One is that of the observed clinging to the underside of bridges, so brightly in the sun—now lay clothed in drake, or May fly, the other that of the where they drop their eggs into the water, the deepest shadows. stone fly. The two species seem to get and from these eggs are hatched the larva Suddenly the trout started rising! Then along rather well together, and are distin­ or nymphs. buffeted by the wind out of their usually guished by their size and stylets or tails. Among the most common of the stone fly straight course, a hatch of stone flies flew heavily over the water as the storm let loose The nymph, or larva of the Drake is smaller group, will be found the Yellow Sally, Willow and the Stone Fly. The stone fly its fury. Huge raindrops, striking the water, than that of the stone fly, and has usually is the largest of this class and is more or less ruffled its surface and made it impossible three tails; the stone fly is somewhat larger nocturnal in habits: but all the other flies to place the rising fish, except when some (about an inch in length) and has only two are seen in the daytime. particularly adventurous trout, exposed his stylets. Especially large hatches of the Yellow gleaming sides above the water in a wild The stone fly larva spends its life (prob­ Sally appear on Fishing Creek above Mill leap. Hastily I tied three wet flies, imitat­ ing the stone, on the leader. ably a year) under stones or other debris Hall during the latter part of May, and which is continually being washed by fresh though the trout seem to take the fly well, The following half hour, replete with water; the riffles in streams are ideal places my luck has been more or less indifferent. thrills, are among my most treasured stream for its development. They are both herbi­ Yet some anglers are loud in singing its memories. Twelve large brook trout, among vorous and carnivorous and are extremely praises. And so it goes! The willow ap­ them two doubles, fell- victims to the stone active. Around the first of May or earlier pears on the water late in the season, and By in one of the worst storms I had ever when ready to change into flies, they seek 1 have had fair success with it during July. experienced! The stone is a wonderful fly the edge of the stream and fasten themselves The Stone fly is an exceedingly popular when conditions are right; but then a lot by a glue-like substance to the under side pattern along Kettle Creek and its feeders, of others are, too. of rocks, just at the water's edge and there especially at twilight or after night fall, the creeper skin splits open, permitting the Ashing the fly wet. One instance in particular imago, or perfect fly to escape. The stones stands out very vividly in my memory. which border the streams are now strewn It was late in May, during a long hot with larva skins, curiously like living larva T*"" ' ~" ' ""• •• -~j in shape, but dry and empty and with a spell. I had fished the Kettle Creek from Cross Forks down to the Hammersley, and gaping slit along the back of the thorax * ^^h where the imago escaped. had only a few feeble rises. Either the trout si- •**•,», '-**> were affected by the torpor or had already The newly emerged fly is still soft and deserted the large stream for the cold, swift pale colored, but in a short time the organs water branches. Deciding that the latter of locomotion become firm, and the insect theory was the most promising, I continued takes to the air. It is rather heavy in its up the Hammersley to where the creek flight and shows little power of escaping forked. PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER


STREAM IMPROVEMENT exposure and introducing additional shade creased by introducing aquatic vegetation in "ACCORDING TO TYPE" on spring tributaries. Building of dams < n conjunction with improvement work. This It is an accepted physical fact that a waters that become so warm during summer aquatic growth constitutes rich production remedy for one individual may prove of little is a dangerous practice. If channels of spring areas for aquatic organisms, and sometimes or no value to another. Perhaps, if streams feeders are clogged with muck they should is self-established following installation of are regarded in the light of individuals, the be cleaned out. dams, deflectors and covers on our streams. stream improvement "according to type" plan Under classification three are streams that Trout forage is classified under thre;> will be more readily accepted. In brief, since are either deficient in small trout or over- major heads—aquatic, that living its entire Pennsylvania trout streams are not identical supplied with them. In streams having few life cycle in the water; semi-aquatic, living in type, improvement methods must vary. small trout, deflectors should be installed its life cycle partly in the water; and ter­ While the seven stream types given in this with the thought of accelerating the current restrial, with a life cycle entirely on land. article do not, in any sense of the word, to expose additional beds of gravel that may The aquatic group is highly essential, be­ cover the entire range of conditions on our serve as spawning areas. All tributaries cause this type of food is a stable supply, trout waters, they may serve as a general should be opened to provide additional available at all seasons of the year for trout. spawning areas, and log and brush shelters chart in improvement work. Examples in this classification are cold water should be introduced as additional cover for In the first group are uniformly shallow species of minnows, crayfish, and smaller young trout. The food supply and more suit­ aquatic organisms, such as the scud or fresh­ streams and streams of uniform depth. Cur­ able waters for large trout may be supple­ water shrimp. It is obvious that the intro­ rent deflectors answer the needs of a shallow mented by introduction of current deflectors. stream and are highly effective if properly duction of more vegetation and creation of installed. Boulder and log wing deflectors In classification four are streams subject better living conditions for trout will auto­ such as those built at Spring Creek should to fluctuation in flow. On such waters, small matically tend to increase this type of food be constructed with the idea of speeding up dams may be effective in forming pools to through affording it more protection and bet­ the current and restricting the width of the serve as additional cover and forage areas ter breeding areas. channel. By putting the current to work in for trout. Streams choked with sand or muck come under classification five. They Under classification two, semi-aquatic, may this manner, ideal natural pools for trout be grouped insects that deposit their eggs in are formed. In few instances should log or may be improved by introducing current de­ flectors to form a fast, narrow channel. Cov­ the water. An example of this group is the boulder dams be constructed on such streams, caddis fly. Insect hatches are, of course, for care must be exerted not to warm the ers also may be effectively used in improving this type of stream. seasonal, and dependent upon water temper­ current to detriment of trout in lower waters. atures. The terrestrial group comprises in­ Streams of uniform depth, with sufficient Brush and log covers, and current deflec­ sect and small animal life that may fall pools may be greatly improved by installing tors to increase areas of rich muck on the accidentally into the water. Grasshoppers, shelters or brush and logs. bottom where insects may breed, are methods crickets, and (in the case of exceptionally Type two streams include those that may for improving type six streams, deficient in large trout) young mice are types of this become dangerously warm during summer food