Albert Einstein
L B. A Department of Physics (MC 0435) Tel:(+1)2155100693 Virginia Te Fax:(+1)5402317511 850 Campus Drive email: Blasburg, VA, 24061, USA. URL: hp:// lara/ Employment - Assistant Professor of Physics and Affiliate Professor of Mathematics Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA), - Postdoctoral Researer in eoretical Physics Harvard University (Boston, MA, USA), - Postdoctoral Researer in eoretical Physics University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA), - Visiting Researer in eoretical/Mathematical Physics Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ, USA), - Stipendiary Lecturer in Applied Mathematics Pembroke College, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) Stipendiary Lecturer in Applied Mathematics Somerville College, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) V P/F Kavli Institute for eoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara (). Isaac Newton Institute for Mathemat- ical Sciences, University of Cambridge (). Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (). Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (). Resear Interests: Physics – String eory (including M-theory, F-theory, and Heterotic string theory), String Phenomenol- ogy, High Energy Particle Physics, Gauge eory, Supersymmetry Mathematics – Algebraic Geometry and Topology (including computational algebraic geometry), Ge- ometric Invariants, Moduli Spaces, Special Holonomy/Special Structure Manifolds. Education - University of Oxford (Oxford, UK), PhD in Mathematical Physics. esis Advisors: Philip Candelas (Mathematics) and Andre Lukas (eoretical Physics) - Utah State University (Logan, UT, USA), Master of Science, Physics. Summa Cum Laude. - Utah State University (Logan, UT, USA), Bachelor of Science, Physics. Summa Cum Laude. (4.0 GPA. Ranked 1st in graduating class). Bachelor of Science, Mathematics. Summa Cum Laude. ! S F S Royal Society University Research Fellowship (UK) ( years and £600K of funding). (Declined to accept position at Virginia Tech).
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