digital BDV Bulletin Dei Verbum English Edition 2012, n. 1 Contents Editorial Prof. Thomas P. Osborne 2 “Necessity is the mother of invention” Forum Kurt Cardinal Koch 3 The Proclamation of a God Who Communicates: Reflections on the Relationship between Revelation, Word of God and Holy Scripture Bishop Victor Hugo Palma Paúl 14 The Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini and the Episcopal Ministry: Applications and Perspectives for the Biblical Animation of Pastoral Ministry Responses 24 Bishop Richard J. Malone, Archbishop John Ha, Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan, Archbishop Pierre-Marie Carré Projects and Experiences The XIIth Biblical Congress of the Middle East Biblical Federation 26 The Dei Verbum Biblical Pastoral Course 2012 26 The Logos Bible Quiz 27 Federation News The CBF International Congress on “Sacred Scripture in the Life and Mission of the Church”, Rome, December 1-4, 2010 29 - Introduction (Bishop Vincenzo Paglia) 29 - Ascoltare, Rispondere, Vivere : The Congress Acts in Italian (Ernesto Borghi) 30 CBF Plenary Assembly in Ariccia, June 15-19, 2011 32 Kurt Cardinal Koch, Message to the EPA Delegates 34 Change in BICAM 35 Message to Father Carlos Mesters on the occasion of his 80th birthday 36 Rev. Nicholas Lowe, R.I.P. 36 Biblical Pastoral Publications 37 BDV digital is an electronic publication of the Catholic Biblical Federation, General Secretariat, D-86941 Sankt Ottilien,
[email protected], Editor: Prof. Thomas P. Osborne, Acting General Secretary Liga Bank BIC GENODEF1M05 IBAN DE28 7509 0300 0006 4598 20 -- 1 -- digital BDV English Edition 2012, n. 1 Editorial “Necessity is the mother of invention” (Plato, Republic II, 369c) For various reasons the “flagship” of the correspondents would certainly ensure the Catholic Biblical Federation, the Bulletin Dei common responsibility of the CBF membership Verbum, has not been published since the end of for this publication which is called to respond 2008.