for trout. Streams that come under class of forage. months and streams of very cold tempera­ classification seven are those that are too ture (below 60° Fahrenheit) in summer heavily fished in the most accessible sections. Stream improvement has an important The second group in this classification is Current deflectors and other shelter for bearing on all three groups. Beds of silt, rare in Pennsylvania. To improve waters trout may be introduced to the poorer fish­ slack water areas, and increased shelter on that become dangerously warm, install de­ ing sections on such streams to good advan­ the stream bed provide suitable conditions flectors, with the idea of deflecting the cur­ tage. for growth of aquatic vegetation. Dams and rent to shaded shores. Shade on such waters The food factor is vital in all improvement deflectors, plus stream bed shelter, aid this is of vital importance. It may be increased work. This is simply another way of say­ growth. Improved areas encourage insect by planting willows and brush on the shores, ing that trout production on any stream is hatches. Shelter on the stream banks, in­ weighting down available brush so that it in direct proportion with the amount of food creased growth of brush, trees and other will grow over the water, and by decreasing contained therein. Trout forage may be in­ (Continued on page 10) PANORAMIC SF REVIEW OF THE TROUT SEASON AT SPRING CREEK By Oliver M. Deibler Commissioner of Fisheries

HEN our experimental project on had then over 600,000 brook, brown and rain­ Januai/ as they do in June, which is not W Spring Creek. Centre County, was first bow trout, growing on the project, aside the case in most trout farms. thought of, our primary object was to se­ from 97,000 legal size fish that had been de­ The stream improvement project was cure a section of a suitable stream where a veloped by the fall of 1933, and planted in visited by thousands of fishermen and con­ model stream improvement project could be the public waters. servationists during the summer, with the installed that would serve as a laboratory, Further development of the trout rearing result that many of the ideas incorporated or example, for similar projects throughout area has been carried on until up to the here have been carried back to the local com­ the State. present time the value of the trout now in munities, and the sight of many improve­ It so happened that when the Spring Creek the pools, together with those planted last ment devices on our streams in other sec­ site was offered, very much to our surprise fall, would be greater than the total cost of tions of the State, gives evidence that the and entire satisfaction, we found another the whole project, and would represent a sportsmen are at last appreciating what can source of water supply that has few equals clear net profit the second year. We feel and should be done with practically all of in the entire State. This was in the form confident that by the end of 1933 this trout our streams throughout the State. of what was known as Forked Springs, with farm will have a capacity of three-fourths The Board of Fish Commissioners has long a measured capacity of 3,200 gallons per of a million legal trout, and its geographical contended that it is impossible for us to sup­ minute. location is most ideal, since it is located in ply good trout fishing under the present con­ After the property was acquired we saw almost the exact geographic center of the dition of our streams, especially in these many new possibilities open up before us State, with an excellent system of concrete drought periods, when the carrying capacity that had not been considered when the highways leading out in every direction, of our streams is extremely low, no matter stream improvement project first suggested which will greatly facilitate our stocking in how many fish we raise and plant. A stream itself. Among the possibilities that we saw every section of the State. is much like a chain, no stronger than Its was that we could here build one of the That these waters are ideal for rapid and weakest link. In other words, we must adopt finest trout farms in America, and with com­ heavy growth of our trout has been very the slogan as the Department of Agriculture paratively little expense. It also developed definitely demonstrated by the fact that we did some years ago, when it was common to that after the stream improvement had been were able to produce all three varieties of hear advocated that we must make two completed, that we had a most excellent op­ trout this year, a foot and over in length, blades of grass grow where only one grew portunity to demonstrate what we have long that were slightly less than 18 months old. before. The same thing holds good on our believed to be the proper angle on fishing; Spring Creek has been classed by out­ trout streams; that we must make two, or namely, that the real sport in fishing was standing authorities on trout and trout possibly four, trout grow and live, where not the killing of n*sh, but the environment streams as being richer in Crustacea, and only one has b(«n able to live before. out on the stream, and the actual catching aquatic organisms, which induce rapid Too many of our fishermen friends be­ of the fish. growth in trout, than possibly any other lieve that water is all that is necessary to With these new features in mind we set stream in Pennsylvania, or in the entire maintain fish life. This, indeed, is a wrong to work. The first shovel of earth was East. impression, as water to fish is the same turned on May 15, 1933. Work on the stream Another reason for this rapid growth and medium as the air is to us, but aside from Improvement development, and on the trout development of our fish is that this water the air that it is necessary for us to have farm proposition, were begun at the same comes from a series of very deep seated and breathe, we must have food and shelter, time, with the result that we were able to springs, with a low temperature in summer and the same thing applies to fish. The mat­ open the project to the general fishing pub­ and a very high temperature in the winter ter of food and shelter to fish is of just as lic on May 25, 1934. On the opening day we time, so that our trout feed quite as well in much importance as it is to man. PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER f»


Every trout fisherman is familiar with the tional Dry Ply Championship for a number asts that will have very wide reaching re­ fact that there are miles and miles of our of years, and who also is an expert at fool­ sults, as many a poor fisherman has had to streams in Pennsylvania that are completely ing the trout. Charles Ward, President of devise many cunning schemes and stories, in barren of fish, simply because there is no the National Scientific Anglers' Club of Amer­ order to gvt away on one of his favorite fish­ shelter, sufficient food and pools to attract ica, also was present, and gave some very ing trips, but with My Lady now having the them and hold them. Places of this kind instructive advice, and demonstrated to many "bug," it will be infinitely more easy for can be corrected and made into the most de­ of the fishermen that they could derive as many a poor man to get away on a fishing sirable fishing areas on the stream, as has much sport out of scientific casting, as those trip, and without being compelled to manu­ been so clearly demonstrated at Spring Creek who prefer the rifle and the shot gun to the facture the usual number of excuses. this year, during the extremely low water rod. Many other notables were present to During the season, from May 25th to July period. Great stretches of what had been demonstrate the art of fly making, and cast­ 31st, there was a total of 4,808 day