The Middle-Class Leviathan: Corona, the “Fascism”
Zurich Open Repository and Archive University of Zurich Main Library Strickhofstrasse 39 CH-8057 Zurich Year: 2020 The Middle-Class Leviathan: Corona, the ”Fascism” Blackmail, and the Defeat of the Working Class Lange, Elena L ; Pickett-Depaolis, Joshua Posted at the Zurich Open Repository and Archive, University of Zurich ZORA URL: Journal Article Published Version Originally published at: Lange, Elena L; Pickett-Depaolis, Joshua (2020). The Middle-Class Leviathan: Corona, the ”Fascism” Blackmail, and the Defeat of the Working Class. Crisis and Critique, 7(3):145-158. Abstract: After months of an unprecedented global economic C R shutdown in the spring of 2020, whose political orchestration by elite I liberals and conservatives kept the world in suspense, it all suddenly S The Middle-Class I seems like a memory from the past: within days, the same liberal elites, S now hitching themselves to the riots against racist police violence in the US, put social distancing measures on the line. The volatility of & the liberal imaginary, which can be seen in the view of the police as Leviathan: Corona, C the beneficial state enforcer of the “Stay at Home, Save Lives“ -policy R in one minute, and a “structurally racist“ institution in the next, is not I T incidental, however. In fact, as this article will argue, at no point in I the “Fascism” history has society been so unequivocally submitted to the Leviathanic Q “mood swings” of the professional-managerial class, historically known U E as despotism, which express the helpless discontent of this strata, while reinforcing the dictatorship of capital and the political absence of the / Blackmail, and the working class.
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