Autumn 2018 ▲ Issue 93 PREP SCHOOL Reflecting the best in the prep and junior school world Perry Uniform is a full service school uniform and sports kit supplier with an extensive range Uniform of services that make us a natural choice for any school. We work alongside our schools to deliver exceptional performance to that speaks parents, tailoring our services to meet the needs of both school and parent alike. for itself. Offering the convenience of on-line, showroom and shop as a truly integrated and multi-channel shopping service is just one of the many benefits of working in partnership with Perry Uniform. Call us on 0113 238 9520 or email
[email protected] today and find out how we can work with you and your school. ISSUE 93 Contents Autumn2018 13 5 From the editor 7 A beginner’s guide, Natasha Devon 11 Thinking well together, Will Ord 13 A new school year, Keith Morrow 16 Stanley, I Presume, Stanley Johnson 19 Is it really just for boys? Jack Hardman 20 The truth about boys’ schools, Mike Piercy 20 22 Preparing for a scholarship, Ben Evans 24 The National Handwriting Competition, Amanda McLeod 27 Let’s play golf, Brian Mudge 28 The importance of the maverick teacher, Christopher Parsons 30 Schools need to recognise their power, Adam D’Souza 32 The General Knowledge Challenge, Harry Paget 22 34 The governors’ code, Ian Nichol 36 Tommy the Learned Cat, Julie G. Fox 39 The Primary Mathematics Challenge 40 The SATIPS Poetry Competition 42 Assessment methods, Matthew Barrett 46 Outdoor mindfulness and nature, John Arnold 47 Become a Talent Architect, Mandy Coalter 360 50 A new look, Perry Uniform 52 Action Calendar: October 53 SATIPS Broadsheet: Science 57 SATIPS courses and directory 58 Viewpoint Editor ISSN: 0963 8601 Subscription Details: Paul Jackson Printed by Micropress, Reydon,Suffolk IP18 6DH The Business Managers are John Catt Educational Ltd, Managing Editor 15 Riduna Park, Melton, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1QT.