fisher­ practically barren riffles the year before, af­ ing. Among others was Joe Messenger, of men on the project. Of this number there forded some of the most excellent fishing on Morgantown, West Virginia, inventor of some were 10G who came back and took advantage the whole project. of the "foolinest" lures on the market. of the five days afforded them. We also were The third objective, which in many ways It is our opinion that after witnessing honored with 34 non-residents as follows: is the most important and far reaching, was these exhibitions of casting, and later tried the fishing project. This area was stocked out on this stream with success, that we now Michigan One very heavily with trout, all ten inches and have in Pennsylvania several thousand more California One over, of the three varieties, brook, brown and fly fishermen than we had before the open­ Illinois One rainbow, and then opened to the public under ing of this project. This in itself is quite New Jersey One restricted regulations, that we felt would worthwhile for all the effort spent. Indiana One clearly demonstrate the thought we had in The other restriction was that each fisher­ Maryland Three mind; that men could have real pleasure and man was allowed to catch the legal daily West Virginia Three enjoyment without actually killing a lot of limit of 20 trout, but was permitted to kill New York Four fish. and take away only two trout each day, ten Washington, D. C Five One of the regulatory measures provided inches or longer, the balance to be carefully Ohio Fourteen that any one holding a Pennsylvania fishing replaced in the stream. A very accurate Ten States, the District of Columbia, and license could fish this area five days during record was kept of each day's activities, as 66 of the 67 counties of Pennsylvania, had the fishing season. Our object in limiting it all fishermen were registered in, and also representatives on the property during the to five days was to afford equal opportunity registered out, at which time every fish was fishing season. for those who live greater distances from weighed and measured, and also a record The Board, after reviewing the results and the project, than those who live nearby, and taken of the number that had been caught information obtained, and summing them all might without any restrictions, monopolize and replaced. up, have arrived at the following conclu­ the fishing. The results obtained through these records sions : We also restricted the fishing to all arti­ are among the most gratifying of the whole First, that the plan and objectives have ficial lures; no bait of any kind was allowed, project, as our figures show that there were been generally approved by the sportsmen. as we believe it is not good judgment to go only 2,472 trout killed and taken off the Second, that stream improvement and into the stream and rob it of the food that property, while there were 8,907 that were stream farming are genuinely practical and makes fish life possible, and then use this caught and replaced in the stream. Of these profitable. same fish food with which to catch the fish. almost nine thousand trout that had been Third, that it is desirable to provide fish­ All lures were limited to barbless hooks, or caught and returned, less than 100 died from ing where the inexperienced fisherman can the regular hook with the barb pressed down. the effects, as a very careful record of ali realize some sport for his money, as well as On opening day there were several thou­ dead fish that were found on the property the expert. sand visitors, and 415 registered fishermen, was kept. Many sportsmen enjoyed the sport Fourth, that trout fishing in our larger who were treated to an actual demonstra­ of catching them so much that they preferred streams can be greatly improved and main­ tion by some of the greatest fly fishermen in returning them all rather than kill any, as tained throughout the season by the proper the country; such men as Edward R. Hewitt, there were four times as many returned to method of stocking. who is an outstanding authority on trout the waters as were actully killed. Fifth, and most important, that a greater and trout streams, and bears the reputation As the result of the special section that majority of the fishermen greatly prefer a of being one of the greatest fishermen in the was set aside for the ladies only, we believe few days of good fishing, rather than a long world. Also Arthur Neu, who held the Na­ that we have a new crop of fishing enthusi­ season of very poor fishing. 10 PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER

STREAM IMPROVEMENT state as well as to regenerate the next season's egg supply. (Continued from page 7) Those in charge of the brood bass at the vegetation, furnish suitable living conditions state hatcheries make it a point, in the early for the terrestrial form of trout forage. fall, to give the parent fish all the food that A form of deflector that has been tried they can consume, knowing from experience successfully at Spring Creek, the V-deflector, that if the brood stock go into hibernation is built on the principle of creating a strong, in a poor physical condition during this swift channel at mid-stream, affording good period the body activities will be kept up at conditions for aquatic vegetation growth in a sacrifice of the internal egg development slack water below the deflector. It is suit­ with the result that the following season able for straight stretches of water, and is many of the parents will be barren or the constructed with the deflector wings, based offspring will lack vitality. in each shore and quartered downstream. Two logs in each wing, firmly wired together and staked, are based with rocks on the up­ KILL WATERDOGS AND stream sides. If greater height is desired, WATERSNAKES other logs may be firmly fastened to the base The Freeport Sportsmen, under the direc­ structure, until the deflector is flush with or tion of their president, Mr. Loyd, conducted Slightly below the summer water level of the an intensive drive against the watersnakes stream. This deflector, the boulder and log and waterdogs in Buffalo Creek, Armstrong wing deflectors, and dams create areas of county. Acting under a special gigging per­ still water below their tips that are often mit and accompanied by Fish Warden J. H. ideal for growth of vegetation. Simmons of Rochester, they staged two Water-cress, common to many of our Penn­ highly effective forays against these de­ sylvania streams in limestone sections, may stroyers of fish life. be induced to grow in such areas. Clumps The first night's kill consisted of 137 sala­ of water-cress tossed into the water lodge in manders or waterdogs and 50 watersnakes, suitable locations with subsequent growth. while on the second night 100 waterdogs and Other types of trout stream vegetation that 25 watersnakes were destroyed. may be mentioned are several species of PINE CREEK BROWN TROUT. 