OUTSIDE BACK PANEL OUTSIDE FRONT PANEL DOTTED MAGENTA LINE INDICATES SCORE/FOLD -- DOES NOT PRINT! DOTTED MAGENTA LINE INDICATES SCORE/FOLD -- DOES NOT PRINT! SOLID MAGENTA INDICATES GOLD FOIL STAMPING SOLID MAGENTA INDICATES GOLD FOIL STAMPING FEMMYFEMMY AWARDSAWARDS 20202020 TheThe Underfashion Underfashion Club, Club, Inc. Inc. is ais not-for-profit a not-for-profit 501(c)(3)501(c)(3) charitable charitable organization organization established established to to provideprovide Intimate Intimate Apparel Apparel Industry Industry leaders leaders with with a forum a forum to toexchange exchange information information and and ideas, ideas, and and support support the the TT U U E E S S DAY DAY IntimateIntimate Apparel Apparel market market as asa vital a vital aspect aspect of ofthe the fashionfashion industry industry through through its itsongoing ongoing commitment commitment FEBRUARYFEBRUARY 4 4 to tosupport support the the education education of ofnew new talent. talent. 20202020 SUPPORTINGSUPPORTING EDUCATION EDUCATION TODAYTODAY FOR FOR A ABETTER BETTER INDUSTRYINDUSTRY TOMORROW TOMORROW SponsoredSponsored by by 326326 FIELD FIELD ROAD ROAD | CLINTON | CLINTON CORNERS, CORNERS, NY NY 12514 12514 P: 845.758.6405P: 845.758.6405 | F: | 845.758.2546F: 845.758.2546
[email protected]@FRONTIERNET.NET WWW.UNDERFASHIONCLUB.ORGWWW.UNDERFASHIONCLUB.ORG 46597 Femmy CVR PB .150.indd 1 1/27/20 2:19 PM 1/27/20 2:19 PM 2020 STUDENT DESIGN CONTEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hannah Myers Heather Morra Minh-Chau Tran Tracy Garcia Yajie Niu Angela Wang "Unraveled" "Iridescence" "Sheetwear Streetwear “ "Nature's Romance" "Beautiful People" "The Streets of Hong Kong" 46597 Femmy CVR PB .150.indd 2 2020.FEMMY.Covers.qxp_Layout 1 1/27/20 12:20 PM Page 2 2020.FEMMY.Pages.1 – 35.qxp_47443-Femmy PG 1-24 1/29/20 10:22 PM Page 1 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FEMMY 2020 HONOREES LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT BOB VITALE CEO WACOAL AMERICA, INC.