THE VESTERN Jourx.4 of Medicine Refer to: Burt TB, MacCarter DK, Gelman MI, et al: Clinical manifestations of synovial cysts. West J Med 133:99-104, Aug 1980

Clinical Manifestations of Synovial Cysts TODD B. BURT, MD; DARYL K. MacCARTER, MD; MARTIN 1. GELMAN, MD, and CECIL 0. SAMUELSON, MD, Salt Lake City

Although synovial cysts are most commonly associated with rhaumatoid and osteoarthritis, they may occur in many other conditions. The clinical manifestations of these cysts are numerous and may result from pressure, dissection or acute rupture. Vascular phenomena occur when pop- liteal cysts compress vessels, and result in venous stasis with subsequent lower extremity edema or thrombophlebitis. Rarely, popliteal cysts may cause arterial compromise with intermittent claudication. Neurological sequelae in- clude pain, paresthesia, sensory loss, and muscle weakness or atrophy. When synovial cysts occur as mass lesions they may mimic popliteal aneurysms or hematomas, adenopathy, tumors or even inguinal hernias. Cutaneous fistulas, septic arthritis or osteomyelitis, and spinal cord and bladder compres- sion are examples of other infrequent complications. Awareness of the heter- ogeneous manifestations of synovial cysts may enable clinicians to avoid unnecessary diagnostic studies and delay in appropriate management. Ar- thrography remains the definitive diagnostic procedure of choice, although ultrasound testing may be useful.

SYNOVIAL CYSTS are fluid-filled spaces lined by in 1877, resulting in the common eponym Baker and arise from diarthrodial cysts, for popliteal cysts.2 Subsequently, synovial , bursae and tendon sheaths. The first pub- cysts have been described in numerous locations lished report of a synovial cyst was made by although the , and wrists remain Adams, an Irish surgeon, in 1840.1 He described the most frequently involved areas. a cyst that extended from the joint into the The common manifestations of synovial cysts, popliteal space. An English surgeon, William particularly those associated with rheumatoid ar- Baker, reported his observations on synovial cysts thritis, are well known. However, vascular and From the Department of Radiology, University of Utah Medical neurological sequelae as well as unusual causes Center, Salt Lake City (Drs. Burt and Gelman), and the Arthritis Division, Department of Internal Medicine (Drs. MacCarter and and sites of involvement, have received less em- Samuelson). Dr. MacCarter is now affiliated with the Rackham Arthritis Research Unit, University of Michigan, University Hos- phasis. Our recent experience involving patients pital, Ann Arbor. with synovial cysts has suggested greater variety Submitted, revised, December 26, 1979 Reprint requests to: Martin I. Gelman, MD, Department of in presentation than is generally appreciated. This Radiology, University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, UT 84132. has led to our report of three cases and a review

THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 99 SYNOVIAL CYSTS of the common as well as the unusual features. maneuvers were positive and a diagnosis of carpal Awareness by physicians of the various manifesta- tunnel syndrome was made. An arthrogram tions of synovial cysts is essential for accurate, showed severe rheumatoid changes with narrow- expeditious diagnosis and proper management. ing of the intercarpal joint space and cartilage destruction. No communication with the area of Reports of Cases the cystic swelling was detected. The cyst was then CASE 1. A 34-year-old woman with long- punctured and injected with contrast media. No standing seropositive rheumatoid arthritis had movement of the fluid from the cyst to the wrist asymptomatic swelling at the left elbow. An examination of the joint showed a large medial swelling in the region of the antecubital fossa that was not tender to palpation. Passive and active range of motion of the elbow was limited from 15 to 90 degrees. An arthrogram showed a large synovial cyst which communicated with the elbow joint (Figure 1). The cyst was treated with joint aspiration and intra-articular corticosteroid in- jection, resulting in a pronounced decrease in the swelling and disappearance of the apparent flexion . This case illustrates the occurrence of a large synovial cyst in an unusual location, which may impede the full movement of a joint and simulate a flexion deformity. CASE 2. A 64-year-old man with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis of 20 years duration had severe pain and paresthesia of the right arm. An examination of the area showed considerable of the with disten- swelling right cystic Figure 1.-Arthrogram showing a synovial cyst of the tion anteriorly and laterally. Mild erythema and elbow communicating with the elbow joint. warmth suggested possible joint infection. By aspirating the glenohumeral joint we collected 45 ml of cloudy, yellowish fluid. Gram stain and cultures of the fluid were negative. An arthrogram of the shoulder showed a cyst communicating with the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joints (Figure 2). Aspiration of the joint and subse- quent cyst resection with synovectomy provided only temporary relief of symptoms, with eventual recurrence of the cyst. This case presents an instance of a synovial cyst of the that developed fol- lowing a tear secondary to the rheu- matoid process. CASE 3. A 74-year-old woman with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis of five years duration had severe pain in the left wrist associated with numb- ness and paresthesia of the thumb, index and middle fingers. The pain radiated to the left elbow and was unresponsive to orally given analgesics. Figure 2.-Arthrogram showing a synovial cyst of the shoulder communicating with the glenohurreral and An examination of the joint showed considerable acromioclavicular joints. There is filling of the suba- tenderness of the left wrist, with swelling pre- cromial bursa (arrows), indicating an associated rotator dominantly of the volar aspect. Tinel and Phalen cuff tear.