14 TO 22 INCHES. CAUGHT BY B. J. water buttercups and Callitriche or water NORTHRUP, OF ASAPH star wort. He Has a "Way with This aquatic vegetation is a worthwhile Watersnakes" consideration in stream improvement. Weed C. Joel Young, Lehigh County fish beds in our trout streams, plus dams, de­ Congratulations warden, does not claim to qualify as a flectors, and increased shelter constitute a Dedication of the Game Commission's snake charmer, but he sure does have forward step to better fishing. new game farm on the Loyalsock Creek "his way with reptiles," as a recent in Lycoming County, in August, was experience at Monroe Lake, Monroe THOUSANDS AT PICNIC OF one of the outstanding conservation County, proves. The story, properly events of the year in Pennsylvania. substantiated by eye witnesses, begins LYCOMING SPORTSMEN Completion of this splendid new farm 'Bigger and better than ever," was the with Warden Young casting flies in for the raising of game is a real for­ general opinion of sportsmen who attended this body of water for bluegills and ward step in the aggressive drive of the annual picnic of the Consolidated Sports­ luck not being what it should have the Game Commission to better Key­ men's Association of Lycoming County at been, our hero began looking for ex­ stone State hunting conditions. Thou­ Shore Acres on the Loyalsock Creek on Au­ citement which he some time later sands of ardent sportsmen from many gust 1st. Fishermen and hunters from Ly­ found in a huge watersnake playfully sections of the state attended the an­ coming and neighboring counties were pres­ disporting around an attractive red fly nual picnic of the Consolidated Sports­ ent at the event, and 622 new members were every time Warden Joe made a cast. men of Lycoming County, of which the enrolled in the Association, which comprises This game of tag kept up for fifteen or j dedication was a feature. one of the most active sportsmen's organ­ twenty minutes and, according to A fine account of the opening of the izations in Pennsylvania. Warden Young, everybody was having game farm appears in the August issue Many of the anglers present competed in a good time until he, by accident, of Pennsylvania Game Newt, official the bait casting events for distance and ac­ hooked his youthful playmate in the publication of the Board of Game Com­ curacy and in the fly casting events for dis­ back of the head. Angered by what missioners, which is so ably covering tance and accuracy. Bait casting was under the snake probably thought was foul news of game and hunting for Penn­ the supervision of Carl Bidelspacher, while play, the reptile slashed around that sylvania sportsmen. J. Aug Beck was in charge of fly casting. lake like nobody's business. Its boy The Game Commission is to be highly Other events scheduled were trap shooting, friend in the meantime made desper­ commended for its latest achievement, large bore rifle shooting. .22 calibre rifle ate efforts to loosen the grip of the the Loyalsock Game Farm, in keeping shooting, pistol shooting, archery, quoits and hook, all the while .doing his best to Pennsylvania at the peak as the great­ shooting at a running deer target, a new explain that the tragic denouement est hunting state in the Union. event for the deer hunters. was a sad mishap. By and by, the snake, so witnesses say, began to show signs of exhaustion, was hauled ashore BASS FEED HEAVILY DURING and actually begged to be put out of A "Mystery" Trout FALL MONTHS its misery. Helpless to extend relief, It's up to you to solve this one. My­ Warden Young finally (and with tears After the first heavy frosts the bass ron Shoemaker *of Laceyville, writes in his eyes, it is said) dispatched the that Bruce I'ickett, Jr., and Fay Rifen- fisherman who knows his fish can generally creature that only a few minutes be­ bury, Laceyville, while fishing for cat­ be found on the bass waters as he realizes fore had been his playmate. It meas­ fish in Tuscarora Lake' or Keeney that large bass strike more readily at the ured 4 feet, 8 and one-half inches, but Pond, Susquehanna County, caught a approach of cold weather. As the extreme George Zimmerman, secretary of the brook trout, 15 y inches in length, cold weather sets in bass go into a state of 2 Lehigh County Fish and Game Pro­ weighing one and one-half pounds. hibernation or semi-dormant period consum­ tective Association, who is partly re­ The late, by the way, and this is the ing little if any food. Nature has endowed sponsible for this sad tale, says it was "mystery'' part of it, lias no inlet and them with this abnormal appetite, at the really three-fourth of an inch over the is led by springs. It has never been approach of the winter months, so that they 4 feet, 8. known to be stocked with brook trout. can build up a reserve supply of energy suf­ ficient to carry them through the dormant PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER II

IMPROVEMENT WORK ON FISH­ Not all of this work will be confined to ING CREEK the West Branch. Dams will be built and The West Branch of Fishing Creek, one brush anchored in its tributaries, making of the favorite trout waters for Luzerne them excellent breeder streams. When this and Columbia County anglers, is now in­ work is finished, the crew will improve the cluded in the stream improvement program. East Branch and its tributaries. All of these waters are on land owned by the Game Com­ Under the supervision of Fish Warden mission. Russel J. Womelsdorf, a crew of ten men and a foreman from the Elk Grove C. C. Camp No. 104, are putting in four months building dams and retards and anchoring Struck Once Too Often trees and brush. When Raymond Minich, of Camp Hill, returned from a trout fishing trip The project, the first of several planned to Cedar Run, Cumberland County, for this section of the State, was started during the waning days of the 1934 on June 4th. On June 18th, after two work weeks of five days each, the crew had built season, he brought in addition to a big ten dams covering about a mile of the stream brown trout a report of one of the between Painter Run and Shingle Mill Run most unusual catches of the year. and had created numerous brush and tree Using a large chub for bait, Minich shelters. tried one of the deep pools in Cedar Run, just where the stream had cut Fishing Creek is stocked with brown trout a hole under the bank. The brownie in its lower waters and with brook trout in its East and West branches. The stream struck the chub, was hooked, and when also affords an occasional rainbow. They the Camp Hill angler tried to lift it all crave shelter such as is provided by from the water, straightened out the sunken trees and brush and the project is hook and broke through the landing providing it for them. This part of the work, net being wielded by Paul Stetler of it is believed, will accomplish a great deal Camp Hill. in protecting the fish from their natural T/wenty minutes after he had lost enemies. the big fish, Minich returned to the pool, was rewarded by another strike MRS. ANTHONY LECH SHENAN­ To avoid possible future criticism of the on a chub and this time succeeded in DOAH, WITH A CATCH OF PICKEREL project, every effort is being made to build landing the brownie. It weighed 3 the dams so that they cannot be washed pounds, 10 ounces and was 21 inches WE THANK YOU out by even the heaviest freshet. The moun­ in length. The unusual part of the in­ tain stream makes an appreciable drop from We are greatly indebted to Jay Howard cident is that the trout after having source to junction with the East Branch who runs the "Rambling at Random" column been so securely hooked on the first of Fishing Creek and therefore the dams are in the Independent, Collegeville, for the fol­ occasion, should strike again after a being built solidly. It is the consensus of lowing item which appeared in a recent issue lapse of only 20 minutes. opinion among anglers who have inspected of that paper. the completed jobs that they will have a "And by the way, everyone who gets a life of 25 years or more. fishing license should also get the ANGLEK. In building the first dam a heavy cribbing HERE'S ONE FROM THE NORTH The same can be said of the Pennsylvania was securely anchored and filled in with BRANCH Game News and those who get a hunting rock and gravel. On the top, heavy poles, George McCabe, who lives on the North license. This writer believes the State Fish ranging from 12 to 20 feet in length, were Branch of the at and Game Commissions would act wisely if spiked fast to the cribbing logs and the up­ Towanda, is known to many anglers who try they made a subscription to either