WHEN POPULISM MEETS NATIONALISM Reflections on Parties in Power edited by Alberto Martinelli activities with a significant introduction by Paolo Magri caudem faudam mo con tatuit, firmant erfirios, nest ad Pennsylvania, ISPI placed first When Populism Meets Nationalism Reflections on Parties in Power edited by Alberto Martinelli © 2018 Ledizioni LediPublishing Via Alamanni, 11 – 20141 Milano – Italy www.ledizioni.it
[email protected] When Populism Meets Nationalism. Reflections on Parties in Power Edited by Alberto Martinelli First edition: December 2018 The opinions expressed herein are strictly personal and do not necessarily reflect the position of ISPI. Print ISBN 9788867059003 ePub ISBN 9788867059010 Pdf ISBN 9788867059027 DOI 10.14672/67059003 ISPI. Via Clerici, 5 20121, Milan www.ispionline.it Catalogue and reprints information: www.ledizioni.it Table of Contents Introduction........................................................................ 7 Paolo Magri 1. Populism & Nationalism: The (Peculiar) Case of Italy............................................... 13 Alberto Martinelli 2. National-Populism in Trump’s First Year of Presidency.................................................... 47 Eliza Tanner Hawkins, Kirk A. Hawkins 3. Populism and Nationalism in CEE: Two of a Perfect Pair?....................................................... 71 Radoslaw Markowski 4. The Unsettling Shadow of the Past: National-Populism in Austria......................................... 95 Karin Liebhart 5. Turkey’s AKP and the West: Nationalism,