100 AUGUST 1980 * 133 * 2 SYNOVIAL CYSTS synovial membrane, which is derived from em- bryonic mesenchyme, and lines the nonarticulating parts of diarthrodial joints, synovial bursae and synovial tendon sheaths.5 This unique structure allows for movement between contiguous tissues with a remarkable lack of friction and for nutri- tion of the avascular articular cartilage of joints. In pathological conditions, fluid can distend a bursa or , resulting in formation of a cyst. A cyst results from hernia- tion of the synovial membrane through the joint Figure 3.-initially, arthrogram of the wrist showed no capsule or enlargement of a bursa communicating communication with cyst (dense contrast media over- with the joint. Other cysts that lack a true synovial lying carpal bones). Cyst (larger arrow) then injected membrane and are lined by reactive fibrous tissue separately shows communication with flexor tendon sheath (small arrow). or by preexisting anatomical structures (such as tendons, muscles and bone), should be referred joint was noted; movement of the fluid was con- to as pseudocysts. Geodes are juxta-articular bone tinuous with the flexor tendon sheath (Figure 3). cysts that lack a true epithelial lining and are a Treatment consisted of cyst aspiration, transverse form of pseudocyst.0 A ganglion is a cystic swell- carpal resection and synovectomy. Car- ing adjacent to a tendon sheath or pal tunnel symptoms resolved postoperatively, which contains mucoid fluid, but which is only but recurrence of the cyst was noted within five infrequently lined by a synovial membrane.7 months. Therefore, most ganglia are pseudocysts. This case illustrates median nerve entrapment caused by a synovial cyst of a volar flexor tendon Etiology sheath. Any inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic condition that produces an effusion may contrib- Discussion ute to the development of a synovial joint cyst. Numerous pathological conditions may cause These cysts are most commonly associated with inflammation of the synovial membrane which, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. In one study in turn, leads to increased production of synovial involving patients who had had rheumatoid ar- fluid in different parts of the musculoskeletal sys- thritis affecting the knees for more than five years, tem, and may result in the formation of synovial the frequency of popliteal cysts approached 30 cysts. A plethora of terms and eponyms have percent.8 In adults, synovial joint cysts have also been coined to describe both synovial and non- been described in association with tuberculosis, synovial cysts. Unfortunately, because of a gen- osteochondromatosis, gout, pseudogout, giant cell eral lack of familiarity with these terms, this has tumor, brucellosis, Sjogren* syndrome, Reiter dis- led to more confusion than clarity. A brief re- ease, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic ar- view of terminology is therefore warranted. thritis, pigmented villonodular , meniscal , which can be considered a form tears, neuropathic arthritis and juvenile rheuma- of liquid ground substance, is also known as syno- toid arthritis.Y9-'2 In children popliteal cysts occur via.3 The term synovia (Latin: syn-, with+ ovum, primarily as the result of trauma.12 egg) is first found in the writings of Paracelsus Synovial bursa and tendon sheath distention, (1493-1541). He credited the origin of the word with subsequent cyst formation, are associated to early wound surgeons who compared the coi- with trauma or excessive exercise, rheumatoid sistency of the gelatinous joint fluid with that of arthritis, gout or pyogenic infections, although egg white.4 Synovia has a complex structure com- the cause in many instances is unknown. posed mostly of mucopolysaccharides (hyaluronic and with cyst formation may also acids), proteins and occasional cells consisting of *The WESTERN JOURNAL'S style regarding eponyms is that they monocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages.3(PP13-14) are not written in the possessive form; therefore, Graves disease, Ewing sarcoma and Paget disease. An explanation may be found Synovial fluid is produced and absorbed by the on page 78 of the July 1978 issue.

THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 101 SYNOVIAL CYSTS occur with other infectious, systemic and rheu- both stretching and compression of popliteal veins matic diseases.3(P88) by Baker cysts. This circumstance might also be expected to increase the risk of deep venous Location thrombosis as a result of stasis. Synovial joint cysts occur most frequently in Pseudothrombophlebitis is now a well-recog- the popliteal space and are called Baker cysts. nized entity caused by dissection or rupture of However, they are often observed in the shoulders, popliteal cysts, with subsequent clinical findings wrists, fingers and feet as well.6 Uncommon lo- mimicking deep venous thrombosis.'8 Generally, cations include the elbows, ankles, and these patients have sudden pain and swelling of apophyseal joints of the spine.'3" 4 the calf, and may notice rapid reduction in the Cysts of the tendon sheaths are often seen in size of the cyst. On physical examination, warmth, the wrists and fingers. Distended and painful erythema, swelling and even a positive Homan bursae over the ischial tuberosity (weaver's bot- sign are frequently noted.'8 On occasion these tom), (miners' elbow), or prepatellar patients are treated with heparin because of a mis- region (housemaid's knee) are not unusual.6"5 diagnosis of acute deep venous thrombosis. Un- fortunately, these patients may be placed in need- Pathophysiology less jeopardy with the correct diagnosis remaining A true synovial joint cyst results from hernia- unrecognized while inappropriate anticoagulant tion of the synovial membrane through the joint therapy is initiated. capsule or from enlargement of a bursa already Rarely, acute rupture of a popliteal cyst and communicating with the joint. In one series de- deep venous thrombosis may occur simultane- scribing popliteal cysts, 56 percent were of bursal ously.'9 Although this is unusual, it emphasizes origin (semimembranosus and gastrocnemius), 31 that both arthrography and venography should percent from herniation and 13 percent were of be carried out in cases in which coexistence of indeterminate origin.9 Formation of synovial joint both processes is suspected or in which history cysts by herniation occurs when a pathological and physical examination are consistent with process produces an effusion of fluid at the joint, either process. with subsequent increase in intra-articular pres- Finally, synovial cysts may masquerade as an- sure. This increased pressure leads to extrusion eurysms or hematomas. This may occur when a of the synovial membrane through a segment of cyst lies adjacent to an artery, particularly in the the joint capsule (often weakened by the same femoral and popliteal regions. Arterial pulsations pathological process), with resultant cyst forma- may be transmitted through the cyst, which may tion. Genovese8 has suggested that this represents cause it to be confused with an aneurysm. Gen- a protective mechanism for decompression of a erally, a careful physical examination will easily diseased joint. differentiate a cyst from a vascular lesion, al- A valvular mechanism allowing only unidirec- though arthrography or ultrasound testing may be tional flow of synovial fluid from the joint into the necessary in some cases. cyst has been suggested by Jayson and Dixon.'6 They summarized two possibilities which could Neurological Manifestations result in this sort of valve: a ball-valve mechanism Neurological manifestations may result from resulting from inspissated fibrin and cell debris nerve compression by synovial cysts. These may within the cyst or a Bunsen valve resulting from occur at any point where a peripheral nerve is the enlarging cyst compressing its own channel trapped between an enlarging cyst and an inelastic of communication. structure (such as bone or fibrous structures). Entrapment neuropathies are common complica- Vascular Manifestations tions in patients with long-standing rheumatoid Synovial cysts that cause vascular complica- arthritis, and are characterized by pain, paresthe- tions are observed most frequently in the popliteal sia, sensory loss, weakness or muscle wasting. region where they may cause popliteal vessel com- Nakano20 has estimated that approximately 45 pression. Direct pressure on venous and lymphatic percent of patients with chronic rheumatoid ar- channels can result in stasis with edema of the thritis, severe peripheral joint involvement or leg. Swett17 reported that in several patients with subcutaneous nodules have one or more entrap- edema of the leg, venography clearly illustrated ment neuropathies during the course of their ill-