magazine stream ends were buried deeply in the bed this famous bass stream. Just recently, ac­ compulsory, along with the respective license. of the stream. cording to Division Game Supervisor Frank The educational possibilities of these two In building the second dam a trench was Myers, George made an unusual catch while magazines, with a 100 per cent, circulation excavated on both banks and a large log fishing for bass with a stone catfish as bait. among the sportsmen of the State would was anchored securely at both ends. A fill Believe it or not, he caught a 30 pound carp. be unlimited. They exert a tremendous In­ of rocks and gravel was made on the up­ At the time, he was fishing from a boat in fluence along this direction even now with stream side and poles were spiked fast to deep water, and it is understood that the their present limited circulation." the log and the upstream ends buried deeply big carp furnished quite a battle before it We hope some day the sportsmen will do in the bed of the stream. was taken. just the very thing he suggests. However, Womelsdorf then found that the second Frank reported catching a lot of fine bass we must have the utmost cooperation of our dam was just as practical as the flrst, and and wall-eyed pike while vacationing on the readers to the extent that they will be willing could be constructed in much less time and Branch. to tell others about the magazine. Every­ required less material. As a result dams thing possible is being done to increase cir­ similar to the second type have been built culation with the limited funds set aside BASS HITTING AT TWIN LAKES since then. for this purpose and therefore we must Word has been received from Frank V. count a great deal on our subscribers for These dams present a solid triangular Stutsman of Twin Lakes, Pike County, that additional support. mass of wood and rock, and it is believed bass fishing has improved in that section re­ in a flood, ice, rocks or trees will slide over cently. He writes: the top, doing little or no damage. "Bass fishing is on the up just now. It "UNCLE DAN" SCHNABEL HOOKS In nearly all cases, a stone dam is con­ was none too good earlier, i. e. during the SNAKE ON FLY structed downstream from the other dam, month of July, though a few nice catches forming a second pool. Such a pool will be Hon. Dan R. Schnabel, Johnstown, a mem­ were made then. Warden Frank Brink re­ the delight of the bait fisherman. The fly ports that four fishermen he interviewed had ber of the Fish Commission, tells of an un­ fisherman will not need to confine his activi­ usual incident that occurred while he was taken 32 bass on the opening day of the ties to either pool, but can fish both. The season. Day before yesterday, August 8th, fly fishing on Breastwork Stream, Bedford stone dams are built in a jiffy through the County. three men in a party took out 13 bass. They use of a truck which backs up to the stream, were fishing fly. The best flsh of the lot On the back cast, "Uncle Dan" said, the fly dumps its load of rocks and goes off for x fell on the ground. The Board member was was a 4 /2 pound smallmouth bass, 21 inches another load while members of the crew long. It was caught by J. C. Champion of amazed to find that a watersnake had taken get the first load in shape. On its return the fly when he attempted to retrieve it. Carbondale. Other good catches are being trips, the truck backs out into the stream made daily, but not many bass over 1% to 2 The snake, it is understood, put up quite a and dumps its cargo into position. battle. pounds." 12 PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER

squarish spots and below the lateral folds, on each side, two irregular rows of dark spots, generally somewhat smaller than those found on the back. The legs are barred or irregularly spotted. THE BULLFROG Range in :—Throughout the eastern part, east of the Great Plains and By C. R. Buller north to Hudson Bay. Size:—From 2 to 3 inches in body length, measuring from the tip of the muzzle to the posterior end of the body, probably too small to have much of a commercial value. Another objectionable feature, from a commercial standpoint, would be the secretion of acid substance in the skin. Natural Habitat in Pennsylvania:—The pickerel frog spends little of its time in the water, but enjoys being nearby, where it can keep its skin moist, seek protection, and de­ posit its eggs. During extended periods of damp or rainy weather, it wanders consider­ able distance from the water side, probably in search of caterpillars, butterflies, millers, gnats, beetles, etc., but during dry weather, it is inclined to stay near the water, where it probably feeds upon the type of small life that makes its home about the shore lines. Spawning Habits:—In Pennsylvania, the eggs of the pickerel frog are deposited in May or June, generally along the shore lines, in shallow water. When deposited, the eggs are in the form of a more or less irregular mass, several inches in diameter. After hatching the tadpole develops into the frog, in July or August of the same year. Leopard Frog Identification Marks:—The ground color of the upper parts may be green, gray or ECAUSE of the thousands of bullfrog ing gills, an eel-like tail and lives wholly brown, which sometimes changes rapidly B tadpoles sent out each year for distribu­ within the water. This is the larva stage from one color to the other. The under parts tion, many people are of the opinion that of the creature. Later on legs make their are white or yellowish white. The legs are the frogs are confined and reared under appearance, the tail disappears, being ab­ marked with dark spots or bands. On each strictly artificial conditions, and for this sorbed into the body, the digestive system side of the back, is a conspicuous, broad, reason, persons desirous of entering into the changes from a simple to a complex form, lateral fold, with two or more broken folds rearing of frogs, on a commercial scale, lungs take the place of gills, and the creature of skin extending lengthwise along the back call upon us for information as how to pro­ emerges in the adult form, fitted for a life between the lateral folds. Between these ceed. To my knowledge, there are no success­ on land, if it so desires. These stages of folds may be found two irregular rows of ful frog farms in operation, where the stock development or changes in the life of the dark, round spots and below the folds on is confined and reared under artificial con­ creature, are called metamorphosis, and are each side are two additional rows of irregu­ ditions, as is being done at the fish hatcheries typical of the frogs found about the hatchery lar, dark spots. with various species of fish. grounds. The larva form of the frog is Range in North America:—The leopard The following article was prepared to known as the frog tadpole. frog is probably the most common frog in show the method of obtaining the tadpoles, Because the bullfrogs have a free range of North America, east of the Sierra Nevada and to point out some of the factors that the property, living and depositing their Mountains. would have to be taken into consideration, if eggs in almost any of the ponds to their Size:—When fully matured, ranges in size frogs and tadpoles were too closely confined. liking, it follows that other species of frogs next to the green frog measuring from 3 Our tadpoles are produced in connection l>esides the bullfrog, are present and must to 4 inches. with the rearing of certain species of warm be considered. The three most prevailing water fish. This work is carried on in ponds, species, other than the bullfrog, are the Natural Habitat in Pennsylvania:—The ranging in area from one-half to one hun­ pickerel frog (Rana pulustris), the leopard habitat of this species, like