1 Introduction 2 the New Religious Orders 3 the Council of Trent And
NOTES 1 Introduction I. This term designates first of all the act of 'confessing' or professing a par ticular faith; secondly, it indicates the content of that which is confessed or professed, as in the Augsburg Confession; finally then it comes to mean the group that confesses this particular content, the church or 'confession'. 2 The New Religious Orders I. The terms 'order' and 'congregation' in this period were not always clear. An order usually meant solemn vows, varying degrees of exemption from the local bishop, acceptance of one of the major rules (Benedictine, Augustinian, Franciscan), and for women cloister.A congregation indicated simple vows and usually subordination to local diocesan authority. A con fraternity usually designated an association of lay people, sometimes including clerics, organized under a set of rules , to foster their common religious life and usually to undertake some common apostolic work. In some cases confraternities evolved into congregations, as was the case with many of the third orders, and congregations evolved into orders. 2. There is no effort here to list all the new orders and congregations that appeared in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 3. An English translation of Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae, the papal bull of 27 September 1540 establishing the Society ofJesus, is found in John Olin, The Catholic Reformation: Savonarola to Ignatius Loyola: Reform in the Church, /495-1540 (New York: Harper and Row, 1969), pp. 203-8. 3 The Council of Trent and the Papacy I. The Complete Works of Montaigne: Essays, Travel journal, Letters, trans. Donald M. Frame (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1957), p.
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