102 AUGUST 1980 * 133 * 2 SYNOVIAL CYSTS ness. Nerve compression by synovial cysts, how- synovial fluid were negative. These fistulas arise ever, is only one of several possible causes of spontaneously and are therefore assumed to result entrapment in rheumatoid patients. Other mech- from the rheumatoid inflammatory process. Cu- anisms of compression may include tissue inflam- taneous joint fistulas have also been reported mation with edema and direct pressure secondary arising spontaneously from noninfected popliteal to bony malalignment from destruction of the cysts following a knee operation.23 Septic arthritis, rheumatoid joint. In addition, clinicians must be however, is a well-recognized complication in fully aware that noncompressive neuropathies patients with rheumatoid arthritis and may occa- secondary to vasculitis, nutritional deficiency and sionally result in formation of a fistula. In these demyelination may be encountered in rheumatoid patients cultures of the sinus and synovial fluids patients. grow the same organism. The carpal tunnel syndrome as discussed in A synovial cyst may also appear as a mass case 3 is the most frequently encountered entrap- adjacent to a joint and mimic a tumor, adenopathy ment neuropathy of rheumatoid arthritis. Because or hematoma. Samuelson and Ward13 reported a the transverse carpal ligament is a relatively in- rheumatoid synovial cyst of the presenting as flexible structure, volar tenosynovitis in this area an apparent inguinal hernia. Compression of the often produces pressure on the median nerve. In bladder by a hip synovial cyst with symptoms of approximately 25 percent of patients with rheu- dysuria, frequency, nocturia and dribbling was matoid arthritis the carpal tunnel syndrome de- described by Watson.24 Large cysts arising in the velops; however, the proportion of cases resulting shoulder may mimic adenopathy or tumor by dis- from entrapment by a synovial cyst is not known.21 section into the axilla. Swelling of synovial cysts Common peroneal nerve compression by a may also limit the full range of motion of a joint popliteal cyst may result in paresis of the peroneal as occurred in patient 1. Rupture of the rotator and tibialis anterior muscles and extensor muscles cuff of the shoulder may precede or be associated of the digits. Sensory loss may also be present on with the formation of a subacromial synovial cyst the side of the leg and dorsum of the foot. Infre- as illustrated in the case of patient 2. quently, rheumatoid synovial cysts result in en- trapment or compression of the ulnar, radial or Radiology posterior tibial nerves.20 The radiographic diagnosis of synovial cysts An unusual neurological complication consist- has been reviewed by various authors.25'26 Ultra- ing of extradural compression of the spinal cord sound testing, radionuclide scanning and compu- by a synovial cyst arising from a lumbar apophy- terized tomography (CT) have not been shown seal joint was described by Linquist.'4 Cord com- to provide definite advantages over arthrography. pression resulted in radicular pain involving the Radioactive isotope scans have been shown to anterior thigh and buttocks. Following laminec- be accurate in diagnosing popliteal cyst rupture; tomy and cyst resection the patient recovered however, joint puncture and infusion of the uneventfully. Interestingly, no reports of neuro- isotope are still required. Also, these scans are of logical sequelae from nonrheumatoid synovial little help in showing other joint abnormalities cysts were found in the literature, although the such as meniscal tears, that may lead to synovial potential for nerve compression is still present in cysts. Ultrasound testing is an excellent method such cases. for detecting synovial cysts, but frequently is in- capable of showing cysts that have already rup- Miscellaneous Manifestations tured.27 Cooper28 recently reported a limited study In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, synovial which showed that computerized tomography cysts may occasionally erode through adjacent tis- could not delineate popliteal cysts that had not sues and rupture through the skin, forming a already been injected with contrast media. Fur- cutaneous joint fistula. This type of fistula may thermore, the appearance of the cyst on a CT arise either spontaneously or secondarily to a scan after injection of air or contrast media adds septic joint. Shapiro22 reported cutaneous joint little to the information obtained by conventional fistulas involving the metatarsal-phalangeal, hip arthrography. At present, arthrography remains and knee joints in rheumatoid patients. Although the definitive procedure for evaluation of synovial on physical examination several of these mimicked cysts, except when puncture of the cyst or joint a septic process, Gram stain and culture of the is contraindicated or technically difficult, as in


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104 AUGUST 1980 * 133 * 2