that of the dred acres, where a more or less natural frog (Rana pipiens), and the green frog pickerel frog is not, as a rule, in the water, condition exists with reference to aquatic (Rana clamitans). I will state briefly, some but nearby. In damp, wet weather it is often plant life, water temperatures, etc., which of their identification marks, natural habitat found wandering considerable distance from make ideal places for a limited number of in Pennsylvania, range in North America, its aquatic home, which may be any body different species of frogs to live and repro­ spawning habits, etc. of water, large or small. Its natural food duce. consists of earthworms, insects, spiders, Before entering into discussion of the bull­ Pickerel Frog other frogs, and in fact, almost any kind frog i liana eatesbisfna), we will first con­ Identification Marks:—The ground color of life, small enough to be swallowed. sider to what class of animals a frog be­ of the upper parts is brown, with the under Spawning Habits:—Spawning takes place longs, and what transpires in its change parts of the legs and belly an orange yellow. in April or May. The eggs are usually de­ from the larva stage to that of the adult. The under parts of the lower jaw are white, posited in shallow water, where they may be Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts are sometimes marked with brown. On each side attached to sticks, grass, etc., or left free. cold-blooded vertebrates, belonging to an of the back is a low, broad fold of skin (the The tadpole develops into the frog in July animal class called Amphibia, and which if lateral fold), extending from the eye back­ or August of the same year. literally translated from the Greek, means ward. Between these folds, on the back can Green Frog a creature of two lives. The typical Am­ be found four, more or less conspicuous folds. Identification Marks:—The color of this phibia, after hatching from the egg, begins Between the lateral folds, also on the back, frog is extremely variable, although the life as a legless, fish-like creature, possess­ are two, more or less, opposite rows of dark, typical color is bright metallic green on the PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER i;J head and shoulders, and dark olive or brown, stumps, rocks, aquatic plants, brush, etc. tions in the aquariums, I am led to believe, posteriorly. The under parts are white with The depth may range from those floating on that the number of fish taken is very small, some marbling, the sides of the body may the surface, to those submerged several feet. as they appear to be very awkward fisher­ be marked with large, dark blotches. In The tadpole requires two years or more, be­ men, generally making many attempts before some instances, the throat of the male is fore it develops into the true form of a frog. capturing their prey. bright orange, while that of the female may Progs at the Hatcheries How Sex is Distinguished be white, spotted with dark. It has two con­ spicuous ridges or lateral folds, down either The habits of the bullfrog described be­ A sure way of telling the sex, particularly side of its back. low, are as we find them in and about the at the approach and during the breeding hatchery fish ponds, and I presume their season, is that the first finger of the hand Range in North America:—Commonly habits in their wild habitat would be much of the male is greatly enlarged, especially at found throughout the eastern portion, includ­ the same as in this climate, because they are the base. The swelling appears to be due ing and Florida. not confined but live in a natural state. mainly to the enlargement of the granular Natural Habitat in Pennsylvania:—The In rearing certain species of warm water portion of the skin in this region. The ear green frog is quite aquatic spending much fish, as the bass, sunfish, catfish and others, of the male is much larger than that of the of its time in the water. While it is found we use every means possible to make con­ female, but one can easily become confused quite commonly about springs, small ponds, ditions natural with the result that many of unless there is at hand individuals for com­ or small creeks, it appears to have quite a the ponds contain submerged logs, brush, parison. liking for large bodies of still water, as rocks, an abundant growth of aquatic plants, The female is usually more brown and lakes, mill ponds, quiet portions of large and in many instances a portion of the banks spotted, and the male more evenly plain streams and rivers, where it spends much of overhanging with such water loving plants green. The male oftentimes has a bright its time in the shallow water, along the as the alders, willows, etc. By creating yellow throat, while that of the female is grassy shore lines, feeding upon insect life, these conditions we attract various insects yellowish white, or white mottled with tadpoles, small frogs, and small animal life and other organisms that live and reproduce brown. Because the color varies greatly, in general. in or about the ponds, that would otherwise not only according to sex, but among indi­ Spawning Habits:—The spawning is rather not be there, thus creating by their presence viduals of the same sex, color markings can­ extended, eggs being found from May 1 to a supply of natural fish food that cannot be not be relied upon. July 1 and probably later, depending much substituted by any artificial foods yet de­ upon the weather temperatures. The eggs vised. These conditions as well as being Natural Enemies are deposited in about the same places as beneficial to fish life, make ideal places ror The enemies of the frog in and about the those of the bullfrog, but the egg mass is the homes and reproduction of the bullfrogs. hatchery grounds are many, consisting in probably more commonly found floating. part of crows, herons, hawks, cranes, minks, From the time the egg hatches into the tad­ The food of the frog consists of almost water rats, snakes and fish, and because of pole, it requires one year or more before it any kind of animal life found in and about their cannibalistic habits, they are enemies develops into the frog. the water, that is small enough to be of one another. Disease is also probably a swallowed, such as earthworms, insects, serious enemy, but to just what extent, 1 Bull Frog crayfish, fish, tadpoles, and other frogs, in­ have no knowledge. Identification Marks:—The upper parts cluding those of their own kind. In fact, As frogs are one of the most defenseless vary in color from green to greenish they seem to have an instinct to snap at of animals, they must depend on certain in­ brown, with shades ranging from light to any small moving object coming within stincts of self-preservation for their exist­ very dark. The back and sides may be plain their range. I have said moving object, for ence, some of which are interesting. Bass in color or may be spotted with dark. These the reason that we have not been able to are particularly fond of small frogs and spots when present, may be distinct or con­ induce a bullfrog to feed upon food that tadpoles, although an average sized bass will nected. The arms and legs also, may be was not in motion. rarely molest an adult bullfrog. spotted or barred with dark. Its under In our hatchery aquariums we have on A number of years ago, the major portion parts are yellowish white, either plain, or exhibition a number of bullfrogs and from of the Union City Hatchery was devoted to spotted, or mottled with dark. It has no observations in the aquariums, I am led bass culture, with the result that few frogs lateral folds or ridges down either side of to believe, that the live food we have tried were to be found in that vicinity. After the its back, although a strong fold of skin ex­ to induce them to feed upon dead food, such bass work was discontinued, and the ponds tends from behind the eye to the arm, curv­ as chopped meat, dead fish, and cereals, and devoted to such fish as the yellow perch, sun- ing around the ear. To the uninformed, the in every instance they would die of starva­ fish, and catfish, adult frogs soon started to green frog and the bullfrog might be easily tion before consuming an object that was make their appearance, and today this hatch­ confused. The bullfrog is easily identified not in motion. ery has for distribution more tadpoles than from the former by the absence of the lateral Just to what extent in nature they feed any other of the state hatcheries. fold. upon fish, I do not know. But from observa­ (To Be Continued) Range in North America:—East to the Rocky Mountains, including Florida and Texas. Size:—The largest of the Pennsylvania frogs. The adult specimen often measuring from 6 to 8 inches in body length. Natural Habitat in Pennsylvania:—The bullfrog is more aquatic than any of the other Pennsylvania frogs. It rarely strays from the water for any distance, unless disturbed by enemies, and prefers large areas, as lakes, ponds, and quiet running streams. It is very voracious, feeding upon almost any life, small enough to be swallowed. Spawning Habits:—This frog is the last of these four species to spawn. The spawn­ ing may take place any time from June 15 to August 1, depending upon the water and air temperatures. The size of the egg mass is comparatively large, oftentimes measuring as much as 5 sq. feet. The eggs are deposited in various places, such as around submerged, or partly submerged REED-FRINGED SHORES MAKE GOOD FROG AREAS 14 PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER DAYS ASTREAM A Section Contributed by Readers of PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER

fish at 5 o'clock. We caught fish so easily, I began to believe we were fishing in a WHERE PIKE ARE PLENTIFUL hatchery. We continued to return every­ By Fred E. Stone, Harrisburg thing very carefully while looking for that old sockadowager for Jim. When the morn­ Jim and I had journeyed 190 miles to fish was our only black bass in two days fishing ing was half gone, fate finally smiled and this lake and neither of us had ever seen a and topped our morning's catch. Jim hooked a scrapper that put up all the picture of it. That's the faith we have in Four o'clock that afternoon found us back fight one man could ask for. When netted •our Fish Commission. If they say there are again with every bit the same luck until at he weighed just a half pound less than the fish in a lake or stream, that's enough for dusk we moved to a new location. I again largest fish we had caught the first evening. us. But wait! I'll introduce us. Meet Jim— landed two, ten minutes apart, which After this we decided to do a little ex­ he's a fisherman—part heron, I sometimes weighed four and a half and five and a ploring just beyond that farthest point for believe. He catches trout, bass, or pike. quarter pounds. And you should have heard future reference. So we went sightseeing They're all the same to Jim; he gets 'em. the captain! Or perhaps it's better that you until noon and made promises to each other And as for me—I just fish. didn't. The only consolation I had to offer to surely fish Lake Wallenpaupack this fall was to threaten to row him into a real pappy when the bass and pickerel are striking. We arrived early Monday afternoon at fish in the morning, as we had to depart at Lake Wallenpaupack, which, as the map dis­ On our return trip this fall, even though noon the following day and it was now closes, is in the northeastern corner of our we have no luck and the bass and pickerel nearly dark. great State. After obtaining a bite to eat we refuse to strike, we shall feel amply repaid Wednesday morning we were literally hired a boat and headed up the shore line to for our journey by the recollection of pleas­ frozen awake. The thermometer registered catch a few bass or pickerel before dark. ant memories when the pike were striking. 42 degrees and if that isn't cold for July, The boat-keeper had advised us to first try And as for scenery, a grander view of Penn­ I'm leaving for Panama at once. But the trolling with a spinner and night crawler, sylvania cannot be had in any other part of Luke wasn't frozen over, so we started to and, after much discussion, we tried this our great state. with but little success. We caught but three small perch and decided to move farther up the lake. What a difference just a half mile will make! We must have run right smack into a fishes' cafeteria or something. I was NEW YOflK handling the rod at the time, repeating some SYLVAN If* magic words to myself, when "sock!" one ^% HATCHt** had a hold of my spoon. And did I have a •SA. PLfflSANTI VMOUNT fight on my hands until I finally got him to. into the boat! It was a wall-eyed pike fully X^cflfleoivOfHtep

15 inches long. Prom then on it was every HAwb pike for himself, except occasionally, to SCRANTON jf jfrJjgti break the monotony we would catch a rock bass or so. Some of these bass weighed close to a pound and a half. At dusk we decided to return to the boat- landing. 1 was fishing and commenting on *STRQU03euRQ our good luck and hoping our luck would continue on the morrow when the bottom of the lake (?) got caught and started to swim rapidly away from me with me hang­ ing on for dear life. Well, that pike had 52 miles of lake, which averages 30 feet in depth to act up in, and he did for fully ten minutes. We finally persuaded him by TftENTON means of the landing net to come aboard and found that we had caught six pounds of the "fightingest" he-pike you ever saw. That was a grand climax for our first trip out and left us with great anticipations for Tuesday morning which dawned foggy and chilly, but PENNSYLVANIA the lake was still t&ere. We were told to MARrcANO try plugging in the early morning, which we did for an hour and a half with little luck. We again tried trolling with much the same results as we had the previous afternoon. In about two hours time we had caught and returned between 25 and 30 pike that ranged AUTOMOBILE ROUTES TO in size from 10 to 15 inches. About 9 o'clock Jim hooked and landed after much commo­ LAKE WALLENPAUPACK tion on everyone's part a nice largemouth which scaled just under three pounds. This PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER 15

LAKE WALLENPAUPACK 121,475 Trout Stocked in July

July stocking of streams throughout the of Young Woman's Creek, Chatham Run, AlvKean—Chappell Forks, North Branch state again featured brook and brown trout Hammersley Fork, Rattlesnake Run. Sugar Run, Sugar Run, Kinzua Creek, Potato above legal six-inch size. Included in the Columbia—Roaring Creek, Fishing Creek. Creek, Marvin Creek, West Branch Tunene- stocking were 74,015 brook trout averaging Crawford—North Branch Woodcock Run, guent Creek. 8 inches in length, 39,680 brown trout from North Branch of Middle Branch Sugar Run. Mercer—West Branch Wolf Creek, East 8 to 12 inches, 400 rainbow trout averaging Dauphin—Stoney Creek, Manada Creek. Branch Wolf Creek. 