NEWS RELEASE For Release: For More Information, Contact: Feb. 28, 2018 Kelly Hagen Communications Director North Dakota United Phone: 701-223-0450 E-mail:
[email protected] North Dakota United Announces 2018 Legislative Endorsements BISMARCK, N.D. – North Dakota United is proud to endorse the following North Dakota state legislators for re-election in 2018. “Their advocacy and support of legislation to strengthen our great public schools, higher education and outstanding public service over the past two legislative sessions is something of which they can be very proud,” said NDU President Nick Archuleta. “Their willingness to work together, regardless of political persuasion, to find solutions to challenges is inspiring and much appreciated by our members and the people of North Dakota.” Representative Andy Maragos (R-3) Senator Nicole Poolman (R-7) Representative Tracy Boe (D-9) Representative Marvin Nelson (D-9) Senator Richard Marcellais (D-9) Representative Gretchen Dobervich (D-11) Representative Ron Guggisberg (D-11) Senator Tim Mathern (D-11) Senator Judy Lee (R-13) Senator Dave Oehlke (R-15) Representative Greg Westlind (R-15) Senator Ray Holmberg (R-17) Representative Kathy Hogan (D-21) for Senate Representative Mary Schneider (D-21) Senator Joan Heckaman (D-23) Representative Alisa Mitskog (D-25) Representative Tom Beadle (R-27) for Senate Representative Bob Martinson (R-35) 301 N. Fourth St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Phone: 701-223-0450 or 800-369-6332 E-mail:
[email protected] Visit us online at Facebook: Twitter: Senator Erin Oban (D-35) Senator Rich Wardner (R-37) Representative Pam Anderson (D-41) Representative Mary Johnson (R-45) Senator Ron Sorvaag (R-45) These legislators received our endorsement based on their voting records during the 2015 and 2017 legislative sessions, and their proven commitment to the priorities and values of our members.