Session I - Anterior Abdominal Wall - Rectus Sheath
ABDOMEN Session I - Anterior abdominal wall - Rectus sheath Surface landmarks Dissection Costal margins- right & left S u p e r f i c i a l f a s c i a ( f a t t y l a y e r, Pubic symphysis, tubercle membranous layer) Anterior superior iliac spine External oblique muscle Iliac crest Superficial inguinal ring Umbilicus, linea semilunaris Linea alba Mid-inguinal point & Lateral and anterior cutaneous branches of lower intercostal nerves Midpoint of inguinal ligament Anterior wall of rectus sheath Transpyloric & transtubercular planes Rectus abdominis & pyramidalis Right & left lateral (vertical) planes Superior & inferior epigastric vessels Nine abdominal regions – right & left hypochondriac, epigastric, right & left Posterior wall, arcuate line lumbar, umbilical, right & left iliac fossae, Internal oblique & transversus abdominis hypogastric muscles Region of external genitalia (tenth region) Fascia transversalis Terms of common usage for regions in the abdomen — Self-study Abdomen proper, pelvis, perineum, loin, Attachments, nerve supply & actions of groin, flanks external oblique, internal oblique, t r a n s v e r s u s a b d o m i n i s , r e c t u s abdominis, pyramidalis Bones Formation, contents and applied Lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx anatomy of rectus sheath Nerve supply, blood supply & lymphatic drainage of anterior abdominal wall ABDOMEN Session II - Inguinal Canal Dissection Self-study Aponeurosis of external oblique Boundaries of inguinal canal Superficial inguinal ring Contents of inguinal canal (in males and Inguinal
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