12 inches, 7,000 brown trout fingerlings and Delaware—Ridley Creek. Mifflin—Kishacoquillas Creek, Long 400 brook trout fingerlings. Elk—Medix Run, Bear Run, Bellmut Run, Meadow Run. Following are the streams stocked in the Trout Run. various counties Fayette—Dunbar Creek, Buck Run, Big Monroe—Paradise Creek, Brodheads Creek. Adams—Little Marsh Creek. Sandy Run. Montgomery—Deep Creek. —Spring Creek, Hickory Creek. Northampton—Waltz Creek, Bushkill Beaver—Big Traverse Creek. Creek. Bedford—Shermans Run, Yellow Franklin—Dennis Creek, Trout Run, Broad Creek, Potter Creek, Three Springs Creek, Run, Conococheague Creek. Perry—Liberty Valley Run. Deaner Gap Run, Cove Creek and Bobs Creek. Fulton—Oregon Creek, Little Brush Creek, Pike—Wallenpaupack Creek. Blair—Vanscoyoc Run, Canoe Creek, South Brush Creek, Little Aughwick Creek. Potter—Cross Forks, First Fork Sinnema- Sandy Run, Bells Gap Run, Clover Creek, Huntingdon—Blacklog Creek, Shavers honing Creek, Genesee Fork, Little Kettle Big Fill Run, Bald Eagle Creek. Creek, Greenwood Furnace Dam on East Creek, East Fork of First Fork of Sinnema- honing Creek, Cushing Creek, Genesee Butler—North Branch Bear Creek, Little Branch Standing Stone Creek, East Branch Standing Stone Creek, Standing Stone Creek. River, Fishing Creek, Pine Greek, Kettle Connoquenessing Creek, Bear Creek. Creek. Cambria—Bens Creek, Beaverdam Run, Indiana—Little Mahoning Creek. South Fork Little Conemaugh River, Hinks- Jefferson—Cathers Run, Little Sandy Somerset—Pine Run, Elk Lick Run, Creek, Big Run, Coder Run, North Fork Red Beaverdam Run, South Fork Bens Creek, ton Run, Clearfield Creek. Bank Creek, South Branch of North Fork Brush Creek. Cameron—Portage Creek. Red Bank Creek, Laurel Run. Susquehanna—Starrucca Creek. Carbon—Pohopoco Creek. Juniata—Willow Run, Horse Valley Run, Tioga-—Pine Creek. Centre—Black Bear Run, Cherry Run, Horning Run, Licking Creek, Big Run, Span- Union—Penns Creek, White Deer Creek, Benner Run, Marsh Creek, Laurel Run, haver Run, Lost Creek. Laurel Run, Weikert Run. Spring Creek. Lackawanna—Lehigh River. Venango—East Sandy Creek, Mill Creek, Cftester—Chester Creek, Valley Creek. Lancaster—Seglog Creek, Middle Creek. South Branch Sandy Creek, Cherry Run. Clarion—Mill Creek. Lawrence—Taylor Run and Big Run. Warren—Caldwell Creek, West Branch Clearfield—Trout Run, East Branch Ma­ Lebanon—West Branch Hammer Creek. Caldwell Creek, Tionesta Creek. honing Creek, Bennetts Branch, Moshannon Lehigh—Little Lehigh River. Wayne—Lackawaxen River, Little Equi- Creek, Mosquito Creek, Bell Run, Mont­ Luzerne—Huntingdon Creek, Wapwallopen nunk Creek. gomery Creek, Little Clearfield Creek, Sugar Creek, Hunlock Creek. Westmoreland—Loyalhanna Creek, Roar­ Camp Run. Lycoming—Slate Run, Nippenoise Creek, ing Run, Powder Mill Run, Furnace Run, Clinton—Big Fishing Creek, West Branch Loyalsock Creek, Lycoming Creek. Baldwin Run, Jacobs Creek, Tub Mill Run. 10 PENNSYLVANIA ANGLER


John Goliash of Glen Lyon, caught 2 Sherman's Creek in Perry County has been WW- * furnishing good bass fishing this season. Re­ * "*%rf^HI pickerel, measuring 24 inches each, and 4 nice largemouth bass, the largest one measur­ cently Jack Snyder, Landisburg, R. D., . caught ten bass during an afternoon's fish­ ing 19 inches and weighing 4 pounds, in ing. His catch ranged in size from 11 to 12 Fords Lake on the opening day. inches, according to Warden George James. *~~—4 Carlisle. „i#»«ssS Frank and John Kopieki of Kingston, •P caught 30 pickerel, ranging in size from 13 Fishing in Tobyhanna Creek one day dur­ N^ to 20 inches, in Cooks Pond, Bradford ing the trout season, Corbett Stubbs of County on the opening day. I'ocono Lake caught 16 brown trout and four brookies in two hours. He was fishing dry fly when he made the catch, which Charles Skillans and party of five, of Kings­ ranged in size from 10 to 12 inches. I ton, caught 34 smallmouth bass, ranging in size from 10 to 14 inches, in the North Branch on the opening day. Robert Hunsinger of Tamaqua landed a i three pound bass in the Hauto dam. '• ' . ,:«-**aa* K ,. * : / *** 1M' Henry Miller, special fish warden of West Pittston, caught a largemouth bass, measur­ Ray Miller, of Catawissa, made a nice ^ .,« catch of bass and wall-eyed pike in the North ' lj ing 20 inches, weight 4 pounds, in Cummings Branch of the Susquehanna recently, accord­ wfcf* „ 1 Pond on the opening day. ing to Warden Charles Litwhiler. Six bass m^x. w^.. .^, measuring from 9% to 12% inches and Alex Bercheski of Exeter, caught the limit three pike, 17 to 21% inches, comprised his ^ <^PP*»IPw!|F of smallmouth bass, ranging in size from 10 catch. to 12 inches, in the North Branch on the • -: c^iss~ opening day. Still fishing sometimes yields fine catches Is '-^Hfc of wall-eyed pike or Susquehanna salmon. C. B. Olsen of Parsons, caught 7 brown Joe Bower of Hawley recently demonstrated trout, ranging in size from 13 to 17% inches, this fact when he caught 12 wall-eyed pike JKFM Kiy in Tobyhanna Creek on June 2nd. in Lake Wallenpaupack, ranging in size from 14 to 28 inches. The largest pike weighed NICK RATAMESS. BERWICK DIS­ PLAYS HIS 2414-INCH BROWN E. J. Kelley of Pittston, made the follow­ 6% pounds. He was still-fishing with night TROUT TAKEN FROM PINE crawlers at the time. CREEK, POTTER COUNTY ing catches of brook and brown trout com­ bined on three successive trips to Bowmans On the first trout fishing trip Tie ever Creek during the season. First trip, 14 trout, Warden Russell Womelsdorf reports that made, Jay Weaver caught 20 trout, brown ranging from 8 to 15 inches in length. Sec­ bass fishing on the North Branch has been and brook, from the Wapwallopen Creek. ond trip, 11 trout, ranging from 8 to 14 in­ exceptional again this year. Early in the His catch ranged in length from eight to ches in length. Third trip, 11 trout, ranging season, water conditions were perfect and 12 inches, writes Warden Russ Womelsdorf. from 8 to 17 inches in length. hundreds of anglers realized their bass catch­ ing ambitions on opening day. "William Fritz and Daniel Hartman of BIG SPORTSMEN'S MEET Benton," writes Warden Russ Womelsdorf, Henry Ambosi of Nuangola landed a wall­ SCHEDULED NEAR ERIE "are two of the most successful fishermen eyed pike, measuring 27 inches, weight 6% Northwestern Pennsylvania sportsmen in taking large brown trout that I know of pounds, in Lake Nuangola, on the opening from nine counties are looking forward in this section. They do most of their fish­ day. This catch was quite unusual as wall­ eagerly to the Second Annual Field Meet of ing on good dark nights and state that then eyed pike are rarely caught in this lake. the Sportsmen's Council. Division F. Spon­ is the time to get the big ones on most any sored this year by the Presque Isle Sports­ live bait. Fishing Creek is their favorite Joseph and Edward Connors, Peter Judge, men's League of Erie, the meet will be held stream. One of their best catches during this Thomas Maloney, Frank Turon, Joseph Mor­ on the Chase Farm, Perry Highway, about season was made on the night of June 29th, timer, Stanley Leonard and John Donnely two miles south of Erie. Bird dog trials when they landed 12 brownies, ranging in all of Pittston, together caught 24 wall­ will be held on September 21st, and followed size from 11 to 17 inches, in Fishing Creek. eyed pike, measuring from 13 to 28 inches, by the big general meet on Saturday, Sep­ The largest one they have taken in recent the largest one weighing 6 pounds and 3 tember 22nd. These trials will be for shoot­ years was caught by Mr. Hartman, in the ounces, in the North Branch on the opening ing dogs and entirely in the amateur class. month of July, 1933, in Fishing Creek. This day. Nightcrawlers on spinners were used Other events scheduled are fly and bait large brownie measured 24 inches and in trolling to make this catch. They also casting, fox, coon and rabbit dog trials, pistol weighed 4 pounds and 9 ounces. During the caught two nice sized smallmouth bass and and rifle matches. An ox roast will be held same week he caught another one in the one large pickerel. in connection with the field meet. same pool that measured 20 inches." DR. HARRISON A. DUNN, OF ERIE, WITH TWO FINE MUSKIES FROM LAKE LEBOEUF. HE CAUGHT THEM ON A TROLLING SPOON PAUL L. SWANSON, R- D. NO.2. Sec. 562, P. L .&R. POLK. PA. U.S. POSTAGE PAID P-A Harrisburg, Pa. Permit No. 270

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